
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


<< operator (concatenate), A More Elegant Helper Method
@ variables, Acknowledgments (see instance variables)
{ } (curly braces), Adding Logic to the View, Creating Checkboxes, Calling methods: advanced options
attributes for form checkboxes, Creating Checkboxes
for named parameters, Calling methods: advanced options
=> arrows, with methods, I Want My CSS!
== (equality operator), if, else, unless, and elsif
-- for SQL comments, SQL Injection
-%> closing tag, Adding Logic to the View
<% %> tags, Adding Logic to the View
<%= %> tags, Adding Some Data
|| syntax, Adding Automation
+ (concatenation) operator, Variables
# for comments (Ruby), Comments
# for URI fragment identifiers, Adding Options, Answers
?: operator, ?:
' (single quotes) for strings, Variables
" (double quotes) for strings, Variables


absolute URIs, returning with url_for, Adding Options
Accept header (HTTP), Index: An Overview of Data
access privileges, Acknowledgments (see user management)
ACID principles, Speaking in Rails
action attribute (HTML form element), Form As a Wrapper
:action parameter (map.root), Setting a Default Page
:action parameter (form_tag), Getting Started, Greeting Guests
ActionController, Speaking in Rails
ActionMailer, Speaking in Rails
ActionMailer gem, Mail in Rails, Setup, Sending Email, Sending Email, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Receiving Mail
receiving and processing messages, Receiving Mail
sending email messages, Sending Email, Sending Email
sending HTML mail, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
setting up, Setup
ActionPack, Speaking in Rails
ActionView, Speaking in Rails
ActionWebService plug-in, Web Services
ActiveRecord data types, More Than a Name on a Form, Answers, Answers, Data Types
list of, More Than a Name on a Form
type-checking, Answers
where specified, Answers, Data Types
ActiveRecord library, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Extending a model beyond the database, Speaking in Rails
tracking table information, Extending a model beyond the database
ActiveRecordHelper class, ActiveRecordHelper
ActiveScaffold, Destroy It
ActiveSupport, Speaking in Rails
acts_as convention, Speaking in Rails
acts_as_authenticated plug-in, Users and Authentication
adapters, defined, Speaking in Rails
add_column method, A migration for an extension, Working with Columns
add_index method, Creating Tables, Indexes, Indexes
:unique and :name parameters, Indexes
administrators, creating and management, Classifying Users, Classifying Users
after_save method, Extending a model beyond the database
aggregation, defined, Speaking in Rails
Agile, defined, Speaking in Rails
Ajax, Creating Dynamic Interfaces with Rails and Ajax, Answers, Ajax Basics, Ajax Basics, Supporting Ajax with Rails, Rails and the Client, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable, Speaking in Rails
adding id attribute to forms, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable
basics of, Ajax Basics, Ajax Basics
defined, Speaking in Rails
supporting with Rails, Supporting Ajax with Rails, Rails and the Client
Ajax.Request method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
:all parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
:allow_nil parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only, Answers
:anchor parameter (url_for method), Adding Options, Answers
anchors (in regular expressions), Anchors
Apache, What Server Is That?, Walking Through a Passenger-Based Deployment, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
installing Passenger server into, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
app folder, What Are All Those Folders?
app object (console), Working with Rails from the Console
app servers, App server choices
application flow, Application Flow, Application Flow
application.html.erb file, Creating a Default Layout, Answers
application.rb file, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Answers, Logging, Storing Data Between Sessions, Controlling Sessions
authentication functionality in, Controlling Sessions
filtering content from logs, Logging
turning sessions on/off, Storing Data Between Sessions
ApplicationController class, Adding Some Data, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Answers, Classifying Users, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
protected labels and, Classifying Users
applications, Acknowledgments (see Rails applications)
application_helper.rb file, Creating Helper Methods, Answers
arrays, Arrays and hashes
ascending order for found records, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
assert statement, Unit Testing
assertion, defined, Speaking in Rails
assertions to test, Acknowledgments (see unit testing)
assert_difference method, Testing Responses, Integration Testing
simulating POST requests, Integration Testing
assert_dom_equal method, Integration Testing
assert_dom_not_equal method, Integration Testing
assert_equal method, Unit Testing
assert_not_equal method, Unit Testing
assert_not_nil_assigns method, Testing Responses
assert_no_difference method, Testing Responses
assert_no_tag method, Integration Testing
assert_redirected method, Answers
assert_redirected_to method, Testing Responses, Integration Testing
assert_response method, Testing Responses
assert_select method, Integration Testing, Integration Testing, Answers
assert_select_encoded method, Integration Testing
assert_select_rjs method, Integration Testing
assert_tag method, Integration Testing
assets, defined, Speaking in Rails
AssetTagHelper class, AssetTagHelper
assigns method, Integration Testing
association, defined, Speaking in Rails
associative arrays, Acknowledgments (see hashes)
Atom format, defined, Speaking in Rails
AtomFeedBuilder, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
AtomFeedHelper, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
atom_feed method, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
attachments, email, Sending Complex HTML Email, Sending Complex HTML Email
attributes, Attributes, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
AuthenticatedSystem class, Controlling Sessions, Answers
authenticated_system.rb file, Classifying Users
authentication, Installation, Classifying Users, Classifying Users, More Options, Adding Options, Speaking in Rails
additional options, More Options
classifying users, Classifying Users, Classifying Users
defined, Speaking in Rails
inline HTTP authentication, Adding Options
installing restful_authentication plug-in, Installation
authenticity_token field (input element), Form As a Wrapper
authorized? method, Classifying Users
automated testing, Acknowledgments (see testing)
automation, Adding Automation, Adding Automation
autotest plug-in, Beyond the Basics
auto_discover_link_tag method, AssetTagHelper
auto_link method, TextHelper
avoiding repetition, Acknowledgments (see Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle)


Back link, Changing the Award Views
background testing, Beyond the Basics
Base class (ActiveRecord library), Connecting to a Database Through a Model
Base class (ApplicationController), Getting Started with Classes and Objects
Basecamp, Speaking in Rails
before_filter method, Changing the Controller, Answers, Controlling Sessions, Classifying Users, Answers
:login_required parameter, Controlling Sessions, Classifying Users, Answers
belongs_to method, Is Nesting Worth It?
belong_to declaration, Supporting the Relationship
benchmark method, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
BenchmarkHelper class, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
benchmarks, defined, Speaking in Rails
best practices for controllers, Acknowledgments (see REST approach)
binary data, More Than a Name on a Form
:binary type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types
:limit parameter, Data Types
blank data structures, creating, New: A Blank Set of Data Fields
blank? method, Storing data using the model, Answers
blocks of code, Splitting View from Layout, How Ruby Works, Calling methods: advanced options, Calling methods: advanced options, Speaking in Rails
as argument to methods, Calling methods: advanced options
defined, Speaking in Rails
executing with yield, Splitting View from Layout
:boolean type, More Than a Name on a Form
breakpointer, The Ruby Debugger
Builder API, defined, Speaking in Rails
business rules, defined, Speaking in Rails
button_to method, UrlHelper
button_to_function method, JavaScriptHelper


