
Symbols and Numbers

  • 2D CAD data
    • BIM conversion settings
    • callouts
    • coordination and
    • detail linking
    • exporting
  • 2D elements, inserting from files
  • 3D CAD data
    • exporting
      • IFC interoperability
      • levels
      • to SketchUp
    • as face
    • as mass
    • as object
  • 3D coordination, interference checking
  • 3-D printers
  • 3D views
    • annotating
    • orienting to other views
    • worksets


  • A360 Collaboration
  • adaptive components
    • modeling
  • additive method of storage
  • alignment
    • Paste Aligned
  • alternate units
  • ambient light
  • analysis
  • analytic extents (datum objects)
  • analytic visualization
    • design element identification
    • project parameters
    • solar and shadow studies
    • user-defined parameters
  • analytical model objects
  • Analyze tab
  • Annotate tab
    • Dimension tools
    • Tag tools
      • Material Tag
      • Multi-Category Tag
      • Room Tag and Area Tag
      • Tag All
      • Tag By Category
  • annotation
    • 3D views
    • areas
    • custom
    • dimensions
      • alternate units
      • equality
      • strings
      • text, custom
    • keynotes
    • parameters
      • project
      • shared
      •     assigning
      •     creating
      •     tagging
    • rooms
    • stairs
    • tags and
      • custom
      • inserting
      • section tags
      • view tags
    • text and
      • formatting, contextual
  • Annotation Objects tab
  • Application menu
  • architect role
  • architect to MEP engineer workflow
  • architect to structural engineer workflow
  • Architecture tab
  • Area And Volume Computations dialog box
  • area boundaries
  • area objects, documenting
  • area plans
    • large projects
    • modifying, documenting
    • sheets
  • areas
    • annotation and
    • deleting
    • schedule
  • arraying elements
  • assemblies
    • creating
    • views
  • Asset Browser dialog box
  • assets
    • adding/replacing
  • axonometric views


  • balusters, railings
    • as tread supports
  • Basic Ceiling family
  • BCF (BIM Collaboration Format)
  • best practices
    • groups
  • BIM (building information modeling)
    • execution plan
    • Indiana University BIM requirements
    • lonely
    • processes
      • analysis
      • strategizing
      • visualization
    • project roles
      • architect
      • drafter
      • modeler
    • service opportunities
    • social
    • as source model
    • staffing
    • team building, adding members
    • workflow
  • BIM Task Group
  • blends
  • BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association)
  • Browser Organization dialog box
  • browsers, Project Browser
  • building pad
  • buildingSMART Alliance


  • CAD
    • details, importing
    • exporting data
      • DWG exports
      • views list
    • file coordinates, acquiring
    • inserting data
      • 2D
      • Background setting
      • exploding
      • families
      • font types
      • Foreground setting
      • Graphic Overrides
      • importing options
      • importing versus linking
      • layer colors
      • layer visibility
      • level visibility
    • large data, linking
    • projects
  • calculating space, room objects and
  • Callout tool
  • callouts
  • cantilevered metal decking
  • CDE (conceptual design environment)
  • CEA (conceptual energy analysis)
    • refining
    • setup
    • simulations
  • ceilings
    • Automatic Ceiling mode
    • Basic Ceiling family
    • Compound Ceiling family
    • creating
    • floor types and
    • height
    • room-bounding and
    • sketching for
  • central files
    • creating
    • local copies
    • synchronizing with
    • working in
  • certification exam sections and objectives
  • Charles Pankow Foundation
  • clash detection
  • Clipboard
    • copying from
    • pasting from
      • Edit Pasted
      • Paste Aligned
  • closing Revit
  • cloud. See also revisions
    • collaboration and
    • point clouds
      • large
      • LiDAR
      • modeling and
  • COBie (Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange)
  • Collaborate tab
  • collaboration
    • A360
    • cloud
    • consultants, coordination process
    • consultants and
    • coordinate systems
      • acquiring
      • publishing coordinates
    • floors
    • shared positioning
    • workflows
  • Color Fill Legends
    • color schemes, numerical ranges
    • custom
    • program verification
    • rooms
    • settings
  • color schemes, preconfiguring
  • colors, selecting and
  • columns, Copy/Monitor tool
  • complex mass family
  • component families
  • Compound Ceiling family
  • conceptual mass
    • adaptive components
      • modeling
  • Consistent Colors view
  • constraints
  • Construction Industry Insitute
  • construction phase
    • assemblies
      • creating
      • views
    • Design Review
      • publishing to
    • digital markups
    • parts
      • category
      • creating
      • dividing with gap
      • excluding
      • merging
      • modifying
      • scheduling
    • revisions, cloud
      • creating
      • leader
      • placement
      • tagging
  • consultants
    • collaboration and
    • coordination process
      • Copy/Monitor tool
      • Interference Check tool
      • Link Revit tool
      • linked models
  • content
    • component families
    • system families
  • context menu
  • Contextual tabs
  • Coordinate Review tool
    • exercise
  • coordinate systems
    • acquiring
    • internal
    • publishing coordinates
    • shared
  • coordination tools
    • 2D CAD data
    • Coordinate Review
    • Copy/Monitor
    • Interference Check
  • Copy tool
  • copying
    • elements
    • groups
    • levels
    • worksheets and
  • Copy/Monitor Options dialog box
  • Copy/Monitor tool
    • exercise
  • Create Form tool
  • crop region
  • curtain walls
    • complex
      • adaptive component family
      • CDE
      • pattern-based panel family
      • pattern-based panel family size
      • pattern-based panels, scheduling
      • patterns
      •     editing
      • project environment
      • pyramid pattern-based family
      • surface
      •     dividing
      •     intersects and
      • surface representation, editing
      • UV grid
    • cutomizing
    • design
    • doors
    • grids
      • segment customization
    • mullions
      • corner mullions
      • pinned
      • replacing
    • panels
      • custom
      • pinned
      • replacing
  • curves, Rhino
  • cut patterns
  • cut values, families
  • cut-fill surface


