
imagesContents at a Glance

imagesAbout the Authors

imagesAbout the Technical Reviewers



imagesChapter 1: Getting Started with Java 7

1-1. Downloading and Installing Java 7

1-2. Configuring the CLASSPATH

1-3. Writing an Executable Java Class

1-4. Compiling and Executing Java Class

1-5. Printing Output

1-6. Passing Arguments via the Command Line

1-7. Obtaining and Setting Environment Variable Values

1-8. Documenting Code with Javadoc

1-9. Marking Features as Deprecated

1-10. Creating Methods in a Class

1-11. Passing Arguments to Methods and Returning Values

1-12. Organizing Code with Packages

1-13. Accepting Keyboard Input from the Command Line

imagesChapter 2: Strings

2-1. Obtaining a Subsection of a String

2-2. Comparing Strings

2-3. Trimming Whitespace

2-4. Changing the Case of a String

2-5. Concatenating Strings

2-6. Converting Strings to Numeric Values

2-7. Iterating Over the Characters of a String

2-8. Finding Text Matches

2-9. Replacing All Text Matches

2-10. Determining Whether a File Name Ends with a Given String

imagesChapter 3: Numbers and Dates

3-1. Rounding Float and Double Values to Integers

3-2. Formatting Double and Long Decimal Values

3-3. Comparing int Values

3-4. Comparing Floating-Point Numbers

3-5. Performing Calculations with Complex Numbers

3-6. Formatting and Parsing Complex Numbers

3-7. Calculating Monetary Values

3-8. Randomly Generating Values

3-9. Obtaining the Current Date

3-10. Adding and Subtracting Days, Months, and Years

3-11. Finding the Difference Between Two Dates

3-12. Formatting Dates for Display

3-13. Comparing Dates

3-14. Writing Readable Numeric Literals

3-15. Declaring Binary Literals

imagesChapter 4: Data Structures, Conditionals, and Iteration

4-1. Defining a Fixed Set of Related Constants

4-2. Designing Intelligent Constants

4-3. Executing Code Based Upon a Specified Value

4-4. Working with Fix-Sized Arrays

4-5. Using Generic Types

4-6. Working with Dynamic Arrays

4-7. Making Your Objects Iterable

4-8. Iterating Over a Map

imagesChapter 5: Input and Output

5-1. Serializing Java Objects

5-2. Serializing Java Objects More Efficiently

5-3. Serializing Java Objects as XML

5-4. Creating a Socket Connection and Sending Serializable Objects Across the Wire

