Many thanks to my editors at Focal Press. Emily McCloskey was open to revising a previous contract, so I could write something that was close to my heart and on the cutting-edge. Elliana Arons, the editorial assistant for this book, helped get the book through the various stages. Simon Jacobs would later take over the project and carry it through completion.

I want to especially thank Wes Pope for his valuable suggestions for this book. It would not have been the same without his insights and suggestions (he gave me sixteen pages of notes, single spaced). His energy and talent make him a valuable asset for his Master’s-level multimedia journalism students at the University of Oregon.

I could not have written this book if it wasn’t for the time and patience of those I interviewed.

  • At Zandrak in Boston in July 2014: Andrew Hutchisen, Charles Frank, David Brickel, and Kyle Harper. Andrew and Charles had many things to say about their new business; I learned much from them and their energy is infectious.
  • Amina Moreau at Stillmotion, who endured an audio recorder stuck in front of her face as I tried to get a clean recording in a noisy coffee shop in Portland in December 2014. Her insights on how Stillmotion began its approach to clients provides the heart to this book.
  • Patrick Moreau, busy with multiple projects, answered my questions about how Stillmotion is run and how My Utopia, a beautiful short film profiled in this book, was conceived.
  • Justin DeMers at Story & Heart discussed the importance of licensing footage as a potential income stream for filmmakers.
  • Brody Lowe talked to me about the art direction of My Utopia. His insights on how they used keywords to make decisions on the film was helpful.
  • Alexandria Bombach, a former student of mine, made a feature-length documentary about Afghan photographers. Her insights on the Kickstarter campaign were helpful and it allowed her to make the film she wanted.
  • David Eckenrode talked about how he gets freelance work for Agence France-Presse and the BBC while living in a small town in Durango, Colorado.
  • Léo Hamelin explained how she went from working full time at a French television news network to doing freelance multimedia journalism in New York.
  • Don Pickard of Tom C. Pickard & Co, gave me some great points about the importance of getting insurance for production houses.
  • Emily Best, who founded the crowd-funding Seed&Spark, shows her passion and desire for independent filmmakers to make a living from their work. We need more people like her championing the cause!
  • Kevin Ketchner is an inspiring instructor at NAU—he knows his stuff and he’s dynamic. Thanks for being a good sport for the Honor’s video.
  • Wolf Gunnerman, director of the Honors Program at Northern Arizona University.
  • Tyler Stableford does some cool stuff with a camera—his work is always inspiring.
  • My good friend, Beau L’Amour, gave me thoughtful advice about both the psychology of camera motion and the lenses chart I created for this book.
  • Sandra Kowalski hired me to help make cinematic promotional videos at NAU’s University Marketing. She gave me the space to experiment with new ways to tell stories and she supported me in putting together the student team that grew out of the university’s Creative Media and Film department. Many of these students would go on to get jobs in the industry. They include Javeon, Jenna, Conner, Paisley, Michael, Mariah, Marteen, Mari, and Reed.
  • My students in the Creative Media and Film program at NAU. And my wife Stephanie and stepson Morgan, who are always there for me.

All of these people are special in my heart, since they shared something of themselves and made this book that much stronger. And if I missed anyone, my apologies. It wasn’t intentional.

I want to give special thanks to the members of the Scholarship and Creative Arts Activity grants committee for awarding me a summer grant that gave me time to complete this manuscript.

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