BenchmarkHelper, CacheHelper, and CaptureHelper

All three of these classes contain methods that wrap around content in your templates. BenchmarkHelper is a class you’ll mostly want to use during development, when it may help you isolate code that’s taking the view a long time to run. CacheHelper and CaptureHelper are both for advanced development. While CacheHelper allows you to specify fragments of your views that will be stored for future reuse, and applied when the same call comes through, CaptureHelper lets you manually grab content that needs to be used again in the same view, probably to share content from the template with the layout:


The benchmark method takes an optional message argument and an optional logging level argument (:debug, :info, :warn, or :error). It records how long the wrapped code takes to run. It requires a block argument, so it usually looks something like:

<% benchmark "It took this long:" do %>
 <%= my_long_method %>
<% end % >

The message and the length of time it takes to run will end up in the logs.


The cache method lets you flag fragments of your view to be kept for caching. Like benchmark, cache wraps around the view code it’s meant to work on with a block argument:

<% cache do %>
  <%= my_repetitive_method_that_should_be_cached %>
<% end % >

You should only cache information that doesn’t change very often, but many HTML components are pretty stable.


The capture method wraps around view code and stores its output to a variable. You can then reference the variable and have that content appear wherever you need. In operation, it looks like a variable assignment to a method:

<% @trapped_content = capture do %>
  <%= content_to_put_in_there %>
<% end % >

Once you’ve captured it, you can reference @trapped_content wherever it is convenient.


The content_for method is much like capture, but instead of putting the content in a variable, it lets you create a named block you can yield to in order to include the content.

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