Method of Lagrange Multipliers

One of the first attempts to solve the optimal redundancy problem was based on the classical Lagrange Multiplier Method. This method was invented and developed by great French mathematician Lagrange (see Box). This method allows one to get the extreme value of the function under some specified constraint on another involved function in the form of equality. The Lagrange Multiplier Method is applicable if both functions (optimizing and constraining) are monotone and differentiable.

Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813)
Lagrange made outstanding contributions to all fields of analysis, to number theory, and to classical and celestial mechanics. He was one of the creators of the calculus of variations, and also introduced the method of Lagrange multipliers where possible constraints were taken into account. He invented the method of solving differential equations known as variation of parameters and applied differential calculus to the theory of probabilities. Lagrange studied the three-body problem for the earth, sun, and moon and the movement of Jupiter's satellites. Above all, he contributed to mechanics, having transformed Newtonian mechanics into a new branch of analysis, Lagrangian mechanics.

Strictly speaking, this method is not appropriate for optimal redundancy problem solving because the system reliability and cost are described by functions of discrete arguments xi (numbers of redundant units) and the restrictions on accessible resources (or on required values of reliability) are fixed in the form of inequalities.

Nevertheless, this method is interesting in general and also gives us some useful hints for the appropriate solution of some practical problems of a discrete nature.

Let us begin with the direct optimal redundancy problem (Fig. 3.1 below). To solve this problem, we construct the Lagrange function, c3-math-5010:

(3.1) c3-math-0001

where C(X) and R(X) are the cost of the system redundant units and the system reliability, respectively, if there are X redundant units of all types, c3-math-5001

Figure 3.1 Procedure of solving the direct problem of optimal redundancy.


The goal is to minimize C(X) taking into account constraints in the form of R(Xopt= R0. Thus, the system of equations to be solved is

(3.2) c3-math-0002

The values to be found are: c3-math-5002, i = 1, 2, …, n, and Λ.

If both function C(X) and R(X) are separable1 and differentiable, the first n equations of (3.2) can be rewritten as

(3.3) c3-math-0003

On a physical level, Equation (3.3) means that for separable functions c3-math-5011 and C(X), the optimal solution corresponds to equality of relative increments of reliability of each redundant group for an equal and infinitesimally small resources investment.

(3.4) c3-math-0004

In the general case, Equation (3.3) yields no closed form solution but it is possible to suggest an algorithm for numerical calculation:

1. At some arbitrary point c3-math-5003 calculate the derivative for some fixed redundant group, say, the first one:

(3.5) c3-math-0005

Of course, one would like to choose a value of c3-math-5004 close to an expected optimal solution c3-math-5005. For example, if you consider spare parts for equipment to operate failure-free during time t and know that the unit mean time to failure (MTTF) is T, this value should be a little larger than t/T. In other words, this choice should be done based on engineering experience and intuition.
2. For the remaining redundant groups, calculate derivatives until the following condition is satisfied:

(3.6) c3-math-0006

3. Calculate value:

(3.7) c3-math-0007

4. Compare R(1) with R0. If R(1) > R0, choose c3-math-5006; if R(1) < R0, choose c3-math-5007. After choosing a new value of c3-math-5008, return to step 1 of the algorithm.
The stopping rule: X(N) is accepted as the solution if the following condition holds:

(3.8) c3-math-0008

where ε is some specified admissible discrepancy in the final value of the objective function R(X).

Solution of the inverse optimal redundancy problem (Fig. 3.2) is analogous. The Lagrange function is:

(3.9) c3-math-0009

and the equations are:

(3.10) c3-math-0010

Figure 3.2 Procedure of solving the inverse problem of optimal redundancy.


The optimal solution has to be found with respect to goal function C(X). The stopping rule in this case is

(3.11) c3-math-0011

where ε* is some specified admissible discrepancy in the final value of the goal function C(X).

Unfortunately, there is only one case where the direct optimal redundancy problem can be solved in a closed form. This is the case of a highly reliable system with active redundancy where:

(3.12) c3-math-0012


(3.13) c3-math-0013

that is, instead of maximizing R(X), one can minimize Q(X) and find the needed optimal solution.

Taking into account that both objective functions are separable, Equation (3.10) can be written as:

(3.14) c3-math-0014

From equation

(3.15) c3-math-0015

we can finally write

(3.16) c3-math-0016

Now returning to the last equation in Equation (3.10), we have

(3.17) c3-math-0017

and, consequently, the Lagrange multiplier has the form

(3.18) c3-math-0018

From Equation (3.16), one has

(3.19) c3-math-0019

Finally, after substitution of Equation (3.17) into Equation (3.19), one gets

(3.20) c3-math-0020

Hardly anybody would be happy to deal with such a clumsy formula!

The solutions obtained by the Lagrange Multiplier Method are usually continued due to requirements to the objective functions. Immediate questions arise: Is it possible to use an integer extrapolation for each non-integer xi? If this extrapolation is possible, is the obtained solution optimal?

Unfortunately, even if one tries to “correct” non-integer solutions by substituting lower and upper integer limits c3-math-5009, this very rarely leads to an optimal solution! Moreover, enumerating all 2n possible “corrections” can itself be a problem. We demonstrate this statement on a simple example.


1 Taking the logarithm of multiplicative function R(X), one gets an additive function of logarithms of multipliers.

Chronological Bibliography

Everett, H. 1963. “Generalized Lagrange multiplier method for solving problems of optimum allocation of resources.” Operations Research, no. 3.

Greenberg, H. J. 1970. “An application of a Lagrangian penalty function to obtain optimal redundancy.” Technometrics, no. 3.

Hwang, C. L., Tillman, F. A., and Kuo, W. 1979. “Reliability optimization by generalized Lagrangian-function and reduced-gradient methods.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, no. 28.

Kuo, W., Lin, H. H., Xu, Z., and Zhang, W. 1987. “Reliability optimization with the Lagrange-multiplier and branch-and-bound technique.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, no. 5.

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