Chapter 6

IoT-Enabled Smart Trolley


Large amounts of real-time and multisource manufacturing information is created by the wide application of auto-ID devices in manufacturing shop floors. In this chapter, a novel material handling model is proposed to improve the decision making based on the real-time and multisource manufacturing information. Comparing with existing central material handling method, the proposed method allows each trolley to request the move task actively, and each trolley could get the optimal move tasks according to their real-time status. Three key technologies are designed and developed to implement the presented material handling model. They are respectively as Internet of things (IoT)-enabled smart trolley, real-time information exchange mechanism, and combination optimization method for material handling tasks. In addition, a case study is used to illustrate the presented method, and two evaluation indicators (i.e., empty-loading ratio and total distance) are selected to verify the method’s effectiveness.


real-time and multisource information
material handling
IoT-enabled smart trolley

6.1. Introduction

With the rapid development of industrial wireless network and auto-ID technologies [e.g., radio frequency identification (RFID), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi], many enterprises adopt these advanced technologies to implement real-time traceability, visibility, and interoperability in improving the performance of shop-floor planning, execution, and control [1], and huge streams of manufacturing information has been produced during diverse manufacturing processes.
In the shop floor, material handling plays an important role in improving the production efficiency. It has been widely considered by academia and industry. To improve the transport efficiency and reduce the transport time, Herrmann et al. [2] designed the material flow networks. A heuristic method has been put forward by Anwar et al. [3] to solve the simultaneous scheduling problem of material handling transporters in the production of complex assembled product. Lee et al. [4] provide dispatching strategies for the rail-guided vehicle scheduling problem in a flexible manufacturing system. Khayat et al. [5] propose an integrated formulation to solve the combined production and material handling scheduling problems. Asef-Vaziri et al. [6] develop the heuristic procedures to minimize the total loaded and empty vehicle trip distances. Boonprasurt et al. [7] present an optimal model for the vehicle routing problem with manual materials handling.
Recently, real-time and multisource information are more accessible and ubiquitous since Internet of things (IoT) technologies (e.g., RFID or barcode) have been extended to the manufacturing environment [8]. Real-time information streams are captured by the sensor network in manufacturing environment, which imposes new challenges on the optimization model of material handling system. Lee et al. [9] state that material handling will be more efficient based on the massive real-time information.
Though researchers have made great progress in improving the material handling, major challenges still exist in how to utilize real-time and multisource manufacturing information to make better decision for shop-floor material handling (SMH). They are summarized as follows:
1. Generally, move tasks are centrally allocated to trolleys according to a given objective, for example, the minimum total transport time. However, during the material handling execution, the deviations between the plan and execution are often caused by unpredictable exceptions. The more the move tasks, the bigger the deviations. Then, these deviations will lead to further serious production exceptions. Therefore, how to develop a real-time information-based allocation strategy of material handling tasks to reduce or avoid deviations should be considered.
2. Trolleys in the shop floor can sense different manufacturing resources (e.g., material, pallet, and operator) and actively request moves by attached intelligent and auto-ID devices. In addition, their real-time status could be timely tracked and traced. The delivery efficiency could also be enhanced by implementing real-time information-driven intelligent navigation during material handling process. Therefore, how to use auto-ID devices and information technologies to enable the trolleys have the capability of active sensing and intelligence plays an important role in improving the material handling in manufacturing shop floor.
3. Traditional material handling methods rarely take the combination of move tasks into account. However, for the purpose of low carbon, it’s necessary to adopt a combination method of move tasks to improve the material handling efficiency and decrease the transport cost. Therefore, how to combine the different move tasks according to the priority of tasks, maximum load, and volume of the trolleys is another issue in implementing green material handling in the manufacturing shop floor.
To address the aforementioned challenges, a novel optimization model for SMH is proposed in this chapter. It is composed of three key points. The first one is an active allocation strategy of move tasks. The second point is the IoT-enabled smart trolleys with the capability of active sensing and self-decision. The third point is the combination optimization method of move tasks to decrease the transport cost and energy consumption. The presented optimization method will provide a new paradigm for manufacturing enterprises to implement real-time information-driven SMH.

