Support vector regression

The third regression algorithm that we want to explore is support vector regression (SVR). As the name implies, SVR is part of the support vector family, and it is a sibling of the support vector classification (SVC) that we learned about in Chapter 4, News Topic Classification with Support Vector Machine.

To review, SVC seeks an optimal hyperplane that best segregates observations from different classes. Suppose a hyperplane is determined by a slope vector w and intercept b, the optimal hyperplane is picked so that the distance (can be expressed as ) from its nearest points in each of the segregated spaces to the hyperplane itself is maximized. Such optimal w and b can be learned and solved by the following optimization problem:

  • Minimizing
  • Subject to and , given a training set of

In SVR, our goal is to find a hyperplane (defined by a slope vector w and intercept b) such that two hyperplanes and that are distance away from itself covers most training data. In other words, most of the data points are bounded in the bands of the optimal hyperplane. And at the same time, the optimal hyperplane is as flat as possible, which means is as small as possible.

This translates to deriving the optimal w and b by solving the following optimization problem:

  • Minimizing
  • Subject to , given a training set of

Again, to solve the preceding optimization problem, we need to resort to quadratic programming techniques, which are beyond the scope of our learning journey. Therefore, we will not cover the computation methods in detail and will implement the regression algorithm using the SVR package from scikit-learn.

Important techniques of SVC, such as penalty as a trade off between bias and variance, kernel (RBF, for example) handling linear non-separation, are transferable to SVR. The SVR package from scikit-learn also supports these techniques.

Let's solve the previous house price prediction problem with SVR this time:

>>> from sklearn.svm import SVR
>>> regressor = SVR(C=0.1, epsilon=0.02, kernel='linear')
>>>, y_train)
>>> predictions = regressor.predict(X_test)
>>> print(predictions)
[ 14.59908201 19.32323741 21.16739294 18.53822876 20.1960847
23.74076575 22.65713954 26.98366295 25.75795682 22.69805145]
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