Chapter 3

Real-Time and Multisource Manufacturing Information Sensing System


The recent development of Internet of things technologies in manufacturing shop floor creates an opportunity to transform the traditional manufacturing factories into the smart ones. However, since that manufacturing information is often multisource, heterogeneous, and massive, it is hard to sense the real-time manufacturing information comprehensively. To address this problem, a real-time and multiple-source manufacturing information sensing system (RMMISS) is presented. The key technologies, such as deployment of multiple sensors, sensor manager, and multisource manufacturing information processing and sharing are discussed in detail. By implementing the proposed RMMISS, smart sensors can be managed in a “plug-and-play” fashion, and the real-time and multiple-source manufacturing information can be correctly captured and actively visited.


Internet of things (IoT)
multisource manufacturing information
real-time sensing
smart factory

3.1. Introduction

The recent developments in wireless technologies [e.g., radio frequency identification (RFID), auto-ID and smart meters] have created a new era of the Internet of things (IoT) [14]. IoT represents uniquely distinguishable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-alike structure. With the support and application of IoT technologies, the potentially intelligent and real-time operators of 4Cs (i.e., sensing and Connection, Communication, Computing, and Control) to both physical and virtual objects can be realized [5,6]. Furthermore, by integrating IoT with production, logistics, and services in the current industrial fields, it is possible to transform today’s factory into the smart factory with significant economic potential [79]. The smart factory refers to a environment-sensitive manufacturing surroundings that can handle disturbances in real-time production using decentralized information and communication structures for an optimal management of manufacturing processes [1013].
In traditional manufacturing shop floor, the information is manually collected, which is often laggard, inaccurate, and discrete. Thus, it is difficult for users to find exceptional events timely. When the exception happens, it will spread gradually and further aggravates the turbulences of manufacturing process. Therefore, it is necessary for manufacturers to improve their real-time and multisource manufacturing information (RMMI) sensing ability with the advanced IoT technologies and models to increase the production efficiency.
To meet the requirements of real-time information sensing, the IoT technologies have been adopted to shop floor for capturing and sharing the real-time and multisource manufacturing information. Huang et al. proposed a conceptual wireless manufacturing (WM) framework [14]. Zhang et al. presented a real-time information capturing and integration architecture of the Internet of manufacturing things [2]. Zhang et al. presented the idea of cloud manufacturing (CMfg), and the architecture, characteristics, and core enabling technologies are extensively researched [15]. Tao et al. provided an IoT and bill of material (BOM)-based life cycle assessment of energy-saving and eRMMISSion-reduction of products [5]. Fang et al. discussed an agent-based gateway operating system (GOS) for the RFID-enabled ubiquitous manufacturing enterprise [16].
Despite the significant progresses, the following challenges still exist in many manufacturing companies. The first challenge is how to apply the advanced IoT technologies to traditional manufacturing resources, thus the status of resources could be timely sensed and reflected during production processes. The second challenge is how to use a standard model to manage the multitypes of smart sensors, so that they can be managed in a “plug-and-play (PnP)” fashion, and can be easily reused and reconfigured for different manufacturing purpose without professional knowledge. The third challenge is how to easily and effectively process and share the RMMI, so that the seamless and dual-way connectivity and interoperability between different users and shop-floor frontline can be realized.
Considering the advantages of IoT technologies and the requirements of RMMI sensing, this article discusses an overall real-time and multisource manufacturing information sensing system (RMMISS). The presented RMMISS aims to eliminate the information gap between enterprise application services and discrete production resources such as trolleys, machines, and so on. It will manage the various sensors in a PnP pattern and deliver the RMMI reliably and dynamically.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. After the works related to this research is reviewed in Section 3.2, Section 3.3 presents an overview of real-time and multisource RMMISS and briefly introduces its key technologies. Section 3.4 gives the key technologies of configuration of multiple sensors while Section 3.5 presents the key technologies of sensor manager. Section 3.6 presents key technologies of multisource manufacturing information processing and sharing. Finally, a case is presented in Section 3.7.

3.2. Related works

Three streams of related works are relevant to this research. These include (1) real-time manufacturing data capturing, (2) sensor management, and (3) manufacturing information processing and sharing.

