Protecting Your View from the Controller

There’s already a danger in Example 2-4, called HTML injection. While the source of @message and @bonus is clear at the moment—the controller code is stupidly simple and receives no user input—more complicated programs offer opportunities for malicious users to send their own HTML through parameters or form fields. To reduce their odds of causing a problem, wrap values that you know aren’t supposed to contain HTML in an h function, short for html_escape(). Example 2-7 shows a safer version of the code from Example 2-5.

Example 2-7. Modifying index.html.erb to use instance variables from the controller

<head><title><%= h(@message) %> </title></head>
<h1><%= h(@message) %></h1>
<p>This is a greeting from app/views/hello/index.html.erb</p>

<p><%= h(@bonus) %></p>

Using h() isn’t always appropriate because there will be times when you want to include HTML directly, without turning "this is bold" into "this is <b>bold</b>.” Sometimes applications need to be able to say bold instead of <b>bold</b>. For these cases, you can use sanitize() instead of h(). The sanitize function escapes form and script tags and removes event handling attributes whose names start with on, as well as links starting with javascript:. Using the h() and sanitize() functions does take more typing, but it can spare you considerable pain later on, for security reasons that Chapter 18 will explore in more depth. (You can, of course, leave them off in the rare cases where you’re really intending to include everything, even the dangerous parts, when you know you’ve managed the dangers within the controller code.)


If sanitize() isn’t strong enough for you, you can explore the white_list plug-in at

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