Chapter 5

Cloud Computing-Based Manufacturing Resources Configuration Method


As a new manufacturing pattern, cloud manufacturing (CMfg) offers distributed and diverse manufacturing resources as cloud manufacturing services (CMSs) to satisfy varying manufacturing demands. To respond to the changing market and provide high-quality services, the manufacturing resources configuration method has become a decisive process. In this chapter, an overall architecture of cloud computing–based manufacturing resources configuration is proposed to realize the full sharing, high collaboration, and flexible configuration of manufacturing resources. Under this architecture, a cloud machine model is built considering both the static and dynamic manufacturing information, and then published into the CMfg platform. The task-driven service proactive discovery mechanism promotes the providers’ initiative. Consequently, the efficiency of service discovery is highly enhanced. Through the designed grey relational analysis (GRA)-based evaluation method, the service optimal selection and composition are performed.


cloud manufacturing (CMfg)
cloud machine model
service proactive discovery
optimal configuration
grey relational analysis (GRA)

5.1. Introduction

Recently, rapid development and growing application of information, sensor, and network technologies are taking place in today’s industrial field. For example, the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) [1], radio frequency identification (RFID) [2] and cloud computing (CC) [3] in the traditional manufacturing has been significantly changing the manufacturing paradigm as well as the business mode. Currently, modern industries are undergoing the transformation from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing [4]. Providing innovative, high-quality, and sustainable service is crucial for companies, particularly for those small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to survive or remain competitive in the increasing globalization. At the same time, collaboration among companies is another prevalent trend. As the sharing of resources, knowledge, and technologies can lower barriers for companies who suffer the technological limitations and make them more cost-effective in complex manufacturing projects. Finally, a win-win situation is achieved. CMfg, emerging as a new computing and service-oriented manufacturing mode, is promising to reshape the service-oriented, highly collaborative, knowledge-intensive, and eco-efficient manufacturing industry [5]. In recent years, CMfg has been extensively studied, including its concept, architecture, characteristics, and core enabling technologies [4,6,7].
Considered as the manufacturing version of CC [8], CMfg borrows the concept of “Everything as a Service” and treats manufacturing resources and capabilities as services. In the CMfg environment, distributed providers encapsulated their manufacturing resources and capabilities into CMSs and published them into the CMfg platform, in which these services can be managed and operated flexibly and efficiently. Therefore, the sharing, circulation, and collaboration of CMSs are achieved. Through the searching interface, demanders can search and invoke qualified CMSs in a pay-as-you-go manner and an on-demand fashion to meet their customized requirements.
As one of the key issues in CMfg, the resources configuration problem has been widely investigated. In the entire configuration process, three phases that we consider vital and should be tightly coupled with each other are included, they are resource modeling, service discovery, and service optimal selection and composition. However, few existing works studied these three parts jointly, and how to orchestrate them considering their inner relations to offer a practical configuration solution for shop floor resources are the few discussed. Facing the characteristics of the CMfg mode, the resources configuration process encounters the following questions:
1. How to build a cloud machine model that can reveal the real-time production status of machines, with the of IoT and RFID technologies applied in the traditional shop floor?
2. How to register and publish manufacturing services into the CMfg platform, so that they can be efficiently managed and easily accessed in a plug-and-play manner?
3. How to realize efficient service discovery and optimal service selection and composition to enhance the flexibility and agility of the resources configuration, to rapidly respond and satisfy the changing demands?
In this work, three critical technologies and measures are employed to tackle aforementioned questions. Deploying the RFID devices in the shop floor can accurately and timely acquire the multisource production data. With the service-oriented technologies such as the ontology and web services, the cloud machine model can be clarified and constructed. GRA is one of the most popular methods for multicriteria decision making (MCDM). The advantages of using GRA are that its results are based on the original data and the calculation is simple [9] which enables to make quick decisions in the configuration process.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 5.2 reviews the related research works. Section 5.3 presents the overall architecture of manufacturing resources configuration method. Section 5.4 builds a cloud machine model for manufacturing machines. Section 5.5 designs the framework of MS-UDDI. Section 5.6 proposes a manufacturing service registration and publication method. Section 5.7 illustrates the task-driven manufacturing service configuration method, including a task-driven service proactive discovery mechanism and a GRA-based evaluation method for service selection.

