subject index


Absenteeism, 66

Absorptive capacity, 421

Accommodation, 229

Achievement-oriented leadership, 300, 301

Acquired needs theory, 104106

Active listening, 246248

Activity measures, 128

Adaptive capacity, 421

Adhocracy, 409411

Adjourning stage, team development, 157

Affective Events Theory, 60

Affect, 54

Age diversity, 45

Agency theory, 283284

Agreeableness, as Big Five personality trait, 29

The Amazing Race (TV show), 249

Americans with Disabilities Act, 4546

Amoral managers, 17

Anchoring and adjustment heuristic, 205

Arbitration, 236

Athletics, 324

At-home affect, 67


affective component, 61

behavioral component, 61

cognitive component, 61

and cognitive consistency, 62

defined, 61

linking to behavior, 62

work-related, 6263

Attribution, 8688

Authentic leadership, 320, 321, 323

Authoritarianism, 33

Authoritative command, 229

Authority, acceptance of, 266267

Availability heuristic, 205

Avoidance, 228229, 282

Awareness of others, 26


Baby Boomers, 45

Bargaining zone, 233234

Behavioral complexity, 417

Behavioral decision model, 203204

Behavioral perspectives, 294295

Behaviorally anchored rating scales, 129

The Big Bang Theory (TV show), 92

Blogging, 223

Boards of directors, women on, 385

Bonuses, 126

Brainstorming, 189190

Braveheart (movie), 321

Bullying, 227


defined, 392

hybrid structures, 393394

machine-type, 392393

professional, 393

Business to business (B2B), 412

Business to consumers (B2C), 412


Cartels, 415

Centralization, 383384

Centralized communication networks, 184

Certain environments, 201

Chain of command, 378379


leaders as agents, 335338

organizational, leading, 332342

resistance to, 339342

transformational vs. incremental, 335336

Channel richness, 252

Charisma, 311

Charismatic leaders, 309310, 311

Chief executive officers (CEOs) and agency theory, 284

impact of values on organizational performance, 331, 418

moods, 57

pay issues, 312

Chilean mine collapse, 120

Chimneys. See Functional silos (chimneys) problem

Chinese Values Survey, 41

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 43

Classical conditioning, 89

Classical decision model, 203

Coalition power, 271, 274

Codes of conduct

managerial, 16

Twitter rules of thumb, 222

Coercive power, 269

Cognitive complexity, 417

Cognitive dissonance, 62

Cohesiveness, 179

Collaboration and problem solving, 229230

Collaborative communication, 255258

Collective intelligence, 163, 171


barriers to, 245246

collaborative, 255258

cross-cultural, 248251

defined, 242

downward, 252253

and feedback, 243244

formal vs. informal channels, 251252

interpersonal, 245251

lateral, 253254

nonverbal, 244245

organizational, 251255

upward, 253

Communication channels, 243

Communication networks, 183185

Commutative justice, 110

Competition, 229

Compressed workweeks, 137

Compromise, 229

Conceptual skills, 14

Confirmation error, 206


common causes, 225226

cultural aspects, 223224

defined, 220

functional vs. dysfunctional, 222223

levels, 220222

strategies for managing, 226230

types, 220

Conflict resolution, 224

Conformity. See Rule of conformity

Conglomerates, 394

Conscientiousness, as Big Five personality trait, 29

Consensus, 185186

Consideration, 294

Constructive conflict, 222

Consultative decisions, 208209

Content theories, 102

Context, 333

Contingency leadership, 296305

Contingency thinking, 56

Contingent reinforcement, 92

Continuous improvement, 173

Continuous reinforcement, 93

Contrast effects, 8485

Controlling, 12, 383. See also Leading; Organizing; Planning Controls

defined, 380

output, 380381

process, 381382

Coordination, 384, 389, 390, 391392

Coping, 37

Corporate culture. See Organizational culture

Countercultures, 350351

Counterproductive work behavior, 67

Crash (movie), 65

Creativity, in decision making, 211, 212214

Crisis decisions, 200

Crisis management, 200

Criteria questions, 199

Critical incident diaries, 129130

Cross-cultural communication, 248251

Cross-functional teams, 149

Cuban Missile Crisis, 189

Cultural lag, 367

Cultural symbols, 355

Culturally endorsed leadership dimension, 330

Cultures. See also Organizational culture; Workforce diversity

and business leadership practices, 295, 296

communication across, 248251

and conflict, 223224

defined, 40

