Vulnerable Instructions

The virtual machine monitor program monitors the virtual machine’s execution. It runs on the host operating system to present the guest operating system with a virtual platform. It also has a couple of security weaknesses that can allow malware to detect virtualization.


The x86 instruction-related issues in virtual machines discussed in this section were originally outlined in the USENIX 2000 paper “Analysis of the Intel Pentium’s Ability to Support a Secure Virtual Machine Monitor” by John Robin and Cynthia Irvine.

In kernel mode, VMware uses binary translation for emulation. Certain privileged instructions in kernel mode are interpreted and emulated, so they don’t run on the physical processor. Conversely, in user mode, the code runs directly on the processor, and nearly every instruction that interacts with hardware is either privileged or generates a kernel trap or interrupt. VMware catches all the interrupts and processes them, so that the virtual machine still thinks it is a regular machine.

Some instructions in x86 access hardware-based information but don’t generate interrupts. These include sidt, sgdt, sldt, and cpuid, among others. In order to virtualize these instructions properly, VMware would need to perform binary translation on every instruction (not just kernel-mode instructions), resulting in a huge performance hit. To avoid huge performance hits from doing full-instruction emulation, VMware allows certain instructions to execute without being properly virtualized. Ultimately, this means that certain instruction sequences will return different results when running under VMware than they will on native hardware.

The processor uses certain key structures and tables, which are loaded at different offsets as a side effect of this lack of full translation. The interrupt descriptor table (IDT) is a data structure internal to the CPU, which is used by the operating system to determine the correct response to interrupts and exceptions. Under x86, all memory accesses pass through either the global descriptor table (GDT) or the local descriptor table (LDT). These tables contain segment descriptors that provide access details for each segment, including the base address, type, length, access rights, and so on. IDT (IDTR), GDT (GDTR), and LDT (LDTR) are the internal registers that contain the address and size of these respective tables.

Note that operating systems do not need to utilize these tables. For example, Windows implements a flat memory model and uses only the GDT by default. It does not use the LDT.

Three sensitive instructions—sidt, sgdt, and sldt—read the location of these tables, and all store the respective register into a memory location. While these instructions are typically used by the operating system, they are not privileged in the x86 architecture, and they can be executed from user space.

An x86 processor has only three registers to store the locations of these three tables. Therefore, these registers must contain values valid for the underlying host operating system and will diverge from values expected by the virtualized (guest) operating system. Since the sidt, sgdt, and sldt instructions can be invoked at any time by user-mode code without being trapped and properly virtualized by VMware, they can be used to detect its presence.

Using the Red Pill Anti-VM Technique

Red Pill is an anti-VM technique that executes the sidt instruction to grab the value of the IDTR register. The virtual machine monitor must relocate the guest’s IDTR to avoid conflict with the host’s IDTR. Since the virtual machine monitor is not notified when the virtual machine runs the sidt instruction, the IDTR for the virtual machine is returned. The Red Pill tests for this discrepancy to detect the usage of VMware.

Example 17-2 shows how Red Pill might be used by malware.

Example 17-2. Red Pill in malware

  push    ebp
  mov     ebp, esp
  sub     esp, 454h
  push    ebx
  push    esi
  push    edi
  push    8               ; Size
  push    0               ; Val
  lea     eax, [ebp+Dst]
  push    eax             ; Dst
  call    _memset
  add     esp, 0Ch
  lea     eax, [ebp+Dst]
 sidt    fword ptr [eax]
  mov     al, [eax+5]
  cmp     al, 0FFh
  jnz     short loc_401E19

The malware issues the sidt instruction at , which stores the contents of IDTR into the memory location pointed to by EAX. The IDTR is 6 bytes, and the fifth byte offset contains the start of the base memory address. That fifth byte is compared to 0xFF, the VMware signature.

Red Pill succeeds only on a single-processor machine. It won’t work consistently against multicore processors because each processor (guest or host) has an IDT assigned to it. Therefore, the result of the sidt instruction can vary, and the signature used by Red Pill can be unreliable.

To thwart this technique, run on a multicore processor machine or simply NOP-out the sidt instruction.

Using the No Pill Technique

The sgdt and sldt instruction technique for VMware detection is commonly known as No Pill. Unlike Red Pill, No Pill relies on the fact that the LDT structure is assigned to a processor, not an operating system. And because Windows does not normally use the LDT structure, but VMware provides virtual support for it, the table will differ predictably: The LDT location on the host machine will be zero, and on the virtual machine, it will be nonzero. A simple check for zero against the result of the sldt instruction does the trick.

The sldt method can be subverted in VMware by disabling acceleration. To do this, select VMSettingsProcessors and check the Disable Acceleration box. No Pill solves this acceleration issue by using the smsw instruction if the sldt method fails. This method involves inspecting the undocumented high-order bits returned by the smsw instruction.

Querying the I/O Communication Port

Perhaps the most popular anti-VMware technique currently in use is that of querying the I/O communication port. This technique is frequently encountered in worms and bots, such as the Storm worm and Phatbot.

VMware uses virtual I/O ports for communication between the virtual machine and the host operating system to support functionality like copy and paste between the two systems. The port can be queried and compared with a magic number to identify the use of VMware.

