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images Chapter 1: Installing the Oracle Binaries

Understanding the OFA

Oracle Inventory Directory

Oracle Base Directory

Oracle Home Directory

Oracle Network Files Directory

Automatic Diagnostic Repository

Installing Oracle

Step 1. Create the OS Groups and User

Step 2. Ensure That the OS Is Adequately Configured

Step 3. Obtain the Oracle Installation Software

Step 4. Unzip the Files

Step 5: Creating oraInst.loc File

Step 6. Configure the Response File, and Run the Installer

Step 7. Troubleshoot Any Issues

Installing with a Copy of an Existing Installation

Step 1. Copy the Binaries, Using an OS Utility

Step 2. Attach the Oracle Home

Upgrading Oracle Software

Reinstalling After Failed Installation

Applying Interim Patches

Installing Remotely with the Graphical Installer

Step 1. Install X Software and Networking Utilities on the Local PC

Step 2. Start an X Session on the Local Computer

Step 3. Copy the Oracle Installation Media to the Remote Server

Step 4. Run the xhost Command

Step 5. Log In to the Remote Computer from X

Step 6. Ensure that the DISPLAY Variable Is Set Correctly on the Remote Computer

Step 7. Execute the runInstaller Utility

Step 8. Troubleshoot


images Chapter 2: Implementing a Database

Setting OS Variables

A Manually Intensive Approach

Oracle’s Approach to Setting OS Variables

My Approach to Setting OS Variables

Creating a Database

Step 1. Set the OS Variables

Step 2: Configure the Initialization File

Step 3: Create the Required Directories

Step 4: Create the Database

Step 5. Create a Data Dictionary

Configuring and Implementing the Listener

Manually Configuring a Listener

Implementing a Listener with the Net Configuration Assistant

Connecting to a Database through the Network

Creating a Password File

Starting and Stopping the Database

Understanding OS Authentication

Starting the Database

Stopping the Database

Using the dbca to Create a Database

Dropping a Database

How Many Databases on One Server?