dimensions of national culture, 4041, 350, 351352

leadership across, 327332

low-context vs. high-context, 249250


Decentralization, 383384

Decentralized communication networks, 183184

Decision making

background, 202203

behavioral model, 203204

biases in, 206

challenges, 205211

classical model, 203

consultative, 208209

creativity in, 211213

defined, 185, 196

environments for, 201202

and ethical reasoning, 197200

individual, 208209

intuitive model, 204

steps in process, 196

by teams, 185187, 208209

traps, 205211

types of decisions, 200201

Decision premises, 274

Defensiveness, 257

Delphi technique, 190

Dependent variables, 5

Directive leadership, 300, 301

Disability rights movement, 4546

Disconfirmation, 257

Display rules, 59

Dispute resolution. See Conflict resolution

Disruptive behavior, 175

Distress, 36

Distributed leadership, 174

Distributive justice, 110

Distributive negotiation, 232, 233234

Diversity, workforce. See also Cultures

defined, 11, 42

managing, 4748

and team performance, 162163

types, 4246

Xerox case study, W-101, W-102

Diversity-consensus dilemma, 163

Divisional departmentation, 386, 387

Dogmatism, 33

Downward communication, 252253

Dysfunctional conflict, 222223


Effective managers, 11

Effective negotiation, 231

Effective teams

criteria for, 152

defined, 152

social facilitation, 154155

synergy benefit, 153

Elsewhere Class, 84

E-mail, 254

Emotion and mood contagion, 58

Emotional adjustment traits, 3435

Emotional conflict, 220

Emotional dissonance, 5859

Emotional intelligence, 1314, 5455

Emotional labor, 58

Emotional stability, as Big Five personality trait, 29

Emotion-focused coping, 37


as affective events, 60

contagion, 58

cultural aspects, 59

defined, 54

self-conscious, 56

social, 56

types, 56

Empathy, as element of emotional intelligence, 14

Employee engagement, 63

Employee involvement teams, 149150

Employee stock ownership plans, 126


defined, 275276

psychological, 134

university faculty case study, W-119W-121

Encoding, 243

Environmental complexity, 414415

Equity theory

defined, 107

and organizational justice, 109110

predictions and findings, 108109

and social comparison, 107108

ERG theory, 104

Escalating commitment, 210211

Esteem need, 103

Ethical leadership, 323324


criteria questions, 199

and decision making, 197200

defined, 198

double-checks, 198199

and incentives, 269

Madoff scandal, 16

and morality, 1617

in negotiation, 232

Ethics mindfulness, 17


as element of workforce diversity, 4243

stereotyping, 82

Ethnocentrism, 248249

Eustress, 36

Evidence-based management, 6

The Ex (movie), 410

Existence needs, 104

Expectancy, 111, 112

Expectancy theory, 111112

Expert power, 271

Exploitation, 364

Exploration, 364

External adaptation, 348349

Extinction, 94

Extraversion, as Big Five personality trait, 29

Extrinsic rewards

contrived vs. natural, 90

defined, 90, 123124

pay as, 124127


Feedback, 243244

Filtering, 245

The Firm (movie), 359

FIRO-B theory, 162

Flaming, 254

Flexible working hours, 137

Flextime, 137

Followership, 307

Followership categorization theory, 307308

Food banks, 100

Force-coercion strategy, 338339

Forced distribution, 128

Formal channels, 251

Formal teams, 148

Formalization, 382

Forming stage, team development, 156

Framing errors, 206


Chick-fil-A, W-125

Perfect Pizzeria case study, W-109W-110

Stroller Strides, 52, 54

Functional conflict, 222

Functional departmentation, 385, 386

Functional silos (chimneys) problem, 149

Fundamental attribution error, 87

Fundamental interpersonal orientation. See FIRO-B theory


Gain sharing, 126

Gender. See also Women

as element of workforce diversity, 4344

stereotyping, 82

General environment, 413414

Generation Xers, 45

Generational diversity, 45

Giving circles, 335

Global Health Initiative, W-103, W-104

GLOBE. See Project GLOBE

Goal setting

conscious vs. subconscious goals, 114

defined, 113

and MBO, 115

research summary, 113114

tips for, 113


organizational, 374376

output, 375

societal, 374375

systems, 375376

Grafting, 402

Grapevine, 251252

Graphic rating scales, 128129

Group dynamics, 164

Groupthink, 188189

Growth needs, 104


Halo effect, 83

Heredity, 27, 28

Heterogeneous teams, 162163

Heuristics, 205

Hierarchy of needs theory, 103104

High-context cultures, 250

