Routing in 6LoWPAN

12.1 Introduction

IPv6 over Low‐Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) is a protocol defining flow of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) packets over a resource‐constrained, low‐power, and short‐range wireless network. Low‐power wireless personal area networks are based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. IEEE 802.15.4‐compliant devices have short communication range and limited bandwidth, memory, processing power, and energy requirements. Based on these restrictions, it is generally assumed that 6LoWPAN transmits a small amount of data, but the protocol has no restriction on the amount of data that it can transmit [1]. These networks are also referred to as low‐power and lossy networks (LLNs), as the nodes are highly constrained and the characteristics of the network, radio links, and nodes lead to unstable connectivity [2]. 6LoWPAN aims at extreme network scalability and providing IP‐based connectivity even to the smallest of sensors and actuators that have a requirement to communicate among each other or with the external world over the Internet.

12.1.1 IP for Smart Objects

Smart objects are devices fitted with sensors or actuators [2] and have a communication capability. Smart objects have many emerging applications in the field of home automation, hospital and patient management, vehicular tracking, industrial monitoring, data collection, and warning systems for hazardous areas and related infrastructure and defense usages. Depending on the application, the sensors may provide real‐time data or transmit data on availability of a particular threshold or after a specified interval of time. The time interval between data transmission may span from a few minutes to a few days, as the smart objects have to run on the same battery for a few years depending on their application and communication pattern and protocols. The communication with the smart objects can be unidirectional, as in case of RFID tags, or bidirectional, as in the case of sensors communicating using Bluetooth, ZigBee, or 6LoWPAN.

Most of the sensor networks are based on proprietary protocols, which hampers internetwork end‐to‐end communication. In order to enable such proprietary networks to be a part of other networks, a complex protocol translation gateway model is required. Such gateways lead to communication delays, inefficient routing, and poor quality of service (QoS). For sensor networks comprising thousands of sensor nodes, an IP‐based network architecture [3] can provide an efficient, interoperable, and scalable communication solution with a greater commercial adoption than the proprietary counterparts.

The benefits of using IP over sensors can be established on the basis of the widespread use and popularity of the Ethernet. The amount of research going into it has enhanced its speed from 10 Mbps during inception to the present‐day few hundred Gbps, and that too in such a short span of time of its development. Furthermore, the wireless link based on IEEE 802.11 is also IP based [4]. IP‐based communication is highly scalable and flexible, ensures QoS, and has high availability and reliability. It supports many applications, protocols, communication technologies, and devices. IP is extensively interoperable and has established security mechanisms (using access control, firewall, authentication, and security models) and naming, addressing, translation, lookup, and discovery protocols. It has an established proxy mechanism with network address translation (NAT), load balancing, and caching for higher‐level services [5].

Until recently it was thought that IP‐based applications are memory and bandwidth intensive [6] and cannot be scaled down in terms of memory, computation requirement, and power consumption to make them appropriate for resource‐constrained microcontrollers, embedded systems, sensors, and low‐power links, as in the case of IEEE 802.15.4, which has a smaller packet size. However, lightweight and compressed versions of IP‐based transmission were suggested in the IETF 6LoWPAN draft standard. This makes IPv6‐based data transmission possible among smart devices that have low memory and processing power and support a smaller frame size. IP‐based communication can enable seamless and secured data transmission between sensors and PCs, laptops, and PDAs across various networks or the Internet, which leads to ease of integration and a wider network interoperability.

There are a number of advantages of using IP in smart objects. A few of these advantages are that IP is open, lightweight, versatile, ubiquitous, scalable, manageable, stable, and end‐to‐end [3]. IP masks the lower‐layer details such as packet size and format and sends information to the destination after locating it and routing the information through intermediate accessible hosts transparently to the user [7]. A few other benefits of using IP technology are its pervasive nature and its integration with existing IP‐based applications using the existing network infrastructure without the requirement of any translation gateways [1]. It has been in use for the past many years [8], with fine‐tuning of the protocols to make it secure and flawless. IP‐based diagnostic tools and management and monitoring tools such as Ping, traceroute, SNMP, openview, and netmanager are also available [5]. However, these tools should be robust enough to manage a dense deployment of nodes, but should not have much overhead. Another important factor for the success and widespread usage of IP is that the standard is open [1] and the specifications are easily available and free, enabling the users to have an insight into it and to develop the supporting applications over it.

IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4

The reasons for suitability [1] of IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4 for usage in 6LoWPAN are as follows:

  • IPv6 has a huge address space available with it, which can cater for the higher‐density addressing requirements of the sensors and embedded systems.
  • IPv6 address format can support the IEEE 802.15.4 addressing scheme and its size limitation with due compression.
  • It supports autoconfiguration of the network.
  • Owing to its huge addressing range, NAT is not required, saving on the overhead of NAT.
  • Using IPv6, the sensors can connect to the Internet through a gateway and are open to new techniques [9] such as location aware addressing.

12.1.2 6LoWPAN

IEEE 802.15.4 has the capability to network intelligent devices fitted with sensors that can communicate with each other. This network of sensors can have a wider range of applications if it has the capability to be connected to the existing IP‐based local area networks (LANs), wireless networks, wide‐area networks (WANs), or the Internet. It will connect homes, factories, warehouses, bridges, malls, and other infrastructures with the real‐world applications available on the network. Low‐range wireless personal area networks (LR‐PANs) have very low battery requirements, leading to a battery life of a few years, but at the same time they have relatively less throughput and a short range of communication. In addition to this, the sensors have constrained memory space and computational power.

ZigBee technology fits best for those applications that can do with low bandwidth availability, but it requires support for mobility, short‐range wireless communication, and self‐organization. The power consumption to run ZigBee protocol on a sensor is low, which leads to longer battery life. It was mainly used to support distributed automation, remote control, and monitoring applications over a range of less than a 100 m. As ZigBee works on a low data rate, it led to the formation of the IEEE 802.15.4 committee to work on a standard for such data rates. An alliance of various companies either working or interested in the area of ZigBee were also working under the ‘Zigbee Alliance’. The ZigBee Alliance and the IEEE joined together for further development of the standard, and the technology was commercially named ‘ZigBee’ [10].

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is very less complex than Bluetooth owing to the reduced quality of service (QoS) [11]. IEEE 802.15.4 defines only 45 MAC primitives and 14 PHY primitives [12, 13]. IEEE 802.15.4 is restricted only to the PHY and MAC layers and does not mention any criteria for the upper layers such as network or application layers [14]. Some manufacturers have tried building their proprietary systems for sensors and control devices. However, owing to variation in the standard, interoperability is always a major problem [15]. A common network cannot be created without interoperability between all kinds of sensor and control device across network layer.

