
images  A

Aggregate and analytic functions


    framing clause

    OVER clause

        frame defining


        use of

    windowing specifications

images  B

images  C

CASE expressions


    CHOOSE function

    COALESCE and NULLIF functions

    control-of-flow statements

        BEGIN and END keywords

        GOTO statement

        IF…ELSE statement

        RETURN statement

        WAITFOR statement

        WHILE, BREAK, and CONTINUE statements


        administrative tasks

        ALTER INDEX statement


        cursor-based Index


        dbo.RebuildIndexes procedure

        design patterns

        @IndexList table



        T-SQL extended syntax

    IIF statement

    pivot tables

        dynamic queries

        nvarchar variable

        script grabs

        SELECT queries

        SQL table queries

        static pivot table

        type queries

    search expression

    simple expression




        West Coast

    three-valued logic


        IS NULL and IS NOT NULL



        quick reference chart

CLR integration programming




        AUTHORIZATION clause

        CREATE ASSEMBLY statement


        .NET namespaces and classes




    Open Data Services

    stored procedures

        Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables() functions



        GetEnvironmentVars() method


        SampleProc class

        SendResultsStart() method


        INSERT/UPDATE statement



        Transaction.Current.Rollback() method


    user-defined aggregates

        advanced creation



    user-defined data types



        complex number



        IsNull and Null properties

        math operator methods


        Parse method

        static properties

        ToString() method


    user-defined functions

        CREATE FUNCTION statement

        EmailMatch function



        fill-row method

        GetYahooNews() function



Common table expressions (CTE)



    definition and declaration


    multiple CTEs

        GetNamesCTE and GetContactCTE


        WITH keyword


        readablility benefits


    recursive queries

        anchor query



        MAXRECURSION option

        name and column list



        SELECT statement

        UNION ALL


images  D

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

    CREATE TRIGGER statement

    database audit

        action tables

        CASE expression


        CREATE TRIGGER statement

        logging table

        @@ROWCOUNT function

        row insertion

        SELECT statement


        sharing data


        trigger logging table

        UPDATE Statement

    disable and enable

    HumanResources.Employee table

    INSERT and DELETE statement

    multiple triggers

    nested and recursive triggers

    @@ROWCOUNT function


    SET NOCOUNT ON statement


    UPDATE() and COLUMNS_UPDATED() functions

        COLUMNPROPERTY() function

        NOCOUNT ON


        standard size


        trigger definition


    UPDATE statement


Data services. See also Service Oriented Architecture (SOA); SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB


    asynchronous programming

        code structure

        stored procedure



    Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)



        javac command line

        sqljdbc4.jar file

    Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)

        Apt-cache command command


        ln command

        shebang syntax


        tar.gz format


        unixodbc driver


        application project

        consumer application



        entity data model

Data types



    DATALENGTH() function, while

    date and time


        DATEDIFF() and DATEADD() functions

        DATEDIFF() function



        offset results

        BETWEEN operator


        standard time zones



        access and manipulate

        access levels

        configuration information


        enabled tables

        filegroup creation



        LOB data

    hierarchyid data types

        adjacency list model




        descendant nodes


        materialized path model

        materials table


        nested sets model

    LEN() string function



        string concatenation

        WRITE clause


    spatial data

        decomposing space

        flat representation

        geography instance

        GML format

        INDEX statement

        instance hierarchy


        MultiPolygon object


        orientation and hemisphere

        STIntersects() method


        WKT strings

        wyoming polygon



        NEWID() function

        NEWSEQUENTIALID() function

Data type, XML


        creation options

        execution cost

        FLWOR expression

        query execution cost

        table valued function



        exist() method

        modify() method

        nodes() method

        query() method


        value() method


    typed xml variable/column

    untyped xml variables

Date and time data types


    DATEDIFF() and DATEADD() functions

    DATEDIFF() function




        CONVERT() function

        FORMAT() function

        Format() method

        SET LANGUAGE command

        SWITCHOFFSET() function

        SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() function

        time offset

        TODATETIMEOFFSET() function

    offset results

    BETWEEN operator


    standard time zones


Debugging tools

    PRINT statement

    SSMS integration

    trace flags

    Visual Studio T-SQL debugger

        dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials procedure

        debug mode

        output window

        parameter values

Dynamic management views and functions



    connection information


    expensive queries

        blocked queries

        cached query plan

    index metadata

        ALTER INDEX statements


        stored procedure

        temporary objects



        column information



    server resources

        configuration details


        dump files

        instance keys and values

        volume information

    session information



    SQL execution




    statistical semantics




        table columns

    sys.dm_fts_parser function


    sys.sp_fulltext_resetfdhostaccount procedure

    tempdb space system

        object allocations

        session data

        tempdb queries

    unused indexes

    wait stats

images  E



    asymmetric keys

        algorithms and limits

        ALTER ASYMMETRIC KEY statement

        AsymKeylD function

        BACKUP/RESTORE statements

        CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY statement

        DMK and RSA

        EncryptByCert and DecryptByCert

        SignByAsymKey function


        BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement

        CREATE CERTIFICATE statement

        DecryptByCert function

        EncryptByCert function


        SignByCert function

    database master key

        ALTER MASTER KEY statement

        CREATE MASTER KEY statement



        FORCE keyword

        OPEN and CLOSE

        RESTORE MASTER KEY statement


    extensible key management

    hashing data


    service master keys

    symmetric keys

        ALTER and DROP SYMMETRIC KEY statements

        CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY statement

        CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement


        EncryptByKey and DecryptByKey functions


        KeyGUID function

        metadata format

        WITH PASSWORD clause

        table creation

        temporary key

    transparent data encryption

Entity framework (EF)



