
I started work on this book believing that authors are solo practitioners who struggle by themselves through the various trials of content, discovery, format, grammar, invention, and English. Along the way, I discovered that books are not the effort of a lone author but involve the generous and selfless help of so many people. I’d like to name all those precious people who helped me make this book possible, but it is probable that I will thank everyone except that one most important person, whom I now stupidly seem to have forgotten. If you are that person, please know that I’ll remember your name ten minutes after this work has gone to press, and that you and your contributions are no less appreciated than those listed here.

Who are these people who helped make this book possible? They include the following:

Don Reifer, the man who introduced me to the ritual of a retrospective.

Tom DeMarco, who simply sent an e-mail asking me what I knew about holding retrospectives—Tom, here is my answer.

The participants in my retrospectives, the students in my courses, and the numerous people who have e-mailed me about their retrospective experiences—you helped me to refine my understanding of the ritual and to discover what is important to say and how to say it.

My colleagues and fellow facilitators, who generously shared their ideas and experiences over the many years. I have, no doubt, taken your ideas, incorporated them into my work, and forgotten your individual contributions, but I have not forgotten your importance to me—III, Eileen Andreason, Peter de Jager, Bob King, Jim Batterson, Jinny Batterson, Michael Dedolph, Naomi Karten, Phyllis Kramer, Mark Man-duke, Ian McIver, Judah Mogilensky, Judy Noe, Bill Pardee, Pat Sciacca, Shel Siegel, Pat Snipp, Tom Solano, Linda Wensrich, Eldonna Williamson, Rebecca Winant, Kay Wise, Johanna Roth-man, Karl Wiegers, Ellen Gottesdiener, Eileen Strider, James Bach, Dani Weinberg, Jean McLendon, Karen Straka, Steve Smith, Bruce Hobbs, Bent Adsersen, Frank Sisti, Hugh Gratz, Bunny Duhl, Andy Streich, Mike Ginn, and Wayne Bailey.

The people who read my early writing, took a course, or participated in a retrospective, and then found the courage to lead one themselves: Brian Batke, Sue Bartholomew, Bradley Kerth, Ron Jeffries, Roger Kelly, Amy Schwab, Janis Aaron Moore, Michael Green, Jeanine Brown, James Henry, Tom Hawes, Bob Connoly, Kirt Loerke, Colleen Rinehart, Beth Schmitz, and Ron Thompson.

The reviewers of this manuscript, many of whom are master retrospective facilitators in their own right: Diana Larson, Linda Rising, Dan Starr, James Tierney, John Graves, Mary Lynn Manns, Payson Hall, Shauna Gonzales, Martin Fowler, Luke Hohmann, Brian Lawrence, John Rae-Grant, Wayne Strider, David Schmaltz, Esther Derby, and Maureen O’Hara.

Anne Jacko, whose masterful editing greatly improved an early draft of this work; the many talented people at Dorset House Publishing but especially Nuno Andrade, Wendy Eakin, and Matt McDonald, whose unflagging encouragement and editorial guidance have exceeded my highest expectations; and Rich Terdoslavich, whose illustrations translated my ideas for cartoons into true masterpieces. Thank you all.

My parents, Ruth and Roy Kerth, who instilled a core belief in me when I was young that I relied on many times while writing and rewriting. You taught me to believe that you can achieve anything your heart desires and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Steve Lawrence, friend and fellow struggling author, who understood the importance of being able to compare notes as we each developed our own manuscripts.

Peggy Doherty, who shares so many facets of my life. Thank you for the many times you said, “Norm, you have to finish your book,” as I considered accepting yet another consulting opportunity. Your encouragement for me to keep writing as we watched our savings dwindle was truly remarkable.

Finally, Jerry Weinberg, who helped me understand the way of an author through his countless e-mails, discussions, gentle nudging, and encouragement. Yours was a most generous gift.

I am blessed and thankful to have each of you in my life.

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