IETF established the 6LoWPAN Working Group in 2004 to use IPv6 in formulating a standard for LR‐WPAN. The motive of this group was to use IEEE 802.15.4 at the bottom layers and introduce IPv6 at the network layer of LR‐WPAN. This relies on the compression of the IPv6 packets to make them suitable for battery‐, memory‐, and throughput‐restrained LR‐WPAN‐compliant devices [16]. 6LoWPAN uses the AES 128 bit encryption supported by IEEE 802.15.4 for authentication and security. It can also implement any other IP‐based advanced network security schemes and can directly integrate with other networks using IP routers. 6LoWPAN may be based on IEEE 802.15.4‐2003, or it may be compatible with IEEE 802.15.4‐2006 or TG4e [17].

12.1.3 ZigBee

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard mentions the physical and MAC layer issues and protocols in a resource‐constrained wireless personal area network (PAN.) The PAN can be based on a star, mesh, or cluster tree topology [10]. ZigBee addresses the upper‐layer protocols and application profiles such as routing, data security, monitoring applications, and interoperable application profiles. In the ZigBee network, a full function device (FFD) can play the role of a PAN coordinator, ZigBee router, or end device. A reduced function device (RFD) can take on the functionality of only an end device. The FFDs can form a peer‐to‐peer network in a mesh topology. The RFDs form a star network with an FFD in a master–slave configuration [18]. There is only one PAN coordinator in a ZigBee network, which allows the devices in the network to communicate with each other using multihop transmissions. The other roles performed by the PAN coordinator are setting up the network, transmitting beacon messages, routing messages, and storing node information. ZigBee supports a self‐healing, self‐forming network based on CSMA‐CA for data transmission. A ZigBee node spends most of its time snoozing, and the bootstrapping time for a hibernating node is 15 ms [12].

12.1.4 ZigBee vs 6LoWPAN

A few major differences between Zigbee and 6LoWPAN are listed below:

  • 6LoWPAN is an alternative to ZigBee and is an open network based on Internet Protocol. 6LoWPAN already has an open‐source version and provides easily implementable models for Internet connectivity [19].
  • ZigBee standardizes application profiles but still has a few drawbacks in networking, while 6LoWPAN has better networking with IPv6, but lacks application standard interoperability [8].
  • The network header in 6LoWPAN comprises dispatch and header compression HC1 and HC2, followed by hop count and UDP header, while the ZigBee APDU frame format [5] comprises frame control bit fields, destination endpoint, cluster identifier, profile identifier, source endpoint, and APS counter in its network header.
  • As reported in a survey [8], among the shipped IEEE 802.15.4 chips, about 55% support 6LoWPAN, while only 30% support ZigBee.

Figure 12.1 shows the difference between the ZigBee and 6LoWPAN stacks.

Image described by caption.

Figure 12.1 A schematic representation of ZigBee and 6LoWPAN stacks.

12.2 6LoWPAN Fundamentals

6LoWPAN has attractive features of autoconfiguration, IPv6 fragmentation, mesh forwarding, mobility support, and up to 80% header compression. It can support various types of radio link, such as IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4a, and even a low‐bandwidth powerline [8]. The major characteristics of LoWPAN are its small packet size, provision for 16 bit as well as 64 bit MAC address, low bandwidth as defined in ZigBee radio, support of star and mesh topology, low power consumption, low cost, tremendous scalability, mobile and random deployment, and secured network connectivity even with non‐cooperative and compromised devices. As the physical layer can support a maximum packet size of 127 bytes, this leads to a maximum frame size of 102 bytes in the MAC layer. The security protocols available in IEEE 802.15.4 are AES‐CCM‐32, AES‐CCM‐64, and AES‐CCM‐128, which have headers of 9, 13, and 21 bytes respectively. This finally leaves 81 bytes for the data [1]. IEEE 802.15.4 supports two types of addressing – 64 bit and 16 bit addressing. The 16 bit address is allocated to a device only after its association with a PAN coordinator [20] or other nodes in the PAN, and the address is unique only within that particular PAN.

The design space of 6LoWPAN is varied [2]. The nodes can be deployed in an organized manner or scattered, and they can be deployed all at one time or incrementally, making it highly scalable. The network may comprise a few nodes to several thousand nodes. This leads to varying density of nodes and change in their locations. The nodes in the 6LoWPAN are ‘always connected’, but certain nodes may be under hibernation while others may come in the transmission range or leave the signal availability region owing to their mobility. This leads to difficulty in determining the active nodes in the network. It supports star as well as mesh topology. A single hop may be sufficient for communication in a star topology, while multihop data transmission with routing capabilities is required for a mesh or hierarchical topology. Researchers have reported various routing mechanisms suitable for LoWPAN, some of which are localization based, reputation based, topographical, data centric, address centric or event driven. The data transmission pattern may be point to point (P2P), point to multipoint (P2MP), or multipoint to point (MP2P), depending on the usage, architecture, and routing pattern. If the LoWPAN is assigned for a strategic application, security considerations and QoS have to be ensured in the resource‐constrained lossy network.

12.2.1 Architecture

IEEE 802.15.4 defines two types of node – FFD and the RFD. However, in the case of LoWPAN the nodes are distinguished as LoWPAN hosts, LoWPAN routers, and LoWPAN mesh nodes [2]. The LoWPAN hosts are the end nodes, which are the source or sink nodes for IPv6 datagrams and can comprise FFDs or RFDs. The LoWPAN routers and the LoWPAN mesh nodes are FFDs and help in data transmission between the source and destination nodes by appropriate forwarding of data in multihop mode. The LoWPAN routers operate in the IP layer and perform routing. The edge routers connect the LoWPAN to other IP‐based networks or other LoWPAN networks. The mesh nodes operate on top of the link layer for the forwarding of data using link addresses. The 6LoWPAN stack [21] has the 6LoWPAN‐specific applications at the top, using the socket interfaces to connect to the TCP/UDP at the next layer, followed by IPv6 and the adaptation layer just below it, which makes 6LoWPAN utilize the IP over IEEE 802.15.4. The last two layers are those defined in IEEE 802.15.4 and are its link layer and physical layer.

Gateways are devices that have the IPv6 network and the IEEE 802.15.4 network at their two ends. Each PAN can have its own gateway or multiple PANs can have a common gateway [20]. The gateway implements the adaptation layer function [22]. The gateways also perform address translation between IPv6 and the 16 bit/64 bit address to make the addresses compliant with the IPv6 network and the IEEE 802.15.4 network. A typical network diagram showing the network connectivity of a 6LoWPAN with the Internet through a gateway is shown in Figure 12.2.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 12.2 Interoperability of 6LoWPAN over the Internet.