cache method, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
CacheHelper class, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
calendar value validation, A Place on the Calendar
calling methods, Calling methods: advanced options, Calling methods: advanced options, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods
helper methods, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods
CamelCase, defined, Speaking in Rails
Camping microframework, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks
Capistrano tool, Deployment Directions, Speaking in Rails
capture method, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
CaptureHelper class, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
Cascading Style Sheets, Acknowledgments (see CSS)
case statement, case and when
:case_sensitive parameter (validates_uniqueness_of method), Seen It All Before
cdata_section method, TagHelper
character classes, Character Classes
checkboxes in HTML forms, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Creating Checkboxes
checked attribute, Creating Checkboxes, Creating Radio Buttons
checkboxes in HTML forms, Creating Checkboxes
radio buttons in HTML forms, Creating Radio Buttons
check_box method, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Creating Checkboxes, Adding Automation, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
automation with (example), Adding Automation
check_box_tags method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
class attribute, Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper, Creating Checkboxes, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
adding to form input elements, Creating Checkboxes
form builders with, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
form element (HTML), Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper
classes, Getting Started with Classes and Objects, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
classifying users, Classifying Users, Classifying Users
client data, Acknowledgments (see cookies)
client-based Ajax applications, creating, Rails and the Client
closures, How Ruby Works
cloud computing, Answers
code blocks, Splitting View from Layout, Speaking in Rails
executing with yield, Splitting View from Layout
Code tab (Heroku), Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku
collect method, Supporting the Relationship, Answers
:collection option, map.resources method, Mapping Resources
collection_select method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
cols attribute (textarea element), Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
columns, managing, Working with Columns
comma-separated values, Acknowledgments (see CSV)
command-line Rails operation, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails, Dodging Database Issues
creating new applications, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
database installation, Dodging Database Issues
comments, Ruby, Comments
components, defined, Speaking in Rails
composed_of method, Granularity
concat method, TextHelper
concatenate (<<) operator, A More Elegant Helper Method
concatenation (+) operator, Variables
Concurrent Versioning System, Acknowledgments (see CVS)
conditional in Ruby, if, else, unless, and elsif, case and when
conditional validation, Test It Only If
:conditions parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord, SQL Injection, Answers
config directory, Test Mode
config folder, What Are All Those Folders?
config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local setting, Changing to Production Mode
config.action_controller.perform_caching setting, Changing to Production Mode
config.cache_classes setting, Changing to Production Mode
config.framework file, Dodging Database Issues
connecting tables, Connecting Tables
connections to databases, Dodging Database Issues, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
through models, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
turning off, Dodging Database Issues
console, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console, Classifying Users, A quick test, Speaking in Rails
classifying users from, Classifying Users
debugging from, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console
defined, Speaking in Rails
production setup, A quick test
constraints, input, Acknowledgments (see validation)
cont command (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger, Answers
content types for email messages, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Answers, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
Content-ID headers, Sending Complex HTML Email
content_for method, BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper
content_tag method, TagHelper
:content_type parameter (inline_attachment method), Sending Complex HTML Email
control structures, Ruby, Logic and Conditionals, Many More Possibilities
controller argument, ruby script/generate, Creating Your Own View
:controller parameter (map.root), Setting a Default Page
controllers, Acknowledgments, Adding Some Data, Adding Some Data, Adding Some Data, Protecting Your View from the Controller, Choosing a Layout from a Controller, Controlling Data Flow: Controllers and Models, Answers, Application Flow, Application Flow, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller, Answers, Changing the Controller, Changing the Controller, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers, Logging, Functional Testing, Dealing with Nested Resources, Storing Data Between Sessions, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options, Rails as a Server API, Sending Email, Sending Email, Speaking in Rails
adding data to, Adding Some Data, Adding Some Data
application flow, Application Flow, Application Flow
best practices, Acknowledgments (see REST approach)
choosing layouts from, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
connecting to models, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
defined, Speaking in Rails
file uploads and, Answers
functional testing, Functional Testing, Dealing with Nested Resources
generating URIs from, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options lines, Logging
many-to-many relationships, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers
protecting views from, Protecting Your View from the Controller
representing nested resources, Changing the Controller, Changing the Controller
RESTful, about, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller
sending email messages from, Sending Email, Sending Email
structure of, as API, Rails as a Server API
working with session objects, Storing Data Between Sessions
cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
storing data between sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions
cookies object, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies
CookieStore class, Storing Data Between Sessions
Coordinated Universal Time, Acknowledgments (see UTC)
counting through tables, Counting Awards for Students, Showing counts
showing counts in views, Showing counts
counting, loops for, Just Counting
country_options_for_select method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
country_select method, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting Your Own Field Types, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
country_select selection field, Creating Selection Lists
CREATE DATABASE command (SQL), Creating the MySQL database
create entries, Creating Your Own View
create method, Examining a RESTful Controller, Create: Save Something New, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
create method (Base class), Storing data using the model, Answers
create_table method, Working with Tables
cron daemon, defined, Speaking in Rails
cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
cross-site scripting, Cross-Site Scripting
CRUD model, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Speaking in Rails
CSRF (cross-site request forgery), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), I Want My CSS!, I Want My CSS!, Sharing Template Data with the Layout, Creating Checkboxes, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Speaking in Rails
class attribute for, Creating Checkboxes
defined, Speaking in Rails
form builders with, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
sharing information with layouts, Sharing Template Data with the Layout
CSS (cross-site scripting), Cross-Site Scripting
CSV (comma-separated values), defined, Speaking in Rails
curly braces { }, Adding Logic to the View, Creating Checkboxes, Calling methods: advanced options
attributes for form checkboxes, Creating Checkboxes
for named parameters, Calling methods: advanced options
current_page? method, UrlHelper
CVS (Concurrent Versioning System), Speaking in Rails
cycle method, TextHelper
Cygwin, Getting Started at the Command Line


data, adding to controllers, Adding Some Data, Adding Some Data
data for testing (fixtures), Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
data granularity, Rails as a Server API, Granularity
data storage, external, Extending a model beyond the database, Extending a model beyond the database
data structures, blank, New: A Blank Set of Data Fields
Data tab (Heroku), Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku
data types, More Than a Name on a Form, Answers, Answers, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Data Types
custom, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting Your Own Field Types
list of, More Than a Name on a Form
type-checking, Answers
where specified, Answers, Data Types
data validation, Acknowledgments (see validation)
database connections, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
through models, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
database installation, Dodging Database Issues
database schemas, Tables of Data
database tables, Acknowledgments (see tables)
database-not-found errors, Getting Started, Greeting Guests
database.yml file, Test Mode, Configuring Rails to use the MySQL database, Answers
databases, Acknowledgments, Storing Data Between Sessions, Database choices
managing with migrations, Acknowledgments (see migration files; migrations)
selecting for deployment, Database choices
support for session storage, Storing Data Between Sessions
databases, test, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
databases connections, Dodging Database Issues
turning off, Dodging Database Issues
date and time selection fields (HTML forms), Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
:date type, More Than a Name on a Form
date validation with calendar, A Place on the Calendar
DateHelper class, DateHelper
:datetime type, More Than a Name on a Form
datetime_select method, Dates and Times, Dates and Times, Adding Automation, DateHelper
automation with, Adding Automation
date_select method, Dates and Times, Dates and Times, DateHelper
db folder, What Are All Those Folders?
db:create task, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
db:drop task, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
db:migrate task, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
db:reset task, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
db:rollback task, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
debug method, Retrieving data from the model and showing it, Creating Your Own Debugging Messages, Answers, DebugHelper
debugging, Debugging, Answers, Creating Your Own Debugging Messages, Logging, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console, The Ruby Debugger, The Ruby Debugger
custom messages for, Creating Your Own Debugging Messages
logging, Logging
Ruby debugger, The Ruby Debugger, The Ruby Debugger
working from console, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console
DebugHelper class, Creating Your Own Debugging Messages, DebugHelper
:decimal type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types, Answers
:precision and :scale parameters, Data Types
declarative validation, The Power of Declarative Validation, The Power of Declarative Validation
def statements, Adding Some Data
default domain, setting, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
default layout, Creating a Default Layout, Answers, Controlling Sessions
default migration file, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
default page, setting, Setting a Default Page
:default parameter (data types), Data Types
define_javascript_functions method, JavaScriptHelper
defining methods, Getting Started, Greeting Guests
delete method, Adding Automation, Working with Rails from the Console, Calling Controllers
functional tests and, Calling Controllers
:label parameter with, Adding Automation
DELETE requests (HTTP), Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Destroy It, Calling Controllers, Classifying Users, Mapping Resources, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
functional testing, Calling Controllers
map.resources call and, Mapping Resources
user privileges for, Classifying Users
deleting corresponding table values, Removing Awards When Students Disappear
:dependent parameter (has_many method), Removing Awards When Students Disappear
deploying Rails applications, Deploying Rails Applications
deployment, defined, Speaking in Rails
descending order for found records, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
destroy method, Examining a RESTful Controller, Destroy It, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Calling Controllers
to delete corresponding table values, Removing Awards When Students Disappear
functional testing, Calling Controllers
development mode, Test Mode
development, defined, Speaking in Rails
development.rb file, The Ruby Debugger, Test Mode, Setup
making debugger available, The Ruby Debugger
options for sending email, Setup
devlopment.log file, Logging
DHH, Acknowledgments (see Hansson, David Heinemeier)
DHTML (Dynamic HTML), Ajax Basics
Directory directive, Installing Phusion Passenger
:disabled parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
:discard_day parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
distance_of_time_in_words method, DateHelper
div elements (HTML), for validation, The Power of Declarative Validation
doc folder, What Are All Those Folders?
DOM (Document Object Model), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
:domain option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies
domain, default, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), Infinite Possibilities, How Ruby Works
dom_class method, RecordIdentificationHelper
dom_id method, Making the Form More Scriptable, Answers, RecordIdentificationHelper
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, Putting the Form Body in a Partial, Adding Automation, Adding Automation, Speaking in Rails
using automation, Adding Automation, Adding Automation
using partials, Putting the Form Body in a Partial
double quotes for strings, Variables
down-scaling applications, Destroy It
draggable_element method, ScriptaculousHelper
drop_receiving_element method, ScriptaculousHelper
drop_table method, Working with Tables, Indexes
remove_index and, Indexes
DRY principle, Putting the Form Body in a Partial, Adding Automation, Adding Automation, Speaking in Rails
using automation, Adding Automation, Adding Automation
using partials, Putting the Form Body in a Partial
DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages), Infinite Possibilities, How Ruby Works
duck typing, Speaking in Rails
duplication, removing from tables, Granularity
dynamic finders, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
Dynamic HTML (DHTML), Ajax Basics
dynamic interfaces with Ajax, Acknowledgments (see Ajax)
dynamic scaffolds, defined, Speaking in Rails
dynamic typing, Acknowledgments, How Ruby Works (see duck typing)