  • datum objects
    • extents
      • analytic
      • graphic
      • maximizing
      • propagating
      • resetting
    • reference planes
  • design
    • early models
    • iteration, options and
    • options
      • creating
      • deleting
      • editing
      • groups and
      • main model and
      • phasing and
      • primary
      • scheduling
      • sets, deleting
      • viewing
    • railings
    • stairs
    • sustainability analysis
  • Design Option tool
  • Design Review
    • publishing to
      • DWFx file export
      • markup import
  • detail groups
  • Detail Level parameter
  • Detail Level property
  • detailing
    • components
      • families
      • line-based
      • repeating
      • views and
    • Detail Line tool
    • Detail views
    • Drafting views
    • efficiency
    • filled regions
      • placing
      • type creation
      • type names
    • hybrid
    • insulation
    • Linework tool
    • model
    • Region tool
    • regions
      • filled
      • masking
    • reusing details
      • CAD details
      • Revit projects
      • saving
    • stand-alone
  • dialog boxes
    • Area And Volume Computations
    • Asset Browser
    • Browser Organization
    • Copy/Monitor Options
    • DWG Export
    • Edit Assembly
    • Edit Baluster Placement
    • Edit Color Scheme
    • Edit Shared Parameters
    • Energy Settings
    • Family Category and Parameters
    • File Save Options
    • Fill Patterns
    • Filter
    • Graphic Display Options
    • Insert Views
    • Line Patterns
    • Loaded Tags
    • Mass Floors
    • New Family
    • New Pattern
    • New Project
    • New Schedule
    • Object Styles
    • Phasing
    • Project Parameters dialog box
    • Sheet Issues/Revisions
    • Stair Calculator
    • Type Properties
    • View Range
    • View Templates
    • Visibility/Graphic Overrides
    • Worksets
  • Dimension tools
  • dimensions
    • alternate units
    • annotation and
      • text, custom
    • controls
    • equality
    • strings, editing
  • disabling worksharing
  • dissolving
  • documentation
    • area objects
    • area plans
      • large projects
      • modifications
    • areas, deleting
    • BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association)
    • legends
    • schedules
      • creating
      • room schedules
    • sheets
      • area plans
      • guide grids
      • schedules
    • space calculation, room objects and
  • doors
    • curtain walls
  • dormers
  • double-clicking to edit
  • drafter role
  • drafting patterns
  • drafting views
  • drawing area
  • drawings
  • driving points
  • Duplicate View commands
  • DWG Export dialog box
    • General tab
    • Layers tab
    • Lines tab
    • Patterns tab
    • Solids tab
    • Units & Coordinates tab