12.2.2 Header Format and Compression

Although 6LoWPAN has no limitation on the packet size that a sensor can transmit, given that it is bandwidth, energy, and processing power constrained, the LoWPAN applications generally generate small packets. By adding headers across all layers to establish IP connectivity, it should confine itself in a single frame [1]. The control packet should also fit within a single IEEE 802.15.4 frame.

IPv6 packets are transmitted over the data frames of IEEE 802.15.4 with a request for acknowledgement to help link layer recovery [23]. The other frames supported by IEEE 802.15.4 are the beacon frames, the MAC command frames, and the acknowledgement frame. The source and destination addresses should be included in the IEEE 802.15.4 frame header, with the optional inclusion of the source and destination PAN ID. The 16 bit address, which is unique within the PAN, is used for addressing within the 6LoWPAN and is valid until its association with the PAN coordinator. It is assumed that each PAN maps to a particular IPv6 link, and the PAN ID of this link should match the destination PAN ID included in the frame [22]. The 16 bit destination address is included in the frame to support broadcast.

An IPv6 packet cannot fit in a IEEE 802.15.4 frame because the MTU of an IPv6 packet is 1280 bytes. IEEE 802.15.4 can support a maximum frame size of 127 bytes in the physical layer with a frame overhead of 25 bytes and 102 bytes for the MAC layer. The link layer security has an overhead of 21, 13, or 9 bytes in the case of AES‐CCM‐128, AES‐CCM‐32, and AES‐CCM‐16 respectively. The IPv6 header uses 40 bytes [5], thus leaving 41 bytes for the upper layer if AES‐CCM‐128 is used. Of these 41 bytes, some bytes are used by the upper‐layer protocol, leaving even fewer bytes for the application data. The minimum packet size in IPv6 is 1280 bytes, and thus an intermediate adaptation layer [21] is required to support this. The primary functions of the adaptation layer [9] are TCP/IP header compression, handle packet fragmentation and reassembly, support routing in edge node, neighbor discovery, and multicast support.

The datagrams of 6LoWPAN are transmitted over IEEE 802.15.4 radio. These encapsulated datagrams are prefixed with an encapsulation header. An IPv6 header contains source and destination addressing, hop‐by‐hop options, routing information, fragmentation, destination options, and payload [24]. The LoWPAN header comprises mesh addressing, hop‐by‐hop options, fragmentation, and payload. RFC 4944 [22] describes the frame format of LoWPAN‐encapsulated IPv6 datagrams, LoWPAN‐encapsulated LoWPAN_HC1‐compressed IPv6 datagrams, LoWPAN‐encapsulated LoWPAN_HC1‐compressed IPv6 datagrams for mesh addressing, LoWPAN‐encapsulated LoWPAN_HC1‐compressed IPv6 datagrams for fragmentation, LoWPAN‐encapsulated LoWPAN_HC1‐compressed IPv6 datagrams for mesh addressing as well as fragmentation, and LoWPAN‐encapsulated LoWPAN_HC1‐compressed IPv6 datagrams for mesh addressing, and the broadcast header to support mesh broadcast/multicast. When multiple LoWPAN headers are present in the same packet, the mesh addressing header should appear first, followed by the broadcast header and then the fragmentation header. In addition to these, the header contains dispatch value, definition of header fields, and their ordering constraints.

In the dispatch header, the first two bits are set to 00 or 01, which identifies the dispatch type. The dispatch header is 6 bit and indicates the type of header that follows it. The header types can be NALP (Not a LoWPAN frame), IPv6, LoWPAN_HC1, LoWPAN_BC0, and ESC. Thus, the type of header is specified by the dispatch header [20]. In the mesh addressing header, the first two bits are 10, followed by a bit each for V (Very First/Source) and F (Final Destination). V is 0 if the source address is a 64 bit address, and 1 if it is a 16 bit address. F is 0 if the destination address is a 64 bit address, and 1 if it is a 16 bit address. Thereafter it has four bits for ‘hops left’, followed by the originator address and the final destination address.

The entire IPv6 payload may fit in a single IEEE 802.15.4 frame, and in this case it does not require any fragmentation. But if the payload does not fit in a single frame, it is split into link fragments [5] of multiples of eight bytes each, except for the last fragment. The first link fragment comprises an 11 bit datagram size and a 16 bit datagram tag, and the remaining fragments have an 8 bit datagram offset in addition to the datagram size and datagram tag. The datagram size specifies the size of the IP packet before fragmentation, and its value remains the same across all the frame fragments. The datagram tag has an incremental value for successive fragments and is set by the sender. Although the initial value is not defined, it wraps to 0 when the value reaches 65 535.

The recipient of the link fragments uses the source address, destination address, datagram size, and datagram tag to identify the fragments that are addressed to it and belong to a particular datagram. Thereafter it reconstructs the entire datagram from the fragments by getting the size from the datagram size tag and datagram offset to determine the location of each fragment in the datagram [22]. The datagram tag supports reassembly in the case of node disassociation.

A number of IPv6 header values are common in the 6LoWPAN networks, and these can be used efficiently to compress them and construct the HC1 header. In the IPv6 header in 6LoWPAN, IPv6 is the version, the source and destination address are link local, the interface identifiers for source and destination can be obtained from the link layer source and destination address, the packet length can be obtained from the datagram size field in the fragment header or from the frame length field in the link layer, the traffic class and the flow label are 0, and the next header is UDP, ICMP, or TCP. Hop limit is a field that cannot be compressed. The common IPv6 header can be compressed into 16 bits instead of the 40 bytes used in IPv6 [22]. Out of the 16 bits, eight bits are used for HC1 encoding, and the remaining eight bits for the hop count. In HC1 encoding [5, 17], the first two bits encode the source address, the next two bits encode the destination address, the fifth bit specifies the traffic class and flow label, the sixth and seventh bits specify the next header, and the last bit is set to 1 if HC2 encoding follows the HC1 encoding and is set to 0 if there is no further header compression after HC1. The two bits used to identify the next header point to no compression, UDP, ICMP, and TCP with a value of 00, 01, 10, and 11 respectively. The traffic class and flow label is 0 if the bit is set to 1, and there is no compression if it is 0. The two bits help in determining the source and destination address as each bit specifies whether it is prefix compressed or interface identifier compressed.

