Chapter 9

IoT-MS Prototype System


In order to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed Internet of things based manufacturing system (IoT-MS), a prototype system for the management of intelligent shop floor is developed. The shop floor is equipped with RFID hardware systems to realize timely data collection. Based on the data captured in real time, the system can monitor the manufacturing process transparently. By analyzing and adding value to the data, several modules are designed to increase the efficiency of production. These modules include real-time and multisource manufacturing information sensing system, IoT-enabled smart stations, real-time key production performance analysis method, and real-time information driven production scheduling system. All these modules are reviewed under the case scenario, and the effectiveness is discussed as well.


Internet of things
manufacturing system
prototype system
case study

9.1. Configuration of a smart shop floor

An Internet of things (IoT)-enabled environment is essential to the implementation of Internet of things based manufacturing system (IoT-MS). In this chapter, to test the effectiveness of the proposed system, some production tasks are formed first. Then, a layout of shop floor is provided, followed by the deployment of sensors and the configuration of machines. All these operations build up the hardware foundations of IoT-MS.

9.1.1. Formation of the Production Task

For simplicity of understanding but without losing generality of principle, we collected some data from a mechanical manufacturer and modeled their processing route with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation is an industrial solution provided by Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. which can be used to model the sophisticated manufacturing processes, material flows, shop-floor layouts, etc. Its features of object-oriented architecture, discrete event simulation, and three-dimensional display of models allow users to build realistic manufacturing models precisely and based on real-life data [1].
Their main business is to produce different types of speed transmission. The major components of one particular product or its bill of materials (BOM) is shown in Fig. 9.1.
Figure 9.1 Bill of materials (BOM) of the product.
For further study, only part of their manufacturing resource model was established in Fig. 9.2 by using the previously mentioned software. The actual manufacturing route is more complicated because it involves multiple products. To increase the usage of machines, some stations were designed flexible and were occupied by several production lines. We used this software to identify the critical production routes and to simplify this particular manufacturing system, so as to demonstrate the prototype system more clearly. To highlight the operating processes of our prototype system, only key processes will be involved in the following discussion.
Figure 9.2 Modeling of the manufacturing process.
The detailed information of the task is described as follows. The structure of the task can be seen in Fig. 9.3. Four separate products are included in this particular order. Each product needs to be assembled from different parts. To specify, “Product 1” requires operation “Assembly 1,” which is to assemble “Part 11” and “Part 12” together. Each part needs to be manufactured through multiple processes, which are represented by gray blocks in Fig. 9.3. The scheduled processing time of each process is listed in Table 9.1.
Figure 9.3 The structure of the task.

Table 9.1

The Production Schedule of Processing Tasks

Different levels of processing tasks Deadline
Product order 550
Assembly 1 450
Part 11 185
Part 12 170
Assembly 2 380
Part 21
Part 22
Assembly 3 430
Part 31 180
Part 32 180
Part 33 175
Assembly 4 400
Part 41 150
Part 42 200

According to the theories discussed in Section 5.7.1, qualified manufacturing cell (MC) can undertake the decomposed subtle tasks which are above the dotted line. For example, the operation of “Assembly 2,” “Part 31,” etc. can be done by a combination of machines or at a combination of several stations. The decomposed subtle tasks, which are below the dotted line, can be assigned to certain machines in MCs. These decomposed subtle tasks are usually manufacturing processes.

9.1.2. Layout of the Shop Floor

Again, for simplicity of understanding, we made some modifications to the actual layouts of the manufacturer and formed the discrete manufacturing environment. The layout of the case scenario is shown in Fig. 9.4.
Figure 9.4 Layout of the manufacturing shop floor.
In this typical manufacturing system, the fundamental manufacturing resources are designed as follows.
There are 12 manufacturing machines and 2 assembly stations, hereinafter referred to as manufacturing stations. These manufacturing machines include five lathes, four milling machines, two gear-hobbing machines, and one numerical controlled processing center. For each manufacturing station, there are two buffers, acting as a material entrance and an exit, respectively. Materials will be sent to the entrance, waiting to be processed when the machine is available; and will be put to the exit, waiting to be carried by some vehicles. Manufacturing tools, fixtures, measuring tools, and backup parts are stored in the warehouses. Some raw materials, work-in-progress parts, and finished products are also temporarily stored there. Multiple forklifts and handcarts move along the paths to fulfill the material handling tasks. The detailed information of each objects in the shop floor are listed in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2

Detailed Information of the Shop Floor

Name Type Quantity
Lathe Machine/station 5
Milling machine Machine/station 4
Gear-hobbing machine Machine/station 2
Numerical controlled processing center Machine/station 1
Assembly station Workplace/station 2
Storage rack Infrastructure 35
Material buffer Infrastructure 28
Forklift Vehicle 4
Handcart Vehicle 6