5.2. Related works

Related works to this research are reviewed in three categories. They are cloud manufacturing (CMfg), real-time production information perception and capturing, and cloud service selection and composition.

5.2.1. Cloud Manufacturing

As a promising service-oriented manufacturing paradigm, CMfg has attracted attention from many scholars and extensive investigations have been done. Full-scale sharing, free circulation, and optimal collaboration of manufacturing resources and capabilities are key issues in CMfg. Tao et al. investigated the applications of IoT technologies in CMfg to achieve intelligent perception and access of manufacturing resources [10]. Additionally, combing the CC technology, they proposed a CC-based and IoT-based CMfg service system and its architecture [11]. Resource virtualization and encapsulation are critical for CMfg. Morariu et al. introduced the virtualized MES and shop floor architecture in a private cloud to reduce operational costs and improve the flexibility, agility, and maintainability of the manufacturing system [12]. Liu et al. analyzed the features of resources and constructed a multilevel resource virtualization framework [13]. To achieve the formal description of the manufacturing capabilities in CMfg, Luo et al. established a multidimensional information model of manufacturing capabilities [14]. Xu et al. studied the dynamic modeling of manufacturing equipment capability by establishing the mapping relationship between real-time condition data and the ontology model of equipment capability [15]. Based on the IoT and CC technologies, Zhang et al. presented a service encapsulation and virtualization access model for manufacturing machines [16]. After cloud services published into the CMfg platform, how to realize the efficient discovery of services is another hotspot. Guo et al. proposed an agent-based service discovery framework, within which the task agent and service agent are included. And a structural matching method based on both static and dynamic parameters was studied [17]. Li et al. adopted the Ontology Web Language (OWL) to describe the manufacturing services and based on that a similarity algorithm is proposed. Then, a five-step service matching process has shown its advantages [18]. In the CMfg environment, SMEs are typical participants. Huang et al. discussed the manufacturing resource and capability sharing for SMEs and proposed an SME-oriented CMfg service platform, of which the architecture and key technologies are studied in details [19]. Song et al. designed a CMfg service platform for SMEs and researched some common engines like the intelligent matching engine to support a series of manufacturing business processes in CMfg [20]. Wu et al. applied the concept of CMfg in semiconductor manufacturing operations and proposed a semiconductor industry-oriented architecture for CMfg. Finally, a case study showed the created values for the customers and suppliers [21]. Yang et al. studied how federal resources collaboratively complete large complex projects in CMfg mode. And a large equipment complete service (LECS) collaborative logical framework based on CMfg platform and generalized partial global planning (GPGP) is constructed [22]. With the generation of massive, complex data from the RFID-enabled shop floor in CMfg environment, it is more difficult to extract and process data to make them meaningful. Zhong et al. used a RFID-Cuboid model to reconstruct the raw data according to production logic and time series [23].