3.2.1. Real-Time Manufacturing Data Capturing

Due to the rapid development in IoT technologies, real-time manufacturing data capturing attracts increasing attention from both industrial field and academia. RFID is the key technology of IoT, and it has been widely studied to capture the manufacturing data. To tackle scheduling inefficiency resulting from paper-based identification and manual data collections, Zhong et al. presented an RFID-enabled real-time manufacturing execution system, which is fulfilled by systematically configuring RFID devices on the shop floor to track and trace manufacturing objects and collect real-time production data [17]. Yang et al. presented an RFID-enabled indoor locating method for a real-time manufacturing execution system using online sequential extreme learning machine [18]. Lee et al. proposed an RFID-based resource assignment system for garment manufacturing [19]. Liu et al. designed a new production management system by integrating with an RFID-enabled real-time data capturing system for Loncin motorcycle assembly line [20]. The RFID-based remote monitoring system is proposed to provide a transparent and visible information flow for supply chain and enterprise internal resource management [21].
At the same time, other auto-ID devices are also used to sense the real-time status of manufacturing resources. For example, the concept of smart objects was proposed by Zhang et al. to represent the behaviors of the heterogeneous auto-ID devices for capturing real-time manufacturing data [22]. By using IoT, Qu et al. researched the demand of dynamic production logistics synchronization (PLS) for a manufacturer. Advanced cloud manufacturing (CMfg) and IoT technologies were systematically combined to support a smart PLS control method with multilevel dynamic flexibility [23]. Jiang et al. presented a material flow management model based on “event-triggering time-state” graphical schema [24]. Yew et al. described an amplified reality manufacturing system that targets to greatly increase the information sensing ability of different kinds of workers in a manufacturing equipment and the workers can interact with the surroundings [25]. Amit and Pieper proposed a noninvasive methodology and development of a software application to monitor real-time machine status, energy usage, and other machining parameters for a legacy machine tool using power signal analysis [26]. Mori et al. proposed a system for machine tool manufacturers to monitor and maintain their customers’ machine tools remotely, three key technologies, that is, the communication modes, information schemas and data processing manners, are detailed discussed in the paper [27]. Shen et al. proposed a concept called iShopFloor, that is, an intelligent shop floor based on the Internet, web, and agent technologies, and it provided the framework for components of a complex control system to work together as a whole rather than as a disjoint set [28].

3.2.2. Sensor Management

The sensor management is essential in providing reliable manufacturing data. However, the current connect number, sampling rate, and signal types of sensors are generally restricted by the device, a unified sensor management model plays an important role in manufacturing information sensing. Chi et al. proposed a reconfigurable smart sensor interface for industrial wireless sensor network in IoT environment, in which complex programmable logic device was used as the central manager [29]. Mayer et al. presented a service composition system that enables the goal-driven configuration of smart environments for end users by combining semantic metadata and reasoning with a visual modeling tool [30]. Boonma and Suzuki proposed a biologically inspired middleware architecture for self-managing wireless sensor networks [31]. Jung et al. presented a new architecture of Hadoop-based distributed sensor node management system for distributed sensor node management using Hadoop map reduce framework and distributed file system [32]. Wang et al. proposed a Hadoop-based approach for web service management in telecommunication and Internet domains, the basic idea is to adopt two components of Hadoop, that is, HBase, and MapReduce, to manage web services [33]. Kulvatunyou et al. analyzed the OWL-based semantic mediation approaches to enhance manufacturing service capability models [34]. Fröhlich and Wanner presented a run-time support environment for wireless sensor network applications based on the operating system. It allowed the applications to configure their communication channel according to their needs and acquire sensor data through a unified application program interface (API) [35]. Hu et al. proposed a real-time discrete event–based monitoring system for RFID-enabled shop-floor monitoring in manufacturing enterprises. The system used rigorous mathematical techniques for event construction, state prediction, and disturbance detection that are appropriate for big-data environments of current intricate manufacturing systems [36]. Fang et al. presented an agent-based GOS to manage the RFID sensors for the ubiquitous company [16]. Considering the requirements of integration between production activities and enterprise information systems, an integration framework for RFID middleware based on business process rule and data stream technologies are presented by Li and Li [37].