  • Edge control
  • edges, floors
    • custom
    • slab edges
  • Edit Assembly dialog box
  • Edit Baluster Placement dialog box
  • Edit Color Scheme dialog box
  • Edit Shared Parameters dialog box
  • editing elements
    • aligning
    • arraying
      • linear arrays
      • radial arrays
    • constraints
      • views
    • copying
      • from Clipboard
    • Create Similar tool
    • double-clicking
    • extending lines/walls
    • Join Geometry tool
    • keyboard shortcuts
    • mirroring, Mirror tool
    • moving
      • Move tool
      • with nearby elements
      • nudging
      • temporary dimensions
    • offsetting lines/walls
    • Paint tool
    • pasting, from Clipboard
    • pinning
    • rotating
      • Rotate tool
      • spacebar and
    • scaling
    • Split Face tool
    • splitting lines walls
    • trimming lines/walls
    • wall structures
  • editing requests, worksets
  • editing shapes
    • floors
    • roofs
  • elements
    • editing
      • aligning
      • arraying
      • constraints
      • copying
      • copying from Clipboard
      • Create Similar tool
      • double-clicking
      • extending lines
      • keyboard shortcuts
      • mirroring
      • Move tool
      • moving
      • moving with nearby elements
      • nudging
      • offsetting lines and walls
      • Paint tool
      • pinning
      • rotating
      • scaling
      • Split Face tool
      • splitting lines/walls
      • temporary dimensions
      • trimming lines
    • moving, between worksets
    • selecting
  • elevation tags
  • Elevation tool
  • elevations, creating
  • Energy Analysis panel
  • energy modeling
    • CEA (conceptual energy analysis)
      • refining
      • setup
      • simulations
    • detailed
      • gbXML export
  • Energy Settings dialog box
  • execution plan
  • exercises
    • Coordinate Review tool
    • Copy/Monitor tool
    • Interference Check tool
    • linked models
  • exploded views
  • exporting
    • 2D CAD data
    • CAD data
      • DWG exports
      • views list
    • shared coordinate systems and
  • extending lines/walls
  • Extension settings
  • exterior elevations
  • exterior glazing material
  • extrusions, creating


  • Face control
  • families. See also Family Editor
    • adaptive components
    • detail components
    • file size
    • hosted types
    • in-place
    • keynotes
    • mass families
      • 606-607
      • in applications
    • nesting
    • nonhosted types
    • parameters
    • schedules
  • Family Category and Parameters dialog box
  • Family Editor. See also families
    • Annotate Tab
    • annotation symbols
    • blends
    • Create tab
    • cut values
    • detail components
    • extrusions
    • families, nesting
    • family components
    • family templates
    • family type parameters
    • Import CAD tool
    • insertion point
    • Is Reference property
    • line-based components
    • Link CAD tool
    • masses
    • materials
    • object styles
    • parameteric arrays
    • parameters
      • assigning
      • dimensions
      • sorting
    • reference lines
      • behavior
    • reference planes
      • behavior
    • reference points
    • revolves
    • schedules
    • subcategories
    • sweeps
    • tooltips
    • troubleshooting
    • visibility
      • detail level
      • settings
    • visibility checks
  • family templates
  • family worksets
  • File Save Options dialog box
  • files
    • naming
    • size
      • families
      • groups
      • views
  • fill patterns
    • Coarse Scale Fill Pattern type
    • color schemes, preconfiguring
    • custom
      • creating
      • importing
    • cut patterns
    • drafting patterns
    • model patterns
    • PAT files
    • simple
      • creating
    • surface patterns
  • Fill Patterns dialog box
  • filled regions
    • placing
    • type names
    • types, creating
  • Filter dialog box
  • filters
    • phase filters
      • applying
    • Properties palette
    • selections
    • views
  • finishes (floors)
    • thick
    • thin
  • floor plans, creating
  • floors
    • area
    • collaboration
    • Copy/Monitor tool
    • edges
      • custom
      • slabs
    • finishes
      • thick
      • thin
    • floor-by-face method
    • mass floors
    • metal decking, cantilevered
    • objects
    • pads
    • Pick Walls mode
    • room-bounding and
    • sandwich
      • area
    • Sandwich Edge profile
    • shape editing
    • sketching for
    • structural
  • Format panel
  • formula-driven massing
    • complex mass family
    • generic model mass family
    • Generic Model template
  • formulas
  • framework, massing framework, building
  • free points
  • free-form massing


