13. Staying Organized with Calendar and Reminders


In this chapter, you learn how to use the iPad’s Calendar and Reminders apps to manage your schedule and to-do lists.

Image Using the Calendar App

Image Using the Reminders App

Sometimes it’s tough to keep track of your time. How are you supposed to juggle all the various things you’re supposed to do—appointments, events, and everything that’s on your to-do list?

Fortunately, you can use your iPad to help you manage just about everything on your schedule. Use the Calendar app to manage your appointments and events, and the Reminders app to track all the items on your to-do list.

Using the Calendar App

Apple’s Calendar app was included with your iPad. Use the Calendar app to track everything you have on your schedule—what the app calls events.

View Events

You can view your calendar by day, week, month, or year.

Image From the Home screen, tap the Calendar icon to open the Calendar app.


Image Tap the Day tab to view a daily schedule. Scroll down to view times later in the day.

Image Swipe the calendar to the left to view the next day.

Image Swipe the calendar to the right to view the previous day.

Image Tap a specific date at the top of the calendar to view events for that day.

Image Tap a specific event on the calendar to view details about that event.

Image Tap Delete Event to delete the selected event.


Image Tap the Week tab to view all events this week.

Image Swipe the calendar to the left to view the next week.

Image Swipe the calendar to the right to view the previous week.

Image Tap an event to view details about that event.


Image Tap the Month tab to view all events this month.

Image Scroll down the page to view events in the future.

Image Tap an event to view details about that event.


Image Tap the Year tab to view a yearly calendar.

Image Tap within a given month to view that monthly calendar.


Add a New Event

By default, the Calendar app imports important dates from your contacts list—birthdays, anniversaries, and the like. It also creates events for major national holidays. (These show up in color shading.)

The real value of the Calendar app, of course, is evident when you add your own events to the calendar. You can add events for meetings, parties, sports games—you name it.

Image From within the Calendar app, navigate to the day, week, or month you want and then tap the New (+) icon.


Image Tap within the Title field and add the name of this event.

Image Tap within the Location field and enter the location of this event. (This information is optional; the more detail you include—such as the street address—the better.)

Image If this event lasts all day, tap on the All-Day switch. Otherwise…

Image Tap the Starts field to expand the panel.


Image Use the spin control to select the date of the event.

Image Use the spin control to select the start time of the event. (The date, hour, minutes, and AM/PM controls spin separately.)

Image If necessary, select the appropriate time zone for the event.

Image Tap the Ends field to select the end date and time for the event.

Image If you need to travel to this event, tap Travel Time and add the appropriate travel time.

Image Tap Add to add this event to your calendar.


Create a Recurring Event

Some events repeat. For example, you might have a standing golf match every Saturday morning, or a neighborhood meeting the first Monday of each month. Fortunately, the Calendar app lets you create recurring events.

Image From within the Calendar app, create a new event as normal and then tap the Repeat field.


Image Tap how often this event recurs—Every Day, Every Week, Every 2 Weeks, Every Month, or Every Year.

Image If the occurrence is more complex, tap Custom.


Image Tap Frequency to select how often the event recurs—Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

Image Tap Every to determine how the event recurs—every 1, 2, 3, or so days, weeks, months, or years.

Image If you selected Weekly frequency, select which day(s) of the week this event recurs.


Image If you selected Monthly frequency, select which day(s) of the month this event recurs. Or


Image Tap On The and select which day(s) you want (First Sunday of the month, Second Thursday of the month, and so forth).


Image If you selected Yearly frequency, select which month(s) of the year and days of the week this event recurs.

Image Tap the back arrow to return to the Repeat panel, then again to return to the New Event panel.


Image Tap the End Repeat field, unless the event is ongoing. (If it’s ongoing—that is, if it doesn’t have a set end date—don’t tap End Repeat, and skip steps 12 and 13.)


Image Tap On Date.

Image Use the spin controls to select the last date this event occurs. (If the event is ongoing, skip steps 12 and 13.)

Image Tap the back arrow to return to the New Event panel and finish creating the event. Tap Add when done.


Create an Alert for an Event

Sometimes you want to be notified when an event is coming up. Maybe you need a full day to prepare for a big event, or just a five-minute reminder to let you know what you need to do next. You can add alerts to any event you create in the Calendar app.

Image From within the Calendar app, create a new app as normal and then tap the Alert field.


Image Tap when you want to be alerted, anywhere from at the time of the event to 1 week before. Your iPad displays an alert for this event at the designated time.


Invite Others to an Event

Some events are personal. Others are quite public, involving lots of other people. (We’re talking meetings, parties, and the like.) With the Calendar app you can invite your friends and family to new events you create, so they’ll have these events on their calendars, too.

Image From within the Calendar app, create a new event as normal and then tap the Invitees field.


Image From within the Add Invitees panel, tap the To field and enter the name or email address of the person you want to invite.

Image Alternatively, tap the + to display and select from people in your contacts list.


Image This person is added to the invite list. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more invitees.

Image Tap Done. Each invitee is sent an email inviting them to your event.


Using the Reminders App

I have trouble remembering things. Always have—it’s not an age thing. As such, I can use all the help I can get to help me track all the various things I need to do.

Apple’s Reminders app, included with your iPad, lets you create a digital to-do list containing all the various tasks and chores you need to remember. Add an item to the Reminders list and you’ll be prompted (or nagged, as the case may be) to complete that task.

View and Manage Your Reminders

By default, upcoming and past-due reminders are displayed in the Reminders widget on your iPad’s Cover Sheet screen (on your Lock screen). You can also review them all in the Reminders app itself.

Image From the Cover Sheet screen, tap a reminder to view it in the Reminders app. Or


Image From the Home screen, tap the Reminders icon to open the Reminders app.


Image Tap Reminders to view items you have not yet completed.


Image Tap Scheduled to view items you want to complete by a given date.

Image Tap the circle next to a given item to mark that item as completed.


Change the Order

To change the order of the items in your Reminders list, tap Edit at the top of the list and then tap and drag any item to a new position.

Add a New Reminder

Adding a new item to your reminders list is as easy as adding a new event to your calendar.

Image From within the Reminders app, tap Reminders.

Image Tap next to the + within the reminders list and enter the item you need reminding of.

Image Tap Done.


Image To add an item that has a set completion date, tap Scheduled.

Image Tap next to the + within the scheduled list and enter the item you need reminding of.

Image Tap the Information (i) icon to display the Details pane.


Image Tap the Alarm field and select a day and time for the completion of this item.

Image If this is a high-priority item, go to the Priority section and tap from one to three exclamation marks (!).

Image Tap Done.


>>>Go Further: USE SIRI

Instead of entering events and reminders manually, you can use Siri to create new items for both the Calendar and Reminders apps.

To add a calendar event, activate Siri and speak as much information as you know about the event. Say something like, “Schedule a meeting Monday at 3:00 at the Mounds Conference Center” or “Create an event on Tuesday the 29th at 4 pm.”

To add a reminder, activate Siri and speak about the task. Say something like, “Remind me to pick up milk on the way home” or “Remember to pay the rent on the first of the month.”

Delete a Reminder

As you’ve seen, it’s easy enough to mark an item as completed; when completed, the item no longer shows in the Reminders list. But what about items that you haven’t completed and don’t want to show any more? Fortunately, they’re easy to delete.

Image From within the Reminders app, tap Reminders.

Image Tap Edit at the top of the reminders list.


Image Tap the red – next to the item you want to delete. The event slides left and you see additional controls.


Image Tap Delete. The item is deleted.

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