Chapter 14
Fair value measurement

List of examples

Chapter 14
Fair value measurement


1.1 Introduction

Many IFRSs permit or require entities to measure or disclose the fair value of assets, liabilities or equity instruments. However, until 2011 there was limited guidance in IFRS on how to measure fair value and, in some cases, the guidance was conflicting. To remedy this, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB or the Board) issued IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement – in May 2011. The standard was the result of a convergence project between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) (collectively, the Boards). The standard first applied to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. [IFRS 13.C1].

IFRS 13 defines fair value, provides principles-based guidance on how to measure fair value under IFRS and requires information about those fair value measurements to be disclosed. [IFRS 13.1]. IFRS 13 does not attempt to remove the judgement that is involved in estimating fair value, however, it provides a framework that is intended to reduce inconsistency and increase comparability in the fair value measurements used in financial reporting.

IFRS 13 does not address which assets or liabilities to measure at fair value or when those measurements must be performed. An entity must look to the other standards in that regard. The standard applies to all fair value measurements, when fair value is required or permitted by IFRS, with some limited exceptions, which are discussed later in this chapter (see 2 below). The standard also applies to measurements, such as fair value less costs to sell, that are based on fair value. However, it does not apply to similar measurement bases, such as value in use.

During 2018, the IASB concluded its Post-implementation Review (PIR) of IFRS 13, which was intended to assess the effect of the standard on financial reporting. In particular, the Board's aim was to assess ‘whether:

  • the information required by IFRS 13 is useful to users of financial statements;
  • areas of IFRS 13 present implementation challenges and might result in inconsistent application of the requirements; and
  • unexpected costs have arisen when preparing, auditing or enforcing the requirements of IFRS 13 or when obtaining the information that the Standard requires entities to provide.’1

Areas of focus in the PIR included: the usefulness of disclosures about fair value measurements; whether to prioritise unit of account or the use of Level 1 inputs; applying the requirements for highest and best use in fair value measurements of non-financial assets; and the use of judgement in relation to specific areas of IFRS 13 (e.g. assessing whether a market is active (see 8.1.1 below), determining whether an unobservable input is significant when categorising a fair value measurement within the hierarchy (see 16.2.1 below).2

In December 2018, the IASB released its Report and Feedback Statement on the PIR of IFRS 13, in which it stated its conclusion that IFRS 13 is working as it intended. As a result of the PIR, the Board decided to:

  1. feed the PIR findings regarding the usefulness of disclosures into the Board's work on Better Communication in Financial Reporting, in particular, into the Targeted Standards-level Review of Disclosures and the Primary Financial Statements projects;
  2. continue liaising with the valuation profession, monitor new developments in practice and promote knowledge development and sharing; and
  3. conduct no other follow-up activities as a result of findings from the PIR.3

This chapter outlines the requirements of IFRS 13, its definitions, measurement framework and disclosure requirements. It addresses some of the key questions that are being asked about how to apply IFRS 13, recognising that some aspects of the standard are still unclear and different views may exist. Further issues and questions may be raised in the future as entities continue to apply the standard and practices evolve. The Board at their July 2019 meeting, decided to discuss at a future meeting the ‘disclosure objectives’ in IFRS 13 and items of information that could be used to meet those objectives.4

1.2 Overview of IFRS 13

The framework of IFRS 13 is based on a number of key concepts including unit of account, exit price, valuation premise, highest and best use, principal market, market participant assumptions and the fair value hierarchy. The requirements incorporate financial theory and valuation techniques, but are solely focused on how these concepts are to be applied when determining fair value for financial reporting purposes.

IFRS 13 does not address the issue of what to measure at fair value or when to measure fair value. The IASB separately considers these issues on a project-by-project basis. Other IFRSs determine which items must be measured at fair value and when. IFRS 13 addresses how to measure fair value. The principles in IFRS 13 provide the IASB with a consistent definition that, together with the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (see Chapter 2 at 9), will assist in determining whether fair value is the appropriate measurement basis to be used in any given future project.

The definition of fair value in IFRS 13 is based on an exit price notion, which incorporates the following key concepts:

  • Fair value is the price to sell an asset or transfer a liability and, therefore, represents an exit price, not an entry price.
  • The exit price for an asset or liability is conceptually different from its transaction price (an entry price). While exit and entry price may be identical in many situations, the transaction price is not presumed to represent the fair value of an asset or liability on its initial recognition.
  • Fair value is an exit price in the principal market, i.e. the market with the highest volume and level of activity. In the absence of a principal market, it is assumed that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability would occur in the most advantageous market. This is the market that would maximise the amount that would be received to sell an asset or minimise the amount that would be paid to transfer a liability, taking into account transport and transaction costs. In either case, the entity must have access to the market on the measurement date.

    While transaction costs are considered in determining the most advantageous market, they do not form part of a fair value measurement (i.e. they are not added to or deducted from the price used to measure fair value). However, an exit price would be adjusted for transportation costs if location is a characteristic of the asset or liability being measured. This is discussed further at 9 below.

  • Fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific measurement. When determining fair value, management uses the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability. However, an entity need not identify specific market participants.

These key concepts and the following aspects of the guidance in IFRS 13 require particular focus when applying the standard.

  • If another standard provides a fair value measurement exemption that applies when fair value cannot be measured reliably, an entity may need to consider the measurement framework in IFRS 13 in order to determine whether fair value can be reliably measured (see 2 below).
  • If there is a principal market for the asset or liability, a fair value measurement represents the price in that market at the measurement date (regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique), even if the price in a different market is potentially more advantageous (see 6 below).
  • Fair value measurements should take into consideration the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured, but not characteristics of the transaction to sell the asset or transfer a liability. Transportation costs, for example, must be deducted from the price used to measure fair value when location is a characteristic of the item being measured at fair value (see 5 and 9 below). This principle also clarifies when a restriction on the sale or use of an asset or transfer of a liability affects the measurement of fair value (see 5 below) and when premiums and discounts can be included. In particular, an entity is prohibited from making adjustments for the size of an entity's holding in comparison to current trading volumes (i.e. blockage factors, see 15 below).
  • The fair value measurement of non-financial assets must reflect the highest and best use of the asset from a market participant's perspective, which might be its current use or some alternative use. This establishes whether to assume a market participant would derive value from using the non-financial asset on its own or in combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities (see 10 below).
  • The standard clarifies that a fair value measurement of a liability must consider non-performance risk (which includes, but is not limited to, an entity's own credit risk, see 11 below).
  • IFRS 13 provides guidance on how to measure the fair value of an entity's own equity instruments (see 11 below) and aligns it with the fair value measurement of liabilities. If there are no quoted prices available for the transfer of an identical or a similar liability or entity's own equity instrument, but the identical item is held by another party as an asset, an entity uses the fair value of the corresponding asset (from the perspective of the market participant that holds that asset) to measure the fair value of the liability or equity instrument. When no corresponding asset exists, the fair value of the liability is measured from the perspective of a market participant that owes the liability (see 11 below).
  • A measurement exception in IFRS 13 allows entities to measure financial instruments with offsetting risks on a portfolio basis, provided certain criteria are met both initially and on an ongoing basis (see 12 below).
  • The requirements of IFRS 13 in relation to valuation techniques apply to all methods of measuring fair value. Traditionally, references to valuation techniques in IFRS have indicated a lack of market-based information with which to value an asset or liability. Valuation techniques as discussed in IFRS 13 are broader and, importantly, include market-based approaches (see 14 below). When selecting inputs to use, an entity must prioritise observable inputs over unobservable inputs (see 16 below).
  • IFRS 13 provides application guidance to assist entities measuring fair value in situations where there has been a decrease in the volume or level of activity (see 8 below).
  • Categorisation within the fair value hierarchy is required for all fair value measurements. Disclosures required by IFRS 13 are substantially greater for those fair value measurements that are categorised within Level 3 (see 16 and 20 below).

1.3 Objective of IFRS 13

A primary goal of IFRS 13 is to increase the consistency and comparability of fair value measurements used in financial reporting under IFRS. It provides a common objective whenever IFRS permits or requires a fair value measurement, irrespective of the type of asset or liability being measured or the entity that holds it.

The objective of a fair value measurement is to estimate the price at which an orderly transaction would take place between market participants under the market conditions that exist at the measurement date. [IFRS 13.2].

By highlighting that fair value considers market conditions that exist at the measurement date, the IASB is emphasising that the intent of the measurement is to convey the current value of the asset or liability at the measurement date and not its potential value at some future date. In addition, a fair value measurement does not consider management's intent to sell the asset or transfer the liability at the measurement date. Instead, it represents a market-based measurement that contemplates a hypothetical transaction between market participants at the measurement date (these concepts are discussed further at 6 to 9 below). [IFRS 13.3].

IFRS 13 makes it clear that the objective of a fair value measurement remains the same, regardless of the reason for the fair value measurement (e.g. impairment testing or a recurring measurement) or the extent of observable information available to support the measurement. While the standard requires that the inputs used to measure fair value be prioritised based on their relative observability (see 16 below), the nature of the inputs does not affect the objective of the measurement. That is, the requirement to determine an exit price under current market conditions is not relaxed because the reporting entity cannot observe similar assets or liabilities being transacted at the measurement date. [IFRS 13.2].

Even when fair value is estimated using significant unobservable inputs (because observable inputs do not exist), the goal is to determine an exit price based on the assumptions that market participants would consider when transacting for the asset or liability on the measurement date, including assumptions about risk. This might require the inclusion of a risk premium in the measurement to compensate market participants for the uncertainty inherent in the expected cash flows of the asset or liability being measured. [IFRS 13.3].

IFRS 13 generally does not provide specific rules or detailed ‘how-to’ guidance. Given the broad use of fair value measurements in accounting for various kinds of assets and liabilities (both financial and non-financial), providing detailed valuation guidance was not deemed practical. As such, the application of IFRS 13 requires significant judgement; but this judgement is applied using the core concepts of the standard's principles-based framework for fair value measurements.


IFRS 13 applies whenever another IFRS requires or permits the measurement or disclosure of fair value, or a measure that is based on fair value (such as fair value less costs to sell), [IFRS 13.5], with the following exceptions:

  1. The measurement and disclosure requirements do not apply to:
    • share-based payment transactions within the scope of IFRS 2 – Share-based Payment;
    • leasing transactions accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16 – Leases (see 2.2.2 below); and
    • measurements that are similar to fair value, but are not fair value, such as net realisable value in IAS 2 – Inventories – or value in use in IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets (see 2.2.3 below). [IFRS 13.6].
  2. The measurement requirements in IFRS 13 apply, but the disclosure requirements do not apply to:
    • plan assets measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 19 – Employee Benefits;
    • retirement benefit plan investments measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 26 – Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans; and
    • assets for which recoverable amount is fair value less costs of disposal in accordance with IAS 36 (see 2.2.4 below). [IFRS 13.7].

2.1 Items in the scope of IFRS 13

The measurement framework in IFRS 13 applies to both fair value measurements on initial recognition and subsequent fair value measurements, if permitted or required by another IFRS. [IFRS 13.8]. Fair value measurement at initial recognition is discussed further at 13 below.

IFRS 13 establishes how to measure fair value. It does not prescribe:

  • what should be measured at fair value;
  • when to measure fair value (i.e. the measurement date); or
  • how (or whether) to account for any subsequent changes in fair value (e.g. in profit or loss or in other comprehensive income). However, the standard does partly address day one gains or losses on initial recognition at fair value, requiring that they be recognised in profit or loss immediately unless the IFRS that permits or requires initial measurement at fair value specifies otherwise.

An entity must consider the relevant IFRSs (e.g. IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, IAS 40 – Investment Property) for each of these requirements.

Note that IFRS 9 became effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018, superseding IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. However, entities that are applying IFRS 4 – Insurance Contracts, have an optional temporary exemption that permits an insurance company whose activities are predominantly connected with insurance to defer adoption of IFRS 9. If an entity uses this optional exemption, it continues to apply IAS 39 until an insurer's first accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2021 (or 1 January 2022 based on the proposal in the ED) (see Chapter 56 at 17.1) which is the effective date of IFRS 17 – Insurance Contracts (see Chapter 55 at 10.1 for further discussion). All entities are also allowed to continue applying IAS 39 hedge accounting requirements. References to IFRS 9 in this Chapter are also relevant for IAS 39.

2.1.1 Fair value disclosures

The scope of IFRS 13 includes disclosures of fair value. This refers to situations where an entity is permitted, or may be required, by a standard or interpretation to disclose the fair value of an item whose carrying amount in the financial statements is not fair value. Examples include:

  • IAS 40, which requires the fair value to be disclosed for investment properties measured using the cost model; [IAS 40.79(e)] and
  • IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosures, which requires the fair value of financial instruments that are subsequently measured at amortised cost in accordance with IFRS 9 to be disclosed. [IFRS 7.25].

In such situations, the disclosed fair value must be measured in accordance with IFRS 13 and an entity would also need to make certain disclosures about that fair value measurement in accordance with IFRS 13 (see 20 below).

In certain circumstances, IFRS 7 provides relief from the requirement to disclose the fair value of a financial instrument that is not measured subsequently at fair value. An example is when the carrying amount is considered a reasonable approximation of fair value. [IFRS 7.29]. In these situations, an entity would not need to measure the fair value of the financial asset or financial liability for disclosure purposes. However, it would need to consider the requirements of IFRS 13 in order to determine whether the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value.

2.1.2 Measurements based on fair value

The measurement of amounts (whether recognised or only disclosed) that are based on fair value, such as fair value less costs to sell, are within the scope of IFRS 13. This includes the following:

  • a non-current asset (or disposal group) held for sale measured at fair value less costs to sell in accordance with IFRS 5 – Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations – where the fair value less costs to sell is lower than its carrying amount (see Chapter 4);
  • commodity inventories that are held by commodity broker-traders and measured at fair value less costs to sell, as discussed in IAS 2 (see Chapter 22);
  • where the recoverable amount for an asset or cash-generating unit(s), determined in accordance with IAS 36, is its fair value less costs of disposal. This includes impairment testing of investments in associates accounted for in accordance with IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures – where that standard requires the test to be performed in accordance with IAS 36 (see Chapter 20); and
  • biological assets (including produce growing on a bearer plant), agricultural produce measured at fair value less costs to sell in accordance with IAS 41 – Agriculture (see Chapter 42).

In each of these situations, the fair value component is measured in accordance with IFRS 13. Costs to sell or costs of disposal are determined in accordance with the applicable standard, for example, IFRS 5.

2.1.3 Short-term receivables and payables

Prior to the issuance of IFRS 13, paragraph B5.4.12 of the then extant IFRS 9 allowed entities to measure short-term receivables and payables with no stated interest rate at invoice amounts without discounting, when the effect of not discounting was immaterial. [IFRS 9 (2012).B5.2.12]. That paragraph was deleted as a consequence of the IASB issuing IFRS 13.

In the absence of that paragraph, some questioned whether discounting would be required for such short-term receivables and payables. The IASB amended IFRS 13, as part of its 2010‑2012 cycle of Improvements to IFRSs, to clarify that, when making those amendments to IFRS 9, it did not intend to remove the ability to measure such short-term receivables and payables at their invoice amount. The Board also noted that, when the effects of applying them are immaterial, paragraph 8 of IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors – permits entities not to apply accounting policies set out in IFRSs. [IFRS 13.BC138A, IAS 8.8].

2.2 Scope exclusions

2.2.1 Share-based payments

IFRS 2 requires certain share-based payments to be measured at grant date fair value (see Chapter 34). However, the objective of an IFRS 2 fair value measurement is not entirely consistent with IFRS 13. Rather than trying to distinguish between these two measures, the IASB decided to exclude share-based payment transactions that are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 2 from the scope of IFRS 13. The grant date fair value of such share-based payments is, therefore, measured and disclosed in accordance with IFRS 2, not IFRS 13. [IFRS 13.BC21].

2.2.2 Lease transactions

As noted at 2 above, the standard does not apply to any leasing transactions accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16. The fair value measurement and disclosures requirements in IFRS 16 apply instead (see Chapter 23 for further discussion on IFRS 16). This scope exception does not extend to lease assets acquired or liabilities assumed in a business combination in accordance with IFRS 3. IFRS 13 would apply to that measurement of fair value. In addition, after adoption of IFRS 16, an entity may need to apply IFRS 13 to sale and leaseback transactions.

At the time of issuing IFRS 13, the IASB noted that applying IFRS 13's requirements might have significantly changed the classification of leases and the timing of recognising gains or losses for sale and leaseback transactions. In addition, at the time that the IASB was undertaking its leases project (which resulted in the issuance of IFRS 16) and the IASB was concerned that such a requirement may have required entities to make potentially burdensome significant changes to their accounting systems for IFRS 13 and the new leases standard. [IFRS 13.BC22].

While it is clear that leasing transactions that were within the scope of IFRS 16 are excluded from IFRS 13, lease liabilities (for lessees) and finance lease receivables (for lessors) are financial instruments, per paragraph AG9 of IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation, and are, therefore, within the scope of IFRS 7. [IFRS 7.3, IAS 32.AG9]. As discussed at 2.1.1 above, paragraph 25 of IFRS 7 requires an entity to disclose, for each class of financial asset and financial liability, a comparison of fair value to carrying amount (except where the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value). [IFRS 7.25, 29(a)]. Lease liabilities are explicitly excluded from this disclosure requirements. [IFRS 7.29(d)]. However, finance lease receivables are not. Therefore, since IFRS 7 is not excluded from the scope of IFRS 13, lessors will need to measure the fair value of finance lease receivables in accordance with IFRS 13, in order to provide that IFRS 7 disclosure (unless the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation for fair value).

2.2.3 Measurements similar to fair value

Some IFRSs permit or require measurements that are similar to fair value, but are not fair value. These measures are excluded from the scope of IFRS 13. Such measures may be derived using techniques that are similar to those permitted in IFRS 13. IAS 36, for example, requires value in use to be determined using discounted cash flows (see Chapter 20). An entity may also consider the selling price of an asset, for example, in determining net realisable value for inventories in accordance with IAS 2 (see Chapter 22). Despite these similarities, the objective is not to measure fair value. Therefore, IFRS 13 does not apply to these measurements.

2.2.4 Exemptions from the disclosure requirements of IFRS 13

As noted above, IFRS 13's disclosure requirements do not apply to plan assets measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 19, retirement benefit plan investments measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 26 and assets for which recoverable amount is fair value less costs of disposal in accordance with IAS 36.

In addition, the disclosure requirements in IFRS 13 do not apply to any fair value measurements at initial recognition. That is, the disclosure requirements of IFRS 13 apply to fair value measurements after initial recognition (this is discussed further at 20 below).

The fair value measurement requirements of IFRS 13 still apply to each of these items above, even though the disclosure requirements do not. Therefore, an entity would measure the item in accordance with IFRS 13 and then make the required disclosures in accordance with the applicable standard (i.e. IAS 19, IAS 26, IAS 36) or the standard that requires fair value at initial recognition. For example, an entity that acquires a brand as part of a business combination would be required by IFRS 3 to measure the intangible asset at fair value at initial recognition. The acquirer would measure the asset's fair value in accordance with IFRS 13, but would disclose information about that fair value measurement in accordance with IFRS 3 (since those fair values are measured at initial recognition), not IFRS 13.

2.3 Present value techniques

IFRS 13 provides guidance for using present value techniques, such as a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, to measure fair value (see 21 below for additional discussion on the application of present value techniques). However, the use of present value techniques does not always result in a fair value measurement. As discussed in 2.2.3 above, some IFRSs use present value techniques to measure assets and liabilities at amounts that are not intended to represent a fair value measurement. Unless the objective is to measure fair value, IFRS 13 does not apply.

2.4 Fair value measurement exceptions and practical expedients in other standards

2.4.1 Fair value measurement exceptions

Some standards provide an exception to a requirement to measure an asset or liability at fair value. IFRS 13 does not eliminate these exceptions. [IFRS 13.BC8].

IFRS typically limits fair value measurement exceptions to circumstances where fair value is not reliably measurable and, where applied, requires the application of a cost model. For example, IAS 41 permits the use of a cost model if, on initial recognition of a biological asset, an entity is able to rebut the presumption that fair value can be reliably measured. In addition, it requires an entity to revert to the fair value model if fair value subsequently becomes reliably measurable. [IAS 41.30]. Additional disclosures are often required to explain why fair value cannot be reliably measured and, if possible, the range of estimates within which fair value is highly likely to lie, as is required in IAS 40 for investment properties, for example. [IAS 40.79(e)(iii)].

In these situations, an entity would need to consider the requirements of IFRS 13 in order to determine whether fair value can be reliably measured. If the entity concludes that it could reliably measure fair value based on the requirements of IFRS 13, even in situations where observable information is not available, it would not be able to apply these exceptions.

2.4.2 Practical expedient for impaired financial assets carried at amortised cost

Prior to the issuance of IFRS 9, IAS 39 allowed, as a practical expedient, creditors to measure the impairment of a financial asset carried at amortised cost based on an instrument's fair value using an observable market price. [IAS 39 (2017).AG84]. If the practical expedient was used, IFRS 13 applied to the measurement of fair value. When the practical expedient was not used, the measurement objective was not intended to be fair value (and IFRS 13 did not apply). Instead, IAS 39's requirements for measuring the impairment of the financial asset carried at amortised cost applied.

Under IFRS 9, entities are allowed to use observable market information to estimate the credit risk of a particular or similar financial instrument and as a consequence the fair value can no longer be used. Instead, IFRS 9's requirements for measuring the impairment of the financial asset carried at amortised cost would apply.

2.5 Measurement exceptions and practical expedients within IFRS 13

2.5.1 Practical expedients in IFRS 13

In addition to maintaining the various practicability exceptions that existed in other IFRSs (as discussed at 2.4 above), IFRS 13 provides its own practical expedients to assist with applying the fair value framework in certain instances. These practical expedients, each of which is discussed separately in this chapter, include the use of mid-market pricing within a bid-ask spread (see 15 below).

Under US GAAP, the equivalent standard, Topic 820 – Fair Value Measurement – in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC 820), provides a practical expedient to measure the fair value of certain investments in investment companies using net asset value (NAV) or its equivalent if certain criteria are met. However, IFRS 13 does not explicitly permit the use of NAV to estimate the fair value of certain alternative investments. Therefore, under IFRS, NAV cannot be presumed to equal fair value, as the asset that is being measured is the equity investment in an investment entity, not the underlying assets (and liabilities) of the investment entity itself. While NAV may represent the fair value of the equity interest in certain situations (for example, in situations where an open-ended fund provides a source of liquidity through ongoing subscriptions and redemptions at NAV), one cannot presume this to be the case. Instead, the characteristics of the investment being measured need be considered when determining its fair value (differences from US GAAP are discussed further at 23 below).

If a quoted price in an active market for an identical instrument is available (i.e. a Level 1 input), the fair value of the equity instrument would need to be measured using that price, even if this deviates from NAV. An example where the Level 1 input may differ from NAV is shares in certain closed-end funds that trade on exchanges at prices that differ from the reported NAV of the funds.

In situations where there is no quoted price for an identical instrument, reported NAV may represent a starting point in estimating fair value. However, adjustments may be required to reflect the specific characteristics that market participants would consider in pricing the equity investment in an investment entity. It may be helpful to understand the factors that would reconcile a reported NAV of the investment entity to the fair value used by the reporting entity in order to provide explanations to investors, if necessary, and to support disclosures required by IFRS 13 and other IFRSs. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Is the reported NAV an appropriate input for use in measuring fair value?

    Before concluding that the reported NAV is an appropriate input when measuring fair value, a reporting entity should evaluate the effectiveness of the investment entity's valuation practices, by considering the valuation techniques and inputs used by the investment entity when estimating NAV. This assists in determining whether the investment entity's valuation practices and inputs are aligned with those that would need to be used by a market participant in respect of the equity instruments of the investment entity.

  2. Are adjustments to reported NAV needed to reflect characteristics that market participants would consider in pricing an equity investment?

    A reporting entity should consider the characteristics of the equity investment that are not reflected in reported NAV. The fair value of the underlying assets within an investment entity would, for example, ignore any restrictions or possible obligations imposed on the holder of an equity investment in an investment entity. Obligations may take the form of commitments to contribute further capital, as and when called for by the investment entity. If market participants would be expected to place a discount or premium on the reported NAV because of features, risk or other factors relating to the equity investment, then the fair value measurement of the investment would need to be adjusted for those factors.

    However, in some cases adjustments to NAV may not be required. For example, if a fund is open to new investors, presumably the fair value of the fund investment would not be expected to exceed the amount that a new investor would be required to invest directly with the fund to obtain a similar interest. Similarly, the hypothetical seller of a fund investment would not be expected to accept lower proceeds than it would receive by redeeming its investment directly with the fund (if possible). As such, the willingness and ability of an investment entity to provide a source of liquidity for the investment through subscriptions and redemptions are important considerations in assessing whether adjustments to NAV would be required in determining the exit price of an investment.

    Information related to relevant secondary market transactions should be considered unless they are determined to be disorderly. Limited Partners in such funds may seek to sell their investments for a variety of reasons, including mergers or acquisitions, the need for liquidity or a change in strategy, among others. While premiums have been observed in practice, discounts on sales of investments in investment entities are also common. Likewise, sales of an investment in an investment entity to independent third parties at the reported NAV without a premium or discount, may suggest that no adjustment is needed.

2.5.2 Measurement exception to the fair value principles for financial instruments

IFRS 13 makes it clear that the concepts of ‘highest and best use’ and ‘valuation premise’ only apply to the measurement of non-financial assets. Such concepts could have significantly changed the valuation of some over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, many of which are measured on a portfolio basis. That is, reporting entities typically determine valuation adjustments related to bid-ask spreads and credit risk for OTC derivative contracts considering the net exposure of a portfolio of contracts to a particular market risk or credit risk. To address this concern, IFRS 13 provides an exception to the principles of fair value when measuring financial instruments with offsetting risks, if certain criteria are met.

The exception allows an entity to estimate the fair value of a portfolio of financial instruments based on the sale or transfer of its net position for a particular market risk exposure (rather than to the individual instruments in the portfolio). The exception also enables an entity to consider its credit exposure to a particular counterparty on a net basis, provided there is an arrangement in place that mitigates credit risk upon default (e.g. a master netting agreement).

See 12 below for additional discussion on measuring the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities with offsetting risks.


The following table summarises the terms that are defined in IFRS 13. [IFRS 13 Appendix A].

Term Definition
Active market A market in which transactions for the asset or liability take place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.
Cost approach A valuation technique that reflects the amount that would be required currently to replace the service capacity of an asset (often referred to as current replacement cost).
Entry price The price paid to acquire an asset or received to assume a liability in an exchange transaction.
Exit price The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability.
Expected cash flow The probability-weighted average (i.e. mean of the distribution) of possible future cash flows.
Fair value The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
Highest and best use The use of a non-financial asset by market participants that would maximise the value of the asset or the group of assets and liabilities (e.g. a business) within which the asset would be used.
Income approach Valuation techniques that convert future amounts (e.g. cash flows or income and expenses) to a single current (i.e. discounted) amount. The fair value measurement is determined on the basis of the value indicated by current market expectations about those future amounts.
Inputs The assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk, such as the following:
  1. the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value (such as a pricing model); and
  2. the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique.

Inputs may be observable or unobservable.
Level 1 inputs Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date.
Level 2 inputs Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 inputs Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
Market approach A valuation technique that uses prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving identical or comparable (i.e. similar) assets, liabilities or a group of assets and liabilities, such as a business.
Market-corroborated inputs Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means.
Market participant Buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability that have all of the following characteristics:
  1. They are independent of each other, i.e. they are not related parties as defined in IAS 24 – Related Party Disclosures (see Chapter 39), although the price in a related party transaction may be used as an input to a fair value measurement if the entity has evidence that the transaction was entered into at market terms.
  2. They are knowledgeable, having a reasonable understanding about the asset or liability and the transaction using all available information, including information that might be obtained through due diligence efforts that are usual and customary.
  3. They are able to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability.
  4. They are willing to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability, i.e. they are motivated but not forced or otherwise compelled to do so.
Most advantageous market The market that maximises the amount that would be received to sell the asset or minimises the amount that would be paid to transfer the liability, after taking into account transaction costs and transport costs.
Non-performance risk The risk that an entity will not fulfil an obligation. Non-performance risk includes, but may not be limited to, the entity's own credit risk.
Observable inputs Inputs that are developed using market data, such as publicly available information about actual events or transactions, and that reflect the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.
Orderly transaction A transaction that assumes exposure to the market for a period before the measurement date to allow for marketing activities that are usual and customary for transactions involving such assets or liabilities; it is not a forced transaction (e.g. a forced liquidation or distress sale).
Principal market The market with the greatest volume and level of activity for the asset or liability.
Risk premium Compensation sought by risk-averse market participants for bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset or a liability. Also referred to as a ‘risk adjustment’.
Transaction costs The costs to sell an asset or transfer a liability in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset or the transfer of the liability and meet both of the following criteria:
  1. They result directly from and are essential to that transaction.
  2. They would not have been incurred by the entity had the decision to sell the asset or transfer the liability not been made (similar to costs to sell, as defined in IFRS 5).
Transport costs The costs that would be incurred to transport an asset from its current location to its principal (or most advantageous) market.
Unit of account The level at which an asset or a liability is aggregated or disaggregated in an IFRS for recognition purposes.
Unobservable inputs Inputs for which market data are not available and that are developed using the best information available about the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.

Figure 14.1 IFRS 13 Definitions

Credit risk and market risk are defined in IFRS 7 (see Chapter 54).

Key management personnel is defined in IAS 24 (see Chapter 39).


4.1 Definition of fair value

Fair value is defined as ‘the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date’. [IFRS 13.9].

The definition of fair value in IFRS 13 is not significantly different from previous definitions in IFRS, which was ‘the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction’. [IFRS 13.BC29]. However, the definition in IFRS 13 and its guidance in the fair value framework clarify the following:

  • The definition of fair value in IFRS 13 is a current exit price, not an entry price. [IFRS 13.BC36].

    The exit price for an asset or liability is conceptually different from its transaction price (an entry price). While exit and entry prices may be identical in many situations, the transaction price is not presumed to represent the fair value of an asset or liability on its initial recognition as measured in accordance with IFRS 13.

  • The exit price objective of a fair value measurement applies regardless of the reporting entity's intent and/or ability to sell the asset or transfer the liability at the measurement date. [IFRS 13.BC39, BC40]. Fair value is the exit price in the principal market (or in the absence of a principal market, the most advantageous market – see 6 below – in which the reporting entity would transact). However, the price in the exit market should not be adjusted for transaction costs – i.e. transaction costs incurred to acquire an item are not added to the price used to measure fair value and transaction costs incurred to sell an item are not deducted from the price used to measure fair value. [IFRS 13.25].

    In addition, fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific measurement, and, as such, is determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability. [IFRS 13.BC31].

  • A fair value measurement contemplates the sale of an asset or transfer of a liability, not a transaction to offset the risks associated with an asset or liability (see 8 below for further discussion).
  • The transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability is a hypothetical transaction as at the measurement date that is assumed to be orderly and considers an appropriate period of exposure to the market (see 8 below for further discussion). [IFRS 13.15].
  • The objective of a fair value measurement does not change based on the level of activity in the exit market or the valuation technique(s) used. That is, fair value remains a market-based exit price that considers the current market conditions as at the measurement date, even if there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity for the asset or liability. [IFRS 13.2, B41].

4.2 The fair value measurement framework

In addition to providing a single definition of fair value, IFRS 13 includes a framework for applying this definition to financial reporting. Many of the key concepts used in the fair value framework are interrelated and their interaction should be considered in the context of the entire approach.