-e option (script/server), Test Mode
Edge Rails, Speaking in Rails
edit method, Examining a RESTful Controller, Edit: Hand Me That Data, Please, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
else statement, if, else, unless, and elsif
elsif statement, if, else, unless, and elsif
email, Mail in Rails, Answers, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
HTML-based mail, sending, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
receiving and processing messages, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
text-based, sending, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email
empty URL, routing for, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
enctype attribute (form element), File Upload Forms
end statements, Adding Some Data
:end_year parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
enforcing model relationships, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Answers
entry method, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
environment.rb file, Dodging Database Issues, Test Mode, Storing Data Between Sessions
settings for Rails modes, Test Mode
storing session data, Storing Data Between Sessions
environments for running applications, Test Mode, Deploying Rails Applications
deploying applications, Deploying Rails Applications
equality operator (==), if, else, unless, and elsif
:equal_to parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
ERb (Embedded Ruby) syntax, defined, Speaking in Rails
.erb filename extension, Creating Your Own View, Sending Email
:error key, flash messaging, Storing Data Between Sessions
:error parameter (assert_response method), Testing Responses
errorExplanation div element, The Power of Declarative Validation
error_messages_for method, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, ActiveRecordHelper
error_message_on method, ActiveRecordHelper
Erubis, defined, Speaking in Rails
:escape parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
escape_javascript method, JavaScriptHelper
escape_once method, TagHelper
escaping characters, Escaping
evaluate_remote_response method, PrototypeHelper
:even parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
:except parameter (layout declaration), Choosing a Layout from a Controller
exceptions, defined, Speaking in Rails
excerpt method, TextHelper
execute method, Other Opportunities
existence testing (validation), Testing for Presence, Guaranteeing a Relationship
for model relationships, Guaranteeing a Relationship
exists entries, Creating Your Own View
exit command (irb session), Working with Rails from the Console
:expires option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Answers
Extensible HTML, Acknowledgments (see XHTML)
external data storage, Extending a model beyond the database, Extending a model beyond the database
external stylesheets, I Want My CSS!, Answers


FastCGI server, App server choices
fields, creating new, Answers
fields_for method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
fieldWithErrors div element, The Power of Declarative Validation
field_set_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
file uploads in forms, Adding a Picture by Uploading a File, Results, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
model and migration changes, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
File.join method, Sending Complex HTML Email method, Sending Complex HTML Email
file_field method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
file_field_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
filing unit tests purposefully, Unit Testing
filter code, defined, Speaking in Rails
filter_parameter_logging method, Logging, Classifying Users
find method, Retrieving data from the model and showing it, Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Answers, Show: Just One Row of Data, SQL Injection, Answers
:conditions parameter, SQL Injection, Answers
find_all_by_given_name method, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
find_by_given_name method, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
find_by_sql method, SQL Injection, Databases, Tables, and Rails
Firebug plug-in, defined, Speaking in Rails
:first parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Answers
fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
fixtures directory, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
flash messaging, Create: Save Something New, Storing Data Between Sessions, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
session state and, Storing Data Between Sessions
flash method, Adding to the Controllers
flash.discard method, Storing Data Between Sessions
flash.keep method, Storing Data Between Sessions method, Storing Data Between Sessions, Answers
flexible syntax of Ruby, How Ruby Works
flunk method, Unit Testing
:float type, More Than a Name on a Form
folders created by Rails, What Are All Those Folders?, What Are All Those Folders?
follow_redirect! method, Integration Testing
for loops, Adding Logic to the View, for
foreign key, Connecting Tables
forged POST requests, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
form builder classes, defined, Speaking in Rails
form builders, Standardizing Your Look with Form Builders, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Adding Automation, Adding Automation, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Answers
automation, Adding Automation, Adding Automation
integrating styles with, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
form element (HTML), Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper, File Upload Forms
creating, Form As a Wrapper
defining attributes explicitly, Form As a Wrapper
enctype attribute, File Upload Forms
form method, ActiveRecordHelper
format objects, Index: An Overview of Data
formatting numbers, helper methods for, NumberHelper
FormBuilder class, Supporting Your Own Field Types
FormHelper class, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
FormHelper module, Form As a Wrapper
FormOptionsHelper class, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
forms, Acknowledgments, Presenting Models with Forms, Answers, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Form As a Wrapper, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Checkboxes, Creating Radio Buttons, Creating Radio Buttons, Creating Selection Lists, Creating Selection Lists, Dates and Times, Dates and Times, Labels, Labels, Putting the Form Body in a Partial, Adding a Picture by Uploading a File, Results, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Integration Testing, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
adding id attributes for JavaScript, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable
checkboxes, Creating Checkboxes
creating manually, Form As a Wrapper
custom field types, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting Your Own Field Types
date and time entry fields, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
file uploads in, Adding a Picture by Uploading a File, Results, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
model and migration changes, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
forged POST requests, preventing, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
generating with scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding
hidden fields in, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
input validation, Acknowledgments (see validation)
labels, Labels, Labels
partials in, Putting the Form Body in a Partial
radio buttons, Creating Radio Buttons, Creating Radio Buttons
selection lists, Creating Selection Lists, Creating Selection Lists
simulating POST requests, Integration Testing
text fields and text areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
FormTagHelper class, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
form_for method, Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper, Answers, File Upload Forms, Answers, Changing the Award Views, Answers, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
file uploads with, File Upload Forms
nested resources, Changing the Award Views
passing arrays to, Answers
form_remote_for method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages, PrototypeHelper
form_remote_tag method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages, Quiz, PrototypeHelper
form_tag method, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Form As a Wrapper, Answers, Enrolling students in courses, Quiz, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
form_remote_tag versus, Quiz
fragment identifiers on URIs, Adding Options, Answers
fragments, defined, Speaking in Rails
freezing applications, defined, Speaking in Rails
:from parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
functional testing, Functional Testing, Dealing with Nested Resources, Calling Controllers, Dealing with Nested Resources
calling controllers, Calling Controllers
nested resources, Dealing with Nested Resources


gear menu (Heroku), Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku
gem package, defined, Speaking in Rails
Gems, installing at command line, Getting Started at the Command Line
generate program, defined, Speaking in Rails
get method, Working with Rails from the Console, Calling Controllers
functional tests and, Calling Controllers
GET requests (HTTP), Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Calling Controllers, Classifying Users, Mapping Resources, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
functional testing, Calling Controllers
map.resources call and, Mapping Resources
user privileges for, Classifying Users
Git application, Deployment Directions, Speaking in Rails
globbing, Globbing, Answers
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES command (SQL), Creating the MySQL database
granularity, Rails as a Server API, Granularity
graphics in email messages, Sending Complex HTML Email, Sending Complex HTML Email
:greater_than parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
:greater_than_or_equal_to parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
greedy operators, Greed
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Acknowledgments (see UTC)
:group parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
groups in regular expressions, Sequences, Repetition, Groups, and Choices
guestbook application (example), Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Keeping Track: A Simple Guestbook, Retrieving data from the model and showing it


h method, Protecting Your View from the Controller, Cross-Site Scripting, Answers, SanitizeHelper, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
hacking URLs, URL Hacking
Hansson, David Heinemeier (DHH), Speaking in Rails
hashes, Creating Radio Buttons, Creating Selection Lists, Arrays and hashes, Calling methods: advanced options, Speaking in Rails
accepting as named parameter, Calling methods: advanced options
creating radio buttons with, Creating Radio Buttons
creating selection lists with, Creating Selection Lists
defined, Speaking in Rails
has_and_belongs_to_many method, Connecting the Models, What’s Missing?
has_many method, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Changing the Routing, Is Nesting Worth It?, Connecting the Models, What’s Missing?
advantages and disadvantages to nesting, Is Nesting Worth It?
:dependent parameter, Removing Awards When Students Disappear
in map.resources (routes.rb), Changing the Routing
:through parameter, Connecting the Models, What’s Missing?
:has_many parameter (map.resources), Nesting Resources
has_one method, What’s Missing?
:has_one parameter (map.resources), Nesting Resources
head element, stylesheet_link_tag method in, I Want My CSS!, Answers
head method, Put This Updated Record In
HEAD requests (HTTP), Toward a Cleaner Approach, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
headers (HTTP) for cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies
headers method (app object), Working with Rails from the Console
helper methods, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Helper Methods, A More Elegant Helper Method, Adding Automation, Adding Automation, A Catalog of Helper Methods, UrlHelper, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods, Speaking in Rails
automation and, Adding Automation, Adding Automation
calling, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods
creating custom, Creating Helper Methods, A More Elegant Helper Method
defined, Speaking in Rails
helper object (console), Working with Rails from the Console
Helpers class (ActionView), A Catalog of Helper Methods
helpers directory, Creating Helper Methods, Answers, Supporting Your Own Field Types
Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Installation, How Rails Works
installing restful_authentication plug-in, Installation
hidden fields in HTML forms, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
hidden_field method, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
hidden_field_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
highlight method, TextHelper
highlights, JavaScript, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
home page default, defining, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
:host parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
href attribute (HTML), I Want My CSS!, Adding Options
escaping characters for, Adding Options
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), Acknowledgments, Index: An Overview of Data, Integration Testing, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
documents, testing contents of, Integration Testing
forms, Acknowledgments (see forms)
requests for, Index: An Overview of Data
HTML injection, Protecting Your View from the Controller
HTML layouts, turning off, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
HTML responses, Create: Save Something New
HTML-based mail, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
receiving and processing messages, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
sending, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
html_escape( ), Acknowledgments (see h method)
:html_options parameter (select method), Supporting Your Own Field Types
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), defined, Speaking in Rails
HTTP Accept header, Index: An Overview of Data
HTTP authentication, inline, Adding Options
HTTP headers for cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies
:http_only option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies
HTTP requests, Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller, Calling Controllers, Classifying Users, Mapping Resources, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
forging, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
GET and POST methods, Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller
in functional tests, Calling Controllers
map.resources call and, Mapping Resources
PUT and DELETE methods, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller
scaffolding support for, Examining a RESTful Controller
user privileges for, Classifying Users
HTTP responses, Testing Responses, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
functional testing, Testing Responses
HTTP sessions, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions, Controlling Sessions, Speaking in Rails
cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies
defined, Speaking in Rails
storing data between, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions
user authentication and, Controlling Sessions
HTTPS protocol, defined, Speaking in Rails


