
Accessibility Windows Assembly Line Balancing Problem Level2 (AWALBP-L2), 72
Actuators, 2
Adempiere, 148
Advanced manufacturing paradigms and technologies, 23–26
Advanced manufacturing systems (AMSs), 12, 13
Advanced production planning and scheduling (APPS) model, 88
Agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm, 72
Agent-based gateway operating system (GOS), 43
to manage the RFID sensors for the ubiquitous company, 45
Agent-based service discovery framework, 87
Agent technology, 148
Agile manufacturing (AM), 21
approach strong networks with, 3
goal, 3
principles, 4
Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Forum (AMEF), 2, 21
affiliated with, 2
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), 176
ANSI/ISA-95 standard, 148
Application program interface (API), 45
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, 89
Artificial immune system (AIS)-based model, 110
Artificial intelligence (AI), 148
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 132
modeler to predict assembly times, 72
Assembly lines, 67
asynchronous, 67
synchronous, 67
Assembly station systems, challenges, 67
Assistant services, for assembly line, 71
Asynchronous assembly line, 67
Auto-ID devices, 21, 45, 133, 153
for capturing real-time manufacturing data
heterogeneous, 45
Auto-ID sensors, 151
Auto-ID technologies, 36, 37, 43, 68, 109
Automated guided vehicles (AGV), 110
Automated material handling system (AMHS), 110
in semiconductor manufacturing, 110
Automotive manufacturing systems, 131
Barcode, 109
Basic events (BEs), 53, 135
Bayesian networks (BNs), 132
“Big manufacturing data” in CMfg, 89
Bill of material (BOM), 158, 165, 166
based life cycle assessment, 43
monitor of, 196
Biobjective 0-1 integer programming model, 72
Bluetooth, 21, 109
Business-to-manufacturing mark-up language (B2MML)
based RMMI template, 54
standard, 27
Candidate services, evaluation indicators, 177
Candidate sets of MCs (MCCS), 175
evaluation indicators for candidate services, 175, 179
Candidate task set, 184
Capability evaluation agent (CEA), 148, 179, 180
model, 154–155
Case study, 56
hardware device, 56–57
software system, 58–62
Chaos control optimal algorithm (CCOA), 89
Cloud computing (CC), 85
Cloud machine model, 90
Cloud manufacturing (CMfg), 10, 43, 85
concept of “Everything as a Service”, 85
environment, 87
implementing, 12
offer several key advantages, 11
configuration problem, 86
configuration process encounter questions, 86
Cloud manufacturing service (CMS), 175
Cloud service composition (CSC), 90
Cloud service selection and composition, 89
Cluster supply chains (CSC), 89
CMfg service platform for SMEs, 87
CMS candidate sets (CMSCSs), 90
CNC level, 150
Cognitive automation, 110
Communicating device, 1
Communication and information network technologies, 67
Communication protocols, 1
Complex events (CEs), 135
definition, 136
Computer aided design (CAD) assembly models, 72
Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 21
Computer network technology (CNT), 4
Computer-readable exchange of the product bill of materials (BOM) information, 27
Construct real-time information model, 183
Critical event (CrE), 130, 136
based information extracting process, 133
Crowdsourcing, 21
Cyber-physical systems (CPS), 10
Data acquisition, 2
Data capturing, 153
Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 130
Data preprocessing, 51
Decision tree (DT), 129
DEMAT machine tools, 46
Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA), 72
Discrete event system (DES), 129
Disruptive Civil Technologies, 1
Dolibarr, 148
DT-based anomaly extraction, 139
DT-based model, 130
Dynamic alliance, 21
Dynamic modeling, 87
Earliest due date (EDD), 193
Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (ERC/RMS), 6
Enterprise information systems (EISs), 133, 148
Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 27, 148
Equipment agent (EA), 148, 153–154
Event-triggered real-time scheduling method
for stabilizing control tasks, 150
Evolution strategy, 159
Existing manufacturing paradigms and limitations, 2
agile manufacturing, 2
Extended EXPRESS-G data model, 27
Extensible mark-up language (XML)-based schemas, 27
Financial stability, 3
Fitness function, 159
Flexible manufacturing (FM), 21
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), 7
Formal concept analysis (FCA), 72