12.2.3 Network Topology

The IEEE 802.15.4 supports two types of device – FFD and RFD. An FFD can send as well as receive data from an FFD as well as an RFD. However, an RFD can communicate only with an FFD. These limitations lead to two types of topology in LoWPAN – mesh and star. FFDs also forward the packets at the link layer. The routing protocols for 6LoWPAN should have less overhead on the packet size during routing, preferably independently of the number of hops and topological changes [1]. The sensor nodes are generally deployed in excessive numbers with restrained input capability and are ad hoc in nature, leading to location ambiguity. The device should be capable of bootstrapping easily, and the network should be self‐healing in nature to address such uncertainty of the deployed devices. The routing algorithms should be optimized for minimal power consumption, computational requirement, and memory usage. The constrained memory availability limits the maintenance of routing tables in the FFDs. As the RFDs hibernate frequently to save on battery power, the routing protocol should have techniques incorporated to support hibernating nodes.

A LoWPAN can be formed as a ‘mesh under’ or ‘route over’ configuration [2]. In the ‘mesh under’ configuration the data transmission is through the intermediate mesh nodes, which operate at the link layer or the adaptation layer and use the link address as the identifier for forwarding the data. In the ‘route over’ configuration, the packet is transmitted in multiple hops using IP through the intermediate FFDs, which act as the routers.

12.2.4 Neighbor Discovery

The 6LoWPAN has lossy, short‐range, low‐bandwidth, and low‐power links with sleeping nodes, and thus multicasting cannot be used for neighbor discovery as in the case of IPv6. The process of neighbor discovery in IPv6 has been described in RFC 4861 [25], along with the process of router advertisement and discovery, neighbor advertisement and solicitation, redirection, address resolution, and duplicate address detection. However, this cannot be used for 6LoWPAN as it has two types of addressing scheme – 16 bit addressing and 64 bit addressing, the network does not have multicast capability at the link layer, the sleeping nodes do not respond to signaling messages, a node may periodically change its parent for routing, and the datagram requires fragmentation and header compression.

Various optimizations have to be made to IPv6 neighbor discovery to make it suitable for 6LoWPAN [26]. It avoids multicast flooding, minimizes link‐local multicast frequency, uses whiteboard in edge routers for duplicate address detection, duplicate address detection is across the entire 6LoWPAN, and next‐hop determination is simplified, but neighbor unreachability detection is not performed, address resolution is not performed, and node registration and whiteboard resolution have to be introduced afresh. Contextual‐information‐transformation‐based service discovery architecture for a 6LoWPAN can be used to locate a service in the proximity of the node [27]. The mechanism works even in a 6LoWPAN Internetworked with an external IP network and can discover user‐defined services from within the 6LoWPAN as well as outside it.

When a node comes in an LoWPAN, it listens to the router advertisements from the routers in the network or broadcasts a router solicitation expecting a response from any local router. On receiving the router advertisement, the node gets an address by stateless address autoconfiguration and selects its default router. Thereafter the node sends a unicast node registration message to the edge router directly or through intermediate routers to register itself with the edge router, to which the edge router replies with a node confirmation either directly or through the intermediate routers and makes an entry of it in its whiteboard. This makes the node a part of the 6LoWPAN and ready for communication [17, 26] to any IPv6 node either within the LoWPAN or outside it. However, intermediate routers are not available in ‘mesh under’ configuration.

In addition to the process of the router transmitting periodic advertisements of node discovery, there are two other modes of node and service discovery supported by 6LoWPAN. In the second mode of node discovery, a sensor, after coming into the PAN, sends beacons to which a sink node may listen and perform the registration of the node, and the docking node receives a TTL from the sink node and becomes a part of the network. In this case the sink node has information about all the nodes in the network and does not require a method for node removal as it uses TTL. However, it is difficult to calculate an optimal TTL. Alternatively to these two modes, RFID may be used for neighbor discovery as it saves all broadcast messages, but requires integration of RFID with 6LoWPAN. These three types of node and service discovery are described as the YouCatchMe, ICatchYou, and Some1CatchMe approaches respectively [28] and are depicted in Figure 12.3.

Diagram displaying top block for Node and Service Discovery with 3 blocks below for Periodic Router Advertisments, Beacons from the Node Newly Docked to the PAN, and Alternative Technology Piggyback to Detect Neighbor.

Figure 12.3 Different approaches to node and service discovery in 6LoWPAN.

12.2.5 Routing

The 6LoWPAN or IEEE 802.15.4 does not specify how the mesh network can be formed with multihop routing. Thus, the multihop routing should either be supported at the IP layer or at the link layer. The design space and 6LoWPAN routing requirements can be discussed with respect to the device properties, link properties, network characteristics, and ‘mesh under’ forwarding [24]. The existing multihop routing protocols cannot be used in 6LoWPAN as there are various types of node in the 6LoWPAN performing various roles such as routers, gateways, hosts, or edge nodes, and PAN coordinators. Existing routing protocols do not support these 6LoWPAN device types. Moreover, the power, memory, and computational requirements are more stringent in the 6LoWPAN nodes, the existing protocols cannot handle the transmission pattern of the hibernating nodes [29, 30] and lossy links, and a 6LoWPAN network may either be a transit network or a stub network.

6LoWPAN uses a ‘route over’ approach by IP routing during routing at the IP layer and a ‘mesh under’ approach by multihop communication using the MAC address during routing below the link layer. In a ‘route over’ configuration, the edge routers as well as the intermediate nodes perform layer 3 routing for multihop communication. In a ‘mesh under’ configuration, only an edge router is a IPv6 router and the other nodes are the mesh nodes or the LoWPAN host, which operate at layer 2. This leads to a single IP hop with multiple radio hops [5] if a node wants to transmit a packet from a node to the edge router. The routing packets should fit into a single IEEE 802.15.4 frame to prevent fragmentation and reassembly [22]. As there is heavy resource constraint, the routing protocols should be designed so that the packets are delivered with a certain threshold probability depending on the criticality of the application [23, 31, 32]. The routing protocol should consider the latency requirement of the application and the 6LoWPAN link latency [29]. The routing protocol should support scalability from a few nodes to a few thousand nodes [33] and should have a procedure for route reallocation with minimum energy consumption in control messages for route discovery [34]. The routing protocol should also support the mobile nodes as well as the movement of the entire 6LoWPAN. It should also support point‐to‐point, point‐to‐multipoint, and multipoint‐to‐point transmission patterns with minimal multicast traffic [35]. The control messages should be securely delivered [36]. The protocol should support 16 bit addressing as well as 64 bit addressing.

Owing to memory constraints in 6LoWPAN nodes, a very limited entry routing table can be created with the interface identifiers. So, a hierarchical routing based on the 16 bit address can be designed, which uses the 6LoWPAN message format in the adaptation layer [37]. However, this architecture does not incorporate the feature of path recovery in the case of a node failure. This can be improved upon by an extended hierarchical routing [38], which can have a feature of recovering the routing path. This mechanism adds two new entries to the routing table. The first new entry is called the neighbor replace parent (NRP), which points to an upstream node to which a node can transmit data in the case of failure of the parent. The second new entry is called the neighbor added child (NAC), which the parent node added in the NRP makes for this newly added child.