5-5. Obtaining the Java Execution Path

5-6. Copying a File

5-7. Moving a File

5-8. Creating a Directory

5-9. Iterating Over Files in a Directory

5-10. Querying (and Setting) File Metadata

5-11. Monitoring a Directory for Changes

5-12. Reading Property Files

5-13. Uncompressing Compressed Files

imagesChapter 6: Exceptions and Logging

6-1. Catching Exceptions

6-2. Guaranteeing that Cleanup Code Runs, No Matter What

6-3. Throwing Exceptions

6-4. Catching Multiple Exceptions

6-5. Catching the Uncaught Exceptions

6-6. Managing Resources with try/catch Blocks

6-7. Creating an Exception Class

6-8. Rethrowing the caught Exception

6-9. Logging Events in Your Application

6-10. Rotating and Purging Logs

6-11. Logging Exceptions

imagesChapter 7: Object-Oriented Java

7-1. Controlling Access to Members of a Class

7-2. Making Private Fields Accessible

7-3. Creating a Class That Can Have Only One Instance

7-4. Generating Instances of a Class

7-5. Creating Reusable Objects

7-6. Defining an Interface for a Class

7-7. Constructing Instances of the Same Class with Different Values

7-8. Interacting with a Class via Interfaces

7-9. Making a Class Cloneable

7-10. Comparing Objects

7-11. Extending the Functionality of a Class

7-12. Defining a Class Template

7-13. Increasing Class Encapsulation

imagesChapter 8: Concurrency

8-1. Starting a Background Task

8-2. Updating (and Iterating) a Map

8-3. Inserting a Key into a Map Only If the Key is not Already Present

8-4. Iterating Through a Changing Collection

8-5. Coordinating Different Collections

8-6. Splitting Work into Separate Threads

8-7. Coordinating Threads

8-8. Creating Threadsafe Objects

8-9. Implementing Threadsafe Counters

8-10. Breaking Down Tasks into Discrete Units Of Work

imagesChapter 9: Debugging and Unit Testing

9-1. Understanding Exceptions

9-2: Locking Down Behavior of Your Classes

9-3. Scripting Your Unit Tests

9-4. Determining Code Coverage

9-5. Finding Bugs Early

9-6. Monitoring Garbage Collection in your Application

9-7: Spotting Memory Leaks in Your Application

9-8. Getting a Thread Dump

imagesChapter 10: Unicode, Internationalization, and Currency Codes

10-1. Converting Unicode Characters to Digits

10-2. Creating and Working with Locales

10-3. Setting the Default Locale

10-4. Searching Unicode with Regular Expressions

10-5. Overriding the Default Currency

10-6. Converting Byte Arrays to and from Strings

10-7. Converting Character Streams and Buffers

imagesChapter 11: Working with Databases

11-1. Connecting to a Database

11-2. Handling Connection and SQL Exceptions

11-3. Querying a Database and Retrieving Results

11-4. Performing CRUD Operations

11-5. Simplifying Connection Management

11-6. Guarding Against SQL Injection

11-7. Performing Transactions

11-8. Creating a Scrollable ResultSet

11-9. Creating an Updatable ResultSet

11-10. Caching Data for Use When Disconnected

11-11. Joining RowSet Objects When Not Connected to the Data Source

11-12. Filtering Data in a RowSet

11-13. Querying and Storing Large Objects

11-14. Storing Array Values

11-15. Retrieving Array Values

11-16. Invoking Stored Procedures

11-17. Handling Resources Automatically

imagesChapter 12: Java 2D Graphics

Helper Class for This Chapter

12-1. Creating Points

12-2. Drawing Lines

12-3. Drawing Shapes

12-4. Filling Shapes

12-5. Gradients

12-6. Transforming Shapes

12-7. Making Complex Shapes

12-8. Creating Interactive Shapes

12-9. Changing Text Font

12-10. Adding Attributes to Text

12-11. Measuring Text

12-12. Display Multiple Lines of Text

12-13. Adding Shadows to Drawings

12-14. Printing Documents

12-15. Loading and Drawing an Image

12-16. Altering an Image

12-17. Storing an Image

imagesChapter 13: Java3D

13-1. Installing Java3D

13-2. Creating a Simple 3D Object

13-3. Transforming Objects

13-4. Animating a 3D object

13-5. Navigating the Created 3D Universe

13-6. Responding to Keyboard Events

13-7: Changing an Object's Lighting

imagesChapter 14: Swing API

14-1. Creating a GUI

14-2. Running a Swing Application

14-3. Adding Components to a GUI

14-4. Laying Out GUI Components

14-5. Generating Events with Buttons

14-6. Refreshing a User Interface

14-7. Submitting Form Values to a Database

14-8. Making a Multi-Window Program

14-9. Adding a Menu to an Application

14-10. Adding Tabs to a Form

14-11. Drawing on a Canvas

14-12. Generating and Laying Out Icons

14-13. Designing and Manipulating Borders

14-14. Creating Text Components

14-15. Associating Action Objects with Editing Commands

14-16. Creating Keyboard Shortcuts

14-17. Creating a Document

14-18. Developing a Dialog Box

14-19. Associating Listeners with a Document

14-20. Formatting GUI Applications with HTML

14-21. Changing the Look and Feel of a GUI

14-22. Distributing a Swing Application

14-23. Creating an Animation

14-24. Working with the JLayer Component

14-25. Adding Printing Support to Swing Components

imagesChapter 15: JavaFX Fundamentals

15-1. Installing Required Software

15-2. Creating a Simple User Interface

15-3: Drawing Text

15-4: Changing Text Fonts

15-5. Creating Shapes

15-6. Assigning Colors to Objects

15-7. Creating Menus

15-8. Adding Components to a Layout

15-9. Generating Borders

15-10. Binding Expressions

15-11. Creating and Working with Observable Lists

15-12. Generating a Background Process

15-13. Associating Keyboard Sequences to Applications

15-14. Creating and Working with Tables

15-15. Organizing UI with Split Views

15-16. Adding Tabs to the UI

15-17. Developing a Dialog Box

imagesChapter 16: Graphics with JavaFX

16-1. Creating Images

16-2. Generating an Animation

16-3. Animating Shapes Along a Path

16-4. Manipulating Layout via Grids

16-5. Enhancing with CSS

imagesChapter 17: Media with JavaFX

17-1. Playing Audio

17-2. Playing Video

17-3. Controlling Media Actions and Events

17-4. Marking a Position in a Video

17-5. Synchronizing Animation and Media

imagesChapter 18: Working with Servlets and Applets

18-1. Setting Up a Servlet Environment

18-2. Developing a Servlet

18-3. Packaging, Compiling, and Deploying a Servlet

18-4. Registering Servlets without WEB-XML

18-5. Setting Initialization Parameters

18-6. Handling Requests and Responses

18-7. Setting Application-Wide Parameters

18-8. Filtering Web Requests

18-9. Forwarding Requests to Other Web Resources

18-10. Listening for Servlet Container Events

18-11. Listening for Attribute Changes

18-12. Managing Session Information

18-13. Finalization of a Servlet

18-14. Creating an Applet

18-15. Packaging an Applet and Embedding into a Web Page

18-16. Creating Draggable Applets

18-17. Loading External Libraries for an Applet

18-18. Using Swing Components Within an Applet

imagesChapter 19: Intro to Android

19-1. Setting Up a Development Environment with Eclipse

19-2. Creating a Basic Application

19-3. Compiling and Testing in an Emulator

19-4. Constructing a User Interface with XML Layout

19-5. Constructing a User Interface Programmatically

19-6. Handling Application Events and Activity Changes

19-7. Tying All Application Components Together

19-8. Handling Incoming Call Events

19-9. Building a Tabbed User Interface

19-10. Embedding Web Pages into an Application View

19-11. Granting Application Device Permissions

imagesChapter 20: JavaFX on the Web

20-1. Embedding JavaFX Applications in a Web Page

20-2. Displaying HTML5 Content

20-3. Manipulating HTML5 Content with Java Code

20-4. Responding to HTML Events

20-5. Displaying Content from the Database

imagesChapter 21: E-mail

21-1. Installing JavaMail

21-2. Sending an E-mail

21-3. Attaching a File to an E-mail Message

21-4. Sending E-mail to a Group

21-5. Checking E-mail

21-6 Monitoring an E-mail Account

imagesChapter 22: XML Processing

22-1. Writing an XML File

22-2. Reading an XML File

22-3. Transforming XML

22-4. Validating XML

22-5. Creating Java Bindings for an XML Schema

22-6. Unmarshalling XML to a Java Object

22-7. Building an XML Document with JAXB

imagesChapter 23: Networking

23-1. Defining a Network Connection to a Server

23-2. Listening for Connections on the Server

23-3. Bypassing TCP for InfiniBand to Gain Performance Boosts

23-4. Broadcasting to a Group of Recipients

23-5. Generating and Reading from URLs

23-6. Parsing a URL


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