The success of this technique depends on the x86 in instruction, which copies data from the I/O port specified by the source operand to a memory location specified by the destination operand. VMware monitors the use of the in instruction and captures the I/O destined for the communication channel port 0x5668 (VX). Therefore, the second operand needs to be loaded with VX in order to check for VMware, which happens only when the EAX register is loaded with the magic number 0x564D5868 (VMXh). ECX must be loaded with a value corresponding to the action you wish to perform on the port. The value 0xA means “get VMware version type,” and 0x14 means “get the memory size.” Both can be used to detect VMware, but 0xA is more popular because it may determine the VMware version.

Phatbot, also known as Agobot, is a botnet that is simple to use. One of its features is its built-in support of the I/O communication port technique, as shown in Example 17-3.

Example 17-3. Phatbot’s VMware detection

004014FA        push    eax
004014FB        push    ebx
004014FC        push    ecx
004014FD        push    edx
004014FE        mov     eax, 'VMXh' 
00401503        mov     ebx, [ebp+var_1C]
00401506        mov     ecx, 0xA
00401509        mov     dx, 'VX' 
0040150E        in      eax, dx
0040150F        mov     [ebp+var_24], eax
00401512        mov     [ebp+var_1C], ebx
00401515        mov     [ebp+var_20], ecx
00401518        mov     [ebp+var_28], edx
0040153E        mov     eax, [ebp+var_1C]
00401541        cmp     eax, 'VMXh' 
00401546        jnz     short loc_40155C

The malware first loads the magic number 0x564D5868 (VMXh) into the EAX register at . Next, it loads the local variable var_1c into EBX, a memory address that will return any reply from VMware. ECX is loaded with the value 0xA to get the VMware version type. At , 0x5668 (VX) is loaded into DX, to be used in the following in instruction to specify the VMware I/O communication port.

Upon execution, the in instruction is trapped by the virtual machine and emulated to execute it. The in instruction uses parameters of EAX (magic value), ECX (operation), and EBX (return information). If the magic value matches VMXh and the code is running in a virtual machine, the virtual machine monitor will echo that back in the memory location specified by the EBX register.

The check at determines whether the code is being run in a virtual machine. Since the get version type option is selected, the ECX register will contain the type of VMware (1=Express, 2=ESX, 3=GSX, and 4=Workstation).

The easiest way to overcome this technique is to NOP-out the in instruction or to patch the conditional jump to allow it regardless of the outcome of the comparison.

Using the str Instruction

The str instruction retrieves the segment selector from the task register, which points to the task state segment (TSS) of the currently executing task. Malware authors can use the str instruction to detect the presence of a virtual machine, since the values returned by the instruction may differ on the virtual machine versus a native system. (This technique does not work on multiprocessor hardware.)

Figure 17-2 shows the str instruction at 0x401224 in malware known as SNG.exe. This loads the TSS into the 4 bytes: var_1 through var_4, as labeled by IDA Pro. Two comparisons are made at 0x40125A and 0x401262 to determine if VMware is detected.

Anti-VM x86 Instructions

We’ve just reviewed the most common instructions used by malware to employ anti-VM techniques. These instructions are as follows:

  • sidt

  • sgdt

  • sldt

  • smsw

  • str

  • in (with the second operand set to VX)

  • cpuid

Malware will not typically run these instructions unless it is performing VMware detection, and avoiding this detection can be as easy as patching the binary to avoid calling these instructions. These instructions are basically useless if executed in user mode, so if you see them, they’re likely part of anti-VMware code. VMware describes roughly 20 instructions as “not virtualizable,” of which the preceding are the most commonly used by malware.

Highlighting Anti-VM in IDA Pro

You can search for the instructions listed in the previous section in IDA Pro using the IDAPython script shown in Example 17-4. This script looks for the instructions, highlights any in red, and prints the total number of anti-VM instructions found in IDA’s output window.

Figure 17-2 shows a partial result of running this script against SNG.exe with one location (str at 0x401224) highlighted by the bar. Examining the highlighted code in IDA Pro will allow you to quickly see if the instruction found is involved in an anti-VM technique. Further investigation shows that the str instruction is being used to detect VMware.

The str anti-VM technique in SNG.exe

Figure 17-2. The str anti-VM technique in SNG.exe

Example 17-4. IDA Pro script to find anti-VM instructions

from idautils import *
from idc import *

heads = Heads(SegStart(ScreenEA()), SegEnd(ScreenEA()))
antiVM = []
for i in heads:
  if (GetMnem(i) == "sidt" or GetMnem(i) == "sgdt" or GetMnem(i) == "sldt" or
GetMnem(i) == "smsw" or GetMnem(i) == "str" or GetMnem(i) == "in" or
GetMnem(i) == "cpuid"):
print "Number of potential Anti-VM instructions: %d" % (len(antiVM))
for i in antiVM:
  SetColor(i, CIC_ITEM, 0x0000ff)
  Message("Anti-VM: %08x
" % i)

Using ScoopyNG

ScoopyNG ( is a free VMware detection tool that implements seven different checks for a virtual machine, as follows:

  • The first three checks look for the sidt, sgdt, and sldt (Red Pill and No Pill) instructions.

  • The fourth check looks for str.

  • The fifth and sixth use the backdoor I/O port 0xa and 0x14 options, respectively.

  • The seventh check relies on a bug in older VMware versions running in emulation mode.

For a disassembled version of ScoopyNG’s fourth check, see Figure 17-2.

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