3.2.3. Manufacturing Information Processing and Sharing

Manufacturing information captured by multiple sensors are often with different format, thus they need to be processed to obtain information in standard schema, and how to share the information with different EISs are also an important question. To address this demand, Anaya et al. described a unified enterprise modeling language, which aimed to backup integrated use of enterprise information models expressed using different languages [38]. Pantazoglou et al. proposed Proteus, a generic query model for the discovery of operations offered by heterogeneous services [39]. Al-Fuqaha et al. designed a rule-based intelligent gateway that can bridge the gap between existing IoT protocols to manage the efficient integration of parallel IoT services [40]. In order to obtain the formal description of manufacturing capability, Luo et al. studied a modeling and description method of multidimensional information for manufacturing capability in CM system [41]. Zhang et al. presented a services encapsulation and virtualization access model for manufacturing machine by combing the IoT techniques and cloud computing [42], and a task-driven manufacturing cloud service proactive discovery and optimal configuration method [43]. Russom et al. discussed the implementation of a configurable laboratory information management system for use in cellular process development and manufacturing [44]. To help engineers use digitization practically and efficiently, Kojima et al. proposed a method based on manufacturing case data that had a direct relation to manufacturing operations, where the data were represented in XML schema [45]. Pang et al. discussed the data-source interoperability service for heterogeneous information integration in ubiquitous enterprises [46]. Chungoora et al. studied the interoperable manufacturing knowledge systems concept, which used an expressive ontological method that derived the improved configuration of product life cycle management systems for manufacturing knowledge sharing [47]. Wu et al. developed a method to improve the integration and sharing of product knowledge during the development phase, the study established product development knowledge integration ontology [48]. Dhokia et al. developed a data model and a prototype information sharing platform for DEMAT machine tools, and the platform provided a unique method to monitor the life cycle status of machines [49]. Qiu et al. proposed an IoT-enabled Supply Hub in Industrial Park for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of sharing physical assets and services [50].

3.3. Overall architecture of real-time and multisource RMMISS

This research focuses mainly on the real-time and multisource manufacturing information sensing in discrete manufacturing field. The overall architecture of the proposed RMMISS is shown in Fig. 3.1. Mainly it consists of four modules, namely deployment of multiple sensors, multisensor manager, multisource manufacturing information processing, and sharing and application services. They are described as follows.
Figure 3.1 Overall architecture of real-time and multisource RMMISS.

3.3.1. Deployment of Multiple Sensors

This module aims to construct a smart environment by extending the advanced IoT technologies to traditional manufacturing field. First, the information requirements of the manufacturing system are analyzed. Second, the sensors types (e.g., RFID, barcode, smart meters, and so on) are selected according to the information requirements. As a result, the sensors are deployed in the shop-floor frontline, and the RMMI can be timely sensed by the up-level applications. More details will be presented in Section 3.4.

3.3.2. Multiple Sensors Manager

As shown in the middle of Fig. 3.1, multiple sensors manager is used to manage the sensors, so that the sensors can work properly. First, the sensors are registered into the multisensor manager, where the parameters of the sensors are set. Second, the sensor drivers are installed to ensure the sensors operate reliably. Third, the binding models between the resources and sensors are established. At last, the operating status of sensors is monitored by this module, so that the sensor exceptions can be eliminated as soon as possible. More details will be presented in Section 3.5.

3.3.3. Multisource Manufacturing Information Processing and Sharing

Huge amounts of real-time manufacturing data are captured by the sensors. However, most of the data are duplicated, meaningless, and unreliable, and only limited quantities of manufacturing events are taken care by the up-level users. The multisource manufacturing information processing and sharing module is used to meet the gaps between the raw sensor data and EISs requirements. Three kinds of contents are discussed in this module, namely data preprocessing, information encapsulation, and information sharing mechanism. Data preprocessing is used to aggregate the discrete data into resource level event. Information encapsulation is used to encapsulate into a standard information template which is based on B2MML schema. Information sharing mechanism is used to transfer the qualified data into the related users. More details will be discussed in Section 3.6.