Fuzzy-ID3, 141
Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems (FDSNP)
for power transmission networks, 132
Fuzzy value, defined, 140
Fuzzy XML model, 27
GA-based production scheduling algorithm, 159
evolution strategy, 159
fitness function, 159
gene and chromosome, 159
mutation mechanism, 160
GA-based solving module, 157
3G communication device, 75
4G communication device, 75
Genetic algorithm (GA)-based production scheduling algorithm, 148
Genetic-artificial bee colony (G-ABC) algorithm, 89
Geographic information system (GIS), 75, 130
Global color set declarations, 199
Global manufacturing, 21
Global positioning system (GPS), 2
GRA-based evaluation approach, 100, 102
Graphical user interface (GUI), 96
Green manufacturing, 21
Group leader algorithm (GLA), 89
GSM, 56, 57, 129
Hadoop-based approach
for web service management in telecommunication and Internet domains, 45
Hadoop-based distributed sensor node management system, 45
Healthcare domain, 2
Hierarchy timed color Petri net (HTCPN)
based critical event analysis
basic concepts of, 136–137
manufacturing resources, 138
model construction, 137
production performance extraction, 139
basic concepts, 136
definition, 137
manufacturing resources, 138
method, 131
model, 197–199
construction, 137
technologies, 135
Hybrid operator-based matrix-coded genetic algorithm (HO-MCGA), 89
Hybrid timed automaton models, 132
ICheck, 53
Industrial product-service systems (IPS2), 8, 21
key research technologies, categories, 8
Information model, of manufacturing service, 92
basic information, 92
defined as, 92
evaluation information, 93
function information, 92
real-time status information, 93
Information network technologies, 67
Information of configuration module (ICM), 79
Information sensing equipment, 2
Information technology (IT), 68
Integrated product development (IPD), 21
Intelligent algorithms, 21
Intelligent manufacturing system, 201
Intelligent token PN (ITPN), 131
Intelligent trolley, real-time data-driven navigation of, 188
IntelliSense, 13
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 1
Internet of manufacturing things (IoMT), 88
Internet of Things (IoT), 1, 12, 67, 68, 85
application in IoT-based energy management in product life cycle, 14
automatic product inspection, 16
efficient transport planning, 16
efficient working way of manufacturing equipment, 16
energy conservation use guide, 16
predicting remaining lifetime of parts or components, 16
predictive and cooperative maintenance, 16
public facilities real-time monitoring, 14
simulation and testing of product, 14
applications in manufacturing system, 13–14
in enterprise, 14
in workshop, 14
architecture, 2
assembly station, smart model for, 202
assembly trolley, 202
environment, 165
real-time production logistics (PL) synchronization system, 88
smart assembly station, 36, 74
overall architecture, 73
smart material handling module
moving tasks, calculations, 183–185
task description, 181
user interfaces, of prototype system, 185–188
smart station, 174, 190
case scenario, 190
operation guidance from system, 190
real-time queuing under exceptions, 190–193
smart trolley, 116
antenna, 117
defined notations for the information model of trolley, 118
industrial control computer, 117
overall solution of the proposed smart trolley, 116
real-time information capturing and encapsulation, 116
RFID reader, 116, 117
RFID reader and antennas, 116
RFID tags, 116
general architecture, 3
technologies, 109
Internet of things based manufacturing system (IoT-MS), 23
conception of, 17
core technologies of, 36
description of, 35, 36
hardware part, 17
key components designed for, 29
IoT techniques, 29
manufacturing resources, 29
middleware, 29
real-time monitor, 30
real-time optimization, 30
smart station, 30
smart trolley, 30
key features and limitations, 17
overall architecture of, 28, 29
production scheduling/rescheduling module, 178–180
quantifying the tasks, 178
prototype system, framework of
information model, 170
system architecture, 170
prototype system, logical flow of, 173–174
real-time key production performances monitor module, 197
hierarchy timed color Petri net (HTCPN) model, 197–199
real-time manufacturing information track/trace, 194–195
smart shop floor, configuration of, 165
bill of materials (BOM), 166
hardware devices, deployment of, 166