9.1.3. Deployment of Hardware Devices

Large amount of data need to be collected to achieve the proactive sensing, real-time monitoring, and intelligent decision making during production. To capture the data related to production progress, RFID readers are set up in the entrances of material, exits of material, areas of work-in-process (WIP) parts, and processing areas, respectively. These RFID readers can be used to track the material flow and to get the location information of operators in real time. Such data are important inputs of dynamic allocation of resources, production rescheduling, etc. As shown in Fig. 9.5, RFID readers are mounted in different locations. RFID tags are attached to products or held by operators. When a tag is detected by a reader, the rough location of the product or the operator can be determined.
Figure 9.5 Deployment of the material tracking system.
Similarly, RFID readers and tags are also used in the material handling system. Multiple RFID readers are installed on forklifts or handcarts. Some readers are installed at the bottom of the vehicle, as shown in Fig. 9.6A–B. These readers (or antennas) can identify the tags that are located in some key locations of the shop floor as shown in Fig. 9.6C. Thus, the locations of forklifts or handcarts are available to the material handling system. For such purposes, the narrow-band antennas are applied to limit the sensing ranges and to achieve relatively precise results. Additional RFID readers can be installed on the vehicles to achieve different goals. For example, some readers are installed where the products will be placed. These readers can capture the data of the carried products and locate the exact position of a bay inside a shelf as shown in Fig. 9.6A–B. Wide-band antennas can be applied here because they can sense for wider ranges. Products then do not necessarily need to be placed very close to the antennas in order to be perceived.
Figure 9.6 The configuration of a smart shop floor.
(A) The deployment of the forklift. (B) The deployment of the handcart. (C) The location of RFID tags.
The “multitype data capturing device” in Fig. 9.6 refers to the real-time and multiple-source manufacturing information sensing system (MISS), which has been discussed in detail in Chapter 3. As shown in Fig. 9.7, by applying the technologies described in former chapters, the traditional manufacturing machines are now equipped with a processing unit, a communication module, some embedded sensors, etc.; all provided by MISS.
Figure 9.7 Component of a smart machine.

9.2. The framework of the prototype system

9.2.1. System Architecture

The overall framework of the prototype system is shown in Fig. 9.8. The whole system is driven by the real-time data captured from multiply sensors. The cloud computing based manufacturing resources configuration method is responsible to pair tasks and machines with suitable capabilities. The IoT-enabled smart trolley handles the moving tasks within the shop floor. There are also a number of functional modules, including real-time and multisource MISS, IoT-enabled smart stations, real-time key production performance analysis method, and real-time information driven production scheduling system. These modules will analyze the captured data and provide feedback to machines or guidance for operators.
Figure 9.8 Overall framework of the prototype system.

9.2.2. Information Model

The information model of the prototype system is shown in Fig. 9.9. This model will guide the design of information databases used in this system. Basically, there are 14 data sheets, including the real-time information of equipment, the real-time information of the shop floor, the real-time information of WIPs, real-time information of vehicles, history of equipment, history of the shop floor, history of vehicles, tray information, personnel information, product information, the tag information of key positions, the moving tasks of vehicles, the task queue of equipment, and the tasks from the orders. Possible fields are also shown in Fig. 9.9. Those fields listed on the top of each sheet are the primary keys, and those marked with “(FK)” indicates that the field is a foreign key of another data sheet.
Figure 9.9 The information model of the prototype system.

9.3. The logical flow of the prototype system

The logical flow of the prototype system can be seen in Fig. 9.10. First, the IoT devices will be set up according to Section 9.1. The multitype and real-time manufacturing information can be accessible from the constructed environment. After the set-up, the system will work under the following steps.
Step 1: Upon receiving the tasks from customers, the cloud computing based manufacturing resources configuration method will try to decompose the tasks to manufacturing process level. According to the current status of machines and the requirements of tasks, the tasks will be coupled to the machines with proper capabilities.
Figure 9.10 Workflow of the prototype system.
Step 2: The paring results will be further processed, since different processing tasks may be assigned to the same machine at the same time. The real-time information driven production scheduling system will find out the optimal production plan, which will be executed soon.
Step 3: Since the production plans have been decided, the raw materials need to be brought to the corresponding stations to initialize production. The IoT-enabled smart trolley is responsible to plan the routes for vehicles and guide them to the correct sites with highest efficiency.
Step 4: After obtaining the correct materials, manufacturing stations will start production. The IoT-enabled smart station will provide guidance to the operators if necessary, and will update the task queue according to real-time information. The station will also communicate with upstream and downstream stations on their production progress, so that any potential delays or other manufacturing exceptions can be identified rapidly for early preparation and early solutions.
Step 5: During the manufacturing execution stage, the real-time monitoring module will keep monitoring the manufacturing processes in case of exceptions.
Step 6: The real-time and multisource MISS will collect the necessary data for further analysis when monitoring.
Step 7: The key production performance analysis method will try to determine the critical events during production and find out the potential causes of manufacturing exceptions.
Step 8: The rescheduling model will rearrange the production plans according to the information from performance analysis. This process continues until the end of production and the arrival of new tasks.

