Chapter 2

Overview of IoT-Enabled Manufacturing System


Typical challenges that manufacturing systems are facing now are: (1) lack of timely, accurate, and consistent information of distributed manufacturing resources of a manufacturing system such as shop floor; (2) lack of an overall solution to track, trace, share the real-time manufacturing information among manufacturing system layer, workshop floor layer, and machine layer, and then provide an optimal decision for the manufacturing system. Recent developments in wireless sensors, communication and information network technologies have created a new era of the Internet of things (IoT). In this chapter, an overview of IoT-enabled manufacturing system (IoT-MS) is presented to provide a new paradigm by extending the techniques of IoT to manufacturing field. And the overall architecture, real-time information sharing and integration model, worklogic, and core components are described in details.


Internet of things (IoT)
manufacturing system
real time
core technology

2.1. Introduction

The term Internet of things (IoT) was first proposed by Kevin Ashton [1]. It refers to uniquely identifiable objects (Things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-alike structure. In fact, the rapid developments and applications in wireless sensors, communication and information network technologies, such as wireless sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID), auto-ID, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GSM, and so on have created a new era of the IoT.
Currently, the growth of competitive market globalization and customer demand diversification have led to the increasing demand of agility, networking, service, green, and socialization of manufacturing systems. Moreover, network, IoT, information, and other advanced technologies and theories have been fast developed and widely applied in the field of manufacturing. In a word, with the increasing competition in the global marketplace, manufacturing enterprises have to strive to be responsive to business changes which have further impacts upon production goals and performance at the manufacturing execution system level. According to our investigation, many business problems manufacturing enterprises are facing now are caused by lack of timely, accurate, and consistent manufacturing data of bottom level manufacturing resources. The overall architecture, infrastructure, and solution need to be proposed and designed to achieve real-time monitor, analysis, optimization, and control of the manufacturing systems. Therefore, it is essential for manufacturing industry to upgrade its actively sensing and dynamic optimization capabilities with advanced manufacturing technologies, sensor technology, multidiscipline knowledge, etc. in terms of IoT hardware, auto-ID devices, intelligent algorithms and decision-making software, and so on.
Many advanced manufacturing systems and its architecture are proposed by many scholars. The typical ones are described as follows.
Flexible manufacturing (FM) [2] have the ability to process or produce different products and allow rapid changes between them. FM aim to handle the uncertainty in product demand knowledge, finite manufacturing capacity, and random machine failures. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) [3] is a manufacturing paradigm that uses computers to control the entire production process. This integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each other and initiate actions. The concept of agile manufacturing (AM) [4] was introduced by the Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Forum (AMEF). It is a new paradigm which responds to complexity brought about by constant change. Concurrent engineering [4] is a work methodology based on the parallelization of tasks, which is sometimes called simultaneous engineering or integrated product development (IPD). It refers to an approach used in product development. Green manufacturing [5] is a kind of sustainable manufacturing