Scenario 2 - determining the optimal hyperplane

In the following instance, hyperplane C is the optimal one that enables the maximal sum of the distance between the nearest data point in the positive side to itself and the distance between the nearest data point in the negative side to itself. The nearest point(s) in the positive side can constitute a hyperplane parallel to the decision hyperplane, which we call a positive hyperplane; on the other hand, the nearest point(s) in the negative side compose the negative hyperplane. The perpendicular distance between the positive and negative hyperplanes is called margin, whose value equates to the sum of two distances aforementioned. A decision hyperplane is optimal if the margin is maximized.

Maximum-margin (optimal) hyperplane and margins for an SVM model trained with samples from two classes are illustrated below. Samples on the margin (two from one class, and one from the other class as shown below) are the so-called support vectors.

Again, let's interpret it in a mathematical way by first describing the positive and negative hyperplanes as follows:

Where is a data point on the positive hyperplane and on the negative hyperplane, respectively.

The distance between a point to the decision hyperplane can be calculated as follows:

Similarly, the distance between a point to the decision hyperplane is:

So the margin becomes . As a result, we need to minimize in order to maximize the margin. Importantly, to comply with the fact that the support vectors on the positive and negative hyperplanes are the nearest data points to the decision hyperplane, we add a condition that no data point falls between the positive and negative hyperplanes:

Where is an observation. And this can be further combined into:

To summarize, w and b that determine the SVM decision hyperplane are trained and solved by the following optimization problem:

  • Minimizing
  • Subject to , for a training set of

To solve this optimization problem, we need to resort to quadratic programming techniques, which are beyond the scope of our learning journey. Therefore, we will not cover the computation methods in detail and will implement the classifier using the SVC and LinearSVC APIs from scikit-learn, which are realized respectively based on libsvm ( and liblinear ( as two popular open source SVM machine learning libraries. But it is always encouraging to understand the concepts of computing SVM. Shai Shalev-Shwartz et al.'s Pegasos: Primal estimated sub-gradient solver for SVM (Mathematical Programming March 2011, Volume 127, Issue 1, pp 3-30) and Cho-Jui Hsieh et al.'s A Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large-scale Linear SVM (Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, pp 408-415) would be great learning materials. They cover two modern approaches, sub-gradient descent and coordinate descent, correspondingly.

The learned w and b are then used to classify a new sample as follows:

can be portrayed as the distance from the data point to the decision hyperplane, and also interpreted as the confidence of prediction: the higher the value, the further away from the decision boundary, the more certainty of the prediction.

Although we cannot wait to implement the SVM algorithm, let's take a step back and look at a frequent scenario where data points are not perfectly linearly separable.

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