Appendix 7

Syllabus Summary Bullet Points

Selected topics from APM BoK, sixth edition.
1.0 Context
External influences
Host organization
Internal influences
Structured approach
1.1 Governance
Approval gates
Assurance scheme in force
Coherent business strategy
Compliance with external regulations
Continual improvement policy
Corporate ethics
Defined roles
Fostering trust
Frank disclosure and reporting
Good communications
Portfolio direction
Project management capability
Project sponsorship
Risk awareness
Stakeholder engagement
1.1.1 Project management
Definition of project management
Defined start and finish
Motivation of all involved
Planning, monitoring and controlling all aspects of the project
Project charter
Time, cost and performance requirement
1.1.2 Programme management
Assign priorities
Collection of related projects
Coordinate resources
Oversee project managers
Prepare overall milestone plan
Reduce risk
Resolve conflicts between project managers
1.1.3 Portfolio management
Allocate resources and eliminate bottlenecks
Assess risks of projects in portfolio
Carry out cost benefit analysis of projects
Decide on timing of project starts
Ensure good cash flow and profitability
Monitor performance of all projects
Prioritize projects against the needs of the organization
Projects can be related or not related
1.1.4 Infrastructure
Access to all tools and techniques
Assurance of governance
Maintenance of infrastructure
Permanent organizational structure
Project office
Specialist skill supply when required
Technical support
Training and coaching programmes
1.1.5 Knowledge management
Corporate function
Experience recorded for future use
External and internal sources
Ownership of knowledge
Implementation mechanism
Knowledge capture
Lessons learned log
Maintenance of knowledge repository
Storage of knowledge
1.1.6 Life cycle
BS 6079: Conception, feasibility, implementation, operation, termination
Ensures unnecessary expenditure
Go or No-Go gates
Number of phases
Review after each phase
Trigger for further funding
1.1.7 Success factors
Define benefits and agree measure
Ensure senior management commitment
Identify and assess benefits
Implement proper governance
Provide good communications
Set and monitor KPIs (key performance indicators)
Set success criteria
1.1.8 Sponsorship
Business case owner
Communication skills
Oversees delivery of benefit
Responsible to Board or client
Steering group member
Supporting role to project or programme
1.2.1 Environment
Context in which project is undertaken
Client, company, contractor, supplier, consultant, end user, public, utilities
PESTLE (Political, Economic, Sociological, Technical, Legal, Environmental)
Takes account of internal and external forces
1.2.2 Operations management
Applies to product-based and service industries
For routine activities
Inputs are resources, e.g. capital, people, materials and equipment
Outputs are products, services, solutions, information and distribution
Must work with P3 projects
1.2.3 Strategic management
Choice of strategy
External influences and demands
Mission statements
Stakeholders’ requirements
Strategic analysis
Strategic implementation
2.1.1 Communication
Barriers to communication:
Bad translation
Dislike of sender
Equipment failure
Group think
Hidden agenda
Language and pronunciation
Perception, attitude, lack of trust
Personality clash
Poor document distribution, lost files
Poor knowledge retention
Poor working environment
Unclear objectives
Unnecessary long messages
Withholding information
2.1.2 Conflict management
Thomas and Kilman
2.1.3 Delegation
Clear lines of authority
Clear specification of instruction
Communication skills
Ensure person delegated is trained
Knowledge of person delegated
Language problem
Monitor action taken
Plan what can be delegated
Work done by others
2.1.4 Influencing
Cultural and contextual awareness
Communication skills
Compliance with commitments
Influencing techniques
Negotiation skills
Sensory awareness
Trust and understanding
Understand own attitude
2.1.5 Leadership
Ability to adapt to change
Ability to influence rather than direct
Ability to listen
Communication skills
Decision making
Does not panic
Keeps a cool head
Negotiation skills
Situational leadership
Wider perspective
2.1.6 Negotiation
Build up relationship
Documentation of settlement
Exchange information
Planning and case preparation
Set minimum acceptances
2.1.7 Teamwork
Advantages of project team:
Away days, discussions training events
Belbin team roles
Common objectives
Complementary skills
Herzberg’s motivation theory
Increased productivity
Informal communications
Maslow’s hierarch of needs
Motivation for project
Strong identity with project
Team spirit
Tuckman team phases
Will to succeed
Work satisfaction
2.2 Professionalism
Breadth and depth of knowledge
Code of ethics
Code of practice
Professional institutions
Public interest
Specialized knowledge
2.2.1 Communities of practice (CoP)
Best practice
Collective competence
Common interest in project management
Dissemination of knowledge
Mutual support
New knowledge generated
Repertoire of resources
Shared experience
2.2.2 Competence
Combined skill, knowledge and experience
Competence frameworks
Competency assessments
Defined expectations
Defines roles
