6.3. Worm’s Optimal Control

Let ((S,I,D),ν)image be an optimal solution. Let the Hamiltonian Himage, and costate or adjoint functions λS(t)image, λI(t)image, and λD(t)image, and a scalar λ00image be defined as the following:


image (6.4)


image (6.5)

along with the transversality (final) conditions,


image (6.6a)

Then according to Pontryagin’s maximum principle with terminal constraints— [70, P.111 theorem 3.14] —there exist continuous and piecewise continuously differentiable costate functions λSimage, λIimage, and λDimage, and a constant λ00image that at every point t[0T]image where ν()image is continuous, satisfy (6.5) and transversality conditions (6.6), and we have


image (6.7a)


image (6.7b)

First, we argue that λ0image has to be strictly positive. This is because if λ0=0image, then the system of ODE in (6.5) becomes a homogeneous ODE with the final conditions of λS(T)=λI(T)=λD(T)=0image. However, this ODE has the unique solution of λ0image, which contradicts (6.7a). Hence, combined with the property that λ00image, we have λ0>0image.
Define the switching function φimage as follows:


image (6.8)

which is a continuous and piecewise continuously differential function of time and referring to (6.6) has the following final value:


image (6.9)

The positivity comes from the facts λ0>0image, κ>0image, and I>0image according to Lemma 6.1. Introduction of φimage allows us to rewrite the Hamiltonian in (6.4) as follows:


image (6.10)

According to PMP in (6.7b), we have


image (6.11)

Hence, the optimal νimage satisfies φνφν¯image, for all ν¯[0,1]image. Thus, to find the optimal controller, one needs to maximize the linear function φνimage over the admissible set ν[0,1]image, which yields


image (6.12)

hence the name switching function. An immediate observation of the above relation is the following important property:


image (6.13)

Also note that according to (6.9), φ(T)>0image and thus by continuity of φimage and following (6.12), ν=1image over an interval of nonzero length toward the end of (0T)image interval which extends until time Timage.

6.3.1. Structure of the Maximum Damage Attack

Whether in practice the worm can indeed inflict the maximum damages developed in this section depends on implementability of the optimal strategies. Specifically, if the optimal policies that inflict the maximum damage are complex to execute, then the worm may not be able to perform them since they are limited by the capabilities of their resource constrained hosts as well. Inauspiciously though, we show that optimal attack strategies follow simple structures (Theorem 6.1) which make them conducive to implementation. Fig. 6.2 provides visualization of the theorem. Note that in the left figure, the patching only immunizes the susceptible nodes (Q(S,I)0.2image but B(S,I)0image), while in the right figure, patching can equally immunize the susceptible and clean and immunize the infective nodes (Q(S,I)=B(S,I)0.2image).
Fig. 6.2
FIGURE 6.2 Evaluation of the optimal controller and the corresponding states as functions of time. The parameters are time horizon: T=10image, initial infection fraction: I0=0.1image, contact rate: β=0.9image, instantaneous reward rate of infection for the malware: f(I)=0.1Iimage, reward per each killed node: κ=1image. Also, we have taken Q(S,I)0.2image, and B(S,I)0image in the left and B(S,I)0.2image in the right figures. That is, in the left figure, patches can only immunize the susceptible nodes but in the right figure, the same patch can successfully remove the infection, if any, and immunize the node against future infection. We can see that when patching can recover the infective nodes too (right figure), then the malware starts the killing phase earlier. This makes sense as deferring the killing in the hope of finding a new susceptible is now much riskier.
Recall that one of the basic tradeoff/s decisions that the attacker was dynamically faced with was the best timing to kill an infective node. Specifically, should an attacker kill a node as soon as it is infected so as to have claimed a casualty and secured a large damage on the network but losing the chance to further the spread? Or should it wait in anticipation of contacting new susceptible nodes and extend the contagion but at the risk of being detected and removed by the defender before it gets to destroy the host. Is the tradeoff broken by choosing an intermediate probability of killing the host? Theorem 6.1 states not.