Higher-order needs, 103104

High-performance teams, 170173

Hindsight trap, 206

Homogeneous teams, 162

Hope, 320

Horizontal specialization, 384

Human skills, 1314

Hygiene factors, 106

Immediate reinforcement, 92

Immoral managers, 1617

Implicit followership theory (IFT), 307308

Implicit leadership theory (ILT), 305306

Impression management, 80, 82

Incentives, 269

Inclusion, 11, 47

Incremental change, 336

Independent variables, 5

Indifference. See Zone of indifference

Individual decisions, 208209

Individual differences, 26

Individualism-collectivism, 40, 41

Individualized consideration, 311

Inequity, perceived, 108109

Inertia, 406

Influence, 264, 274275

Influence capacity, 274

Informal channels, 251252

Informal groups, 148

Information power, 270

Information technology, 408, 411413

In-groups, 47

Initiating structure, 294


defined, 368

exploration vs. exploitation, 364365

managing organizational culture, 365368

process-type, 363364

product-type, 362363

steps in process, 361362

team factors, 363

Innovation Jam, 190, 256

Inspiration, 311

Instrumental values, 39

Instrumentality, 111, 112

Integrative negotiation, 232, 234235

Intellectual stimulation, 311

Interactional justice, 81, 110

Interactional transparency, 256

Interdependence, 264

Interfirm alliances, 416

Intergroup conflict, 221

Intermittent reinforcement, 93

Internal integration, 349350

Internet, 250, 255256, 262

Interorganizational conflict, 221222

Interpersonal barriers, 245

Interpersonal conflict, 221

Inter-team dynamics, 180181

Intrapersonal conflict, 221, 228

Intrinsic rewards, 123, 124

Intuition, 207

Intuitive decision model, 204

Intuitive thinking, 204

Invictus (movie), 272

Iranian election, 262


Job burnout, 36

Job characteristics model, 134136

Job Descriptive Index (JDI), 64

Job design

alternative approaches, 133136

defined, 131132

job characteristics model, 134136

and scientific management, 132133

Job enlargement, 133

Job enrichment, 107, 133134

Job involvement, 62

Job performance

impact of rewards, 6870

relationship to job satisfaction, 6768

Job rotation, 133

Job satisfaction

components, 64

defined, 11, 62

importance, 63

influence on job performance, 6770

influence on worker behavior, 6667

spillover effect, 69

trends, 6566

Job sharing, 138

Job simplification, 132133

John Q (movie), 19


Keiretsu, 415


Lack-of-participation error, 197

Lateral communication, 253254

Law of contingent reinforcement, 92

Law of effect, 90

Law of immediate reinforcement, 92

Layoffs, 352

Leader match training, 298299

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, 313


behavioral perspective, 294295

as change agents, 335338

compared with managers, 292293

defined, 15

trait perspective, 293294

women as, 7


across cultures, 327332

charismatic, 309310, 311

contexts for action, 332335

defined, 292

and employee voice, 254

ethical, 323324

follower-centered approaches, 305309

Hersey-Blanchard model, 301304

inspirational and relational perspectives, 309313

and management, 1117

moral, 320324

and organizational change, 332342

in organizations, 1416

path-goal view, 300301

and Project GLOBE, 327332

prototypes, 306

romance of, 305

shared, 324327

and situational contingencies, 296305

spiritual, 320322

substitutes for, 304305

women's strengths, 7

Leadership categorization theory, 306307

Leadership grid, 294296

Leading, 12. See also Controlling; Organizing; Planning

Leaking pipeline, 44

Learning. See also Social learning theory

defined, 18

lifelong, 18

organizational, 401404

vicarious, 402

Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) scale, 297

Legitimacy, 265

Legitimate power, 268

Lifelong learning, 18

Line units, 379380

LMX theory, 313

Locus of control, 3132

Long-term/short-term orientation, 4041

Lose-lose conflicts, 228

Low-context cultures, 249250

Lower-order needs, 103104


Machiavellianism, 33, 278

Machine bureaucracy, 392393

Madagascar (movie), 188

Maintenance activities, 175

Management, as profession, 16. See also Leadership; Managers

Management by objectives (MBO), 115

Management philosophy, 365366

Managerial scripts, 406

Managerial wisdom, 421


decisional roles, 12, 13

defined, 11

four functions of management process, 12

informational roles, 12, 13

interpersonal roles, 12, 13