Defines statements of work
Practical experience
Technical expertise
Theoretical understanding
2.2.3 Ethics framework
Awareness of cultural differences
Knowledge of legal boundaries
Moral leadership
Personal code of conduct
Transparency of actions
UK Bribery Act
2.2.4 Learning and development
Ability levels
APMP qualification
Continual improvement
CPD Certificates
Learning and development programme
Learning objectives
Performance management
Performance reviews
PRINCE two qualification
Support for development
3.1.1 Business case
Could include investment appraisal
Defines ‘Why’ and ‘What’
Includes major risks
Might include success/failure criteria
Outline cost, time and performance/quality criteria
Outline objectives
Owned by sponsor or client
Requirements (SOR)
Should have assessed other options
Should have identified and considered all stakeholders
Submitted to Board for approval
3.1.2 Control
Achievement points
Bar chart
Cost performance index (CPI)
Cybernetic control
Decision points
Earned value management (EVM)
Earned schedule
Feedback requirement
Gantt chart
Milestone slip chart
Payment point
Resource smoothing
Schedule performance index (SPI)
Time variance
Time sheets
3.1.3 Information management
Big data
Collation and distribution
Collection and capture
Procurement and maintenance of equipment
Storing and archiving
3.1.4 Organization
Functional organization
Generic organization structure
Matrix organization
Portfolio organization structure
Programme organization structure
Project office
Project organization structure
Steering group
Task force
3.1.5 Planning
Bible of project owned by project manager
Covers the Why, What, When, Where, How, Who and How much (Kipling poem)
Concept, Definition, Development, Delivery, Closure
Contents set out in BS 6079
Project management plan
Sets out baseline of project
Updated regularly with good configuration management
3.1.6 Stakeholder management
Financial muscle
Influence of stakeholders to be assessed
Negative stakeholders, pressure groups, environmental groups, planning authorities
Personal involvement
Political bias or affinity
Positive stakeholders, project team, client, contractors, sponsor
Power to affect project AoA
Stakeholder prioritization
Vested interest
3.2 Scope management (WBS)
Can be product based or work based
Divides project into manageable packages
Does not show interdependencies
Foundation for planning, CP network and bar chart
Gives better definition of work
Good basis for risk identification process
Helps to create responsibility matrix
Leads to PBS, CBS, OBS and RBS
Shows hierarchy of work packages
Task-orientated family tree
Top down and bottom up estimating
3.2.1 Benefits management
Benefits management plan
Benefits modelling
Capture baseline measurements
Covers projects, programmes and portfolios
Implementation of change
Measurable impact
Monitoring performance
Opportunities capture
Performance indicators
Realization of business benefits
Tangible benefits quantifiable
3.2.2 Change control
Authorization document giving change effect on cost, time and performance
Change control process
Change control register
Change request form
Customer responsibility: impact assessment, evaluation agreement
Departments must assess time and cost effect on them
Difference between external and internal change, effect on budget
Feedback to customer who has the right to cancel after assessment
3.2.3 Configuration management (CM)
Configuration audit
Control of configuration items
CM planning
Covers documents, drawings and components
Item identification
3.2.4 Change management
Assess, prepare, plan, implement, sustain
Carnall change management model
Generic change management
Kotter change management model
Lewin change management model
3.2.5 Requirements management
Analyse requirements
Collect requirements from stakeholders
Ensure no contradictions
Ensure no misinterpretation
Justify requirements
Set up baseline requirements
Specify requirement
Verify by inspection, tests, demonstration
3.2.6 Solutions development
Alternative functionality
Baseline requirements
Evaluation and selection
Implementation (possibly phased)
Modelling and simulation
Progressive testing
Reduce capital cost
Validation against requirement
Value improvement
Verification of solution
3.3.1 Resource scheduling
Availability limits
Bar chart
Network analysis
Performance curves
Resource levelling
Resource scheduling
Resource smoothing
Reusable resources
3.3.2 Time scheduling
AoA or AoN (precedence) networks
Critical path (CP) has zero float
Estimate durations
Gantt chart
Lester diagram
Maximize parallel activities
Resource histogram
Resource smoothing, peak reduction
S curve
3-point estimating for durations
3.4 Financial and cost management
Commit funds
Cost/benefit analysis
Control expenditures
Estimating costs
Evaluate outcome
Financial governance
Justify costs
Secure funding
3.4.1 Budgeting and cost control
Analytical estimating
Bill of quantities
Bottom-up estimating
Budget preparation
Cash-flow forecast
Comparative estimating
Costing and monitoring methods
CBS (cost breakdown structure)
Parametric estimating
Schedule of rates
Subjective estimating
Top-down estimating
3.4.2 Funding
Build, own, operate & transfer (BOOT)
Budget holder
Capital expenditure (CAPEX)