id (identifying value), defined, Speaking in Rails
id attributes, Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable
form element (HTML), Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper
for JavaScript scripting, Making the Form More Scriptable, Making the Form More Scriptable
text fields and text areas (HTML forms), Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
:id value, find method, Show: Just One Row of Data
idempotent, defined, Websites and Web Applications, Answers, Speaking in Rails
IDENTIFIED BY clause (SQL), Creating the MySQL database
:if parameter, validation methods, Test It Only If, Answers
if statement, Letting Helper Methods Make Choices, if, else, unless, and elsif
in helper methods (example), Letting Helper Methods Make Choices
IIS (Internet Information Server), What Server Is That?, Web server choices
image_submit_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
image_tag method, Showing it off, AssetTagHelper
IMAP connections, Setup
:in parameter, Customizing the Message, Limiting Choices, A Place on the Calendar, A Place on the Calendar
validates_exclusion_of method, A Place on the Calendar
validates_inclusion_of method, Limiting Choices, A Place on the Calendar
validates_length_of method, Customizing the Message
:include parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
:include_blank parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
:include_seconds parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
index argument, ruby script/generate, Creating Your Own View
index file, Creating Your Own View
index method, How Hello World Works, Examining a RESTful Controller, Index: An Overview of Data, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
index.html.erb file, I Want My CSS!
style element, I Want My CSS!
indexing tables, Creating Tables, Answers, Indexes
inline HTTP authentication, Adding Options
InlineAttachment gem, Sending Complex HTML Email
inline_attachment method, Sending Complex HTML Email
input elements in HTML forms, creating, Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper
(see also forms)
input method, ActiveRecordHelper
installing Rails, Starting Up Ruby on Rails, Answers, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails, Dodging Database Issues
at command line, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
creating new applications, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
database installation, Dodging Database Issues
with Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku
with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
instance variables, Adding Some Data, Variables
Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
instantiation, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
:integer type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types
:limit parameter, Data Types
integration directory, Integration Testing
integration testing, Integration Testing
interactive interfaces with Ajax, Acknowledgments (see Ajax)
Interactive Ruby Shell, Acknowledgments (see irb shell)
interfaces with Ajax, Acknowledgments (see Ajax)
interpreted language, Ruby as, How Ruby Works
interpreting URIs with routes, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Checking the Map, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Named Routes, Globbing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Nesting Resources, Answers
default domains (map.root), A Domain Default with map.root
leveraging taxonomy in (globbing), Globbing, Answers
with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect
named routes, Named Routes
nested resources, Nesting Resources
regular expressions with, Regular Expressions and Routing
irb prompt, defined, Speaking in Rails
irb shell, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console, How Rails Works
IRC (Internet Relay Chat), defined, Speaking in Rails
IRC channel for Rails, Keep Up with Rails
iterator methods, defined, Speaking in Rails


JavaScript Object Notation, Acknowledgments (see JSON)
JavaScriptHelper class, JavaScriptHelper
javascript_include_default method, AssetTagHelper
javascript_include_tag method, AssetTagHelper
javascript_tag method, JavaScriptHelper
join tables, creating, Creating Tables, Answers
:joins parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails


keys for hashes, Arrays and hashes


label method, Labels, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
labels in HTML forms, Labels, Labels
label_for method, automation with (example), Adding Automation
label_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
landing page default, defining, Controlling Sessions, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
for logging, Controlling Sessions
:last parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
layout declarations, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
layout files, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
layouts, Creating Your Own View, Layouts, Sharing Template Data with the Layout, Creating a Default Layout, Choosing a Layout from a Controller, Answers, Establishing navigation, Controlling Sessions, Changing Courses without Changing Pages, Changing Courses without Changing Pages, Sending HTML Mail
ActionMailer gem and, Sending HTML Mail
changing to use Ajax, Changing Courses without Changing Pages, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
choosing from controller, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
default, Creating a Default Layout, Answers, Controlling Sessions
establishing navigation with, Establishing navigation
legacy applications, migrating to Rails, Migrating Legacy Applications to Rails
length of input, validating, Customizing the Message
Leopard operating system, Getting Started at the Command Line, Getting Started at the Command Line, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
Rails distribution, Getting Started at the Command Line
Ruby distribution, Getting Started at the Command Line
:less_than parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
:less_than_or_equal_to parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
lib folder, What Are All Those Folders?
lifespan, cookie, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Answers
lighttpd server, Web server choices, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
:limit parameter (data types), Data Types
:limit parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
limits on input choices, Limiting Choices
link element, I Want My CSS!
for stylesheets, I Want My CSS!
linking, defined, Speaking in Rails
link_to method, Connecting the Student Views, Connecting the Student Views, Establishing navigation, UrlHelper
building navigation, Establishing navigation
(see also navigation)
linking views for nested resources, Connecting the Student Views, Connecting the Student Views
link_to_function method, JavaScriptHelper
link_to_if method, UrlHelper
link_to_remote method, PrototypeHelper
link_to_unless method, UrlHelper
link_to_unless_current method, UrlHelper
Linux, Ruby distributions for, Getting Started at the Command Line
literal strings, The Simplest Expressions: Literal Strings
:lock parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
log folder, What Are All Those Folders?
logger object, Logging
logger.error method, Processing Messages method, Processing Messages
logging, Logging
logging in, Controlling Sessions, Controlling Sessions
logging out, Controlling Sessions, Controlling Sessions
logic, adding to views, Adding Logic to the View, Answers
logic, Ruby, Logic and Conditionals, Many More Possibilities
:login_required parameter (before_filter), Controlling Sessions, Classifying Users, Answers
loops, Adding Logic to the View, Loops, for
for loops, Adding Logic to the View