mode with the full consideration of resources consumption and environmental impact. Sustainable manufacturing [6] is defined as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are nonpolluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers. Manufacturing grid (MG) [7] is an integrated solution to support the share and integration of resources in enterprise and social and for the cooperating operation and management of the enterprises. Industrial product-service systems (IPS2) [8] are specified by comprehensively considered product and service shares. The IPS2 represents a new solution-oriented approach for delivering value in use to the customer during the whole life cycle of a product. In addition to these advanced manufacturing paradigms mentioned previously, other patterns were also widely studied by researchers, such as global manufacturing [6], dynamic alliance [3], networked manufacturing (NM), crowdsourcing, and so on.
After many years study and application, these advanced manufacturing systems have been playing a very important role in the development of modern manufacturing and industry. However, in real-life manufacturing systems, according to our investigation, the bottleneck problem of manufacturing optimization and production control lies in the real-time data capturing from shop-floor frontlines and the lack of the seamless dual-way connectivity and interoperability architecture among enterprise, shop floor, and bottom manufacturing resources such as machines, trolleys, and so on. As a result, the requisite information is either unavailable or behindhand. The laggard information transfer flow and the unmatched information transfer method enhance the difficulty for the up-level decision of the enterprises [9].
The research questions for developing and implementing real-time monitor, analysis, control, and dynamic optimization of the manufacturing systems could be summarized as follows:
1. The first research question is the overall information capturing, integration, and decision architecture to track, trace, and transmit the real-time manufacturing and monitor, analysis, control, and dynamic optimization among manufacturing system layer, shop-floor layer, and bottom manufacturing resources layer.
2. The second research question is the deploy IoT technologies such as RFID, auto-ID sensors to make the bottom manufacturing resources smart, so that the real-time status of the distributed manufacturing things such as operator, material items, pallets, and so on could be automatically captured.
3. The third research question is the sharing, exchanging, and integrating the real-time manufacturing information with heterogeneous enterprise information management systems.
Considering the advantages of the IoT, in this chapter, an overall architecture of the manufacturing systems using Internet of things (IoT-MS) is presented. It aims to provide a new paradigm for real-time monitor, analysis, control, and dynamic optimization of the manufacturing systems by extending the IoT technologies to manufacturing field. Under this IoT-MS architecture, the manufacturing things such as operators, machines, pallets, materials, and so on can be embedded with sensors; they can interact with each other. The changed information and their status could thus be tracked and integrated with heterogeneous enterprise management information systems. The proposed IoT-MS will facilitate the real-time information-driven active monitor, analysis, control, and dynamic optimization of the manufacturing systems.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 2.2 reviews the literature of the architecture of advanced manufacturing technologies and systems, manufacturing information standard, and share and integration method. Section 2.3 presents the overall architecture of the IoT-MS. The real-time manufacturing information sharing and integration service is described in Section 2.4. Section 2.5 introduces the worklogic of IoT-MS. The core technologies of IoT-MS are given in Section 2.6.