Combined funding
Credit guarantees
Internal & external funding
Operational expenditure (OPEX)
Private finance initiative (PIF)
Public private partnership (PPP)
Share issue
Venture capital (VC)
3.4.3 Investment appraisal
Average return per annum
Advantages of DCF, NPV:
Compares competing projects
Time value of money
Advantaged of payback:
Can be discounted
Intangible benefits:
Impact on business
Social benefits
IRR, graphical solution
Return of investment percent
Risks to be considered
Stakeholder views to be considered
3.5 Risk management
Assessment, priorities, probability, SWOT, decision trees, Ishikawa diagram Delphi, WBS
Identification techniques, brainstorming, check list, prompt list, interviews
Risk management plan, diagrams, P-I matrix, risk log, techniques
Risk management process, software tools, Monte Carlo, predict, 3-point estimating
Qualitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Risk owner
Risk register
Types of risk, political, economic, technical, security, environmental
3.5.1 Risk context
Client requirement
Company risk policy
Positive and negative risk
Risk averseness, risk seeking, risk neutral, risk appetite
Risk management plan
3.5.2 Risk techniques
Assumption analysis
Check lists
Delphi techniques
Document reviews
Prompt lists
SWOT analysis
3.6 Quality management
Acceptance criteria
Fitness for purpose
ISO 900
Quality assurance
Quality audits
Quality circles
Quality control
Quality manual
Quality plan
Quality standards
TQM (total quality management)
Zero defect
3.6.1 P3 assurance
Assurance process
Assurance providers
External assurance providers
Governance processes
Integrated assurance
Quality management plan
Regulatory compliance
Sponsor led
Support functions reviews
Risk register
Stakeholder confidence
3.6.2 Reviews
Agenda for review meetings
Business case review
Deliverables review
Frequency set out in quality management plan
Gate reviews
Management processes review
P3 assurance
Post project review
Report to owners
Triggered by events
3.7 Resource management
Acquired through procurement
Obtained internally or externally
Replenishable resources
Renewable resources
Resource allocation
Resource levelling
Resource scheduling
Resource smoothing
Service agreement
Shared infrastructure
3.7.1 Contract
Agreement between two parties
Bespoke contract
Competitive contract
Contracts: NEC, ICE, IMech.E, IChem.E, JCT
Cost plus contract
Disputes procedure
Final account
General conditions of contract
Hand over
Joint Contract Tribunal (JCT)
Legal document
Liquidated penalties
Maintenance period
Offer and acceptance
Special conditions of contract
Standard contract
Target contract
Time, cost and performance requirements
3.7.2 Mobilization
Accommodation for labour
Demobilization strategy
Facilities on site
Internal or external resources
Plant and machinery requirements
Premises and sites
Resource availability
Software availability
Temporary facilities
3.7.3 Procurement
Based on value for money
Bid meetings and attendees by contractor
Cash flow and payment terms
Construction included or not
Contractor selection criteria
Discounts required
Expediting and inspection requirements I
Guarantees and liabilities
Includes all feasible options
Letter of intent
Liquidated penalties
Long lead items
Min. and max. number of bidders
Operating and maintenance manual
Packaging and storage requirements
Partnering or not
Procurement areas, UK, EU, USA, Country of user, etc.
Shipping restrictions, INCO terms
Single source of supply or competition
Spares list
Tender opening policy
Types of contract
3.7.4 Provider selection and management
Contractual terms and conditions
Identifying providers
Managing providers
Monitoring progress
Part of procurement function
Pre-qualification process
Selecting and appointing providers
Selection process
Tendering policy
Vetting providers
4.1 Accounting
Balance sheet
Business management requirements
Collecting financial information
Communicating financial information
Corporate accounting
Financial accounting
Legal requirements
Profit and loss statement
Project accounting
Stakeholder needs
4.2 Health and safety
CDM (Construction, Design and Management) Regulations
Common law duties (negligence)
Consumer Protection Act 1987
Dangerous substances
H&S standards
Information and training
Management of Health and Safety Regulations (1992)
Laws: HSWA 1974 (Health and Safety at Work Act)
Protective clothing
Safe environment
Safe plant and equipment, safe workplace and access
4.3 Human resource management (HRM)
Database of staff
Development of people
Dispute resolution
Employee relations
HRM policy
Legal requirements
Managing people
Pay reviews
People related activities
Personal development
4.4 Law
Awareness of laws
European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR)
Civil law
Criminal law
Intellectual property law
Legal duties
Legal system
Statutory instruments
Working time directives
4.5 Security
Asset protection
Confidential data protection
Minimize disruption
Personnel security
Resource requirements
Risk mitigation
Security assessment
Security policy
Site security
4.6 Sustainability
Biological systems
Eco system
Environmental impact assessment
Minimum contamination
Zero pollution aim
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