  • gbXML files
    • exporting to
  • generic model mass family
  • geometry
    • massing and
    • phasing and
  • glass railings
  • Google Maps
  • Graphic Display Options dialog box
  • graphic extents (datum objects)
  • Green Building Studio service
  • grids
    • Copy/Monitor tool
    • grid justification marker
    • UV
  • grips (text boxes)
  • groups
    • best practices
    • creating
      • copying
      • from links
    • datum objects
    • design options and
    • detail groups
    • excluding elements
    • file size
    • hosted elements
    • loading
    • mirroring
    • model groups
    • modifying
    • nesting
    • phasing and
    • relationships, attached
    • saving
    • shared parameters
    • worksets
  • guide grids


  • handrails
  • Hidden Line view
  • hosted family types
  • hosted points
  • hybrid detailing


  • IDMs (information delivery manuals)
  • IFC (Industry Foundation Classes)
    • export settings
    • exporter
  • Indiana University BIM requirements
    • clash detection
  • InfoCenter
  • in-place families
  • in-place masses
  • Insert tab
  • Insert Views dialog box
  • instance parameters
    • stairs
    • versus type parameters
  • insulation
  • Interactive Ray Trace view
  • Interference Check tool
  • interior elevations
  • interoperability
    • 2D CAD data, inserting
    • CAD data, inserting
  • intersects
  • IPD (integrated project delivery)


  • Jitter settings


  • key schedules
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • keynotes
    • adding
    • assigning
    • editing
    • family
    • files
    • legends
    • loading/reloading
    • schedules
    • settings
    • TXT file


  • landings, stairs
  • large projects, area plans
  • Layers table
  • legends
    • keynotes
  • levels
    • 3D data export
    • copying
    • Copy/Monitor tool
    • plan views
  • LiDAR (light detection and ranging)
    • benefits
    • color
    • detail
    • existing conditions
    • exterior scans
    • hardware
    • imagery
    • interior scans
    • point clouds
    • schedules
  • lighting controls
  • Line Patterns dialog box
  • line-based detail components
  • lines
    • line weight settings
    • patterns
      • creating
    • Spline Through Points
    • styles
  • Linework tool
  • linked models
    • benefits
    • coordinate systems
      • acquiring
      • internal
      • publishing coordinates
      • shared
    • exercises
    • limitations
    • PBP (project base point)
      • clipped
      • unclipped
    • phasing and
    • portability setting
    • relative paths
    • shared positioning
    • SP (survey point)
      • clipped
      • unclipped
    • views
    • visibility, modifying
    • worksets and
      • properties
    • worksharing files and
  • links
    • CAD details
    • groups, creating
  • Loaded Tags dialog box
  • local files
    • benefits
  • lonely BIM


  • MacLeamy, Patrick
  • MacLeamy Curve
  • Manage tab
    • Manage Project panel
  • masking regions
  • Mass Floors dialog box
  • massing
    • conceptual mass
      • adaptive components
    • control arrow
    • dissolving
    • Edge control
    • Face control
    • Family Editor
    • floors
    • formula-driven
      • complex mass family
      • generic model mass family
      • Generic Model template
    • framework, building
    • free-form
    • geometry
    • in-place masses
    • mass floors
    • placing masses
    • scheduling masses
    • Show Mass mode
    • surfaces
    • Vertex control
  • Massing & Site tab
  • Match Type Properties tool
  • Material Browser
    • organization
    • Project Materials list
      • Graphics tab
      • Identity tab
  • Material Takeoff schedule
  • materials
    • assets
      • adding/replacing
    • exterior glaze
    • fill patterns
    • organizing
  • MEA (model element author)
  • menus, Application
  • metal decking, canitlevered
  • model detailing
  • model groups
  • Model Objects
  • model patterns
  • modeler role
  • Modify mode
  • Modify tab
  • Modify tools, behaviors
  • mouse, navigation
  • Move tool
    • Constrain option
    • Disjoin option
    • Multiple option
  • moving
    • elements
      • Move tool
      • with nearby elements
      • nudging
      • between worksets
    • text boxes
  • mullions
    • corner
    • pinned
  • MVDs (model view definitions)