5.2.2. Real-Time Production Information Perception and Capturing

The IoT is considered as a part of the Internet of the future and will consist of billions of intelligent communicating “things” [24]. In recent years, IoT technologies such as RFID, sensors and so on have been widely applied in the industrial field and significant contributions have been made. In the shop floor environment, physical manufacturing objects are equipped with RFID devices to become “smart,” then the real-time production data can be collected [25]. This promotes the real-time traceability, visibility, and interoperability in shop floor planning, execution, and control [26], enhance the implementation of advanced manufacturing strategies and technologies as well [27]. Yang et al. developed an online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM)-based RFID positioning method in the manufacturing execution system, using RFID to efficiently acquire the real-time data of manufacturing objects (MOs) and the OS-ELM to support real-time data processing [28]. With the support of IoT, Zhang et al. presented a real-time information capture and integration architecture of the Internet of manufacturing things (IoMT) [29]. They designed a ubiquitous shop-floor environment powered by wireless devices like RFID. Then, a framework of multiagent-based real-time production scheduling is proposed to achieve the close loop of production planning and control [30]. To realize the collection and synchronization of the real-time data, Luo et al. created a ubiquitous manufacturing (UM) environment in a hybrid shop floor [31]. Zhong et al. developed an advanced production planning and scheduling (APPS) model for the RFID-enabled real-time ubiquitous environment. The model was tested through four dimensions. They found that the release strategy based on real-time information can reduce the total tardiness effectively and the model was immune to disturbances like defects [32]. Guo et al. proposed an RFID-based intelligent decision support system for real-time production monitoring and scheduling in distributed manufacturing environment. This system was verified to enhance the production efficiency, reduce the production waste and the labor cost as well [33]. Arkan et al. presented a RFID-based real-time location system (RTLS) to obtain work-in-process visibility in manufacturing based on the real-time shop-floor data [34]. Zhang et al. designed an optimization method for shop-floor material handling. And through a case study, the effectiveness of the method was analyzed considering the empty-loading ratio and total distance [35]. Zhong et al. proposed a big data approach to mine trajectory knowledge from the RFID-enabled shop-floor logistics data to support decision makings like logistics planning and scheduling [36]. Qu et al. presented an IoT-enabled real-time production logistics (PL) synchronization system to deal with dynamics occurring in the PL processes [37]. Wang described the significance to implement RFID technology into Norwegian manufacturing industry and developed an intelligent and integrated RFID system to improve traceability and visibility in manufacturing process [38].

5.2.3. Cloud Service Selection and Composition

In the CMfg environment, how to optimally select services from massive candidate services; then how to orchestrate the service compositions, are two critical problems. In fact, the selection of service compositions is far more complex than that of single services. Service composition and optimal selection (SCOS) is a typical multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem [39], Tao et al. investigated the problem with multiple objectives and constraints in CMfg and developed a parallel intelligent algorithm to solve it [40]. Huang et al. established the categories of services and respective quality of service (QoS) indexes for SCOS in CMfg and designed a new chaos control optimal algorithm (CCOA) [41]. Liu et al. proposed a “Multicomposition for each task” (MCET) pattern that integrates the incompetent composite services to execute multifunctionality manufacturing tasks. And a hybrid operator–based matrix-coded genetic algorithm (HO-MCGA) is designed [42]. Liu et al. proposed a synergistic elementary service group–based service composition (SESG-SC) to relax the one-to-one mapping between services and subtasks to enhance the overall QoS level and success rate of service composition [43]. Xiang et al. developed a multiobjective optimization algorithm combining the group leader algorithm (GLA) and the idea of Pareto solution for the SCOS problem based on QoS and energy consumption [44]. Xue et al. proposed a QoS model of the service composition considering the horizontal collaboration between services in cluster supply chains (CSC) and designed a genetic-artificial bee colony (G-ABC) algorithm to efficiently find the optimal solution [45]. Zheng et al. presented a design preference-based QoS evaluation method for resource service selection and adopted the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to select the optimal service composition [46]. The correlations among services may affect the aggregation QoS level of service compositions. Tao et al. took service correlation into consideration for the multiobjective MGrid resource service composition and optimal-selection (MO-MRSCOS) and proposed a PSO-based method for solving this problem [47]. Jin et al. built a correlation-aware service description model to characterize the QoS dependence among services. Based on this, they presented a service correlation model to automatically obtain QoS values of services. Finally, the correlation-aware service optimal selection is solved by the genetic algorithm (GA) [48]. Transportation is another factor influences the QoS property of service composition, which primarily impacts the total service time and cost [49]. Lartigau et al. analyzed the geoperspective correlation among services and developed an adapted Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm with an initialization enhancement to optimize the computational time [50]. Xiang et al. introduced the “Big manufacturing data” in CMfg, which have brought difficulties and challenges to the SCOS problem. For solving this problem, they presented a case library-based initialization method for the optimization algorithm [51].