2.2. Related work

In general, reviewing the published literature aims to evaluate the body of literature and identify potential research gaps highlighting the boundaries of knowledge [10]. In this section, we will not only provide a brief overview of past research on the topic of advanced manufacturing paradigms and technologies but also on the topic of the standard and method of manufacturing information share and integration. Our aim is to identify the most influential studies, determine the areas of current research interest and provide insights for current research interests and directions for future research in the IoT-MS.
To sum up, the research literature related to this chapter can be divided into two parts: (1) advanced manufacturing paradigms and technologies; and (2) manufacturing information standard and share and integration method.

2.2.1. Advanced Manufacturing Paradigms and Technologies

Over the past 20 years, manufacturing enterprises have been able to dynamically optimize their production processes and dramatically improve product quality and yield by implementing the advanced manufacturing paradigm (e.g., lean manufacturing, service-oriented manufacturing, and so on). However, in some manufacturing environments, for instance, metallurgy, chemicals, and mining, extreme swings in variability are a fact of life [11], sometimes even after the advanced manufacturing paradigm have been applied. Given the complexity of production activities that influence the decision making of manufacturing process in these and other industries, manufacturing enterprises need some advanced technologies to track, diagnose, and optimize the process flaws. Therefore, IoT, cloud computing (CC) and cyber-physical system (CPS) technologies now are widely used to develop the new manufacturing paradigms to provide aforementioned capability for manufacturing enterprises.
In the IoT paradigm, many of the entities and objects that surround us will be connected to the network. RFID and sensor network technologies have been raised to meet this new challenge, in which information and communication systems were invisibly embedded in the environment around us [12]. The earliest case of an industrial IoT application was the supply chain and logistics management. RFIDs can be attached to (or embedded in) objects and used to identify materials and goods [13]. By using the IoT technology during the process of product life cycle management (PLM), the entire lifecycle status of products can be tracked by RFIDs [14]. For example, RFID readers can be installed along the production plant to monitor the production process, while the label can be traced throughout the entire supply chain (e.g., packaging, transportation, warehousing, sale, service, maintenance, and disposal). Advanced IoT systems, consisted of RFID-equipped items and smart shelves, where the objects and products can be tracked in real time. This may help to reduce material waste, thus lowering costs and improving profit margins for both retailers and manufacturers [15]. IoT can be used to offer advanced solutions in the automotive industry [16]. Each parameter of the automobile can be monitored by specific sensors, such as tire pressure, motor data, fuel consumption, location, speed, and so on. The sensed data was then reported to the center system for optimization of product design, improvement of service, and energy efficiency. IoT may help to increase the environmental sustainability of our cities and the people’s quality of life [17]. For example, smart parking systems may guide drivers to the nearest available parking slot according to the real-time data of drivers’ location or real-time recommendation of the smart parking systems, hence saving time and fuel, and thus reducing the carbon footprint. Additional applications include smart services for entertainment and tourism [18]. For example, by taking pictures of monuments and other tourist landmarks, the users may obtain pertinent information on the personal smartphone from the recommendation system of the city tourism services center, and be guided to discover the heritage of the city. IoT can be used for monitoring and exchanging information about energy flows in the smart grid [19]. In the application of grid, smart meters, automatic control devices, smart switches, and smart appliances were used to monitor the real-time data of electric consumption. By intelligent data analysis, the grid was able to know in advance the expected demands and to adapt the production and consumption of electricity. Consequently, the peak loads of power consumption can be avoided, the possibility of a power outage can be eliminated, and the promptness of action in case of failure and fault can be enhanced. Other types of applications were integrated IoT with the smart grid to optimize the domestic consumption [20]. For example, the home area network (HAN) allows appliances to interact with smart meters in order to reduce costs while guaranteeing the demanded performance. Emergency management assists the society in preparing for, and coping with manmade or natural disasters such as chemical leaks, floods, fire, earthquakes, tornadoes, and epidemics [21]. IoT offers feasible solutions for monitoring and tackling these emergency scenarios in real time (or near real time). The medical and healthcare sector will be strongly affected by IoT [22]. For instance, body area networks (BANs) which is formed by smart and wearable devices (e.g., watches, shoes, and glasses), allow doctors to conduct the remote patient’s monitoring and remote patient’s diagnosing of the hospital.