9.4. Task driven manufacturing resource configuration module

A typical production task will specify what is to be produced, what are the quality requirements, what is the production batch, how much is the cost, and what is the delivery time of the final products. Since the deadline of the task is available to IoT-MS, the expected finishing time for all operations can be obtained basically according to the manufacturing routes. Then, the deadline for each subtle task is listed in Table 9.1. The resource configuration module includes two phases, namely the optimal configuration of the MC and the cloud manufacturing service (CMS) [2].

9.4.1. Phase 1: MC Optimal Configuration

Let T = {STi; i = 1, 2, 3, …, 8}. Suppose T represents the overall task requested from the order, which can be decomposed into eight subtle tasks undertaken by MCs as shown in Fig. 9.3. Eight candidate sets of MCs (MCCS) are formed accordingly. For example, in this case, there are seven potential service providers for Assembly 2, which can be represented as MCCS3 = {MC31image, MC32image, MC33image, MC34image, MC35image, MC36image, MC37image}. The evaluation indicators for each candidate service are shown in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3

The Evaluation Indicators for Candidate Services of Assembly 2

Candidate services Evaluation criteria
C DT dt R Cr E
MC31 image 590 405 25 75 8.3 42
MC32 image 630 370 0 83 8.8 43
MC33 image 580 400 20 75 8.4 39
MC34 image 550 380 0 79 8.1 43
MC35 image 565 370 0 85 9.2 42
MC36 image 610 375 0 80 7.9 40
MC37 image 615 360 0 83 8.5 47

These candidate services are assessed by adopting the evaluation method based on GRA illustrated in Section 5.7.2. The detailed calculations are included as follows.
Step 1: The optimal indicator sequence is obtained according to (5.8).


Step 2: The normalized evaluation matrix can be derived according to (5.9–5.11).


Step 3: The relational coefficient matrix is calculated by adopting (5.12).


Step 4: According to Eq. (5.13), the grey relational degree of each candidate service is derived.
The weights for each evaluation indicator, which are determined by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in this case, are denoted as w = (0.186, 0.195, 0.205, 0.147, 0.138, 0.129)T. Then, the comprehensive evaluation matrix is obtained as:


Similarly, by evaluating other candidate services based on the previously mentioned method, their corresponding comprehensive evaluation matrices can be achieved. Here, the top three services are selected in each descending queue in terms of respective relational degrees. The evaluation indicators for all candidate services are shown in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4

The Evaluation Indicators for the Candidate Services of T

Candidate services Evaluation criteria
C DT dt R Cr E
MC13 image 185 185 0 0.95 9.3 19.6
MC16 image 180 170 0 0.89 7.9 14
MC12 image 190 170 0 0.85 8.8 16
MC21 image 295 170 0 0.91 9.1 23.2
MC24 image 250 160 0 0.88 7.8 21.6
MC23 image 275 165 0 0.89 8.2 26
MC35 image 565 370 0 0.85 9.2 42
MC34 image 550 380 0 0.79 8.1 43
MC36 image 610 375 0 0.80 7.9 40
MC45 image 185 160 0 0.92 8.7 32
MC47 image 245 180 0 0.88 8.8 34
MC48 image 189 165 0 0.89 9 36
MC56 image 395 175 0 0.94 8.9 27.6
MC52 image 410 180 0 0.88 7.3 26
MC53 image 400 160 0 0.82 9 28
MC66 image 395 175 0 0.95 8.9 39.5
MC69 image 375 175 0 0.84 8.8 35
MC64 image 360 155 0 0.88 8.5 36.5
MC77 image 275 150 0 0.90 7.9 48.5
MC72 image 320 150 0 0.83 8.8 44
MC78 image 280 145 0 0.85 8.0 49
MC89 image 330 190 0 0.85 7.9 26
MC84 image 360 200 0 0.85 8.1 30
MC87 image 365 170 0 0.87 8.4 32

As shown in Table 9.4, a total of 38 service compositions can be generated. By calculating the relational degrees of all possible compositions, the highest result is 0.7959, and the corresponding optimal composition for T is {MC13image, MC24image, MC35image, MC45image, MC56image, MC64image, MC77image, MC89image}.

9.4.2. Phase 2: CMS Optimal Configuration

Based on the optimal service composition calculated earlier, all eight subtle tasks are assigned to corresponding MCs. For example, Part 41 is undertaken by MC77image. Then the task will be decomposed into six process-level operations in a certain sequence based on manufacturing routes as shown in Fig. 9.11. The deadline of each process is defined in Table 9.5. Related manufacturing machines are pooled into corresponding candidate sets for each subtask. Top Kg services (Kg = 3) in each queue are selected to constitute compositions as shown in Table 9.6.
Figure 9.11 The process flow of Part 41.