Understanding Oracle Architecture


images Chapter 3: Configuring an Efficient Environment

Customizing Your OS Command Prompt

Customizing Your SQL Prompt

Creating Shortcuts for Frequently Used Commands

Using Aliases

Using a Function

Rerunning Commands Quickly

Scrolling with the Up and Down Arrow Keys

Using Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N

Listing the Command History

Searching in Reverse

Setting the Command Editor

Developing Standard Scripts










Organizing Scripts

Step 1: Create Directories

Step 2: Copy Files to Directories

Step 3: Configure the Startup File


images Chapter 4: Tablespaces and Data Files

Understanding the First Five

Understanding the Need for More

Creating Tablespaces

Renaming a Tablespace

Controlling the Generation of Redo

Changing a Tablespace’s Write Mode

Dropping a Tablespace

Using Oracle Managed Files

Creating a Bigfile Tablespace

Enabling Default Table Compression within a Tablespace

Displaying Tablespace Size

Altering Tablespace Size

Toggling Data Files Offline and Online

Renaming or Relocating a Data File

Performing Online Data File Operations

Performing Offline Data File Operations


images Chapter 5: Managing Control Files, Online Redo Logs, and Archiving

Managing Control Files

Viewing Control File Names and Locations

Adding a Control File

Moving a Control File

Removing a Control File

Managing Online Redo Logs

Displaying Online Redo Log Information

Determining the Optimal Size of Online Redo Log Groups

Determining the Optimal Number of Redo Log Groups

Adding Online Redo Log Groups

Resizing and Dropping Online Redo Log Groups

Adding Online Redo Log Files to a Group

Removing Online Redo Log Files from a Group

Moving or Renaming Redo Log Files

Implementing Archivelog Mode

Making Architectural Decisions

Setting the Archive Redo File Location

Thinking "Un-Oraclethodox" FRA Thoughts

Enabling Archivelog Mode

Disabling Archivelog Mode

Reacting to a Lack of Disk Space in Your Archive Log Destination

Backing Up Archive Redo Log Files


images Chapter 6: Users and Basic Security

Managing Default Users

Locking Accounts and Expiring Passwords

Identifying DBA-Created Accounts

Checking Default Passwords

Creating Users

Choosing a Username and Authentication Method

Assigning Default Permanent and Temporary Tablespaces

Modifying Passwords

Logging In as a Different User

Modifying Users

Dropping Users

Enforcing Password Security and Resource Limits

Basic Password Security

Password Strength

Limiting Database Resource Usage

Managing Privileges

Assigning Database System Privileges

Assigning Database Object Privileges

Grouping and Assigning Privileges


images Chapter 7: Tables and Constraints

Understanding Table Types

Understanding Data Types







Extended Character Types

Creating a Table

Creating a Heap-Organized Table

Implementing Virtual Columns

Implementing Invisible Columns

Making Read-Only Tables

Understanding Deferred Segment Creation

Creating a Table with an Autoincrementing (Identity) Column

Allowing for Default Parallel SQL Execution

Compressing Table Data

Avoiding Redo Creation

Creating a Table from a Query

Modifying a Table

Obtaining the Needed Lock

Renaming a Table

Adding a Column

Altering a Column

Renaming a Column

Dropping a Column

Displaying Table DDL

Dropping a Table

Undropping a Table

Removing Data from a Table



Viewing and Adjusting the High-Water Mark

You need to be aware of a couple of performance-related issues regarding the high-water mark

