data, entering into chart worksheets, Inserting Charts
data markers in charts, Inserting Charts, Glossary
data points in charts, Inserting Charts, Glossary
data series in charts, Inserting Charts, Glossary
dates in footers, Setting Up Presentations for Delivery
Decrease Font Size button, Changing the Alignment, Spacing, Size, and Look of Text
Decrease List Level button, Entering Text in Placeholders
default formatting of shapes, Drawing Shapes
default last slide, changing from black slide, Viewing Presentations in Different Ways
default theme, Creating Theme Colors and Fonts
Define Custom Show dialog box, Prepare for Delivery
Delete button (comments), Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Delete button (tables), Inserting Tables
deleting, Work with Slides, Rearranging Slides and Sections, Editing Text, Editing Text, Finalizing Presentations, Inserting Tables, Inserting Tables, Editing Pictures, Editing Pictures, Editing Pictures, Password-Protecting Presentations, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Creating Theme Colors and Fonts, Preparing Presentations for Travel
columns, Inserting Tables
comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
information, Finalizing Presentations, Preparing Presentations for Travel
items from Clipboard, Editing Text
local formatting, Creating Theme Colors and Fonts
passwords, Password-Protecting Presentations
picture backgrounds, Editing Pictures, Editing Pictures
rows, Inserting Tables
sections, Rearranging Slides and Sections
shapes, Editing Pictures
slides, Work with Slides
text, Editing Text
delivering presentations, Previewing and Printing Presentations, Delivering Presentations, Prepare for Delivery
overview of, Delivering Presentations, Prepare for Delivery
Presenter view, Previewing and Printing Presentations
demoting text, Entering Text in Placeholders
deselecting text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
Design tab, Working in the User Interface
design templates, Creating and Saving Presentations, Saving Custom Design Templates, Glossary
custom, Saving Custom Design Templates
defined, Glossary
overview of, Creating and Saving Presentations
destination files, Inserting and Updating Excel Worksheets, Glossary
(see also )
diagrams, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams, Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts, Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Glossary, Glossary
(see also , , , )
adding shapes, Customizing Diagrams
adding text, Inserting Diagrams
adding to notes pages, Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts
adding to slides, Inserting Diagrams
changing colors, Inserting Diagrams
changing layout, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams
creating from bulleted list, Inserting Diagrams
cycle, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images
defined, Glossary
hierarchy, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images
moving, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams
notes pages, adding to, Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts
opening Text pane, Inserting Diagrams
predefined sets of formatting, Inserting Diagrams
process, Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images
relationship, Inserting Diagrams
restoring original, Customizing Diagrams
shapes, adding, Customizing Diagrams
sizing, Inserting Diagrams, Inserting Diagrams
slides, adding to, Inserting Diagrams
text, adding, Inserting Diagrams
viewing layouts, Inserting Diagrams
dialog box launcher, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
dialog boxes, Getting Help, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Finding and Replacing Text and Fonts, Glossary
displaying, Working in the User Interface
help with, Getting Help
launching, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
moving, Finding and Replacing Text and Fonts
dictionaries, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words
in English version of PowerPoint, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words
supplemental, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words, Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words
digital signatures, Sending Presentations Directly from PowerPoint
digital videos, Inserting and Playing Sounds, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos, Preparing Presentations for Travel
(see also )
cropping, Inserting and Playing Videos
from Web sites, Inserting and Playing Videos
inserting, Inserting and Playing Sounds
looping, Inserting and Playing Videos
playing, Inserting and Playing Videos
rewinding, Inserting and Playing Videos
saving, Preparing Presentations for Travel
sound for, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos
starting automatically, Inserting and Playing Videos
testing, Inserting and Playing Videos
trimming, Inserting and Playing Videos, Inserting and Playing Videos
dimming after animation, Customizing Animation Effects
direction of text, changing in text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
directory paths, Glossary
disabilities, checking for accessibility, Inserting and Playing Videos
display action buttons, Attaching Actions to Text or Objects
display effects, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions, Glossary
adding animations, Adding Transitions
adding to presentations, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions
associating sounds with, Adding Transitions
defined, Glossary
dynamic content, Adding Transitions
exciting, Adding Transitions
presentations, adding to, Adding Transitions, Adding Transitions
removing animation, Adding Transitions
sounds for, Adding Transitions
subtle, Adding Transitions
timing, Adding Transitions
viewing, Adding Transitions
display settings different from book, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
displaying gridlines, Arranging Graphics
displaying guides, Arranging Graphics
displaying outlines, Working in the User Interface
displaying slides full screen, Delivering Presentations
displaying thumbnails, Working in the User Interface
distributing pictures, Arranging Graphics
dividing cells, Inserting Tables
dividing presentations into sections, Adding Slides with Ready-Made Content
Document Inspector, Finalizing Presentations, Finalizing Presentations, Preparing Presentations for Travel
overview of, Finalizing Presentations, Preparing Presentations for Travel
running, Finalizing Presentations
Document Panel, Finalizing Presentations
downloading practice files, Using the Practice Files
dpi settings, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
drag-and-drop editing, Editing Text
dragging objects, Glossary
Draw Table button, Inserting Tables
drawing action buttons, Attaching Actions to Text or Objects
drawing cells, Inserting Tables
drawing objects, Glossary
drawing shapes, Changing the Look of Placeholders, Changing the Look of Placeholders, Changing the Look of Placeholders, Changing the Look of Placeholders, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Editing Pictures, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Customizing Diagrams, Arranging Graphics, Inserting Screen Clippings, Inserting Screen Clippings, Glossary, Glossary
adding text, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
adding to diagrams, Customizing Diagrams
adjusting, Drawing Shapes
attaching hyperlinks to, Inserting Screen Clippings
changing effect, Changing the Look of Placeholders
changing outline, Changing the Look of Placeholders
connecting, Drawing Shapes, Glossary
copying, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
copying formatting, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
defined, Glossary
deleting, Editing Pictures
diagrams, adding to, Customizing Diagrams
drawing, Drawing Shapes
duplicating, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
enlarging, Customizing Diagrams
filling with color, Changing the Look of Placeholders
flipping, Drawing Shapes
formatting, Changing the Look of Placeholders, Drawing Shapes, Customizing Diagrams
grouping, Drawing Shapes
hyperlinks, attaching, Inserting Screen Clippings
moving, Drawing Shapes
rotating, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes, Arranging Graphics
setting default formatting, Drawing Shapes
sizing, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
text, adding, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
drawing tables, Inserting Tables
duplicating shapes, Drawing Shapes, Drawing Shapes
duplicating slides, Adding Slides with Ready-Made Content, Adding Slides with Ready-Made Content
dynamic effects, Setting Up Presentations for Delivery, Using Ready-Made Animations, Using Ready-Made Animations, Using Ready-Made Animations, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects, Glossary
adding sounds, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects
applying multiple, Using Ready-Made Animations
copying, Using Ready-Made Animations
defined, Glossary
effect order, changing, Customizing Animation Effects
previewing, Using Ready-Made Animations
sounds, Customizing Animation Effects, Customizing Animation Effects
speed and duration, changing, Customizing Animation Effects
start time, changing, Customizing Animation Effects
turning off, Setting Up Presentations for Delivery
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