    database objects

    entity data model


    O/RM framework



    querying entities

        AddObject() method


        data modification


        INSERT operation

        object context


        SaveChanges() method



Error handling




        @@error system function

        OUTPUT parameter

        PRINT statement

        RAISERROR statement

        TestError procedure

    RAISERROR statement

    THROW statement

    TRY_CAST function

    TRY…CATCH model

        CATCH block functions


        sample code

        XACT_STATE function

    TRY_CONVERT function


EXtensible markup language (XML). See also XSL transformations


    data types




        typed xml variable/column

        untyped xml variables





        DOM representation

        edge table format

        existing table schem

        explicit schema

        flag option



        rowset provider




    FOR XML clause

        AUTO keyword


        FOR XML PATH

        FOR XML RAW

images  F

FILESTREAM data types

    access level

    configuration information


    enabled tables

    filegroup creation





        DML statements


        parent path_locator

        SQL Server






        FileTableRootPath() function


        GetPathLocator() function

        hierarchyid functions




    LOB data

    manipulate and access


    mode options



Full-text search (FTS)



        context menu option


        T-SQL statements


    CONTAINS predicates

        boolean operators

        FORMSOF generation

        NEAR clause

        prefix searches

        proximity search


        TRUE clause

    dynamic management views and functions

        statistical semantics

        sys.dm_fts_parser function


        sys.sp_fulltext_resetfdhostaccount procedure



    FREETEXT predicate

        execution plan





        inflectional forms


        source table


        ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement


        change-tracking option

        column selection

        context menu

        single-column unique


        T-SQL statements

        wizard selection

    thesauruses and stoplists



        expansion set



        replacement patterns

        tsenu.xml file

images  G

images  H

images  I


    clustered indexes

    execution plans

    extended events


        page splits or locking

        performance tuning session


        table pop-up context menu

        target type


    filtered indexes

    guaranteed order



    nonclustered indexes

        bookmark lookup

        B-tree structure

        covering indexes

        lookup operation

        row identifiers (RIDs)


    optimizing queries

    reading query plans



images  J, K

images  L

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

    entity framework



        database objects

        entity data model


        O/RM framework



        querying entities




        object/relational mapping (O/RM)



images  M

images  N

.NET client programming See also Language Integrated Query (LINQ) ADO.NET


        System.Data namespace






    ExecuteScalar() method


    multiple active result sets

        connection string

        result sets

        single connection





        ExecuteReader() method



        SELECT statement


        SqlDbType enumeration

        SQL statement

        string query






images  O




    DOM representation

    edge table format

    existing table schema

    explicit schema

    flag option



    rowset provider


images  P

Performance enhancement and tuning




        clustered indexes

        execution plans

        extended events

        filtered indexes

        guaranteed order



        nonclustered indexes

        optimizing queries

        reading query plans



    SQL Server storage

        data compression

        files and filegroups


        space allocation

        sparse columns

images  Q

images  R

images  S

Scalar function

    common table expression

    CREATE FUNCTION statement

    creation-time options

    ENCRYPTION option

    procedural code

        AdventureWorks database

        CASE expressions

        CREATE TABLE statement

        dbo.EncodeNYSIIS function

        encodes strings

        INSERT statement

        numbers table

        NYSIIS encoding rules

        SOUNDEX algorithm

        WHERE clause


    RETURNS keyword

    SELECT statements

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)


    contracts layer

    DCOM and CORBA

    HTTP requests



    WCF data service

        application project





    WCF layers stack

    Web Services

SQL client (SQLNCLI)


    data access connection

        DATA_SOURCE connection


        SqlConnection connection string keys

        SqlDataReader instance

        try…catch blocks

    disconnected dataset

    disconnected datasets



        System.Data classes and enumerations


    command-line options


    scripting variable

        SETVAR and SET option


SQL Server

    data tools


SQL Server 2012. See also SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

    AdventureWorks OLTP and databases

    Books Online

    Bulk Copy Program


    extended events

    integration services



        editing filters


        T-SQL events


        interactive screen

        osql command-line

        scripting variables

        text data

    SQL Server Data Tools

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)