Tracing to Detect Space Below the High-Water Mark

Using DBMS_SPACE to Detect Space Below the High-Water Mark

Selecting from Data Dictionary Extents View

Lowering the High-Water Mark

Creating a Temporary Table

Creating an Index-Organized Table

Managing Constraints

Creating Primary Key Constraints

Enforcing Unique Key Values

Creating Foreign Key Constraints

Checking for Specific Data Conditions

Enforcing Not Null Conditions

Disabling Constraints

Enabling Constraints


images Chapter 8: Indexes

Deciding When to Create an Index

Proactively Creating Indexes

Reactively Creating Indexes

Planning for Robustness

Determining Which Type of Index to Use

Estimating the Size of an Index Before Creation

Creating Separate Tablespaces for Indexes

Creating Portable Scripts

Establishing Naming Standards

Creating Indexes

Creating B-tree Indexes

Creating Concatenated Indexes

Implementing Function-Based Indexes

Creating Unique Indexes

Implementing Bitmap Indexes

Creating Bitmap Join Indexes

Implementing Reverse-Key Indexes

Creating Key-Compressed Indexes

Parallelizing Index Creation

Avoiding Redo Generation When Creating an Index

Implementing Invisible Indexes

Maintaining Indexes

Renaming an Index

Displaying Code to Recreate an Index

Rebuilding an Index

Making Indexes Unusable

Monitoring Index Usage

Dropping an Index

Indexing Foreign Key Columns

Implementing an Index on a Foreign Key Column

Determining if Foreign Key Columns Are Indexed


images Chapter 9: Views, Synonyms, and Sequences

Implementing Views

Creating a View

Checking Updates

Creating Read-Only Views

Updatable Join Views

Creating an INSTEAD OF Trigger

Implementing an Invisible Column

Modifying a View Definition

Displaying the SQL Used to Create a View

Renaming a View

Dropping a View

Managing Synonyms

Creating a Synonym

Creating Public Synonyms

Dynamically Generating Synonyms

Displaying Synonym Metadata

Renaming a Synonym

Dropping a Synonym

Managing Sequences

Creating a Sequence

Using Sequence Pseudocolumns

Autoincrementing Columns

Implementing Multiple Sequences That Generate Unique Values

Creating One Sequence or Many

Viewing Sequence Metadata

Renaming a Sequence

Dropping a Sequence

Resetting a Sequence


images Chapter 10: Data Dictionary Fundamentals

Data Dictionary Architecture

Static Views

Dynamic Performance Views

A Different View of Metadata

A Few Creative Uses of the Data Dictionary

Derivable Documentation

Displaying User Information

Displaying Table Row Counts

Showing Primary Key and Foreign Key Relationships

Displaying Object Dependencies


images Chapter 11: Large Objects

Describing LOB Types

Illustrating LOB Locators, Indexes, and Chunks

Distinguishing Between BasicFiles and SecureFiles



Creating a Table with a LOB Column

Creating a BasicFiles LOB Column

Implementing a LOB in a Specific Tablespace

Creating a SecureFiles LOB Column

Implementing a Partitioned LOB

Maintaining LOB Columns

Moving a LOB Column

Adding a LOB Column

Removing a LOB Column

Caching LOBs

Storing LOBs In- and Out of Line

Implementing SecureFiles Advanced Features

Compressing LOBs

Deduplicating LOBs

Encrypting LOBs

Migrating BasicFiles to SecureFiles

Loading LOBs

Loading a CLOB

Loading a BLOB

Measuring LOB Space Consumed

BasicFiles Space Used

SecureFiles Space Used

Reading BFILEs


images Chapter 12: Partitioning: Divide and Conquer

What Tables Should Be Partitioned?