3.4. Deployment of multisensors

3.4.1. Description of Multisource Manufacturing Information

Since many manufacturing resources are involved in the shop floor and their status and capacity data are changing continuously, a vast number of manufacturing data are created. Thus, it is important to select the key monitor points of manufacturing information. As shown in Fig. 3.2, five kinds of key information are interested by the managers, that is, machine, process quality, manufacturing objects, worker, and environment, and they are described as follows.
1. Manufacturing information related to machine
Figure 3.2 Multisource manufacturing information.
The status of machine plays an important role in improving the economic returns. If the machine works properly, the quantity and quality of production output can be guaranteed. Otherwise, the production may be suspended, which will lead to short supply of work in progress (WIP) or product. In real manufacturing process, the critical units and weak link of the machines are always the critical points for inspection, for example, the transmission system, the machining section, the servo system, and the supporting component. In general, there is a period of time before the failure event happens, during which the failure can be reflected by the data of sound, heat, and variation, it will be helpful to monitor the real-time data of machine in the reliability analysis process of the machine.
2. Manufacturing information related to process quality
The process quality of WIP and production plays an important role in the usage stage of production. The key indicator of process quality includes two sides: processing precision and surface quality. Processing precision is defined as closeness between physical parameters and technological parameters, and it can be categorized as dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy, or positional accuracy. Surface quality is the detection quality of production surface, that is, the surface roughness and mechanical properties.
3. Manufacturing data related to manufacturing objects
The manufacturing objects include the raw materials, the WIP, and the finished products. The data of raw materials, for example, the location, number, and status, can give useful advises for the inventory replenishment. The status of WIPs (e.g., the real-time progress, the manufacturing machine, waiting time, and so on) can reflect the production bottleneck and ensure the WIP flow follows the right direction. The data of finished products (e.g., the number, scrap ratio, and so on) display the production capacity of the shop floor.
4. Manufacturing data related to worker
The manufacturing data related to worker consists of the personnel assigned, skill, seniority, manufacturing record, etc. These data can provide the essential reference for the staff assignment. Since the machine failure cannot be avoided easily, the effective management of worker and manufacturing objects is potential in improving the production efficiency and ensuring that the shop floor obtains the largest production capacity.
5. Manufacturing data related to environment
The environment is another important factor in shop floor, and the excellent environment can stimulate the maximum ability of person and ensure the machine work properly. On one hand, good environment can reduce fatigue and stress for the worker; on the other hand, with the wide use of the intelligent machine, it is necessary to keep a strict environment for the normal production. Otherwise, the abnormal production activities will happen, for example, the dust may influence the manufacturing accuracy, the high temperature or humidity may affect the manufacturing ability, and so on.

3.4.2. Multiple Sensors Selection

As discussed previously, the information requirements in manufacturing field involves many things in productive processes, such as materials, WIPs, personnel, tools, equipment, vehicles, and so on. The real-time condition monitor of the manufacturing things has large impact on the performance of the entire production system. According to our recent investigation of several collaborative manufacturing enterprises, many of them use the manual system for data collection. Thus, the collected data are often laggard in time, prone to errors, and tedious. It is a daunting task to trace and track WIP items in a large manufacturing company. Besides, manual identification sheets are frequently damaged, lost, or misplaced, and shop-floor operators are busy with operations that are supposed to add values to products. As a result, the captured information can not accurately and promptly reflect the real-time status. In order to capture the real-time information of manufacturing resources, we choose some typical sensor and deploy them on suitable objects. The deployment information is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Sensor Deployment in Manufacturing Shop Floor

Type Hardware interface Target manufacturing resource Function
RFID reader and tag RS232 Critical component, tool and critical port, etc. Track the objects attached with RFID tags when they close the reader
Barcode reader and barcode Keyboard interface Pallet, material, and product Obtain the information through barcode
Digital caliper USB Parts, subfinished or finished products Measure the length, width, depth, inner and outer diameter in a high accuracy requirement
Temperature and humidity sensor RJ45 Room, workshop, and warehouse Obtain the temperature and humidity data
Displacement sensor RS232/RS485 Machine Detect the rotor’s state of motion in rotary machine, for example, rotor’s radial vibration, axial vibration, rotate speed, shaft centerline orbit, the position of axis, etc.
Acceleration sensor Serial Machine Measure the acceleration of vibration occurring machine. Find the cause of mechanical vibration and mechanical noise
RFID handheld reader and tag Wi-Fi Materials, product, pallet, etc. Track the objects where the fixed reader cannot be used
Smart electricity meters RS485 Workshop and energy-consuming machine Capture the parameters of electricity consumption, such as the power rate, total consumption of electricity
Smart water meters RS485 Workshop and water-consuming machine Capture the parameters of water consumption, total consumption of water

