Model tuning and cross-validation

Having learned what metrics are used to measure a classification model, we can now study how to measure it properly. We simply cannot adopt the classification results from one fixed testing set as we did in experiments previously. Instead, we usually apply the k-fold cross-validation technique to assess how a model will generally perform in practice.

In the k-fold cross-validation setting, the original data is first randomly divided into k equal-sized subsets, in which class proportion is often preserved. Each of these k subsets is then successively retained as the testing set for evaluating the model. During each trail, the rest k -1 subsets (excluding the one-fold holdout) form the training set for driving the model. Finally, the average performance across all k trials is calculated to generate an overall result.

Statistically, the averaged performance over k-fold cross-validation is an accurate estimate of how a model performs in general. Given different sets of parameters pertaining to a machine learning model and/or data preprocessing algorithms, or even two or more different models, the goal of model tuning and/or model selection is to pick a set of parameters of a classifier so that the best averaged performance is achieved. With these concepts in mind, we now start to tweak our naive Bayes classifier incorporating with cross-validation and AUC of ROC measurement.

We can use the split method from the scikit-learn StratifiedKFold class to divide the data into chunks with preserved class fractions:

>>> from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
>>> k = 10
>>> k_fold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=k)
>>> cleaned_e-mails_np = np.array(cleaned_e-mails)
>>> labels_np = np.array(labels)

After initializing a 10-fold generator, we choose to explore the following values for the parameters including:

  • max_features, the n most frequent terms used as feature space
  • smoothing factor, the initial count for a term
  • whether or not to use a prior tailored to the training data:
>>> max_features_option = [2000, 4000, 8000]
>>> smoothing_factor_option = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
>>> fit_prior_option = [True, False]
>>> auc_record = {}

Then, for each fold generated by the split method of the k_fold object, repeat the process of term count feature extraction, classifier training, and prediction with one of the aforementioned combinations of parameters, and record the resulting AUCs:

>>> for train_indices, test_indices in 
k_fold.split(cleaned_e-mails, labels):
... X_train, X_test = cleaned_e-mails_np[train_indices],
... Y_train, Y_test = labels_np[train_indices],
... for max_features in max_features_option:
... if max_features not in auc_record:
... auc_record[max_features] = {}
... cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english",
... term_docs_train = cv.fit_transform(X_train)
... term_docs_test = cv.transform(X_test)
... for smoothing in smoothing_factor_option:
... if smoothing_factor not in
... auc_record[max_features][smoothing] = {}
... for fit_prior in fit_prior_option:
... clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=smoothing,
..., Y_train)
... prediction_prob =
... pos_prob = prediction_prob[:, 1]
... auc = roc_auc_score(Y_test, pos_prob)
... auc_record[max_features][smoothing][fit_prior]
= auc + auc_record[max_features][smoothing]
.get(fit_prior, 0.0)

Finally, present the results:

>>> print('max features  smoothing  fit prior  
auc'.format(max_features, smoothing, fit_prior, auc/k))
>>> for max_features, max_feature_record in
... for smoothing, smoothing_record in
... for fit_prior, auc in smoothing_record.iteritems():
... print(' {0} {1} {2} {3:.4f}'
.format(max_features, smoothing, fit_prior, auc/k))
max features smoothing fit prior auc
2000 0.5 False 0.9744
2000 0.5 True 0.9744
2000 1.0 False 0.9725
2000 1.0 True 0.9726
2000 2.0 False 0.9707
2000 2.0 True 0.9706
2000 1.5 False 0.9715
2000 1.5 True 0.9715
4000 0.5 False 0.9815
4000 0.5 True 0.9817
4000 1.0 False 0.9797
4000 1.0 True 0.9797
4000 2.0 False 0.9779
4000 2.0 True 0.9778
4000 1.5 False 0.9787
4000 1.5 True 0.9785
8000 0.5 False 0.9855
8000 0.5 True 0.9856
8000 1.0 False 0.9845
8000 1.0 True 0.9845
8000 2.0 False 0.9838
8000 2.0 True 0.9837
8000 1.5 False 0.9841
8000 1.5 True 0.9841

The (8000, 0.5, True) set enables the best AUC 0.9856.

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