12.3 Interoperability of 6LoWPAN

With increase in the applications of 6LoWPAN, the requirement for mobility of nodes among various PANs and the interoperability of 6LoWPAN is increasing. A sensor mode may move from one 6LoWPAN network [39] to another, but as the related devices are energy constrained, it is challenging to support such mobility as it involves handoff techniques, authentication, and information exchange and storage. The mobility‐related tasks should be delegated to the PAN coordinator or some other FFD in the network, depending on the resources available to the device. The mechanism for supporting mobility should be incorporated in the adaptation layer and not the IP layer, as it reduces the number of bits transmitted over the radio channel by the 6LoWPAN device. The inter‐PAN handover time should be minimum, and it should have awareness about the surrounding PANs to enhance the reliability of the visiting node.

A few major research studies reported in the field of 6LoWPAN interoperability are as follows:

  • A model for interoperability between NEMO [40] and 6LoWPAN has been suggested with a routing scheme to support the network mobility [9, 41].
  • Internetworking between ZigBee and 6LoWPAN [42] using IPv6 prefix delegation, IPv6 multicast, and extended IP switching.
  • Use of 6LoWPAN in IPv4 networks [43] by adding two more values in the prototype tag in the adaptation layer for IPv4 and compressed IPv4 and adding for IPv4 and IPv6 a dual stack in the gateway. NAT is incorporated to support IPv4 for the huge number of sensors.

An inter‐PAN mobility support mechanism has been suggested [20] by providing a distributed version of the inter‐PAN mobility scheme [44]. It assumes that each PAN has a unique PAN ID, and has different communication frequency ranges and a separate gateway that connects it to the external IP network. Gateways are responsible for fragmentation and reassembly of IP packets to make them IEEE 802.15.4 frame size compliant. When a mobile node enters a 6LoWPAN, it detects the frequency range of the PAN and associates itself with any node (parent) in the network, and this information is sent by the parent to the gateway with the 16 bit address of its parent and the fixed ID of the mobile node. The gateway maintains binding information of all the mobile nodes and their parents and updates this information to the other gateways in the domain, including the parent gateway of the mobile node.

The mobile node may disassociate from its parent and may associate with some other node (parent) within the same PAN, thus changing the binding information in its gateway, but such types of update occurring within a PAN are not updated with the other gateways. The mechanism has provision for inter‐PAN communication where two mobile nodes in different PANs communicate with each other, as well as interdomain communication, which is used to forward a data packet received at the home network of the PAN to the mobile node where it is presently available. HMIPv6 [45], FMIPv6, and MIPv6 [46] are a few tunnel‐based mobility protocols that prevent packet losses during mobility and help in continuity of communication with the outer world during mobility [20]. These are host‐based protocols in which the IP layer carries the mobility‐related packets [47].

The gateway architecture of 6LoWPAN routing [35] supports interoperability between 6LoWPAN and external IPv6 networks. This is achieved through compressing or decompressing the IPv6 packets and mapping the IEEE 802.15.4 16 bit addresses with the IPv6 address [9].

12.4 Applications

There is an increasing market demand for IEEE 802.15.4 chips. Millions of IEEE 802.15.4 chips are being manufactured and shipped annually, and this value is expected to rise with a growth rate of 20–30% [8]. The 6LoWPAN Working Group has set out in detail in its Internet Draft on Design and Application Spaces for 6LoWPAN its various application domains in the field of industrial monitoring [19], structural monitoring, healthcare, networked home [21, 48], childcare [9], vehicular telematics, agricultural monitoring [2], energy metering [8, 49], situational awareness and precision asset tracking for defense or firefighting [50], and environmental monitoring and sensing [20]. A sequence diagram depicting the data communication between a smart soldier and a smart weapon system fitted with a variety of sensors is depicted in Figure 12.4. These communications are in very short range and require much less data transmission. The actual data is not transmitted over the network, rather trigger signals are transmitted on threshold values, and hence it can be supported well by a 6LowPAN. Some of the other applications of 6LoWPAN are discussed below.

  1. Industrial automation. There are a number of application fields in industrial monitoring to reduce the downtime of machinery and automate the process of equipment monitoring and data transfer and analysis. Industrial monitoring involves various requirements such as process control and monitoring, equipment surveillance, asset tracking, and monitoring of the storage environment for temperature, humidity, and pressure critical stocking requirement.
  2. Strength and security of structures. Structural monitoring using 6LoWPAN provides real‐time monitoring of critical infrastructure or of structures under extreme temperature, pressure, or radiation effects leading to deterioration of the strength of the material and fatigue. Such networks provide efficient, routine, and reliable monitoring of structures. The network can also be used for security monitoring of structures.
  3. Wireless patient and hospital monitoring. In the case of health care management, it can be effective in patient monitoring as well as hospital management. Patients may be fitted with various sensors forming a wireless body sensor network (WBSN) [20] to track their health status in a non‐invasive manner (to track motion, temperature, heart beat, or pulse rate) or in an invasive manner (to track blood content or nervous, digestive, or respiratory system) [51]. This leads to a wireless patient monitoring environment in an intensive care unit of the hospital. In hospital management, it can be used to maintain the temperature and humidity of the storage for blood and medicine. It can alert about depleting pressure in oxygen cylinders, increase in suspended material in the hospital environment as a result of pollution, which can effect patient health, tracking of hospital equipment, and timely consumption of medicine by patients.
  4. Convenient homes. Smart and convenient homes [9] deploy the technology to integrate smart devices in the home and connect them to the Internet for information exchange. It is used for the surveillance and safety of houses, maintenance of gardens, health monitoring of occupants, and control of home appliances, light and temperature, and entertainment systems.
  5. Agricultural support. Sensors can be fitted on farms to monitor the temperature, water level, humidity, and soil condition of farmland. Humidity sensors can activate sprinkler actuators to manage the sprinklers to maintain the water level on the farm. The soil sensors can generate an alarm on depletion of minerals in the soil that are specifically required for a particular crop, thus making it easier to decide on the type of fertilizer and its area of spread. The crop condition can also be forwarded to a centralized data processing center, which can analyze the data to predict the crop yield and arrange for its market accordingly.
  6. Management of transportation system. The sensors can be incorporated in vehicles to track the health of the vehicle. They can be fitted in traffic lights, roadside base stations, highway patrol vehicles, emergency service vehicles such as tow vehicles or ambulances, and approaching petrol pumps. The network provides a variety of safety and entertainment services along with traffic flow optimization and path guidance for traffic and accident avoidance.
  7. Real‐time meter reading. Automated meter reading (AMR) provides real‐time meter reading to the consumer and can be utilized to device intelligent applications for real‐time consumer information, demand response, and building automation. 6LoWPAN can be used to provide an end‐to‐end IP‐based communication infrastructure between the meter and the power station and the automation system. 6LoWPAN is made available at the meters with gateway routers connecting it to a backbone Ethernet or cellular network [49]. The technology can be used for electric, water, or gas meters for domestic usage or in vehicle meters for vehicular telematics applications.
Sequence diagram of communication between a smart soldier and a smart weapon system, with five boxes labeled Soldier, Firing Data Processor, Safety/System Check, Fire, and Reload.