A new service-oriented manufacturing paradigm, namely cloud manufacturing (CMfg) has been proposed to transform from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing, and to construct complete manufacturing enterprise systems (ES) with high intelligence [23]. This new manufacturing paradigm was proposed with combination of advanced computing models and technologies such as CC [24], high performance computing, service-oriented technologies [25], and IoT. To fully implement CMfg, the concept, architecture, core enabling technologies, and characteristics of CMfg were widely studied [2629]. A cloud-based design and manufacture (CBDM) model composed of a cloud consumer, cloud provider, cloud broker, and cloud carriers was studied [30,31]. Product configurators of CMfg for enterprises were studied by Yip et al. [32] to achieve product customization in order to address individual customers’ requirements. Wang [33] studied and developed an Internet and web-based service-oriented system for machine availability monitoring and process planning toward CMfg. The problem of manufacturing resource and service management were studied by Tao et al. [23,34], including the utility modeling, equilibrium, and collaboration of manufacturing resource service transaction, and resource service scheduling based on utility evaluation, service composition and its optimal-selection algorithms, service composition network in CMfg system or service-oriented manufacturing systems. Lu et al. [35] used ontology within a cloud management engine to manage user-defined clouds. The ontology is used to instantiate companies on which the user executes a customized rule to create a cloud and define users authorized to access this cloud. With the emerging theory of “Industry 4.0,” the integration of cloud technologies and industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) was first studied [36]. In this paper, the development and character of ICPS were described. With the support of the cloud, ICPS development will impact value creation, business models, downstream services, and work organization. A cloud-based production planning and control system for discrete manufacturing environments were developed to meet the shift of traditional mass producing industries toward mass customization practices [37]. The proposed approach takes into consideration capacity constraints, lot sizing, and priority control in a “bucket-less” manufacturing environment. Gao et al. [38] review the historical development of prognosis theories and techniques and project their future growth enabled by the emerging cloud infrastructure. Techniques for CC were highlighted, as well as the influence of these techniques on the paradigm of cloud-enabled prognosis for manufacturing. Virtualization was critical for resource sharing and dynamic allocation in CMfg. An effective method for manufacturing resources and capabilities virtualization was proposed by Liu and Li [39]. This method contains manufacturing resources modeling and manufacturing cloud services encapsulation. A manufacturing resource virtual description model was built, which includes both nonfunctional and functional features of manufacturing resources. The model can provide a comprehensive manufacturing resource view and information for various manufacturing applications.
Servitization plays an increasingly important role in modern manufacturing environment. In respect of service-oriented manufacturing paradigm, intangible services and physical products were integrated into one system, which was called product-service system (PSS) to provide a comprehensive solution for customers [40]. The ultimate PSS objective was to increase a company’s competitiveness and profitability [41], and another of the PSS objectives was to reduce the consumption of products through alternative scenarios of product use instead of acquiring it. For example, customers who drive rather infrequently may not need to buy cars but would use a car-sharing system [42]. When defining the PSS, Goedkoop et al. [43] define it as a combination of products and services in a system that provides functionality for consumers and reduces environmental impact. Mont [44] highlights how the PSS offers a product and system of integrated products and services that are intended to reduce the environmental impact through alternative scenarios of product use. Thus, the PSS was a competitive opportunity, which was important for how it was able to alter consumption standards. In other words, this new manufacturing paradigm aims to improve both competitiveness and the pursuit of balance between social, economic, and environmental issues [45]. A RFID-enabled PSS for automotive part and accessory manufacturing alliances were proposed by Huang et al. [46] to alleviate the manufacturing systems of automotive part and accessory manufacturers, and to address the “three high problems,” namely high cost, high risk, and high level of technical skills. To have a competitive PSS, a methodology of PSS engineering design was proposed to support engineering designers during the development process [47]. The context of PSS development and the current methods used to develop such systems were described in this paper. Then, the tools and formalism used in the proposed methodology based on a function-oriented description and an activities-related description were explained. An approach for PSS configuration was proposed to achieve desired benefits and customer satisfaction [48]. In this research, the customer needs were first divided as functional needs and perception needs which were generally expressed by customers in their own words. Based on it, a multiclass support vector machine model was built for configuring a specific PSS that meets customer needs. Since methods to evaluate the feasibility of new businesses vary with the characteristics of businesses, the evaluation methods might need to be modified to reflect unique nature in the design of a new PSS. To address this problem, a new framework was proposed to improve the applicability of evaluation methods of newly designed PSS [49]. Environmental constraints lead to important changes in the innovation strategies of manufacturing firms. The development of PSS in 10 manufacturing firms were studied by Laperche and Picard [50] to investigate the reasons and the forms of PSS development. Their impact on innovation management as well as the prerequisites and limits of their implementation were discussed in detail.