Theorem 6.1

Consider an optimal solution νimagethat maximizes the worm’s damage function in(6.3)subject to the control constraint of ν(t)[0,1]image for all t[0,T]image . Then ν(t)image has the following structure: t1[0T)image such that ν(t)=0image for 0<t<t1image and ν(t)=1image for t1<t<Timage.
In words, an optimal ν()image is of bang-bang form, that is, it possesses only two possible values 1image and 0image, and switches abruptly between them. It has at most one such jump, which necessarily culminates at 1image. Thus, the theorem says that although killing a node early on would ensure a partial damage, the overall damage is more if this decision is deferred until toward the end of the attacking period despite the risk of recovery of the infective nodes by the system. Specifically, at the start of the outbreak, the number of susceptible nodes is high and infective nodes can be used to further propagate the infection. As time passes by, the level of susceptible nodes drops due to both spread of infection and immunization effort by the system. At a certain threshold, the risk of recovery of the infective nodes in the remaining time outweighs the potential benefit by spreading the infection. At this point, whose exact value depends on the parameters of the case, the malware starts killing the nodes with maximum possible rate. This will ensure that infective nodes are maximally used for spread of the infection and for attacker’s malicious activities.
In summary, Theorem 6.1 provides the optimal attack as follows: initially, the effort of the malware is focused on spreading the worm and amassing infective nodes without killing any. Subsequently, the reverse course of action is taken: at a threshold time, the amassed infected nodes are slaughtered at the highest rate which lasts till the end of the interval.
Note that the optimal killing policy (νimage) will be completely specified by the (only possible) jump points (trigger epoch). Given the flexibility provided by software-driven devices, the infective nodes can subsequently execute these strategies without coordinating any further among themselves or with any central entity. The transition time can be determined by solving a system of differential equations, as described in the previous sections. Such systems can be solved very fast due to the existence of efficient numerical algorithms for solving differential equations, and the computation time is constant in that it does not depend on the number of nodes Nimage. Note also that our algorithms do not require any local or global information as time progresses and only the initial information is sufficient to determine the decision of infective nodes for the entire interval.
Fig. 6.3 shows the effect of increasing the patching rates Qimage and Bimage on the trigger epoch. We observe that increasing the patching rate generally decreases the jump time. Intuitively, in a system with a large recovery rate, both the susceptible and infective nodes recover rapidly. Hence, the worm should start killing them earlier in order to not lose too many nodes in the competition with the network administrator to the pool of recovered. Note also that the starting time of the killing is sensitive to the value of recovery rate when the patching can impact both infective as well as susceptible nodes (B=Qimage). This is because when B0image, once a node is infected, then it will not be recovered by the system and is safely in the tally of the worm, but when B>0image, the worm is in competition with the system and excessively deferring the killing is ever more risky if the speed of recovery of the victims is increased.
Fig. 6.3
FIGURE 6.3 The jump (up) point of optimal νimage, i.e. the starting time of the slaughter period, for different values of the patching and rates. For both curves, we have taken the recovery rate of the susceptible nodes, i.e. Q(S,I)image as γimage, and the recovery rate of the infective nodes, i.e. B(S,I)image, once as zero and once as the same as Q(S,I)image where γimage is varied from 0.02image to 0.7image with steps of 0.02image. The rest of the parameters are f(I)=0.1Iimage, κ=1image, T=10image, β=0.9image, and I0=0.1image. Note that when B(S,I)γimage, then for γ0.6image, the malware starts killing the infective nodes from time zero.
In the next section, we provide the proof of the theorem.

6.3.2. Proof of Theorem 6.1

We first obtain some useful properties of the Hamiltonian and system states.

Lemma 6.2



First, the system is autonomous, i.e. the Hamiltonian and the control region do not have any explicit dependence on the independent variable timage. Hence ([138, P.236]),


image (6.14)

Therefore, from (6.10),


image (6.15)

We showed (after (6.7)) that λ0>0image, and following Lemma 6.1, I(T)>0image; also ν(T)=1>0image, as we argued after (6.12). Hence, H(T)>0image. 
The second observation is that Iimage satisfies the following condition:

Lemma 6.3

(f(I)If(I))0image for all t[0T]image.


By Lemma 6.1, Iimage and Simage are nonnegative. Define ξ(I)=f(I)If(I)image. Since f(0)=0image, we have ξ(0)=0image. Also,



Following Lemma 6.1 and properties of fimage, we observe that ξ0image for all t[0T]image. Thus, since ξ(0)=0image, ξ(I)=f(I)f(I)I0image for all t[0T]image. 
We will also use the following key lemma in the sequel.

Lemma 6.4

For all t(0T)image, we have λS0image and (λIλS)>0image.