Figure 12.4 Sequence diagram of communication between a smart soldier and a smart weapon system.

The home automation network may not have a very critical data transmission requirement demanding a QoS, but the security and surveillance system should ensure authentication, availability, and secrecy. Moreover, when the home grid gets connected to the Internet for data exchange through a 6LoWPAN edge router, which acts as a gateway to the Internet, security considerations become critical, and security protocols should be used at various levels, such as PKI and IPSec, in addition to the AES provided by IEEE 802.15.4. The 6LoWPAN also has a promising role to play in vehicular networks.

12.5 Security Considerations and Research Areas

The applications running over 6LoWPAN should ensure integrity, confidentiality, and authentication. The network should be free from malicious nodes and from active as well as passive attacks, such as denial of service, spoofing, and man‐in‐the‐middle attacks. These network security features can be provided at various layers of the network, starting from the application layer to the physical layer. 6LoWPAN utilizes the AES‐based link layer security of IEEE 802.15.4. However, the protocol does not specify any details about key management or security in higher layers. Although IEEE 802.15.4 provides link layer security to 6LoWPAN, it should also address other security aspects such as secured bootstrapping of a node in the network, key establishment, key exchange, and key management [1]. It should also adopt scaled‐down versions of TLS, IPSec, SSL, and WEP to make it IP‐based sensor network compliant [8]. Various crypto suites should also be scaled down and tested for their suitability in 6LoWPAN.

The security requirement differs with the type of 6LoWPAN application [2]. In safety‐critical use, such as structural monitoring, QoS has to be ensured along with secured transmission. The integrity of the data is critical in such cases, as a change in the data can lead to a wrong diagnostic of the strength of the building. In the case of secured home or hospital networks connected to the Internet, data exchange about depleting products and online ordering on the Internet require authentication and non‐repudiation. A lighter version of PKI can be used in such cases. Patient monitoring systems should ensure privacy of the patient data and role‐based access to the data.

The interface identifier obtained from the MAC address is used to provide a unique identification, but it has no mechanism to prevent its duplication by an attacker. The LoWPAN hosts used in sensing and security applications have more RFDs than FFDs, and these RFDs are resource constrained, implement the minimum security features, and rely on AES encryption and authentication. The issue of secure configuration and management [22] during field installations should be addressed, along with end‐to‐end security in the case of communication with IPv6 peers.

As 6LoWPAN transmits through radio links, it is vulnerable to spoofing, altered routing, and other attacks faced by a wireless network [35, 52]. The nodes are deployed in the field and are susceptible to tampering, capture, or cloning. As the 6LoWPAN forms a multihop network with lossy links and slow transmission, this leads to delay in detection of attacks. In order to ensure confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and time stamping, time synchronization, authenticated broadcasts, link verification, and secure self‐organization of the multihop routing are required, in addition to the MAC layer AES cryptography.

A list of goals that should be accomplished to incorporate the best practice for transmitting IP packets and the related protocols of the upper layers has been documented by IETF in its RFC 4919 [1]. Although advances have been made with respect to some of the goals, the majority of them still require further research:

  • A fragmentation and reassembly layer below the IP layer can be developed to synchronize the mismatch in the packet size of IEEE 802.15.4 and IPv6 [53]. The existing protocol leaves far fewer bytes for data transmission and calls for excessive fragmentation and reassembly even in the case of a small data packet.
  • The header compression techniques can be more standardized with respect to 6LoWPAN, and if the existing header compression techniques do not meet the requirements, fresh specifications can be framed.
  • An interface identifier can be generated for each IEEE 802.15.4 device so as to make stateless address autoconfiguration simpler.
  • Routing protocols should be tailor made for 6LoWPAN so as to enable the routing packet to be of an appropriate size to fit in a IEEE 802.15.4 frame [52].
  • Network management protocols should be developed that have less overhead but can support a densely populated network. SNMPv3 or a mutation of it should be rigorously tested for its effectiveness of usage in 6LoWPAN.
  • The heavyweight application protocols, such as SOAP, HTML, HTTP, XML, and REST, can be compactly encoded [54] to make them suitable for transmission over 6LoWPAN.