production task, formation of, 165
shop floor, layout of, 166
software part, 17
task driven manufacturing resource configuration module, 175
CMS optimal configuration, 176–178
MC optimal configuration, 175–176
worklogic of, 34
IoT devices configuration, 34
manufacturing resources configuration, 34
material handling, 35
production task scheduling, 35
real-time monitor, analyze, and optimization, 35
smart model of bottom manufacturing resources, 34
Interoperability, 109
ISA95 standard, 27
iShopFloor, 45
IsScrap, 53
ITU Internet Reports 2005 Executive Summary, 1
Jobs after exceptions, 194
Just in time (JIT), 68
Key performance indicators (KPIs) analysis, 130
top-down approach for root cause analysis, 132
Key production performance analysis (KPPA), 129
Large equipment complete service (LECS)
collaborative logical framework based on CMfg platform and GPGP, 87
Laser scanner, 2
LCD fabrication facility, 110
Lean production (LP), 68
Local positioning system (LPS), 110
Machine agent model, 153
Manufacturing cell (MC), 166
Manufacturing cell cloud service (MCCS), 37
Manufacturing data
related to environment, 50
related to manufacturing objects, 50
related to worker, 50
Manufacturing grid (MGrid), 9, 21
categories, 9
Manufacturing information
processing and sharing, 46
related to process quality, 50
standard, 27
Manufacturing information sensing system (MISS), 170
Manufacturing machine cloud service (MMCS), 37
Manufacturing objects (MOs)
real-time data of, 88
Manufacturing process
modeling of, 167
Manufacturing shop floor, layout of, 169
Material handling, 110
Material handling methods, traditional, 110
Material tracking system, deployment of, 170
Mechanical automaton, 110
M2M in manufacturing, 17
Mobile agent-based negotiation pattern, 148
Mobile 2D barcode/RFID-based maintenance management system, 151
Mobile phones, 2
Mobile ticketing, 2
Modified Markov chain model (MMCM), 110
Moving tasks, 182
obtaining new, 186
parameters of, 184
routing of, 185
MRs&Cs optimal allocation, 12
based registration and publication method, 96
accessing to the CMfg platform, 96
framework of, 96, 97
Multicomposition for each task (MCET) pattern, 89
Multicriteria decision making (MCDM), 86
Multidimensional information model, 87
Multiobjective MGrid resource service composition and optimal-selection (MO-MRSCOS), 89
Multiplant assembly planning model, 72
Multiplant assembly sequences, 72
Multiple sensors, deployment of, 47
Multiple sensors manager, 47, 51
key information interested by managers, 49
manufacturing data related
to environment, 50
to manufacturing objects, 50
to worker, 50
manufacturing information related
to machine, 49
to process quality, 50
Multiple sensors selection, 50
Multisensors, deployment of, 49
Multisource manufacturing information, 49
capturing and sharing, 51
data preprocessing, 51
basic events (BEs), 53
primitive events (PEs), 53
TTCPNs used to analysis primitive events, 53
WIP Arrived, 53
information encapsulation, 54
manufacturing information sharing, 56
description of, 49
processing, and sharing, 48
Multitype data capturing device, 170
Mutation mechanism, 160
to pick-up point, 186
to second picking-up site, 187
NeedRepair, 53
Networked manufacturing (NM), 4, 21
application technology, 4
basic technology, 4
integration technology, 4
overall technology, 4
schematic of, 5
technologies involved in, 4
New graph-based representation models, 72
Notations, 156
Novel RFID-based CPN analysis, 131
One class support vector machine (1-class SVM), 72
Online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM)-based RFID positioning method, 88
Ontology, 12
Ontology model of manufacturing service, 93, 95
description of “Basic_Information”, 94
inverse properties defined as, 94
hasAttribute, 94
hasPart, 94
isAttributeOf, 94
isPartOf, 94
screen shot, 95
steps for constructing, 94
Ontology Web Language (OWL), 87
based semantic mediation approaches
to enhance manufacturing service capability models, 45
mapping between OWL-S profile and UDDI, 98
OpenERP, 148
Overall architecture of manufacturing resources configuration method, 91
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 110
algorithm, 89
Parts loading, monitor of, 187
Petri net-based model
under the IoMT environment, 77
real-time situation of manufacture resources read quickly, 77
Petri net execution process, 77