  • naming, files
  • navigation
    • mouse
    • Space Navigator
    • SteeringWheels
    • ViewCube
  • Navigation bar
  • NBIMS-US (National BIM Standard)
  • nesting families
  • networks, Revit Server Accelerator
  • New Family dialog box
  • New Pattern dialog box
  • New Project dialog box
  • New Schedule dialog box
  • nonhosted family types
  • Note Block schedule
  • nudging elements


  • Object Styles dialog box
  • objects
    • calculating space and
    • datum objects
  • optimizing performance
  • Options bar, UI (user interface)
  • organizational chart


  • PACE (Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence)
  • pads, floors
  • Paint tool
  • palettes, Properties
  • panels
    • dialog launchers
    • expanded panels
  • parameters
    • annotation and
      • project
      • shared
      •     assigning
      •     creating
      •     tagging
    • Detail Level
    • families
      • assigning
    • Family Editor, dimensions
    • instance
      • stairs
    • project
    • shared
      • assigning to category
      • creating
      • tagging
    • sorting
    • type
      • catalogs
  • parts
    • category
    • creating
    • dividing with gap
    • excluding
    • merging
    • modifying
    • scheduling
  • PAT files
  • patterns, curtain walls
  • PBP (project base point)
    • clipped
    • unclipped
  • Penn State Office of Physical Plant
  • performance optimization
  • permissions
  • Perspective view
  • phase filters
    • applying
  • phasing
    • applying phases
    • design options and
    • geometry
    • groups and
    • linked models and
    • Material Browser dialog box
    • settings
    • view phase
  • Phasing dialog box
    • Graphic Overrides tab
  • Photographic Exposure
  • photorealistic visualization
  • Pin tool
  • pinning elements
  • plan views, levels
  • Point Cloud File Indexing
  • point clouds
    • large
    • LiDAR
    • modeling and
  • points
    • driving points
    • free points
    • hosted points
    • measurement direction
    • reference points
  • presentation
    • 3D views
      • annotating
      • orienting to other views
    • Color Fill Legends
      • color scheme numerical ranges
      • custom
      • program verification
      • rooms
      • settings
    • exploded views
    • viewports, editing types
  • profiles (railings)
  • Project Browser
    • saving groups
  • Project Materials list
    • Graphics tab
      • Appearance property
      • Cut Pattern property
      • Shading property
      • Surface Pattern property
    • Identity tab
  • Project Parameters dialog box
  • project standards worksets
  • project templates
    • Asset Browser
    • line settings
      • line styles
      • pattern creation
      • patterns
      • weights
    • Material Browser
      • Project Materials list
    • materials
      • assets
      • fill patterns
      • organizing
    • New Project dialog box
    • new projects and
    • Object Styles dialog box
    • redundant work reduction
  • projects
    • 2D elements, from files
    • central file
      • creating
      • local copy
      • synchronizing
    • managing
    • models
    • organizating
    • parameters, annotation and
    • roles
      • architect
      • drafter
      • modeler
    • standards, transferring
    • views, from files
  • properties
    • matching
    • views
    • worksets, linked models and
  • Properties palette
    • Apply button
    • filters and
    • instance parameters in
    • selecting and
    • Type Selector
    • view templates
  • property lines
    • tagging
  • publishing coordinates


  • QAT (Quick Access toolbar)
  • quality control
    • file size
    • schedules
    • warnings


  • railings
    • balusters
      • as tread supports
    • best practices
    • creating
      • Place On Host method
      • Sketch Path tool
    • custom
    • extensions
    • glass
    • handrails
    • lamposts as baluster family
    • profiles
    • as shading defice
    • top rail
    • transportation components
  • Realistic view
  • reference lines
    • control points
    • segments
  • reference planes
  • reference points
  • regions
    • filled
      • placing
      • types, creating
    • masking
  • relative paths, linked models
  • Repeating Detail Component tool
  • revisions
    • cloud
      • creating
      • leader, disabling
      • live model
      • placement
      • tagging
    • live models
  • Revit
    • closing
    • drawings
    • elements
    • overview
  • Revit Server Accelerator
  • revolves, creating
  • Rhino, curves
  • ribbon
    • Modify mode
    • tabs
      • Analyze
      • Annotate
      • Architecture
      • Collaborate
      • Contextual
      • Insert
      • Manage
      • Massing & Site
      • Modify
      • Structure
      • Systems
      • View
    • views, creating
  • right-click commands
  • roles
    • architect
    • drafter
    • modeler
  • roofs
    • dormers
    • Fascia tool
    • Gutter tool
    • Roof By Face tool
    • roof in-place method
    • roof-by-extrusion method
    • roof-by-footprint method
    • room-bounding and
    • shape editing
    • sketching for
    • slope
      • arrows
      • glazing
    • sloped topping
    • Soffit tool
    • thickness
      • referencing level
      • variable
  • room-bounding
  • rooms
    • annotation and
    • Color Fill Legends
    • schedules
      • area schedule
      • sheet list
      • wall schedule