  1. 1 N. Kushalnagar, G. Montenegro, and C. Schumacher. IPv6 over low‐power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs): overview, assumptions, problem statement, and goals, Request for Comments: 4919.
  2. 2 E. Kim, N. Chevrollier, D. Kaspar, and J. P. Vasseur. 6LoWPAN Working Group Internet‐draft, Design and Application Spaces for 6LoWPANs, Version 4, 1 October 2012.
  3. 3 A. Dunkels and J. P. Vasseur. White Paper No. 1: IP for smart objects, Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance, September 2008. www.ipso‐alliance.org.
  4. 4 D. Culler. Secure, low‐power, IP‐based connectivity with IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks, industrial embedded systems, 2007. http://www.archrock.com/downloads/resources/ArchRock.Sum07.pdf
  5. 5 D. E. Culler and J. Hui. IP on IEEE 802.15.4 low‐power wireless networks. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jwhui/6lowpan/6LoWPAN‐tutorial.pdf.
  6. 6 J. W. Hui and D. E. Culler. Extending IP to low‐power, wireless personal area networks. IEEE Internet Computing, 12(4):37–45, 2008.
  7. 7 R. Braden. Requirements for Internet Hosts – Communication Layers, 1989, RFC 1122.
  8. 8 Z. Shelby. What future for 6LoWPAN?, October 2008, ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/necs/20081022‐wsnnco‐04‐zshelby_en.pdf.
  9. 9 C. S. Hong. Interworking between sensor networks and IPv6 network. http://ngn.cnu.ac.kr/core2006/core_2006_ppt/ChoongseonHong.pdf.
  10. 10 S. C. Ergen. ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 summary, 2004. http://www.sinemergen.com/zigbee.pdf.
  11. 11 ZigBee Alliance. www.ZigBee.org.
  12. 12 M. Othman. Principles of Mobile Computing and Communication, pp. 83–106, Auerbach Publications, New York, 2007.
  13. 13 LAN‐MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society, Wireless medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for low‐rate wireless personal area networks (LR‐WPANs), IEEE, 2003.
  14. 14 R. Poor. Information on the IEEE 802.15.4‐2006 revised standard. http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/TG4b.html.
  15. 15 D. E. Culler. Embedded web services and industrial instrumentation standards. http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~culler/WEI/lectures/L11‐embedded‐web.ppt.
  16. 16 X. Ma and W. Luo. The analysis of 6LoWPAN technology. IEEE Pacific‐Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, PACIIA, volume 1, pp. 963–966, 2008.
  17. 17 G. Mulligan and C. Bormann. IPv6 over low power WPAN WG (6LoWPAN), July 2009. http://tools.ietf.org/agenda/75/slides/6lowpan‐0.pdf.
  18. 18 N. Krichene and N. Boudriga. Mesh networking in wireless PANs, LANs, MANs, and WANs, in Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, and H. Hu (eds). Security in Wireless Mesh Networks, Auerbach, 2007.
  19. 19 W. Webb. Move over ZigBee, make room for 6LoWPAN, 2 August 2007. http://www.edn.com/blog/1710000171/post/640012664.html.
  20. 20 G. Bag, H. Mukhtar, S.M. Saif Shams, K.H. Kim, and S. Yoo. Inter‐PAN mobility support for 6LoWPAN. Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, ICCIT 2008, volume 1, pp. 787–792, 2008.
  21. 21 6LoWPAN technical overview. http://www.mindteck.com/images/6LoWPAN_overview.pdf.
  22. 22 G. Montenegro, N. Kushalnagar, J. Hui, and D. Culler. Transmission of IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.15.4 networks, RFC 4944.
  23. 23 P. Karn, C. Bormann, G. Fairhurst, D. Grossman, R. Ludwig, J. Mahdavi, G. Montenegro, J. Touch, and L. Wood. Advice for Internet subnetwork designers, RFC 3819, 2004.
  24. 24 S. Deering and R. Hinden. Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) specification, RFC 2460, 1998.
  25. 25 T. Narten, E. Nordmark, W. Simpson, and H. Soliman. Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6), RFC 4861, 2007.
  26. 26 Z. Shelby (ed.), P. Thubert, J. Hui, S. Chakrabarti, C. Bormann, and E. Nordmark. Internet‐draft, 6LoWPAN neighbor discovery, draft‐ietf‐6LoWPAN‐nd‐06, 6LoWPAN Working Group, 22 September 2009.
  27. 27 S. H. Chauhdary, M. Cui, J. H. Kim, A. K. Bashir, and M. Park. A context‐aware service discovery consideration in 6LoWPAN. Proceedings of the 2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, Volume 1, 11–13 November 2008, ICCIT, pp. 21–26, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 2008.
  28. 28 R. Mendão Silva. Wireless sensor networks – node discovery and mobility. http://rtcm.inescn.pt/fileadmin/rtcm/Workshop_23_Jun_09/s2p2.pdf.
  29. 29 M. Dohler, T. Watteyne, T. Winter, and D. Barthel. Routing requirements for urban low‐power and lossy networks, RFC 5548, 2009.
  30. 30 B. Chen, K. Muniswamy‐Reddy, and M. Welsh. Ad‐hoc multicast routing on resource‐limited sensor nodes. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multi‐Hop Ad Hoc Networks: from Theory To Reality, REALMAN ’06, Florence, Italy, 26 May 2006, pp. 87–94, ACM, New York, NY.
  31. 31 J. Martocci, N. Riou, P. Mil, and W. Vermeylen. Building automation routing requirements in low power and lossy networks. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft‐ietf‐roll‐building‐routing‐reqs‐07.
  32. 32 D. Networks, P. Thubert, S. Dwars, and T. Phinney. Industrial routing requirements in low power and lossy networks. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft‐ietf‐roll‐indus‐routing‐reqs‐06.
  33. 33 G. Porcu. Home automation routing requirements in low power and lossy networks, draft‐ietf‐roll‐home‐routing‐reqs‐06. http://www.ietf.org/id/draft‐ietf‐roll‐home‐routing‐reqs‐08.txt.
  34. 34 S. Lee, E. Belding‐Royer, and C. Perkins. Scalability study of the Ad Hoc On‐Demand Distance‐Vector Routing Protocol. ACM/Wiley International Journal of Network Management, March 2003.
  35. 35 E. Kim, D. Kaspar, C. Gomez, and C. Bormann. Internet‐draft: Problem statement and requirements for 6LoWPAN routing, 6LoWPAN Working Group, 28 July 2009. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft‐ietf‐6lowpan‐routing‐requirements‐04.
  36. 36 P. Nikander, J. Kempf, and E. Nordmark. IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) trust models and threats, RFC 3756, 2004.
  37. 37 K. Kim, S. Daniel Park, and J. Lee. Hierarchical routing over 6LoWPAN (HiLow). http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft‐daniel‐6lowpan‐hilow‐hierarchical‐routing‐01.
  38. 38 C. Nam, H. Jeong, and D. Shin. Extended hierarchical routing over 6LoWPAN. Proceedings of the 2008 Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced information Management – NCM 2008, Volume 1, Washington, DC, pp. 403–405, 2008.
  39. 39 M. Durvy, J. Abeillé, P. Wetterwald, C. O’Flynn, B. Leverett, E. Gnoske, M. Vidales, G. Mulligan, N. Tsiftes, N. Finne, and A. Dunkels. Making sensor networks IPv6 ready. Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2008.
  40. 40 V. Devarapalli, R. Wakikawa, A. Petrescu, and P. Thubert. Network Mobility (NEMO) LoWMob Support Protocol, RFC 3936, January 2005.
  41. 41 J. H. Kim, C. S. Hong, and K. Okamura. A routing scheme for supporting network mobility of sensor network based on 6LoWPAN. Proceedings of the 10th Asia‐Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium on Managing Next Generation Networks and Services, Sapporo, Japan, 10–12 October 2007, in S. Ata and C. S. Hong (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4773, pp. 155–164, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007.
  42. 42 R. Wang, R. Chang, and H. Chao. Internetworking between ZigBee/802.15.4 and IPv6/802.3 network. Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2007 Workshops, Kyoto, Japan, 27–31 August, pp. 362–367, 2007.
  43. 43 C. Y. Yum, Y. S. Beun, S. Kang, Y. R. Lee, and J. S. Song. Methods to use 6LoWPAN in IPv4 network, The 9th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Volume 2, Gangwon‐Do, pp. 969–972, 2007.
  44. 44 G. Bag, M. T. Raza, K. H. Kim, and S. W. Yoo. LoWMob: intra‐PAN mobility support schemes for 6LoWPAN. Sensors 9(7):5844–5877, 2009.
  45. 45 H. Soliman, C. Castelluccia, K. E. Malki, and L. Bellier. Hierarchical MIPv6 mobility management, RFC 4140, August 2005.
  46. 46 D. Saha, A. Mukherjee, I. S. Misra, and M. Chakraborty. Mobility support in IP: a survey of related protocols. IEEE Network 18:34–40, 2004.
  47. 47 I. F. Akyildiz, J. Xie, and S. Mohanty. A survey of mobility management in next‐generation all‐IP based wireless systems. IEEE Wireless Communications, 11:16–28, 2004.
  48. 48 M. Alam, S. Dixit, and R. Prasad. Introduction to Networked Home, Technologies for Home Networking, ed. by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, pp. 1–25, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
  49. 49 Z. Shelby. IP‐based 6LoWPAN networks for AMI. http://whitepapers.techrepublic.com.com/abstract.aspx?docid=951609.
  50. 50 J. Zheng and M. Lee. Will IEEE 802.15.4 make ubiquitous networking a reality? A discussion on a potential low power, low bit rate standard. IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(6):140–146, 2004.
  51. 51 R. Istepanian, E. Jovanov, and Y. Zhang. Beyond seamless mobility and global wireless health‐care connectivity. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 8:405–414, 2004.
  52. 52 N. Kushalnagar and G. Montenegro, 6LoWPAN. Overview, assumptions, problem statement and goals. http://www.ietf.org/old/2009/proceedings/05mar/slides/6lowpan‐3/6lowpan‐4.ppt.
  53. 53 S. Deering and R. Hinden. Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) specification, RFC 2460.
  54. 54 M. T. Raza, R. Jeatek, S. Yoo, K. Kim, S. Joo, and W. Jeong, An architectural framework for Web portal in ubiquitous pervasive environment. Seventh Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, CNSR, pp. 102–109, 2009.