As discussed at 1.3 above, the objective of a fair value measurement is ‘to estimate the price at which an orderly transaction to sell the asset or to transfer the liability would take place between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions’. [IFRS 13.B2].

In light of this objective, when measuring fair value, an entity must determine all of the following:

  1. the particular asset or liability that is the subject of the measurement (consistent with its unit of account – see 5 below);
  2. for a non-financial asset, the valuation premise that is appropriate for the measurement (consistent with its highest and best use – see 10 below);
  3. the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability (see 6 below); and
  4. the valuation technique(s) appropriate for the measurement (see 14 below), considering the availability of data with which to develop inputs (see 15 below) that represent the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability (see 7 below) and the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the inputs are categorised (see 16 below). [IFRS 13.B2].

The following diagram illustrates our view of the interdependence of the various components of the fair value measurement framework in IFRS 13.


Figure 14.2 The fair value measurement framework

In practice, navigating the fair value framework may be more straight-forward for certain types of assets (e.g. assets that trade in a formalised market) than for others (e.g. intangible assets). For non-financial assets that derive value when used in combination with other assets or for which a developed market does not exist, resolving the circular nature of the relationship between valuation premise, highest and best use and exit market is important in applying the fair value framework (refer to 10 below for additional discussion on the fair value measurement of non-financial assets).

IFRS 13 clarifies that the concepts of ‘highest and best use’ and ‘valuation premise’ are only applicable when determining the fair value of non-financial assets. Therefore, the fair value framework is applied differently to non-financial assets versus other items, such as financial instruments, non-financial liabilities and instruments classified in a reporting entity's shareholders’ equity (refer to 12 below for additional discussion on the fair value of financial instruments with offsetting positions and to 11 below for the fair value measurement of liabilities and instruments classified in an entity's shareholders’ equity). Although there are differences in the application of the fair value framework for non-financial assets, the objective of the fair value measurement remains the same, that is, an exit price in the principal (or most advantageous) market.

As discussed in more detail at 12 below, IFRS 13 provides an exception to the principles of fair value, allowing entities to measure a group of financial instruments based on the price to sell (or transfer) its net position for a particular risk exposure, if certain criteria are met. The use of this exception may require a reporting entity to allocate portfolio-level valuation adjustments to the appropriate unit of account.


IFRS 13 states that a fair value measurement is for a particular asset or liability, which is different from the price to offset certain of the risks associated with that particular asset or liability.

This is an important distinction, particularly in the valuation of certain financial instruments that are typically not ‘exited’ through a sale or transfer, but whose risks are hedged through other transactions (e.g. derivatives). However, IFRS 13 does allow for financial instruments with offsetting risks to be measured based on their net risk exposure to a particular risk, in contrast to the assets or liabilities that give rise to this exposure (see 12 below for additional discussion on the criteria to qualify for this measurement exception and application considerations).

5.1 The unit of account

The identification of exactly what asset or liability is being measured is fundamental to determining its fair value. Fair value may need to be measured for either:

  • a stand-alone asset or liability (e.g. a financial instrument or an operating asset); or
  • a group of assets, a group of liabilities, or a group of assets and liabilities (e.g. a cash-generating unit or a business).

The unit of account defines what is being measured for financial reporting purposes. It is an accounting concept that determines the level at which an asset or liability is aggregated or disaggregated for the purpose of applying IFRS 13, as well as other standards.

Unless specifically addressed in IFRS 13 (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 below), the appropriate unit of account is determined by the applicable IFRS (i.e. the standard that permits or requires the fair value measurement or disclosure). [IFRS 13.13, 14]. Assume, for example, that an investment property is valued at CU100. Further assume that the investment property is owned by a single asset entity (or corporate wrapper) and the shares in the entity are only valued at CU90. If another entity were to acquire the shares of the single asset entity for CU90, at acquisition, the entity would allocate the purchase price to the property inside it. The property would, therefore, initially be recognised at CU90. Assume that, at year-end, the fair value of the property is CU110 and that the entity measures the property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. Assume that the fair value of the shares in the single asset entity are CU99. IAS 40 requires that an entity measure an investment property, not the shares of a single entity that owns it. As such, the property would be measured at its fair value of CU110.5

5.1.1 Unit of account and P×Q

IFRS 13 does specify the unit of account to be used when measuring fair value in relation to a reporting entity that holds a position in a single asset or liability that is traded in an active market (including a position comprising a large number of identical assets or liabilities, such as a holding of financial instruments). In this situation, IFRS 13 requires an entity to measure the asset or liability based on the product of the quoted price for the individual asset or liability and the quantity held (P×Q).

This requirement is generally accepted when the asset or liability being measured is a financial instrument in the scope of IFRS 9. However, when an entity holds an investment in a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, some believe the unit of account is the entire holding and the fair value should include an adjustment (e.g. a control premium) to reflect the value of the investor's control, joint control or significant influence over their investment as a whole.

Questions have also arisen on to how this requirement applies to cash-generating units that are equivalent to listed investments. Some argue that, because IAS 36 requires certain assets and liabilities to be excluded from a cash-generating unit (CGU), the unit of account is not identical to a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate and an entity can include adjustments that are consistent with the CGU as a whole. Similarly, some argue that approach is appropriate because in group financial statements an entity is accounting for the assets and liabilities of consolidated entities, rather than the investment. However, others argue that if the CGU is effectively the same as an entity's investment in a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, the requirement to use P×Q should apply.

IFRS 13 requires entities to select inputs that are consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured and would be considered by market participants when pricing the asset or liability (see 7.2 below). Apart from block discounts (which are specifically prohibited), determining whether a premium or discount applies to a particular fair value measurement requires judgement and depends on specific facts and circumstances.

As discussed at 15.2 below, the standard indicates that premiums or discounts should not be incorporated into fair value measurements unless all of the following conditions are met:

  • the application of the premium or discount reflects the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured;
  • market participants, acting in their economic best interest, would consider these premiums or discounts when pricing the asset or liability; and
  • the inclusion of the premium or discount is not inconsistent with the unit of account in the IFRS that requires (or permits) the fair value measurement.

Therefore, when an entity holds an investment in a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, if the unit of account is deemed to be the entire holding, it would be appropriate to include, for example, a control premium when determining fair value, provided that market participants would take this into consideration when pricing the asset. If, however, the unit of account is deemed to be the individual share of the listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, the requirement to use P×Q (without adjustment) to measure the fair value would override the requirements in IFRS 13 that permit premiums or discounts to be included in certain circumstances.

In September 2014, in response to these questions regarding the unit of account for an investment in a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, the IASB proposed amendments to clarify that:6

  • The unit of account for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates should be the investment as a whole and not the individual financial instruments that constitute the investment.
  • For investments that are comprised of financial instruments for which a quoted price in an active market is available, the requirement to use P×Q would take precedence, irrespective of the unit of account. Therefore, for all such investments, the fair value measurement would be the product of P×Q, even when the reporting entity has an interest that gives it control, joint control or significant influence over the investee.
  • When testing CGUs for impairment, if those CGUs correspond to an entity whose financial instruments are quoted in an active market, the fair value measurement would be the product of P×Q.

    When testing for impairment in accordance with IAS 36, the recoverable amount of a CGU is the higher of its value in use or fair value less costs of disposal. The fair value component of fair value less costs of disposal is required to be measured in accordance with IFRS 13.

    When a CGU effectively corresponds to a listed entity, the same issue arises regarding whether the requirement to use P×Q, without adjustment, to measure fair value applies.

    Consistent with its proposal in relation to listed investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, the IASB proposed that, if the CGU corresponds to an entity whose financial instruments are quoted in an active market, the requirement to use P×Q would apply.

The exposure draft also included proposed clarifications for the portfolio exception, discussed at 5.1.2 below.

The IASB proposed the following transition requirements:

  • For quoted investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, an entity would recognise a cumulative catch-up adjustment to opening retained earnings for the period in which the proposed amendments are first applied. The entity would then recognise the change in measurement of the quoted investments during that period in profit or loss (i.e. retrospective application).
  • For impairment testing in accordance with IAS 36, an entity would apply the requirements on a prospective basis. If an entity incurs an impairment loss or reversal during the period of initial application, it would provide quantitative information about the likely effect on the impairment loss, or reversal amount, had the amendments been applied in the immediately preceding period presented.

The exposure draft did not include a proposed effective date. However, permitting early adoption was proposed. Furthermore, the Board proposed that a first-time adopter of IFRS be able to apply the amendments at the beginning of the earliest period for which it presents full comparative information under IFRS in its first IFRS financial statements (i.e. prospectively from the date of the first-time adopter's transition to IFRS). The comment period for this exposure draft ended on 16 January 2015 and the Board began redeliberations in March 2015. During redeliberations, additional research was undertaken on fair value measurements of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures that are quoted in an active market and on the measurement of the recoverable amount of cash-generating units on the basis of fair value less costs of disposal when the cash-generating unit is an entity that is quoted in an active market.

Following the redeliberations, in its January 2016 meeting, the IASB concluded that the research would be fed into the PIR of IFRS 13.7 As part of its PIR of IFRS 13, the IASB specifically asked about prioritising Level 1 inputs in relation to the unit of account. The feedback was discussed at the IASB's March 2018 meeting. In respect of the valuation of quoted subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the PIR found that there were continuing differences in views between users and preparers over whether to prioritise Level 1 inputs or the unit of account. The issue is not pervasive in practice according to the PIR findings. However, respondents noted it can have a material effect when it does occur. Some stakeholders said that there are material differences between measuring an investment using the P×Q and a valuation using a method such as discounted cash flows. Respondents indicated the reasons for such differences include:

  • share prices do not reflect market liquidity for the shares or;
  • that they do not reflect the value of control and/or synergies.

A few respondents also noted that markets may lack depth and are, therefore, susceptible to speculative trading, asymmetrical information and other factors.8

As noted at 1.1 above, the IASB released its Report and Feedback Statement on the PIR in December 2018. The Board decided not to conduct any follow-up activities as a result of findings from the PIR and stated, as an example, that it will not do any further work on the issue of unit of account versus P×Q because the costs of such work would outweigh the benefits for the following reasons:

  • the Board's previous significant work on the topic and the PIR suggest the issue is narrow and affects only a limited population of entities;
  • users have not expressed major concerns with reporting in practice, although they would like better transparency; and
  • there are differences in views between preparers and users, meaning any follow-up work would be likely to require significant resource. Thus, this project may be possible only as part of a major amendment to IFRS 13 or other IFRS Standards.9

5.1.2 Unit of account and the portfolio exception

There is some debate about whether IFRS 13 prescribes the unit of account in relation to the portfolio exception. Under IFRS 13, a reporting entity that manages a group of financial assets and financial liabilities with offsetting risks on the basis of its net exposure to market or credit risks is allowed to measure the group based on the price that would be received to sell its net long position, or paid to transfer its net short position, for a particular risk (if certain criteria are met).

Some believe the portfolio exception in IFRS 13 specifies the unit of measurement for any financial instruments within the portfolio(s), i.e. that the net exposure of the identified group to a particular risk, and not the individual instruments within the group, represents the new unit of measurement. This may have a number of consequences. For example, the entity may be able to include premiums or discounts in the fair value measurement of the portfolio that are consistent with that unit of account, but not the individual instruments that make up the portfolio. In addition, because the net exposure for the identified group may not be actively traded (even though some financial instruments within the portfolio may be) P×Q may not be applied to the actively traded instruments within the portfolio.

Others believe that the portfolio exception does not override the unit of account as provided in IFRS 9. Therefore, any premiums or discounts that are inconsistent with this unit of account, i.e. the individual financial instruments within the portfolio, would be excluded from the fair value measurement under the portfolio exception, including any premiums or discounts related to the size of the portfolio.

Regardless of which view is taken, it is clear in the standard that the portfolio exception does not change the financial statement presentation requirements (see 12 below for further discussion on the portfolio exception and 15 below for further discussion on premiums and discounts).

In the US, ASC 820 has been interpreted by many as prescribing the unit of measurement when the portfolio exception is used. That is, when the portfolio approach is used to measure an entity's net exposure to a particular market risk, the net position becomes the unit of measurement. This view is consistent with how many US financial institutions determined the fair value of their over-the-counter derivative portfolios prior to the amendments to ASC 820 (ASU 2011‑04)10 (see 23 below). We understand that the IASB did not intend application of the portfolio exception to override the requirements in IFRS 13 regarding the use of P×Q to measure instruments traded in active markets and the prohibition on block discounts which raises questions as to how the portfolio exception would be applied to Level 1 instruments.

In 2013, the IFRS Interpretations Committee referred a request to the Board on the interaction between the use of Level 1 inputs and the portfolio exception. The IASB noted that this issue had similarities with the issues of the interaction between the use of Level 1 inputs and the unit of account that arises when measuring the fair value of investments in listed subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates (see 5.1.1 above). The IASB discussed this issue in December 2013, but only in relation to portfolios that comprise only Level 1 financial instruments whose market risks are substantially the same. For that specific circumstance, the Board tentatively decided that the measurement of such portfolios should be the one that results from multiplying the net position by the Level 1 prices (e.g. multiplying the net long or short position by the Level 1 price for either a gross long or short position). Given this tentative decision, in September 2014 the IASB proposed adding a non-authoritative example to illustrate the application of the portfolio exception in this specific circumstance.11 However, after reviewing the comments received on the proposal, the Board concluded that it was not necessary to add the proposed non-authoritative illustrative example to IFRS 13 (see 12.2 below for further discussion) because the example would have been non-authoritative and the comments received did not reveal significant diversity in practice for the specific circumstance of portfolios that comprise only Level 1 financial instruments whose market risks are substantially the same.12

5.1.3 Unit of account versus the valuation premise

In valuing non-financial assets, the concepts of ‘unit of account’ and ‘valuation premise’ are distinct, even though both concepts deal with determining the appropriate level of aggregation (or disaggregation) for assets and liabilities. The unit of account identifies what is being measured for financial reporting and drives the level of aggregation (or disaggregation) for presentation and disclosure purposes (e.g. whether categorisation in the fair value hierarchy is determined at the individual asset level or for a group of assets). Valuation premise is a valuation concept that addresses how a non-financial asset derives its maximum value to market participants, either on a stand-alone basis or through its use in combination with other assets and liabilities.

Since financial instruments do not have alternative uses and their fair values typically do not depend on their use within a group of other assets or liabilities, the concepts of highest and best use and valuation premise are not relevant for financial instruments. As a result, the fair value for financial instruments should be largely based on the unit of account prescribed by the standard that requires (or permits) the fair value measurement.

The distinction between these two concepts becomes clear when the unit of account of a non-financial asset differs from its valuation premise. Consider an asset (e.g. customised machinery) that was acquired other than by way of a business combination, along with other assets as part of an operating line. Although the unit of account for the customised machinery may be as a stand-alone asset (i.e. it is presented for financial reporting purposes at the individual asset level in accordance with IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment), the determination of the fair value of the machinery may be derived from its use with other assets in the operating line (see 10 below for additional discussion on the concept of valuation premise).

5.1.4 Does IFRS 13 allow fair value to be measured by reference to an asset's (or liability's) components?

IFRS 13 states that the objective of a fair value measurement is to determine the price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability at the measurement date. That is, a fair value measurement is to be determined for a particular asset or liability. The unit of account determines what is being measured by reference to the level at which the asset or liability is aggregated (or disaggregated) for accounting purposes.

Unless separation of an asset (or liability) into its component parts is required or allowed under IFRS (e.g. a requirement to separate under IFRS 9), we generally do not believe it is appropriate to consider the unit of account at a level below that of the legal form of the asset or liability being measured. A valuation methodology that uses a ‘sum-of-the-parts’ approach may still be appropriate under IFRS 13; for example, when measuring complex financial instruments, entities often use valuation methodologies that attempt to determine the value of the entire instrument based on its component parts.

However, in situations where fair value can be determined for an asset or liability as a whole, we would generally not expect that an entity would use a higher amount to measure fair value because the sum of the parts exceeds the whole. Using a higher value inherently suggests that the asset would be broken down and the various components, or risk attributes, transferred to different market participants who would pay more for the pieces than a market participant would for the asset or liability as a whole. Such an approach is not consistent with IFRS 13's principles, which contemplate the sale of an asset or transfer of a liability (consistent with its unit of account) in a single transaction.

5.2 Characteristics of the asset or liability

When measuring fair value, IFRS 13 requires an entity to consider the characteristics of the asset or liability. For example, age and miles flown are attributes to be considered in determining a fair value measure for an aircraft. Examples of such characteristics could include:

  • the condition and location of an asset; and
  • restrictions, if any, on the sale or use of an asset or transfer of a liability (see 5.2.2, 10.1 and 11.4 below).

The fair value of the asset or liability must take into account those characteristics that market participants would take into consideration when pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date. [IFRS 13.11, 12]. For example, when valuing individual shares in an unlisted company, market participants might consider factors such as the nature of the company's operations; its performance to date and forecast future performance; and how the business is funded, including whether it is highly leveraged.

The requirement to consider the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured is not new to fair value measurement under IFRS. For example, prior to the issuance of IFRS 13, IAS 41 referred to measuring the fair value of a biological asset or agricultural produce in its present location and condition and IAS 40 stated that an entity should identify any differences between the investment property being measured at fair value and similar properties for which observable market prices are available and make the appropriate adjustments for those differences. [IFRS 13.BC46].

5.2.1 Condition and location

An asset may not be in the condition or location that market participants would require for its sale at an observable market price. In order to determine the fair value of the asset as it currently exists, the market price needs to be adjusted to the price market participants would be prepared to pay for the asset in its current condition and location. This includes deducting the cost of transporting the asset to the market, if location is a characteristic of the asset being measured, and may include deducting the costs of converting or transforming the asset, as well as a normal profit margin.

For non-financial assets, condition and location considerations may influence, or be dependent on, the highest and best use of an asset (see 10 below). That is, an asset's highest and best use may require an asset to be in a different condition. However, the objective of a fair value measurement is to determine the price for the asset in its current form. Therefore, if no market exists for an asset in its current form, but there is a market for the converted or transformed asset, an entity could adjust this market price for the costs a market participant would incur to re-condition the asset (after acquiring the asset in its current condition) and the compensation they would expect for the effort. Example 14.1 below illustrates how costs to convert or transform an asset might be considered in determining fair value based on the current use of the asset.

5.2.2 Restrictions on assets or liabilities

IFRS 13 indicates that the effect on fair value of a restriction on the sale or use of an asset will differ depending on whether the restriction is deemed to be a characteristic of the asset or the entity holding the asset. A restriction that would transfer with the asset in an assumed sale would generally be deemed a characteristic of the asset and, therefore, would likely be considered by market participants when pricing the asset. Conversely, a restriction that is specific to the entity holding the asset would not transfer with the asset in an assumed sale and, therefore, would not be considered when measuring fair value. Determining whether a restriction is a characteristic of the asset or of the entity holding the asset may be contractual in some cases. In other cases, this determination may require judgement based on the specific facts and circumstances.

The following illustrative examples highlight the distinction between restrictions that are characteristics of the asset and those of the entity holding the asset, including how this determination affects the fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.IE28‑29]. Restrictions on non-financial assets are discussed further at 10 below.

In contrast to Example 14.2 above, Example 14.3 illustrates a restriction on the use of donated land that applies to a specific entity, but not to other market participants.

The calculation of the fair value should take account of any restrictions on the sale or use of an asset, if those restrictions relate to the asset rather than to the holder of the asset and the market participant would take those restrictions into account in his determination of the price that he is prepared to pay.

A liability or an entity's own equity instrument may be subject to restrictions that prevent the transfer of the item. When measuring the fair value of a liability or equity instrument, IFRS 13 does not allow an entity to include a separate input (or an adjustment to other inputs) for such restrictions. This is because the effect of the restriction is either implicitly or explicitly included in other inputs to the fair value measurement. Restrictions on liabilities and an entity's own equity are discussed further at 11 below.

IFRS 13 has different treatments for restrictions on assets and those over liabilities. The IASB believes this is appropriate because restrictions on the transfer of a liability relate to the performance of the obligation (i.e. the entity is legally obliged to satisfy the obligation and needs to do something to be relieved of the obligation), whereas restrictions on the transfer of an asset generally relate to the marketability of the asset. In addition, nearly all liabilities include a restriction preventing the transfer of the liability. In contrast, most assets do not include a similar restriction. As a result, the effect of a restriction preventing the transfer of a liability, theoretically, would be consistent for all liabilities and, therefore, would require no additional adjustment beyond the factors considered in determining the original transaction price. If an entity is aware that a restriction on the transfer of a liability is not already reflected in the price (or in the other inputs used in the measurement), it would adjust the price or inputs to reflect the existence of the restriction. [IFRS 13.BC99, BC100]. However, this would be rare because nearly all liabilities include a restriction and, when measuring fair value, market participants are assumed by IFRS 13 to be sufficiently knowledgeable about the liability to be transferred.

5.2.2.A In determining the fair value of a restricted security, is it appropriate to apply a constant discount percentage over the entire life of the restriction?

We generally do not believe a constant discount percentage should be used to measure the fair value of a restricted security because market participants would consider the remaining time on the security's restriction and that time period changes from period to period. Market participants, for example, would generally not assign the same discount for a restriction that terminates in one month, as they would for a two-year restriction.

One approach to value the restriction may be through an option pricing model that explicitly incorporates the duration of the restriction and the characteristics of the underlying security. The principal economic factor underlying a discount for lack of marketability is the increased risk resulting from the inability to quickly and efficiently return the investment to a cash position (i.e. the risk of a price decline during the restriction period). One way in which the price of this risk may be determined is by using an option pricing model that estimates the value of a protective put option. For example, restricted or non-marketable securities are acquired along with a separate option that provides the holder with the right to sell those shares at the current market price for unrestricted securities. The holder of such an option has, in effect, purchased marketability for the shares. The value of the put option may be considered an estimate of the discount for the lack of marketability associated with the restricted security. Other techniques or approaches may also be appropriate in measuring the discount associated with restricted securities.


A fair value measurement contemplates an orderly transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability in either:

  1. the principal market for the asset or liability; or
  2. in the absence of a principal market, the most advantageous market for the asset or liability. [IFRS 13.16].

IFRS 13 is clear that, if there is a principal market for the asset or liability, the fair value measurement represents the price in that market at the measurement date (regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique). The price in the principal market must be used even if the price in a different market is potentially more advantageous. [IFRS 13.18]. This is illustrated in Example 14.4. [IFRS 13.E19‑20].

The identification of a principal (or most advantageous) market could be impacted by whether there are observable markets for the item being measured. However, even where there is no observable market, fair value measurement assumes a transaction takes place at the measurement date. The assumed transaction establishes a basis for estimating the price to sell the asset or to transfer the liability. [IFRS 13.21].

6.1 The principal market

The principal market is the market for the asset or liability that has the greatest volume or level of activity for the asset or liability. [IFRS 13 Appendix A]. There is a general presumption that the principal market is the one in which the entity would normally enter into a transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability, unless there is evidence to the contrary. In practice, an entity would first consider the markets it can access. Then it would determine which of those markets has the greatest volume and liquidity in relation to the particular asset or liability. [IFRS 13.17]. Management is not required to perform an exhaustive search to identify the principal market; however, it cannot ignore evidence that is reasonably available when considering which market has the greatest volume and level of activity. [IFRS 13.17]. For example, it may be appropriate to take into account information available in trade journals, if reliable market information about volumes transacted is available in such journals. Absent evidence to the contrary, the principal market is presumed to be the market in which an entity normally enters into transactions for the asset and liability.

The principal market is considered from the perspective of the reporting entity, which means that the principal market could be different for different entities (this is discussed further at 6.1.1 below). For example, a securities dealer may exit a financial instrument by selling it in the inter-dealer market, while a manufacturing company would sell a financial instrument in the retail market. The entity must be able to access the principal market as at the measurement date. Therefore, continuing with our example, it would not be appropriate for a manufacturing company to assume that it would transact in the inter-dealer market (even when considering a hypothetical transaction) because the company does not have access to this market.

Because IFRS 13 indicates that the principal market is determined from the perspective of the reporting entity, some have questioned whether the principal market should be determined on the basis of: (a) entity-specific volume (i.e. the market where the reporting entity has historically sold, or intends to sell, the asset with the greatest frequency and volume); or (b) market-based volume and activity. However, IFRS 13 is clear that the principal market for an asset or liability should be determined based on the market with the greatest volume and level of activity that the reporting entity can access. It is not determined based on the volume or level of activity of the reporting entity's transactions in a particular market. That is, the determination as to which market(s) a particular entity can access is entity-specific, but once the accessible markets are identified, market-based volume and activity determine the principal market. [IFRS 13.BC52].

The recognition in IFRS 13 that different entities may sell identical instruments in different markets (and therefore at different exit prices) has important implications, particularly with respect to the initial recognition of certain financial instruments, such as derivatives. For example, a derivative contract between a dealer and a retail customer would likely be initially recorded at different fair values by the two entities, as they would exit the derivative in different markets and, therefore, at different exit prices. Day one gains and losses are discussed further at 13.2 below.

Although an entity must be able to access the market at the measurement date, IFRS 13 does not require an entity to be able to sell the particular asset or transfer the particular liability on that date. [IFRS 13.20]. For example, if there is a restriction on the sale of the asset, IFRS 13 simply requires that the entity be able to access the market for that asset when that restriction ceases to exist (it is important to note that the existence of the restriction may still affect the price a market participant would pay – see 5.2.2 above for discussion on restrictions on assets and liabilities).

In general, the market with the greatest volume and deepest liquidity will probably be the market in which the entity most frequently transacts. In these instances, the principal market would likely be the same as the most advantageous market (see 6.2 below).

Prior to the adoption of IFRS 13, some entities determined fair value based solely on the market where they transact with the greatest frequency (without considering other markets with greater volume and deeper liquidity). As noted above, IFRS 13 requires an entity to consider the market with the greatest volume and deepest liquidity for the asset. Therefore, an entity cannot presume a commonly used market is the principal market. For example, if an entity previously measured the fair value of agricultural produce based on its local market, but there is a deeper and more liquid market for the same agricultural produce (for which transportation costs are not prohibitive), the latter market would be deemed the principal market and would be used when measuring fair value.

6.1.1 Can an entity have more than one principal market for the same asset or liability?

IFRS 13 states that ‘because different entities (and businesses within those entities) with different activities may have access to different markets, the principal (or most advantageous) market for the same asset or liability might be different for different entities (and businesses within those entities). Therefore, the principal (or most advantageous) market (and thus, market participants) shall be considered from the perspective of the entity, thereby allowing for differences between and among entities with different activities.’ [IFRS 13.19].

Therefore, in certain instances it may be appropriate for a reporting entity to determine that it has different principal markets for the same asset or liability. However, such a determination would need to be based on the reporting entity's business units engaging in different activities to ensure they were accessing different markets.

Determining the principal market is not based on management's intent. Therefore, we would not expect a reporting entity to have different principal markets for identical assets held within a business unit solely because management has different exit strategies for those assets.

Consider Example 14.5 below, in which multiple exit markets exist for an asset and the reporting entity has access to all of the various exit markets. The fact that a reporting entity (or business unit within a reporting entity) has historically exited virtually identical assets in different markets does not justify the entity utilising different exit markets in determining the fair value of these assets, unless the entity has different business units engaging in different activities. Instead, the concept of a principal market (and most advantageous market) implies that one consistent market should generally be considered in determining the fair value of these identical assets.

6.1.2 In situations where an entity has access to multiple markets, should the determination of the principal market be based on entity-specific volume and activity or market-based volume and activity?

In most instances, the market in which a reporting entity would sell an asset (or transfer a liability) with the greatest frequency will also represent the market with the greatest volume and deepest liquidity for all market participants. In these instances, the principal market would be the same regardless of whether it is determined based on entity-specific volume and activity or market-based volume and activity. However, when this is not the case, a reporting entity's principal market is determined using market-based volume.

Different entities engage in different activities. Therefore, some entities have access to certain markets that other entities do not. For example, an entity that does not function as a wholesaler would not have access to the wholesale market and, therefore, would need to look to the retail market as its principal market. Once the markets to which a particular entity has access have been identified, the determination of the principal market should not be based on management's intent or entity-specific volume, but rather should be based on the market with the greatest volume and level of activity for the asset or liability.

6.2 The most advantageous market

As noted above, if there is a principal market for the asset or liability being measured, fair value should be determined using the price in that market, even if the price in a different market is more advantageous at the measurement date.

Only in situations where there is no principal market for the asset or liability being measured, can an entity consider the most advantageous market. [IFRS 13.16].

The most advantageous market is the one that maximises the amount that would be received to sell the asset or minimises the amount that would be paid to transfer the liability, after considering transaction costs and transport costs. [IFRS 13 Appendix A].

This definition reasonably assumes that most entities transact with an intention to maximise profits or net assets. Assuming economically rational behaviour, the IASB observed that the principal market would generally represent the most advantageous market. However, when this is not the case, the IASB decided to prioritise the price in the most liquid market (i.e. the principal market) as this market provides the most representative input to determine fair value and also serves to increase consistency among reporting entities. [IFRS 13.BC52].

When determining the most advantageous market, an entity must take into consideration the transaction costs and transportation costs it would incur to sell the asset or transfer the liability. The market that would yield the highest price after deducting these costs is the most advantageous market. This is illustrated in Example 14.7. [IFRS 13.IE19.21‑22].

It is important to note that, while transaction costs and transportation costs are considered in determining the most advantageous market, the treatment of these costs in relation to measuring fair value differs (transaction costs and transportation costs are discussed further at 9 below).


When measuring fair value, an entity is required to use the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability. However, IFRS 13 does not require an entity to identify specific market participants. Instead, an entity must identify the characteristics of market participants that would generally transact for the asset or liability being measured. Determining these characteristics takes into consideration factors that are specific to the asset or liability; the principal (or most advantageous) market; and the market participants in that market. [IFRS 13.22, 23]. This determination, and how these characteristics affect a fair value measurement, may require significant judgement.

The principal (or most advantageous) market is determined from the perspective of the reporting entity (or business units within a reporting entity). As a result, other entities within the same industry as the reporting entity will most likely be considered market participants. However, market participants may come from outside of the reporting entity's industry, especially when considering the fair value of assets on a stand-alone basis. For example, a residential real estate development entity may be considered a market participant when measuring the fair value of land held by a manufacturing company if the highest and best use of the land is deemed to be residential real estate development.

7.1 Characteristics of market participants

IFRS 13 defines market participants as ‘buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability’. [IFRS 13 Appendix A].

IFRS 13 assumes that market participants have all of the following characteristics:

  • they are independent of each other, that is, they are not related parties, as defined in IAS 24 (see Chapter 39);
  • they are knowledgeable, having a reasonable understanding about the asset or liability using all available information, including information obtained through usual and customary due diligence efforts;
  • they are able to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability; and
  • they are willing to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability, that is, they are motivated but not forced or otherwise compelled to do so. [IFRS 13.BC55‑BC59].

Since market participants are independent of each other, the hypothetical transaction is assumed to take place between market participants at the measurement date, not between the reporting entity and another market participant. While market participants are not related parties, the standard does allow the price in a related party transaction to be used as an input in a fair value measurement provided the entity has evidence the transaction was entered into at market terms. [IFRS 13.BC57].

Market participants in the principal (or most advantageous) market should have sufficient knowledge about the asset or liability for which they are transacting. The appropriate level of knowledge does not necessarily need to come from publicly available information, but could be obtained in the course of a normal due diligence process.