6.2. Related works

There are two streams of literature that are relevant to this research. They are material handling and real-time data capturing in manufacturing field.

6.2.1. Material Handling

Material handling allows matching vendor supply with customer demand, smoothing demand for seasonal products, consolidating products, customizing product, or packaging and arranging distribution activities [10]. Many optimization models have been proposed to improve the material handling. Nazzal et al. [11] develop a closed queuing network approach to analyze the multivehicle material handling systems. Lau et al. [12] present an artificial immune system (AIS)-based model to provide an effective methodology to coordinate and control multiagent systems. Lau and Woo [13] introduce a dynamic routing strategy for determining the optimal route for material flow under a distributed agent-based material handling system. Tuzkaya et al. [14] apply an integrated fuzzy multicriteria decision-making methodology to solve the material handling equipment selection problem. To minimize the machine operation, material handling, and machine setup costs and maximize the machine utilization, Mahdavi et al. [15] designed a simulation-based optimization for controlling operation allocation and material handling equipment selection. To minimize the sum of the expected long-run average transport job waiting cost, Lin et al. [16] propose a Markov decision model–based dynamic vehicle allocation control for automated material handling system (AMHS) in semiconductor manufacturing. Dai et al. [17] explores the economic feasibility of a flexible material handling system using free-ranging automated guided vehicles (AGV) with a local positioning system (LPS) for the apparel industry. Poon et al. [18] develop a RFID-GA-based warehouse resource allocation system to solve stochastic production material demand problems. To effectively analyze and evaluate the performances of closed-loop AMHS with shortcut and blocking in semiconductor wafer fabrication system, a modified Markov chain model (MMCM) has been proposed [19]. Drießel and Mönch [20] suggest an extension of the shifting bottleneck heuristic for complex job shops that takes the operations of AMHS into account. By a combination of the concept of compromise solution and grey relational model, a new fuzzy grey multicriteria decision-making method is presented to deal with the evaluation and selection problems of material handling equipment under the condition of uncertain information [21]. Chung [22] develops a new heuristic method based on a stochastic approach to estimate the arrival times of transportation jobs to their final destinations for automated material handling in an LCD fabrication facility. Because of the need for steadiness and stability in the automated manufacturing systems, a biobjective stochastic programming model is used to evaluate material handling systems with automated guide vehicles [23]. A variant of particle swarm optimization (PSO) with a self-learning strategy is provided for vehicle routing problem of multiple products with material handling in multiple cross-docks [24]. Choe et al. [25] investigates how cognitive automation and mechanical automaton in the material handling system affect manufacturing flexibility. Their simulation program shows that cognitive automation has a very critical effect on manufacturing flexibility in the material handling system. Hadi-Vencheh et al. [26] propose a new hybrid fuzzy multicriteria decision-making model for solving the equipment selection problem in material handling system. The standard deviation, variance, and the downside risk of the cost distribution are investigated as the risk measures of material handling system by Mital et al. [27].