Table 9.5

The Production Schedule of Part 41

P411 P412 P413 P414 P415 P416
24 30 20 22 26 28

Table 9.6

The Evaluation Indicators for the Candidate Services of Part 41

Candidate services Evaluation criteria
MM16 image 26 24 0.93 0.95 0.94 6
MM11 image 27 24 0.95 0.85 0.92 4.5
MM17 image 25 24 0.89 0.90 0.90 5.5
MM25 image 38 30 0.89 0.91 0.92 7.2
MM24 image 40 29 0.95 0.89 0.89 7
MM26 image 36 24 0.93 0.88 0.87 7
MM35 image 28 18 0.90 0.96 0.92 5.5
MM37 image 28 20 0.92 0.92 0.93 5
MM34 image 30 20 0.95 0.88 0.89 4.5
MM46 image 34 22 0.96 0.90 0.86 6
MM47 image 33 21 0.93 0.91 0.93 6.5
MM48 image 35 22 0.87 0.93 0.84 6.5
MM55 image 36 26 0.93 0.92 0.90 8.5
MM52 image 36 26 0.93 0.91 0.91 9
MM57 image 33 25 0.88 0.90 0.80 9
MM62 image 48 26 0.95 0.92 0.90 7
MM64 image 45 28 0.87 0.81 0.90 7.5
MM67 image 46 28 0.88 0.90 0.83 7.5

By calculating the relational degrees of all service compositions, the highest one is achieved as 0.7046. Accordingly, the optimal service composition for Part 41 is {MM16image, MM25image, MM35image, MM47image, MM55image, MM62image}.

9.5. Production scheduling/rescheduling module

Based on the discussions in Chapter 8, this section illustrates the real-time production scheduling and rescheduling method by analyzing the formed case.

9.5.1. Quantifying the Tasks

Ten tasks (including assembly, part producing, etc.) and 10 machines (3 lathes, 2 milling machines, 2 gear-hobbing machines, 1 numerical controlled processing center, and 2 assembly stations) are involved in this scheduling problem. Suppose that each manufacturing task has four processes. Table 9.7 shows the requirements of the 10 tasks. Each column represents a different task and the four rows within each column represents four manufacturing processes. The pair of number (x, y) of the jth row and ith column indicates that the process “j” of task “i” needs to be processed on any machines within machine cell “x” and the processing time is “y.” For example, the pair (4, 21) of the fifth column and the second row means that the second process of Task 5 need to be processed on any machines of machine cell 4, with 21 units of processing time. In this case, Machine 1, 2, and 3 belongs to MC 1; Machine 4 and 5 belongs to MC 2; Machine 6, 7, and 8 are members of MC 3; The rest of machines are grouped into MC 4. That is to say, the second process of Task 5 needs to be processed on Machine 9 or Machine 10.

Table 9.7

The Detailed Information of 10 Tasks

Tasks Processes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1, 46 1, 50 1, 23 1, 28 1, 35 1, 13 2, 24 2, 26 2, 31 2, 22
2 2, 21 2, 18 3, 30 3, 45 4, 21 4, 42 1, 19 3, 34 3, 23 4, 30
3 3, 28 4, 33 2, 35 4, 13 2, 27 3, 44 3, 37 1, 40 4, 49 1, 40
4 4, 12 3, 15 4, 28 2, 32 3, 46 2, 26 4, 45 4, 25 1, 19 3, 18

9.5.2. The Scheduling and the Rescheduling Method

Generally speaking, there are three steps for the real-time production scheduling, which are described as follows [3].
At the first stage, all the information on the real-time status of machines and stations (or the equipment agent mentioned in Chapter 8) will be collected by the capability evaluation agent (CEA), as described in Section 8.3 and Section 8.5. For each process, the corresponding machines will bid it according to their manufacturing capabilities. Then, the CEA will calculate the usage with respect to the objective function (8.1). Thus, machines with the minimum usage in the machine cell will obtain this task. These steps are repeated until all the processes are assigned to certain machines. Table 9.8 shows the results of the assignments between tasks and machines. In Table 9.8, the pair of number (x, y) of the jth row and ith column means that the jth process of Task i is assigned to Machine x and the processing time is y.

Table 9.8

Processes Assignment Result According to capability evaluation agent (CEA)

Tasks Processes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1, 46 2, 50 3, 23 1, 28 3, 35 2, 13 4, 24 5, 26 4, 31 5, 22
2 5, 21 4, 18 6, 30 7, 45 9, 21 10, 42 3, 19 8, 34 6, 23 9, 30
3 6, 28 10, 33 5, 35 10, 13 4, 27 8, 44 7, 37 1, 40 9, 49 2, 40
4 10, 12 7, 15 9, 28 4, 32 8, 46 5, 26 10, 45 9, 25 3, 19 6, 18