Creating Partitioned Tables

Partitioning by Range

Placing Partitions in Tablespaces

Partitioning by List

Partitioning by Hash

Blending Different Partitioning Methods

Creating Partitions on Demand

Partitioning to Match a Parent Table

Partitioning on a Virtual Column

Giving an Application Control over Partitioning

Maintaining Partitions

Viewing Partition Metadata

Moving a Partition

Automatically Moving Updated Rows

Partitioning an Existing Table

Adding a Partition

Exchanging a Partition with an Existing Table

Renaming a Partition

Splitting a Partition

Merging Partitions

Dropping a Partition

Generating Statistics for a Partition

Removing Rows from a Partition

Manipulating Data Within a Partition

Partitioning Indexes

Partitioning an Index to Follow Its Table

Partitioning an Index Differently from Its Table

Partial Indexes

Partition Pruning


images Chapter 13: Data Pump

Data Pump Architecture

Getting Started

Taking an Export

Importing a Table

Using a Parameter File

Exporting and Importing with Granularity

Exporting and Importing an Entire Database

Schema Level

Table Level

Tablespace Level

Transferring Data

Exporting and Importing Directly Across the Network

Copying Data Files

Features for Manipulating Storage

Exporting Tablespace Metadata

Specifying Different Data File Paths and Names

Importing into a Tablespace Different from the Original

Changing the Size of Data Files

Changing Segment and Storage Attributes

Filtering Data and Objects

Specifying a Query

Exporting a Percentage of the Data

Excluding Objects from the Export File

Excluding Statistics

Including Only Specific Objects in an Export File

Exporting Table, Index, Constraint, and Trigger DDL

Excluding Objects from Import

Including Objects in Import

Common Data Pump Tasks

Estimating the Size of Export Jobs

Listing the Contents of Dump Files

Cloning a User

Creating a Consistent Export

Importing When Objects Already Exist

Renaming a Table

Remapping Data

Suppressing a Log File

Using Parallelism

Specifying Additional Dump Files

Reusing Output File Names

Creating a Daily DDL File

Compressing Output

Changing Table Compression Characteristics on Import

Encrypting Data

Exporting Views As Tables

Disabling Logging of Redo on Import

Interactive Command Mode

Entering Interactive Command Mode

Attaching to a Running Job

Stopping and Restarting a Job

Terminating a Data Pump Job

Monitoring Data Pump Jobs

Data Pump Log File

Data Dictionary Views

Database Alert Log

Status Table

Interactive Command Mode Status

OS Utilities

Data Pump Legacy Mode

Data Pump Mapping to the exp Utility

Data Pump Mapping to the imp Utility


images Chapter 14: External Tables

SQL*Loader vs. External Tables

Loading CSV Files into the Database

Creating a Directory Object and Granting Access

Creating an External Table

Generating SQL to Create an External Table

Viewing External Table Metadata

Loading a Regular Table from the External Table

Performing Advanced Transformations

Viewing Text Files from SQL

Unloading and Loading Data Using an External Table

Enabling Parallelism to Reduce Elapsed Time

Compressing a Dump File

Encrypting a Dump File


images Chapter 15: Materialized Views

Understanding MVs

MV Terminology

Referencing Useful Views

Creating Basic Materialized Views

Creating a Complete Refreshable MV

Creating a Fast Refreshable MV

Going Beyond the Basics

Creating MVs and Specifying Tablespace for MVs and Indexes

Creating Indexes on MVs

Partitioning MVs

Compressing an MV

Encrypting MV Columns

Building an MV on a Prebuilt Table

Creating an Unpopulated MV

Creating an MV Refreshed on Commit

Creating a Never Refreshable MV

Creating MVs for Query Rewrite

Creating a Fast Refreshable MV Based on a Complex Query

Viewing MV DDL

Dropping an MV

Modifying MVs

Modifying Base Table DDL and Propagating to MVs

Toggling Redo Logging on an MV

Altering Parallelism

Moving an MV

Managing MV Logs

Creating an MV Log

Indexing MV Log Columns

Viewing Space Used by an MV Log

Shrinking the Space in an MV Log

Checking the Row Count of an MV Log

Moving an MV Log

Dropping an MV Log

Refreshing MVs

Manually Refreshing MVs from SQL*Plus

Automating Refreshes, Using a Shell Script and Scheduling Utility

Creating an MV with a Refresh Interval

Efficiently Performing a Complete Refresh

Handling the ORA-12034 Error

Monitoring MV Refreshes

Viewing MVs’ Last Refresh Times

Determining Whether a Refresh Is in Progress

Monitoring Real-Time Refresh Progress

Checking Whether MVs Are Refreshing Within a Time Period

Creating Remote MV Refreshes

Understanding Remote-Refresh Architectures

Viewing MV Base Table Information

Determining How Many MVs Reference a Central MV Log

Managing MVs in Groups

Creating an MV Group

Altering an MV Refresh Group

Refreshing an MV Group


Determining MVs in a Group

Adding an MV to a Refresh Group

Removing MVs from a Refresh Group

Dropping an MV Refresh Group


images Chapter 16: User-Managed Backup and Recovery

Implementing a Cold-Backup Strategy for a Noarchivelog Mode Database

Making a Cold Backup of a Noarchivelog Mode Database

Restoring a Cold Backup in Noarchivelog Mode with Online Redo Logs

Restoring a Cold Backup in Noarchivelog Mode Without Online Redo Logs

Scripting a Cold Backup and Restore

Making a Cold Backup of an Archivelog Mode Database

Implementing a Hot Backup Strategy

Making a Hot Backup

Scripting Hot Backups

Understanding the Split-Block Issue

Understanding the Need for Redo Generated During Backup

Understanding that Data Files are Updated

Performing a Complete Recovery of an Archivelog Mode Database

Restoring and Recovering with the Database Offline

Restoring and Recovering with a Database Online

Restoring Control Files

Performing an Incomplete Recovery of an Archivelog Mode Database


images Chapter 17: Configuring RMAN

Understanding RMAN

Starting RMAN

RMAN Architectural Decisions

Running the RMAN Client Remotely or Locally

Specifying the Backup User

Using Online or Offline Backups

Setting the Archive Redo Log Destination and File Format

Configuring the RMAN Backup Location and File Format

Setting the Autobackup of the Control File

Specifying the Location of the Autobackup of the Control File

Backing Up Archive Redo Logs

Determining the Location for the Snapshot Control File

Using a Recovery Catalog

Using a Media Manager

Setting the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME Initialization Parameter