real-time manufacturing information, store in dynamical information template, 78
of the real-time production guiding, 77
Petri nets (PNs), 129
PN-based production PAM, 138
Plug-and-play (PnP) fashion/pattern, 44, 51, 153
PN-based decision system, 131
PN-based production performance model, 139
Primitive events (PEs), 53, 135
Process fault detection, 72
Processing tasks, production schedule of, 168
Product data management (PDM), 27
Production deviation, monitor of, 195
Production execution monitor agent (PEMA), 148, 180
model, 157–159
Production logistics synchronization (PLS), 45
Production performance (PP), 129
Production performance analysis method (PPAM), 129
real-time production, 133
Production planning, 72
Production schedule, 178
Production scheduling/rescheduling module, 178–180
quantifying the tasks, 178
Product-service system (PSS), 8
key research technologies, categories, 8
Prototype system, 172
framework of
information model, 170
system architecture, 170
information model of, 170, 173
logical flow of, 173–174
workflow of, 174
PSO-based method, 89
Quality distribution, 200
Quality of service (QoS)
chaos control optimal algorithm (CCOA), 89
index for SCOS in CMfg, 89
values of services, 89
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 21, 43, 85, 109, 129, 133, 151
based applications in assembly line, 70
based intelligent decision support system
for real-time production monitoring and, 88
based real-time location system (RTLS), 88, 130
based remote monitoring system, 44
based smart decision support system, 130
cuboid model, 87
enabled real-time manufacturing execution system, 44
enabled real-time manufacturing information tracking infrastructure (RTMITI), 68
RFID-GA-based warehouse resource allocation system, 110
system, 1
tags, 1, 2, 166
Real-time and multisource data (RMD), 129
Real-time and multisource manufacturing information (RMMI)
sensing ability, 43
Real-time and multisource manufacturing information sensing system (RMMISS), 44, 47, 201
overall architecture of, 48
Real-time data capturing in manufacturing field, 111–113
Real-time information, 75
based allocation strategy of material handling tasks, 109
Real-time information-driven production scheduling (RIDPS) system, 152
strategy, 203
ubiquitous manufacturing (UM), 147
Real-time information enabled material handling strategy, 113
active material handling strategy, 114
central material handling strategy, 114
Real-time information exchange, 118
Real-time information streams, 109
Real-time information track, 194
Real-time interactions, 68
Real-time key production anomaly analysis, 133
Real-time key production performances analysis method, 202
critical event, event hierarchy of, 135
overview of, 129–130
research gap, 133
Real-time key production performances monitor module, 197
hierarchy timed color Petri net (HTCPN) model, 197–199
Real-time manufacturing data capturing, 44
RFID-enabled indoor locating method, 44
Real-time manufacturing information schema (RMIS)
integration framework of, 30
framework of real-time manufacturing information sharing and integration, 30
real-time manufacturing data processing, sharing, and exchanging service, 31–32
Real-time manufacturing information track/trace, 194–195
Real-time product information, 196
Real-time production anomaly diagnosis, 139
analysis, 130, 132
anomaly extraction, 142–143
causes diagnosis, 142–143
decision variables, 140
historical cases, 140
PP analysis problem, 140
tree builder, 141–142
Real-time production data sharing (RPDS), 69, 78
implementation framework of, 78
Real-time production guiding, 69, 75
service, 76
Real-time production information perception and capturing, 88
Real-time production KPIs analysis, 130–131
Real-time production monitoring technique, 130
Real-time production performance analysis model, 134
critical event-based information extracting process, 135
real-time key production anomaly analysis, 135
smart sensors configuration, 133
Real-time production requeuing (RPQ), 69, 79–82
Real-time queuing service, 190
Real-time scheduling agent (RSA), 148, 180
model, 155–157
Real-time scheduling algorithms, 150
Real-time scheduling approach, 150
Real-time scheduling methods
in real-life manufacturing floors, 147
Real-time status information, 75
Real-time status monitoring (RSM), 69, 75
Reconfigurable machine tool (RMT), 6
Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS), 6
characteristics, 6
components of, 6
convertibility, 7
customization, 7
diagnosability, 7
integrability, 6
modularity, 6
scalability, 7
Reverse maximum matching (RMM) approach, 142
RFID-enabled real-time reconfigurable manufacturing, 130
Run distance, without loading, 189
Scheduling result, 181
Semantic web, 12
Sensors, 2
deployment in manufacturing shop floor, 52
management, 45
in a PnP pattern, 44
technology, 21
Service composition and optimal selection (SCOS), 89
Service optimal configuration method, 100, 101
calculate grey relational coefficient, 103
calculate grey relational degree, 103
determine optimal indicator sequence, 102
evaluation indicators for service composition, 104
evaluation of service compositions, 103
generate initial evaluation matrix, 102
normalize evaluation matrix, 102
subindicators exacted from evaluation information of CMS, 101
cost (C), 101
delivery time, 101
OTDR, 101
pass rate, 101
Servitization of shop-floor resources, 90
Share and integration method, 27
Shop-floor material handling (SMH), 109
aims to implement green SMH through combining the move tasks, 116
overall architecture of optimization model for, 115
combination optimization for move tasks, 115
IoT-enabled smart trolley, 115
real-time information exchange, 115
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc, 27
Simulation program, 110
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 85
Smart assembly stations, 67
Smart Dust, 1
Smart machine, component of, 172
Smart meters, 43
Smart PLS control method, 45
Smart sensors, 44
Smart shop floor
configuration of, 165, 171
bill of materials (BOM), 166
hardware devices, deployment of, 166
production task, formation of, 165
shop floor, layout of, 166
Smart stations
user interface of operation guidance, 192
SME-oriented CMfg service platform, 87
Social networking, 2
Software application, 45
Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP), 27
STEP ISO 10303-21 implement, 27
Supply chain management (SCM), 4
Sustainable manufacturing, defined as, 21
Synchronous assembly systems, 67
Synergistic elementary service group-based service composition (SESG-SC), 89
Tabu Search (TS), 193
algorithm, 69, 194
Task driven manufacturing resource configuration module, 175
CMS optimal configuration, 176–178
MC optimal configuration, 175–176
Task-driven manufacturing service configuration model, 99
Task-driven service proactive discovery, 99
Exact, Plug in, Subsume, and Fail, 99, 100
semantic matching, 100
Task JSQ011, 190
Task structure, 168
Tecnomatix plant simulation, 165
Timed transition color Petri net (TTCPN), 53, 75, 77
Transmission, 2
Transportation, 2
Trolleys, 109
in the shop floor, 110
Tunis World Summit on Information Society in 2005, 1
Two-stage combination optimization method for move tasks, 119
AHP-based combination optimization, 121–124
for real-time handling tasks, 122
preoptimization for candidate tasks set, 121
real-time information models of move tasks, 119
notations for, 120
Typicality and eccentricity data analytics (TEDA), 72
Ubiquitous manufacturing (UM), 147
environment, 88
Unified enterprise modeling language (UEML), 27
Universal description, discovery and integration (UDDI), 96
registries, core information model defined in XML schema, 96
bindingTemplate, 96
businessEntity, 96
businessService, 96
tModel, 96
Universally unique identifier (UUID), 96
US National Intelligence Council, 1
U-type assembly line balancing problem, 72
Variable neighborhood search (VNS), 72
Virtual assembly process planning, 72
Virtualization access model for manufacturing machines, 87
Virtualization technology, 12
Visibility, 109
Visual assembly tree structure (VATS), 71
Visualization of assembly lines, 75
Wal-Mart, 1
Web service, 12
discoverability antipatterns, 27
Web service description language (WSDL), 27
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files, 98
Wi-Fi, 109, 129
WIP circulating process, 197
wipML, 158
Wireless, 133
Wireless manufacturing (WM), 151
framework, 43
Wireless sensors, 67
Wireless technologies, 43
Workflow-based real-time guidance, 118
Work in processes (WIPs), 49, 130, 166
real-time information of, 170
World Batch Forum (WBF), 27
writingData, 153
XML schema, 46
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