At the second stage, the real-time scheduling agent (RSA) is ready for scheduling the tasks after all the processes of the tasks have been assigned to the machines and stations. The genetic algorithm (GA) designed in Section 8.6 is applied, and the result of scheduling is shown in Fig. 9.12. Fig. 9.12A is the Gantt Chart of the task assignment. Fig. 9.12B is the generations and the fitness curve of the designed GA.
Figure 9.12 Scheduling result.
(A) The Gantt Chart of the task assignment. (B) The generations and the fitness curve of the designed algorithm.
In Stage 3, which is the time for manufacturing execution, the real-time manufacturing information is constantly sensed by the production execution monitor agent (PEMA) and as inputs to RSA. In case of manufacturing exceptions, the rescheduling module will generate a new production plan according to the latest information from manufacturing environment.
To demonstrate the rescheduling process, two kinds of random exceptions are tested. The major difference between the two kinds of exceptions lies in the recovery time. Recovering time of the first kind is unknown, while that of the second type is an exact time window. As seen in Fig. 9.13A, the first exception occurred at Machine 1 and Machine 6 at time t (t = 40). In Fig. 9.13B, two kinds of exceptions from Machine 1, Machine 6, and Machine 7 also occur at time t (t = 40). All these exceptions are captured by the PEMA and reported to RSA. For the first kind of exceptions, Machine 1 and Machine 6 in Fig. 9.13A will lose the capability to take any tasks. For the second kind of exceptions, the recovery time window is considered as a load to Machine 6 and Machine 7 in Fig. 9.13B. By running through the first and the second stages, the new scheduling plan is established.
Figure 9.13 The rescheduling results under two types of exceptions.
(A) Exceptions with unknown recovering time. (B) Exceptions with an exact time window for recovering.

9.6. IoT-enabled smart material handling module

9.6.1. Task Description

The processing tasks have been assigned to different stations, so the forklifts, handcarts, or other vehicles need to prepare materials for the stations. In our case, four forklifts are on duty and 15 move tasks are waiting to be finished. The detailed information of vehicles and move tasks are listed in Tables 9.9 and 9.10. PID represents the ID for different locations. The PID of each location is unique. These PIDs are marked on the RFID tags in Fig. 9.6. Then, the distance of each handling task can be easily calculated according to Chapter 6. In the column named Priority, the number “1” represents common tasks, “2” represents important tasks, “3” represents critical tasks, and “4” represents emergencies.

Table 9.9

Information of Trolleys

ID PID (current location) Maximum usable space Occupied space
VID1 10 15 12
VID2 38 15 8
VID3 33 15 0
VID4 26 15 8

Table 9.10

Information of the Moving Tasks

ID PID (from-location) PID (to-location) Due time Priority Index no. Product volume
TID1 5 32 150 1 IID1 11
TID2 45 27 140 1 IID2 3
TID3 23 35 130 1 IID3 5
TID4 11 44 120 1 IID4 12
TID5 21 37 110 1 IID5 8
TID6 16 34 100 1 IID6 4
TID7 43 29 90 2 IID7 10
TID8 13 24 80 2 IID8 6
TID9 25 9 70 2 IID9 9
TID10 39 22 60 2 IID10 7
TID11 28 40 50 3 IID11 5
TID12 31 46 40 3 IID12 7
TID13 7 42 30 3 IID13 10
TID14 30 48 20 4 IID14 4
TID15 41 19 10 4 IID15 6

9.6.2. Calculations for the Moving Tasks

Step 1: Construct real-time information model (V) [4] of trolleys according to the information listed in Table 9.9:


Step 2: Construct real-time information model (N) of distribution tasks according to the information listed in Table 9.10. Select five tasks to form the candidate task set and construct information model (q) of the candidate task set. Table 9.11 lists the detailed information of the candidate task set.

Table 9.11

Information of Candidate Task Set

Code PID (from-location) PID (to-location) Due time Priority Index no. Volume
TID11 28 40 50 3 IID11 5
TID12 31 46 40 3 IID12 7
TID13 7 42 30 3 IID13 10
TID14 30 48 20 4 IID14 4
TID15 41 19 10 4 IID15 6




Step 3: It can be inferred from the information model V that Vehicle 3 is idle. Then form the combinations of the moving tasks related with Vehicle 3 according to the rules and methods mentioned in Section 6.6.
Step 4: Construct objective function and select the best combination of moving tasks. The parameters of the model are listed in Table 9.12 and all the parameters of the combinations of moving tasks are listed in Table 9.13.

Table 9.12

Parameters of the Model

Parameter P0 L0 U0 wp wL wu
Value 4.833 214 9.75 0.333 0.333 0.333

Table 9.13

Parameters of the Combinations of Moving Tasks

Vehicle Task combination Priority (P) Distance (L) Volume (U) Value of f(P, L, U)
3 TID11 3 141 5 0.801
3 TID12 3 129 7 0.910
3 TID13 3 163 10 0.902
3 TID14 4 153 4 0.787
3 TID15 4 143 6 0.883
3 TID11,TID12 6 225 12 1.024
3 TID11,TID13 6 255 15 1.088
3 TID11,TID14 7 245 9 0.958
3 TID11,TID15 7 207 11 1.073
3 TID12,TID14 7 173 11 1.136
3 TID12,TID15 7 235 13 1.101
3 TID13,TID14 7 183 14 1.213
3 TID14,TID15 8 229 10 1.066
3 TID11,TID14,TID15 11 293 15 1.335

We can conclude from Table 9.13 that the combination of moving task TID11, TID14, and TID15 has the biggest f(P, L, U) value. Consequently, these three moving tasks will be handled together by Vehicle 3. Fig. 9.14 shows the routing of TID11, TID14, and TID15 for Vehicle 3.
Figure 9.14 Routing of the moving task TID11, TID14, and TID15.