  • sandwich (floors)
    • area
    • Sandwich Edge profile
  • saving
    • groups
    • intervals
  • scaling elements
  • Schedule/Quantities schedule
  • schedules
    • creating
    • families
    • Graphical Column Schedule
    • key
    • keynotes
    • LiDAR
    • masses
    • Material Takeoff
    • Note Block
    • quality control and
    • room schedules
      • area schedule
      • sheet list
      • wall schedule
    • Schedule/Quantities
    • Sheet List
    • sheets
    • View List
  • SDs (supplemental drawings)
  • section box
  • section poché
  • section tags
    • custom graphics
  • Section tool
  • selecting
    • all instances
    • colors and
    • context menu
    • elements
    • filters
    • Match Type Properties tool
    • options
    • Properties palette and
  • service opportunities
  • Shaded view
  • Shadows toggle
  • shape editing
    • floors
    • roofs
  • shared coordinate system
  • shared parameters
    • annotation and
    • assigning to category
    • creating
    • group
    • tagging
  • Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog box
  • sheet list, room schedules
  • Sheet List schedule
  • sheets
    • area plans
    • guide grids
    • schedules
    • view ports
    • views, activation
  • Show Mass mode
  • Silhouettes option
  • simple patterns, creating
  • site context
    • building pad
    • cut-fill surface
    • property lines
      • tagging
    • section poché
    • toposurface
      • CAD data
      • placing points
      • points file
  • sketching
  • SketchUP, exporting to
  • Sketchy Lines
  • SKs (supplemental sketches)
  • slabs, edges
  • sloped topping (roofs)
  • social BIM
  • solids, voids as
  • SP (survey point)
    • clipped
    • unclipped
  • Space Navigator
  • spider fittings
  • SPie (Specifiers' Properties Information Exchange)
  • Spline Through Points line
  • Split Element tool
  • Split Face tool
  • Split With Gap tool
  • stacked walls
  • staffing
  • Stair Calculator dialog box
  • stairs
    • annotations
    • balusters, as tread supports
    • best practices
    • carriage
    • custom
    • instance parameters
    • instance properties
    • landings
    • run
    • stringer
    • support
    • tools
  • stand-alone detailing
  • status bar
  • SteeringWheels
  • stringer (stairs)
  • strings, dimensions, editing
  • structural floors
  • structural to MEP engineer workflow
  • Structure tab
  • subtractive method of storage
  • sunshades
  • surface patterns
  • surfaces
    • forms
    • massing surfaces
    • multiple splines
  • sustainability
  • SWC (Synchronize With Central) command
  • sweeps, creating
  • swept blends
  • synchronizing, central files
  • system families
  • Systems tab


  • tags
    • annotating and
      • inserting
    • custom
      • elevation tags
      • section tags
      • view tags
    • families
    • parameters, shared
    • revision cloud
  • teams, adding members
  • templates. See project templates
    • additive approach for management
    • family templates
    • subtractive approach for management
    • view template
    • views
      • assigning
  • temporary dimensions, moving elements and
  • Temporary View Properties
  • text
    • in annotation
      • formatting, contextual
    • Format panel
    • keynote files
    • Type Selector
  • text boxes
    • grips
    • moving
    • rotating
  • thick finishes (floors)
  • thickness (roofs)
    • referencing level
    • variable
  • thin finishes (floors)
  • top rail
  • toposurface
    • building pad
    • CAD data
    • cut-fill surface
    • placing points
    • points file
    • property lines
      • tagging
    • section poché
    • Split Surface tool
    • subregions
  • transferring project standards
  • tread supports
  • Trim/Extend tools
  • trimming lines/walls
  • type catalogs
  • type parameters
    • catalogs
  • Type Properties dialog box
  • Type Selector
    • text annotation