5.3. Overall architecture of manufacturing resources configuration method

As shown in Fig. 5.1, the overall architecture of manufacturing resources configuration is illustrated. It consists of four modules which are the servitization of shop-floor resources, manufacturing task publishing, task-driven service proactive discovery, and service optimal configuration, respectively.
Figure 5.1 Overall architecture of manufacturing resources configuration method.
The servitization of shop-floor resources, that is, the manufacturing machines, lays the basis of resource sharing and circulation in the CMfg environment. So that demanders can easily search and invoke resources on their need, either in the way as individuals or as the cloud service composition (CSC) when coping with complex tasks. To realize the aforementioned goals, the scientific description of resources needs in-depth research. In resource modeling, several points should be made clear. They are the basic description of the resource, manufacturing capabilities, real-time status information captured by RFID devices and other sensors, and the historical evaluation information. Based on the information model of resource, adopting the ontology and semantic web technologies, the ontology model is built accordingly. Then, through the manufacturing service universal description, discovery and integration (MS-UDDI), CMSs are registered and published into the manufacturing cloud. Meanwhile, with the efficient management of cloud services, newly published tasks in the demand cloud can be rapidly responded.
The task-driven service proactive discovery mechanism turns around the situation that CMSs can only be passively found by demanders. Through this mechanism, service providers are able to make the fast response to the published tasks and request for undertaking corresponding ones proactively according to their real-time production status. By employing the semantic matching method between the functional information of CMSs and task requirements, the qualified CMSs are reserved and then the CMS candidate sets (CMSCSs) are quickly formed. Therefore, the efficiency of resources configuration can be highly enhanced.
The service optimal configuration method is designed to help demanders find satisfactory solutions from the huge numbers of candidates. Considering the real-time status data and evaluation information, we built an evaluation system, in which criteria such as cost, time, QoS, and energy consumption are defined. Additionally, a GRA-based comprehensive evaluation method is proposed to select optimal CMSs and optimize the service compositions as well. Finally, the optimal CMS composition solution is achieved.

5.4. Cloud machine model

Building a cloud machine model is divided into two steps. First is to build an information model to clearly describe the manufacturing service in four dimensions. Second is to semantically represent the service using ontology and web service technologies, that is, to construct an ontology model of manufacturing service.

5.4.1. The Information Model of Manufacturing Service

In this section, we studied the information model of cloud machine with both its static description information and dynamic manufacturing information considered. As shown in Fig. 5.2, the cloud machine model comprises four kinds of information, including the basic information, the function information, the real-time status information, and the evaluation information. It is defined as:


Figure 5.2 Information model of cloud machine.
1. Basic information
The basic information of a CMS describes the inherent attributes of the cloud machine, such as service ID, service name, and so on. Here, service ID is the identification information of a CMS in CMfg platform, which enables the fast positioning of this service when it is searched or invoked by demanders. Some other information includes workshop, manufacturer, purchase date, and service life. It is defined as:


2. Function information
The function information describes the specific functional attributes of a cloud machine, which supports the executions of service searching and service matching in CMfg. According to the production process, some typical functional attributes are exacted. They are the part type, machining method, geometric dimension, characteristic, machining material, machining precision, and roughness. It is defined as:


3. Real-time status information
During the manufacturing process, the real-time status data is accurately acquired by the deployed RFID devices and various sensors like RFID readers, digital calipers. The production data makes the traditional manufacturing activities more transparent, traceable, and controllable, so that it helps upper-level manager be aware of the real-time production status. Furthermore, based on the data, some dynamic optimization methods like real-time production scheduling and online quality control are developed. It is defined as:


4. Evaluation information
The evaluation information consists of two parts; some objective indicators are extracted from the historical production records, such as cost, pass rate, on-time delivery rate (OTDR), reliability, and service times in the CMfg platform; while other subjective ones are rated by customers, here, the customer satisfaction (CS) is considered. When in service evaluation, demanders refer to the evaluation information and choose several criteria that they are most concerned about to find their satisfactory CMSs. It is defined as:



5.4.2. The Ontology Model of Manufacturing Service

The efficiency and QoS discovery and service matching greatly depend on how to describe the manufacturing services. In this work, ontology and semantic web technologies are employed for achieving aforementioned goals. The semantic web provides a common framework that enables the sharing and reuse of data across the applications, enterprises, and communities [52]. Ontologies can not only explicitly represent the domain knowledge and clarify their relationships but also have strong reasoning ability. To effectively express the manufacturing information as well as the connotative meanings, the ontology description language OWL-S is utilized to describe the ontology model. As OWL-S can semantically describe the web services according to the capabilities offered and perform logic inference to service match between the offered capabilities and the required capabilities [53].
Generally, the ontology development process consists of following steps: defining the class and the class hierarchy, defining the property set with object properties and data properties included, and creating individuals. In this work, the Protégé 4.3 is used to construct the ontology model of manufacturing service. As shown in Fig. 5.3, the main process to develop the ontology is illustrated. In the first step, we create the concept classes of manufacturing service and define the class hierarchy which is shown as a structure tree in Fig. 5.3A. The second step is to define the object properties between two individuals in different classes. In Fig. 5.3B, two pairs of inverse properties are defined, namely “hasAttribute” and “isAttributeOf,” “hasPart,” and “isPartOf.” Third, the relations between classes are described by the defined properties. The description of “Basic_Information” is shown in Fig. 5.3C. Finally, Fig. 5.3D shows how to create individuals that belong to the corresponding classes. Here, for example, individuals belonging to “Method” are like drilling, grinding, milling, and turning. “Material” comprises steel, copper, aluminum, and cast iron. Repeat aforementioned steps until all the classes and relations are defined. Fig. 5.4 is a screen shot of the established ontology model of manufacturing service. As depicted, part 1 is the complete structure tree of concept classes; part 2 shows the ontology relation graph of manufacturing service.
Figure 5.3 Steps for constructing an ontology model of manufacturing service.
(A) Define classes. (B) Define properties. (C) Describe classes. (D) Create individuals.
Figure 5.4 Ontology for manufacturing service.

5.5. MS-UDDI

In this section, we developed a MS-UDDI-based registration and publication method for manufacturing services accessing to the CMfg platform. What will realize the full sharing of services, and then enhance the utilization of services. First, the UDDI is briefly introduced. Then, the framework of MS-UDDI is illustrated.

5.5.1. UDDI

Universal description, discovery and integration (UDDI) is a specification for web-based information registries of web service. It is also a publicly accessible set of implementations of the specification that define a way for businesses to register and publish the web services they provide, so that other businesses can discover them [54].
In the UDDI registries, the core information model is defined in an XML schema that describes four types of data structures. They are businessEntity, businessService, bindingTemplate, and tModel.
1. businessEntity: It describes the overall information about services that businesses offer; it mainly includes the business name, contact information, categorization, and some other key identifiers. All these information helps other businesses to search and locate the businesses that provide a particular web service.
2. businessService: It is a descriptive container of a series of related services provided by businessEntity, which includes the information about the business processes and taxonomical category of services; and a businessEntity may contain one or more businessServices.
3. bindingTemplate: It is the technical web service description that defines the required information when invoking specific web services; within a businessService, there exist one or more bindingTemplates.
4. tModel: It is a list of key references contained in each bindingTemplate and serves as a pointer to the information about specifications. It is metadata that mainly includes the service name, publishing organization, and the URL pointers to the specifications.

5.5.2. The Framework of MS-UDDI

Based on the UDDI technology, we built a MS-UDDI to realize efficient and integrated management of manufacturing services; to allow service providers to register and publish their manufacturing services into the CMfg platform. Therefore, these services can be easily found and invoked by demanders. As shown in Fig. 5.5, the framework of MS-UDDI consists of three submodules, including the registration module, the publishing module, and the search module.
Figure 5.5 The framework of MS-UDDI.
In the registration module, service providers can register and publish their manufacturing services into the MS-UDDI through the service registration graphical user interface (GUI). The detailed information of services such as name, category, and location are provided in the registration process. And each service is given a universally unique identifier (UUID) that makes the service traceable and trackable. The registered services are accurately classified and aggregated through multiple dimensions like service type, region, and so on. In the publishing module, services are published into the CMfg platform so that large-scale sharing of distributed services can be achieved. Meanwhile, via MS-UDDI, various services are freely circulating in the cloud environment, which makes it convenient for demanders to search and find services that support the related manufacturing activities, even the entire production life cycle. Aforementioned procedures are executed in the search module. After demanders find their target services, the business contracts between two parties are signed. During the service execution, demanders or other users can invoke the binding services to acquire corresponding real-time production information at any time.