and leadership, 1117

and morality, 1617

skills needed, 1314

Masculinity-femininity, 40

Matrix departmentation, 387388

Mechanistic type of bureaucracy, 392393

Mediation, 236

Meetings, 177

Merit pay, 124125

Millennials, 45, 67

Mimicry, 401

Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), 64

Mission statements, 374375

Models, 5

Mommy drain, 137


as affective events, 60

all-consuming, 65

contagion, 58

cultural aspects, 59

defined, 5657

Moral dilemmas, 198

Moral leadership, 320324

Moral managers, 17, 19

Moral problems, 198

Morality, and ethics, 1617


and alternative work schedules, 136139

defined, 102, 122

as element of emotional intelligence, 14

equity theory, 107110

expectancy theory, 111112

goal-setting theory, 112115

integrated model, 122

and job design, 131136

needs theories, 103107

and performance management, 127131

role of rewards, 122127

types of theories, 102103

Motivator factors, 106107

Movies. See also TV shows

Braveheart, 321

Crash, 65

The Ex, 410

The Firm, 359

Invictus, 272

John Q, 19

Madagascar, 188

Patton, 311

Ratatouille, 385

Remember the Titans, 302

Shrek, 30

Spanglish, 279

Multicultural organizations, 352353

Multiculturalism, 11

Multiskilling, 151

Mum effect, 255

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 31


National cultures, 4041, 351, 352353

Nature vs. nurture, 2728

Need for achievement (nAch), 104105, 106

Need for affiliation (nAff), 105

Need for power (nPower), 105106


acquired, 104106

ERG theory, 104

Maslow's hierarchy, 103104

two-factor theory, 106107

Negative reinforcement, 93


common pitfalls, 235

defined, 230

distributive vs. integrative, 232234

effective, 231

ethical aspects, 232

goals and outcomes, 230231

organizational settings, 232

strategies for, 232236

third-party roles, 235236

tips for asking for more pay, 234

Networks [human], 14

New Green Economy, W-103, W-104

Noise, 242243

Nominal group technique, 190

Nonprogrammed decisions, 200

Nonverbal communication, 244245

Norming stage, team development, 157


defined, 176177

influencing, 178

types, 177


Obedience, 265266

Observable culture, 353, 354355

Off-site retreats, 173

Open systems, 93

Openness to experience, as Big Five personality trait, 29

Operant conditioning, 90, 92

Operations technologies, 408409

Optimism, 320

Optimizing decisions, 203

Organic type of bureaucracy, 393

Organization charts, 377378

Organizational behavior, defined, 46

Organizational behavior modification, 90

Organizational citizenship behavior, 67

Organizational climate, 9

Organizational commitment, 63

Organizational cultural lag, 367

Organizational culture

countercultures, 350351

defined, 9, 348

functions, 348350

incorporating innovation, 365368

layers of analysis, 353354

managing, 365368

observable, 353, 354355

rules and roles, 355356

shared common assumptions, 354, 356360

shared values, 353354, 355

stories, rites, rituals, and symbols, 354355

subcultures, 350

Organizational design

defined, 404406

and environment, 413416

and information technology, 411413

and strategic decisions, 404405

and technology, 408413

Organizational governance, 286

Organizational justice, 109110

Organizational learning, 401404

Organizational myths, 358360

Organizational politics

defined, 278279

role in forecasting, 280281

and self-protection, 281283


conflict dynamics in, 220224

defined, 89

as hierarchies, 377380

leadership in, 1416

as networks of teams, 147149

as open systems, 93

trends in human behavior, 78

as work settings, 811

Organizing, 12. See also Controlling; Leading; Planning

Outdoor camps, 172173

Out-groups, 47

Output controls, 380381

Output goals, 375

Output measures, 128

Outsourcing, 199


Paired comparisons, 128

Parochialism, 249

Participative leadership, 295, 300, 301

Part-time work, 138139

Passive followership beliefs, 308

Path-goal view of managerial leadership, 300301, 302

Patterning of attention, 335

Patton (movie), 311

Pay for performance, 124127

Peaceful societies, and business leadership practices, 295

Pentagon. See Defense Department

Perceived inequity, 108109


common distortions, 8286

defined, 76

factors influencing, 7678

stages of process, 7879

Performance. See Job performance

Performance appraisals, 76. See also Performance measurement