  • UI (user interface)
    • 3D views
    • Callout tool
    • content
      • component families
      • system families
    • datum objects, extents
    • Detail Level parameter
    • drafting views
    • drawing area
    • Elevation tool
    • Graphic Display Options dialog box
    • InfoCenter
    • legends
    • menus, Application
    • navigation
      • mouse
      • SteeringWheels
      • ViewCube
    • Navigation bar
    • Options bar
    • panels
      • dialog launchers
      • expanded panels
    • parameters
      • instance
      • type
    • plan views, levels
    • Project Browser
    • project models
    • Properties palette
      • instance parameters in
    • QAT (Quick Access toolbar)
    • ribbon
      • Analyze tab
      • Annotate tab
      • Architecture tab
      • Collaborate tab
      • Contextual tabs
      • Insert tab
      • Manage tab
      • Massing & Site tab
      • Modify tab
      • panels
      • Structure tab
      • Systems tab
      • View tab
    • schedules
    • Section tool
    • sections
    • sheets
    • status bar
    • Temporary View Properties
    • views
      • control bar
      • creating
      • duplicating
      • properties
      • scale
      • template
    • Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box
    • work plane viewer
  • UK-based BIM Task Group
  • user-created worksets
  • usernames, worksharing
  • UV grid


  • Vertex control
  • view control bar
  • view controls
    • detail level
    • graphic display options
    • section box
  • View List schedule
  • view phase
  • View Range dialog box
  • View tab
  • View Templates dialog box
  • View Templates tool
  • ViewCube
  • viewports
    • types, editing
  • views
    • 3D
    • ambient light
    • assemblies
    • axonometric
    • Browser Organization dialog box
    • Consistent Colors
    • creating
    • duplicating
    • exploded
    • filters
    • Hidden Line
    • inserting from files
    • Interactive Ray Trace
    • lighting
    • linked files
    • Perspective
    • Photographic Exposure
    • properties
    • Realistic
    • scale
    • Shaded
    • shadows
    • sheets, activating
    • silhouttes
    • starting view
    • tags
    • template
    • templates
      • assigning
    • worksets, 3D
  • views worksets
  • visibility in linked files
  • Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box
  • visual programming
  • visualization
    • analytic
      • design element identification
      • project parameters
      • solar and shadow studies
      • user-defined parameters
    • photorealistic
      • light groups
      • lighting
      •     artificial
      • locking views
      • materials assignment
      • monochromatic views
      • perspective views
      • rendering, cloud
      • rendering settings
      • sequencing
      • walkthroughs
      •     exporting
      • workflow
    • role of
    • view controls
      • detail level
      • graphic display options
      • section box
    • worksharing
  • voids, as solids


  • walls
    • articulation
    • basic wall types
      • joins, editing
      • modeling techniques
    • Copy/Monitor tool
    • cores
    • curtain
      • complex
      • corner mullions
      • custom types
      • design
      • door placement
      • grid segments
      • mullions
      • panels
      • pinned mullions
      • pinned panels
      • spider fittings
      • sunshades
    • editing, structures
    • extended modeling techniques
    • floors, attaching automatically
    • Function type property
    • Graphics type property
    • in-place walls, custom
    • layers, extending
    • layer-wrapping solution
    • profiles, modifying
    • schedule
    • stacked
    • sweeps
      • returns
  • work plane, named reference planes
  • work plane viewer
  • workflow
    • collaborative
    • worksets and
      • saving work
  • Workset1
  • worksets
    • amount needed
    • central file
      • creating
      • local copy
      • synchronizing
      • working in
    • collaboration
    • elements, moving between
    • families
    • groups
    • linked models and
      • properties
    • organization
    • ownership
      • editing requests
      • permissions
      • Worksharing Monitor
    • project standards
    • user-created
    • view templates
    • views
      • 3D
    • workflow and
      • saving work
  • Worksets dialog box
  • worksharing
    • central file
      • creating
      • local copy
      • synchronizing
    • collaboration
      • cloud
    • disabling
    • enabling
    • files, opening
    • library analogy
    • linked models
    • usernames
    • visualization
  • Worksharing Monitor
  • worksheets, copying and


  • X-Ray mode
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