6.2.2. Real-Time Data Capturing in Manufacturing Field

As a novel paradigm, IoT is rapidly gaining ground in the scenario of modern wireless telecommunications [28]. By enabling instant identification and automatic information transfer, IoT technologies (e.g., RFID, auto ID) provide visibility of a dynamically moving object in a constantly changing environment [29]. Experts have done lots of researches about applications of IoT technologies in manufacturing process. RFID has been widely used in supporting the logistics management on manufacturing shop floors where production resources attached with RFID facilities are converted into smart manufacturing objects (SMOs) which are able to sense, interact, and reason to create a ubiquitous environment [30]. Lee et al. [31] present an RFID-based resource allocation system (RFID-RAS), integrating RFID technology and fuzzy logic concept for achieving better resource allocation with particular reference to garment manufacturing. Zhang et al. [32] provide an innovative all-in-one Smart Gateway technology for capturing real-time production data from various manufacturing resources attached to different types of RFID/auto-ID devices. Zhang et al. [33] use the RFID-enabled reconfigurable manufacturing sources to achieve real-time agent-based workflow management. Tu et al. [34] propose an agent-based distributed production control framework with UHF RFID technology to help firms adapt to such a dynamic and agile manufacturing environment. Guo et al. [35] design RFID-based intelligent decision support system architecture to handle production monitoring and scheduling in a distributed manufacturing environment. To monitor and control dynamic production flows and also to improve the traceability and visibility of mass customization manufacturing processes, Chen et al. [36] developed an agent-based manufacturing control and coordination (AMCC) system, an agent-based framework using ontology and RFID technology. Huang et al. [37] developed RFID-based real-time collaborative manufacturing shop-floor service platforms to address automotive manufacturing standards and practices within automotive parts and accessories manufacturers. A study has been made to show the capability of a RFID-based information system in the international distribution process of a car manufacturer [38]. Zhou and Piramuthu [39] consider RFID tags and their applications from a recycling/remanufacturing perspective and propose a novel framework to assist such process based on item-level information visibility and instantaneous tracking/tracing ability enabled by RFID. An intelligent and real-time multiobjective decision-making model is developed to provide timely and effective solutions for multiobjective production planning problem by integrating RFID technology with intelligent optimization techniques [40]. Zhong et al. [41] propose an RFID-enabled real-time advanced production planning and scheduling shell (RAPShell, in short) to coordinate different decision makers across production processes. To address important logistics operations aspects, Mejjaouli and Babiceanu use an integrated RFID-sensor network system to detect the condition of perishable products as they are moved downstream the supply chain before undesired total loss of products occurs [42]. Tang et al. [43] propose a value-driven uncertainty-aware data-processing method that considers RFID detection reliability, timeliness, and the throughput of an assembly line to characterize the potential benefits of RFID implementation in a mixed-model assembly system. Fan et al. [44] implement a research on the impact of RFID technology adoption on supply chain decisions with shrinkage and misplacement problems in the IoT. Oliveira et al. [45] propose a model for logistics management based on geofencing algorithms and radio-frequency technology to improve services, reduce costs, and ensure the safety in cargo transportation.
Aforementioned researches make significant contribution to solving the material handling problems. However, they mainly focus on a traditional manufacturing environment. Extending IoT technologies to manufacturing environment will bring new decision strategies for SHM in many perspectives. For example, real-time decision models will be promoted by the massive real-time and multisource manufacturing information. Therefore, several research issues should be further studied in the IoT-based manufacturing environment. The first issue is about a new material handling strategy in the IoT-based manufacturing environment. The second issue is how to develop IoT-based trolleys to execute intelligent material handling. The third issue is how to efficiently combine the different move tasks for the IoT-based trolleys according to their real-time status. To address these issues, a novel optimization model is designed to implement real-time information-driven SMH in the IoT-based manufacturing environment.

6.3. Real-time information enabled material handling strategy

The material handling referred in this chapter mainly focuses on a discrete manufacturing and fixed position assembly environment. The presented optimization model for SMH aims to enable distribution resources to have interactive ability through extending IoT technologies to the material handling process, and implement the real-time information-driven allocation of move tasks.
Fig. 6.1 describes the central material handling strategy. The central material handling strategy is generally adopted by traditional manufacturing environment. In this strategy, move tasks are centrally allocated to trolleys by the material handling system, and there is no interaction between trolleys and other distribution resources. Moreover, the decision model of this strategy rarely takes the real-time information of distribution resources into account. Deviations between the plan and execution are often caused by unpredictable exceptions. The more the move tasks, the bigger the deviations. In addition, due to the increasing move tasks and trolleys, the computational complexity becomes higher and higher.
Figure 6.1 Central material handling strategy.
Fig. 6.2 describes the real-time information driven active material handling strategy. In the real-time information driven active material handling strategy, each trolley could actively request move tasks according to its real-time status. Because IoT technologies are extended to the manufacturing environment, the real-time information of trolleys could be easily captured, and continuous interacts between trolleys and move tasks server could also be achieved. Based on the captured real-time information, trolleys will get the most suitable move tasks when they are idle. After trolleys complete the allocated move tasks, they will automatically send their current status and request the move tasks again. This procedure will repeat until all the move tasks are finished.
Figure 6.2 Active material handling strategy.
The presented real-time information driven active material handling strategy has following advantages. First, each idle trolley can get the optimal move tasks at any time. Second, because only one trolley requests move tasks at each time, the complexity of this strategy is stable. Third, since the move task allocation is real-time information driven and the allocation process has been only started for the idle trolleys, the deviations between plan and execution in central material handling strategy can be largely removed in the active material handling strategy.