    code snippets


        custom snippet command

        insert and surround command

        tools menu


        CREATE TABLE statement

        Help Viewer option

        search option

    DBA tool

    editing options

    Enterprise Manager and Query Editor

    graphical query execution


        properties window

    GUI database tools


    keyboard shortcut schemes

    Object Explorer

        database tables

        details tab

        filtering objects

    project management features

    SELECT statement

    source control options

    T-SQL debugging

        breakpoints and Datatip

        locals and output windows

SQL Server storage

    data compression

    files and filegroups

    page compressions

        anchor record value

        column-prefix compression

        duplicate values


        page-dictionary compression



    row compressions

        ALTER TABLE statement

        clustered index


        vardecimal compression options

    space allocation

        data allocation

        dbo.LargeRows query


        estimated I/O cost

        GAM and SGAM


        narrow rows

        SELECT query

    sparse columns

        nonsparse tables

        NULL values

        SELECT Queries


        XML format

Stored pocedures (SPs). See also Dynamic management views and functions; sp_executesql stored procedure




    cache and reuse query execution

    calling function


        EXECUTE statement

        MARS Connection





        WITH RESULT SETS option


    DROP PROCEDURE statement

    Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables() functions






    GetEnvironmentVars() method

    int parameter

    managing statement

    metadata discovery


    ORDER BY clause

    OVER clause


    ProductID and ProductSubcategorylD

    product list

    recommended products

    recompilation and caching


        EXECUTE statement

        GetProcStats Procedure

        nonclustered index


        parameter sniffing

        parameter value

        query plan optimization


        returns list

        returns order

        SELECT query








        Hanoi puzzle solution


        SELECT queries


    RETURN statement

    running sum

    SampleProc class

    SELECT and RETURN statement

    SendResultsStart() method

    sp_help system

    table-valued parameters

        CREATE TYPE statement




        SELECT queries

        table structure



    user-defined functions

Structural query language (SQL)

    deferred query execution


        classes item

        server and database


        view and select tables

    join class

        equals keyword

        inner join




    object/relational mapping (O/RM)

    orderby clause




        foreach loop

        Main() method


        select keyword


        where clause

Structured Query Language (SQL). See also Transact-SQL (T-SQL)

    acid test

    check constraints



    data domain

    foreign key constraints






        order of execution

        relational model


        three-valued logic

        WHERE clause

    stored procedures (SPs)


    transaction log



images  T

Table-valued functions (TVFs)

    inline function

        CASE expressions

        CREATE FUNCTION statement

        FnCommaSplit function


        Num and Element

        SELECT statement

        string-splitting function


        bin-packing problem

        CREATE FUNCTION keyword and RETURNS clause



        GROUP BY

        individual inventory and sales detail items

        INSERT INTO and SELECT clauses

        InventoryDetails subquery

        loop-based solution

        numbers table

        product pull list


        SELECT query

        WHERE/JOIN clause

Transact-SQL (T-SQL)



        defensive coding

        naming conventions

        one entry and one exit

        SELECT * statement

        variable initialization



    imperative vs. declarative languages


        acid test




        SQL CLR


        stored procedures


        transaction logs

        user-defined functions


Triggers. See also Data Manipulation Language (DML)



        CREATE TABLE statement

        CREATE TRIGGER statement

        DROP TRIGGER statement

        EVENTDATA() function

        event types and groups

        nodes() and value() methods


    INSERT/UPDATE statement

    logon triggers

        CREATE TRIGGER statement


        EVENTDATA() function


        ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement

        sample data table



    Transaction.Current.Rollback() method


images  U

User-defined aggregates (UDAs)

    Accumulate() method

    advances creation

        Merge() method


        Read() and Write() methods

        statistical median

        Terminate() method

    Merge() method




    statistical range

    struct declaration

    Terminate() function

User-defined functions (UDFs) See also Table-valued functions (TVFs)


    CREATE FUNCTION statement

    EmailMatch function




    fill-row method

    GetYahooNews() Function




        deterministic function

        nondeterministic functions



    scalar function

        CASE expression

        common table expression

        CREATE FUNCTION statement

        creation-time options

        ENCRYPTION option

        procedural code


        RETURNS keyword

        SELECT statements


images  V

images  W

Window functions. See also Aggregate and analytic functions


    NTILE function

        OVER clause



        SELECT query

    OFFSET and FETCH clause

        client-side paging




    RANK and DENSE_RANK functions



        OrderMonth column

        OVER clause

        PARTITION BY clause

        ranking value

        SELECT query

        WHERE clause

    ROW_NUMBER function

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). See also Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    application project

    consumer application

        aspx page




        PageLoad event

        PopulateDropDown() function

        service reference

        UpdateImage() function


    data service, payload types

        application project

        entity access rules

        entity data model

        page calling


        service entity/operation

        string options



images  X, Y, Z



    arithmetic expressions

    axis specifiers

    comment node test query

    comparison, node

    conditional expressions (if…then…else)

    constructors and casting

    data types

    dynamic XML construction

        attribute constructor

        child node

        direct constructor

        numeric predicate



    expressions and sequences

        comma operator

        filter expression

        homogenous and heterogeneous sequences



        primary expressions

        singleton atomic values


    FLWOR expressions

        let keyword

        order by clause

        for and return Keywords

        where keyword


        built-in functions

        sql column function

        sql variable function

    integer division operator

    location paths


    node tests


        general comparisons

        input sequence

        node comparisons

        value comparison operators


    processing-instruction node test

    query() method

    relational model



    truth value

    XML query language

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