Conversion Operators

As you learned back in Chapter 3, C# will convert (for example) an int to a long implicitly but will only allow you to convert a long to an int explicitly. The conversion from int to long is implicit because you know that any int will fit into a long without losing any information. The reverse operation, from long to int, must be explicit (using a cast) because it is possible to lose information in the conversion:

int myInt = 5;
long myLong;
myLong = myInt;        // implicit
myInt = (int) myLong;  // explicit

It would certainly be useful to convert your Fraction objects to intrinsic types (such as int) and back. Given an int, you can support an implicit conversion to a fraction because any whole value is equal to that value over 1 (15 == 15/1).

Given a fraction, you might want to provide an explicit conversion back to an integer, understanding that some information might be lost. Thus, you might convert 9/4 to the integer value 2 (truncating to the nearest whole number).


A more sophisticated Fraction class might not truncate, but rather round to the nearest whole number. Again, we’re trying to keep this example simple, but feel free to implement a more sophisticated method.

To implement the conversion operator, you still use the keyword operator, but instead of the symbol you’re overriding, you use the type that you’re converting to. For example, to convert your Fraction to an int, you’d do this:

public static implicit operator Fraction( int theInt )

You use the keyword implicit when the conversion is guaranteed to succeed and no information will be lost; otherwise, you use explicit. implicit and explicit are actually operators, often called cast or casting operators because their job is to cast from one type to another (int to Fraction or Fraction to int).

Example 12-3 illustrates how you might implement implicit and explicit conversions in your Fraction class. We’ve omitted the overloaded addition and equality operators from the example code in the book, because those haven’t changed, but they’re still there. We’ll explain how it works afterward.

Example 12-3. Overriding the conversion operators allows both implicit and explicit conversion between types

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Example_12_3_ _ _ _Conversion_Operators
    public class Fraction
        private int numerator;
        private int denominator;

        // create a fraction by passing in the numerator
        // and denominator

        public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
            this.numerator = numerator;
            this.denominator = denominator;

        // overload the constructor to create a
        // fraction from a whole number
        public Fraction(int wholeNumber)
            Console.WriteLine("In constructor taking a whole number");
            numerator = wholeNumber;
            denominator = 1;

        // convert ints to Fractions implicitly
        public static implicit operator Fraction(int theInt)
            Console.WriteLine("Implicitly converting int to Fraction");
            return new Fraction(theInt);

        // convert Fractions to ints explicitly
        public static explicit operator int(Fraction theFraction)
            Console.WriteLine("Explicitly converting Fraction to int");
            return theFraction.numerator / theFraction.denominator;

        // operator + goes here
        // equality operators go here

        // return a string representation of the fraction
        public override string ToString()
            String s = numerator.ToString() + "/" + denominator.ToString();
            return s;

    public class Tester
        public void Run()
            Fraction f1 = new Fraction(3, 4);
            Fraction f2 = new Fraction(2, 4);
            Fraction f3 = f1 + f2;

            Console.WriteLine("adding f3 + 5...");
            Fraction f4 = f3 + 5;
            Console.WriteLine("f3 + 5 = f4: {0}", f4.ToString());
Assigning f4 to an int...");
            int truncated = (int)f4;
            Console.WriteLine("When you truncate f4 you get {0}",
        static void Main()
            Tester t = new Tester();

The output looks like this:

adding f3 + 5...
Implicitly converting int to Fraction
In constructor taking a whole number
f3 + 5 = f4: 25/4

Assigning f4 to an int...
Explicitly converting Fraction to int
When you truncate f4 you get 6

In Example 12-3, you add a second constructor that takes a whole number and creates a Fraction:

public Fraction(int wholeNumber)
     Console.WriteLine("In constructor taking a whole number");
     numerator = wholeNumber;
     denominator = 1;


Notice that in this and the following code samples, you add WriteLine() statements to indicate when you’ve entered the method. This is an alternative to stepping through in a debugger. Although using the debugger is usually more effective, this kind of output can help you trace the execution of your program for review at a later time.

You want to be able to convert Fractions to and from ints. To do so, you create the conversion operators. As discussed previously, converting from a Fraction to an int requires truncating the value, and so must be explicit:

public static explicit operator int(Fraction theFraction)
    Console.WriteLine("Explicitly converting Fraction to int");
    return theFraction.numerator / theFraction.denominator;

Note the use of the explicit keyword, indicating that this requires an explicit cast from a Fraction to an int. The method itself simply divides the numerator by the denominator. Since you’re returning an int, this is integer division, which means that any remainder will be discarded.

You see the cast in the Run() method:

int truncated = (int) f4;

The cast from an int to a Fraction, on the other hand, is perfectly safe, so it can be implicit. This is what it looks like in the Run() method:

Fraction f4 = f3 + 5;

Notice that there is no explicit cast in this statement. When you add the int to the Fraction, the int is implicitly cast to a Fraction. The implementation of this is to create a new Fraction object and to return it:

public static implicit operator Fraction(int theInt)
     Console.WriteLine("Implicitly converting int to Fraction");
     return new Fraction(theInt);

Using the implicit cast operator causes the constructor to be invoked:

public Fraction(int wholeNumber)
     Console.WriteLine("In constructor taking a whole number");
     numerator = wholeNumber;
     denominator = 1;

You see this sequence of events represented in the output:

Implicitly converting int to Fraction
In constructor taking a whole number
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