2.2.2. Manufacturing Information Standard and Share and Integration Method

In the real-world manufacturing environment, different enterprises usually use the different middleware and software applications. The problem of information integration should be considered and addressed when information was exchanged among heterogeneous enterprise information systems (EISs). Therefore, unified data models and standard data schemas of manufacturing information play key roles in information sharing and integration of heterogeneous EISs. This was not only at business or at manufacturing levels but also inside a single enterprise or between networked enterprises [51].
An interface to achieve seamless connections between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and process control systems was developed by Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. [52]. Panetto and Molina [53] described the challenges, trends, and issues for the enterprise information interoperability. They pointed out that enterprise knowledge sharing, common best practices use, and open source/web-based applications were helping to achieve the concept of integrated enterprise and hence the implementation and interoperability of networked enterprises. Rodriguez et al. [54] presented a novel classification method for eight web service discoverability antipatterns, which was good for ranking more relevant services. Kong et al. [55] modeled the uncertain workload and the vague availability of virtualized server nodes with a fuzzy prediction method. The ISA95 standard [56] was developed with the objective to reduce the cost, risk, and errors associated with implementing interfaces between enterprise and production control systems. The business-to-manufacturing mark-up language (B2MML) [57] standard developed by World Batch Forum (WBF) specifies accepted definitions and data formats for information exchange between different management systems. Anaya et al. [58] described a unified enterprise modeling language (UEML), which aims at supporting integrated use of enterprise information models expressed using different languages. Zhang et al. [59] adopt extensible mark-up language (XML)-based schemas to implement the information integration of the heterogeneous information systems. A comprehensive machine tool resource model was proposed by Vichare et al. [60]. The proposed model considers the majority of standard machine elements including specification of the NC controller. Shi et al. [61] employed XML schema to encapsulate manufacturing resource information and adopted web service description language (WSDL) to model the accessing operations to manufacturing resources. Liu et al. [62] proposed a multigranularity resource virtualization and sharing strategies for bridging the gap between complex manufacturing tasks and underlying resources. The proposed approach considers three factors, including workflow, activity, and resource that significantly influence stepwise decompositions of a complex manufacturing task. Tao et al. [63] investigated the formulation of service composition optimal-selection in CMfg with multiple objectives and constraints. An extended product data model that can specify technical services, taking into account the product design and manufacturing process supported as integrated product life cycle data was proposed to maximize product performance over its life cycle [64]. Being an information modeling language to support the Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP), EXPRESS has been developed to share and exchange product design, manufacturing, and production data in product life cycle. In order to explicitly represent and handle fuzzy engineering information, an extended EXPRESS-G data model for different kinds of fuzziness modeling was developed [65]. The formal transformation from the fuzzy EXPRESS-G data model to the fuzzy XML model was investigated in this paper. The formal transformation approaches proposed in the paper were demonstrated with engineering application examples. The STEP standard makes it easier to integrate systems that process various product life cycle functions, such as design, engineering, manufacturing, logistics support, and will help to facilitate concurrent engineering. To facilitate the computer-readable exchange of the product bill of materials (BOM) information for product data management (PDM), the STEP ISO 10303-21 was implemented by Shih [66] in order to share the product data information in a manufacturing environment.

2.3. Overall architecture of IoT-MS

Fig. 2.1 shows the overall architecture of IoT-MS. It aims to provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-develop solution for real-time monitor, control, and optimization of manufacturing system by using the IoT. As seen in Fig. 2.1, by applying the conception of IoT to manufacturing systems, the real-time status of distributed manufacturing resources such as manufacturing stations and trolleys can be easily sensed. Then, the real-time performance and exceptions of the whole manufacturing systems could be dynamically monitored, which will provide important support for implementing optimal control and decision making.
Figure 2.1 Overall architecture of IoT-MS.
From the bottom to top of Fig. 2.1, there are some key components designed for IoT-MS. They are briefly described as follows.
1. Manufacturing resources
Generally, manufacturing resources are the typical resources in the manufacturing system, for example, manufacturing shop floor, machine, operator, trolley, enterprise management information systems, and so on.
2. IoT techniques
IoT techniques are responsible for providing the hardware solution for sensing and capturing the real-time and multisource manufacturing information. Different types of sensors or auto-ID devices will be configured together with the manufacturing resources so that the real-time manufacturing data can be actively captured. For example, RFID readers are used to capture the real-time location data of operator, material, trolley, WIP item, and so on; digital caliper can be used to capture the quality data of the workpiece.
3. Middleware
Because different types of sensors or auto-ID devices may have different driven and data structure, it is very important to design a middleware to centrally manage the heterogeneous sensors or auto-ID devices.
4. Smart station
Manufacturing machines play an important role for executing the production tasks of the manufacturing system. Therefore, the smart model of machine sides are the fundamentals of the smart manufacturing system. In this book, the assembly station is selected as the bottom production object, and the smart station model is established. It aims to make the physic station smart with the capability of active sensing and self-decision.
5. Smart trolley
Material handling play an important role for executing the internal logistics tasks of the manufacturing system. Therefore, the smart model of trolley sides are the fundamental of the smart manufacturing system. In this book, the trolley is selected as the bottom material handling object, and the smart trolley model is designed and established. It aims to make the physic trolley smart with the capability of intelligent navigation such as actively capturing a move task, navigating the trolley to load or unload the material items at right locations, and so on.
6. Real-time monitor
The real-time traceability and visibility of manufacturing things plays a critical role in improving shop-floor performance with better planning, scheduling, and control decisions.
7. Real-time optimization
The sensor networks are used to measure the dynamical parameters such as environment (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.), movement (velocity, acceleration, shock, etc.) and real-time status of the manufacturing things. It will provide the supervisors with real-time information to implement optimal control and decision of a manufacturing execution system.