Step-1. Following  (6.6), λI(T)=(λI(T)λS(T))=0image and from (6.5) and (6.6), (λ̇I(T)λ̇S(T))=λ0f(I(T))κν(T)image, which is strictly negative. Thus, there exists an ϵ1>0image such that on the interval of (Tϵ1T)image, we have (λIλS)>0image. Also recall from (6.6) that λS(T)=0image.
Step-2. Proof by contradiction. Let timage be defined as follows:

t:=inf0tT{tλS(t)0  and  (λI(t)λS(t))>0  on the interval  (tT)}.


If t=0image then we are done. Suppose t>0image. According to the continuity of λSimage and λIimage, and following step-1, we must have

λI(t)λS(t)=0  OR  λS(t)=0.


• Case 1: λI(t)λS(t)=0image. From (6.5) and continuity of λSimage, λS(t)0image. We have


image (6.16)

     From Lemma 6.3, [ffI]0image, and following the properties of Bimage and Qimage, we have BI0image and Q,(Q+QSS)0image. Also in this case, λI(t)=λS(t)image and λS(t)0image (by assumption of the case). Now following Lemmas 6.1 and 6.2, and Eq. (6.16), we observe that [ddt(λIλS)](t+)=[ddt(λIλS)](t)<0image. According to Property 6.1, this is a contradiction. Thus, case 1 could not occur.
• Case 2: λI(t)λS(t)>0image, and λS(t)=0image, and δ>0image, there exists t1(tδt)image such that λS(t1)<0image. From continuity of λSimage and λIimage, ϵ>0image such that on (tϵt)image,λIλS>0image, and hence according to (6.5) and Lemma 6.1, wherever νimage is continuous, λ̇SλS(Q+QSS)image. Now consider a δ<ϵimage, and define tˆimage to be the point which has the lowest value of λSimage on the interval of [tδt]image. According to the assumption of case 2, λS(tˆ)image is strictly negative. Thus, λ̇S(tˆ+)[λS(Q+QSS)]t=tˆ<0image. This, along with continuity of λSimage, imply that in the right neighborhood of tˆimage,λSimage has lower values than λS(tˆ)image. This contradicts the definition of tˆimage.
Therefore, none of the two cases could occur, which is a contradiction with the existence of timage. The lemma hence follows by contradiction. 
We are now ready to proceed to the proof of the theorem.

6.3.3. Proof of Theorem 6.1: Optimal Rate of Killing


To establish the statement of the theorem, we will show that the switching function φimage is equal to zero on at most one time epoch. The theorem subsequently follows from the relation between φimage and νimage given by (6.12).
Let us begin by studying two simple real analysis properties.

Property 6.1

Let f(t)image be a continuous and piecewise continuously differentiable function of timage. Assume f(t0)>Limage. Now if f(t1)=Limage for the first time before t0image, i.e. f(t1)=Limage and f(t)>Limage for all t(t1t0]image, then ḟ(t1+)0image.9

Property 6.2

Let f(t)image be a continuous and piecewise continuously differentiable function of timage. Assume t1image and t2image to be its two consecutive Limage-crossing points, that is, f(t1)=f(t2)=Limage and f(t)Limage for all t1<t<t2image. Now if ḟ(t1+)0image and ḟ(t2)0image, then ḟ(t1+)image and ḟ(t2)image must have opposite signs.
Now, we proceed with the proof of the theorem. Let us calculate the time derivative of the φimage function wherever νimage is continuous,


image (6.17)

Let a time at which φ=0image be denoted by τimage. From (6.17), we obtain


image (6.18)

Eq. (6.18), positivity of λ0image, and Lemmas 6.16.4 show that φ̇(τ)image, φ̇(τ+)>0image wherever νimage is continuous. First, this shows that φimage cannot be equal to zero over an interval of nonzero length. To see this, note that otherwise, due to piecewise continuity of νimage, there exists a subinterval inside the interval of φ=0image over which, νimage is continuous. Thus, φimage is differentiable over this subinterval, and necessarily φ̇=0image for any time inside that subinterval, which is not possible. Thus, referring to (6.12), νimage is bang-bang, i.e. ν{0,νmax}image.
Second, referring to Property 6.2, we conclude that φ=0image at at most one point inside (0T)image interval. Since (from (6.9)) φ(T)>0image and because φimage is a continuous function of time, φ(t)>0image for an interval of nonzero length toward the end of (0T)image. If φ(t)>0image for all 0tTimage, then ν=0image throughout the interval. Otherwise, there exists a t0[0T]image such that φ(t)<0image for t1<tTimage and φ(t)>0image for 0t<t1image. Theorem 6.1 now follows from the relation between optimal νimage and φimage in (6.12). 
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