When determining potential market participants, certain characteristics should be considered. These include the legal capability and the operating and financial capacity to purchase the asset or assume the liability. Market participants must have both the willingness and the ability to transact for the item being measured. For example, when measuring the fair value less costs of disposal of a cash-generating unit (CGU), as part of testing the CGU for impairment in accordance with IAS 36, the market participants considered in the analysis should be in both a financial and operating position to purchase the CGU.

7.2 Market participant assumptions

IFRS 13 specifies that fair value is not the value specific to one entity, but rather is meant to be a market-based measurement. If market participants would consider adjustments for the inherent risk of the asset or liability, or consider the risk in the valuation technique used to measure fair value, then such risk adjustments should be considered in the fair value assumptions. For example, when measuring the fair value of certain financial instruments, market participants may include adjustments for liquidity, uncertainty and/or non-performance risk.

Fair value is not the value specific to the reporting entity and it is not the specific value to one market participant whose risk assessment or specific synergies may differ from other market participants. The reporting entity should consider those factors that market participants, in general, would consider. Fair value should not be measured based on a single market participant's assumptions or their specific intent or use of the asset or liability. To illustrate, assume a single market participant, Market Participant A, is willing to pay a higher price for an asset than the remaining market participants, due to specific synergies that only Market Participant A could achieve. In such a situation, fair value would not be the price that Market Participant A would be willing to pay for the asset. Instead, fair value would be the price that typical market participants would pay for the asset.

The underlying assumptions used in a fair value measurement are driven by the characteristics of the market participants who would transact for the item being measured and the factors those market participants would consider when pricing the asset or liability. Importantly, IFRS 13 notes that fair value should be based on assumptions that market participants acting in their ‘economic best interest’ would use when pricing an asset or liability. [IFRS 13.22]. That is, market participants are assumed to transact in a manner that is consistent with the objective of maximising the value of their business, their net assets or profits. In certain instances, this may result in market participants considering premiums or discounts (e.g. control premiums or discounts for lack of marketability) when determining the price at which they would transact for a particular asset or liability (see 15.2 below for additional discussion on the consideration of premiums and discounts in a fair value measurement).

In situations where market observable data is not available, the reporting entity can use its own data as a basis for its assumptions. However, adjustments should be made to the entity's own data if readily available market data indicates that market participant assumptions would differ from the assumptions specific to that reporting entity (see 19 below for further discussion regarding Level 3 inputs).

The intended use and risk assumptions for an asset or asset group may differ among market participants transacting in the principal market for the asset. For example, the principal market in which the reporting entity would transact may contain both strategic and financial buyers. Both types of buyers would be considered in determining the characteristics of market participants; however, the fair value measurement of an asset may differ among these two types of market participants. The following example from the standard illustrates this point. [IFRS 13.IE3‑6].

The example above illustrates that the principal (or most advantageous) market for an asset group may include different types of market participants (e.g. strategic and financial buyers), who would make different assumptions in pricing the assets.

When there are two or more different types of market participants that would transact for the asset, or the asset group, separate fair value estimates of the assets should generally be performed for each type of market participant in order to identify which type of market participant (and the appropriate related assumptions) should be considered in the fair value measurement.

In each of these analyses, the intended use of the asset and any resulting market participant synergies are considered. These include synergies among the assets in the asset grouping and synergies in combination with other assets held by (or available to) market participants generally. The selection of the appropriate market participants is based on the type of market participants that generate the maximum value for the asset group, in aggregate.

This is illustrated in Example 14.8. Fair value would be measured by reference to assumptions made by the Strategic Buyer because the fair value of the group of assets (CU 650) exceeds that of the Financial Buyer (CU 600). Consequently, the fair value of the individual assets within the asset grouping would be estimated based on the indicated values related to the market participants with the highest overall value for the asset grouping. In other words, once the assets are appropriately grouped based on their valuation premise, they should be valued using a consistent set of assumptions (i.e. the assumptions for the same type of market participants and the same related use). As shown in the example, this is true even though the fair value measurement of a specific asset, Asset C in the example, is deemed to be higher for the Financial Buyer.

Example 14.8 above also highlights the interdependence between the key concepts within the IFRS 13 fair value framework. Understanding the interrelationships between market participants, exit market and the concepts of valuation premise and highest and best use is important when measuring the fair value of non-financial assets (the concepts of ‘valuation premise’ and ‘highest and best use’ are discussed at 10 below).

In the example, the indicated value for the assets as a group is determined based on the valuation premise (i.e. their use in combination with other assets) and market participant assumptions that would maximise the value of the asset group as a whole (i.e. assumptions consistent with strategic buyers). The valuation premise for Assets A, B and C is based on their use in combination with each other (or with other related assets and liabilities held by or available to market participants), consistent with the highest and best use of these assets.

The example also highlights the distinction between the unit of account (i.e. what is being measured and presented for financial reporting purposes) and the valuation premise, which forms the basis of how assets are grouped for valuation purposes (i.e. as a group or on a stand-alone basis). The unit of account may be the individual assets (i.e. Asset A, separate from Asset B and Asset C), but the valuation premise is the asset group comprised of Assets A, B and C. Therefore, the indicated value of the assets in combination (CU 650) must be attributed to the assets based on their unit of account, resulting in the fair value measurement to be used for financial reporting purposes.


As at the measurement date, the transaction to sell an asset or transfer a liability is, by definition, a hypothetical transaction for the particular asset or liability being measured at fair value. If the asset had actually been sold or the liability actually transferred as at the measurement date, there would be no asset or liability for the reporting entity to measure at fair value.

IFRS 13 assumes this hypothetical transaction will take place in the principal (or most advantageous) market (see 6 above) and will:

  • be orderly in nature;
  • take place between market participants that are independent of each other, but knowledgeable about the asset or liability (see 7 above for additional discussion on market participants);
  • take place under current market conditions; and
  • occur on the measurement date. [IFRS 13.15].

These assumptions are critical in ensuring that the estimated exit price in the hypothetical transaction is consistent with the objective of a fair value measurement. For example, the concept of an orderly transaction is intended to distinguish a fair value measurement from the exit price in a distressed sale or forced liquidation. Unlike a forced liquidation, an orderly transaction assumes that the asset or liability is exposed to the market prior to the measurement date for a period that is usual and customary to allow for information dissemination and marketing. That is, the hypothetical transaction assumes that market participants have sufficient knowledge and awareness of the asset or liability, including that which would be obtained through customary due diligence even if, in actuality, this process may not have begun yet (or may never occur at all, if the entity does not sell the asset or transfer the liability).

The hypothetical transaction between market participants does not consider whether management actually intends to sell the asset or transfer the liability at the measurement date; nor does it consider the reporting entity's ability to enter into the transaction on the measurement date. [IFRS 13.20]. To illustrate, consider a hypothetical transaction to sell a security that, due to a restriction, cannot be sold as at the measurement date. Although the restriction may affect the measurement of fair value, it does not preclude the entity from assuming a hypothetical transaction to sell the security (see 5 above for further discussion on restrictions).

An orderly transaction assumes there will be adequate market exposure, so that market participants would be sufficiently knowledgeable about the asset or liability. This does not mean the hypothetical exchange takes place at some point in the future. A fair value measurement considers market conditions as they exist at the measurement date and is intended to represent the current value of the asset or liability, not the potential value of the asset or liability at some future date. The transaction is therefore assumed to take place on the measurement date and the entity assumes that the marketing activities and due diligence activities have already been performed. For example, assume an entity is required to re-measure an asset to fair value at its reporting date of 31 December 2020. The customary marketing activities and due diligence procedures required for the asset to be sold take six months. The asset's fair value should not be based on the price the entity expects to receive for the asset in June 2021. Instead, it must be determined based on the price that would be received if the asset were sold on 31 December 2020, assuming adequate market exposure had already taken place.

Although a fair value measurement contemplates a price in an assumed transaction, pricing information from actual transactions for identical or similar assets and liabilities is considered in measuring fair value. IFRS 13 establishes a fair value hierarchy (discussed at 16 below) to prioritise the inputs used to measure fair value, based on the relative observability of those inputs. The standard requires that valuation techniques maximise the use of observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. As such, even in situations where the market for a particular asset is deemed to be inactive (e.g. due to liquidity issues), relevant prices or inputs from this market should still be considered in the measurement of fair value. It would not be appropriate for an entity to default solely to a model's value based on unobservable inputs (a Level 3 measurement), when Level 2 information is available. Judgement is required in assessing the relevance of observable market data to determine the priority of inputs under the fair value hierarchy, particularly in situations where there has been a significant decrease in market activity for an asset or liability, as discussed at 8.1 below.

Assessing whether a transaction is orderly can require significant judgement. The Boards believe this determination can be more difficult if there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability in relation to normal market activity. As such, IFRS 13 provides various factors to consider when assessing whether there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity in the market (see 8.1 below) as well as circumstances that may indicate that a transaction is not orderly (see 8.2 below). Making these determinations is based on the weight of all available evidence. [IFRS 13.B43].

8.1 Evaluating whether there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity for an asset or liability

There are many reasons why the trading volume or level of activity for a particular asset or liability may decrease significantly. For example, shifts in supply and demand dynamics, changing levels of investors’ risk appetites and liquidity constraints of key market participants could all result in a significant reduction in the level of activity for certain items or class of items. While determining fair value for any asset or liability that does not trade in an active market often requires judgement, the application guidance in IFRS 13 is primarily focused on assets and liabilities in markets that have experienced a significant reduction in volume or activity. Prior to a decrease in activity, a market approach is often the primary valuation approach used to estimate fair value for these items, given the availability and relevance of observable data. Under a market approach, fair value is based on prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving assets and liabilities that are identical or comparable to the item being measured. As transaction volume or activity for the asset decreases significantly, application of the market approach can prove more challenging and the use of additional valuation techniques may be warranted.

The objective of a fair value measurement remains the same even when there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability. Paragraph B37 of IFRS 13 provides a number of factors that should be considered when evaluating whether there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability. The entity must ‘evaluate the significance and relevance of factors such as the following:

  1. there are few recent transactions;
  2. price quotations are not developed using current information;
  3. price quotations vary substantially either over time or among market-makers (e.g. some brokered markets);
  4. indices that previously were highly correlated with the fair values of the asset or liability are demonstrably uncorrelated with recent indications of fair value for that asset or liability;
  5. there is a significant increase in implied liquidity risk premiums, yields or performance indicators (such as delinquency rates or loss severities) for observed transactions or quoted prices when compared with the entity's estimate of expected cash flows, taking into account all available market data about credit and other non-performance risk for the asset or liability;
  6. there is a wide bid-ask spread or significant increase in the bid-ask spread;
  7. there is a significant decline in the activity of, or there is an absence of, a market for new issues (i.e. a primary market) for the asset or liability or similar assets or liabilities;
  8. little information is publicly available (e.g. for transactions that take place in a principal-to-principal market)’. [IFRS 13.B37].

These factors are not intended to be all-inclusive and should be considered along with any additional factors that are relevant based on the individual facts and circumstances. Determining whether the asset or liability has experienced a significant decrease in activity is based on the weight of the available evidence.

IFRS 13 is clear that a decrease in the volume or level of activity, on its own, does not necessarily indicate that a transaction price or quoted price does not represent fair value or that a transaction in that market is not orderly. Additional analysis is required in these instances to assess the relevance of observed transactions or quoted prices in these markets. When market volumes decrease, adjustments to observable prices (which could be significant) may be necessary (see 8.3 below). As discussed at 16 below, an adjustment based on unobservable inputs that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety would result in a Level 3 measurement. Observed prices associated with transactions that are not orderly would not be deemed to be representative of fair value. As part of the PIR feedback some respondents highlighted this as an issue where additional guidance is required, however as noted in 1.1 above the IASB has decided that no follow-up actions will be undertaken. In their view the requirements are principle-based, and there will always be a need for exercise of judgement, the challenges raised are detailed valuation assessments and an accounting standard-setter may not be best placed to provide guidance in this area. Lastly there is evidence of practice having developed guidance to aid these assessments. Those aids are used by some and promote consistent application.

8.1.1 Can a market exhibit a significant decrease in volume or level of activity and still be considered active?

A significant decrease in the volume of transactions does not automatically imply that a market is no longer active. IFRS 13 defines a market as active if transactions for the asset or liability occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. While the same factors may be used to assess whether a market has experienced a significant decrease in activity and to determine whether a market is active or inactive, these are separate and distinct determinations.

The determination that a market has experienced a significant decrease in volume does not change the requirements of IFRS 13 related to the use of relevant observable data from active markets. That is, despite a decrease from recent (or historical) levels of activity, transactions for an asset or liability in a particular market may still occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis, thereby qualifying as an active market. If there has been a significant decrease in activity, but a market is still deemed to be active, entities would continue to measure the fair value of identical instruments that trade in this market using P×Q (Level 1 measurement).

An example of this is related to 2011 trading activity for Greek sovereign bonds. During that calendar year, the economic situation in Greece had deteriorated and some had questioned whether the Greek sovereign bonds were still being actively traded. In a public statement, ESMA indicated that, ‘[b]ased on trading data obtained from the Bank of Greece, it [was their] opinion that, as of 30 June 2011, the market was active for some Greek sovereign bonds but could be judged inactive for some others.’13 While ESMA provided no predictions about the level of trading activity as at 31 December 2011, ESMA clearly stated their expectation that a fair value measurement of Greek sovereign bonds, in interim and annual financial statements during 2011 should be a Level 1 measurement in situations where there was still an active market. Furthermore, ESMA expected entities to use a Level 2 measurement method that maximises the use of observable market data to measure the fair value of those bonds that were traded in inactive markets.

Determining whether a particular market is considered liquid or active versus illiquid or inactive may require significant judgement and consider a variety of factors (e.g. what the bid-ask spread represents, how deep the bid-ask spread has to be to signal an inactive market, what is the sufficient level of trade volume to signify an active market, etc.). This can be particularly challenging in emerging markets.

While traditionally, the focus of such assessments has been public markets and listed securities, we have observed that sometimes trading in unlisted securities may be more active than in some listed securities.14 In its 2008 report, the IASB Expert Advisory Panel noted ‘There is no bright line between active markets and inactive markets. However, the biggest distinction between prices observed in active markets and prices observed in inactive markets is typically that, for inactive markets, an entity needs to put more work into the valuation process to gain assurance that the transaction price provides evidence of fair value or to determine the adjustments to transaction prices that are necessary to measure the fair value of the instrument.

‘The issue to be addressed, therefore, is not about market activity per se, but about whether the transaction price observed represents fair value. Characteristics of an inactive market include a significant decline in the volume and level of trading activity, the available prices vary significantly over time or among market participants or the prices are not current. However, these factors alone do not necessarily mean that a market is no longer active. An active market is one in which transactions are taking place regularly on an arm's length basis. What is “regularly” is a matter of judgement and depends upon the facts and circumstances of the market for the instrument being measured at fair value’.15

Similar challenges exist for entities assessing whether a market is active for thinly traded investments. While trading volumes may be low, it may be challenging to conclude a market is not active when it regularly provides pricing information. This may be particularly difficult in some emerging markets. Therefore, significant judgement will be needed to assess whether a market is active, based on the weight of evidence available.

Determining whether a market is active may be more challenging if regulators challenge an entity's judgement. For example, in its July 2015 enforcement report, ESMA noted that, in order to assess the existence of an active market, the entity had ‘calculated a number of ratios and compared them against the following benchmarks:

  • daily % of average value of trades / capitalisation lower than 0.05%;
  • daily equivalent value of trades lower than CU50,000;
  • daily bid-ask spread higher or equal to 3%;
  • maximum number of consecutive days with unvaried prices higher than 3;
  • % of trading days lower than 100%.’16

After performing this analysis and considering the limited trading volume, the issuer concluded that shares held in three of its listed available-for-sale investments were not traded in active markets. As a result, it measured fair value using a valuation technique based on Level 3 inputs. The enforcer disagreed with the issuer's assessment of whether the markets were active and thought that the quoted prices for these investments should have been used to measure fair value. In reaching this decision, the enforcer specifically noted that ‘the indicators used by the issuer were insufficient to conclude that the transaction price did not represent fair value or that transactions occurred with insufficient frequency and volume. … [T]he issuer did not gather sufficient information to determine whether transactions were orderly or took place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information. Therefore, based on available data, it was not possible to conclude that the markets, where the investments were listed, were not active and further analysis should have been performed to measure fair value.’17 The enforcer also raised concerns that the valuations based on Level 3 inputs were much higher than the quoted prices. Care will be needed when reaching a conclusion that a market is not active as this is a high hurdle.

During the PIR on IFRS 13, many respondents indicated they found the assessment of whether a market is active to be challenging and asked for additional guidance. The IASB decided not to provide additional guidance, noting in particular that the requirements are principles-based and, as such, judgement will always be needed in their application.18

8.2 Identifying transactions that are not orderly

IFRS 13 defines an orderly transaction as ‘a transaction that assumes exposure to the market for a period before the measurement date to allow for marketing activities that are usual and customary for transactions involving such assets or liabilities; it is not a forced transaction (e.g. a forced liquidation or distress sale)’. [IFRS 13 Appendix A]. This definition includes two key components:

  1. adequate market exposure is required in order to provide market participants the ability to obtain an awareness and knowledge of the asset or liability necessary for a market-based exchange; and
  2. the transaction should involve market participants that, while being motivated to transact for the asset or liability, are not compelled to do so.

According to IFRS 13, ‘circumstances that may indicate that a transaction is not orderly include the following:

  1. There was not adequate exposure to the market for a period before the measurement date to allow for marketing activities that are usual and customary for transactions involving such assets or liabilities under current market conditions;
  2. There was a usual and customary marketing period, but the seller marketed the asset or liability to a single market participant;
  3. The seller is in or near bankruptcy or receivership (i.e. the seller is distressed);
  4. The seller was required to sell to meet regulatory or legal requirements (i.e. the seller was forced);
  5. The transaction price is an outlier when compared with other recent transactions for the same or a similar asset or liability’. [IFRS 13.B43].

These factors are not intended to be all-inclusive and should be considered along with any additional factors that may be pertinent to the individual facts and circumstances.

An entity must consider the following when measuring fair value or estimating market risk premiums:

  • if the evidence indicates that a transaction is not orderly, the entity places little, if any, weight (compared with other indications of fair value) on that transaction price;
  • if the evidence indicates that a transaction is orderly, the entity must take that transaction price into account. The amount of weight placed on that transaction price (compared with other indications of fair value) will depend on facts and circumstances, such as:
    1. the volume of the transaction;
    2. the comparability of the transaction to the asset or liability being measured; and
    3. the proximity of the transaction to the measurement date; and
  • if an entity does not have sufficient information to determine whether a transaction is orderly, it must take that transaction price into account. However, it may not be representative of fair value, particularly where it is not the only or primary measure of fair value or market risk premium. Therefore, the entity must place less weight on those transactions (i.e. transactions the entity cannot conclude are orderly) and more weight on transactions that are known to be orderly. [IFRS 13.B44].

IFRS 13 acknowledges that the determination of whether a transaction is orderly may be more difficult if there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity. However, the standard is clear that, even when there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for an asset or liability, it is not appropriate to conclude that all transactions in that market are not orderly (i.e. distressed or forced). [IFRS 13.B43]. Instead, further assessment as to whether an observed transaction is not orderly generally needs to be made at the individual transaction level.

IFRS 13 does not require an entity to undertake all possible efforts in assessing whether a transaction is orderly. However, information that is available without undue cost and effort cannot be ignored. For instance, when an entity is party to a transaction, the standard presumes it would have sufficient information to conclude whether the transaction is orderly. [IFRS 13.B44]. Conversely, the lack of transparency into the details of individual transactions occurring in the market, to which the entity is not a party, can pose practical challenges for many entities in making this assessment. Recognising this difficulty, the IASB provided additional guidance in paragraph B44(c) of IFRS 13, which indicates that while observable data should not be ignored when the reporting entity does not have sufficient information to conclude on whether the transaction is orderly, the entity should place less weight on those transactions in comparison to other transactions that the reporting entity has concluded are orderly (see 8.3 below for further discussion). [IFRS 13.B44(c)].

8.2.1 Are all transactions entered into to meet regulatory requirements or transactions initiated during bankruptcy assumed to be not orderly?

Although an entity may be viewed as being compelled to sell assets to comply with regulatory requirements, such transfers are not necessarily disorderly. If the entity was provided with the usual and customary period of time to market the asset to multiple potential buyers, the transaction price may be representative of the asset's fair value. Similarly, transactions initiated during bankruptcy are not automatically assumed to be disorderly. The determination of whether a transaction is not orderly requires a thorough evaluation of the specific facts and circumstances, including the exposure period and the number of potential buyers.

8.2.2 Is it possible for orderly transactions to take place in a ‘distressed’ market?

Yes. While there may be increased instances of transactions that are not orderly when a market has undergone a significant decrease in volume, it is not appropriate to assume that all transactions that occur in a market during a period of dislocation are distressed or forced. This determination is made at the individual transaction level and requires the use of judgement based on the specific facts and circumstances. While market factors such as an imbalance in supply and demand can affect the prices at which transactions occur in a given market, such an imbalance, in and of itself, does not indicate that the parties to a transaction were not knowledgeable and willing market participants or that a transaction was not orderly. For example, a transaction in a dislocated market is less likely to be considered a ‘distressed sale’ when multiple buyers have bid on the asset.

In addition, while a fair value measurement incorporates the assumptions that sellers, as well as buyers, would consider in pricing the asset or liability, an entity's conclusion that it would not sell its own asset (or transfer its own liability) at prices currently observed in the market does not mean these transactions should be presumed to be distressed. IFRS 13 makes clear that fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific measurement, and notes that the entity's intention to hold an asset or liability is not relevant in estimating its fair value. The objective of a fair value measurement is to estimate the exit price in an orderly transaction between willing market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. This price should include a risk premium that reflects the amount market participants would require as compensation for bearing any uncertainty inherent in the cash flows, and this uncertainty (as well as the compensation demanded to assume it) may be affected by current marketplace conditions. The objective of a fair value measurement does not change when markets are inactive or in a period of dislocation.

8.3 Estimating fair value when there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity

Estimating the price at which market participants would be willing to enter into a transaction if there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability will depend on the specific facts and circumstances and will require judgement. However, the core concepts of the fair value framework continue to apply. For example, an entity's intentions regarding the asset or liability, e.g. to sell an asset or settle a liability, are not relevant when measuring fair value because that would result in an entity-specific measurement. [IFRS 13.B42].

If there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability, it may be appropriate to reconsider the valuation technique being used or to use multiple valuation techniques, for example, the use of both a market approach and a present value technique (see 8.3.2 below for further discussion). [IFRS 13.B40].

If quoted prices provided by third parties are used, an entity must evaluate whether those quoted prices have been developed using current information that reflects orderly transactions or a valuation technique that reflects market participant assumptions, including assumptions about risk. This evaluation must take into consideration the nature of a quote (e.g. whether the quote is an indicative price or a binding offer). In weighting a quoted price as an input to a fair value measurement, more weight is given to quotes that reflect the result of actual transactions or those that represent binding offers. Less weight is given to quotes that are not binding, reflect indicative pricing or do not reflect the result of transactions.

In some instances, an entity may determine that a transaction or quoted price requires an adjustment, such as when the price is stale or when the price for a similar asset requires significant adjustment to make it comparable to the asset being measured. [IFRS 13.B38]. The impact of these adjustments may be significant to the fair value measure and, if so, would affect its categorisation in the fair value hierarchy (see 16.2 below for further discussion on categorisation within the fair value hierarchy).

8.3.1 Assessing the relevance of observable data

While observable prices from inactive markets may not be representative of fair value in all cases, this data should not be ignored. Instead, paragraphs B38 and B44 of IFRS 13 clarify that additional analysis is required to assess the relevance of the observable data. [IFRS 13.B38, B44]. The relevance of a quoted price from an inactive market is dependent on whether the transaction is determined to be orderly. If the observed price is based on a transaction that is determined to be forced or disorderly, little, if any, weight should be placed on it compared with other indications of value.

If the quoted price is based on a transaction that is determined to be orderly, this data point should be considered in the estimation of fair value. However, the relevance of quoted prices associated with orderly transactions can vary based on factors specific to the asset or liability being measured and the facts and circumstances surrounding the price. Some of the factors to be considered include:

  • the condition and(or) location of the asset or liability;
  • the similarity of the transactions to the asset or liability being measured (e.g. the extent to which the inputs relate to items that are comparable to the asset or liability);
  • the size of the transactions;
  • the volume or level of activity in the markets within which the transactions are observed;
  • the proximity of the transactions to the measurement date; and
  • whether the market participants involved in the transaction had access to information about the asset or liability that is usual and customary.

If the adjustments made to the observable price are significant and based on unobservable data, the resulting measurement would represent a Level 3 measurement.


Figure 14.3 Orderly transactions: measuring fair value and estimating market risk premiums

8.3.2 Selection and use of valuation techniques when there has been a significant decrease in volume or level of activity

As discussed above, when activity has significantly decreased for an asset or liability, an assessment of the relevance of observable market data will be required and adjustments to observable market data may be warranted. A significant decrease in volume or activity can also influence which valuation technique(s) are used and how those techniques are applied.

The following example from IFRS 13 highlights some key valuation considerations for assets that trade in markets that have experienced a significant decrease in volume and level of activity. [IFRS 13.IE49‑58].

In Example 14.9 above, Entity A uses an income approach (i.e. discount rate adjustment technique, see 21 below for further discussion regarding present value techniques) to estimate the fair value of its residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS), because limited trading activity precluded a market approach as at the measurement date.

Example 14.9 illustrates that the entity's use of an income approach does not change the objective of the fair value measurement, which is a current exit price. Valuation models should take into account all the factors that market participants would consider when pricing an asset or liability. The discount rate used by Entity A, for example, tries to incorporate all of the risks (e.g. liquidity risk, non-performance risk) market participants would consider in pricing the RMBS under current market conditions. Liquidity, credit or any other risk factors market participants would consider in pricing the asset or liability may require adjustments to model values if such factors are not sufficiently captured in the model.

Entity A prioritises observable inputs (to the extent available) over unobservable inputs in its application of the income approach. Entity A assesses market-based data from various sources to estimate the discount rate. For example, the entity estimates the change in the credit spread of the RMBS since its issuance based on spread changes observed from the most comparable index, for which trades continue to occur. Using the best available market information, the entity adjusts this input to account for differences between the observed index and the RMBS. These adjustments include the entity's assessment of the additional liquidity risk inherent in the RMBS compared to the index.

Paragraph 89 of IFRS 13 indicates that an entity may use its own internal assumptions when relevant observable market data does not exist. [IFRS 13.89]. However, if reasonably available data indicates that market participant assumptions would differ, the entity should adjust its assumptions to incorporate that information. Relevant market data is not limited to transactions for the identical asset or liability being measured.

In the above example, Entity A is unable to use a market approach because of limited trading activity for the RMBS. Therefore, Entity A considers implied liquidity risk premiums from recent transactions for a range of similar securities to estimate the incremental premium market participants would demand for its RMBS in the current market (as compared to the benchmark spread). In addition, Entity A considers two indicative broker quotes to estimate an appropriate discount rate for its RMBS. Although these quotes are specific to the RMBS being valued, Entity A puts less weight on these quotes since they are not binding and are not based on actual transactions. Furthermore, Entity A was unable to evaluate the valuation techniques and underlying data used by the brokers.

Importantly, the illustrative example is not intended to imply that an entity's own assumptions carry more weight than non-binding broker quotes. Rather, the example illustrates that each indication of value needs to be assessed based on the extent these indications rely on observable versus unobservable inputs.

Even though the market approach could not be used because of limited trading activity for the RMBS, Entity A was able to corroborate many of the assumptions used in developing the discount rate with relevant observable market data. As a result, the decision by the entity to place additional weight on its own market-corroborated assumptions (and less on the broker quotes) was warranted. When differences between broker quotes or pricing service data and an entity's own determination of value are significant, management should seek to understand the reasons behind these differences, if possible.


‘Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an exit price) regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique’. [IFRS 13.24].

IFRS 13 requires the entity to estimate fair value based on the price that would be received to sell the asset or transfer the liability being measured (i.e. an exit price). While the determination of this price may be straightforward in some cases (e.g. when the identical instrument trades in an active market), in others it will require significant judgement. However, IFRS 13 makes it clear that the price used to measure fair value shall not be adjusted for transaction costs, but would consider transportation costs. [IFRS 13.25, 26].

The standard's guidance on the valuation techniques and inputs to these techniques used in determining the exit price (including the prohibition on block discounts) is discussed at 14 and 15 below.

9.1 Transaction costs

Transaction costs are defined as the costs to sell an asset or transfer a liability in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability that are directly attributable to the disposal of an asset or the transfer of the liability. In addition, these costs must be incremental, i.e. they would not have been incurred by the entity had the decision to sell the asset or transfer the liability not been made. [IFRS 13 Appendix A]. Examples of transaction costs include commissions or certain due diligence costs. As noted above, transaction costs do not include transportation costs.

Fair value is not adjusted for transaction costs. This is because transaction costs are not a characteristic of an asset or a liability; they are a characteristic of the transaction. While not deducted from fair value, an entity considers transaction costs in the context of determining the most advantageous market (in the absence of a principal market – see 6.2 above) because in this instance the entity is seeking to determine the market that would maximise the net amount that would be received for the asset.

9.1.1 Are transaction costs in IFRS 13 the same as ‘costs to sell’ in other IFRSs?

As discussed at 2.1.2 above, some IFRSs permit or require measurements based on fair value, where costs to sell or costs of disposal are deducted from the fair value measurement. IFRS 13 does not change the measurement objective for assets accounted for at fair value less cost to sell. The ‘fair value less cost to sell’ measurement objective includes: (1) fair value; and (2) cost to sell. The fair value component is measured in accordance with the IFRS 13.

Consistent with the definition of transaction costs in IFRS 13, IAS 36 describes costs of disposal as ‘the direct incremental costs attributable to the disposal of the asset or cash-generating unit, excluding finance costs and income tax expense’. [IAS 36.6]. IAS 41 and IFRS 5 similarly define costs to sell.

As such, transaction costs excluded from the determination of fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 will generally be consistent with costs to sell or costs of disposal, determined in other IFRSs (listed at 2.1.2 above), provided they exclude transportation costs.

Since the fair value component is measured in accordance with IFRS 13, the standard's disclosure requirements apply in situations where the fair value less cost to sell measurement is required subsequent to the initial recognition (unless specifically exempt from the disclosure requirements, see 20 below). In addition, IFRS 13 clarifies that adjustments used to arrive at measurements based on fair value (e.g. the cost to sell when estimating fair value less cost to sell) should not be considered when determining where to categorise the measurement in the fair value hierarchy (see 16 below).

9.1.2 Transaction costs in IFRS 13 versus acquisition-related transaction costs in other IFRSs

The term ‘transaction costs’ is used in many IFRSs, but sometimes it refers to transaction costs actually incurred when acquiring an item and sometimes to transaction costs expected to be incurred when selling an item. While the same term might be used, it is important to differentiate between these types of transaction costs.

IAS 36, IAS 41 and IFRS 5 discuss costs to sell or dispose of an item (as discussed at 9.1.1 above).

In contrast, other standards refer to capitalising or expensing transaction costs incurred in the context of acquiring an asset, assuming a liability or issuing an entity's own equity (a buyer's perspective). IFRS 3, for example, requires acquisition-related costs to be expensed in the period incurred. [IFRS 3.53].

IFRS 13 indicates that transaction costs are not included in a fair value measurement. As such, actual transaction costs (e.g. commissions paid) that are incurred by an entity when acquiring an asset would not be included at initial recognition when fair value is the measurement objective. Likewise, transaction costs that would be incurred in a hypothetical sales transaction would also not be included in a fair value measurement.

