Lab 9-3 Solutions

Short Answers

  1. The import table contains kernel32.dll, NetAPI32.dll, DLL1.dll, and DLL2.dll. The malware dynamically loads user32.dll and DLL3.dll.

  2. All three DLLs request the same base address: 0x10000000.

  3. DLL1.dll is loaded at 0x10000000, DLL2.dll is loaded at 0x320000, and DLL3.dll is loaded at 0x380000 (this may be slightly different on your machine).

  4. DLL1Print is called, and it prints “DLL 1 mystery data,” followed by the contents of a global variable.

  5. DLL2ReturnJ returns a filename of temp.txt which is passed to the call to WriteFile.

  6. Lab09-03.exe gets the buffer for the call to NetScheduleJobAdd from DLL3GetStructure, which it dynamically resolves.

  7. Mystery data 1 is the current process identifier, mystery data 2 is the handle to the open temp.txt file, and mystery data 3 is the location in memory of the string ping

  8. Select Manual Load when loading the DLL with IDA Pro, and then type the new image base address when prompted. In this case, the address is 0x320000.

Detailed Analysis

We start by examining the import table of Lab09-03.exe and it contains kernel32.dll, NetAPI32.dll, DLL1.dll, and DLL2.dll. Next, we load Lab09-03.exe into IDA Pro. We look for calls to LoadLibrary and check which strings are pushed on the stack before the call. We see two cross-references to LoadLibrary that push user32.dll and DLL3.dll respectively, so that these DLLs may be loaded dynamically during runtime.

We can check the base address requested by the DLLs by using PEview, as shown in Figure C-30. After loading DLL1.dll into PEview, click the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER and look at the value of Image Base, as shown at in the figure. We repeat this process with DLL2.dll and DLL3.dll, and see that they all request a base address of 0x10000000.

Finding the requested base address with PEview

Figure C-30. Finding the requested base address with PEview

Using the Memory Map to Locate DLLs

Next, we want to figure out at which memory address the three DLLs are loaded during runtime. DLL1.dll and DLL2.dll are loaded immediately because they’re in the import table. Since DLL3.dll is loaded dynamically, we will need to run the LoadLibrary function located at 0x401041. We can do this by loading Lab09-03.exe into OllyDbg, setting a breakpoint at 0x401041, and clicking play. Once the breakpoint hits, we can step over the call to LoadLibrary. At this point, all three DLLs are loaded into Lab09-03.exe.

We bring up the memory map by selecting View ▸ Memory. The memory map is shown in Figure C-31 (it may appear slightly different on your machine). At , we see that DLL1.dll gets its preferred base address of 0x10000000. At , we see that DLL2.dll didn’t get its preferred base address because DLL1.dll was already loaded at that location, so DLL2.dll is loaded at 0x320000. Finally, at , we see that DLL3.dll is loaded at 0x380000.

Using the OllyDbg memory map to examine DLL load locations

Figure C-31. Using the OllyDbg memory map to examine DLL load locations

Example C-19 shows the calls to the exports of DLL1.dll and DLL2.dll.

Example C-19. Calls to the exports of DLL1.dll and DLL2.dll from Lab09-03.exe

00401006         call    ds:DLL1Print
0040100C         call    ds:DLL2Print
00401012         call    ds:DLL2ReturnJ
00401018         mov     [ebp+hObject], eax 
0040101B         push    0                       ; lpOverlapped
0040101D         lea     eax, [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten]
00401020         push    eax                     ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
00401021         push    17h                     ; nNumberOfBytesToWrite
00401023         push    offset aMalwareanalysi  ; ""
00401028         mov     ecx, [ebp+hObject]
0040102B         push    ecx                    ; hFile
0040102C         call    ds:WriteFile

At the start of Example C-19, we see a call to DLL1Print, which is an export of DLL1.dll. We disassemble DLL1.dll with IDA Pro and see that the function prints “DLL 1 mystery data,” followed by the contents of a global variable, dword_10008030. If we examine the cross-references to dword_10008030, we see that it is accessed in DllMain when the return value from the call GetCurrentProcessId is moved into it. Therefore, we can conclude that DLL1Print prints the current process ID, which it determines when the DLL is first loaded into the process.