5.6. Manufacturing service registration and publication

In MS-UDDI, to complete the registration of manufacturing services in the registration module, we have to embed the OWL-S profiles that describe the services into a UDDI data structure. One way to achieve that is through the mapping approach presented by Srinivasan et al. [53]. As shown in Fig. 5.6, if an element in the OWL-S profile can find a corresponding one in UDDI, a one-to-one mapping relationship is built, such as contactInformation and serviceName in the OWL-S profile. If not, a tModel-based mapping method is used. Specialized UDDI tModels are defined for all unmapped elements in the OWL-S profile like serviceCategory and serviceParameter. Finally, all of the OWL-S profile elements are converted into the UDDI elements. In the registration procedure, service providers first register manufacturing services into the MS-UDDI. Then, some other application services that encapsulated based on the real-time production data for supporting the manufacturing processes are registered, such as online quality controlling service and real-time production scheduling. Therefore, when demanders invoke the binding services, they can not only acquire the real-time data but also further analyze the execution status to meet their demand with the application services working as function tools.
Figure 5.6 Mapping between OWL-S profile and UDDI [53].
In the publishing module, a web server should be installed with related web service components plugged in. Therefore, the registered manufacturing services are deployed on the web server. If successfully deployed, the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files can be viewed. This service deployment procedure makes services accessible over the Internet. After being published into the CMfg platform, services are then pooled into the corresponding manufacturing clouds and each of them can be regarded as a droplet in the cloud, that is, the CMS.
The search module enables demanders to search and inquire CMSs on their needs. Through the service searching GUI, demanders can either input several keywords to describe their requirements or directly upload the task files in the standard paradigm. The core of the service discovery is a similarity matching algorithm that finds the CMS with the highest similarity to the description of requirements. As a searching result, the UUIDs referencing the competent CMSs are sent to demanders for invocation. Meanwhile, the invocation portal and the required input parameters are also provided in the searching results. Accessing this portal, demanders can remotely acquire the real-time production data and interact with providers as well.

5.7. Task-driven manufacturing service configuration model

This section illustrates a task-driven configuration model for manufacturing machines in shop floor when dealing with part-level tasks. Let MT={ST1,ST2,...,STg,...,STN}image denote the part-level task under processing, where N is the total number of subtasks and STgimage is the gth subtask. The service optimal configuration process for this task follows the next two parts.

5.7.1. Task-Driven Service Proactive Discovery

In today’s manufacturing industry, distributed SMEs are insufficient to find tasks proactively, which results in the low utilization of manufacturing resources. To improve this, we presented a task-driven service proactive discovery mechanism that enables CMSs to actively make rapid responses to tasks and then apply to perform corresponding ones. Once applications are made, a semantic-based intelligent match from the functional perspective is performed between CMSs and tasks to select competent services. As shown in Fig. 5.7, the semantic matching is performed considering all the functional attributes of CMSs.
Figure 5.7 Semantic matching method.
Here, based on the semantic match method [55], four degrees of matching are assigned, including Exact, Plug in, Subsume, and Fail. According to Eq. (5.15.7), all degrees of matching are measured in the matching procedure.














And only if all the degrees of matching reach Exact, this CMS can be viewed as competent to undertake the task and pooled into the candidate set. The strategy of service proactive discovery can rapidly discover potential services that satisfy the task requirements, thus greatly reducing the service response time which is one of the key indicators for measuring the efficiency of resources configuration.