2.4. Integration framework of real-time manufacturing information

2.4.1. Framework of Real-Time Manufacturing Information Sharing and Integration

As different manufacturing companies may adopt the different enterprise information management systems, in IoT-MS environment, there are two great challenges for real-time manufacturing information sharing and integration. The first is how to process a huge amount of real-time data captured from the distributed sensors to useful manufacturing information. The second is how to share and exchange the real-time manufacturing information among the heterogeneous enterprise information management systems such as ERP, MRP, PDM, MES, CAPP, and so on.
To deal with these problems, a real-time manufacturing information sharing and integration framework (RMISIF) is presented as seen in Fig. 2.2. It aims to build up a bridge to share and exchange real-time information between heterogeneous enterprise information management systems and real-time manufacturing data captured by IoT devices. As shown in Fig. 2.2, the bottom shows the real-time manufacturing data database. The top shows the real-time manufacturing data processing, sharing, and exchanging service, and the B2MML standards are adopted to create standard schemas for sharing and exchanging among the heterogeneous enterprise information management systems (shown in the right of the Fig. 2.2).
Figure 2.2 Framework of real-time manufacturing information sharing and integration.

2.4.2. Real-Time Manufacturing Data Processing, Sharing, and Exchanging Service

The real-time manufacturing data processing, sharing, and exchanging service (PSES) is the core of the manufacturing information sharing and integration framework. The inputs of PSES are the parameters of the data source of the heterogeneous enterprise information management systems which users want to acquire or update information from or to, while the outputs are to provide the standard real-time information for the heterogeneous enterprise information management systems.
PSES follows the service-oriented architecture and is represented as a web service which can be easily published, searched, and invoked through Internet. It includes two main modules, namely data processing module and sharing and exchanging module, which are described as follows.
1. Data processing module
Data processing module is responsible for processing the isolated and inconsistent data sensed by IoT devices to standard information schema so that it can be easily shared and exchanged among the heterogeneous enterprise information management systems.
To make the processed manufacturing information can be understood by many heterogeneous enterprise information management systems, this module uses the ISA 95 and B2MML data structure and schemas. Fig. 2.3 shows the overall of real-time manufacturing information schema (RMIS) based on B2MML. The designed RMIS includes and extends the set of standards and data structure of ISA 95 and B2MML.
Figure 2.3 Real-time manufacturing information schema (RMIS).
As seen in Fig. 2.3, the model of RMIS is in accord with the hierarchy of a manufacturing system, namely a manufacturing system has one or more shop floors. Each shop floor consists of one or more production lines/stations. Each production line or station involves a variety of manufacturing things such as man, equipment, materials, WIP, and so on. Take the information schema of real-time process segment as an example, it has eight types of subschemas, for example, operation, man, equipment, produced material, consumed material, produced WIP, consumed WIP, and consumable information.
To make the real-time data of primitive event occurred at the distributed IoT devices meaningful manufacturing data which can be understood by the IoT-MS, an event model is used to establish the relationship mapping between the business context and the real-time field data in the manufacturing system. The event model has two main stages, namely event definition and executer. In the definition stage, the relationships such as the logic and sequence flows between the primitive events of the IoT/auto-ID devices and the meaningful manufacturing events will be defined and established. Then, in the executer stage, the result of the meaningful manufacturing events will be executed through the event executer according to the defined and established logic and sequence relationships of the relevant primitive events.
2. Sharing and exchanging module
Contrast to data processing module, sharing and exchanging module is simple. This module has two main components, namely information push and push list manager. The information push component is used to actively push the real-time information from the sharing and exchanging module to different users or heterogeneous information management systems. This component will be invoked once the primitive events have occurred at the distributed IoT/autoID devices. In order to share and integrate the real-time manufacturing data, the push list manager component is used to add or delete the information entry of different heterogeneous information management systems. Each information management system can define its personalized requirement, for example, the types of the real-time manufacturing information, remote transmit interfaces, and so on. Then, when information push component is invoked, the push list will be loaded at first and the standard real-time manufacturing information can be timely transmitted to the registered information management systems.