6.4. Overall architecture of optimization model for SMH

As shown in Fig. 6.3, a conceptual architecture of the optimization model for SMH is designed based on the proposed real-time information driven active material handling strategy. It consists of three modules, namely IoT-enabled smart trolley, real-time information exchange, and combination optimization method for move tasks.
Figure 6.3 Overall architecture of optimization model for SMH.
IoT-enabled smart trolley module is the core part to achieve the real-time information driven active material handling strategy. It is responsible for enabling the trolleys to get the capability of active perception and dynamic interaction by adopting IoT technologies. As a middle section, real-time information exchange module provides a mechanism for the real-time information exchanging between distributed trolleys and move task server. Combination optimization for move tasks module aims to implement green SMH through combining the move tasks according to priority of move tasks, maximum load, and volume of the trolleys.

6.5. IoT-enabled smart trolley

The capturing and usage of real-time and multisource information of trolleys play an important role in the proposed active material handling strategy. How to use advanced IoT technologies (e.g., RFID, web services, and workflow) to make traditional trolleys smart will be described in detail in this section.
As said before, IoT-enabled smart trolley module aims to enable trolleys to get the capability of active capturing, interaction, and self-decision. Overall solution of IoT-enabled smart trolley is shown in Fig. 6.4. Three parts are included in the solution. They are real-time information capturing and encapsulation, real-time information exchange, workflow-based real-time navigation. The functions of these parts are described as follows.
Figure 6.4 Overall solution of the proposed smart trolley.

6.5.1. Real-Time Information Capturing and Encapsulation

This part is responsible for making trolleys get the capability of active perception. As shown in the middle of Fig. 6.4, some hardware devices (e.g., industrial control computer, RFID reader and antennas) are attached to the trolley. They are employed to timely capture the real-time information. The employed hardware devices mainly include industrial control computer, RFID reader and antennas. The industrial control computer is used to store temporary real-time information and develop some software. RFID reader and antennas are employed to capture real-time information of manufacturing resources (e.g., pallets, operators, and key work-in-progress) which are attached RFID tags. Their detailed information is described as follows:
Industrial control computer
The main parameters of the employed industrial control computer in this chapter include its model, capacity of its memory, and capacity of its hard disk. Its model is PCA-6007LV. The capacity of its memory is 1G. The capacity of its hard disk is 160G. The functions of industrial control computer can be categorized into three aspects. First, it can connect RFID readers and receive the captured real-time data. Second, it can send the real-time status of the trolley to information server and get the assigned move tasks from the information server. Third, it can provide the real-time navigation information for the operators.
RFID reader
The main parameters of the employed RFID reader in this chapter refer to its model, working frequency, RF power, interface style, number of antenna interfaces, and its reading distance. Its model is XAFD6132C. Its working frequency varies from 902 ∼ 928 MHz. Its RF power is under 30 DBM. It supports the interface styles such as RS232, RS485, TCPIP. It has four antenna interfaces. Its longest reading distance is 2 m. The functions of RFID reader can be categorized into two aspects. First, it can connect the three antennas for sensing the operator, material items, and position data. Second, it can transmit the captured real-time data to industrial control computer through RS232.
The main parameters of the employed antenna in this chapter refer to its type, its Gain, its VSWR, its F/B ratio, and impedance. Its type is UHF. Its Gain is 16dBi. Its VSWR is d1.5. Its F/B ratio is more than 25 dB. Its impedance is 50 Ω. Three antennas are deployed at the trolley side. They are used to sense the real-time data of the tags attached to different manufacturing resources such as operator, material items, and position data.
As shown in the upper-left of Fig. 6.4, to manage and exchange real-time information during material handling process, an information model is constructed to describe the real-time information of trolley. Four information nodes are included in the constructed model. They are ID of trolley, maximum volume of trolley, real-time location of trolley, and used volume of trolley. The matrix V is used to store these nodes. The defined notations are listed in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1