3.5. Multiple sensors manager

After deployment of multiple sensors, the multiple sensors manager will manage the multiple sensors dynamically to ensure they work properly.
First, when new sensors are deployed, the sensors are registered into the system, and the inherent parameters of the sensors are defined. The parameters include the type of the sensor, the frequency (UHF or HF), interface (USB or COM), connection port, production information, etc.
As heterogeneous sensors have different drivers, relevant software, communication mode, and interface, it’s hard to drive each sensor after it connects to the RMMISS. To solve this problem, two kinds of sensor-driven mechanism are used, that is, the standard interface and driver library. After the sensor is registered into the system, the standard interfaces are used to drive the sensor. If the sensor cannot be driven successfully, the system will download the third-party driver from the Internet according to sensor type, brand, and version, and then install it on the system and update the driver library with the latest edition.
Since every sensor has its own work pattern, it is difficult to control these sensors in a uniform mode under the same platform. Thus, service-oriented architecture (SOA) is adopted in the multiple sensors manager, and the heterogeneous sensors can be published, searched, and invoked through the Internet. The function of each sensor will be wrapped as standard web service first, where each web service will get a single service address and service ID. As a result, the sensors can be managed in a PnP pattern, and the multisource and heterogeneous manufacturing data can be captured easily.

3.6. Multisource manufacturing information capturing and sharing

Multisource manufacturing information capturing and sharing module is composed of three submodules, namely, data preprocessing, information encapsulation, and information sharing.

3.6.1. Data Preprocessing

After the multiple sensors are deployed and configured into the traditional manufacturing field, the real-time data of manufacturing resources will be captured continually. However, only a few data reflects the useful manufacturing information. To fulfill this gap, a two-level event model is used to process the raw sensor data into resource status data. Manufacturing data preprocessing helps users to obtain more meaningful and actionable resources information from the large amount of raw sensor events.
Primitive events (PEs) are events captured by the IoT technologies, which can be obtained in a large volume due to the reading characteristic of high-speed and automatic reading. As the data are often missed, duplicated, and inaccurate, a preprocessing method is necessary to provide data with worthy quality.
Definition 3.1: Primitive events can be represented as PE = (S,O,T), where S denotes the unique sensor ID, O denotes the unique object ID, while T denotes the sensing time.
Basic events (BEs) are resource level events, which are formed by the aggregation of qualified primitive events, and the BEs reflect the real-time space or space change of one or one class of manufacturing resources. The BEs constitute the lowest meaningful events that are taken care by the upper applications, five types of BEs are considered in this chapter: material distribution events (BE1), WIP circulating events (BE2), processing and assembly events (BE3), quality detection events (BE4), and storage events (BE5).
Definition 3.2: BEs can be represented as BEi,jk=(e/es,loc,context,T),j=(1,2,3,4,5),i=(1m),k=(1n).image
Here BEi,jkimage denotes jth kind of event at location i for object k, m, and n are the total number of the sensors and objects. E or es present the EPC of object; loc gives the position where event occurs. Context is used to interpret the event attributes, such as the process quality, the circulating executer, the manufacturing machine, and so on. T denotes the time, and it can be either a time point or an interval of time.
To model and obtain the BEs efficiently, the timed transition color Petri nets (TTCPNs) are used to analysis the primitive events, which will be discussed in detail in Chapter 7. Referring to the quality detection process in Fig. 3.3A, the TTCPN is built up as in Fig. 3.3B. In the graphical representation, places are presented as circles, transitions are presented as bars, tokens are presented by colored dots, and the input and output are presented as arcs which are connected by arrows.
Figure 3.3 TTCPN model for quality detection process.
(A) Case description. (B) TTCPN model.
When a WIP enters into the quality detection process, it needs to wait in the in-buffer, and the place “WIP Arrived” obtains a token to record the WIP enter event. If the person is ready, the WIP will be initially detected. The person status is shown in place “person,” while the initial detection process is represented by the state of transition “ICheck,” and the result of initial check is denoted by the place “StateI.” After the state is initially checked, the checked result will be published into the system, and the WIP is distributed into the relative area. Three places, that is, IsScrap, NeedRepair and Initial Qualified, are considered in the system to denote the three status of WIP, respectively. Then, the WIP is further detected by the machine. Based on the detection result, the WIP will be distributed into different areas, which are denoted as the place “Scrap,” “Repair Buffer,” and “Out-buffer,” respectively.