9.6.3. User Interfaces of the Prototype System

Figs. 9.159.19 demonstrates the flow of operating the software system for intelligent trolley based on real-time data. The flow goes from obtaining a new move task for an idle intelligent trolley. As seen in Fig. 9.15, when an operator approaches the vehicle, the staff information will be sensed and displayed on the upper right corner of the screen. The current status of this vehicle, that is, idle, will be posted to the server.
Figure 9.15 Obtaining a new moving task.
Figure 9.16 Navigating to the pick-up point.
Figure 9.17 Monitor of parts loading.
Figure 9.18 Navigating to the second picking-up site.
Figure 9.19 Real-time data-driven navigation of the intelligent trolley.
Based on the previously mentioned discussions, the server will assign the optimal task to this vehicle. In this case, the assigned task is to pick up some parts at site M4, and have it transported to site M14. The current task list and the real-time information are shown on the left side of the screen as in Fig. 9.16. The planned route is also shown on the screen in green arrows. Operators should follow the instructions to reach the site for picking up products.
When the vehicle arrives at the site for picking up, materials that are to be loaded will be listed in the lower left corner of the screen. Operators may click on each items of the list to see a picture of the targeted part, and a diagram of the shelf, clearly indicating where exactly is the part within the racks on this shelf. All parts that have not been loaded will be identified as shown in Fig. 9.17. During the loading of materials, the movement of the materials can be captured by the RFID readers on the vehicle. Thus, the row of the loaded parts will turn green, so that the manager and the operators are aware of the loading progress in real time.
After loading all the required materials, the system will provide instructions to the operator to reach the next location for picking up as shown in Fig. 9.18.
When the vehicle reaches the unloading location after picking up all the required materials, the system, similarly, will tell the operator which rack should the materials be put by showing another diagram of the storage rack. Once the item leaves the trolley, the leaving event will be sensed, and this item will resume red, indicating it is no longer on the vehicle. After finishing this task (Task TID 10001), the statuses of the vehicle becomes idle again, and can obtain another task from the system.
Fig. 9.20 shows the results of comparison for the traditional material handling method and the method proposed in Chapter 6. Fig. 9.20A shows the comparison of load/no-load ratio within the four vehicles from run distance. Fig. 9.20B shows the load/no-load comparison of each vehicle. From the comparison, we can see that the no-load ratio of all the trolleys is 19.6% lower as seen on the left of Fig. 9.20A. The total run distance of all trolleys for finishing all the tasks is 668 units shorter as seen on the right of Fig. 9.20A. The run distance of each trolley without loading is 195 (Vehicle 1), 56.5 (Vehicle 2), 175 (Vehicle 3), 183.5 (Vehicle 4) units shorter as seen in Fig. 9.20B.
Figure 9.20 Results analysis and discussion.
(A) Load/no-load comparison of all trolleys and (B) load/no-load comparison of each trolley.

9.7. IoT-enabled smart station

9.7.1. The Case Scenario

This section shows that how the IoT-enabled station works in manufacturing systems. Four particular stations are studied here. As shown in Fig. 9.21, Station A and C are lathes. Station B is a gear-hobbing machine. Station D is an assembly station. Each station has an initial job queue from the scheduling system. Take Station B as an example. Currently, the first unprocessed job of the job list at Station B is J1, and the succeeded process of J1 will be processed at station C. The fourth unprocessed job of the job list at Station B is J4, and the preceded process of J4 is waiting to be processed at station D. In a similar way, the preceded and succeeded processes of other jobs included in the queue of station B will be processed at other stations, but they are not shown in Fig. 9.21.
Figure 9.21 The relationships of stations A, B, C, and D.

9.7.2. Operation Guidance From the System

During the manufacturing execution stage, the real-time visibility explore at station B is used to reflect the real-time status and to show the related information, as shown in Fig. 9.22. On the left side of the interface, raw materials that are coming to this station are displayed. This is achieved by checking the radio signals from antennas installed at the material entrance. The RFID tags attached with products contain the information of the product ID. We can find that in this case, 94 end cups, 20 covers, 94 gears, etc. have been placed at the station. The task information is listed in the lower middle part. Currently, there are three tasks waiting to be processed. The Task JSQ011 is being processed at this particular time. The required batch for this task is 18, and 7 products have been finished. No disqualified products are found for this task, so the qualification rate is 100%. The due time of the current task is 18.03, and 38% of work has been finished till now. Real-time events are also displayed above the task information. The system will count the number of qualified products and scraps. Also, the status of the upstream and the downstream station is also available in the lower right corner. In the central part of the screen, operation guidance will be provided dynamically according to the Petri net model established in Chapter 4.
Figure 9.22 User interface of the operation guidance for smart stations.