Configuring RMAN’s Backup Retention Policy

Configuring the Archive Redo Logs’ Deletion Policy

Setting the Degree of Parallelism

Using Backup Sets or Image Copies

Using Incremental Backups

Using Incrementally Updated Backups

Using Block Change Tracking

Configuring Binary Compression

Configuring Encryption

Configuring Miscellaneous Settings

Configuring Informational Output

Segueing from Decision to Action


images Chapter 18: RMAN Backups and Reporting

Preparing to Run RMAN Backup Commands


Setting ECHO Setting ECHO

Showing Variables

Running Backups

Backing Up the Entire Database

Backing Up Tablespaces

Backing Up Data Files

Backing Up the Control File

Backing up the spfile

Backing Up Archive Redo Logs

Backing Up FRA

Excluding Tablespaces from Backups

Backing Up Data Files Not Backed Up

Skipping Read-Only Tablespaces

Skipping Offline or Inaccessible Files

Backing Up Large Files in Parallel

Adding RMAN Backup Information to the Repository

Taking Backups of Pluggable Databases

While Connected to the Root Container

While Connected to a Pluggable Database

Creating Incremental Backups

Taking Incremental-Level Backups

Making Incrementally Updating Backups

Using Block Change Tracking

Checking for Corruption in Data Files and Backups




Using a Recovery Catalog

Creating a Recovery Catalog

Registering a Target Database

Backing Up the Recovery Catalog

Synchronizing the Recovery Catalog

Recovery Catalog Versions

Dropping a Recovery Catalog

Logging RMAN Output

Redirecting Output to a File

Capturing Output with Linux/Unix Logging Commands

Logging Output to a File

Querying for Output in the Data Dictionary

RMAN Reporting

Using LIST


Using SQL


images Chapter 19: RMAN Restore and Recovery

Determining if Media Recovery Is Required

Determining What to Restore

How the Process Works

Using Data Recovery Advisor

Using RMAN to Stop/Start Oracle

Shutting Down

Starting Up

Complete Recovery

Testing Restore and Recovery

Restoring and Recovering the Entire Database

Restoring and Recovering Tablespaces

Restoring Read-Only Tablespaces

Restoring Temporary Tablespaces

Restoring and Recovering Data Files

Restoring Data Files to Nondefault Locations

Performing Block-Level Recovery

Restoring a Container Database and Its Associated Pluggable Databases

Restoring Archive Redo Log Files

Restoring to the Default Location

Restoring to a Nondefault Location

Restoring a Control File

Using a Recovery Catalog

Using an Autobackup

Specifying a Backup File Name

Restoring the spfile

Incomplete Recovery

Determining the Type of Incomplete Recovery

Performing Time-Based Recovery

Performing Log Sequence-Based Recovery

Performing SCN-Based Recovery

Restoring to a Restore Point

Restoring Tables to a Previous Point

Flashing Back a Table


Flashing Back a Table to a Previous Point in Time

Flashing Back a Database

Restoring and Recovering to Different Server

Step 1. Create an RMAN Backup on the Originating Database

Step 2. Copy the RMAN Backup to the Destination Server

Step 3. Ensure That Oracle Is Installed

Step 4. Source the Required OS Variables

Step 5. Create an init.ora File for the Database to Be Restored

Step 6. Create Any Required Directories for Data Files, Control Files, and Dump/Trace Files

