C# 3.0 in a Nutshell (Albahari; Albahari), The .NET Framework
C# Express Edition, C# and .NET Programming, Installing C# Express, The Integrated Development Environment, The Integrated Development Environment, Visual Studio 2008 and C# Express 2008, TemplatesBuilding and Running Applications, Inside the Integrated Development Environment, Building and Running Applications, Building and Running Applications
installing, Installing C# Express
windows in, TemplatesBuilding and Running Applications, Inside the Integrated Development Environment, Building and Running Applications, Building and Running Applications
C# language, C# and .NET Programming, C# and .NET Programming, Installing C# Express, The C# Language, C# and WPFThe Complete XAML File, Grids and Stack Panels, Defining ListBox styles, Defining ListBox styles, Triggers and animations, Adding Data, Defining the ListBox, Event Handling, The Complete XAML File, The Complete XAML File, The Complete XAML File
combining with WPF, C# and WPFThe Complete XAML File, Grids and Stack Panels, Defining ListBox styles, Defining ListBox styles, Triggers and animations, Adding Data, Defining the ListBox, Event Handling, The Complete XAML File, The Complete XAML File, The Complete XAML File
platform for, Installing C# Express
version of, C# and .NET Programming
C-style comments, Examining Your First Program
call stack, Memory Allocation: The Stack Versus the Heap, Searching for an Exception Handler, How the Call Stack Works, How the Call Stack Works, How the Call Stack Works
unwinding, Searching for an Exception Handler, How the Call Stack Works
Call Stack window, The Call Stack
Camel notation, Symbolic Constants
capabilities of object, Object-Oriented Programming
Capacity property, The StringBuilder Class
StringBuilder, The StringBuilder Class
case of text, Advanced
casting, Casting, Conversion Operators, Casting to an Interface, The is and as Operators
operators, Conversion Operators
to an interface, Casting to an Interface, The is and as Operators
catch blocks (exception handlers), Throwing and Catching Exceptions, Bugs, Errors, and Exceptions, The try and catch Statements, The try and catch Statements, The try and catch Statements, Creating Dedicated catch StatementsThe finally Statement, The finally Statement
dedicated, Creating Dedicated catch StatementsThe finally Statement, The finally Statement
location of, Bugs, Errors, and Exceptions
catch keyword, Throwing and Catching Exceptions
chaining assignments, The Assignment Operator (=)
char type (C#), Types, Nonnumeric Types: char and bool
Chars property, Comparing Strings
Checkbox control, Creating a Real-World Application, Creating the Basic UI Form
child classes, Implementing Inheritance
Choose Toolbox Items, Choose Toolbox Items
class body, Defining Classes
Class View window, Class View
classes, Examining Your First Program, Find and Replace, Classes and Objects, Defining a Class, Class Relationships, Class Relationships, Classes and Objects, Defining ClassesMethod Arguments, Defining Classes, Instantiating Objects, Creating a Box Class, Method Arguments, Specialization and Generalization, Inheritance, Calling the Base Class Constructor, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Sealed Classes, The Root of All Classes: Object, What Interfaces Are, Using the Visual Studio Designer
abstract, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, What Interfaces Are
as clients, Class Relationships
as servers, Class Relationships
commonalities between, Specialization and Generalization
compared to objects, Instantiating Objects
defining, Defining a Class, Defining ClassesMethod Arguments, Creating a Box Class, Method Arguments
derived, Inheritance, Calling the Base Class Constructor
naming conventions for, Defining Classes
partial, Using the Visual Studio Designer
root, The Root of All Classes: Object
sealed, Sealed Classes
searching for, Find and Replace
Clear( ) method, Array Methods, Generic StacksDictionaries, Dictionaries
arrays, Array Methods
stacks, Generic StacksDictionaries, Dictionaries
client, Class Relationships, Classes and Objects
classes as, Class Relationships
objects as, Classes and Objects
Clipboard Ring, The Clipboard Ring
Clock class example, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, Events and Delegates, The event Keyword, The event Keyword, The event Keyword, Using Anonymous Methods