9.7.3. Real-Time Queuing Under Exceptions

The real-time queuing service for smart stations will requeue the job list based on the shared real-time information according to the designed algorithm [5] in Section 4.3.
For example, at time t, the current information of the jobs at station B and the current information of the relevant jobs of station A, C, and D are shown in Tables 9.14 and 9.15, respectively. The notations can be found in Section 4.6.

Table 9.14

Information of the Jobs at Station B

Station Process pji image STji+1 image ETji1 image Mi = 1 Mi + 1
Station B J1i image 30 25 10 Station A
J2i image 50 70 25
J3i image 20 100 90
J4i image 25 130 80 Station D
J5i image 35 145 115
J6i image 35 200 150
J7i image 40 220 160
J8i image 50 270 230 Station C
J9i image 30 315 265
J10i image 45 380 345

Table 9.15

Current Information About the Jobs at Stations A, C, and D

Station Process pji1 image STj ETj Process status Notes
Station A J1i1 image 25 2 0 Processing Here STj represents the starting time of the following process. ETj represents the completion time of the previous process.
Station D
J4i1 image 30 110 50 Unprocessed
Station C
J8i+1 image 30 315 295 Unprocessed

At the station B, those operations Jxi(x=110)image will be processed in the order of {J1i,J2i,J3i,J4i,J5i,J6i,J7i,J8i,J9i,J10i}image. The tardiness penalty per unit time of each job is given as w1∼10 = (2,1,3,2,3,4,3,1,2,2).
In this case, three exceptions listed in Table 9.16 are designed to occur among the related upstream and downstream stations of station B.

Table 9.16

Exceptions Occurred Among the Related Upstream and Downstream Stations of Station B

Exceptions Results
An unplanned machine fail occurred at the station A 20 min are required to fix the machine. The finished time of process J1i1 image will be extended to 30 min
Material shortages of job J4 The finished time of process J4i1 image will be extended for 35 min
New insert job at station C The start time of process J8i+1 image is delayed for 50 min

When the exceptions occur, the due times of the relevant unprocessed jobs at station B are changed, and the queuing service will update the new start time of the affected jobs as shown in Table 9.17.

Table 9.17

Information of Jobs After Exceptions

Station Process pji image STji+1 image ETji1 image Mi=1 Mi+1
Station B J1i image 30 25 30 Station A
J4i image 25 130 115 Station D
J8i image 50 320 230 Station C

Then, the queuing service will start to requeue the order of the unprocessed jobs of the job list at station B. The initial solution and the end condition are two important decisions in the application of Tabu Search (TS) algorithm since they directly affect the utilization of the algorithm. The initial solution is generated according to the size of the due date of each job. According to the rules of the earliest due date (EDD), the initial solution proposed is suitable for the algorithm. The maximum number of iteration is set as the end condition of this proposed algorithm for the sake of simplicity. According to (4.2), the initial solution is qk={J1i,J2i,J3i,J4i,J5i,J6i,J7i,J9i,J8i,J10i}image. Through the proposed algorithm, the queue is optimized. The globally optimal solution is qo={J2i,J1i,J3i,J5i,J6i,J4i,J7i,J9i,J8i,J10i}image. Fig. 9.23 shows the iteration process of the TS algorithm. The algorithm finds the optimal queue whose target value is “450” at the fourth iteration. But it still searches for other solutions until it reaches the end condition. It is obvious that the new queue is better, which is “295” shorter than the target value of the old queue ({J1i,J2i,J3i,J4i,J5i,J6i,J7i,J8i,J9i,J10i})image.
Figure 9.23 Iteration process of the TS algorithm.

9.8. Real-time manufacturing information track and trace

The real-time information track and trace system is essential in the analysis of system performance and can provide necessary information for the requeuing service under exceptions. Fig. 9.24 illustrates the deviation between manufacturing plans and the actual processes. The projected progress and the real progress are represented by two curves in different colors. The hierarchy structure of the critical events are listed on the left. These events include those related to the progress, the production quality, the cost, etc. When clicking on different items in the list, the corresponding plans and actual situations will be displayed in the central chart. The summary of the selected process is also available under the chart, which includes the total production time of this product, current progress, the planned schedule, etc. The instant deviation, mean value, and variance of the deviation are calculated as well, which is shown on the upper right corner. Depending on the calculations, four different colors are used to mark the production process: green for the normal production (minor delays are allowed), yellow for the moderate delay, red for a major delay or other emergencies, and gray for the tasks that haven’t started yet or has been finished for a long time.
Figure 9.24 Monitor of production deviation.
The real-time manufacturing information can be viewed in different forms. In Fig. 9.25, The BOM of current product is shown. The two numbers below each component represent the planned number and the actual number of this part. For example, “GSZ101” is the ID for high-speed axles. The planned production number is 20, and only 10 have been produced now.
Figure 9.25 Monitor of BOM.
Similarly, in Fig. 9.26, the real-time information of products/parts or the equipment can be viewed through data sheets.
Figure 9.26 Monitor of real-time product information.

