Choosing the Appropriate Media Connector for Adding Clients to an Existing Network

  • Choose the appropriate media type and connectors to add a client to an existing network.

In most network jobs, you will find yourself modifying and adding clients to existing networks rather than installing a new network from scratch. Therefore, you should be able to identify the network infrastructure that is in place so you can successfully add clients to the network.

Identifying the network media and connectors in a network is as simple as looking at the backs of computers to identify what is being used. If you find coax cable connected to the computer with BNCs, you are probably working with an older 10Base2 network. If you find RJ-45 connectors, you might need to look at the cable to see which type of cable is being used. It could be either Category 3 UTP or Category 5. Adding clients to the network requires knowledge of the exact cable being used.

When you're adding clients to an existing network, you might be able to locate documentation created when the network was initially implemented. Of course, on some networks, especially small networks, such documentation may be nonexistent.

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