The Defined Notations for the Information Model of Trolley

VIDi Code of trolley i
Vmaxi image Maximum volume of trolley i
CLi Real-time location of trolley i
Vui image Used volume of trolley i



6.5.2. Real-Time Information Exchange

This part is responsible for completing the real-time information exchange between move tasks server and trolleys. The worklogic of real-time information exchanging mechanism is shown in the lower-left of Fig. 6.4. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is employed in this part to send and receive the real-time information during material handling. First, an XML-based schema about the real-time information of trolley will be formed. It contains the information such as trolley ID, maximum volume of trolley, current location, and current operator of trolley. Second, the formed XML-based instance will be sent to move task server by the sendCurrentStatus() method. Then, the web service of move task server side can receive the real-time information of the requested trolley, and the taskOptimizationMethod() will be invoked to get the optimal move task according to the real-time information of trolley and move tasks. Finally, the sendMoveTask() method will be used to send the optimal result to the trolley side. The detailed information of the mentioned optimization method will be illustrated in Section 6.6.

6.5.3. Workflow-Based Real-Time Guidance

This part is responsible for providing trolleys and operators with the self-decision capability and real-time information-driven guidance. To achieve this aim, workflow is introduced to this part. The key processes during material handling are shown in the right of Fig. 6.4. They are as follows: (1) request and obtain task, (2) go to load location, (3) arrive at the load location, (4) pick up materials, (5) go to unload location, (6) arrive at the unload location, and (7) unload materials. The operations (2) to (4) or operations (5) to (7) is repeated when multimove tasks are assigned to the trolley.
During the material handling process, the real-time guidance will be graphically shown in the screen. This guidance could help the operators efficiently and correctively complete the material handling.

6.6. Two-stage combination optimization method for move tasks

To combine and optimize the material handling tasks based on the real-time information, a two-stage combination optimization method for move tasks is designed in this section. By analyzing the sensed real-time information and integrating material handling requirements, the designed method could assign optimal combination of move tasks to the idle trolley. As the name suggests, this method contains two stages. The first stage aims to get a candidate move tasks set from the whole move tasks. The second stage aims to get an optimal combination of move tasks from the formed candidate move tasks set. The proposed method could decrease the complexity of obtaining optimal move tasks and promote the real-time decision during material handling.

6.6.1. Real-Time Information Models of Move Tasks

The information model of move tasks is essential to describe the optimization method. Assume that there are N tasks in the move task pool. The information of each move task contains following nodes: ID of move task, from and to locations of move task, due time of move task, priority of move task, material index number of move task, and material information (i.e., ID of material, the quantity of material and volume of material) matched with its index number. The matrix N stores the information model of N move tasks. The defined notations are listed in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2

The Defined Notations for the Information Model of Move Task

TIDj Code of task j
FLj From-location of task j
TLj To-location of task j
Dj Due time of task j
Pj Priority of task j
IIDj Material index number of task j
ICodejk Code of material k
Namejk Name of material k
Qjk The quantity of material k
Vjk Unit volume of material k


The information model of materials contains following nodes: ID of material, name of material, the quantity of material, and unit volume of each material. Matrix Wj is used to store the material information model of task j. The defined notations are listed in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3

The Defined Notations for Combination Optimization

c One task combination
z Number of material kind in one task
m Number of tasks in one tasks combination
Lc Distribution distance of task combination c
Pc Priority of task combination c
Uc Used volume of task combination c
wL Weights of L in function f(Lc,Pc,Uc)
wP Weights of P in function f(Lc,Pc,Uc)
wU Weights of U in function f(Lc,Pc,Uc)
P0, L0, U0 Used to unify the dimensions of P,L,U
Pcj Priority of task j in task combination c



6.6.2. Preoptimization for Candidate Tasks Set

There are lots of move tasks in the move tasks server side. To reduce the calculating complexity, it is necessary to implement the preoptimization for candidate task set to select better tasks for further combination optimization. The preoptimization for candidate tasks set could be executed according to the priorities of move tasks, which are defined by their due time. In general, the earlier the due time, the higher the priority.
The following manner could be used to get the candidate tasks set. Select q tasks from the move tasks server. The priority values of these selected tasks are higher than other tasks in the tasks pool. If tasks have the same priority values during the selecting process, select the task having early due time. Matrix q is used to store the information of candidate task set.