Some standards permit acquisition-related transaction costs to be capitalised at initial recognition, then permit or require the item, to which those costs relate, to be subsequently measured at fair value. In those situations, some or all of the acquisition-related transaction costs that were capitalised will effectively be expensed as part of the resulting fair value gain or loss. This is consistent with current practice. For example, IAS 40 permits transaction costs to be capitalised as part of an investment property's cost on initial recognition. [IAS 40.20]. However, if the fair value model is applied to the subsequent measurement of the investment property, transaction costs would be excluded from the fair value measurement.

Similarly, at initial recognition, financial assets or liabilities in the scope of IFRS 9 are generally measured at their ‘fair value plus or minus, in the case of a financial asset or liability not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or liability’. [IFRS]. For those items subsequently measured at amortised cost, these transaction costs will be captured as part of the instrument's effective interest rate.

9.2 Transportation costs

Transportation costs represent those that would be incurred to transport an asset or liability to (or from) the principal (or most advantageous) market. If location is a characteristic of the asset or liability being measured (e.g. as might be the case with a commodity), the price in the principal (or most advantageous) market should be adjusted for transportation costs. The following simplified example illustrates this concept.


Many non-financial assets, either through the initial or subsequent measurement requirements of an IFRS or, the requirements of IAS 36 for impairment testing (if recoverable amount is based on fair value less costs of disposal), are either permitted or required to be measured at fair value (or a measure based on fair value). For example, management may need to measure the fair value of non-financial assets and liabilities when completing the purchase price allocation for a business combination in accordance with IFRS 3. First-time adopters of IFRS might need to measure fair value of assets and liabilities if they use a ‘fair value as deemed cost’ approach in accordance with IFRS 1 – First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards.

The principles described in the sections above apply to non-financial assets. In addition, the fair value measurement of non-financial assets must reflect the highest and best use of the asset from a market participant's perspective.

The highest and best use of an asset establishes the valuation premise used to measure the fair value of the asset. In other words, whether to assume market participants would derive value from using the non-financial asset (based on its highest and best use) on its own or in combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities. As discussed below, this might be its current use or some alternative use.

As discussed at 4.2 above, the concepts of highest and best use and valuation premise in IFRS 13 are only relevant for non-financial assets (and not financial assets and liabilities). This is because:

  • financial assets have specific contractual terms; they do not have alternative uses. Changing the characteristics of the financial asset (i.e. changing the contractual terms) causes the item to become a different asset and the objective of a fair value measurement is to measure the asset as it exists as at the measurement date;
  • the different ways by which an entity may relieve itself of a liability are not alternative uses. In addition, entity-specific advantages (or disadvantages) that enable an entity to fulfil a liability more or less efficiently than other market participants are not considered in a fair value measurement; and
  • the concepts of highest and best use and valuation premise were developed within the valuation profession to value non-financial assets, such as land. [IFRS 13.BC63].

10.1 Highest and best use

Fair value measurements of non-financial assets take into account ‘a market participant's ability to generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use’. [IFRS 13.27].

Highest and best use refers to ‘the use of a non-financial asset by market participants that would maximise the value of the asset or the group of assets and liabilities (e.g. a business) within which the asset would be used’. [IFRS 13 Appendix A].

The highest and best use of an asset considers uses of the asset that are:

  1. physically possible: the physical characteristics of the asset that market participants would take into account when pricing the asset (e.g. the location or size of a property);
  2. legally permissible: any legal restrictions on the use of the asset that market participants would take into account when pricing the asset (e.g. the zoning regulations applicable to a property); and
  3. financially feasible: whether a use of the asset that is physically possible and legally permissible generates adequate income or cash flows (taking into account the costs of converting the asset to that use) to produce an investment return that market participants would require from an investment in that asset put to that use. [IFRS 13.28].

Highest and best use is a valuation concept that considers how market participants would use a non-financial asset to maximise its benefit or value. The maximum value of a non-financial asset to market participants may come from its use: (a) in combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities; or (b) on a stand-alone basis.

In determining the highest and best use of a non-financial asset, paragraph 28 of IFRS 13 indicates uses that are physically possible, legally permissible (see 10.1.1 below for further discussion) and financially feasible should be considered. As such, when assessing alternative uses, entities should consider the physical characteristics of the asset, any legal restrictions on its use and whether the value generated provides an adequate investment return for market participants.

Provided there is sufficient evidence to support these assertions, alternative uses that would enable market participants to maximise value should be considered, but a search for potential alternative uses need not be exhaustive. In addition, any costs to transform the non-financial asset (e.g. obtaining a new zoning permit or converting the asset to the alternative use) and profit expectations from a market participant's perspective are also considered in the fair value measurement.

If there are multiple types of market participants who would use the asset differently, these alternative scenarios must be considered before concluding on the asset's highest and best use. While applying the fair value framework may be straightforward in many situations, in other instances, an iterative process may be needed to consistently apply the various components. This may be required due to the interdependence among several key concepts in IFRS 13's fair value framework (see Figure 14.2 at 4.2 above). For example, the highest and best use of a non-financial asset determines its valuation premise and affects the identification of the appropriate market participants. Likewise, the determination of the principal (or most advantageous) market can be important in determining the highest and best use of a non-financial asset.

Determining whether the maximum value to market participants would be achieved either by using an asset in combination with other assets and liabilities as a group, or by using the asset on a stand-alone basis, requires judgement and an assessment of the specific facts and circumstances.

A careful assessment is particularly important when the highest and best use of a non-financial asset is in combination with one or more non-financial assets.

As discussed at 10.2 below, assets in an asset group should all be valued using the same valuation premise. For example, if the fair value of a piece of machinery on a manufacturing line is measured assuming its highest and best use is in conjunction with other equipment in the manufacturing line, those other non-financial assets in the asset group (i.e. the other equipment on the manufacturing line) would also be valued using the same premise. As highlighted by Example 14.13 at 10.2.2 below, once it is determined that the value for a set of assets is maximised when considered as a group, all of the assets in that group would be valued using the same premise, regardless of whether any individual asset within the group would have a higher value on a stand-alone basis. During the PIR some respondents noted application of this concept as challenging and requested further guidance on for example what is meant by legally permissible however the Board concluded that there was insufficient evidence of inconsistent application of requirements and that it is doubtful whether supporting material would be helpful in the situations when the application of the highest and best use is challenging.19

10.1.1 Highest and best use: determining what is legally permissible

To be legally permissible, the standard indicates a use of a non-financial asset need not be legal (or have legal approval) at the measurement date, but it must not be legally prohibited in the jurisdiction. [IFRS 13.BC69].

What is legally permissible is a matter of law. However, the IASB seems to be distinguishing between a use that is explicitly prohibited and a use that would be permitted if the jurisdiction's specific legal requirements were met. However, in some situations it may be difficult to determine whether a use is capable of being legally permitted when, at the measurement date, it is subject to legal restrictions that are not easily overcome.

The standard gives the example of a land development. Assume the government has prohibited building on or developing certain land (i.e. the land is a protected area). For the entity to develop the land, a change of law would be required. Since development of this land would be illegal, it cannot be the highest and best use of the land. Alternatively, assume the land has been zoned for commercial use, but nearby areas have recently been developed for residential use and, as such, market participants would consider residential development as a potential use of the land. Since re-zoning the land for residential development would only require approval from an authority and that approval is usually given, this alternative use could be deemed to be legally permissible.

It is assumed that market participants would consider all relevant factors, as they exist at the measurement date, in determining whether the legally permissible use of the non-financial asset may be something other than its current use. That is, market participants would consider the probability, extent and timing of different types of approvals that may be required in assessing whether a change in the legal use of the non-financial asset could be obtained.

The scenarios, of protected land and re-zoning of land, considered above illustrate either end of the spectrum; uses that are unlikely and likely to be legally permissible, respectively. However, consider the protected land example above. Assume the government were expected to change the law in the near future to permit residential development, but there had not been any similar changes in law to date. An entity would need to consider the weight of evidence available and whether market participants would have similar expectations. This may be more difficult without past history of similar changes in law. However, an entity might consider factors such as whether expectations are based on verbal assurances or written evidence; whether the process to change the law has begun; and the risk that the change in law will not be approved. It may also help to determine whether market participants would pay for this potential. However, this fact, on its own, is unlikely to be sufficient to support a use being legally permissible.

In our view, an entity would need to have sufficient evidence to support its assumption about the potential for an alternative use, particularly in light of IFRS 13's presumption that the highest and best use is an asset's current use. In the example above of re-zoning land for residential development, the entity's belief that re-zoning was possible (or even likely) is unlikely to be sufficient evidence that the re-zoning is legally permissible. However, the fact that nearby areas had recently been re-zoned for residential use may provide additional evidence as to the likelihood that the land being measured could similarly be re-zoned. If obtaining re-zoning permission is not merely perfunctory, there may be a significant burden on the entity to prove that market participants would consider commercial use of the land ‘legally permissible’.

10.1.2 Highest and best use versus current use

Although IFRS 13 presumes that an entity's current use of an asset is its highest and best use, market or other factors may suggest that a different use by market participants would maximise the value of that asset. [IFRS 13.29]. Because the highest and best use of an asset is determined based on market participants’ expectations, reporting entities may need to consider alternative uses of an asset (e.g. land) in their analysis of fair value. An entity's current or intended use of a non-financial asset might not be the highest and best use of the asset, and thus would not determine its premise of value. Instead, the highest and best use of the asset (or asset group) should be determined based on how market participants would maximise the asset's value. For example, market participants may maximise the value of land, currently used as a site for a manufacturing facility, for residential housing instead.

The consideration of alternative uses is not intended to be exhaustive. It is not necessary that all possible alternatives be considered. Instead, judgement is required in assessing those alternative uses that market participants would consider in pricing the asset. As noted above, consideration of what is physically possible, legally permissible and financially feasible would be part of this assessment. Example 14.11, based on an example in IFRS 13, illustrates this further. If an entity determines that the highest and best use of an asset is different from its current use, IFRS 13 requires that fact to be disclosed as well as the reason why the non-financial asset is being used in a manner that differs from its highest and best use (disclosures are discussed further at 20 below). [IFRS 13.93(i)].

It is important to note that even if the current use of a non-financial asset is the same as its highest and best use, the underlying assumptions used to value the asset should not be entity-specific, but instead should be based on the assumptions that market participants would use when transacting for the asset in its current condition. Entity-specific synergies, if they would differ from market participant synergies, would not be considered in the determination of the highest and best use of the asset. This is illustrated in Example 14.11. [IFRS 13.IE7‑8].

10.1.3 Highest and best use versus intended use (including defensive value)

An entity's intended use of an asset, at the time it is acquired, may not be the same as how market participants would use the asset. If the highest and best use and the entity's intended use of an asset are not the same, it could result in differences between the price to acquire the asset and fair value measured in accordance with IFRS 13 (see 13 below). IFRS 13 requires that the highest and best use of an asset be determined from the perspective of market participants, even if management intends a different use, [IFRS 13.29, 30], as is illustrated in Example 14.12.

In certain instances, the highest and best use of an asset may be to not actively use it, but instead to lock it up or ‘shelve it’ (commonly referred to as a defensive asset). That is, the maximum value provided by an asset may be its defensive value. IFRS 13 clarifies that the fair value of an asset used defensively is not assumed to be zero or a nominal amount. Instead, an entity should consider the incremental value such a use provides to the assets being protected, such as the incremental value provided to an entity's existing brand name by acquiring and shelving a competing brand. Generally speaking, a nominal fair value is appropriate only when an asset is abandoned (i.e. when an entity would be willing to give the asset away for no consideration).

Importantly, an entity's decision to use an asset defensively does not mean that market participants would necessarily maximise the asset's value in a similar manner. Likewise, an entity's decision to actively use an asset does not preclude its highest and best use to market participants as being defensive in nature. The following example in IFRS 13 illustrates these points. [IFRS 13.IE9].

The fair value of the in-process research and development project in Example 14.12 above depends on whether market participants would use the asset offensively, defensively or abandon it (as illustrated by points (a), (b) and (c) in the example, respectively). As discussed at 10.1 above, if there are multiple types of market participants who would use the asset differently, these alternative scenarios must be considered before concluding on the asset's highest and best use.

10.2 Valuation premise for non-financial assets

Dependent on its highest and best use, the fair value of the non-financial asset will either be measured based on the value it would derive on a stand-alone basis or in combination with other assets or other assets and liabilities – i.e. the asset's valuation premise.

10.2.1 Valuation premise – stand-alone basis

If the highest and best use of the asset is to use it on a stand-alone basis, an entity measures the fair value of the asset individually. In other words, the asset is assumed to be sold to market participants for use on its own. Fair value is the price that would be received in a current transaction under those circumstances. [IFRS 13.31(b)]. For instance, alternative (c) of Example 14.12 above suggests the highest and best use of the research and development project could be to cease development. Since its highest and best use is on a stand-alone basis, the fair value of the project would be the price that would be received in a current transaction to sell the project on its own and assuming a market participant would cease development of the project. In addition, the asset should be measured based only on its current characteristics, potentially requiring an adjustment for transformation costs. For example, if land that is used as a factory site is to be valued on a stand-alone basis, transformation costs (e.g. the cost of removing the factory) should be considered in the fair value measurement.

When the valuation premise of one non-financial asset in an asset group is valued on a stand-alone basis, all of the other assets in the group should also be valued using a consistent valuation premise. For example, based on Example 14.11 at 10.1.2 above, if the highest and best use of the land is determined to be on a stand-alone basis (i.e. as vacant land), the fair value of the equipment in the factory could be determined under two alternative valuation premises: (a) stand-alone (i.e. the value of the equipment sold on a stand-alone basis); or (b) in conjunction with other equipment on the operating line, but in a different factory (i.e. not in combination with the land, since the land would be valued on a stand-alone basis). Regardless of the valuation premise used to measure the equipment, market participant assumptions regarding the cost of redeployment, such as costs for disassembling, transporting and reinstalling the equipment should be considered in the fair value measurement.

10.2.2 Valuation premise – in combination with other assets and/or liabilities

If the highest and best use of a non-financial asset is in combination with other assets as a group or in combination with other assets and liabilities, the fair value of the asset is the price that would be received in a current transaction to sell the asset and would assume that:

  1. market participants would use the asset together with other assets or with other assets and liabilities; and
  2. those assets and liabilities (i.e. its complementary assets and the associated liabilities) would be available to market participants. [IFRS 13.31(a)(i)]. That is, the fair value of the asset would be measured from the perspective of market participants who are presumed to hold the complementary assets and liabilities (see 10.2.3 below for further discussion regarding associated liabilities).

Once an entity determines that the valuation premise for a non-financial asset is its use in combination with a set of assets (or assets and liabilities), all of the complementary non-financial assets in that group should be valued using the same valuation premise (i.e. assuming the same highest and best use), regardless of whether any individual asset within the group would have a higher value under another premise. [IFRS 13.31(a)(iii)]. Example 14.13 illustrates this further.

When the asset's highest and best use is in combination with other items, the effect of the valuation premise on the measurement of fair value will depend on the specific circumstances. IFRS 13 gives the following examples.

  1. The fair value of the asset might be the same whether it is on a stand-alone basis or in an asset group.

    This may occur if the asset is a business that market participants would continue to operate, for example, when a business is measured at fair value at initial recognition in accordance with IFRS 3. The transaction would involve valuing the business in its entirety. The use of the assets as a group in an ongoing business would generate synergies that would be available to market participants (i.e. market participant synergies that, therefore, should affect the fair value of the asset on either a stand-alone basis or in combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities).

  2. An asset's use in an asset group might be incorporated into the fair value measurement through adjustments to the value of the asset used on a stand-alone basis.

    For example, assume the asset to be measured at fair value is a machine that is installed and configured for use. If the fair value measurement is determined using an observed price for a similar machine that is not installed or otherwise configured for use, it would need to be adjusted for transport and installation costs so that the fair value measurement reflects the current condition and location of the machine.

  3. An asset's use in an asset group might be incorporated into the fair value measurement through the market participant assumptions used to measure the fair value of the asset.

    For example, the asset might be work in progress inventory that is unique and market participants would convert the inventory into finished goods. In that situation, the fair value of the inventory would assume that market participants have acquired or would acquire any specialised machinery necessary to convert the inventory into finished goods.

  4. An asset's use in combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities might be incorporated into the valuation technique used to measure the fair value of the asset.

    That might be the case when using the multi-period excess earnings method to measure the fair value of an intangible asset because that valuation technique specifically takes into account the contribution of any complementary assets and the associated liabilities in the group in which such an intangible asset would be used.

  5. In more limited situations, when an entity uses an asset within a group of assets, the entity might measure the asset at an amount that approximates its fair value when allocating the fair value of the asset group to the individual assets of the group.

    For example, this might be the case if the valuation involves real property and the fair value of improved property (i.e. an asset group) is allocated to its component assets (such as land and improvements). [IFRS 13.B3].

Although the approach used to incorporate the valuation premise into a fair value measurement may differ based on the facts and circumstances, the determination of a non-financial asset's valuation premise (based on its highest and best use) and the inputs applied in the valuation technique used to estimate fair value should always be considered from the perspective of market participants, not the reporting entity.

10.2.3 How should associated liabilities be considered when measuring the fair value of a non-financial asset?

As discussed at 10.2.2 above, an asset's highest and best use might be in combination with associated liabilities and complementary assets in an asset group. IFRS 13.B3(d), for example, notes that an asset's use in combination with other assets and liabilities might be incorporated when using the multi-period excess earnings method to measure the fair value of an intangible asset that has been acquired in a business acquisition. [IFRS 13.B3]. The multi-period excess earnings method specifically takes into account the contribution of any complementary assets and the associated liabilities in the group in which such an intangible asset would be used.

‘Associated liabilities’ is not defined and IFRS 13 provides limited guidance on the types of liabilities that could be considered associated to a non-financial asset. IFRS 13 provides some guidance, stating that associated liabilities can include those that fund working capital, but must exclude liabilities used to fund assets other than those within the group of assets. [IFRS 13.31(a)(ii)].

Management will need to exercise judgement in determining which liabilities to include or exclude from the group, based on the specific facts and circumstances. This assessment must reflect what market participants would consider when determining the non-financial asset's highest and best use. Entities will need to be careful to exclude entity-specific assumptions when valuing liabilities, particularly if valuation techniques are used that are based on their own data (valuation techniques are discussed further at 14 below).

The clarification on considering associated liabilities when measuring the fair value of non-financial assets was generally intended to align the guidance in IFRS 13 with current practice for measuring the fair value of certain non-financial assets (e.g. intangible assets). We generally would not expect this clarification to result in significant changes to the valuation of most non-financial assets. For example, real estate should generally be valued independently from any debt used to finance the property.

10.2.4 Unit of account versus the valuation premise

Fair value measurement of a non-financial asset assumes the asset is sold consistently with its unit of account (as specified in other IFRSs), irrespective of its valuation premise. This assumption applies even if the highest and best use of the asset is in combination with other assets and/or liabilities. This is because the fair value measurement contemplates the sale of the individual asset to market participants that already hold, or are able to obtain, the complementary assets and liabilities. [IFRS 13.32]. Only when the unit of account of the item being measured at fair value is an asset group (which may be the case when measuring non-financial assets for impairment as part of a cash-generating unit), can one consider the sale of an asset group. That is, the valuation premise for a non-financial asset does not override the unit of account as defined by the applicable IFRS. However, this can be confusing in practice as both concepts deal with determining the appropriate level of aggregation or disaggregation for assets and liabilities.

Unit of account is an accounting concept. It identifies what is being measured for financial reporting purposes. When applying IFRS 13, this drives the level of aggregation (or disaggregation) for presentation and disclosure purposes, for example, whether the information presented and disclosed in the financial statements is for an individual asset or for a group of assets.

The valuation premise is a valuation concept (sometimes referred to as the ‘unit of valuation’). It determines how the asset or liability is measured, i.e. based on the value it derives on a stand-alone basis or the value it derives in conjunction with other assets and liabilities. As discussed above, the unit of account established by an IFRS may be an individual item. However, that item may need to be grouped with others for the purpose of measuring fair value, i.e. the valuation premise may differ from the unit of account.

For example, an entity may own an investment property that is attached to land and contains other assets, such as fixtures and fittings. The unit of account for the investment property would likely be the stand-alone asset in accordance with IAS 40. However, the value of this asset on a stand-alone basis may have little meaning since it is physically attached to the land and derives its benefit in combination with the fixtures and fittings in the building. Therefore, when determining fair value, the valuation premise would likely reflect its use in combination with other assets.

It is important to note that when the valuation premise for measuring the fair value of a non-financial asset (or group of assets and corresponding liabilities) differs from its unit of account, categorisation within IFRS 13's fair value hierarchy (for disclosure purposes) must be determined at a level consistent with the unit of account for the asset or liability (see 16.2 below).


IFRS 13 applies to liabilities, both financial and non-financial, and an entity's own equity whenever an IFRS requires those instruments to be measured at fair value. For example, in accordance with IFRS 3, in a business combination management might need to determine the fair value of liabilities assumed, when completing the purchase price allocation, and the fair value of its own equity instruments to measure the consideration given.

For financial liabilities and an entity's own equity that are within the scope of IAS 32 or IFRS 9, it is important to note that IFRS 13 would apply to any initial and subsequent fair value measurements that are recognised in the statement of financial position. In addition, if those instruments are not subsequently measured at fair value in the statement of financial position, for example financial liabilities may be subsequently measured at amortised cost, an entity may still need to disclose their fair value in the notes to the financial statements. At a minimum, this would be a requirement for financial liabilities. In these situations, IFRS 13 would also need to be applied to measure the instruments’ fair value for disclosure.

The classification of an instrument as either a liability or equity instrument by other IFRSs may depend on the specific facts and circumstances, such as the characteristics of the transaction and the characteristics of the instrument. Examples of these instruments include contingent consideration issued in a business combination in accordance with IFRS 3 or equity warrants issued by an entity in accordance with IFRS 9. In developing the requirements in IFRS 13 for measuring the fair value of liabilities and an entity's own equity, the Boards concluded the requirements should generally be consistent between these instruments. That is, the accounting classification of an instrument, as either a liability or own equity, should not affect that instrument's fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.BC106].

Prior to the issuance of IFRS 13, IFRS did not provide guidance on how to measure the fair value of an entity's own equity instruments. While IFRS 13 may be consistent with how many entities valued their own equity prior to adoption of IFRS 13, it changed practice for entities that concluded the principal market for their own equity (and therefore the assumption of market participants in that market) would be different when valuing the instrument as an asset. For example, this might have been the case if an entity measuring the fair value of a warrant previously assumed a volatility that differs from the volatility assumptions market participants would use in pricing the warrant as an asset.

11.1 General principles

Under IFRS 13, a fair value measurement assumes that a liability or an entity's own equity instrument is transferred to a market participant at the measurement date and that:

  • for liabilities – the liability continues and the market participant transferee would be required to fulfil the obligation. That is, the liability is not settled with the counterparty or otherwise extinguished; and
  • for an entity's own equity – the equity instrument would remain outstanding and the market participant transferee would take on the rights and responsibilities associated with the instrument. The instrument would not be cancelled or otherwise extinguished on the measurement date. [IFRS 13.34].

11.1.1 Fair value of a liability

IFRS 13 states that the fair value measurement of a liability contemplates the transfer of the liability to a market participant at the measurement date. The liability is assumed to continue (i.e. it is not settled or extinguished), and the market participant to whom the liability is transferred would be required to fulfil the obligation.

The fair value of a liability also reflects the effect of non-performance risk. Non-performance risk is the risk that an obligation will not be fulfilled. This risk includes, but may not be limited to, the entity's own credit risk (see 11.2 below). The requirement that non-performance risk remains unchanged before and after the transfer implies that the liability is hypothetically transferred to a market participant of equal credit standing.

The clarification in IFRS 13 that fair value is not based on the price to settle a liability with the existing counterparty, but rather to transfer it to a market participant of equal credit standing, affects the assumptions about the principal (or most advantageous) market and the market participants in the exit market for the liability (see 11.1.3 below for further detail on the distinction between the settlement notion for liabilities and the transfer notion in IFRS 13).

11.1.2 Fair value of an entity's own equity

For an entity's own equity, IFRS 13 states that the fair value measurement would contemplate a transfer of the equity instrument. The equity instrument would remain outstanding and the market participant transferee would take on the rights and responsibilities associated with the instrument. The instrument would not be cancelled or otherwise extinguished on the measurement date.

The requirements for measuring the fair value of an entity's own equity are generally consistent with the requirements for measuring liabilities, except for the requirement to incorporate non-performance risk, which does not apply directly to an entity's own equity.

11.1.3 Settlement value versus transfer value

While IFRS 13 requires the use of an exit price to measure fair value, an entity might not intend (or be able) to transfer its liability to a third party. For example, it might be more beneficial for the entity to fulfil or settle a liability or the counterparty might not permit the liability to be transferred to another party. The issuer of an equity instrument may only be able to exit from that instrument if it ceases to exist or if the entity repurchases the instrument from the holder. Even if an entity is unable to transfer a liability, the IASB believes the transfer notion is necessary for measuring fair value, because ‘it captures market participants’ expectations about the liquidity, uncertainty and other associated factors whereas, a settlement notion may not because it may consider entity-specific factors’. [IFRS 13.BC82].

Under a transfer notion, the fair value of a liability is based on the price that would be paid to market participants to assume the obligation. The guidance is clear that an entity's intention to settle or otherwise fulfil the liability or exit the equity instrument is not relevant when measuring its fair value. Because the fair value of the liability is considered from the perspective of market participants, and not the entity itself, any relative efficiencies (or inefficiencies) of the reporting entity in settling the liability would not be considered in the fair value measurement.

Unlike a transfer notion, a settlement notion may allow for the consideration of a reporting entity's specific advantages (or disadvantages) in settling (or performing) the obligation. However, the Boards concluded that ‘when a liability is measured at fair value, the relative efficiency of an entity in settling the liability using its own internal resources appears in profit or loss over the course of its settlement, and not before’. [IFRS 13.BC81].

While similar thought processes are needed to estimate both the amount to settle a liability and the amount to transfer that liability, [IFRS 13.BC82], IFRS 13 requires the fair value of a liability to be measured on the assumption that the liability is transferred to a market participant. Therefore, an entity cannot presume that the fair value of a liability is the same as its settlement value. In particular, the requirement to reflect the effect of non-performance risk in the fair value measurement of a liability could result in a difference between the fair value of a liability and the settlement value because it is unlikely that the counterparty would accept a different amount as settlement of the obligation if the entity's credit standing changed (i.e. the settlement value would not necessarily consider changes in credit risk). The IASB was expected to address this issue in its project on non-financial liabilities (see Chapter 26), but further development on this research project had been on hold pending developments in the Conceptual Framework project. The IASB issued the new conceptual framework in March 2018 and following this, is consulting with stakeholders on the possible scope of the project on non-financial liabilities.20

11.2 Measuring the fair value of a liability or an entity's own equity when quoted prices for the liability or equity instruments are not available

In many cases, there may be no quoted prices available for the transfer of an instrument that is identical or similar to an entity's own equity or a liability, particularly as liabilities are generally not transferred. For example, this might be the case for debt obligations that are legally restricted from being transferred, or for decommissioning liabilities that the entity does not intend to transfer. In such situations, an entity must determine whether the identical item is held by another party as an asset:

  • if the identical item is held by another party as an asset – an entity is required to measure the fair value of a liability or its own equity from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset (see 11.2.1 below); [IFRS 13.37] and
  • if the identical item is not held by another party as an asset – an entity measures the fair value of the liability or equity instrument using a valuation technique from the perspective of a market participant that owes the liability or has issued the claim on equity (see 11.2.2 below). [IFRS 13.40].

Regardless of how an entity measures the fair value of a liability or its own equity, the entity is required to maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs to meet the objective of a fair value measurement. That is, it must estimate the price at which an orderly transaction to transfer the liability or its own equity would take place between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. [IFRS 13.36].

11.2.1 Liabilities or an entity's own equity that are held by other parties as assets

If there are no quoted prices available for the transfer of an identical or a similar liability or the entity's own equity instrument and the identical item is held by another party as an asset, an entity uses the fair value of the corresponding asset to measure the fair value of the liability or equity instrument. [IFRS 13.37]. The fair value of the asset should be measured from the perspective of the market participant that holds that asset at the measurement date. This approach applies even when the identical item held as an asset is not traded (i.e. when the fair value of the corresponding asset is a Level 3 measurement). For example, under the guidance in IFRS 13, the fair value of a contingent consideration liability should equal its fair value when held as an asset despite the fact that the asset would likely be a Level 3 measurement.

In these situations, the entity measures the fair value of the liability or its own equity by:

  1. using the quoted price in an active market for the identical item held by another party as an asset, if that price is available. This is illustrated in Example 14.14 below;
  2. if that price is not available, using other observable inputs, such as the quoted price in a market that is not active for the identical item held by another party as an asset; or
  3. if the observable prices in (a) and (b) are not available, using another valuation technique (see 14 below for further discussion), such as:
    1. an income approach, as is illustrated in Example 14.15 below; or
    2. a market approach. [IFRS 13.38].

As with all fair value measurements, inputs used to determine the fair value of a liability or an entity's own equity from the perspective of a market participant that holds the identical instrument as an asset must be prioritised in accordance with the fair value hierarchy. Accordingly, IFRS 13 indicates that the fair value of a liability or equity instrument held by another party as an asset should be determined based on the quoted price of the corresponding asset in an active market, if available. This is illustrated in Example 14.14 below. If such a price is not available, other observable inputs for the identical asset would be used, such as a quoted price in an inactive market. In the absence of quoted prices for the identical instrument held as an asset, other valuation techniques, including an income approach (as is illustrated in Example 14.15 below) or a market approach, would be used to determine the liability's or equity's fair value. In these instances, the objective is still to determine the fair value of the liability or equity from the perspective of a market participant that holds the identical instrument as an asset.

In some cases, the corresponding asset price may need to be adjusted for factors specific to the identical item held as an asset but not applicable to the liability, such as the following:

  • the quoted price for the asset relates to a similar (but not identical) liability or equity instrument held by another party as an asset. IFRS 13 gives the example of a liability or equity instrument where the credit quality of the issuer is different from that reflected in the fair value of the similar liability or equity instrument held as an asset; and
  • the unit of account for the asset is not the same as for the liability or equity instrument. For instance, assume the price for an asset reflected a combined price for a package that comprised both the amounts due from the issuer and a third-party credit enhancement. If the unit of account for the liability is only its own liability, not the combined package, the entity would adjust the observed price for the asset to exclude the effect of the third-party credit enhancement. [IFRS 13.39].

In addition, IFRS 13 states that when using the price of a corresponding asset to determine the fair value of a liability or entity's own equity, the fair value of the liability or equity should not incorporate the effect of any restriction preventing the sale of that asset. [IFRS 13.39]. If the quoted price did reflect the effect of a restriction, it would need to be adjusted. That is, all else being equal, the liability's or equity's fair value would be the same as the fair value of an otherwise unrestricted corresponding asset.

The fair value of a liability may also differ from the price of its corresponding asset when the instrument is priced within a bid-ask spread. In these instances, the liability should be valued based on the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of where the liability would be exited, not the corresponding asset (see 15.3 below for discussion on pricing within the bid-ask spread).