2.5. The worklogic of IoT-MS

The worklogic of optimization of manufacturing systems using the IoT is described in Fig. 2.4, it has the following six steps.
1. IoT devices configuration
Figure 2.4 Worklogic of IoT-MS.
The IoT devices configuration method is used to easily and effectively deploy the IoT devices. Here, the IoT devices include various types of sensors (e.g., RFID, temperature sensor, force sensor, and digital caliper) used to collect real-time data in manufacturing processes. Equipped with IoT devices, the real-time primitive event of production resources can be sensed and captured, creating a real-time and multisource manufacturing data sensing environment.
2. Smart model of bottom manufacturing resources
Smart model of bottom manufacturing resources (e.g., machine tool and trolley) are constructed using IoT, computational intelligence, and information technology. Based on the model, manufacturing resources can actively interact and share information with each other in the manufacturing processes. The information also can be shared among the manufacturing resources and the upper management system.
3. Manufacturing resources configuration
When the manufacturing tasks are obtained from manufacturing plant, manufacturing resources configuration module assign the tasks to the optimized manufacturing resources according to the parameters and real-time status of each manufacturing resource.
4. Production task scheduling
Based on the results of manufacturing resources configuration, the production task scheduling module aims to sequence the tasks (in the process level) on the machines in order to minimize the makespan adopting intelligent algorithms. The results of the scheduling include the operation sequence as well as the start and end time of the tasks on the machine.
5. Material handling
By using IoT technology to material trolley, each trolley is an active entity which will request the transport tasks. An algorithm is designed to realize the dynamic optimization of the material handling tasks and transport route. Using the algorithm, transport tasks will be assigned to the optimal trolley according to the priority of tasks, maximum load and volume of the trolleys.
6. Real-time monitor, analyze, and optimization
During the manufacturing process, the production status of each process is perceived and fed back to the upper level management information system. According to the real-time status of the bottom manufacturing resources, the production performance of the plant manufacturing execution system is analyzed, in order to improve the transparency and traceability of the manufacturing system. Based on the analysis results, the tasks is reassigned to the manufacturing resources and rescheduled to realize real-time optimization.