After getting the candidate tasks set, we can form the feasible tasks combinations. A feasible tasks combination may be composed of one or more move tasks which are selected from the candidate tasks set. The volume of any feasible tasks combination must not exceed the maximum volume of current trolley. It is the principle that should be obeyed during forming the feasible tasks combinations.

6.6.3. AHP-Based Combination Optimization

As a decision making tool, AHP has been widely used to make decisions in different engineering fields [46]. Due to the promising features of AHP in solving engineering problems, an AHP-based combination method is used to get the optimal move tasks combination from candidate tasks set. To implement the green material handling, the transport distance of trolley, the priorities of move tasks and the used volume of trolley are considered in the presented AHP-based combination method.
During the combination optimization process, the AHP is used to identify the weight coefficients for the transport distance, priority, and the used volume of the trolley in obtaining the optimal tasks combination. The AHP model of obtaining the optimal tasks combination is shown in Fig. 6.5. In the AHP model, material handling cost, material handling time, and the material handling quality belong to criterion layer; the transport distance, priority of tasks combination and the used volume of trolley belong to the project layer.
Figure 6.5 The AHP model of the optimal combination for the real-time handling tasks.
To get the reasonable weight coefficients, it is necessary to adopt the paired comparison method to obtain the judgment matrix (A), which could be represented as follow.


Then, the weight coefficients could be calculated as formula (6.1)


The consistency test is introduced to verify the effectiveness of the obtained weight coefficients. It contains following steps.
First, establish the feature equation of the matrix A according to equation (6.2) and getting the maximum value λmax according to Eq. (6.3). Second, calculate the coincident indicator ICI according to equation (6.4) and attain the average random coincident indicator IRI(n) corresponding to the variable n. Finally, make the consistency test according to Eq. (6.5). If the variable ICR satisfies the following constraint condition ICR <0.1, the judgment matrix is acceptable. Then, the weight coefficients for the transport distance, priority of tasks candidate, and the used volume of the trolley in getting the optimal tasks combination are identified as the vector: (wL,wP,wU)T.








For better understanding, the notations are defined as seen in Table 6.3.
The AHP-based combination optimization method can be implemented after the weights of transport distance, priority of move tasks and used volume are obtained based on aforementioned steps. As shown in Fig. 6.6, the procedure of implementing the combination optimization method contains following steps:
Step 1: Construct the objective function. The objective of this problem is to minimize the weighted transport distance Lc and maximize the weighted priority of tasks combination Pc and used volume of trolley Uc. So the objective function could be stated as formula (6.6). Here, P0, L0, U0 are used to unify the dimensions of P,L,U.
Figure 6.6 The procedure of implementing the combination optimization method.


Step 2: Get the weights wL, wP, wU according to the mentioned AHP steps.
Step 3: Calculate the transport distance of completing task combination c. Take the shortest distance of current trolley completing the task combination as Lc.
Step 4: Calculate the priority of the tasks combination c. Take the summation of priorities of all tasks in the tasks combination as the priority of the tasks combination. Pcj is defined as the priority of task j in tasks combination c.
Step 5: Calculate used volume of task combination c.
Step 6: Calculate P0, L0, U0. As defined before, P0, L0, U0 are used to unify the dimensions of P, L, U. Here, we take the average value of P, L, U of all the feasible task combinations as P0, L0, U0.
Step 7: Calculate the value of f(Lc, Pc, Uc) according to the formula (6.6).
The bigger the value of f(Lc, Pc, Uc) is, the better the tasks combination matches with current trolley. The information of the tasks combination with biggest value of f(Lc, Pc, Uc) will be sent to the trolley side. Then, the trolley will implement the material handling according to the received information.


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