The Boards believe the fair value of a liability or equity instrument will equal the fair value of a properly defined corresponding asset (i.e. an asset whose features mirror those of the liability), assuming an exit from both positions in the same market. This assumes markets are efficient and arbitrage free. For example, if the prices differed for a liability and the corresponding asset, the market participant taking on the liability would be able to earn a profit by financing the purchase of the asset with the proceeds received by taking on the liability. In an efficient market, the price for the liability and the price for the asset would adjust until the arbitrage opportunity was eliminated. In the Boards’ view, the price for the liability or equity instrument and the corresponding asset would generally only differ if the entity was measuring an asset relating to a similar (not identical) instrument or the unit of account was different. The Boards did consider whether the effects of illiquidity could create a difference but noted that they are difficult to differentiate from credit-related effects. [IFRS 13.BC88, BC89].

The following two examples extracted from IFRS 13 include factors to consider when measuring the fair value of a liability or entity's own equity by estimating the fair value of the corresponding asset held by another party. [IFRS 13.IE40‑42]. The first example highlights how entities need to assess whether the quoted price for a corresponding asset includes the effects of factors not applicable to the liability. However, for the sake of simplicity, the example does not consider bid-ask spread considerations.

The second example provides factors that would be incorporated when using a present value technique to estimate the fair value of a financial liability (e.g. changes in credit spreads for the liability), as well as factors that would be excluded (e.g. adjustments related to transferability restrictions or profit margin). [IFRS 13.IE43‑47].

While the example above assumes that relevant market data on the non-performance risk of the debt obligation is readily available, estimating the appropriate credit spreads is often the most challenging aspect of using a present value technique to value a debt instrument. Credit spreads on identical or similar liabilities issued by the same obligor represent high quality market data. But even when issued by the same obligor, credit spreads on liabilities with significantly different features or characteristics may not appropriately capture the credit risk of the liability being measured. When spreads on identical instruments do not exist and data from comparable debt instruments (e.g. option adjusted spreads (OAS)) is used, the specific characteristics of these comparable liabilities (e.g. tenor, seniority, collateral, coupon, principal amortisation, covenant strength, etc.) should be analysed carefully. In addition, credit default swap (CDS) spreads, which represent the compensation required by the CDS issuer to accept the default risk of a debt issuer (i.e. the reference obligor), may also provide useful market data.

In some instances, observable market data is not available for a specific debt issuer, but the issuer has a reported credit rating. In these circumstances, credit spreads or CDS spreads of similarly rated entities or debt instruments may be used as a proxy to evaluate the credit risk of the liability being measured. Once again, the specific characteristics of these similar debt instruments and the subject liability should be compared.

Other situations may involve a liability with no observable credit quality measures (e.g. credit spreads) issued by an entity that is not rated. In these circumstances, techniques such as a regression or other quantitative analysis may be performed to determine the credit quality of the issuer. Comparing financial metrics such as profit margins, leverage ratios, and asset sizes between the non-rated issuer of the liability being measured to rated entities may allow a credit rating to be estimated. Once a credit rating has been determined, an appropriate credit spread could be quantified from other comparable (i.e. similarly rated) debt instruments.

11.2.2 Liabilities or an entity's own equity not held by other parties as assets

While many liabilities are held by market participants as corresponding assets, some are not. For example, there is typically no corresponding asset holder for a decommissioning liability. When no observable price is available for a liability and no corresponding asset exists, the fair value of the liability is measured from the perspective of a market participant that owes the liability, using an appropriate valuation technique (e.g. a present value technique). [IFRS 13.40].

Generally, an instrument classified as an entity's own equity would have a corresponding asset. However, if no corresponding asset exists and no observable price is available for an entity's own equity, fair value is measured from the perspective of a market participant that has issued the claim on equity, using an appropriate valuation technique.

IFRS 13 gives two examples of what an entity might take into account in measuring fair value in this situation:

  1. the future cash outflows that a market participant would expect to incur in fulfilling the obligation (i.e. a present value technique). This includes any compensation a market participant would require for taking on the obligation. This approach is discussed further at 11.2.2.A below; and
  2. the amount that a market participant would receive to enter into an identical liability, or issue an identical equity instrument. This approach is discussed further at 11.2.2.B below. [IFRS 13.41].
11.2.2.A Use of present value techniques to measure fair value for liabilities and an entity's own equity instruments not held by other parties as assets

If an entity uses a present value technique to measure the fair value of a liability or its own equity not held by other parties as assets, IFRS 13 requires the entity to estimate the future cash outflows that a market participant would expect to incur in fulfilling the obligation, among other things. The estimated cash flows include:

  • market participants’ expectations about the costs of fulfilling the obligation; and
  • compensation that a market participant would require for taking on the obligation. This compensation includes the return that a market participant would require for the following:
    1. undertaking the activity (i.e. the value of fulfilling the obligation) – for example, by using resources that could be used for other activities; and
    2. assuming the risk associated with the obligation (i.e. a risk premium that reflects the risk that the actual cash outflows might differ from the expected cash outflows). [IFRS 13.B31].

In some cases, the components of the return a market participant would require will be indistinguishable from one another. In other cases, an entity will need to estimate those components separately. For example, assume an entity uses the price a third-party contractor would charge as part of the discounted cash flows. If the contract is priced on a fixed fee basis, both the return for undertaking the activity and the risk premium would be indistinguishable. However, as is shown in Example 14.16 below, if the contractor would charge on a cost plus basis, an entity would need to estimate the components separately, because the contractor in that case would not bear the risk of future changes in costs. [IFRS 13.B32].

A risk premium can be included in such fair value measurements, either by:

  1. adjusting the cash flows (i.e. as an increase in the amount of cash outflows); or
  2. adjusting the rate used to discount the future cash flows to their present values (i.e. as a reduction in the discount rate).

However, an entity must ensure adjustments for risk are not double-counted or omitted. [IFRS 13.B33].

IFRS 13 provides the following example, which illustrates how these considerations would be captured when using a valuation technique to measure the fair value of a liability not held by another party as an asset. [IFRS 13.IE35‑39].

In practice, estimating the risk premium for a decommissioning liability, such as in the example above, requires significant judgement, particularly in circumstances where the decommissioning activities will be performed many years in the future. Information about the compensation market participants would demand to assume decommissioning liability may be limited, because very few decommissioning liabilities are transferred in the manner contemplated by IFRS 13.

Because of these data limitations, entities might look to risk premiums observed from business combinations where decommissioning liabilities are assumed, including their own business combination transactions. IFRS 13 indicates that when market information is not reasonably available, an entity may consider its own data in developing assumptions related to the market risk premium (see 19 below for additional discussion on the use of an entity's own data to determine unobservable inputs).

Alternatively, as noted above, the market risk premium might be estimated by considering the difference between a fixed-price arrangement and a cost-plus arrangement with a third party to complete the remediation and monitor the site. The difference between the fixed-price arrangement and the cost-plus arrangement may provide insight into the risk premium market participants would demand to fulfil the obligation.

While all available evidence about market participant assumptions regarding the market risk premium should be considered, circumstances may exist when an explicit assumption cannot be determined. In such cases, based on the specific guidance in IFRS 13 – which acknowledges that explicit assumptions in some cases may not be able to be incorporated into the measurement of decommissioning liability – we believe the market risk premium may be incorporated into the fair value measurement on an implicit basis.

11.2.2.B Consideration of an entry price in measuring a liability or entity's own equity not held as an asset

Although fair value represents an exit price, IFRS 13 indicates that in certain situations an entry price may be considered in estimating the fair value of a liability or an entity's own equity instrument. This approach uses assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the identical item (e.g. having the same credit characteristics) in the principal (or most advantageous) market – that is, the principal (or most advantageous) market for issuing a liability or equity instrument with the same contractual terms.

The standard allows for entry prices to be considered in estimating the fair value of a liability because the IASB believes that a liability's entry and exit prices will be identical in many instances. As a result, the price at which a market participant could enter into the identical liability on the measurement date (e.g. an obligation having the same credit characteristics) may be indicative of its fair value.

However, an entry price may differ from the exit price for a liability for a number of reasons. For example, an entity may transfer the liability in a different market from that in which the obligation was incurred. When entry and exit prices differ, IFRS 13 is clear that the objective of the measurement remains an exit price.

11.3 Non-performance risk

IFRS 13 requires a fair value measurement of a liability to incorporate non-performance risk (i.e. the risk that an obligation will not be fulfilled). Conceptually, non-performance risk encompasses more than just an entity's credit risk. It may also include other risks, such as settlement risk. In the case of non-financial instruments, such as commodity contracts, non-performance risk could represent the risk associated with physically extracting and transferring an asset to the point of delivery. When measuring the fair value of a liability, an entity must:

  • Take into account the effect of its credit risk (credit standing) and any other factors that could influence the likelihood whether or not the obligation will be fulfilled.
  • Assume that non-performance risk will be the same before and after the transfer of a liability.
  • Ensure the effect of non-performance risk on the fair value of the liability is consistent with its unit of account for financial reporting purposes.

    If a liability is issued with a third-party credit enhancement that the issuer accounts for separately from the liability, the fair value of the liability does not include the effect of the credit enhancement (e.g. a third-party guarantee of debt). That is, the issuer would take into account its own credit standing and not that of the third-party guarantor when measuring the fair value of the liability (see 11.3.1 below). [IFRS 13.42‑44].

An entity takes into account the effect of its credit risk (credit standing) on the fair value of the liability in all periods in which the liability is measured at fair value because market participants valuing the entity's obligations as assets would take into account the effect of the entity's credit standing when estimating the prices at which they would transact. [IFRS 13.IE31]. Valuation techniques continue to evolve and new concepts are developing in relation to considering non-performance risk. Whether an entity should incorporate them into an IFRS 13 fair value measurement depends on whether market participants would take them into account.

Incorporating non-performance risk into subsequent fair value measurements of a liability is also consistent with the notion that credit risk affects the initial measurement of a liability. Since the terms of a liability are determined based on an entity's credit standing at the time of issuance (and since IFRS 13 assumes the liability is transferred to another party with the same credit standing at the measurement date), subsequent changes in an entity's credit standing will result in the obligation's terms being favourable or unfavourable relative to current market requirements. The standard gives the following example illustrating how the fair value of the same instrument could be different depending on the credit risk of the issuer. [IFRS 13.IE32].

The effect of non-performance risk on the fair value measurement of the liability will depend on factors, such as the terms of any related credit enhancement or the nature of the liability – that is, whether the liability is an obligation to deliver cash (a financial liability) or an obligation to deliver goods or services (a non-financial liability). The following example, from the standard, illustrates changes in fair value measurement due to changes in non-performance risk. As indicated in this example, changes to an entity's non-performance risk does not require there to be a change in credit rating. Instead, such changes are often based on changes in credit spreads. [IFRS 13.IE34].

The standard's assumption that the non-performance risk related to a liability is the same before and after its transfer is not intended to reflect reality. In most cases, the reporting entity and the market participant transferee will have different credit standings. However, this assumption is important when measuring fair value under IFRS 13 for the following reasons:

  • if the transaction results in changes to the non-performance risk associated with the liability, the market participant taking on the obligation would not enter into the transaction without reflecting that change in the price.

    IFRS 13 gives the following examples; a creditor would not generally permit a debtor to transfer its obligation to another party of lower credit standing, nor would a transferee of higher credit standing be willing to assume the obligation using the same terms negotiated by the transferor if those terms reflect the transferor's lower credit standing;

  • if IFRS 13 did not specify the credit standing of the entity taking on the obligation, there could be fundamentally different fair values for a liability depending on an entity's assumptions about the characteristics of the market participant transferee; and
  • those who might hold the entity's liability as an asset would consider the effect of the entity's credit risk and other risk factors when pricing those assets (see 11.2.1 above). [IFRS 13.BC94].

The requirements of IFRS 13 regarding non-performance risk, when measuring fair value for liabilities, are consistent with the fair value measurement guidance in IFRSs prior to the issuance of IFRS 13. Specifically, IFRS 9 refers to making adjustments for credit risk if market participants would reflect that risk when pricing a financial instrument. However, the IASB acknowledged that there was inconsistent application of that principle for two reasons. Firstly, IFRS 9 referred to credit risk generally and did not specifically refer to the reporting entity's own credit risk. Secondly, there were different interpretations about how an entity's own credit risk should be reflected in the fair value of a liability using the settlement notion, under the previous definition of fair value, because it was unlikely that the counterparty would accept a different amount as settlement of the obligation if the entity's credit standing changed. [IFRS 13.BC92, BC93]. As such, adoption of IFRS 13 may have resulted in a change for some entities in this regard.

In developing IFRS 13, there was some debate among constituents about the usefulness of including non-performance risk after initial recognition because this might lead to counter-intuitive and potentially confusing reporting (i.e. gains for credit deterioration and losses for credit improvements). However, in the IASB's view, this does not affect how to measure fair value, but rather whether an IFRS should require fair value measurement subsequent to initial recognition, which is outside the scope of IFRS 13. The standard is clear that a measurement that does not consider the effect of an entity's non-performance risk is not a fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.BC95]. The adoption of IFRS 9 may have resolved some of these concerns. For financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (using the fair value option), IFRS 9 requires fair value changes that are the result of changes in an entity's own credit risk to be presented in other comprehensive income, unless doing so would introduce an accounting mismatch. If it would introduce an accounting mismatch, the whole fair value change is presented in profit or loss (see Chapter 50 for further discussion). [IFRS].

11.3.1 Liabilities issued with third-party credit enhancements

As discussed at 11.3 above, IFRS 13 requires entities to measure the fair value of a liability issued with an inseparable third-party credit enhancement from the issuer's perspective, i.e. considering the issuer's credit risk rather than that of the third-party providing the credit enhancement. This would apply in situations where a credit enhancement (or guarantee) is purchased by an issuer, then combined with a liability and issued as a combined security to an investor. IFRS 13's requirements are based on the fact that the third-party credit enhancement does not relieve the issuer of its ultimate obligation under the liability. Generally, if the issuer fails to meet its payment obligations to the investor, the guarantor has an obligation to make the payments on the issuer's behalf and the issuer has an obligation to the guarantor. By issuing debt combined with a credit enhancement, the issuer is able to market its debt more easily and can either reduce the interest rate paid to the investor or receive higher proceeds when the debt is issued.

IFRS 13 requires the fair value measurement of a liability to follow the unit of account of the liability for financial reporting purposes. The standard anticipates that there may be instances where, even though it may be inseparable, the credit enhancement may need to be separated (i.e. separately recognised) for financial reporting purposes. However, this assumes that: (i) the unit of account is clear in other standards, which may not be the case; and (ii) that standards, such as IFRS 9, may permit or require separation when a credit enhancement is inseparable.

As discussed in Figure 14.4 below, if the unit of account excludes the credit enhancement, the fair value of the liability measured from the issuer's perspective in accordance with IFRS 13, will not equal its fair value as a guaranteed liability held by another party as an asset. The fair value of the asset held by the investor considers the credit standing of the guarantor. However, under the guarantee, any payments made by the guarantor result in a transfer of the issuer's debt obligation from the investor to the guarantor. That is, the amount owed by the issuer does not change; the issuer must now pay the guarantor instead of the investor. Therefore, as discussed at 11.2.1 above, if the fair value of a third-party guaranteed liability is measured based on the fair value of the corresponding asset, it would need to be adjusted. [IFRS 13.BC96‑BC98].

  Issuer's perspective
(i.e. the obligor)
Perspective of the entity that holds the corresponding asset
Credit enhancement provided by the issuer (e.g. collateral or master netting agreement)
Separate unit of account? Dependent on the relevant IFRS (e.g. IFRS 9).
Depending on the nature of the credit enhancement, it may be recognised (e.g. collateral recognised as an asset in the financial statements of the issuer) or unrecognised (e.g. a master netting agreement).
Dependent on the relevant IFRS (e.g. IFRS 9) and the nature of the credit enhancement.
Considered in the fair value measurement? Generally, yes. The fair value measurement of a liability takes into consideration the credit standing of the issuer. The effect may differ depending on the terms of the related credit enhancement. Possibly. If the credit enhancement is not accounted for separately, the fair value of the corresponding asset would take into consideration the effect of the related the credit enhancement.
Credit enhancement provided by a third-party (e.g. financial guarantee)
Separate unit of account? Dependent on the relevant IFRS (e.g. IFRS 9). Likely to be a separate unit of account and remain unrecognised, unless the issuer fails to meet its obligations under the liability. Dependent on the relevant IFRS (e.g. IFRS 9) and the nature of the credit enhancement.
Considered in the fair value measurement? Generally, no. If the credit enhancement is accounted for separately from the liability, the issuer would take into account its own credit standing and not that of the third party guarantor when measuring the fair value of the liability. Possibly. If the credit enhancement is not accounted for separately, the fair value of the corresponding asset would take into consideration the effect of the related third-party credit enhancement.

Figure 14.4 Liabilities with credit enhancements

11.3.1.A Do the requirements of IFRS 13 regarding third-party credit enhancements in a fair value measurement apply to liabilities other than debt?

The requirements of IFRS 13 for liabilities issued with third-party credit enhancements apply to all liabilities that are measured or disclosed at fair value on a recurring basis. Although the requirements would not affect financial liabilities after their initial recognition if they are subsequently measured at amortised cost in accordance with IFRS 9, it would apply to the disclosure of the fair value of those liabilities, as required by IFRS 7.

While an issuer's accounting for guaranteed debt may be the most common application of this guidance, the clarification with respect to the unit of account for certain types of credit enhancements could affect other liabilities, including derivative instruments measured at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9. Many OTC derivative contracts are subject to credit support requirements under an International Swaps and Derivatives Association21 (ISDA) Master Agreement between the derivative counterparties. The application of this guidance to OTC derivatives will depend on the nature of the credit support provided. For example, while credit support is typically provided through the posting of collateral, in certain industries posting a letter of credit (LOC) for the benefit of a derivative counterparty is not uncommon.

In those instances where a LOC is posted for the benefit of a derivative counterparty, we believe the requirement in paragraph 44 of IFRS 13, to consider the issuer's credit risk rather than that of the third party providing the LOC, would generally apply. [IFRS 13.44]. If an entity defaults on its derivative contracts, the bank issuing the LOC will pay the counterparty and the entity's obligation merely transfers from the original counterparty to the issuing bank. In other words, the entity will have a continuing obligation, even in the event it defaults on the derivative. As such, the entity's non-performance risk (not that of the bank providing the LOC) would be considered in determining the fair value of the derivative liability. We believe this generally would apply even if the LOC were deemed separable from the derivative contract. In our view, including the effect of separable credit enhancements while excluding the effect of inseparable credit enhancements would contradict the principles of IFRS 13.

11.3.2 Does IFRS 13 require an entity to consider the effects of both counterparty credit risk and its own credit risk when valuing its derivative transactions?

IFRS 13 addresses the issue of credit risk both explicitly and implicitly. As discussed at 11.3 above, in relation to an entity's own credit risk in the valuation of liabilities, the guidance is explicit; the fair value of a liability should reflect the effect of non-performance risk, which includes own credit risk.

The standard's requirements are less explicit regarding counterparty credit risk. IFRS 13 requires the fair value of an asset or liability to be measured based on market participant assumptions. Because market participants consider counterparty credit risk in pricing a derivative contract, an entity's valuation methodology should incorporate counterparty credit risk in its measurement of fair value.

11.3.3 How should an entity incorporate credit risk into the valuation of its derivative contracts?

As discussed at 11.3.2 above, IFRS 13 requires entities to consider the effects of credit risk when determining a fair value measurement, e.g. by calculating a debit valuation adjustment (DVA) or a credit valuation adjustment (CVA) on their derivatives.

As no specific method is prescribed in IFRS 13, various approaches are used in practice by derivatives dealers and end-users to estimate the effect of credit risk on the fair value of OTC derivatives.

The degree of sophistication in the credit adjustment valuation method used by a reporting entity is influenced by the qualitative factors noted below. Estimation can be complex and requires the use of significant judgement which is often influenced by various qualitative factors, including:

  • the materiality of the entity's derivative's carrying value to its financial statements;
  • the number and type of contracts for derivatives in the entity's portfolio;
  • the extent to which derivative instruments are either deeply in or out of the money;
  • the existence and terms of credit mitigation arrangements (e.g. collateral arrangements in place);
  • the cost and availability of technology to model complex credit exposures;
  • the cost and consistent availability of suitable input data to calculate an accurate credit adjustment; and
  • the credit worthiness of the entity and its counterparties.

While the degree of sophistication and complexity may differ by entity and by the size and nature of the derivative portfolio, any inputs used under any methodology should be consistent with assumptions market participants would use. The complexity and judgement involved in selecting and consistently applying a method may require entities to provide additional disclosures to assist users of financial statements (see 20 below). 11.3.3.A to 11.3.4.B below provide further insights into some of the considerations for determining valuation adjustments for credit risk on derivatives measured at fair value, except for which a quoted price in an active market is available (i.e. over-the-counter derivatives).

In situations where an entity has a master netting agreement or credit support annex22 (CSA) with a counterparty, the entity may consider the credit risk of its derivative instruments with that counterparty on a net basis if it qualifies to use the measurement exception noted at 2.5.2 above (see 12 below for more detail on applying the measurement exception for financial instruments with offsetting credit risks).

11.3.3.A How do credit adjustments work?

In simple terms, the requirement for a credit adjustment as a component of fair value measurement can be analogised to the need for a provision on a trade receivable or an impairment charge on an item of property, plant and equipment. Whilst this analogy helps conceptualise the requirement, the characteristics of derivatives mean that the calculation itself can be significantly more complex than for assets measured at amortised cost.

Consistent with the fact that credit risk affects the initial measurement of a derivative asset or liability, IFRS 13 requires that changes in counterparty credit risk or an entity's own credit standing be considered in subsequent fair value measurements. It cannot be assumed that the parties to the derivative contract will perform.

The terms of the asset or liability were determined based on the counterparty's or entity's credit standing at the time of entering into the contract. In addition, IFRS 13 assumes a liability is transferred to another party with the same credit standing at the measurement date. As a result, subsequent changes in a counterparty's or entity's credit standing will result in the derivative's terms being favourable or unfavourable relative to current market conditions.

Unlike the credit exposure of a ‘vanilla’ receivable, which generally remains constant over time (typically at the principal amount of the receivable), the bilateral nature of the credit exposure in many derivatives varies, whereby both parties to the contract may face potential exposure in the future. As such, many instruments may possibly have a value that is either positive (a derivative asset) or negative (a derivative liability) at different points in time based on changes in the underlying variables of the contract.

Figure 14.5 below illustrates the effect on the income statement and on the statement of financial position of CVA and DVA adjustments as a component of fair value measurement on a single derivative asset or liability.



(1) The table represents a point-in-time during the life of a derivative asset or liability

(2) For illustrative purposes, we have assumed the counterparty credit valuation adjustment is CU 10,000 and the debit valuation adjustment is CU 5,000. These credit adjustments are not intended to reflect reality

Figure 14.5 Accounting for CVA and DVA

11.3.3.B Valuation methods

The determination of a credit adjustment can be complex. Part of the complexity stems from the particular nature of credit risk in many OTC derivative contracts. Credit risk associated with a derivative contract is similar to other forms of credit risk in that the cause of economic loss is an obligor's default on its contractual obligation. However, for many derivative products, two features set credit risk in OTC derivative contracts apart from traditional forms of credit risk in instruments such as debt:

  • the uncertainty of the future exposure associated with the instrument – this is due to the uncertainty of future changes in value of the derivative, as the cash flows required under the instrument stem from: (a) movements in underlying variables that drive the value of the contract; and (b) the progression of time towards the contract's expiry; and
  • the bilateral nature of credit exposure in many derivatives, whereby both parties to the contract may face potential exposure in the future – this can occur in instruments, such as swaps and forwards, given the potential for these derivatives to ‘flip’ from an asset to a liability (or vice versa), based on changes in the underlying variables to the contract (e.g. interest rates or foreign exchange rates).

As previously noted at 11.3.3 above, IFRS does not prescribe any specific valuation methods to quantify the impact of non-performance risk on derivatives’ fair value. IFRS 13 is a principles-based standard intended to provide a general framework for measuring fair value. It was not intended to provide detailed application guidance for calculating the fair value of various types of assets and liabilities. Likewise, IFRS 9 does not provide specific valuation guidance related to derivatives. As a result, extensive judgement needs to be applied, potentially resulting in diversity in the methods and approaches used to quantify credit risk, particularly as it pertains to derivatives. As discussed at 11.3.3 above, a variety of factors may influence the method an entity chooses for estimating credit adjustments. In addition, the cost and availability of technology and input data to model complex credit exposures will also be a contributing factor.

In recent years, some derivative dealers have started to include a funding valuation adjustment (FVA) in the valuation of their uncollateralised derivative positions, as is illustrated in Extract 14.1 at 20.2 below. FVA is included in order to capture the funding cost (or benefit) that results from posting (or receiving) collateral on inter-bank transactions that are used to economically hedge the market risk associated with these uncollateralised trades. The methods for determining FVA can vary. As such, determining whether these methods comply with IFRS 13 requires judgement based on the specific facts and circumstances. A number of valuation adjustments have also emerged in addition to CVA, DVA and FVA. Examples include self-default potential hedging (LVA), collateral (CollVA) and market hedging positions (HVA), as well as tail risk (KVA), collectively these are now referred to as X-Value Adjustments (XVA). It is important to note that some of these valuation adjustments may be useful for internal reporting, but may not be appropriate to use when measuring fair value in accordance with IFRS 13. As noted above, the inputs used in measuring fair value must reflect the assumptions of market participants transacting for the asset or liability in the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date.

11.3.3.C Data challenges

In addition to the method employed to determine a credit adjustment, the inputs used in the various approaches can often require significant judgement. Regardless of the method used, probability of default, loss given default (i.e. the amount that one party expects not to recover if the other party defaults) or credit spread assumptions are important inputs. While the sources of information may vary, the objective remains unchanged – that is, to incorporate inputs that reflect the assumptions of market participants in the current market.

Where available, IFRS 13 requires entities to make maximum use of market-observable credit information. For example, credit default swap (CDS) spreads may provide a good indication of the market's current perception of a particular reporting entity's or counterparty's creditworthiness. However, CDS spreads will likely not be available for smaller public companies or private entities. In these instances, reporting entities may need to consider other available indicators of creditworthiness, such as publicly traded debt or loans.

In the absence of any observable indicator of creditworthiness, a reporting entity may be required to combine a number of factors to arrive at an appropriate credit valuation adjustment. For example, it may be necessary to determine an appropriate credit spread using a combination of own issuance credit spread data, publicly available information on competitors’ debt pricing, sector specific CDS spreads or relevant indices, or historical company or sector-specific probabilities of default.

In all cases, identifying the basis for selecting the proxy, benchmark or input, including any analysis performed and assumptions made, should be documented. Such an analysis may include calculating financial ratios to evaluate the reporting entity's financial position relative to its peer group and their credit spreads. These metrics may consider liquidity, leverage and general financial strength, as well as comparable attributes such as credit ratings, similarities in business mix and level of regulation or geographic footprint.

The use of historical default rates would seem to be inconsistent with the exit price notion in IFRS 13, particularly when credit spread levels in the current environment differ significantly from historical averages. Therefore, when current observable information is unavailable, management should adjust historical data to arrive at its best estimate of the assumptions that market participants would use to price the instrument in an orderly transaction in the current market.

Figure 14.6 below highlights some of the common sources of credit information and the advantages and disadvantages of using each input for the credit adjustment calculation.

Data requirements Advantages Disadvantages
CDS curve (own or counterparty)
  • Market observable
  • Information is current (for counterparties with adequate CDS trading volume)
  • Easy to source from third party data providers
  • Exposure specific data available for most banking counterparties
  • Not available for many entities
  • May not be representative of all the assets of the entity
  • May have liquidity issues due to low trading volumes, resulting in higher-than-expected spreads and additional volatility in calculations
  • CDS quotes may be indicative quotes, not necessarily reflective of actual trades
Current debt credit spread
  • Market observable
  • Available for some publicly traded debt instruments
  • Easy to source from third party data providers
  • May require an adjustment for illiquidity
  • May require a judgemental adjustment due to maturity mismatch and amount of security of debt issuance and derivative to be valued
Sector-specific CDS Index or competitor CDS Curve
  • Market-observable
  • Information is current
  • Easy to source from third party data providers
  • Proxy CDS curve mapping is possible for almost all entities
  • Not exposure-specific; may require judgemental adjustments to reflect differences between proxy and entity (e.g. size, credit rating, etc.)
  • Index CDS curves can be influenced by macro-economic factors, which do not affect entity or affect entity to a lesser or greater extent
Debt issuance credit spread
  • Market observable
  • Information can be current, in case a recent issuance can be referenced (or where pricing terms are available ahead of debt issuance)
  • Easy to source from third party data providers and/or from treasurer, through communications with the banks
  • Information can be outdated and may require an adjustment for illiquidity
  • As it is not always possible to reference a recent issuance, a judgemental adjustment may be required to bridge gap between debt issue date and derivative valuation date (i.e. financial reporting date)
  • May require a judgemental adjustment due to maturity mismatch of debt issuance and derivative to be valued
Credit rating/historical default information (e.g. Moody's publication of Historic Probability of Default)
  • Rating agency data available for most entities
  • Easy to source from third party data providers
  • Information can be outdated
  • Conversion to probability of default may be based on historical information
  • May require an adjustment from long-term average measure to a ‘point-in-time’ measure
  • Not associated with a specific maturity; ratings are generally long term average estimates of creditworthiness, which may not be appropriate for short term derivatives
Internal credit risk analysis
  • May be applied by most entities
  • Ability to customise internal models
  • Based on unobservable information
  • Information can be outdated
  • May not be consistent with what other market participants would use

Figure 14.6 Credit data requirements

11.3.4 Does the existence of master netting agreements and/or CSAs eliminate the need to consider an entity's own credit risk when measuring the fair value of derivative liabilities?

IFRS 13 is clear that non-performance risk should be considered from the perspective of the liability being measured, not the entity obligated under the liability. As such, non-performance risk may differ for various liabilities of the same entity. This difference may result from the specific terms of the liability (e.g. seniority or priority in the event of liquidation) or from specific credit enhancements related to the liability (e.g. collateral).

Bilateral collateral arrangements, master netting agreements and other credit enhancement or risk mitigation tools will reduce the credit exposure associated with a liability (or asset) and should be considered in determining the fair value of the liability. Although these agreements reduce credit exposure, they typically do not eliminate the exposure completely. For example, most CSAs do not require collateral to be posted until a certain threshold has been reached, and once reached require collateral only for the exposure in excess of the threshold. Therefore, while the existence of master netting agreements or CSAs mitigates the effect of own credit risk on the fair value of a liability, their presence alone would not enable an entity to ignore its own credit risk. Entities should assess their credit exposure to a specific liability when determining how their own credit risk would affect its fair value.

11.3.4.A Portfolio approaches and credit mitigation arrangements

When calculating derivative credit adjustments, reporting entities may factor in their ability to reduce their counterparty exposures through any existing netting or collateral arrangements. The measurement exception in IFRS 13 (see 12 below) allows a reporting entity to measure the net credit risk of a portfolio of derivatives to a single counterparty, assuming there is an enforceable arrangement in place that mitigates credit risk upon default (e.g. a master netting agreement). [IFRS 13.48].

  • Netting arrangements

    A master netting agreement is a legally binding contract between two counterparties to net exposures under other agreements or contracts (e.g. relevant ISDA agreements, CSAs and any other credit enhancements or risk mitigation arrangements in place) between the same two parties. Such netting may be effected with periodic payments (payment netting), settlement payments following the occurrence of an event of default (close-out netting) or both. In cases of default, such an agreement serves to protect the parties from paying out on the gross amount of their payable positions, while receiving less than the full amount on their gross receivable positions with the same counterparty.

    IFRS 7 requires disclosure of the effects of set-off and related netting on an entity's financial position (see Chapter 54 for further discussion).