In Example C-19, we see calls to two exports from DLL2.dll: DLL2Print and DLL2ReturnJ. We can disassemble DLL2.dll with IDA Pro and examine DLL2Print to see that it prints “DLL 2 mystery data,” followed by the contents of a global variable, dword_1000B078. If we examine the cross-references to dword_1000B078, we see that it is accessed in DllMain when the handle to CreateFileA is moved into it. The CreateFileA function opens a file handle to temp.txt, which the function creates if it doesn’t already exist. DLL2Print apparently prints the value of the handle for temp.txt. We can look at the DLL2ReturnJ export and find that it returns the same handle that DLL2Print prints. Further in Example C-19, at , the handle is moved into hObject, which is passed to WriteFile at defining where is written.

After the WriteFile in Lab09-03.exe, DLL3.dll is loaded with a call to LoadLibrary, followed by the dynamic resolution of DLL3Print and DLL3GetStructure using GetProcAddress. First, it calls DLL3Print, which prints “DLL 3 mystery data,” followed by the contents of a global variable found at 0x1000B0C0. When we check the cross-references for the global variable, we see that it is initialized in DllMain to the string ping, so the memory location of the string will again be printed. DLL3GetStructure appears to return a pointer to the global dword_1000B0A0, but it is unclear what data is in that location. DllMain appears to initialize some sort of structure at this location using data and the string. Since DLL3GetStructure sets a pointer to this structure, we will need to see how Lab09-03.exe uses the data to figure out the contents of the structure. Example C-20 shows the call to DLL3GetStructure at .

Example C-20. Calls to DLL3GetStructure followed by NetScheduleJobAdd in Lab09-03.exe

00401071         lea     edx, [ebp+Buffer]
00401074         push    edx
00401075         call    [ebp+var_10]           ; DLL3GetStructure
00401078         add     esp, 4
0040107B         lea     eax, [ebp+JobId]
0040107E         push    eax                     ; JobId
0040107F         mov     ecx, [ebp+Buffer]
00401082         push    ecx                     ; Buffer
00401083         push    0                       ; Servername
00401085         call    NetScheduleJobAdd

It appears that the result of that call is the structure pointed to by Buffer, which is subsequently passed to NetScheduleJobAdd. Viewing the MSDN page for NetScheduleJobAdd tells us that Buffer is a pointer to an AT_INFO structure.

Applying a Structure in IDA Pro

The AT_INFO structure can be applied to the data in DLL3.dll. First, load DLL3.dll into IDA Pro, press the INSERT key within the Structures window, and add the standard structure AT_INFO. Next, go to dword_1000B0A0 in memory and select Edit ▸ Struct Var and click AT_INFO. This will cause the data to be more readable, as shown in Example C-21. We can see that the scheduled job will be set to ping every day of the week at 1:00 AM.

Example C-21. AT_INFO Structure

10001022         mov     stru_1000B0A0.Command, offset WideCharStr ; "ping www..."
1000102C         mov     stru_1000B0A0.JobTime, 36EE80h
10001036         mov     stru_1000B0A0.DaysOfMonth, 0
10001040         mov     stru_1000B0A0.DaysOfWeek, 7Fh
10001047         mov     stru_1000B0A0.Flags, 11h

Specifying a New Image Base with IDA Pro

We can load DLL2.dll into IDA Pro in a different location by checking the Manual Load box when loading the DLL. In the field that says Please specify the new image base, we type 320000. IDA Pro will do the rest to adjust all of the offsets, just as OllyDbg did when loading the DLL.

Malware Summary

This lab demonstrated how to determine where three DLLs are loaded into Lab09-03.exe using OllyDbg. We loaded these DLLs into IDA Pro to perform full analysis, and then figured out the mystery data printed by the malware: mystery data 1 is the current process identifier, mystery data 2 is the handle to the open temp.txt, and mystery data 3 is the location in memory of the string ping Finally, we applied the Windows AT_INFO structure within IDA Pro to aid our analysis of DLL3.dll.

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