Mac OS X, Getting Started at the Command Line, Getting Started at the Command Line, Speaking in Rails, Speaking in Rails
Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5), defined, Speaking in Rails
Rails distribution, Getting Started at the Command Line
Ruby distribution, Getting Started at the Command Line
Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4), defined, Speaking in Rails
mail, Mail in Rails, Answers, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
HTML-based mail, sending, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
receiving and processing messages, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
text-based, sending, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email
mail_to method, UrlHelper
map.connect rules (routes.rb), Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Regular Expressions and Routing
regular expressions with, Regular Expressions and Routing
map.resource rule (routes.rb), Mapping Resources
map.resources rules (routes.rb), Examining a RESTful Controller, Changing the Routing, Adding Routing, Mapping Resources, Nesting Resources, Answers
:has_many and :has_one parameters, Nesting Resources
many-to-many model relationships, Adding Routing
one-to-one model relationships, Changing the Routing
map.root rules (routes.rb), Setting a Default Page, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
map.with_options method, Named Routes
mapping resources, Mapping Resources
maps, Acknowledgments (see hashes)
markdown method, TextHelper
Matsumoto, Yukihiro (Matz), Speaking in Rails
:member option, map.resources method, Mapping Resources
Merb framework, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
:message parameter, validation methods, Customizing the Message, Answers
messages, debugging, Creating Your Own Debugging Messages
metaprogramming, How Ruby Works
method attribute (HTML form element), Form As a Wrapper, Form As a Wrapper
:method parameter (select method), Supporting Your Own Field Types
methods, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Helper Methods, A More Elegant Helper Method, Extending a model beyond the database, Answers, Methods, Calling methods: advanced options, Privacy, please, super, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods, Speaking in Rails
calling, Calling Helper Methods, Calling Helper Methods
custom helper methods, Creating Helper Methods, A More Elegant Helper Method
defined, Speaking in Rails
defining, Getting Started, Greeting Guests
overriding, super
private, Extending a model beyond the database, Answers, Privacy, please
Microsoft IIS, What Server Is That?, Web server choices
migrate directory, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Migration Basics
Migration class (ActiveRecord library), Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Migration Files
migration files, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off, Migration Basics, Migration Files, Migration Files, Data Types, Storing User Data
data type specifications in, Answers, Data Types
default, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
file uploads and, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
naming convention for, Migration Files
storing user data, Storing User Data
where stored, Migration Basics
migrations, Managing Databases with Migrations, Answers, What Migrations Offer You, What Migrations Offer You, Migration Basics, Running Migrations Forward and Backward, Running Migrations Forward and Backward, Inside Migrations, Other Opportunities, Other Opportunities, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Storing User Data, Storing User Data, Speaking in Rails
basics of, Migration Basics, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
contents of, Inside Migrations, Other Opportunities
creative database manipulation with, Other Opportunities
defined, Speaking in Rails
generated fixtures, testing and, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
reasons to use, What Migrations Offer You, What Migrations Offer You
running forward and backward, Running Migrations Forward and Backward
storing user data, Storing User Data, Storing User Data
MIME types for email messages, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email, Answers, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
MINASWAN principle, Speaking in Rails
:missing parameter (assert_response method), Testing Responses
mocha plug-in, Beyond the Basics
mock objects, defined, Speaking in Rails
model tests, Acknowledgments (see unit testing)
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, Creating Your Own View, Speaking in Rails
models, Acknowledgments, Acknowledgments, Keeping Track: A Simple Guestbook, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off, Connecting Awards to Students, Counting Awards for Students, Establishing the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Changing the Routing, Changing the Controller, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Is Nesting Worth It?, Many-to-Many: Connecting Students to Courses, Enrolling students in courses, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Connecting the Models, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers, Adding Routing, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses, Answers, Logging, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Using Tables to Connect Tables, Speaking in Rails
connecting controllers to, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
database connections through, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
defined, Speaking in Rails
file uploads and, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
with forms, Acknowledgments (see forms) lines, Logging
many-to-many connections, Many-to-Many: Connecting Students to Courses, Enrolling students in courses, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Connecting the Models, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers, Adding Routing, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Using Tables to Connect Tables
adding routing, Adding Routing
connecting models for, Connecting the Models
creating tables, Creating Tables, Creating Tables
editing controllers for, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers
supporting through views, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses
unit testing for, Unit Testing, Unit Testing
nested resources, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Changing the Routing, Changing the Controller, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Is Nesting Worth It?
advantages and disadvantages, Is Nesting Worth It?
changing controller for, Changing the Controller
changing routing for, Changing the Routing
changing views for, Changing the Award Views
connecting views for, Connecting the Student Views
one-to-one relationships between, Connecting Awards to Students, Counting Awards for Students, Establishing the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students, Answers
counting associated resources, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students
deleting associated resources, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear
establishing, Establishing the Relationship
guaranteeing, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Answers
supporting, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship
validation against, Acknowledgments (see validation)
modes for running applications, Test Mode, Deploying Rails Applications
deploying applications, Deploying Rails Applications
modifiers (in regular expressions), Modifiers
mod_rails server, App server choices, Results, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
installing, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
mod_ruby plug-in, App server choices
money, using :decimal type for, Answers
Mongrel server, Getting Started at the Command Line, Starting Up Rails, What Server Is That?, App server choices, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
installing, Getting Started at the Command Line
running applications on, Starting Up Rails
monitoring tools, Deployment Directions
multipart email messages, sending, Sending Complex HTML Email, Sending Complex HTML Email
:multipart parameter (form_for method), File Upload Forms
multipart/alternative content type, Sending Complex HTML Email, Answers
multipart/mixed content type, Sending Complex HTML Email
multipart/related content type, Sending Complex HTML Email
multiple attribute (HTML option element), Creating Selection Lists
:multiple parameter (select method), Creating Selection Lists
multiple-table applications, Developing Model Relationships, Answers, Connecting Awards to Students, Counting Awards for Students, Establishing the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Changing the Routing, Changing the Controller, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Is Nesting Worth It?, Many-to-Many: Connecting Students to Courses, Enrolling students in courses, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Connecting the Models, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers, Adding Routing, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses, Answers, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Using Tables to Connect Tables
many-to-many connections, Many-to-Many: Connecting Students to Courses, Enrolling students in courses, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Connecting the Models, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers, Adding Routing, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Using Tables to Connect Tables
adding routing, Adding Routing
connecting models for, Connecting the Models
creating tables, Creating Tables, Creating Tables
editing controllers for, Adding to the Controllers, Adding to the Controllers
supporting through views, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses
unit testing for, Unit Testing, Unit Testing
nested resources, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Changing the Routing, Changing the Controller, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Is Nesting Worth It?
advantages and disadvantages, Is Nesting Worth It?
changing controller for, Changing the Controller
changing routing for, Changing the Routing
changing views for, Changing the Award Views
connecting views for, Connecting the Student Views
one-to-one connections, Connecting Awards to Students, Counting Awards for Students, Establishing the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students, Answers
counting associated resources, Counting Awards for Students, Counting Awards for Students
deleting associated resources, Removing Awards When Students Disappear, Removing Awards When Students Disappear
establishing model relationships, Establishing the Relationship
guaranteeing model relationships, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Answers
supporting model relationships, Supporting the Relationship, Supporting the Relationship
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Creating Your Own View, Speaking in Rails
MySQL databases, Database choices, Creating the MySQL database, Creating the MySQL database, Databases, Tables, and Rails, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
for deployment, Database choices, Creating the MySQL database
installing, Creating the MySQL database


name attribute, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
modifying, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
named parameters, I Want My CSS!
named routes, Named Routes
naming conventions, defined, Speaking in Rails
naming variables, Adding Some Data
navigation, Establishing navigation
nested arrays, Arrays and hashes
nested resources, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Changing the Routing, Changing the Controller, Changing the Controller, Changing the Award Views, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Connecting the Student Views, Is Nesting Worth It?, Answers, Dealing with Nested Resources, Nesting Resources, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction
advantages and disadvantages, Is Nesting Worth It?
changing controller for, Changing the Controller, Changing the Controller
changing routing for, Changing the Routing
connecting views, Connecting the Student Views, Connecting the Student Views
functional testing, Dealing with Nested Resources
pointing to with url_for, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction
routing and, Nesting Resources
views for, Changing the Award Views, Changing the Award Views
new method, Examining a RESTful Controller, New: A Blank Set of Data Fields, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
newlines, stripping trailing, Adding Logic to the View
next command (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger
nginx server, Web server choices
nil value, defined, Speaking in Rails
normalization, Granularity
:notice key, flash messaging, Storing Data Between Sessions
NULL input, testing for, Storing data using the model
:null parameter (data types), Data Types
number validation, Numbers Only
NumberHelper class, NumberHelper
number_to_currency method, NumberHelper
number_to_human_size method, NumberHelper
number_to_percentage method, NumberHelper
number_to_phone method, NumberHelper
number_with_delimiter method, NumberHelper
number_with_precision method, NumberHelper
numeric types, list of, More Than a Name on a Form


Object-Relational Mapping, Acknowledgments (see ORM)
objects, How Ruby Works, Getting Started with Classes and Objects, Speaking in Rails
defined, How Ruby Works, Speaking in Rails
observe_field method, PrototypeHelper
observe_form method, PrototypeHelper
:odd parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
:off option (session object), Storing Data Between Sessions
:offset parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
:on option (session object), Storing Data Between Sessions
One-Click Ruby Installer, Getting Started at the Command Line
:only parameter (layout declaration), Choosing a Layout from a Controller
:only_integer parameter (validates_numericality_of method), Numbers Only
:only_path parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
operators (Ruby), list of, Operators
option elements (HTML selection lists), Creating Selection Lists
:options parameter (select method), Supporting Your Own Field Types
OPTIONS requests (HTTP), Toward a Cleaner Approach
options_for_select method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
options_from_collection_for_select method, Enrolling students in courses, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
option_groups_from_collection_for_select method, Creating Selection Lists, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
Oracle database, for deployment, Database choices
:order parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
:order parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Answers, Supporting the Relationship
order, route, Route Order and Priority
ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), defined, Speaking in Rails
OS X, Acknowledgments (see Mac OS X)
overriding methods, super


page default, setting, Setting a Default Page
page object, Answers
page.replace method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
page.replace_html method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
page.reset method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
page.visual_effect method, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
pagination, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
parameters, markup in, Cross-Site Scripting
parentheses, when optional, Parentheses Are (Usually) Optional
:partial parameter (render method), Putting the Form Body in a Partial
partials, Putting the Form Body in a Partial, Answers, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
partial_path method, RecordIdentificationHelper
Passenger server, App server choices, Results, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
installing, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
:password parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
password validation, Managing Secrets, Numbers Only
password_field method, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
password_field_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
_path helper method, Named Routes, Mapping Resources, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction
:path option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies
pcommand (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger
performance logging, Logging
periodically_call_remote method, PrototypeHelper
permissions, Acknowledgments (see user management)
Phusion Passenger server, App server choices, Results, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
installing, Installing Phusion Passenger, Installing Phusion Passenger
Pickaxe book, Speaking in Rails
plug-ins, Plug-ins, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
pluralization, defined, Speaking in Rails
pluralize method, TextHelper
plus (+) operator, Variables
podcasts on Rails, Keep Up with Rails
POP-3 connections, Setup
port number specification in URIs, Adding Options
post method, Working with Rails from the Console, Calling Controllers
functional tests and, Calling Controllers
POST requests (HTTP), Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Calling Controllers, Integration Testing, Classifying Users, Mapping Resources, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
forging, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
functional testing, Calling Controllers
map.resources call and, Mapping Resources
simulating, Integration Testing
user privileges for, Classifying Users
POST requests(HTTP), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
Postfix mail server, Speaking in Rails
PostgreSQL databases, Database choices, Databases, Tables, and Rails, Speaking in Rails
for deployment, Database choices
Pound tool, Speaking in Rails
pp command (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger
Pragmatic Programmers, Speaking in Rails
:precision parameter (:decimal type), Data Types
primary key, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Tables of Data
priority, route, Route Order and Priority
private information, not logging, Logging, Classifying Users
private keyword, Extending a model beyond the database, Answers, Privacy, please, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
privileges, Acknowledgments (see user management)
processing email messages, Processing Messages, Processing Messages
production mode, Test Mode, Changing to Production Mode
production.rb file, Test Mode, Changing to Production Mode
protected keyword, Classifying Users
protect_from_forgery method, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
:protocol parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
Prototype library, Rails and the Client, PrototypeHelper, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
PrototypeHelper class, PrototypeHelper
proxy servers, defined, Speaking in Rails
public folder, What Are All Those Folders?
put method, Working with Rails from the Console, Calling Controllers
functional tests and, Calling Controllers
PUT requests (HTTP), Websites and Web Applications, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Put This Updated Record In, Calling Controllers, Classifying Users, Mapping Resources, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
functional testing, Calling Controllers
map.resources call and, Mapping Resources
user privileges for, Classifying Users


