Best practice 4 - deal with missing data

Due to various reasons, datasets in the real world are rarely completely clean and often contain missing or corrupt values. They are usually presented as blanks, "Null", "-1", "999999", "unknown", or any placeholder. Samples with missing data not only provide incomplete predictive information, but also might confuse the machine learning model as it cannot tell whether -1 or "unknown" holds a meaning. It is significant to pinpoint and deal with missing data in order to avoid jeopardizing the performance of models in later stages.

Here are three basic strategies that we can use to tackle the missing data issue:

  • Discarding samples containing any missing value
  • Discarding fields containing missing values in any sample

These two strategies are simple to implement, however, at the expense of lost data, especially when the original dataset is not large enough. The third strategy does not abandon any data, but tries to fill in the blanks:

  • Inferring the missing values based on the known part from the attribute. The process is called missing data imputation. Typical imputation methods include replacing missing values with the mean or the median value of the field across all samples, or the most frequent value for categorical data.

Let's look at how each strategy is applied in an example where we have a dataset (age, income) consisting of six samples (30, 100), (20, 50), (35, unknown), (25, 80), (30, 70), and (40, 60). If we process this dataset using the first strategy, it becomes (30, 100), (20, 50), (25, 80), (30, 70), and (40, 60). If we employ the second strategy, the dataset becomes (30), (20), (35), (25), (30), and (40) where only the first field remains. If we decide to complete the unknown value instead of skipping it, the sample (35, unknown) can be transformed into (35, 72) with the mean of the rest values in the second field, or (35, 70) with the median value in the second field.

In scikit-learn, the Imputer class provides a nicely written imputation transformer. We will herein use it for the preceding small example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
>>> # Represent the unknown value by np.nan in numpy
>>> data_origin = [[30, 100],
... [20, 50],
... [35, np.nan],
... [25, 80],
... [30, 70],
... [40, 60]]

Initialize the imputation transformer with the mean value and obtain such information from the original data:

>>> # Imputation with the mean value
>>> imp_mean = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean')

Complete the missing value:

>>> data_mean_imp = imp_mean.transform(data_origin)
>>> print(data_mean_imp)
[[ 30. 100.]
[ 20. 50.]
[ 35. 72.]
[ 25. 80.]
[ 30. 70.]
[ 40. 60.]]

Similarly, initialize the imputation transformer with the median value:

>>> # Imputation with the median value
>>> imp_median = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median')
>>> data_median_imp = imp_median.transform(data_origin)
>>> print(data_median_imp)
[[ 30. 100.]
[ 20. 50.]
[ 35. 70.]
[ 25. 80.]
[ 30. 70.]
[ 40. 60.]]

When new samples come in, missing values (in any attribute) can be imputed using the trained transformer, for example, with the mean value:

>>> new = [[20, np.nan],
... [30, np.nan],
... [np.nan, 70],
... [np.nan, np.nan]]
>>> new_mean_imp = imp_mean.transform(new)
>>> print(new_mean_imp)
[[ 20. 72.]
[ 30. 72.]
[ 30. 70.]
[ 30. 72.]]

Note that 30 in the age field is the mean of those six age values in the original dataset. Now that we have seen how imputation works and its implementation, let's see how the strategy of imputing missing values and discarding missing data affects the prediction results through the following example. First, we load the diabetes dataset and simulate a corrupted dataset with missing values:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> dataset = datasets.load_diabetes()
>>> X_full, y =,
>>> # Simulate a corrupted data set by adding 25% missing values
>>> m, n = X_full.shape
>>> m_missing = int(m * 0.25)
>>> print(m, m_missing)
442 110
>>> # Randomly select m_missing samples
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> missing_samples = np.array([True] * m_missing +
[False] * (m - m_missing))
>>> np.random.shuffle(missing_samples)
>>> # For each missing sample, randomly select 1 out of n features
>>> missing_features = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n,
>>> # Represent missing values by nan
>>> X_missing = X_full.copy()
>>> X_missing[np.where(missing_samples)[0], missing_features] = np.nan

Then we deal with this corrupted dataset by discarding samples containing a missing value:

>>> X_rm_missing = X_missing[~missing_samples, :]
>>> y_rm_missing = y[~missing_samples]

We then measure the effects of using this strategy by estimating the averaged regression score, the with a regression forest model in a cross-validation manner:

>>> # Estimate R^2 on the data set with missing samples removed
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
>>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, max_depth=10, n_estimators=100)
>>> score_rm_missing = cross_val_score(regressor, X_rm_missing,
>>> print('Score with the data set with missing samples removed:
Score with the data set with missing samples removed: 0.39

Now we approach the corrupted dataset differently by imputing missing values with the mean:

>>> imp_mean = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean')
>>> X_mean_imp = imp_mean.fit_transform(X_missing)

And similarly we measure the effects of using this strategy by estimating the averaged :

>>> # Estimate R^2 on the data set with missing samples removed
>>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42,
max_depth=10, n_estimators=100)
>>> score_mean_imp = cross_val_score(regressor, X_mean_imp, y).mean()
>>> print('Score with the data set with missing values replaced by
mean: {0:.2f}'.format(score_mean_imp))
Score with the data set with missing values replaced by mean: 0.42

Imputation strategy works better than discarding in this case. So how far is the imputed dataset from the original full one? We can check it again by estimating the averaged regression score on the original dataset:

>>> # Estimate R^2 on the full data set
>>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42,
max_depth=10, n_estimators=500)
>>> score_full = cross_val_score(regressor, X_full, y).mean()
>>> print('Score with the full data set:
Score with the full data set: 0.44

It turns out that little information is comprised in the completed dataset. However, there is no guarantee that the imputation strategy always works better and sometimes dropping samples with missing values can be more effective. Hence, it is a great practice to compare the performances of different strategies via cross-validation as we have practiced previously.

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