    In situations where an entity meets the criteria to apply the measurement exception in IFRS 13 (discussed at 12 below), it will still need to assess whether it has the practical ability to implement a credit valuation method which reflects the net counterparty exposure. This can be challenging, particularly for those entities that do not have systems in place to capture the relevant net positions by debtor/counterparty. Also, an allocation of the portfolio level adjustments is required, as discussed at 11.3.4.B below.

    A further complication arises if the net exposure represents the position across different classes of derivatives (e.g. interest rate swaps and foreign exchange forwards). Basic valuation methods can attempt to approximate a net position through the creation of an appropriate ‘modelled net position’ representing the net risk.

  • Collateral arrangements

    In many instances, counterparty credit exposure in derivative transactions can be further reduced through collateral requirements. Such arrangements serve to limit the potential exposure of one counterparty to the other by requiring the out-of-the-money counterparty to post collateral (e.g. cash or liquid securities) to the in-the-money counterparty. While these and other credit mitigation arrangements often serve to reduce credit exposure, they typically do not eliminate the exposure completely.

    Many collateral agreements, for example, do not require collateral to be posted until a certain threshold has been reached, and then, collateral is required only for the exposure in excess of the threshold. In addition, even when transactions with a counterparty are subject to collateral requirements, entities remain exposed to what is commonly referred to as ‘gap risk’ (i.e. the exposure arising from fluctuations in the value of the derivatives before the collateral is called and between the time it is called and the time it is actually posted).

    Finally, collateral arrangements may be either unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral arrangements require only one party to the contract to post collateral. Under bilateral agreements, both counterparties are subject to collateral requirements, although potentially at different threshold levels.

Given their ability to reduce credit exposure, netting and collateral arrangements are typically considered in determining the CVA for a portfolio of derivatives. This can add to the complexity of the calculation as total expected credit exposure should be determined not just for a single derivative contract (whose value changes over time), but for a portfolio of derivative contracts (which can include both derivative assets and derivative liabilities). Simply taking the sum of the CVA of individual trades could dramatically overstate the potential credit exposure, as it would not take into account positions in the portfolio with offsetting exposures. Consequently, when netting agreements and collateral arrangements are in place, and a company has elected to measure its derivative positions with offsetting credit risk using the measurement exception in IFRS 13, the expected exposure is generally analysed at the portfolio level (i.e. on a net basis).

11.3.4.B Portfolio-level credit adjustments

The measurement exception (the portfolio approach) permits measuring non-performance risk of derivatives with the same counterparty on a portfolio basis (see 12 below), allowing the mitigating effect of CSAs and master netting agreements to have their full effect in the financial statements taken as a whole. The use of the measurement exception does not change the fact that the unit of account is the individual derivative contract, a concept particularly important when an individual derivative is designated as a hedging instrument in a hedging relationship.

There is no specific guidance under IFRS on how portfolio level credit adjustments should be allocated to individual derivatives. A number of quantitative allocation methods have been observed in practice and have been accepted as long as a reporting entity is able to support that the method is: (a) appropriate for its facts and circumstances; and (b) applied consistently. Given the renewed focus on credit adjustments, it is likely that valuation methods will become more sophisticated and new techniques and refinements to the above portfolio allocation techniques will arise.

11.4 Restrictions preventing the transfer of a liability or an entity's own equity

A liability or an entity's own equity may be subject to restrictions that prevent the transfer of the item. When measuring the fair value of a liability or equity instrument, IFRS 13 does not allow an entity to include a separate input (or an adjustment to other inputs) for such restrictions. This is because the effect of the restriction is either implicitly or explicitly included in other inputs to the fair value measurement. The standard gives the example of both a creditor and an obligor accepting a transaction price for a liability with full knowledge that the obligation includes a restriction that prevents its transfer. In this case, the restriction is implicitly included in the price. Therefore, further adjustment would be inappropriate. [IFRS 13.45, 46]. In Example 14.16 above, the fair value of the decommissioning liability was not adjusted for the existence of a restriction because that restriction was contemplated in developing the inputs to the valuation techniques used to measure fair value.

Paragraph 46 of IFRS 13 states that a separate adjustment for lack of transferability is not necessary for either the initial or subsequent fair value measurement of a liability. This differs from the treatment of asset restrictions. [IFRS 13.46]. IFRS 13 considers liability restrictions and asset restrictions differently because:

  • restrictions on the transfer of a liability relate to the performance of the obligation (i.e. the entity is legally obliged to satisfy the obligation and needs to do something to be relieved of the obligation), whereas restrictions on the transfer of an asset relate to the marketability of the asset; and
  • unlike assets, virtually all liabilities include a restriction preventing their transfer. As a result, the effect of a restriction preventing the transfer of a liability would, in theory, be consistent for all liabilities.

The standard also appears to assume that the effect of a restriction on the fair value of a liability remains constant over the life of the liability. Therefore, no additional adjustments are required in subsequent measurements if the effect of the restriction was already captured in the initial pricing of the liability. Unlike restrictions on assets, which typically expire and whose effect on fair value changes over time, restrictions on liabilities usually remain throughout the life of the obligation.

The Basis for Conclusions to IFRS 13 states that if an entity is aware that a restriction on transfer is not already reflected in the price (or in the other inputs used in the measurement), it would adjust the price or inputs to reflect the existence of the restriction. [IFRS 13.BC99, BC100]. However, in our view this would be rare because nearly all liabilities include a restriction and, when measuring fair value, market participants are assumed by IFRS 13 to be sufficiently knowledgeable about the liability to be transferred.

11.5 Financial liability with a demand feature

IFRS 13 states that the ‘fair value of a financial liability with a demand feature (e.g. a demand deposit) is not less than the amount payable on demand, discounted from the first date that the amount could be required to be paid’. [IFRS 13.47]. This is consistent with the requirements in IFRS 9. In many cases, the observed market price for these financial liabilities would be the demand amount, i.e. the price at which they are originated between the customer and the deposit-taker. Recognising such a financial liability at less than the demand amount may give rise to an immediate gain on the origination of the deposit, which the IASB believes is inappropriate. [IFRS 13.BCZ102‑BCZ103].


IFRS 13 specifies that the concepts of ‘highest and best use’ and ‘valuation premise’ are not relevant when measuring the fair value of financial instruments. Therefore, the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities is based on the unit of account prescribed by the IFRS that requires (or permits) the fair value measurement, which is generally the individual financial instrument. However, IFRS 13 provides a measurement exception that allows an entity to determine the fair value of a group of financial assets and liabilities with offsetting risks based on the sale or transfer of its net exposure to a particular risk (or risks), if certain criteria are met. [IFRS 13.48]. This measurement approach is an exception to the principles of fair value because it represents an entity-specific measure (i.e. an entity's net risk exposure is a function of the other financial instruments specifically held by that entity and its unique risk preferences).

It may be possible for entities to offset multiple risks (e.g. both market and credit risks) within the same portfolio. In addition, since the focus is on offsetting risks, entities may offset credit and market risks stemming from a group of financial instruments at different levels of aggregation. For example, under IFRS 13, management could continue its existing practice of offsetting credit risk at the counterparty level (e.g. based on its portfolio of interest rate swaps with a particular counterparty) while offsetting market risks on a more aggregated portfolio basis (e.g. based on its portfolio of interest rate swaps with all counterparties), provided all of the criteria in 12.1 below are met.

This guidance is largely consistent with practice under IFRS prior to adoption of IFRS 13 when determining valuation adjustments for derivative instruments related to bid-ask spreads and credit risk.

12.1 Criteria for using the portfolio approach for offsetting positions

Entities that hold a group of financial assets and liabilities are generally exposed to market risks (e.g. interest rate risk, currency risk or other price risk) and to the credit risk of each of its counterparties. IFRS 13 allows entities to make an accounting policy choice (see 12.1.1 below) to measure the fair value of a group of financial assets and liabilities based on the price that would be received to sell a net long position or transfer a net short position for a particular risk exposure (that is, a portfolio approach). In order to use the portfolio approach, entities are required to meet all of the following criteria, both initially and on an ongoing basis:

  • the entity manages the group of financial assets and financial liabilities on the basis of the entity's net exposure to a particular market risk(s) or credit risk, in accordance with the entity's documented risk management or investment strategy;
  • the entity provides information based on the group of financial assets and financial liabilities to the entity's key management personnel; and
  • the entity measures (either by requirement or by choice) the financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value in the statement of financial position at each reporting date. [IFRS 13.49].

The measurement exception for offsetting positions only applies to financial assets and financial liabilities within the scope of IFRS 9. [IFRS 13.52]. Also, as indicated by these criteria, the portfolio approach only applies to financial instruments with offsetting risks. As such, a group of financial instruments comprised of only financial assets (e.g. a portfolio of loans) would not qualify for the exception and would need to be valued in a manner consistent with the appropriate unit of account. However, an entity need not maintain a static portfolio to use the measurement exception, i.e. the entity could have assets and liabilities within the portfolio that are traded.

When IFRS 13 was issued, paragraph 52 stated that the measurement exception only applied to financial assets and financial liabilities within the scope of IFRS 9. However, it was not the Boards’ intention to exclude contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item (e.g. physically settled commodity derivative contracts) that are within the scope of IFRS 9 (and that are measured at fair value) from the scope of the measurement exception. [IFRS 13.BC119A, BC119B]. If a contract to buy or sell a non-financial item is within the scope of IFRS 9, those standards treat that contract as if it were a financial instrument. Therefore the IASB amended paragraph 52 to clarify that all contracts within the scope of IFRS 9 are eligible for the measurement exception, regardless of whether they meet the definitions of financial assets or financial liabilities in IAS 32. [IFRS 13.52].

12.1.1 Accounting policy considerations

As noted above, the use of the portfolio approach is an accounting policy decision, to be made in accordance with IAS 8 (see Chapter 3), which must include an entity's policy regarding measurement assumptions – i.e. for both allocating bid-ask adjustments and credit adjustments (see 12.2 below).

An entity can choose to use the portfolio approach on a portfolio-by-portfolio basis. In addition, if entities choose this policy for a particular portfolio, they are not required to apply the portfolio approach to all of the risks of the financial assets and liabilities that make up the particular group. For example, an entity could choose to measure only the credit risk associated with a group of financial instruments on a net basis, but not the group's exposure to market risk.

An entity may also decide to apply the portfolio approach to only certain market risks related to the group. For example, an entity that is exposed to both interest rate and foreign currency risk in a portfolio of financial assets and liabilities could choose to measure only its interest rate risk exposure on a net basis.

The accounting policy decision can be changed if an entity's risk exposure preferences change, for example, a change in strategy to have fewer offsetting positions. In that case, the entity can decide not to use the exception but instead to measure the fair value of its financial instruments on an individual instrument basis. We generally expect that an entity's use of the portfolio approach would be consistent from period to period as changes in risk management policies are typically not common. [IFRS 13.51, BC121].

12.1.2 Presentation considerations

IFRS 13 is clear that applying the portfolio approach for measurement purposes does not affect financial statement presentation. For example, an entity might manage a group of financial assets and liabilities based on the net exposure(s) for internal risk management or investment strategy purposes, but be unable to present those instruments on a net basis in the statement of financial position because the entity does not have a positive intention and ability to settle those instruments on a net basis, as is required by IAS 32. [IAS 32.42].

If the requirements for presentation of financial instruments in the statement of financial position differ from the basis for the measurement, an entity may need to allocate the portfolio-level adjustments (see 12.2 below) to the individual assets or liabilities that make up the portfolio. Entities may also need to allocate portfolio-level adjustments for disclosure purposes when items in the group would be categorised within different levels of the fair value hierarchy (see 16 below for additional discussion on the allocation of portfolio-level adjustments related to the fair value hierarchy disclosures).

IFRS 13 does not prescribe any methodologies for allocating portfolio-level adjustments; instead, it states that the allocation should be performed in a reasonable and consistent manner that is appropriate in the circumstances. [IFRS 13.50].

12.1.3 Is there a minimum level of offset required to use the portfolio approach?

While there are explicit criteria that an entity must meet in order to use the portfolio approach, IFRS 13 does not specify any minimum level of offset within the group of financial instruments. For example, if an entity has positions with offsetting credit risk to a particular counterparty, we believe use of the portfolio approach is appropriate even if the extent of offset is minimal (provided that the entity has in place a legally enforceable agreement, as discussed at 12.2.2 below, that provides for offsetting upon default and all the other required criteria are met). To illustrate, even if the gross credit exposure was CU 100,000 (long) and CU 5,000 (short), upon counterparty default the entity would be exposed to a credit loss of only CU 95,000 under the terms of its master netting agreement.

With respect to market risk, considering the degree of offset may require additional judgement. Entities should assess the appropriateness of using the portfolio approach based on the nature of the portfolio being managed (e.g. derivative versus cash instruments) and its documented risk management policies (or investment strategies). An entity should use the portfolio approach in a manner consistent with the IASB's basis for providing the measurement exception and not in a manner to circumvent other principles within the standard.

12.1.4 Can Level 1 instruments be included in a portfolio of financial instruments with offsetting risks when calculating the net exposure to a particular market risk?

It is our understanding that Level 1 instruments can be included when using the exception to value financial instruments with offsetting risks. An entity is allowed to consider the effect of holding futures contracts when evaluating its net exposure to a particular market risk, such as interest rate risk. Paragraph 54 of IFRS 13 gives an example stating that ‘an entity would not combine the interest rate risk associated with a financial asset with the commodity price risk associated with a financial liability because doing so would not mitigate the entity's exposure to interest rate risk or commodity price risk’. [IFRS 13.54].

We understand that some constituents believe that the requirement in IFRS 13 to measure instruments that trade in active markets based on P×Q does not apply to the measurement of the net exposure when the portfolio exception is used, since the net exposure does not trade in an active market. As such, these constituents argue that the measurement of the net exposure and the allocation of this value back to the instruments that comprise the group are not constrained by the price at which the individual instruments trade in active markets. Others believe that although Level 1 instruments, such as futures contracts, may be considered when calculating an entity's net exposure to a particular market risk, the quoted price (unadjusted) for these Level 1 instruments should be used when allocating the fair value to the individual units of account for presentation and disclosure purposes, to comply with the requirement in IFRS 13 to measure Level 1 instruments at P×Q. However, depending on the extent of Level 1 instruments in the group, it may not always be possible to allocate the fair value determined for the net exposure back to the individual instruments in a manner that results in each of these instruments being recorded at P×Q. For this reason, there are constituents who believe that the use of the portfolio exception should never result in the measurement of Level 1 instruments at an amount other than P×Q. That is, the determination of the fair value of the net exposure is constrained by the requirement that all Level 1 instruments within the group are recorded at a value based on P×Q.

As discussed at 5.1.2 above, we understand that the IASB did not intend the portfolio exception to change existing practice under IFRS or override the requirement in IFRS 13 to measure Level 1 instruments at P×Q or the prohibition on block discounts. However, given the lack of clarity, some have asked questions about how these requirements would apply in practice. In 2013, the IFRS Interpretations Committee referred a request to the Board on the interaction between the use of Level 1 inputs and the portfolio exception. The IASB discussed this issue in December 2013, but only in relation to portfolios that comprise only Level 1 financial instruments whose market risks are substantially the same. The Board tentatively decided that the measurement of such portfolios should be the one that results from multiplying the net position by the Level 1 prices. Therefore, in September 2014, the IASB proposed adding a non-authoritative example to illustrate the application of the portfolio exception in these circumstances.

As discussed at 5.1.2 above and 12.2 below, in April 2015, after considering responses to this proposal from constituents, the IASB concluded it was not necessary to add the proposed illustrative example to IFRS 13.

12.2 Measuring fair value for offsetting positions

If the portfolio approach is used to measure an entity's net exposure to a particular market risk, the net risk exposure becomes the unit of measurement. That is, the entity's net exposure to a particular market risk (e.g. the net long or short Euro interest rate exposure within a specified maturity bucket) represents the asset or liability being measured.

In applying the portfolio approach, an entity must assume an orderly transaction between market participants to sell or transfer the net risk exposure at the measurement date under current market conditions. The fair value of the portfolio is measured on the basis of the price that would be received to sell a net long position (i.e. an asset) for a particular risk exposure or transfer a net short position (i.e. a liability) for a particular risk exposure. [IFRS 13.48]. That is, the objective of the valuation is to determine the price that market participants would pay (or receive) in a single transaction for the entire net risk exposure, as defined. Some argue that, as a result, an adjustment based on the size of the net exposure could be considered in the valuation if market participants would incorporate such an adjustment when transacting for the net exposure. Since the unit of measurement is the net exposure, size is considered a characteristic of the asset (net long position) or liability (net short position) being measured, not a characteristic of the entity's specific holdings. Many have interpreted the equivalent requirements in US GAAP in this way. Others believe that the portfolio exception does not override the unit of account guidance provided in IFRS 9 and, therefore, any premiums or discounts that are inconsistent with that unit of account, i.e. the individual financial instruments within the portfolio, must be excluded. This would include any premiums or discounts related to the size of the portfolio. As discussed at 5.1.2 above, we understand the IASB did not intend the portfolio exception to override the requirement in IFRS 13 to measure Level 1 instruments at P×Q or the prohibition on block discounts which raises questions as to how the portfolio exception would be applied to Level 1 instruments.

In 2013, the IFRS Interpretations Committee referred a request to the Board on the interaction between the use of Level 1 inputs and the portfolio exception. The IASB discussed this issue in December 2013, but only in relation to portfolios that comprise only Level 1 financial instruments whose market risks are substantially the same. The Board tentatively decided that the measurement of such portfolios should be the one that results from multiplying the net position by the Level 1 prices. In September 2014, the IASB proposed adding the following non-authoritative example to illustrate the application of the portfolio exception in these circumstances.

In response to this proposal, some respondents raised concerns because they believed there was a risk that constituents may infer principles from this simple example that could lead to unintended consequences. Respondents noted that the illustrative example did not address:

  • other scenarios and circumstances to which the portfolio approach would apply. For example, situations where the instruments in the portfolio are categorised within Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy or for which different Level 1 prices are available; and
  • allocation of the resulting measurement to each instrument in the portfolio for disclosure purposes.

The proposed illustrative example also raised questions about the interaction between the portfolio exception and the use of mid-market pricing as a practical expedient in accordance with paragraph 71 of IFRS 13 and may have required clarification of the term ‘bid-offer reserve adjustment’ used in the example. Despite these concerns, the majority of the respondents agreed that the proposed additional illustrative example appropriately illustrated application of the portfolio approach.24

As discussed at 5.1.2 above, in April 2015, after considering responses to this proposal from constituents, the IASB concluded that it was not necessary to add the proposed illustrative example to IFRS 13. However, in reaching this decision, the Board noted that the proposed illustrative example appropriately illustrated the application of the portfolio approach. ‘That is, if an entity elects to use the exception in paragraph 48 of IFRS 13, the appropriate fair value measurement of the net risk exposure arising from a group of financial assets and financial liabilities whose market risks are substantially the same, and whose fair value measurement is categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy, would be determined by multiplying the financial instruments included in the resulting net position by the corresponding unadjusted Level 1 price’.25 [IFRS 13.48].

While the proposed non-authoritative example provides one approach to consider, in light of the above discussion, entities will need to use judgement to determine the most appropriate approach to employ when applying the portfolio exception.

When measuring fair value using the portfolio approach, IFRS 13 also requires that the market risks be substantially the same (see 12.2.1 below) and that the fair value measurement must take into consideration any exposure to the credit risk of a particular counterparty (see 12.2.2 below).

It is also important to note that when applying the portfolio approach, entities may offset credit and market risks at different levels of aggregation. This approach is consistent with risk management practices employed by many entities. Such an approach may be required because it is unlikely that all of the financial assets and liabilities giving rise to the net exposure for a particular market risk will be with the same counterparty. The example below illustrates this concept.

12.2.1 Exposure to market risks

When measuring fair value using the measurement exception for offsetting positions, the entity is required to ensure the following in relation to market risks:

  • Market risk (or risks), to which the entity is exposed within that portfolio, is substantially the same. For example, combining the interest rate risk associated with a financial asset with the commodity price risk associated with a financial liability would not be appropriate because it would not mitigate the entity's exposure to interest rate risk or commodity price risk.

    The standard requires any basis risk resulting from the market risk parameters not being identical to be taken into account in the fair value measurement of the financial assets and financial liabilities within the group; [IFRS 13.54]

  • The duration of the entity's exposure to a particular market risk (or risks) must be substantially the same. [IFRS 13.55].

    The standard gives the example of an entity that uses a 12-month futures contract against the cash flows associated with 12 months’ worth of interest rate risk exposure on a five-year financial instrument. The futures and five-year financial instruments are within a group that is made up of only those financial assets and financial liabilities. The entity measures the fair value of the exposure to 12-month interest rate risk on a net basis and the remaining interest rate risk exposure (i.e. years 2‑5) on a gross basis.

Management selects the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances to the entity's net exposure to the particular market risk(s) (pricing within the bid-ask spread is discussed further at 15.3 below). [IFRS 13.53].

12.2.2 Exposure to the credit risk of a particular counterparty

In some cases, an entity might enter into an arrangement to mitigate the credit risk exposure in the event of default, for example, a master netting agreement with the counterparty or the exchange of collateral on the basis of each party's net exposure to the credit risk of the other party.

An entity is not required to prove that such agreements will be legally enforceable in all jurisdictions to use the measurement exception. Instead, an entity should consider market participant expectations about the likelihood that such an arrangement would be legally enforceable in the event of default when valuing the net credit exposure. [IFRS 13.56].

When market participants would take into account any of these existing arrangements, the fair value measurement (using the measurement exception for offsetting positions) must include the effect of the entity's net exposure to the credit risk of that counterparty and/or the counterparty's net exposure to the credit risk of the entity.


13.1 Exit price versus entry price

IFRS 13 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell the asset or paid to transfer the liability; this is an exit price notion. When an entity acquires an asset, or assumes a liability, the price paid (or the transaction price) is an entry price. Conceptually, entry prices and exit prices are different. Entities do not necessarily sell assets at the prices paid to acquire them. Similarly, entities do not necessarily transfer liabilities at the prices received to assume them. This distinction is significant and can have important implications on the initial recognition of assets and liabilities at fair value. However, IFRS 13 acknowledges that, in many cases, an entry price may equal an exit price (e.g. when the transaction takes place in the entity's principal market); since one party is selling an asset, that transaction is also an exit transaction. [IFRS 13.57, 58].

13.1.1 Assessing whether the transaction price equals fair value at initial recognition

Prior to the issuance of IFRS 13, it was common for entities to use the transaction price as fair value of an asset or liability on its initial recognition. While IFRS 13 acknowledges that in many situations, an entry price may equal an exit price, it does not presume that these prices are equal. Therefore, an entity must determine whether the transaction price represents the fair value of an asset or liability at initial recognition. [IFRS 13.59].

Paragraph B4 of IFRS 13 provides certain factors that an entity should consider in making this determination. For example, a transaction price may not represent fair value if the unit of account represented by the transaction price is different from the unit of account for the asset or liability measured at fair value. [IFRS 13.B4(c)]. This may be the case with a complex financial instrument where the transaction price includes a fee for structuring the transaction or when an entity acquires a block and the transaction price includes a block discount.

Another factor to consider is whether the market in which an entity acquired the asset (or assumed the liability) is different from the principal (or most advantageous) market in which the entity will sell the asset (or transfer the liability). [IFRS 13.B4(d)]. For example, a securities dealer may acquire an asset in the retail market but sell it in the inter-dealer market. However, the fair value measurement should consider the fact that, while the inter-dealer price (i.e. the exit price in a hypothetical transaction) may differ from the retail price (i.e. transaction price), another dealer would also expect to earn a profit on the transaction. Accordingly, a pricing model's value should incorporate assumptions regarding the appropriate profit margin that market participants (i.e. other dealers) would demand when estimating the instrument's fair value at inception.

Other examples identified by paragraph B4 of IFRS 13 include:

  • the transaction is between related parties – although IFRS 13 does allow the price in a related party transaction to be used as an input into a fair value measurement if the entity has evidence that the transaction was entered into at market terms; and
  • the transaction takes place under duress or the seller is forced to accept the price in the transaction – for example, if the seller is experiencing financial difficulty. [IFRS 13.B4(a)-(b)].

In addition, the measurement of fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 should take into consideration market participant assumptions about risk. Adjustments for uncertainty associated with a valuation technique or certain inputs used to measure fair value are required if market participants would incorporate such risk adjustments when pricing the asset or liability. A measurement (e.g. a ‘mark-to-model’ measurement) that ignores these market participant adjustments for risk is not representative of fair value.

While helpful in identifying the factors entities should consider in assessing whether a transaction price would equal fair value, the examples provided in the standard are not intended to be exhaustive.

13.2 Day one gains and losses

IFRS 13's measurement framework applies to initial fair value measurements, if permitted or required by another IFRS. At initial recognition, if the measurement of fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 and the transaction price differ, the entity recognises the resulting gain or loss in profit or loss unless the related IFRS (i.e. the IFRS that permits or requires the initial measurement at fair value) specifies otherwise. [IFRS 13.60].

As noted in Example 14.21 below, IFRS 9 has specific requirements with regard to the recognition of inception (or ‘day one’) gains and losses for financial instruments within the scope of the standard (see Chapter 49). In developing IFRS 13, the IASB did not change the recognition threshold in those standards in relation to day one gains or losses. However, IFRS 9 was amended to clarify that an entity: (i) measures the fair value of financial instruments at initial recognition in accordance with IFRS 13, then; (ii) considers the requirements of IFRS 9 in determining whether (and when) the resulting difference (if any) between fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price is recognised. [IFRS 13.BC138].

13.2.1 Day one losses for over-the-counter derivative transactions

The definition of fair value as an exit price affects the accounting by retail customers as much as financial institutions (i.e. dealers). For example, retail customers whose entry and exit market for a financial asset (or financial liability) measured at fair value is with a wholesaler (e.g. a dealer) could experience a day one loss, because the price at which a wholesaler would sell a financial asset to a retail customer would generally exceed the price a wholesaler would pay to acquire that financial asset from a retail customer (this difference in price is commonly referred to as the bid-ask spread in many financial markets).

The following example from IFRS 13 discusses how an interest rate swap at initial recognition may be measured differently by a retail counterparty (i.e. an end-user) and a dealer. [IFRS 13.IE24‑26].

This example seems to indicate that a retail counterparty may not have any gain or loss at initial recognition because the retail counterparty would likely be presumed to transact both at inception and on disposal (i.e. a hypothetical exit) in the same principal market (i.e. the retail market with securities dealers). However, this example does not address the bid-ask spread.

The bid-ask spread is the difference between the price a prospective dealer is willing to pay for an instrument (the ‘bid’ price) and the price at which the dealer would sell that same instrument (the ‘ask’ price), allowing the dealer to earn a profit for its role as a ‘market maker’ in the over-the-counter marketplace. The bid-ask spread may differ by dealer, as well as by the market and type of instrument that is being transacted.

IFRS 13 requires that instruments that trade in markets with bid-ask spreads (e.g. a dealer market) be measured at the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances (pricing within the bid-ask spread is discussed further at 15.3 below). Therefore, an inception loss could be experienced by the retail counterparty due to a difference in the price within the bid-ask spread that the retail counterparty could hypothetically exit the instrument and the price within the bid-ask spread that the retail counterparty actually transacted.

The IASB has acknowledged that the fair value of an interest rate swap may differ from its transaction price because of the bid-ask spread, even when the entry and exit markets for the swap are identical. [IFRS 13.BC165]. In addition to the bid-ask spread, retail counterparties may recognise additional losses or expenses at the inception of derivative contracts. For example, if the transaction price for a complex derivative includes a structuring fee, the retail counterparty would likely recognise a loss when measuring the fair value of the derivative. Because the transaction price includes the price for the derivative instrument, as well as the fee paid by the retail counterparty to the dealer for structuring the transaction, the unit of account represented by the transaction price differs from the unit of account for the instrument being measured, as discussed in paragraph B4(c) of IFRS 13. [IFRS 13.B4(c)].

13.2.2 Day one gains and losses when entry and exit markets for the transaction are deemed to be the same

IFRS 13 contains no explicit prohibitions on the recognition of day one gains or losses, even in situations where the entry and exit markets are the same. For example, it may be acceptable in certain situations for a dealer to recognise a day one gain or loss on a transaction where the entry and exit markets are deemed to be the same (e.g. inter-dealer market). A difference in the price within the bid-ask spread at which a dealer could exit a transaction versus where it entered the transaction could be one reason to record an inception gain or loss. IFRS 13 clarifies that the exit price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances should be used to measure fair value, regardless of where in the fair value hierarchy the input falls (pricing within the bid-ask spread is discussed further at 15.3 below).

Notwithstanding the guidance in IFRS 13, IFRS 9 provide specific requirements in relation to the recognition of any day one gains or losses. For example, where fair value is not measured using a quoted price in an active market (without adjustment), recognition of day one gains or losses is generally prohibited (see Chapter 49).

13.3 Related party transactions

As discussed at 7 above, the definition of market participants makes it clear that buyers and sellers for the item being measured are not related parties (as defined in IAS 24). That is, the hypothetical transaction used to determine fair value in IFRS 13 is assumed to take place between market participants that are independent from one another. However, IFRS 13 indicates that the price in a related party transaction may be used as an input into a fair value measurement if there is evidence the transaction was entered into at market terms. The Boards believe such an approach is consistent with the requirements of IAS 24. As with disclosures made in accordance with IAS 24, evidence to support that a related party transaction was executed at market terms may be difficult to substantiate absent corroborating market data from transactions between independent parties.


There are two key distinctions between the way previous IFRSs considered valuation techniques and the approach in IFRS 13. On adoption of the standard, these distinctions, in and of themselves, may not have changed practice. However, they may have required management to reconsider their methods of measuring fair value.

Firstly, IFRS 13's requirements in relation to valuation techniques apply to all methods of measuring fair value. Traditionally, references to valuation techniques in IFRS have indicated a lack of market-based information with which to value an asset or liability. Valuation techniques as discussed in IFRS 13 are broader and, importantly, include market-based approaches.

Secondly, IFRS 13 does not prioritise the use of one valuation technique over another, unlike existing IFRSs, or require the use of only one technique (with the exception of the requirement to measure identical financial instruments that trade in active markets at price multiplied by quantity (P×Q)). Instead, the standard establishes a hierarchy for the inputs used in those valuation techniques, requiring an entity to maximise observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs (the fair value hierarchy is discussed further at 16 below). [IFRS 13.74]. In some instances, the approach in IFRS 13 may be consistent with previous requirements in IFRS. For example, the best indication of fair value continues to be a quoted price in an active market. However, since IFRS 13 indicates that multiple techniques should be used when appropriate and sufficient data is available, judgement will be needed to select the techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances. [IFRS 13.61].

14.1 Selecting appropriate valuation techniques

IFRS 13 recognises the following three valuation approaches to measure fair value.

  • Market approach: based on market transactions involving identical or similar assets or liabilities;
  • Income approach: based on future amounts (e.g. cash flows or income and expenses) that are converted (discounted) to a single present amount; and
  • Cost approach: based on the amount required to replace the service capacity of an asset (frequently referred to as current replacement cost).

IFRS 13 requires that an entity use valuation techniques that are consistent with one or more of the above valuation approaches (these valuation approaches are discussed in more detail at 14.2 to 14.4 below). [IFRS 13.62]. These approaches are consistent with generally accepted valuation methodologies used outside financial reporting. Not all of the approaches will be applicable to all types of assets or liabilities. However, when measuring the fair value of an asset or liability, IFRS 13 requires an entity to use valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data is available. As a result, the use of multiple valuation techniques may be required. [IFRS 13.61, 62].