5.7.2. Service Optimal Configuration Method

CMSs in the candidate set offer the same kind of functional services to a specific demander but still differ in many other service characteristics like cost, time, and so on. How to choose a CMS to best satisfy the demander’s customized requirements is studied in this section. A service optimal configuration method is proposed aiming to find an optimal solution for the task. The specific procedure is shown in Fig. 5.8, in which an evaluation system and a GRA-based evaluation approach are included.
Figure 5.8 Service optimal configuration method.
In the evaluation system, we choose four primary criteria that include cost, time, energy, and quality. Furthermore, to quantitatively measure the QoS, three subindicators of it are exacted from the evaluation information of CMS, which are pass rate, OTDR, and reliability respectively.
1. Cost (C): the execution cost of a CMS, including all the cost related to the machining process, handling, storage, etc.
2. Delivery time (DT): the expected date that providers deliver the tasks. Borrowing the philosophy of just-in-time (JIT), neither earliness nor tardiness should be avoided referring to the task’s due date. The parameter T=max{DTdt,0}image is defined as the tardiness, where dt denotes the due date.
3. Pass rate (PR): the pass rate of the finished product which can be derived from the historical production record.
4. OTDR: the possibility of delivering tasks on time according to the DT.
5. Reliability (R): the execution reliability of the machine.
6. Energy (E): the energy consumption of the machine; the electricity consumption in the service process is primarily concerned in this work.
The GRA-based evaluation method is presented to perform the service optimal selection, helping demanders find their satisfactory services. The whole procedure consists of following steps:
1. Generate the initial evaluation matrix
Let sjiimage denote the jth indicator of ith service, where 1 ≤ im, 1 ≤ jn; m is the total number of candidate services, n is the number of indicators then n = 6.
2. Determine the optimal indicator sequence
The indicators are treated by one of the three types, one is the benefit-oriented indicator, that is, the larger the better; another is the cost-oriented indicator, that is, the smaller the better; the other is the nominal is the best.
Definition 5.1: sj+=max1imsji,sj=min1imsjiimage
Let sjoimage denote the target value of the jth indicator, where the Ib is the set of benefit-oriented indicators, Ic is the set of cost-oriented indicators, and Io is the set of indicators with target values. Thus, the optimal sequence is achieved as: S*=(s1*,s2*,...,sn*)image.
3. Normalize the evaluation matrix
For the benefit-oriented indicators, the initial sequence is normalized as follows:
For the cost-oriented indicators:
For the indicators with the desired values:
Therefore, the initial evaluation matrix is revised as SN=[γji]m×nimage. Accordingly, the optimal sequence is normalized as: γ*=(γ1*,γ2*,...,γn*)image.
4. Calculate the grey relational coefficient
In GRA, the parameter ξjiimage presents the relational coefficient between sjiimage and sj*image. It is calculated as shown in Eq. (5.12).


where ρimage is the distinguishing coefficient, and it is typically taken as 0.5. Therefore, the relational coefficient matrix is derived as E=[ξji]m×nimage.
5. Calculate the grey relational degree
The victor w=(μ1,μ2,...,μn)Timage presents the weights of each indicator. Demanders customize the weight victor to meet their specific requirements. The grey relational degrees are calculated and the comprehensive evaluation matrix is obtained as:


where xiimage denotes relational degree between the ith candidate and the optimal sequence. According to the relational degrees, the candidates can be prioritized and the one with the highest value of relational degree can be considered the best service.
After evaluating the candidate sets, in which the CMSs are ranked in descending order in terms of their relational degrees, and top Kg services are selected from the total Ng candidates in CMSCSg to reduce the solution space when constructing the service compositions. Theoretically, there are total g=1NKgimage compositions. The evaluation of service compositions is the same as that evaluates individual CMSs. The indicators for service composition are computed as shown in Table 5.1, where DT(CMSN)image is the final DT of the service composition; and dtNimage is the due date of the part-level task. After all the service compositions are evaluated, then the optimal CMS composition solution is generated.

Table 5.1

Evaluation Indicators for Service Composition

Evaluation indicator Function
C C=g=1NC(CMSg) image

DT=DT(CMSN) image

T=max{DT(CMSN)dtN,0} image

PR PR=g=1NPR(CMSg) image
R R=g=1NR(CMSg) image
E E=g=1NE(CMSg) image


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