Step 7. Start Up the Database in Nomount Mode

Step 8. Restore the Control File from the RMAN Backup

Step 9. Start Up the Database in Mount Mode

Step 10. Make the Control File Aware of the Location of the RMAN Backups

Step 11. Rename and Restore the Data Files to Reflect New Directory Locations

Step 12. Recover the Database

Step 13. Set the New Location for the Online Redo Logs

Step 14. Open the Database

Step 15. Add the Temp File

Step 16. Rename the Database


images Chapter 20: Oracle Secure Backup

OSB Editions and Features

OSB Terminology

OSB Administrative Domain and Servers

OSB Interfaces

OSB Users and Classes

OSB Daemons

Download and Installation

Command-Line Access to OSB

OSB Configuration

Configuring Users and Classes

Configuring Media Families

Configuring Database Backup Storage Selector

Database Backup

Database Restore

Filesystem Backup

Creating Data Set Files

Configuring Backup Windows

Configuring Backup Schedules and Triggers

Performing On-Demand Filesystem Backups

Filesystem Restore

Performing Catalog-Based Restore

Performing a Raw Restore

Performing an obtar Restore

OSB Job Monitoring

Listing Jobs

Showing Job Transcripts

Monitoring OSB Logs

Virtual Test Devices

Oracle Database Backup in the Cloud

OSB Software Upgrades


images Chapter 21: Automating Jobs

Automating Jobs with Oracle Scheduler

Creating and Scheduling a Job

Viewing Job Details

Modifying Job Logging History

Modifying a Job

Stopping a Job

Disabling a Job

Enabling a Job

Copying a Job

Running a Job Manually

Deleting a Job

Oracle Scheduler vs. cron

Automating Jobs via cron

How cron Works

Enabling Access to cron

Understanding cron Table Entries

Scheduling a Job to Run Automatically

Redirecting cron Output

Troubleshooting cron

Examples of Automated DBA Jobs

Starting and Stopping the Database and Listener

Checking for Archive Redo Destination Fullness

Truncating Large Log Files

Checking for Locked Production Accounts

Checking for Files Older Than a Certain Age

Checking for Too Many Processes

Verifying the Integrity of RMAN Backups


images Chapter 22: Database Troubleshooting

Quickly Triaging

Checking Database Availability

Investigating Disk Fullness

Inspecting the Alert Log

Identifying Bottlenecks via OS Utilities

Identifying System Bottlenecks

Mapping an Operating System Process to an SQL Statement

Finding Resource-Intensive SQL Statements

Monitoring Real-Time SQL Execution Statistics

Running Oracle Diagnostic Utilities

Detecting and Resolving Locking Issues

Resolving Open-Cursor Issues

Troubleshooting Undo Tablespace Issues

Determining if Undo Is Correctly Sized

Viewing SQL That Is Consuming Undo Space

Handling Temporary Tablespace Issues

Determining if Temporary Tablespace Is Sized Correctly

Viewing SQL That Is Consuming Temporary Space


images Chapter 23: Pluggable Databases

Understanding Pluggable Architecture

Paradigm Shift

B&R Implications

Tuning Nuances

Creating a CDB

Creating Manually with SQL

Using the DBCA

Generating CDB Create Scripts via DBCA

Verifying that a CDB was Created

Administrating the Root Container

Connecting to the Root Container

Displaying Currently Connected Container Information

Starting/Stopping the Root Container

Creating Common Users

Creating Common Roles

Reporting on Container Space

Switching Containers

Creating a Pluggable Database within a CDB

Cloning the Seed Database

Cloning an Existing Pluggable Database

Cloning from a Non-CDB Database

Unplugging a Pluggable Database from a CDB

Plugging an Unplugged Pluggable Database into a CDB

Using the DBCA to Create a Pluggable Database from the Seed Database

Checking the Status of Pluggable Databases

Administrating Pluggable Databases

Connecting to a Pluggable Database

Managing a Listener in a Pluggable Database Environment

Showing the Currently Connected Pluggable Database

Starting/Stopping a Pluggable Database

Modifying Initialization Parameters Specific to a Pluggable Database

Renaming a Pluggable Database

Limiting the Amount of Space Consumed by a Pluggable Database

Viewing Pluggable Database History

Dropping a Pluggable Database



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