quirks mode, defined, Speaking in Rails
quit command (irb session), Working with Rails from the Console
quit command (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger
quoting strings, Variables


Rack framework, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks
radio buttons in HTML forms, Creating Radio Buttons, Creating Radio Buttons
radio_button method, Creating Radio Buttons, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
radio_button_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
Rails, alternatives to, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks
Rails, getting started with, Starting Up Ruby on Rails, Answers, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails, Dodging Database Issues
at command line, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
creating new applications, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
database installation, Dodging Database Issues
with Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku
with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
Rails, how it works, How Rails Works
Rails, migrating applications to, Migrating Legacy Applications to Rails
Rails, starting up, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
from command line, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
in Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
Rails applications, Acknowledgments, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails, Creating a Default Layout, Application Flow, Application Flow, Destroy It, Developing Model Relationships, Testing, Test Mode, Rails and the Client, Securing Your Application, Other Security Issues, Deploying Rails Applications, Deploying Rails Applications, Getting Started with Classes and Objects, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
application flow, Application Flow, Application Flow
building from scratch, Developing Model Relationships
client-based Ajax applications, Rails and the Client
creating new, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started with Instant Rails, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails, Getting Started with Classes and Objects, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
at command line, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
with Heroku, Getting Started in the Online Cloud: Heroku, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
with Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
default layout for, creating, Creating a Default Layout
(see also layouts)
deploying, Deploying Rails Applications
environments (modes) for running, Test Mode, Deploying Rails Applications
deploying applications, Deploying Rails Applications
running on server, Acknowledgments (see Mongrel server)
securing, Securing Your Application, Other Security Issues
small- versus large-scale, Destroy It
testing, Testing
Rails breakpointer, The Ruby Debugger
Rails classes and objects, Getting Started with Classes and Objects
rails command, Starting Up Rails
Rails console, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console, Classifying Users, A quick test
classifying users from, Classifying Users
debugging from, Working with Rails from the Console, Working with Rails from the Console
production setup, A quick test
Rails folders, What Are All Those Folders?, What Are All Those Folders?
Rails resources, Keep Up with Rails
RailsConf conference, Speaking in Rails
rake command, Running Migrations Forward and Backward, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Unit Testing, Checking the Map, Answers, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
rake routes, Checking the Map, Answers
rake test, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
rake test:units, Unit Testing
.rb file extension, Creating Your Own View
rbuy-debug gem, The Ruby Debugger
rcov utility, Beyond the Basics
RDoc generator, defined, Speaking in Rails
:readonly parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
receiving email messages, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
record identification, File Upload Forms
RecordIdentificationHelper class, RecordIdentificationHelper
:redirect parameter (assert_response method), Testing Responses
redirects, Testing Responses, Integration Testing, Storing Data Between Sessions, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
flash messaging and, Storing Data Between Sessions
following (as test), Integration Testing
testing requests for, Testing Responses
redirect_to method, Create: Save Something New, Storing Data Between Sessions
flash messaging with, Storing Data Between Sessions
register_javascript_expansion method, AssetTagHelper
register_stylesheet_expansion method, AssetTagHelper
regular expressions, Customizing the Message, Customizing the Message, Testing Format with Regular Expressions, Integration Testing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Processing Messages, An Incredibly Brief Guide to Regular Expressions, More, Speaking in Rails
in assert_select method, Integration Testing
defined, Speaking in Rails
processing email messages, Processing Messages
in routing, Regular Expressions and Routing
to validate input format, Testing Format with Regular Expressions
relational databases, An Incredibly Brief Introduction to Relational Databases, Databases, Tables, and Rails
relative URIs, returning with url_for, Adding Options
reload! method (console), Working with Rails from the Console
Remote JavaScript (RJS), Rails and the Client, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
remote_form_for method, PrototypeHelper
remote_function method, PrototypeHelper
remove_column method, A migration for an extension, Working with Columns
remove_columns method, Working with Columns
remove_index method, Indexes
render function, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
render method, Index: An Overview of Data, Putting the Form Body in a Partial
:partial parameter, Putting the Form Body in a Partial
rendering data, defined, Speaking in Rails
rendering time, logging, Logging
repetition, avoiding, Acknowledgments (see Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle)
repetition in regular expressions, Sequences, Repetition, Groups, and Choices
Representational State Transfer, Acknowledgments (see REST approach)
request handling, Application Flow, Application Flow
request.get? method, Classifying Users
requests, HTTP, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
:required parameter, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
reset_cycle method, TextHelper
resources, Acknowledgments, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Is Nesting Worth It?, Answers, Dealing with Nested Resources, Nesting Resources, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
mapping, Acknowledgments (see map.resources rules)
nested, Nesting Awards in Students, Is Nesting Worth It?, Is Nesting Worth It?, Answers, Dealing with Nested Resources, Nesting Resources, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction
advantages and disadvantages, Is Nesting Worth It?
functional testing, Dealing with Nested Resources
pointing to with url_for, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction
routing and, Nesting Resources
respond_to method, Index: An Overview of Data, Create: Save Something New, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
with JavaScript, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
responses, HTTP, Testing Responses, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
functional testing, Testing Responses
REST approach, REST and Controller Best Practices, Toward a Cleaner Approach, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller, Escaping the REST Prison, Functional Testing, Rails as a Server API, Speaking in Rails
Ajax applications, Rails as a Server API
alternatives to, Escaping the REST Prison
creating functional tests, Functional Testing
defined, Speaking in Rails
implementation of, Examining a RESTful Controller, Examining a RESTful Controller
restful_authentication plug-in, Users and Authentication, Installation, More Options
installing, Installation
retrieving data, Retrieving data from the model and showing it, Retrieving data from the model and showing it, Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
finding records, Finding Data with ActiveRecord, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
using controller-model connection, Retrieving data from the model and showing it, Retrieving data from the model and showing it
return statements, Creating Helper Methods
REXML parser, defined, Speaking in Rails
Riding Rails website, Keep Up with Rails
RJS (Remote JavaScript), Rails and the Client, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
RJS template, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
RMagick gem, Speaking in Rails
routes.rb file, How Hello World Works, Setting a Default Page, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Examining a RESTful Controller, Changing the Routing, Adding Routing, Controlling Sessions, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Route Order and Priority, Regular Expressions and Routing, Mapping Resources, Mapping Resources, Nesting Resources, Answers, Answers
many-to-many model relationships, Adding Routing
map.connect rules, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Regular Expressions and Routing
regular expressions with, Regular Expressions and Routing
map.resource rule, Mapping Resources
map.resources rules, Examining a RESTful Controller, Mapping Resources, Nesting Resources, Answers
:has_many and :has_one parameters, Nesting Resources
map.root rules, Setting a Default Page, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
one-to-one model relationships, Changing the Routing
rule priority, Route Order and Priority
sessions with user authentication, Controlling Sessions
routing, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Changing the Routing, Adding Routing, Working with Rails from the Console, Routing, Answers, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Checking the Map, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Named Routes, Globbing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Nesting Resources, Checking the Map, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options, Answers, Adjusting Routing for an email Method, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
generating URIs, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options
interpreting URIs, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Checking the Map, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Named Routes, Globbing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Nesting Resources, Answers
default domains (map.root), A Domain Default with map.root
leveraging taxonomy in (globbing), Globbing, Answers
with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect
named routes, Named Routes
nested resources, Nesting Resources
regular expressions with, Regular Expressions and Routing
many-to-many model relationships, Adding Routing
one-to-one model relationships, Changing the Routing
for sending email, Adjusting Routing for an email Method
testing from console, Working with Rails from the Console
viewing all routes, Checking the Map
rows attribute (textarea element), Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
RSpec tool, Beyond the Basics
RSS formats, defined, Speaking in Rails
RSS layouts, turning off, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
RSS syndication feeds, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
Ruby, Getting Started at the Command Line, Answers, Ruby, An Incredibly Brief Introduction to Ruby, Many More Possibilities, How Ruby Works, Logic and Conditionals, Many More Possibilities
how it works, How Ruby Works
installing at command line, Getting Started at the Command Line
logic and conditional, Logic and Conditionals, Many More Possibilities
resources for, Ruby
versions of, Answers
ruby command, Getting Started at the Command Line, Starting Up Rails, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers, Migration Files, Working with Rails from the Console, Processing Messages, Database, Web, and App Servers, App server choices, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
script/console command, Working with Rails from the Console, A quick test
security, lack of, A quick test
script/destroy command, Creating Your Own View
script/generate command, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers, Migration Files
to create migration files, Migration Files
creating models, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
scaffold argument, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers
script/runner command, Processing Messages
script/server command, Starting Up Rails, Database, Web, and App Servers, App server choices, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
-d option, A quick test
deployment and, Database, Web, and App Servers, App server choices
-e option, A quick test
-p option, A quick test
-v option, Getting Started at the Command Line
Ruby debugger, The Ruby Debugger, The Ruby Debugger
Ruby frameworks, list of, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks
Ruby on Rails Security Project, Other Security Issues
RubyForge site, Speaking in Rails
#rubyonrails IRC channel, Keep Up with Rails