Performance gaps, 336

Performance management, 127131

Performance measurement

activity measures, 128

errors in, 131

methods, 128131

output measures, 128

Performance norm, 177

Performance-contingent pay

defined, 124

merit pay as, 124125

methods of linking, 126127

Performing stage, team development, 157

Personal conception traits, 3134

Personal power, 271273, 276

Personal wellness, 38

Personality, 29, 3538

Personality testing, 34

Personality traits

Big Five, 29

defined, 29

emotional adjustment traits, 3435

personal conception traits, 3134

social traits, 2931

Physical distractions, 246

Pit Instruction and Training, W-114W-115

Pittsburgh Pirates mascot, 56

Planned change, 336, 337339

Planning, 12. See also Controlling; Leading; Organizing

Political savvy, 273, 274. See also Organizational politics

Position power

building, 272273

changing, 276

types, 268270

vs. personal power, 268

Positive reinforcement, 9093, 94


defined, 264

as need, 105106

organizational basis for, 264268

organizational sources, 268275

position vs. personal, 268273

Power distance, 40, 41

Power-oriented behavior, 272

Presence, 244

Presence-aware tools, 255

Presenteeism, 125

Proactive followership beliefs, 308

Proactive personality, 3233

Problem-focused coping, 37

Problem-solving styles, 2931

Problem-solving teams, 149

Procedural justice, 109110

Process benchmarking, 402

Process controls, 381382

Process innovations, 363364

Process power, 269270

Process theories, 102

Product innovations, 362363

Professional bureaucracy, 393

Profit sharing, 126

Programmed decisions, 200

Projection, 84

Prosocial power motivation, 296

Prototypes, 306

Proxemics, 184

Psychological contract, 267

Psychological empowerment, 134

Punishment, 94


Quality circles, 150



as element in worker performance measurement, 130

as element of workforce diversity, 4243

stereotyping, 82

Ranking, as method of performance measurement, 128

Ratatouille (movie), 385

Rating scales, 128129

Rational persuasion, 271, 339

Receivers, 243

Referent power, 271


contingent, 92

continuous, 93

defined, 89

immediate, 92

intermittent, 93

negative, 93

positive, 9093, 94

pros and cons, 95

Relatedness needs, 104

Relationship management, 55

Reliability, as performance measurement criterion, 131

Remember the Titans (movie), 302

Representative power, 270

Representativeness heuristic, 205

Resilience, 320

Resistance to change, 339342

Resource dependencies, 284285

Restricted communication networks, 184

Retreats, off-site, 173

Reward power, 268


extrinsic, 123124

impact on job performance, 6870

intrinsic, 123, 124

pay as, 124127

Risk environments, 201

Risk management, 202

Rites, 355

Rituals, 355

Role ambiguity, 176

Role conflict, 176

Role negotiation, 176

Role overload, 176

Role underload, 176

Roles, 175

Romance of leadership, 305

Rule of conformity, 179180


Sagas, 354

Satisficing decisions, 204

Scanning, 402

Schemas, 7879

Scientific management, 132

Scientific methods, 5, 6

Selective listening, 245

Selective perception, 8384

Selective screening, 78

Self-actualization need, 103


defined, 26, 55

as element of emotional intelligence, 14

and intrapersonal conflict, 221, 228

Self-concept, 26

Self-conscious emotions, 56

Self-efficacy, 27, 88, 320

Self-esteem, 26

Self-fulfilling prophecies, 8586

Self-leadership, 326327

Self-management, 55

Self-managing teams, 150151

Self-monitoring, 3334

Self-protection, 281283


displaying emotions in workplace, 59

as element of emotional intelligence, 14

Self-serving bias, 87

Semantic barriers, 246

Senders, 243

September 11 attacks, 357

Servant leadership, 322333

Sexual orientation, as element of workforce diversity, 4445

Shaping, 9293

Shared leadership

defined, 324

and self-leadership, 326327

in work teams, 324326

Shared power strategy, 339

Short-term orientation, 4041

Shrek (movie), 30

Sick, working when, 125

Silos. See Functional silos (chimneys) problem

Simple design, 407408

Situational contingencies, 296305

Situational control, 297

Situational leadership model, 301304

Skill-based pay, 126127


conceptual, 14

defined, 13

human, 1314

technical, 13

Smoothing, 229

Social capital, 14

Social construction, 308

Social emotions, 56

Social facilitation, 154155

Social identity theory, 47

Social learning theory, 8788