Close( ) method, Finalizing Objects, Using Resources
invoking Dispose( ), Finalizing Objects
WPF, Using Resources
CLR (Common Language Runtime), The .NET Platform, Summary, Searching for an Exception Handler, The Complete XAML File
code completion, IntelliSense
Code Definition window, Code Definition
code snippets, IntelliSense, Code Snippets Manager
Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippets Manager
collections, Collection Interfaces, Creating Your Own Collections, Creating Indexers, Generic Collection Interfaces, DictionariesSummary, Summary, Querying In-Memory DataQuerying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data
dictionaries, DictionariesSummary, Summary
indexers for, Creating Your Own Collections, Creating Indexers
creating, Creating Your Own Collections, Creating Indexers
interfaces for, Collection Interfaces, Generic Collection Interfaces
queries against, Querying In-Memory DataQuerying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data, Querying In-Memory Data
ColorAnimation element, Triggers and Storyboards
columns, Tables, Records, and Columns
Command window, Other Windows
comments, Examining Your First Program
Compare( ) method, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings
CompareTo( ) method, Sorting objects with the generic list
compile time, Types and Compiler Errors
compiler errors, Types and Compiler Errors
compiling, The Compiler
Complete Word command, IntelliSense
composed-of relationship between classes, Class Relationships
Concat( ) method, Concatenating Strings
concrete classes, Abstract Classes
conditional branching, Branching, Conditional Branching Statements, if Statements, if . . . else Statements, Nested if Statements, Nested if Statements, switch Statements, Switch on string Statements
if statement, if Statements, if . . . else Statements, Nested if Statements, Nested if Statements
switch statement, switch Statements, Switch on string Statements
conditional opeartors, Operator Precedence
conditional operator (? :), Logical Operators and Conditionals
conditions on breakpoints, Setting Conditions and Hit Counts
Connect To Database, Connect to Database
Connect to Device, Connect to Device
Connect to Server, Connect to Server
connection string, DbCommand and DbConnection, Getting Started with ADO.NET
console applications, Your First Program: Hello World, The Integrated Development Environment, Building and Running Applications
Console class, Examining Your First Program
const keyword, Constants
constants, ConstantsWhitespace, Symbolic Constants, Symbolic Constants, Enumerations, Whitespace
constructors, Constructors, Constructors, Calling the Base Class Constructor
ContainsKey( ) method, Dictionaries
ContainsValue( ) method, Dictionaries
Content property, Your First WPF Application
continue statement, The continue statementOptional for loop header elements, The continue statement, The continue statement, Optional for loop header elements
controls, Creating Windows Applications, Using the Visual Studio Designer, Using the Visual Studio Designer, Using the Visual Studio Designer, Using the Visual Studio Designer, Creating the Basic UI Form
adding to form, Using the Visual Studio Designer
events for, Using the Visual Studio Designer, Using the Visual Studio Designer
naming conventions for, Creating the Basic UI Form
properties of, Using the Visual Studio Designer
conversion operators, Conversion OperatorsSummary, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Summary, Summary
conversions, Implicitly Typed Variables, Casting, The Equals OperatorSummary, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Summary, Summary
explicit, Casting, Conversion Operators
implicit, Implicitly Typed Variables, Conversion Operators
operators for, The Equals OperatorSummary, Conversion Operators, Summary, Summary
Convert class, ReadLine( ) and Input
Copy( ) method, Array Methods, Manipulating Strings, Concatenating Strings
arrays, Array Methods
strings, Manipulating Strings, Concatenating Strings
copy-and-paste, The Clipboard Ring
CopyTo( ) method, Generic Stacks
stacks, Generic Stacks
counter variable, The for Loop
.cs file extension, Your First Program: Hello World, Projects and Solutions
.csproj file extension, Projects and Solutions
custom exception class, Custom ExceptionsCustom Exceptions, Custom Exceptions, Custom Exceptions, Custom Exceptions
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