3.6.2. Information Encapsulation

Since the output of each sensor is isolated manufacturing data, it is difficult to share them with heterogeneous EISs. A business to manufacturing markup language (B2MML)-based RMMI template is proposed to encapsulate the discrete manufacturing data. After the encapsulation, the manufacturing information can be stored under a standard uniform, which can be accessed easily by the different managers. For that the manufacturing information includes information related to equipment, material, personnel, equipment, environment, and WIP, each of them are defined as an element in the template. Besides, the processing method is added in the template as an element to describe how the objects are processed. The B2MML-based real-time and multisource manufacturing information template is given in Fig. 3.4.
Figure 3.4 B2MML-based real-time and multisource manufacturing information template.

3.6.3. Manufacturing Information Sharing

Manufacturing information sharing module is responsible for sharing the RMMI with third-party applications. As seen in Fig. 3.5, two communication methods are used to share the manufacturing data, namely “Push model” and “Get model.” Both of the two models ask the users to register in this system first. Then, the real-time and multisource manufacturing data can be published to the users by the different information communication methods. For Push model, the user needs to submit some basic information of himself, including name, staff ID, telephone number, department, position, the kind of subscribed information, etc. When RMMISS captures the subscribed information, it will send a message which contains standardized real-time information to the relevant staffs through Wi-Fi, GSM, and other communication network. In the Get model, system will send captured information to users at the predefined time points T.
Figure 3.5 Manufacturing information transmission mechanism.

3.7. Case study

3.7.1. Hardware Device

Based on the aforementioned architecture of RMMISS, the hardware device and its main components are designed as shown in Fig. 3.6. Fig. 3.6A presents the concept design, it mainly consists of monitor, industrial computer, heterogeneous interface hub, wireless module, GSM, and multiple sensors. As the name suggests, the monitor is used to display the RMMI. The industrial computer is responsible for connecting and communicating with all kinds of smart objects via wired or wireless methods. The heterogeneous interface hub is used manage the multiple sensors through wired way. The wireless module and GSM are used to connect the multiple sensors in a wireless way. For definiteness and without loss of generality, we only choose two types of sensors, namely, RFID and digital caliper, in the physical realization, as shown in Fig. 3.6B.
Figure 3.6 Hardware device for proposed RMMISS.
(A) Concept design. (B) Physical realization.

3.7.2. Software System

In terms of software system, the industrial computer acts as an integrated platform where the relevant drivers of sensing devices and software applications are installed to make the connected sensor devices function normally. To manage the smart sensors in a PnP fashion, the essential procedures are to register the sensors. Thus, a prototype system is designed to establish a bridge for registering and managing the smart sensors. When a new sensor connects to RMMISS, the system are called to register and manage the sensors, the main steps are described as follows:
Step 1: Register a sensor
When a sensor is connected to the RMMISS system through heterogeneous interfaces hub, the system provides user interface to configure it, the equipment name, address, numbers, types, and other necessary attributes are set through the interface, as seen in Fig. 3.7. Besides, if the sensor information needs to be changed, the users can reset the attribute through the information management page.
Figure 3.7 Sensor registration.
Step 2: Manufacturing information transmission mode set
As mentioned in Section 3.6.3, the processed RMMI will be sent to the EISs or users through two ways, namely “Push model” and “Get model.” This step is used to set the attributes for the two modes, Fig. 3.8 presents the page for information transmission mode set. For the Push mode, the user needs to submit some basic attributes of himself, including name, staff ID, telephone number, department, position, the kind of subscribed information, etc. For the Get mode, the operator needs to provide the information to upload address and time interval, so that the industrial computer can transfer the processed information to the users actively.
Figure 3.8 Manufacturing information transmission mode set.
Step 3: Manufacturing information display for local users
This step is designed for the local user such as an operator at a single equipment. As some captured data can be used directly by the operator, RMMISS provides visualized way to show the RMMI so that the local operator could find some anomalies as soon as possible, as shown in Fig. 3.9.
Figure 3.9 Manufacturing information display for local users.
Step 4: Manufacturing information storage
The captured raw RMMI will be processed to the meaningful information through the way described in Section 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. In order to achieve the target for tracking and tracing the historical status of manufacturing resources, the information needs to be stored in the database. Fig. 3.10 gives an XML-based manufacturing information storage method.
Figure 3.10 Manufacturing information storage.


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