The determination of the appropriate technique(s) to be applied requires: significant judgement; sufficient knowledge of the asset or liability; and an adequate level of expertise regarding the valuation techniques. Within the application of a given approach, there may be a number of possible valuation techniques. For instance, there are a number of different techniques used to value intangible assets under the income approach (such as the multi-period excess earnings method and the relief-from-royalty method) depending on the nature of the asset.

As noted above, the fair value hierarchy does not prioritise the valuation techniques to be used; instead, it prioritises the inputs used in the application of these techniques. As such, the selection of the valuation technique(s) to apply should consider the exit market (i.e. the principal (or most advantageous) market) for the asset or liability and use valuation inputs that are consistent with the nature of the item being measured. Regardless of the technique(s) used, the objective of a fair value measurement remains the same – i.e. an exit price under current market conditions from the perspective of market participants.

Selection, application, and evaluation of the valuation techniques can be complex. As such, reporting entities may need assistance from valuation professionals.

14.1.1 Single versus multiple valuation techniques

The standard does not contain a hierarchy of valuation techniques because particular valuation techniques might be more appropriate in some circumstances than in others.

Selecting a single valuation technique may be appropriate in some circumstances, for example, when measuring a financial asset or liability using a quoted price in an active market. However, in other situations, more than one valuation technique may be deemed appropriate and multiple approaches should be applied. For example, it may be appropriate to use multiple valuation techniques when measuring fair value less costs of disposal for a cash-generating unit to test for impairment.

The nature of the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured and the availability of observable market prices may contribute to the number of valuation techniques used in a fair value analysis. For example, the fair value of a business is often estimated by giving consideration to multiple valuation approaches; such as an income approach that derives value from the present value of the expected future cash flows specific to the business and a market approach that derives value from market data (such as EBITDA or revenue multiples) based on observed transactions for comparable assets. On the other hand, financial assets that frequently trade in active markets are often valued using only a market approach given the availability and relevance of observable data.

Even when the use of a single approach is deemed appropriate, entities should be aware of changing circumstances that could indicate using multiple approaches may be more appropriate. For example, this might be the case if there is a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity for an asset or liability in relation to normal market activity. Observable transactions that once formed the basis for the fair value estimate may cease to exist altogether or may not be determinative of fair value and, therefore, require an adjustment to the fair value measurement (this is discussed further at 8.3 above). As such, the use of multiple valuation techniques may be more appropriate.

14.1.2 Using multiple valuation techniques to measure fair value

When the use of multiple valuation techniques is considered appropriate, their application is likely to result in a range of possible values. IFRS 13 requires that management evaluate the reasonableness of the range and select the point within the range that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances. [IFRS 13.63].

As with the selection of the valuation techniques, the evaluation of the results of multiple techniques requires significant judgement. The merits of each valuation technique applied, and the underlying assumptions embedded in each of the techniques, will need to be considered. Evaluation of the range does not necessarily require the approaches to be calibrated to one another (i.e. the results from different approaches do not have to be equal). The objective is to find the point in the range that most reflects the price to sell an asset or transfer a liability between market participants.

If the results from different valuation techniques are similar, the issue of weighting multiple value indications becomes less important since the assigned weights will not significantly alter the fair value estimate. However, when indications of value are disparate, entities should seek to understand why significant differences exist and what assumptions might contribute to the variance. Paragraph B40 of IFRS 13 indicates that when evaluating results from multiple valuation approaches, a wide range of fair value measurements may be an indication that further analysis is needed. [IFRS 13.B40]. For example, divergent results between a market approach and income approach may indicate a misapplication of one or both of the techniques and would likely necessitate additional analysis.

The standard gives two examples that illustrate situations where the use of multiple valuation techniques is appropriate and, when used, how different indications of value are assessed.

Firstly, an entity might determine that a technique uses assumptions that are not consistent with market participant assumptions (and, therefore, is not representative of fair value). This is illustrated in Example 14.22 below, where the entity eliminates use of the cost approach because it determines a market participant would not be able to construct the asset itself. [IFRS 13.IE15‑17].

Secondly, as is illustrated in Example 14.23 below, [IFRS 13.IE11‑14], an entity considers the possible range of fair value measures and considers what is most representative of fair value by taking into consideration that:

  • one valuation technique may be more representative of fair value than others;
  • inputs used in one valuation technique may be more readily observable in the marketplace or require fewer adjustments (inputs are discussed further at 15 below);
  • the resulting range in estimates using one valuation technique may be narrower than the resulting range from other valuation techniques; and
  • divergent results from the application of the market and income approaches would indicate that additional analysis is required, as one technique may have been misapplied, or the quality of inputs used in one technique may be less reliable.

Both Examples 14.22 and 14.23 highlight situations where it was appropriate to use more than one valuation approach to estimate fair value. Although the indication of value from the cost approach was ultimately not given much weight in either example, performing this valuation technique was an important part of the estimation process. Even when a particular valuation technique is given little weight, its application can highlight specific characteristics of the item being measured and may help in assessing the value indications from other techniques.

Determining the point in a range of values that is ‘most representative of fair value’ can be subjective and requires the use of judgement by management. In addition, although Example 14.23 refers to ‘weighting’ the results of the valuation techniques used, in our view, this is not meant to imply that an entity must explicitly apply a percentage weighting to the results of each technique to determine fair value. However, this may be appropriate in certain circumstances.

The standard does not prescribe a specific weighting methodology (e.g. explicit assignment of percentages versus qualitative assessment of value indications). As such, evaluating the techniques applied in an analysis will require judgement based on the merits of each methodology and their respective assumptions.

Identifying a single point within a range is not the same as finding the point within the range that is most representative of fair value. As such, simply assigning arbitrary weights to different indications of value is not appropriate. The weighting of multiple value indications is a process that requires significant judgement and a working knowledge of the different valuation techniques and inputs. Such knowledge is necessary to properly assess the relevance of these methodologies and inputs to the asset or liability being measured. For example, in certain instances it may be more appropriate to rely primarily on the fair value indicated by the technique that maximises the use of observable inputs and minimises the use of unobservable inputs. In all cases, entities should document how they considered the various indications of value, including how they evaluated qualitative and quantitative factors, in determining fair value.

14.1.3 Valuation adjustments

In certain instances, adjustments to the output from a valuation technique may be required to appropriately determine a fair value measurement in accordance with IFRS 13. An entity makes valuation adjustments if market participants would make those adjustments when pricing an asset or liability (under the market conditions at the measurement date). This includes any adjustments for measurement uncertainty (e.g. a risk premium).

Valuation adjustments may include the following:

  1. an adjustment to a valuation technique to take into account a characteristic of an asset or a liability that is not captured by the valuation technique (the need for such an adjustment is typically identified during calibration of the value calculated using the valuation technique with observable market information – see 14.1.3.A below);
  2. applying the point within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances (see 15.3 below);
  3. an adjustment to take into account credit risk (e.g. an entity's non-performance risk or the credit risk of the counterparty to a transaction); and
  4. an adjustment to take into account measurement uncertainty (e.g. when there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity when compared with normal market activity for the asset or liability, or similar assets or liabilities, and the entity has determined that the transaction price or quoted price does not represent fair value). [IFRS 13.BC145].
14.1.3.A Adjustments to valuation techniques that use unobservable inputs

Regardless of the valuation technique(s) used, the objective of a fair value measurement remains the same – i.e. an exit price under current market conditions from the perspective of market participants. As such, if the transaction price is determined to represent fair value at initial recognition (see 13 above) and a valuation technique that uses unobservable inputs will be used to measure the fair value of an item in subsequent periods, the valuation technique must be calibrated to ensure the valuation technique reflects current market conditions. [IFRS 13.64].

Calibration ensures that a valuation technique incorporates current market conditions. The calibration also helps an entity to determine whether an adjustment to the valuation technique is necessary by identifying potential deficiencies in the valuation model. For example, there might be a characteristic of the asset or liability that is not captured by the valuation technique.

If an entity measures fair value after initial recognition using a valuation technique (or techniques) that uses unobservable inputs, an entity must ensure the valuation technique(s) reflect observable market data (e.g. the price for a similar asset or liability) at the measurement date. [IFRS 13.64]. That is, it should be calibrated to observable market data, when available.

14.1.4 Making changes to valuation techniques

The standard requires that valuation techniques used to measure fair value be applied on a consistent basis among similar assets or liabilities and across reporting periods. [IFRS 13.65]. This is not meant to preclude subsequent changes, such as a change in its weighting when multiple valuation techniques are used or a change in an adjustment applied to a valuation technique.

An entity can make a change to a valuation technique or its application (or a change in the relative importance of one technique over another), provided that change results in a measurement that is equally representative (or more representative) of fair value in the circumstances.

IFRS 13 provides the following examples of circumstances that may trigger a change in valuation technique or relative weights assigned to valuation techniques:

  1. new markets develop;
  2. new information becomes available;
  3. information previously used is no longer available;
  4. valuation techniques improve; or
  5. market conditions change. [IFRS 13.65].

In addition, a change in the exit market, characteristics of market participants that would transact for the asset or liability, or the highest and best use of an asset by market participants could also warrant a change in valuation techniques in certain circumstances.

Changes to fair value resulting from a change in the valuation technique or its application are accounted for as a change in accounting estimate in accordance with IAS 8. However, IFRS 13 states that the disclosures in IAS 8 for a change in accounting estimate are not required for such changes. [IFRS 13.65, 66]. Instead, information would be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 13 (see 20.3.5 below for further discussion). If a valuation technique is applied in error, the correction of the technique would be accounted as a correction of an error in accordance with IAS 8.

14.2 Market approach

IFRS 13 describes the market approach as a widely used valuation technique. As defined in the standard, the market approach ‘uses prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving identical or comparable (i.e. similar) assets, liabilities or a group of assets and liabilities, such as a business’. [IFRS 13.B5]. Hence, the market approach uses prices that market participants would pay or receive for the transaction, for example, a quoted market price. The market price may be adjusted to reflect the characteristics of the item being measured, such as its current condition and location, and could result in a range of possible fair values.

Valuation techniques consistent with the market approach use prices and other market data derived from observed transactions for the same or similar assets, for example, revenue, or EBITDA multiples. Multiples might be in ranges with a different multiple for each comparable asset or liability. The selection of the appropriate multiple within the range requires judgement, considering qualitative and quantitative factors specific to the measurement. [IFRS 13.B6].

Another example of a market approach is matrix pricing. Matrix pricing is a mathematical technique used principally to value certain types of financial instruments, such as debt securities, where specific instruments (e.g. cusips) may not trade frequently. The method derives an estimated price of an instrument using transaction prices and other relevant market information for benchmark instruments with similar features (e.g. coupon, maturity or credit rating). [IFRS 13.B7].

14.3 Cost approach

‘The cost approach reflects the amount that would be required currently to replace the service capacity of an asset’. This approach is often referred to as current replacement cost. [IFRS 13.B8]. The cost approach (or current replacement cost) is typically used to measure the fair value of tangible assets, such as plant or equipment.

From the perspective of a market participant seller, the price that would be received for the asset is based on the cost to a market participant buyer to acquire or construct a substitute asset of comparable utility, adjusted for obsolescence.

Obsolescence is broader than depreciation, whether for financial reporting or tax purposes. According to the standard, obsolescence encompasses:

  • physical deterioration;
  • functional (technological) obsolescence; and
  • economic (external) obsolescence. [IFRS 13.B9].

Physical deterioration and functional obsolescence are factors specific to the asset. Physical deterioration refers to wear, tear or abuse. For example, machines in a factory might deteriorate physically due to high production volumes or a lack of maintenance. Something is functionally obsolete when it does not function in the manner originally intended (excluding any physical deterioration). For example, layout of the machines in the factory may make their use, in combination, more labour intensive, increasing the cost of those machines to the entity. Functional obsolescence also includes the impact of technological change, for example, if newer, more efficient and less labour-intensive models were available, demand for the existing machines might decline, along with the price for the existing machines in the market.

Economic obsolescence arises from factors external to the asset. An asset may be less desirable or its economic life may reduce due to factors such as regulatory changes or excess supply. Consider the machines in the factory; assume that, after the entity had purchased its machines, the supplier had flooded the market with identical machines. If demand was not as high as the supplier had anticipated, it could result in an oversupply and the supplier would be likely to reduce the price in order to clear the excess stock.

14.3.1 Use of depreciated replacement cost to measure fair value

As discussed at 14.3 above, IFRS 13 permits the use of a cost approach for measuring fair value. However, care is needed in using depreciated replacement cost to ensure the resulting measurement is consistent with the requirements of IFRS 13 for measuring fair value.

Before using depreciated replacement cost as a method to measure fair value, an entity should ensure that both:

  • the highest and best use of the asset is its current use (see 10 above); and
  • the exit market for the asset (i.e. the principal market or in its absence, the most advantageous market, see 6 above) is the same as the entry market (i.e. the market in which the asset was/will be purchased).

In addition, an entity should ensure that both:

  • the inputs used to determine replacement cost are consistent with what market participant buyers would pay to acquire or construct a substitute asset of comparable utility; and
  • the replacement cost has been adjusted for obsolescence that market participant buyers would consider – i.e. that the depreciation adjustment reflects all forms of obsolescence (i.e. physical deterioration, technological (functional) and economic obsolescence), which is broader than depreciation calculated in accordance with IAS 16.

Even after considering these factors, the resulting depreciated replacement cost must be assessed to ensure market participants would actually transact for the asset, in its current condition and location, at this price. The Illustrative Examples to IFRS 13 reflect this stating that ‘the price received for the sale of the machine (i.e. an exit price) would not be more than either of the following:

  1. the cost that a market participant buyer would incur to acquire or construct a substitute machine of comparable utility; or
  2. the economic benefit that a market participant buyer would derive from the use of the machine.’ [IFRS 13.IE11-IE14].

14.4 Income approach

The income approach converts future cash flows or income and expenses to a single current (i.e. discounted) amount. A fair value measurement using the income approach will reflect current market expectations about those future cash flows or income and expenses. [IFRS 13.B10].

The income approach includes valuation techniques such as:

  1. present value techniques (see 21 below);
  2. option pricing models – examples include the Black-Scholes-Merton formula or a binomial model (i.e. a lattice model) – that incorporate present value techniques and reflect both the time value and the intrinsic value of an option; and
  3. the multi-period excess earnings method. This method is used to measure the fair value of some intangible assets. [IFRS 13.B11].

The standard does not limit the valuation techniques that are consistent with the income approach to these examples; an entity may consider other valuation techniques.

The standard provides some application guidance, but only in relation to present value techniques (see 21 below for further discussion regarding this application guidance).


15.1 General principles

When selecting the inputs to use in a valuation technique, IFRS 13 requires that they:

  • be consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability that market participants would take into account (see 5.2 above);
  • exclude premiums or discounts that reflect size as a characteristic of the entity's holding, rather than a characteristic of the item being measured (for example, blockage factors); and
  • exclude other premiums or discounts if they are inconsistent with the unit of account (see 5.1 above for discussions regarding unit of account). [IFRS 13.69].

Premiums, discounts and blockage factors are discussed further at 15.2 below.

In all cases, if there is a quoted price in an active market (i.e. a Level 1 input) for the identical asset or a liability, an entity shall use that price without adjustment when measuring fair value. Adjustments to this price are only permitted in certain circumstances, which are discussed at 17.1 below.

Regardless of the valuation techniques used to estimate fair value, IFRS 13 requires that these techniques maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. [IFRS 13.67]. This requirement is consistent with the idea that fair value is a market-based measurement and, therefore, is determined using market-based observable data, to the extent available and relevant.

The standard provides some examples of markets in which inputs might be observable.

  1. Exchange markets – where closing prices are both readily available and generally representative of fair value, e.g. the Hong Kong Stock Exchange;
  2. Dealer markets – where dealers stand ready to trade for their own account. Typically, in these markets, bid and ask prices (see 15.3 below) are more readily available than closing prices. Dealer markets include over-the-counter markets, for which prices are publicly reported;
  3. Brokered markets – where brokers attempt to match buyers with sellers but do not stand ready to trade for their own account. The broker knows the prices bid and asked by the respective parties, but each party is typically unaware of another party's price requirements. In such markets, prices for completed transactions may be available. Examples of brokered markets include electronic communication networks in which buy and sell orders are matched, and commercial and residential real estate markets;
  4. Principal-to-principal markets – where transactions, both new and re-sales, are negotiated independently with no intermediary. Little, if any, information about these transactions in these markets may be publicly available. [IFRS 13.68, B34].

The standard clarifies that the relevance of market data must be considered when assessing the priority of inputs in the fair value hierarchy. When evaluating the relevance of market data, the number and range of data points should be considered, as well as whether this data is directionally consistent with pricing trends and indications from other more general market information.

Relevant market data reflects the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability being measured. Recent transaction prices for the reference asset or liability (or similar assets and liabilities) are typically considered to represent relevant market data, unless the transaction is determined not to be orderly (see 8 above for a discussion of factors to consider when determining if a transaction is orderly). However, even in situations where a transaction is considered to be orderly, observable transaction prices from inactive markets may require adjustment to address factors, such as timing differences between the transaction date and the measurement date or differences between the asset being measured and a similar asset that was the subject of the transaction. In those instances where the adjustments to observable data are significant and are determined using unobservable data, the resulting measurement would be considered a Level 3 measurement.

Whether observable or unobservable, all inputs used in determining fair value should be consistent with a market-based measurement. As such, the use of unobservable inputs is not intended to allow for the inclusion of entity-specific assumptions in a fair value measurement. While IFRS 13 acknowledges that unobservable inputs may sometimes be developed using an entity's own data, the guidance is clear that these inputs should reflect market participant assumptions. When valuing an intangible asset using unobservable inputs, for example, an entity should take into account the intended use of the asset by market participants, even though this may differ from the entity's intended use. The entity may use its own data, without adjustment, if it determines that market participant assumptions are consistent with its own assumptions (see 19.1 below for additional discussion on how an entity's own assumptions may be applied in a fair value measurement).

The term ‘input’ is used in IFRS 13 to refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing an asset or liability, rather than to the data entered into a pricing model. This important distinction implies that an adjustment to a pricing model's value (e.g. an adjustment for the risk that a pricing model might not replicate a market price due to the complexity of the instrument being measured) represents an input, which should be evaluated when determining the measurement's category in the fair value hierarchy. For example, when measuring a financial instrument, an adjustment for model risk would be considered an input (most likely a Level 3 input) that, if deemed significant (see 16.2.1 below for further discussion on assessing the significance of inputs) may render the entire fair value estimate a Level 3 measurement.

It is also important to note that an input is distinct from a characteristic. IFRS 13 requires an entity to consider the characteristics of the asset or liability (if market participants would take those characteristics into account when pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date). [IFRS 13.11]. As discussed at 5.1 above, examples of such characteristics could include:

  • the condition and location of an asset; and
  • restrictions, if any, on the sale or use of an asset or transfer of a liability.

To draw out the distinction between an input and a characteristic, consider the example of a restricted security that has the following characteristics, which would be considered by a market participant:

  • the issuer is a listed entity; and
  • the fact that the security is restricted.

An entity is required to select inputs in pricing the asset or liability that are consistent with its characteristics. In some cases those characteristics result in the application of an adjustment, such as a premium or discount. In our example, the inputs could be:

  • a quoted price for an unrestricted security; and
  • a discount adjustment (to reflect the restriction).

The quoted price for the unrestricted security may be an observable and a Level 1 input. However, given the restriction and the standard's requirement that inputs be consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured, the second input in measuring fair value is an adjustment to the quoted price to reflect the restriction. If this input is unobservable, it would be a Level 3 input and, if it is considered to be significant to the entire measurement, the fair value measurement of the asset would also be categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

15.2 Premiums and discounts

IFRS 13 indicates that when measuring fair value, entities should select inputs that: (i) are consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured; and (ii) would be considered by market participants when pricing the asset or liability. In certain instances, these characteristics could result in a premium or discount being incorporated into the fair value measurement.

Determining whether a premium or discount applies to a particular fair value measurement requires judgement and depends on specific facts and circumstances.

IFRS 13 distinguishes between premiums or discounts that reflect size as a characteristic of the entity's holding (specifically, a blockage factor) and control premiums, discounts for non-controlling interests and discounts for lack of marketability that are related to characteristics of the asset or liability being measured.

Control premiums, discounts for non-controlling interests and discounts for lack of marketability reflect characteristics of the asset or liability being measured at fair value. Provided these adjustments are consistent with the unit of account (see 5.1 above) of the asset or liability being measured they can be taken into consideration when measuring fair value. [IFRS 13.69].

Apart from block discounts (discussed at 15.2.1 below), IFRS 13 does not provide explicit guidance on the types of premiums or discounts that may be considered, or when they should be applied to a fair value measurement. Instead, the guidance indicates that premiums and discounts (e.g. control premiums or discounts for lack of marketability) should be incorporated into non-Level 1 fair value measurements if all of the following conditions are met:

  • the application of the premium or discount reflects the characteristics of the asset or liability being measured;
  • market participants, acting in their ‘economic best interest’ (see 7.2 above), would consider these premiums or discounts when pricing the asset or liability; and
  • the inclusion of the premium or discount is not inconsistent with the unit of account in the IFRS that requires (or permits) the fair value measurement (see 5.1 above).

IFRS 13 emphasises that prices of instruments that trade in active markets (i.e. Level 1 measurements) should generally not be adjusted and should be measured based on the quoted price of the individual instrument multiplied by the quantity held (P×Q).

Examples of premiums and discounts Blockage factor (or block discount) Control premium Discount for lack of marketability
Can fair value be adjusted for the premium or discount? No Yes, in certain circumstances. Yes, in certain circumstances.
In what situations would these arise? When an entity sells a large holding of instruments such that the market's normal daily trading volume is not sufficient to absorb the entire quantity (i.e. flooding the market). IFRS 13 does not permit an entity to take block discounts into consideration in the measurement of fair value. When an entity transacts for a controlling interest in another entity (and the unit of account is deemed to be the controlling interest and not the individual shares). When an asset or liability is not readily marketable, for example, where there is no established market of readily-available buyers and sellers or as a result of restrictions.
Example An entity holds a 20% investment in a listed company. The normal daily trading for those shares on the exchange is 1‑2%. If the entity were to sell its entire holding, the price per share would be expected to decrease by 30%. An entity transacts for a controlling interest in a private business and determines that the fair value of the business is greater than the aggregate value of the individual shares due to its ability to control the acquired entity. The shares of a private company for which no liquid market exists.
What does the premium or discount represent? The difference between the price to sell:
  • the individual asset or liability; and
  • an entity's entire holding.

IFRS 13 does not permit an entity to include such a difference in the measurement of fair value.
The difference between the price to sell:
  • the individual shares in the controlled entity; and
  • the entire controlling interest.
The difference between the price to sell:
  • an asset or liability does not trade in a liquid market; and
  • an identical asset or liability for which a liquid market exists.

Figure 14.7 Differentiating between blockage factors and other premiums and discounts

15.2.1 Blockage factors (or block discounts)

IFRS 13 explicitly prohibits the consideration of blockage factors (or block discounts) in a fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.69, 80]. While the term blockage factor may be subject to different interpretations, during their deliberations the Boards indicated that they view a blockage factor as an adjustment to the quoted price of an asset or liability because the market's normal trading volume is not sufficient to absorb the quantity held by a reporting entity.

Regardless of the hierarchy level in which a measurement is categorised, blockage factors are excluded from a fair value measurement because such an adjustment is specific to the size of an entity's holding and its decision to transact in a block. That is, the Boards believe such an adjustment is entity-specific in nature. [IFRS 13.BC157]. However, the standard clarifies that there is a difference between size being a characteristic of the asset or liability being measured (based on its unit of account) and size being a characteristic of the reporting entity's holding. While any adjustment for the latter is not permitted, the former should be considered if it is consistent with how market participants would price the asset or liability. [IFRS 13.69].

The following example illustrates how IFRS 13 distinguishes between size as a characteristic of the item being measured and size as a characteristic of an entity's holding.

As discussed at 5.1 above, the unit of account is determined by the relevant IFRS that permits or requires an asset or liability to be measured at fair value, unless IFRS 13 states otherwise. In some cases, the unit of account may be clear, for example, the unit of account for financial instruments in the scope of IFRS 9 is typically the individual instrument. However, it may be less clear in other standards, for example, the unit of account for a cash-generating unit when testing non-financial assets for impairment in accordance with IAS 36. In December 2018, the IASB concluded its PIR of IFRS 13, in which it had considered issues relating to prioritising Level 1 inputs or the unit of account. This is discussed further at 5.1.1 above.

15.3 Pricing within the bid-ask spread

The ‘bid price’ represents the price at which a dealer or market maker is willing to buy an asset (or dispose of a liability). The ‘ask price’ (or offer price) represents the price at which a dealer or market maker is willing to sell an asset (or assume a liability). The spread between these two prices represents the profit a dealer requires for making a market in a particular security (i.e. providing two-way liquidity).

The use of bid prices to measure assets and ask prices to measure liabilities is permitted, but not required. Instead, for assets and liabilities that are bought and sold in markets where prices are quoted using a bid-ask spread (e.g. over-the-counter markets), the entity must use the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances to measure fair value. In making this assessment, entities should evaluate their recent transaction history to support where in the bid-ask spread they are able to exit their positions. For some entities this could result in valuing assets at the bid price and liabilities at the ask price, but in other instances judgement is required to determine the point in the bid-ask spread that is most indicative of fair value. The use of the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value applies regardless of whether the input (i.e. the bid or ask price) is observable or not (i.e. regardless of its categorisation in the fair value hierarchy – see 16 below for further discussion). [IFRS 13.70].

Entities need to be consistent in their application of this concept. It would not be appropriate for an entity to measure similar assets at different prices within the bid-ask spread, without evidence indicating that the exit prices for those assets would be at different points within the bid-ask spread.

15.3.1 Mid-market pricing

As a practical expedient, IFRS 13 allows the use of mid-market pricing, or other pricing conventions that are used by market participants, when measuring fair value within the bid-ask spread. [IFRS 13.71]. Use of a mid-market pricing convention results in a valuation of an asset or liability at the mid-point of the bid-ask spread. Extract 14.1 at 20.2 below illustrates use of mid-market pricing.

The guidance does not limit or restrict the use of mid-market pricing to specific types of instruments or entities. However, as discussed at 14 above, valuation techniques used to measure fair value should be consistently applied. [IFRS 13.65].

15.3.2 What does the bid-ask spread include?

The commentary in the Basis for Conclusions acknowledges that the previous guidance in paragraph AG70 of IAS 39 only includes transaction costs in the bid-ask spread. The Boards chose not to specify what is included in the bid-ask spread, except for transaction costs. However, they did make it clear that, in their view, the bid-ask spread does not include adjustments for counterparty credit risk. [IFRS 13.BC164].

The IASB has not provided any clarity regarding the interaction between the guidance in IFRS 13 on transaction costs (i.e. transaction costs are not considered an attribute of the asset or liability and, accordingly, are excluded from fair value measurements) and the guidance on the use of prices within the bid-ask spread. If transaction costs are included in the bid-ask spread, measuring an asset at the bid price would include certain future transaction costs in the fair value measurement for the asset.

Given the lack of any specific guidance on this issue, there may be some diversity in practice between entities with respect to how transaction costs are considered. However, we would expect an entity to apply a consistent approach to all of its own fair value measurements.

15.4 Risk premiums

IFRS 13 defines a risk premium as ‘compensation sought by risk-averse market participants for bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset or a liability’. [IFRS 13 Appendix A]. Regardless of the valuation technique(s) used, a fair value measurement is intended to represent an exit price and, as such, should include a risk premium that reflects the compensation market participants would demand for bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset or liability. [IFRS 13.B16, B39]. While this risk premium should reflect compensation required in an orderly transaction (not a forced or distressed sale), it should also capture market participant assumptions regarding risk under current market conditions. Example 14.9 discussed at 8.3.2 above illustrates that this risk adjustment may include assumptions about liquidity and uncertainty based on relevant market data.

IFRS 13 explicitly states that ‘[a] fair value measurement should include a risk premium reflecting the amount market participants would demand as compensation for the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows. Otherwise, the measurement would not faithfully represent fair value. In some cases, determining the appropriate risk premium might be difficult. However, the degree of difficulty alone is not a sufficient reason to exclude a risk premium’. [IFRS 13.B16].

The objective of a risk premium is often misunderstood. Many incorrectly assume that a risk premium is unnecessary when fair value is determined using probability-weighted cash flows. That is, they believe it is appropriate to discount probability-weighted cash flows using a risk-free rate under the assumption that all uncertainty is captured by probability-weighting the cash flows. While expected cash flows (i.e. the probability-weighted average of possible future cash flows) incorporate the uncertainty in the instrument's cash flows, they do not incorporate the compensation that market participants demand for bearing that uncertainty. [IFRS 13.B25-B29]. In order to capture this required compensation in the measurement, a market risk premium must be added (either as an adjustment to the discount rate or to the expected cash flows). IFRS 13's application guidance addresses this point when discussing systematic and unsystematic risk and certainty-equivalent cash flows (see 21 below for additional discussion on how risk premiums are applied in a present value technique).

It is important to note that increased risk associated with an asset generally decreases the fair value of that asset, whereas increased risk associated with a liability generally increases the fair value of that liability (with the exception of non-performance risk). Uncertainty associated with an asset reduces the amount a market participant would pay for the asset. In contrast, all else being equal, compensation for an uncertainty related to a liability results in an increase to the amount that the market participant would expect to receive for assuming the obligation. If that compensation is accounted for in the discount rate, rather than in the cash flows, it would result in an increase in the discount rate used to measure the fair value of an asset. However, it would result in a reduction of the discount rate used in the fair value measurement of the liability (i.e. the discount rate must be lower so that the resulting fair value of the liability is higher). [IFRS 13.BC91]. This concept only applies when measuring the fair value of a liability that does not have a corresponding asset using an income approach. As discussed at 11.2.1 above, when a quoted price for the transfer of an identical or similar liability or entity's own equity instrument is held by another party as an asset, the fair value of this liability or own equity instrument should be determined from the perspective of the market participant that holds the identical item as an asset.

15.5 Broker quotes and pricing services

When quoted prices from brokers or pricing services are used to measure fair value, it is the entity's responsibility to understand the source and nature of this information to accurately assess its relevance. When there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability, management should evaluate whether the prices received from brokers or pricing services are based on current information from orderly transactions or valuation techniques that appropriately reflect market participant assumptions regarding risk. IFRS 13 states that entities should place less reliance on third-party quotes that are not based on transactions, compared to other value indications that are based on market transactions. [IFRS 13.B46].

When information from brokers and pricing services is based on transaction data, entities should assess whether, and to what extent, the observed prices are a result of orderly transactions when determining the weight to place on these data points, compared to other value indications (see 8.2 above for additional information on the factors an entity may consider when assessing whether transactions are orderly). Facts and circumstances will determine the weight that an entity should place on a transaction price, including:

  • the comparability of the transaction to the asset or liability being measured at fair value;
  • the proximity of the transaction to the measurement date;
  • the size of the transaction; and
  • the nature of the quote (e.g. binding versus indicative quote) and the number of quotes received.

See 16.2.3 below for additional discussion on fair value hierarchy considerations when using quoted prices from brokers and pricing services.

15.5.1 How should values provided by central clearing organisations for margin purposes be evaluated when determining the fair value of centrally cleared derivatives for financial reporting?

For OTC derivatives that are centrally cleared, counterparties are typically required on an ongoing basis to post collateral based on the change in value of the derivative (sometimes referred to as ‘variation margin’). As a result, entities with centrally cleared OTC derivatives will periodically receive a ‘value mark’ from a clearing organisation that states the amount of variation margin to be posted or received.