Advanced Encryption Scheme
Automated Meter Reading
Application Protocol Data Units
Cipher Block Chaining – Message Authentication Code
CBC‐MAC mode
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
Full Function Device
Fast Mobile IPv6
Header Compression
Hierarchical Mobile IPv6
HyperText Markup Language
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Internet Control Message Protocol
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Protocol
IP Security
Internet Protocol for Smart Objects
Internet Protocol Version 4
Internet Protocol Version 6
Local Area Network
Low‐Power and Lossy Network
Low‐Range Wireless Personal Area Network
Low‐Rate Wireless Personal Area Network
Media Access Control
Mobile IPv6
Multipoint to Point
Maximum Transmission Unit
Not a LoWPAN Frame
Neighbor Added Child
Network Address Translation
Network Mobility
Neighbor Replace Parent
Personal Area Network
Personal Computer
Personal Digital Assistant
Physical Layer
Public Key Infrastructure
Point to Multipoint
Point to Point
Quality of Service
Representational State Transfer
Request For Comment
Reduced Function Device
Radio‐Frequency Identification
Simple Network Management Protocol
Simple Object Access Protocol
Secure Sockets Layer
Transmission Control Protocol
Transport Layer Security
Time to Live
User Datagram Protocol
Wide Area Network
Wireless Body Sensor Network
Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wireless Personal Area Network
Extensible Markup Language
IPv6 over Low‐Power Wireless Personal Area Networks


  1. Identify the benefits of using IP in sensor networks.
  2. What are the advantages of 6LoWPAN over wired networks as well as other wireless networks?
  3. State five applications of 6LoWPAN.
  4. Draw a 6LoWPAN stack and explain its various layers.
  5. Differentiate between ZigBee and 6LoWPAN.
  6. Write the names of different types of node in a LoWPAN and their characteristics.
  7. Explain with a diagram the network topology of IEEE 802.15.4.
  8. How is a 6LoWPAN datagram transmitted over IEEE 802.16.4 radio?
  9. Describe the process of neighbor discovery in 6LoWPAN.
  10. Explain the ‘route over’ approach and the ‘mesh under’ approach of routing.
  11. Explain with a diagram how 6LoWPAN can be used for an application in your surroundings.
  12. State whether the following statements are true or false and give reasons for the answer:
    1. 6LoWPAN networks are known as low‐power and lossy networks.
    2. Smart objects are those that are small in size and accurate in operations.
    3. Communication in a sensor network can only be unidirectional.
    4. IP‐based applications are memory and bandwidth intensive and cannot be used for sensor networks.
    5. 6LoWPAN can connect to the Internet through a gateway.
    6. If an FFD fails, an RFD can take over the role of PAN coordinator.
    7. IEEE 802.15.4 provides confidentiality to 6LoWPAN transmissions.
    8. 6LoWPAN provides the network backbone for the Internet of Things (IoT).
  13. For the following, mark all options that are true:
    1. IEEE 802.15.4 defines the following types of node:
      • full function device,
      • partial function device,
      • reduced function device,
      • remote function device.
    2. Which is not a type of node and service discovery in 6LoWPAN:
      • Some1CatchMe,
      • Every1CatchMe,
      • ICatchYou,
      • YouCatchMe.
    3. The frames supported by IEEE 802.15.4 are:
      • data frame,
      • beacon frame,
      • MAC command frame,
      • acknowledgement frame.
    4. IEEE 802.15.4 provides security‐related functionality to:
      • 6LoWPAN,
      • secured bootstrapping,
      • key management,
      • link layer security,
      • digital certificates.
    5. IEEE 802.15.4 devices have the following characteristics:
      • short communication range,
      • low bandwidth requirement,
      • low memory requirement,
      • low battery life.


  1. 2 MB of restricted data has to be transferred from one node to other in a 6LoWPAN network using AES‐CCM‐128 security. How many MAC layer frames have to be formed?
  2. Draw a state diagram of a 6LoWPAN node.
  3. A 6LoWPAN network has a very high number of nodes ‘N’ in it. The spread of the network is also very wide, mobile, and random. It has been stated that, to save on energy and time, the maximum permissible hops for data communication between any two nodes even in the worst‐case deployment should not be more than log N. What is the worst‐case deployment? What topology should be used in this 6LoWPAN network to ensure maximum log N hops even in the worst case?
  4. Identify in Figure 12.2 the sensor nodes that have to be RFDs or FFDs, and those sensor nodes that can be either RFDs or FFDs in terms of IEEE 802.15.4.
  5. Draw a sequence diagram to depict the communication between nodes in a 6LoWPAN in terms of exchange of frames.
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