9.9. Real-time key production performances monitor module

9.9.1. Details of the Case

In our case, the production process can be divided into three stages: the part processing stage, the component assembly stage, and the final assembly stage. While the manufacturing of many parts and accessories is outsourced to suppliers and shareholding subsidiaries, there are two main assembly lines (Assembly 1 and Assembly 2) and manufacturing processes for three main parts in the shop floor. Two of them are for Part 11 (Part 111 and Part 112) and one for Part 12. Among the different manufacturing areas, there are three kinds of material handling procedures: raw material distribution (from raw material area to part processing line buffer), WIP circulating process (from part processing line to part assembly line, and part assembly line to final assembly line), and finished product storing process (product assembly line to finished product area). There is a quality inspection site in the shop floor as well. Take a processing and assembly event as an example; each process checks its operator and material status before the process. If both of them are ready, a process operates according to a schedule.

9.9.2. The Hierarchy Timed Color Petri Net Model

According to the manufacturing routes, a hierarchy timed color Petri net (HTCPN) model is built up in CPN tools [6] as seen in Fig. 9.27. There is one overall model for the critical event and it has six macrotransitions, which are linked to six complex event sub-CPN models. The six subnet models represent six production processes distributed in six different locations—Line Assembly 1, Line Part 11, Line Part 12, Line Part 111, Line Part 112, and Line Part 121, respectively. Similarly, each complex event model has several macrotransitions, which are linked to the basic event sub-CPN models. To simplify the presentation, only the subnet for Line Assembly 1 and the subnet for the process and assembly event in Line Assembly 1 are given. The global color set declarations are given in Table 9.18. The firing time and functions are given in the model shown in Fig. 9.27 referring to the collected data from the case company.
Figure 9.27 Hierarchy timed color Petri net (HTCPN) model for case shop floor.
(A) Overview HTCPN model for the case shop floor, (B) sub-HTCPN in Line Assembly 1, and (C) sub-HTCPN in assembly process.

Table 9.18

Global Color Set Declarations

Colset INT=int; Colset INTt=int timed;

Colset DATA=string; Colset BOOL=bool;

Colset INTxDATA=product INT*DATA;

Colset State=with well|bad|scrap timed;

Colset DATAt=DATA timed;

Colset StatexDATA=product State*DATAt;

Colset StatexDATAxDATA=product State*DATA*DATA;

Colset DATAxINT=product DATA*INT timed;

Colset DATAxBOOL=product DATA*BOOL;

Colset DATAxDATA=product DATA*DATA timed;


Colset DATAxDATAxDATA=product DATA*DATA*DATA timed;

Var n,i,j,k,it,jt,kt,i1,j1,k1:INT; Var wait:INTt;

Var p,q,r:DATA;Var s:State;Var str:DATAt;Var b:BOOL

From the overview of the HTCPN model in Fig. 9.27A, there is a piece of material in in-buffer Part 111 (Place MPart111); value 0 after symbol “@” indicates its time stamp. The token in this subnet is of DATAt color type, which indicates that the job ID is a string type. When the model starts running, tokens move from one place to another, and in each place one gets a certain time stamp for each token. Tokens enter the first subnet Part 111 when the line uses the material.
Details of the six macrotransitions for each processing line are presented. For example, the macrotransition for Assembly 1 is given in Fig. 9.27B. Similarly, the detail events of the three macrotransitions for Line Assembly 1 are given as assembly process event (Transition Assembly), quality detection event (Transition QDE), and storage event (Transition SE).
As seen in Fig. 9.27C, the assembly process event is used to exemplify the model. When the assembly process should be executed according to the planned time, the PN model starts running simultaneously. At the beginning of each assembly process, the model checks the status of operators and the materials in advance. It is stated that the real-time manufacturing data is captured by RFID antennas installed at different areas. The status of tokens is updated accordingly. The tokens for an operator (Place Person) and WIPs (Place Assembly1a and Assembly1b) are also DATAt type. The token for material C is represented as (DATA, INT), where DATA is material C’s ID and INT is its quantity. After checking the status, the token for person goes into Place Attendance or Place Absent, which indicates that the person is ready or unready. If the WIPs are unready, the process needs to wait. Besides, the material C’s condition is always checked. If the number is under the threshold k, the material scheduler (Place Under Threshold) receives a token with attribute (DATA, INT) that presents the material ID and the shortage status. Then, the material is replenished accordingly. In this case, once all the operators, WIPs, and materials are ready, the process starts to operate according to the plan for assembly. Moreover, the delay time (Exception) between the trigger time and planned time can be easily calculated, and this exception event can be sent to the upper-level management system in time.
Once the HTCPN model is constructed, the production performance acquirement measures are performed to analyze the real-time production performance. Fig. 9.28 shows the results of performance analysis for several factors for the case, including quality distribution, cycle time, real-time progress, and the cost of the manufacturing process.
Figure 9.28 Simulation results for the case shop floor.
(A) Quality distribution, (B) cycle time, (C) production progress, and (D) production cost.


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[6] Zhang Y, Wang W, Wu N, Qian C. IoT-enabled real-time production performance analysis and exception diagnosis model. IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng. 2015;13(3):115.

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