Exam Prep Tips

The Network+ certification exam is a standardized, computerized, fixed-form exam that reflects the knowledge domains established by CompTIA.

The original fixed-form, computerized exam is based on a fixed set of exam questions. The individual questions are presented in random order during a test session. If you take the same exam more than once, you will see the same number of questions, but you won't necessarily see the exact same questions. This is because two or three final forms are typically assembled for such exams. These are usually labeled Forms A, B, and C.

As suggested previously, the final forms of a fixed-form exam are identical in terms of content coverage, number of questions, and allotted time, but the questions differ. You might notice, however, that some of the same questions appear on, or are shared among, different final forms. When questions are shared among multiple final forms of an exam, the percentage of sharing is generally small. Many final forms share no questions, but some older exams might have a 10% to 15% duplication of exam questions on the final exam forms.

Fixed-form exams also have a fixed time limit in which you must complete the exam. The ExamGear test engine on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book provides fixed-form exams.

Finally, the score you achieve on a fixed-form exam is based on the number of questions you answer correctly. The exam's passing score is the same for all final forms of a given fixed-form exam.

Table 1 shows the format for the exam.

Table 1. Time, Number of Questions, and Passing Score for the Network+ Exam
Exam Time Limit in Minutes Number of Questions Passing %
Network+ exam 90 72 75

Remember that you should not dwell on any one question for too long. Your 90 minutes of exam time can be consumed very quickly.

Given all these different pieces of information, the task now is to assemble a set of tips that will help you successfully tackle the Network+ certification exam.

More Exam Prep Tips

Generic exam-preparation advice is always useful. Tips include the following:

  • Become familiar with networking terms and concepts. Hands-on experience is one of the keys to success. Review the exercises throughout this book.

  • Review the current exam preparation guide on the CompTIA Web site.

  • Memorize foundational technical detail, but remember that you need to be able to think your way through questions as well.

  • Take any of the available practice tests. We recommend the ones included in this book and the ones you can create by using the ExamGear software on the CD-ROM.

  • Look at the CompTIA Web site for samples and demonstration items.

Tips for During the Exam Session

The following generic exam-taking advice that you have heard for years applies when taking the Network+ exam:

  • Take a deep breath and try to relax when you first sit down for the exam session. It is very important to control the stress you might (naturally) feel when taking exams.

  • You will be provided scratch paper. Take a moment to write down on this paper any factual information and technical detail that you committed to short-term memory.

  • Carefully read all information and instruction screens. These displays have been put together to give you information relevant to the exam you are taking.

  • Read the exam questions carefully. Reread each question to identify all relevant details.

  • Tackle the questions in the order in which they are presented. Skipping around will not build your confidence; the clock is always counting down.

  • Do not rush, but also do not linger on difficult questions. The questions vary in degree of difficulty. Don't let yourself be flustered by a particularly difficult or verbose question.

  • Note the time allotted and the number of questions appearing on the exam you are taking. Make a rough calculation of how many minutes you can spend on each question, and use this to pace yourself through the exam.

  • Take advantage of the fact that you can return to and review skipped or previously answered questions. Record the questions you cannot answer confidently, noting the relative difficulty of each question, on the scratch paper provided. After you have made it to the end of the exam, return to the troublesome questions.

  • If session time remains after you have completed all questions (and if you aren't too fatigued!), review your answers. Pay particular attention to questions that seem to have a lot of detail or that involve graphics.

  • As for changing your answers, the general rule of thumb is don't! If you read a question carefully and completely and you thought you knew the right answer, you probably did. Do not second-guess yourself. If as you check your answers, one clearly stands out as being incorrectly marked, of course you should change it. If you are at all unsure, however, go with your first impression.

If you have done your studying and follow the preceding suggestions, you should do well. Good luck!

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