safe_erb plug-in, Cross-Site Scripting
--sandbox option (script/console), Working with Rails from the Console
sanitize method, Protecting Your View from the Controller, Cross-Site Scripting, SanitizeHelper
SanitizeHelper class, SanitizeHelper
sanitize_css method, SanitizeHelper
save method (Base class), Storing data using the model
save method (console), Working with Rails from the Console
scaffold argument (ruby script/generate), A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers
scaffolding, Application Flow, A First Look at Scaffolding, A First Look at Scaffolding, Destroy It, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Working with Tables, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Functional Testing
ActiveScaffold, Destroy It
creating functional tests, Functional Testing
fixtures, creating during, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
generating HTML forms with, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding
making changes and, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding
self.up and self.down methods, Working with Tables
scaffolds, defined, Speaking in Rails
:scale parameter (:decimal type), Data Types
scales, defined, Speaking in Rails
scaling applications, Destroy It
schemas, Tables of Data
SchemaStatements class, Other Opportunities
:scope parameter (validates_uniqueness_of method), Seen It All Before
screencasts on Rails, Keep Up with Rails
script folder, What Are All Those Folders? library, Rails and the Client, Speaking in Rails
script/console command, Working with Rails from the Console, Classifying Users, A quick test
classifying users, Classifying Users
security, lack of, A quick test
script/destroy command, Creating Your Own View
script/generate command, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers, Migration Files
to create migration files, Migration Files
creating models, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
scaffold argument, A First Look at Scaffolding, Answers
script/runner command, Processing Messages
script/server command, Starting Up Rails, Test Mode, Database, Web, and App Servers, App server choices, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
-d option, A quick test
deployment and, Database, Web, and App Servers, App server choices
-e option, Test Mode, A quick test
-p option, A quick test
ScriptaculousHelper class, ScriptaculousHelper
searching for records, Acknowledgments (see find method)
secret information, not logging, Logging, Classifying Users
secrets, validation of, Managing Secrets, Numbers Only
:secure option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies
securing applications, Securing Your Application, Other Security Issues
securing views from controllers, Protecting Your View from the Controller
select method, Creating Selection Lists, Supporting Your Own Field Types, Supporting the Relationship, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
creating lists from related collections, Supporting the Relationship
:select parameter (find method), Finding Data with ActiveRecord
selected attribute (HTML option elements), Creating Selection Lists
:selected parameter (select method), Creating Selection Lists
selection lists in HTML forms, Creating Selection Lists, Creating Selection Lists
select_date method, DateHelper
select_datetime method, DateHelper
select_day method, DateHelper
select_hour method, DateHelper
select_minute method, DateHelper
select_month method, DateHelper
select_second method, DateHelper
select_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
select_time method, DateHelper
select_year method, DateHelper
self-referential joins, What’s Missing?
self.down method, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, What Migrations Offer You, Migration Files, Working with Tables, Indexes, Answers
as generated by scaffolding, Working with Tables
remove_index and, Indexes
self.errors.add method, Do It Yourself
self.up method, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Answers, What Migrations Offer You, Migration Files, Working with Tables, Indexes
add_index and, Indexes
as generated by scaffolding, Working with Tables
sending email, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
HTML-based messages, Sending HTML Mail, Sending Complex HTML Email
text-based messages, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email
sendmail command, Setup
sequences in regular expressions, Sequences, Repetition, Groups, and Choices
server API, Rails as, Rails as a Server API
server, running Rails applications on, Acknowledgments (see Mongrel server)
Session class, Working with Rails from the Console
session object, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions
:session_secure option (session object), Storing Data Between Sessions
sessions, HTTP, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions, Controlling Sessions, Speaking in Rails
cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies, Getting Into and Out of Cookies
defined, Speaking in Rails
storing data between, Storing Data Between Sessions, Storing Data Between Sessions
user authentication and, Controlling Sessions
SessionStore class, Storing Data Between Sessions
show method, Examining a RESTful Controller, Show: Just One Row of Data, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
Simple Object Access Protocol, Acknowledgments (see SOAP)
simple_format method, TextHelper
simulating POST requests, Integration Testing, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
forgery by, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Sinatra framework, Explore Other Ruby Frameworks
single quotes for strings, Variables
singleton objects, Mapping Resources, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
resource mapping and, Mapping Resources
slash, at end of URIs, Adding Options
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), defined, Speaking in Rails
SOAP services, Web Services
Soap4r library, Web Services
sort method, Creating Radio Buttons
sortable_element method, ScriptaculousHelper
sorting found records, Finding Data with ActiveRecord
spreadsheets, Tables of Data
SQL (Structured Query Language), Databases, Tables, and Rails, Speaking in Rails
SQL commands, issuing to database, Other Opportunities
SQL injection, SQL Injection
SQLite, Getting Started at the Command Line, Dodging Database Issues, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Database choices, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
for deployment, Database choices
installing, Dodging Database Issues
Ruby bindings for, installing, Getting Started at the Command Line
testing for installation of, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
stable data for testing (fixtures), Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
start page default, defining, Controlling Sessions, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
for logins, Controlling Sessions
starting Rails, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
from command line, Starting Up Rails, Starting Up Rails
starting up Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
in Instant Rails, Getting Started with Instant Rails
:start_year parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
step command (Ruby debugger), The Ruby Debugger
storing data, Storing data using the model, Storing data using the model, Storing data using the model
using controller-model connection, Storing data using the model, Storing data using the model, Storing data using the model
string concatenation, Variables
:string type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types
:limit parameter, Data Types
stripping trailing newlines, Adding Logic to the View
strip_links method, SanitizeHelper
strip_tags method, Cross-Site Scripting, SanitizeHelper
style element (index.html.erb), I Want My CSS!
stylesheets, I Want My CSS!, I Want My CSS!, Sharing Template Data with the Layout, Answers, Creating Checkboxes, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
class attribute for, Creating Checkboxes
form builders with, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
sharing information with layouts, Sharing Template Data with the Layout
where to store, Answers
stylesheets directory, Answers, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
stylesheet_link_tag method, I Want My CSS!, Answers, Integrating Form Builders and Styles, AssetTagHelper
submit_tag method, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
submit_to_remote method, PrototypeHelper
Subversion application, Deployment Directions, Speaking in Rails
:success parameter (assert_response method), Testing Responses
sudo command, Getting Started at the Command Line
super method, Adding Automation, super
symbols, I Want My CSS!, Symbols, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails


tables, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Answers, Working with Tables, Working with Columns, Indexes, Storing User Data, Tables of Data, Granularity, Tables of Data, Connecting Tables
columns, managing, Working with Columns
connecting, Connecting Tables
creating, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Storing User Data
for user data, Storing User Data
many-to-many connections, Creating Tables, Creating Tables
creating and adding data to, Connecting to a Database Through a Model
indexes for, Creating Tables, Answers, Indexes
primary key, Connecting to a Database Through a Model, Tables of Data
working with (migrations), Working with Tables
tag method, TagHelper
TagHelper class, TagHelper
taxonomy, leveraging in routes, Globbing, Answers
TDD (Test-Driven Development), Unit Testing
template files, defined, Speaking in Rails
templates, Acknowledgments (see stylesheets)
test code, defined, Speaking in Rails
test folder, What Are All Those Folders?
test mode, Test Mode
Test-Driven Development (TDD), Unit Testing
test.rb file, Test Mode
testing, Testing, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Dealing with Nested Resources, Integration Testing, Beyond the Basics
database environment for, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
functional testing, Functional Testing, Dealing with Nested Resources
integration testing, Integration Testing
tools for, Beyond the Basics
unit testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing
reasons for, Unit Testing
text areas in HTML forms, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
text fields in HTML forms, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Labels, Labels
creating, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas
labels for, Labels, Labels
text layouts, turning off, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
:text type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types
:limit parameter, Data Types
text-based email, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
receiving and processing messages, Receiving Mail, Processing Messages
sending, Sending Text Mail, Sending Email
text/html content type, Sending HTML Mail, Answers
TextHelper class, TextHelper
textilize method, TextHelper
textilize_without_paragraph method, TextHelper
text_area method, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
text_area_tag method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
text_field method, Creating Text Fields and Text Areas, Adding Automation, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
automation with (example), Adding Automation
text_field_tag method, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
37signals, Speaking in Rails
threads, defined, Speaking in Rails
:through parameter (has_many method), Connecting the Models, What’s Missing?
Tiger operating system, defined, Speaking in Rails
time selection fields (HTML forms), Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Dates and Times, Dates and Times
:time type, More Than a Name on a Form
times constructs, Adding Logic to the View
times method, Just Counting
:timestamp type, More Than a Name on a Form, Data Types
timestamps method, Data Types
time_ago_in_words method, DateHelper
time_select method, Dates and Times, DateHelper
time_zone_options_for_select method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
time_zone_select method, FormHelper, FormTagHelper, and FormOptionsHelper
time_zone_select selection field, Creating Selection Lists
timing information, logging, Logging
title element, layouts and, Splitting View from Layout
TMail library, Processing Messages
tmp folder, What Are All Those Folders?
to_json method, Index: An Overview of Data
to_s method, while and until
TRACE requests (HTTP), Toward a Cleaner Approach
tracking users, Acknowledgments (see user management)
trailing newlines, stripping, Adding Logic to the View
:trailing_slash parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
truncate method, TextHelper
type-checking, Answers
types, Acknowledgments (see data types)


UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), defined, Speaking in Rails
unchecked value (checkboxes), Creating Checkboxes
Unicode standard, defined, Speaking in Rails
:unique parameter (add_index method), Indexes
uniqueness validation, Seen It All Before
unit testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing
reasons for, Unit Testing
:unless parameter, validation methods, Test It Only If
unless statement, if, else, unless, and elsif
unsaved migration files, Migration Files
until method, while and until
update method, Examining a RESTful Controller, Put This Updated Record In, Calling Controllers
functional testing, Calling Controllers
updated method, AtomFeedHelper and AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder
update_attributes method, Put This Updated Record In
update_page method, PrototypeHelper
update_page_tag method, PrototypeHelper
uploading files using forms, Adding a Picture by Uploading a File, Results, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
model and migration changes, Model and Migration Changes, Showing it off
URIs (universal resource identifiers), Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Checking the Map, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Named Routes, Globbing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Nesting Resources, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options, Adding Options, Adding Options, Answers, Answers, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
fragment identifiers in, Adding Options, Answers
generating from views and controllers, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options
interpreting with routing, Getting Started, Greeting Guests, Creating Routes to Interpret URIs, Checking the Map, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, A Domain Default with map.root, Named Routes, Globbing, Regular Expressions and Routing, Nesting Resources, Answers
default domains (map.root), A Domain Default with map.root
leveraging taxonomy in (globbing), Globbing, Answers
with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect, Specifying Routes with map.connect
named routes, Named Routes
nested resources, Nesting Resources
regular expressions with, Regular Expressions and Routing
trailing slash, Adding Options
URL hacking, URL Hacking
_url helper method, Named Routes, Mapping Resources
:url parameter (form_for method), Form As a Wrapper
URL processing, Application Flow
UrlHelper class, UrlHelper
UrlModule class, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers
URLs (universal resource locators), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
url_for method, Working with Rails from the Console, Answers, Pointing url_for in the Right Direction, UrlHelper
user, creating new, Controlling Sessions
user management, Users and Authentication, Answers, Installation, Storing User Data, Controlling Sessions, Classifying Users, Classifying Users
classifying users, Classifying Users, Classifying Users
installing restful_authentication plug-in, Installation
session control, Controlling Sessions
storing user data, Storing User Data
:user parameter (url_for method), Adding Options
:use_month_numbers parameter (date_select and datetime_select), Dates and Times
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
UTF-8 encoding, defined, Speaking in Rails


valid? method, Unit Testing, Answers
validate method, Do It Yourself
validates_associated method, Guaranteeing a Relationship
validates_each method, Do It Yourself
validates_exclusion_of method, Limiting Choices, A Place on the Calendar, Answers
for calendar validation, A Place on the Calendar
validates_existence_of method, Guaranteeing a Relationship
validates_format_of method, Testing Format with Regular Expressions, Answers
validates_inclusion_of method, Limiting Choices, A Place on the Calendar, Unit Testing
for calendar validation, A Place on the Calendar
testing (example), Unit Testing
validates_length_of method, Customizing the Message
validates_numericality_of method, Numbers Only
validates_presence_of method, The Power of Declarative Validation, Customizing the Message, Testing for Presence, Test It Only If, Unit Testing, Answers
with :if parameter (example), Test It Only If
testing (example), Unit Testing
validates_uniqueness_of method, Seen It All Before
validation, Storing data using the model, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding, Strengthening Models with Validation, Answers, The Power of Declarative Validation, The Power of Declarative Validation, Managing Secrets, Numbers Only, A Place on the Calendar, Test It Only If, Do It Yourself, Answers, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Answers, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures, Unit Testing, Unit Testing, Cross-Site Scripting, Speaking in Rails
blank input, testing for, Storing data using the model
calendar values, A Place on the Calendar
checking with unit testing, Unit Testing, Unit Testing
conditional, Test It Only If
cross-site scripting, Cross-Site Scripting
custom methods for, Do It Yourself
declarative validation, The Power of Declarative Validation, The Power of Declarative Validation
defined, Speaking in Rails
error_messages_for method, Generating HTML Forms with Scaffolding
of fixture data, Setting Up a Test Database with Fixtures
of model relationships, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Guaranteeing a Relationship, Answers
of secrets, Managing Secrets, Numbers Only
type-checking, Answers
value attribute (HTML option elements), Creating Selection Lists
:value option (cookies object), Getting Into and Out of Cookies
variables, Adding Some Data, Adding Some Data, Variables
defining, Adding Some Data
naming, Adding Some Data
vendor folder, What Are All Those Folders?
view templates, Acknowledgments (see stylesheets)
views, Acknowledgments, Acknowledgments, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View, Protecting Your View from the Controller, Adding Logic to the View, Answers, I Want My CSS!, I Want My CSS!, Sharing Template Data with the Layout, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses, Classifying Users, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options, Speaking in Rails
adding logic to, Adding Logic to the View, Answers
creating, Creating Your Own View, Creating Your Own View
defined, Speaking in Rails
displaying nested resources, Changing the Award Views, Connecting the Student Views
generating automatically, Acknowledgments (see scaffolding)
generating URIs from, Generating URIs from Views and Controllers, Adding Options
layouts for, Acknowledgments (see layouts)
many-to-many model relationships, Supporting the Relationship Through Views, Enrolling students in courses
privilege management and, Classifying Users
protecting from controller, Protecting Your View from the Controller
stylesheets for, I Want My CSS!, I Want My CSS!, Sharing Template Data with the Layout
sharing information with layouts, Sharing Template Data with the Layout
VirtualHost directive, Installing Phusion Passenger
visitor_name parameter (text_field_tag), Getting Started, Greeting Guests
visual effects, JavaScript, Changing Courses without Changing Pages
visual_effect method, ScriptaculousHelper


:warn key, flash messaging, Storing Data Between Sessions
Web 2.0, defined, Speaking in Rails
web developers, defined, Speaking in Rails
web server, choosing for deployment, Walking Through a Passenger-Based Deployment
web services, Routing, Web Services, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
routing changes and, Routing
Web Services Description Language, Acknowledgments (see WSDL)
WEBrick server, What Server Is That?, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
welcome page default, defining, Controlling Sessions, A Domain Default with map.root, Answers
for logins, Controlling Sessions
when statement, case and when
while method, while and until
whitespace characters, escaping, Escaping
whitespace, suppressing extra, Adding Logic to the View
why the lucky stiff (author), Speaking in Rails
Windows, Ruby distributions for, Getting Started at the Command Line
:with parameter (validates_format_of method), Testing Format with Regular Expressions, Testing Format with Regular Expressions
word_wrap method, TextHelper
wrapping values in h functions, Acknowledgments (see h method)
wrap_field method, Integrating Form Builders and Styles
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails


XHTML (Extensible HTML), defined, Speaking in Rails
XML (Extensible Markup Language), Index: An Overview of Data, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
requests for, Index: An Overview of Data
XML layouts, turning off, Choosing a Layout from a Controller
XML responses, Create: Save Something New, Put This Updated Record In
XML-RPC services, Web Services, Speaking in Rails
XMLHttpRequest method, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails
XmlHTTPRequest objects, Ajax Basics
XMLRPC library, Web Services
XSS (cross-site scripting), Cross-Site Scripting, Speaking in Rails
defined, Speaking in Rails


y method (console), Working with Rails from the Console
YAML (Yet Another Markup Language), defined, Speaking in Rails
yield method, Splitting View from Layout, Splitting View from Layout, Answers
yields, defined, Speaking in Rails


Zulu Time, Acknowledgments (see UTC)
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