2.6. Description of the core technologies of IoT-MS

Optimization of manufacturing systems using the IoT involves multidiscipline theories such as information technology, computer science, automation, industrial engineering, artificial intelligence, and so on. However, this book focuses mainly on the Internet of manufacturing things (resources), smart model of bottom manufacturing resources, and the real-time manufacturing data-driven actively sensing and dynamic optimization of the manufacturing system.
To implement the objective of the designed overall architecture of IoT-MS in Section 2.2, seven core technologies will be studied as shown in Fig. 2.5. The seven core technologies will be simply described here, which will be further discussed in details in the subsequent chapters.
1. Real-time and multisource manufacturing information perception system
Figure 2.5 Core technologies of IoT-MS.
The real-time and multisource manufacturing information perception is the basis of proactive sensing and dynamic scheduling of workshop production process. In order to achieve the information perception, various types of sensors need to be deployed and configured in a traditional manufacturing environment. For deployment and configuration of the sensor, there are three problems that need to be addressed. The first is how to achieve heterogeneous sensor device selection and configuration according to the types and amount of information collected. The second is how to achieve centralized management of the heterogeneous sensors. The third is how the raw data collected will be processed into understandable manufacturing information.
2. IoT-enabled smart assembly station
By adopting automatic identification technologies, the assembly station is called as IoT-enabled smart assembly station, which can support real-time intelligent navigation. To provide optimal navigation for the assembly activities of each assembly station, three main services, namely the real-time assembly operating guidance service, collaborative production service among assembly stations, and real-time queuing service of task are designed. For the assembly line level, the disturbances and exceptions could be timely captured and reduced. The IoT-enabled smart assembly station will facilitate the real-time information-driven process monitoring and control between the line and stations.
3. IoT-enabled smart trolley
Equipped with auto-ID devices, the trolleys can sense the different manufacturing resources (e.g., operator, material, pallet, location, and so on) and actively request the move tasks, and the real-time status of each trolley could be timely tracked and traced. Based on these real-time and multisource data, intelligent navigation can be implemented to enhance the delivery efficiency. The problem is how to apply auto-ID devices and information technologies to enable the trolleys to have the capability of active sensing and intelligence so that the real-time material handling can be achieved.
4. CC-based manufacturing resources configuration method
The wide use of CC has prompted the development of CMfg. In CMfg, the distributed and heterogeneous manufacturing resources are virtualized and encapsulated into manufacturing cloud services, including manufacturing cell cloud service (MCCS) and manufacturing machine cloud service (MMCS). The manufacturing resources configuration method aims to select an optimal solution from large-scale service compositions (for both MCCSs and MMCSs),
5. Real-time key production performances analysis method
Timely and accurate perception and analysis of the production process key performance is critical to ensure the efficient and high quality operation of the manufacturing systems. Based on the real-time data, the key production performances analysis method is developed. The method can be divided into two parts. One is to map the relationship between the real-time key performances of complex production process (e.g., production order status, manufacturing cost, production quality and work in process inventory) and the related manufacturing resources. The other is to add value from the multisource manufacturing information based on decision trees, rule base, and data mining method. The analysis results of the real-time performance of manufacturing execution systems will be provided to different levels of the production managers.
6. Real-time information-driven production scheduling system
With the application of IoT technologies to manufacturing processes, real-time data has become more accessible and ubiquitous. Based on the real-time data, multiagent and auto-ID technologies are integrated to implement real-time shop-floor scheduling in a ubiquitous manufacturing environment. The multiagent real-time scheduling system includes four types of agents: machine agent, capability evaluation agent, real-time scheduling agent, and process monitor agent. These four agents are coordinated to realize the dynamic scheduling of production process of complex product, closing the loop of production planning and control.
7. IoT-MS prototype system
To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed active perception and dynamic optimization framework, model, and technologies in manufacturing system, an IoT-enabled prototype system is designed, in order to improve the transparency of the manufacturing process. In addition, the real-time abnormal event detection in production process can ensure the high efficiency and quality production of manufacturing tasks.
RFID systems are deployed to collect the real-time production data, making the operational status of the shop floor become transparent. Based on data analysis, the abnormal information of the key events in production is diagnosed, and the production performances are evaluated, so as to realize the dynamic optimization of the production process. Using the prototype system, employees including machine operators and distribution workers, are guided by the visual interface of the devices to perform tasks. This can enhance the overall plant efficiency. In addition, based on the historical production information, managers can make decisions about future production tasks.


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