Social loafing, 153, 155, 178

Social media, 80, 82, 250. See also Facebook; Twitter

Social network analysis, 148149

Social networking. See Social media

Social skill, as element of emotional intelligence, 14

Social traits, 2930

Societal goals, 374

Span of control, 379

Spanglish (movie), 279

Specific environment, 414

Spillover effect, 35, 36, 69

Spiritual leadership, 320322, 323

Spotlight questions, 199

Staff units, 379380

Stakeholders, 3

Standardization, 382

Status congruence, 162

Status differences, 255

Stereotypes, 82

Stereotyping, 44

Stigma, 46

Stock options, 126

Storming stage, team development, 156157

Strategic leadership, 416421


and co-evolution, 400

defined, 400

and organizational learning, 403404

as pattern of decisions, 401

process, 400


defined, 35

managing, 3738

outcomes, 3637

sources, 3536, 378

Subcultures, 350, 351

Substantive conflict, 220

Substitutes for leadership, 304305

Subunit power, 281

Supportive communication principles, 257258

Supportive leadership, 300, 301

Survivor (TV show), 154

Synergy, 153

Systematic thinking, 204

Systems goals, 375376


Task activities, 175

Task performance, 11

Team composition, 161162

Team decisions, 208209

Team-building, 171173


background, 146147

building, 171173

cohesiveness, 179180

common problems, 153154

communication, 182185

conflict between, 221

creativity drivers for decision making, 212214

cross-functional, 149

decision making by, 185190, 208209

defined, 147

effectiveness, 152155

employee involvement, 149150

formal, 148

group dynamics, 164

heterogeneous, 162163

high-performance, 170173

homogeneous, 162

improving processes, 173182

inter-team dynamics, 180181

leadership, 173182

member contributions, 146

membership composition, 161162

NASCAR example, 161

nature of task, 160

new members, 174

norms, 176178

open system model, 158159

problem-solving, 149

quality circles as, 150

resources and settings, 159160

Ringlemann effect, 153

role dynamics, 175176

role in organizations, 147149

self-managing, 150151

shared leadership, 324326

size considerations, 160

social facilitation, 154155

stages of development, 156158

subgroups in, 181

synergy benefit, 153

task and maintenance leadership, 174175

virtual, 151152

what they do, 147

Teamwork, 146147

Technical skills, 13

Telecommuting, 138

Terminal values, 39

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 104

360-degree evaluation, 131

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 43

The Tonight Show (TV show), 12

Top-management teams (TMTs), 417419

Total quality management (TQM), 382383

Trait perspectives, 293

Transactional leadership, 310

Transformational change, 335336

Transformational leadership, 310311, 323

Transparency, 256

Turf, defending, 283

Turnover, 66

TV shows. See also Movies

The Amazing Race, 249

The Big Bang Theory, 92

Survivor, 154

The Tonight Show, 12

Two-factor theory, 106107

Type A orientation, 35, 38

Type B orientation, 35


Uncertain environments, 202

Uncertainty avoidance, 40

Unethical behavior, rationalizing, 277

Unintended consequences, 359360

Universal design, 46

Unplanned change, 336

Upward communication, 253


Valence, 111, 112

Validity, as performance measurement criterion, 131

Value chains, 3

Value congruence, 3940


defined, 38

instrumental, 39

sources, 38

terminal, 39

Variables, dependent vs. independent, 5

Vertical specialization, 377, 385

Vicarious learning, 402

Virtual communication networks, 185

Virtual organizations, 412413

Virtual teams, 151152, 168

VoIP, 168

Vroom-Jago model, 208, 209


Webcams, 168

Wikileaks, 256

Wikis, 256

Win-lose strategies, 229

Win-win strategies, 229230, 234

Withdrawal behavior, 6667


on corporate boards of directors, 385

and diversity issues, 4344

as leaders, 7

stereotyping, 82

Work sharing, 138

Work stressors, 36

Workforce diversity. See also Cultures

defined, 11, 42

managing, 4748

and team performance, 162163

types, 4246

Xerox case study, W-101, W-102

Working Mother magazine, 102

Work-life balance, 36, 67, 69, 136139


alternative work schedules, 136139

employee voice, 254

interactional justice perceptions, 81

nature of organizations, 811

World Trade Center, 357


Zone of indifference, 267268

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