However, this value should not be presumed to represent fair value (an exit price) in accordance with IFRS 13. Different clearing organisations may have different approaches for calculating variation margin requirements and while practice may continue to evolve, it is our understanding that the ‘value marks’ provided generally do not represent an actual transaction price (i.e. a price at which the reporting entity could execute a trade to buy or sell the contract). Instead, this value may be based on a clearing organisation's analysis of information provided by clearing members and certain of its own assumptions. While this value may potentially be an appropriate estimate of fair value in certain instances, the reporting entity should understand how this value is determined and evaluate whether it includes only those factors that would be considered by market participants in an orderly transaction to sell or transfer the derivative. For example, to provide themselves with additional protection, some clearing organisations may include an incremental amount in their variation margin requirement in excess of the ‘true’ change in the value of the derivative.

As with pricing information provided by brokers or third-party pricing services, reporting entities are responsible for understanding the source and nature of information provided by central clearing organisations. An entity should assess whether the value indication represents fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 or whether an adjustment may be needed. See 16.2.4 below for a discussion of the classification of centrally cleared OTC derivatives in the fair value hierarchy.


The fair value hierarchy is intended to increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements and the related disclosures. [IFRS 13.72]. Application of the hierarchy requires an entity to prioritise observable inputs over those that are unobservable when measuring fair value. In addition, for disclosures, it provides a framework for users to consider the relative subjectivity of the fair value measurements made by the reporting entity.

16.1 The fair value hierarchy

The fair value hierarchy classifies the inputs used to measure fair value into three levels, which are described in Figure 14.8.

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
[IFRS 13 Appendix A]
Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
Example The price for a financial asset or financial liability for the identical asset is traded on an active market (e.g. Tokyo Stock Exchange). Interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals, implied volatilities, and credit spreads. Projected cash flows used in a discounted cash flow calculation.

Figure 14.8 Fair value hierarchy

Valuation techniques used to measure fair value must maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. The best indication of fair value is a quoted price in an active market (i.e. ‘a market in which transactions for the asset or liability take place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis’ [IFRS 13 Appendix A]).

The fair value hierarchy focuses on prioritising the inputs used in valuation techniques, not the techniques themselves. [IFRS 13.74]. While the availability of inputs might affect the valuation technique(s) selected to measure fair value, as discussed at 14 above, IFRS 13 does not prioritise the use of one technique over another (with the exception of the requirement to measure identical financial instruments that trade in active markets at P×Q). The determination of the valuation technique(s) to be used requires significant judgement and will be dependent on the specific characteristics of the asset or liability being measured and the principal (or most advantageous) market in which market participants would transact for the asset or liability.

Although the valuation techniques themselves are not subject to the fair value hierarchy, a risk adjustment that market participants would demand to compensate for a risk inherent in a particular valuation technique (e.g. a model adjustment) is considered an input that must be assessed within the fair value hierarchy. As discussed at 16.2 below, if this type of risk adjustment is included, it should be considered when categorising the fair value measurement within the fair value hierarchy.

16.2 Categorisation within the fair value hierarchy

IFRS 13 distinguishes between where in the fair value hierarchy an individual input to a valuation technique may fall and where the entire measurement is categorised for disclosure purposes.

Inputs used in a valuation technique may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. However, for disclosure purposes, the fair value measurement must be categorised in its entirety (i.e. the fair value measure for the asset or liability or the group of assets and/or liability, depending on the unit of account) within the hierarchy. Categorising the entire measurement (and the required disclosure of this information, see 20.3.3 below) provides users of financial statements with an indication of the overall observability or subjectivity of a fair value measurement.

Categorisation of a fair value measurement (as a whole) within the hierarchy, therefore, is dependent on what constitutes an ‘observable’ input and a ‘significant’ input. Observability affects all levels of the hierarchy and is important for classifying each input (discussed at 17-19 below). The significance of an unobservable input affects categorisation of the measurement (as a whole) with Level 2 and Level 3 of the hierarchy (see 16.2.1 below).

It is important to note that the categorisation of fair value measurement within the fair value hierarchy does not provide information about asset quality. Rather, it provides information about the observability of the significant inputs used in a fair value measurement.

The appropriate categorisation may be obvious when only a single input is used, for example, when measuring fair value using a quoted price in an active market, without adjustment. However, an asset or liability that is not traded in an active market with a quoted price will often require more than one input to determine its fair value. For example, an over-the-counter option on a traded equity security measured at fair value using an option pricing model requires the following market-based inputs: (i) expected volatility; (ii) expected dividend yield; and (iii) the risk-free rate of interest.

IFRS 13 clarifies that the hierarchy categorisation of a fair value measurement, in its entirety, is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the entire measurement. The standard also makes it clear that adjustments to arrive at measurements based on fair value (e.g. ‘costs to sell’ when measuring fair value less costs to sell) are not be taken into account in this determination. [IFRS 13.73]. In the over-the-counter equity option example, assume that the risk-free interest rate and the dividend yield were determined to be Level 2 inputs, but the expected volatility was determined to be a Level 3 input. If expected volatility was determined to be significant to the overall value of the option, the entire measurement would be categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

If an observable input requires an adjustment using an unobservable input and that adjustment actually results in a significantly higher or lower fair value measurement, the standard is clear that the resulting fair value measurement would be categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. [IFRS 13.75]. Consider our example of a restricted security discussed at 15.1 above. While the quoted price for the unrestricted security may be observable, if Level 3 inputs are needed to determine the effect of the restriction on the instrument's fair value, and this effect is significant to the measurement, the asset would be categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. In addition, as discussed at 8 above, in certain situations adjustments to a transaction price in an inactive market may be required. If these adjustments are based on unobservable inputs and significant to the measurement, the item would be categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

It is important to understand that the determination of the hierarchy level in which the fair value measure falls (and, therefore, the category in which it will be disclosed – see 20.3.3 below) is based on the fair value measurement for the specific item being measured, which will be dependent on the unit of account for the asset or liability. This may create practical challenges in relation to fair value measurements for non-financial assets and financial assets and liabilities with offsetting risk measured using the measurement exception discussed at 12 above. For example, in situations where the unit of account for a non-financial asset is the individual item, but the valuation premise is in combination with other assets (or other assets and liabilities), the value of the asset group would need to be attributed to the individual assets or liabilities or to the various instruments within each level of the fair value hierarchy. For example, consider Example 14.13 at 10.2.2 above. The unit of account for the grapes growing on the vines was that specified by IAS 41 and the vines and the land was that specified by IAS 16. However, their highest and best use was in combination, together and with other assets. The value of that group would need to be attributed to each of the assets, including the grapes growing on the vines, the vines and land, as the fair value of these individual assets should be categorised within the fair value hierarchy.

In its final report on the PIR on IFRS 13, the IASB noted that ‘some respondents reported a perception that the fair value hierarchy implies that information about items on Level 1 or Level 2 is always more relevant to users than information about items on Level 3. They indicated that this perception puts pressure on classification. They also said that this perception can be mistaken, as evidenced by academic research.’ Furthermore, respondents noted that categorisation within the hierarchy may be affected by some negative perceptions associated with categorisation within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy (e.g. including the volume of disclosure required).26 There are measurement uncertainties for both Level 2 and Level 3 fair value measurements, as both may include unobservable inputs. Therefore, significant judgement is often needed to determine whether a particular asset or liability should be categorised within Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. It may be particularly challenging for entities to determine the level of evidence required to support a Level 2 classification, especially when the measurement is determined using information received from third parties (see 16.2.3 below).

16.2.1 Assessing the significance of inputs

Assessing the significance of a particular input to the entire measurement requires judgement and consideration of factors specific to the asset or liability (or group of assets and/or liabilities) being measured. [IFRS 13.73].

IFRS 13 does not provide specific guidance on how entities should evaluate the significance of individual inputs. This determination will require judgement and consideration of factors specific to the asset or liability (or group of assets and liabilities) being measured. In the absence of any ‘bright lines’ for determining significance, there may be a lack of comparability between different entities with fair value measurements that use the same inputs.

The standard is clear that it considers significance in relation to ‘the entire measurement’. In our view, this requires the assessment to consider the fair value measure itself, rather than any resulting change in fair value, regardless of whether that change is recognised (i.e. in profit or loss or other comprehensive income) or unrecognised. For example, assume an investment property is measured at fair value at the end of each reporting period. In the current reporting period the fair value of the investment property reduces by CU 200,000 to CU 500,000. The significance of any inputs to the fair value measurement would be assessed by reference to the CU 500,000, even though CU 200,000 is the amount that will be recognised in profit or loss. However, a reporting entity may deem it appropriate to also consider significance in relation to the change in fair value from prior periods, in addition to considering the significance of an input in relation to the entire fair value measurement. Such an approach may be helpful in relation to cash-based instruments (e.g. loans or structured notes with embedded derivatives) whose carrying amounts, based on fair value, are heavily affected by their principal or face amount.

As noted in 16.2 above, if an observable input requires an adjustment using an unobservable input and that adjustment actually results in a significantly higher or lower fair value measurement, the standard is clear that the resulting fair value measurement would be categorised within Level 3 of the hierarchy. [IFRS 13.75]. What is not clear, however, is the appropriate categorisation when an observable input requires an adjustment using an unobservable input and: (a) that adjustment does not actually result in a significantly higher or lower fair value in the current period; but (b) the potential adjustment from using a different unobservable input would result in a significantly higher or lower fair value measurement. As noted in 16.2 above, the categorisation of a fair value measurement indicates the overall observability or subjectivity of a measurement, in its entirety. To this end, in some cases, the use of sensitivity analysis or stress testing (i.e. using a range of reasonably possible alternative input values as of the measurement date) might be appropriate to assess the effects of unobservable inputs on a fair value measure. In situations where more than one unobservable input is used in a fair value measure, the assessment of significance should be considered based on the aggregate effect of all the unobservable inputs.

During the PIR on IFRS 13, many respondents indicated they found the assessment of whether an unobservable input is significant to the measurement as a whole challenging and asked for additional guidance. Some indicated that this assessment may be affected by negative perceptions associated with categorisation within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy (e.g. including the volume of disclosure required). The IASB decided not to provide additional guidance, noting in particular that the requirements are principles-based and, as such, judgement will always be needed in their application.27

Entities should have a documented policy with respect to their approach to determining the significance of unobservable inputs on its fair value measurements and apply that policy consistently. This is important in light of the disclosure requirements in IFRS 13, particularly for fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy (see 20.3 below).

16.2.2 Transfers between levels within the fair value hierarchy

For assets or liabilities that are measured at fair value (or measurements based on fair value) at the end of each reporting period, their categorisation within the fair value hierarchy may change over time. This might be the case if the market for a particular asset or liability that was previously considered active (Level 1) becomes inactive (Level 2 or Level 3) or if significant inputs used in a valuation technique that were previously unobservable (Level 3) become observable (Level 2) given transactions that were observed around the measurement date. Such changes in categorisation within the hierarchy are referred to in IFRS 13 as transfers between levels within the fair value hierarchy.

An entity is required to select, and consistently apply, a policy for determining when transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to have occurred, that is, the timing of recognising transfers. This policy must be the same for transfers into and out of the levels. Examples of policies for determining the timing of transfers include:

  • the date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the transfer;
  • the beginning of the reporting period; or
  • the end of the reporting period. [IFRS 13.95].

The standard requires an entity to disclose this policy (see 20.2 below). In addition, the selected timing (i.e. when transfers are deemed to have occurred) has a direct impact on the information an entity needs to collate in order to meet the disclosure requirements in IFRS 13 – specifically those required by IFRS 13.93(c) and (e)(iv) – for both transfers between Levels 1 and 2 and transfers into and out of Level 3 (these disclosure requirements are discussed at 20.3.2 below). [IFRS 13.93(c), 93(e)(iv)].

16.2.3 Information provided by third-party pricing services or brokers

IFRS 13 does not preclude the use of quoted prices provided by third parties, such as pricing services or brokers, provided those quoted prices are developed in accordance with the standard. Quoted prices provided by third parties represent an important source of information in estimating fair value for many entities. While not precluded, the standard makes it clear that the use of broker quotes, third-party pricing services, or a third-party valuation specialist does not alleviate management's responsibility for the fair value measurements (and the related disclosures) that will be included in its financial statements. [IFRS 13.B45].

It is important for entities to understand the source of information received from brokers and pricing services, particularly when there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability, as management needs to assess the relevance of these quotes. This is discussed further at 8.3 above.

As discussed at 15.5 above, an entity should evaluate whether quotes from brokers and pricing services are based on current information that reflects orderly transactions or were determined using valuation techniques that appropriately reflect market participant assumptions regarding risk. Entities should place less weight on third-party quotes that are not based on transactions compared to fair value indications that are based on market transactions.

Determining the level in which assets and liabilities are categorised within the fair value hierarchy for disclosure purposes often requires judgement. Information provided by third-party pricing services or brokers could represent Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 inputs depending on the source of the information and the type of instrument being measured. For example, pricing services may provide quoted market prices (e.g. closing price) for financial instruments traded in active markets. These prices are Level 1 measurements.

Alternatively, a pricing service may provide an entity with consensus pricing information (e.g. information obtained by polling dealers for indications of mid-market prices for a particular asset class). The non-binding nature of consensus pricing would generally result in its categorisation as Level 3 information, assuming no additional corroborating evidence.

Pricing services may also use valuation models to estimate values for certain instruments. For example, pricing services may use matrix pricing to determine the value of many fixed-income securities. The hierarchy level in which these instruments would be categorised depends on the observability of the valuation model's inputs. Therefore, entities that use pricing services should understand the data sources and valuation methods used to derive those third-party quotes. This information will determine where the entity's instruments would be categorised within the fair value hierarchy.

Similarly, the level within the hierarchy in which a broker quote is categorised depends on the nature of the quote. [IFRS 13.B47]. In certain brokered markets, firm quotes are disclosed and an entity has the ability to ‘hit’ or execute a transaction at the quoted price. Depending on the level of activity in these markets, those quotes may be categorised as Level 1 or Level 2. However, when an entity has to solicit a quote from a broker, the quotes are often non-binding and may include a disclaimer that releases the broker from being held to that price in an actual transaction. On their own, non-binding quotes would generally represent a Level 3 input. In addition, when the quote includes explanatory language or a disclaimer, the entity should assess whether the quote represents fair value (exit price) or whether an adjustment is needed.

If an entity uses multiple quotes within a narrow range when measuring fair value, it will likely provide stronger evidence of fair value than a single quote or quotes that are widely dispersed. However, the number of quotes should not, in and of itself, affect the categorisation within the fair value hierarchy. An entity would still need to consider the nature of those quotes. For example, multiple Level 3 inputs, within a reasonable range, would not result in a Level 2 measurement without additional observable corroborating evidence.

In August 2014, the IFRS Interpretations Committee received a request to clarify the circumstances in which a fair value measurement, in its entirety, that uses prices that are provided by third parties (e.g. consensus prices) could be categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy, particularly in relation to debt securities that are actively traded. The submitter highlighted that categorisation within the fair value hierarchy for debt securities is not straightforward and that there were divergent views on the appropriate level within the hierarchy such fair value measurements should be categorised.

After considering the analyses and outreach performed by its staff, the Interpretations Committee decided not to add this issue to its agenda, noting the following:28

  • the guidance in IFRS 13 relating to the categorisation within the fair value hierarchy was sufficient to draw an appropriate conclusion on this issue;
  • the fair value hierarchy prioritises the inputs to valuation techniques, not the valuation techniques used to measure fair value. When the fair value of assets or liabilities is measured based on prices provided by third parties, the categorisation of those measurements within the fair value hierarchy depends on the evaluation of the inputs used by the third party to derive those prices; not on the pricing methodology the third party has used; and
  • only unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date qualify as Level 1 measurement. Therefore, a fair value measurement that is based on prices provided by third parties can only be categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy if that measurement relies solely on unadjusted quoted prices in an active market for an identical instrument that the entity can access at the measurement date (i.e. P×Q, without adjustment).

16.2.4 Categorisation of over-the-counter derivative instruments

Depending on the observability of the inputs used, fair value measurements of over-the-counter derivatives that are not centrally cleared would likely be within either Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

Although these instruments may initially be executed in active markets, quoted prices for the identical asset or liability will often not be available when measuring fair value subsequently. For example, consider a 10-year plain vanilla interest-rate swap entered into on 1 January 20X9 that is not centrally cleared. While there may be quoted prices for 10-year swaps, when measuring the fair value of the swap on 31 March 20X9, the subject instrument would represent a 9.75 year swap for which quoted prices are generally not available. As a result, most over-the-counter derivative contracts that are not centrally cleared are valued based on inputs used in pricing models.

In addition, centrally cleared derivatives would not be categorised within Level 1 unless their fair value was determined based on an unadjusted quoted price in active markets for an identical instrument. Some constituents have questioned whether a ‘value mark’, periodically provided by a central clearing organisation for variation margin purposes, represents a Level 1 measurement. As discussed at 15.5.1 above, a reporting entity should not presume that the value provided by a central clearing organisation for margin purposes represents fair value in accordance with IFRS 13. Instead, entities need to understand the source and nature of the information provided by the central clearing organisation and assess whether the value indication represents fair value in accordance with IFRS 13 or whether an adjustment may be needed.

Even in those circumstances where an entity determines that the information received from the central clearing organisation is representative of fair value and does not require adjustment, it is our understanding that the ‘value marks’ provided typically do not represent actual trades of the identical instrument and therefore would not be a Level 1 measurement. See 15.5.1 above for additional discussion on the consideration of values provided by central clearing organisations when determining the fair value.


‘Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date’. [IFRS 13.76]. According to IFRS 13, this price represents the most reliable evidence of fair value. If a quoted price in an active market is available, an entity must use this price to measure fair value without adjustment; although adjustments are permitted in limited circumstances (see 17.3 below). [IFRS 13.77].

17.1 Use of Level 1 inputs

As a general principle, IFRS 13 mandates the use of quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities whenever available. With limited exceptions, quoted prices in active markets should not be adjusted when determining the fair value of identical assets and liabilities, as the IASB believes these prices provide the most reliable evidence of fair value.

Adjustments can only be made to a quoted price in an active market (a Level 1 input) in the following circumstances:

  1. when an entity holds a large number of similar (but not identical) assets or liabilities (e.g. debt securities) that are measured at fair value and a quoted price in an active market is available but is not readily accessible for each of those assets or liabilities individually. That is, since the assets or liabilities are not identical and given the large number of similar assets or liabilities held by the entity, it would be difficult to obtain pricing information for each individual asset or liability at the measurement date.

    In this situation, IFRS 13 provides a practical expedient; an entity may measure fair value using an alternative pricing method that does not rely exclusively on quoted prices (e.g. matrix pricing);

  2. when a quoted price in an active market does not represent fair value at the measurement date.

    This may be the case, for example, if significant events, such as transactions in a principal-to-principal market, trades in a brokered market or announcements, take place after the close of a market but before the measurement date. An entity must establish and consistently apply a policy for identifying those events that might affect fair value measurements; or

  3. when measuring the fair value of a liability or an entity's own equity instrument using the quoted price for the identical item traded as an asset in an active market and that price needs to be adjusted for factors specific to the item or the asset. [IFRS 13.79].

These exceptions are discussed further at 17.1.1, 17.2 and 17.3 below. Level 1 inputs are most commonly associated with financial instruments, for example, shares that are actively traded on a stock exchange. It may be that an asset or liability is traded in multiple active markets, for example, shares that are listed on more than one stock exchange. In light of this, the standard emphasises the need within Level 1 to determine both, the principal (or most advantageous) market (see 6 above) and whether the entity can enter into a transaction for the asset or liability at the price in that market at the measurement date (see 8 above). [IFRS 13.78].

As discussed at 16.2 above, if no adjustment is made to a Level 1 input, the result is the entire fair value measurement being categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. However, any adjustment made to a Level 1 input or use of the practical expedient in (a) above would result in categorisation within a lower level of the fair value hierarchy. If the adjustment uses significant unobservable inputs, it would need to be categorised within Level 3. [IFRS 13.75].

17.1.1 Level 1 liabilities and instruments classified in an entity's own equity

Quoted prices in active markets for identical liabilities and instruments classified as an entity's own equity are Level 1 measurements. These instruments would likewise be categorised within Level 1 when a quoted price exists for the identical instrument traded as an asset in an active market, provided no adjustment to the quoted price is required.

The fair value of corporate debt issued by a reporting entity, for example, would be a Level 1 measurement if the asset corresponding to the issuer's liability (i.e. the corporate bond) trades in an active market and no adjustment is made to the quoted price. While the liability itself is not transferred in an active market, the IASB concluded that Level 1 categorisation is appropriate when the identical instrument trades as an asset in an active market.

If an adjustment to the corresponding asset's price is required to address differences between the asset and the liability or equity instrument (as discussed at 11 above), [IFRS 13.79(c)], the adjusted price would not be a Level 1 measurement. For example, an adjustment to the quoted price of an asset that includes the effect of a third-party credit enhancement would be warranted when measuring the fair value of the liability. In this case, the corresponding asset and the liability would have different units of account (as discussed at 11.3.1 above).

17.2 Alternative pricing methods

When an entity holds a large number of similar assets and liabilities for which quoted prices exist, but are not easily accessible, IFRS 13 allows for the use of alternative pricing methods (e.g. matrix pricing) as a practical expedient. [IFRS 13.79(a)]. The IASB provided this practical expedient to ease the administrative burden associated with obtaining quoted prices for each individual instrument. However, if the practical expedient is used, the resulting fair value measurement would not be considered a Level 1 measurement.

17.3 Quoted prices in active markets that are not representative of fair value

IFRS 13 recognises that in certain situations a quoted price in an active market might not represent the fair value of an asset or liability, such as when significant events occur on the measurement date, but after the close of trading. In these situations, entities would adjust the quoted price to incorporate this new information into the fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.79(b)]. However, if the quoted price is adjusted, the resulting fair value measurement would no longer be considered a Level 1 measurement.

An entity's valuation policies and procedures should address how these ‘after-hour’ events will be identified and assessed. Controls should be put in place to ensure that any adjustments made to quoted prices are appropriate under IFRS 13 and are applied in a consistent manner.

17.4 Unit of account

Although the unit of account is generally determined in accordance with other IFRSs, IFRS 13 addresses the unit of account for Level 1 assets and liabilities. Paragraph 80 of IFRS 13 states that ‘if an entity holds a position in a single asset or liability (including a position comprising a large number of identical assets or liabilities, such as a holding of financial instruments) and the asset or liability is traded in an active market, the fair value of the asset or liability shall be measured within Level 1 as the product of the quoted price for the individual asset or liability and the quantity held by the entity’. [IFRS 13.80]. By dictating that fair value be determined based on P×Q, IFRS 13 effectively prescribes the unit of account as the individual asset or liability in these situations.

This requirement is generally accepted when the asset or liability being measured is a financial instrument in the scope of IFRS 9. However, when an entity holds an investment in a listed subsidiary, joint venture or associate, some believe the fair value should include an adjustment (e.g. a control premium) to reflect the value of the investor's control, joint control or significant influence over their investment as a whole. In September 2014, the IASB issued an exposure draft that proposed clarifying that the requirement in IFRS 13 to use P×Q, without adjustment, to measure fair value would apply even in situations where the unit of account is the entire investment. After considering the responses from constituents, the IASB had directed its staff to perform additional research before they deliberated further. That research was fed into the PIR of IFRS 13. In December 2018, the IASB concluded its PIR and decided to do no further work on this topic. This is discussed further at 5.1.1 above.


18.1 Level 2 inputs

Level 2 inputs include quoted prices (in non-active markets or in active markets for similar assets or liabilities), observable inputs other than quoted prices and inputs that are not directly observable, but are corroborated by observable market data. [IFRS 13.82].

The inclusion of market-corroborated inputs is significant because it expands the scope of Level 2 inputs beyond those directly observable for the asset or liability. Inputs determined through mathematical or statistical techniques, such as correlation or regression, may be categorised as Level 2 if the inputs into, and/(or) the results from, these techniques can be corroborated with observable market data.

IFRS 13 requires that a Level 2 input be observable (either directly or indirectly through corroboration with market data) for substantially the full contractual term of the asset or liability being measured. [IFRS 13.81]. Therefore, a long-term input extrapolated from short-term observable market data (e.g. a 30-year yield extrapolated from the observable 5-, 10- and 15-year points on the yield curve) would generally not be considered a Level 2 input.

18.2 Examples of Level 2 inputs

IFRS 13's application guidance provides a number of examples of Level 2 inputs for specific assets or liabilities. These examples are included in Figure 14.9 below, which is adapted from IFRS 13. [IFRS 13.B35].

Asset or Liability Example of a Level 2 Input
Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on the Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR) swap rate The IBOR swap rate if that rate is observable at commonly quoted intervals for substantially the full term of the swap.
Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on a yield curve denominated in a foreign currency The swap rate based on a yield curve denominated in a foreign currency that is observable at commonly quoted intervals for substantially the full term of the swap. This would be a Level 2 input if the term of the swap is 10 years and that rate is observable at commonly quoted intervals for 9 years, provided that any reasonable extrapolation of the yield curve for year 10 would not be significant to the fair value measurement of the swap in its entirety.
Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on a specific bank's prime rate The bank's prime rate derived through extrapolation if the extrapolated values are corroborated by observable market data, for example, by correlation with an interest rate that is observable over substantially the full term of the swap.
Three-year option on exchange-traded shares The implied volatility for the shares derived through extrapolation to year 3 if both of the following conditions exist:
  1. Prices for one-year and two-year options on the shares are observable.
  2. The extrapolated implied volatility of a three-year option is corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the option.

In this situation, the implied volatility could be derived by extrapolating from the implied volatility of the one-year and two-year options on the shares and corroborated by the implied volatility for three-year options on comparable entities’ shares, provided that correlation with the one-year and two-year implied volatilities is established.
Licensing arrangement For a licensing arrangement that is acquired in a business combination and was recently negotiated with an unrelated party by the acquired entity (the party to the licensing arrangement), a Level 2 input would be the royalty rate in the contract with the unrelated party at inception of the arrangement.
Cash-generating unit A valuation multiple (e.g. a multiple of earnings or revenue or a similar performance measure) derived from observable market data, e.g. multiples derived from prices in observed transactions involving comparable (i.e. similar) businesses, taking into account operational, market, financial and non-financial factors.
Finished goods inventory at a retail outlet For finished goods inventory that is acquired in a business combination, a Level 2 input would be either a price to customers in a retail market or a price to retailers in a wholesale market, adjusted for differences between the condition and location of the inventory item and the comparable (i.e. similar) inventory items so that the fair value measurement reflects the price that would be received in a transaction to sell the inventory to another retailer that would complete the requisite selling efforts.
  Conceptually, the fair value measurement will be the same, whether adjustments are made to a retail price (downward) or to a wholesale price (upward). Generally, the price that requires the least amount of subjective adjustments should be used for the fair value measurement.
Building held and used The price per square metre for the building (a valuation multiple) derived from observable market data, e.g. multiples derived from prices in observed transactions involving comparable (i.e. similar) buildings in similar locations.

Figure 14.9 Examples of Level 2 inputs

18.3 Market corroborated inputs

Level 2 inputs, as discussed at 18.1 above, include market-corroborated inputs. That is, inputs that are not directly observable for the asset or liability, but, instead, are corroborated by observable market data through correlation or other statistical techniques.

IFRS 13 does not provide any detailed guidance regarding to the application of statistical techniques, such as regression or correlation, when attempting to corroborate inputs to observable market data (Level 2) inputs. However, the lack of any specific guidance or ‘bright lines’ for evaluating the validity of a statistical inference by the IASB should not be construed to imply that the mere use of a statistical analysis (such as linear regression) would be deemed valid and appropriate to support Level 2 categorisation (or a fair value measurement for that matter). Any statistical analysis that is relied on for financial reporting purposes should be evaluated for its predictive validity. That is, the statistical technique should support the hypothesis that the observable input has predictive value with respect to the unobservable input.

In Example 14.12 at 10.1.3 above, for the three-year option on exchange-traded shares, the implied volatility derived through extrapolation has been categorised as a Level 2 input because the input was corroborated (through correlation) to an implied volatility based on an observable option price of a comparable entity. In this example, the determination of an appropriate proxy (i.e. a comparable entity) is a critical component in supporting that the implied volatility of the actual option being measured is a market-corroborated input.

In practice, identifying an appropriate benchmark or proxy requires judgement that should appropriately incorporate both qualitative and quantitative factors. For example, when valuing equity-based instruments (e.g. equity options), an entity should consider the industry, nature of the business, size, leverage and other factors that would qualitatively support the expectation that the benchmarks are sufficiently comparable to the subject entity. Qualitative considerations may differ depending on the type of input being analysed or the type of instrument being measured (e.g. a foreign exchange option versus an equity option).

In addition to the qualitative considerations discussed above, quantitative measures are used to validate a statistical analysis. For example, if a regression analysis is used as a means of corroborating non-observable market data, the results of the analysis can be assessed based on statistical measures.

18.4 Making adjustments to a Level 2 input

The standard acknowledges that, unlike a Level 1 input, adjustments to Level 2 inputs may be more common, but will vary depending on the factors specific to the asset or liability. [IFRS 13.83].

There are a number of reasons why an entity may need to make adjustments to Level 2 inputs. Adjustments to observable data from inactive markets (see 8 above), for example, might be required for timing differences between the transaction date and the measurement date, or differences between the asset being measured and a similar asset that was the subject of the transaction. In addition, factors such as the condition or location of an asset should also be considered when determining if adjustments to Level 2 inputs are warranted.

If the Level 2 input relates to an asset or liability that is similar, but not identical to the asset or liability being measured, the entity would need to consider what adjustments may be required to capture differences between the item being measured and the reference asset or liability. For example, do they have different characteristics, such as credit quality of the issuer in the case of a bond? Adjustments may be needed for differences between the two. [IFRS 13.83].

If an adjustment to a Level 2 input is significant to the entire fair value measurement, it may affect the fair value measurement's categorisation within the fair value hierarchy for disclosure purposes. If the adjustment uses significant unobservable inputs, it would need to be categorised within Level 3 of the hierarchy. [IFRS 13.84].

18.5 Recently observed prices in an inactive market

Valuation technique(s) used to measure fair value must maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. While recently observed transactions for the same (or similar) items often provide useful information for measuring fair value, transactions or quoted prices in inactive markets are not necessarily indicative of fair value. A significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for the asset or liability may increase the chances of this. However, transaction data should not be ignored, unless the transaction is determined to be disorderly (see 8 above).

The relevance of observable data, including last transaction prices, must be considered when assessing the weight this information should be given when estimating fair value and whether adjustments are needed (as discussed at 18.4 above). Adjustments to observed transaction prices may be warranted in some situations, particularly when the observed transaction is for a similar, but not identical, instrument. Therefore, it is important to understand the characteristics of the item being measured compared with an item being used as a benchmark.

When few, if any, transactions can be observed for an asset or liability, an index may provide relevant pricing information if the underlying risks of the index are similar to the item being measured. While the index price may provide general information about market participant assumptions regarding certain risk features of the asset or liability, adjustments are often required to account for specific characteristics of the instrument being measured or the market in which the instrument would trade (e.g. liquidity considerations). While this information may not be determinative for the particular instrument being measured, it can serve to either support or contest an entity's determination regarding the relevance of observable data in markets that are not active.

IFRS 13 does not prescribe a methodology for applying adjustments to observable transactions or quoted prices when estimating fair value. Judgement is needed when evaluating the relevance of observable market data and determining what (if any) adjustments should be made to this information. However, the application of this judgement must be within the confines of the stated objective of a fair value measurement within the IFRS 13 framework. Since fair value is intended to represent the exit price in a transaction between market participants in the current market, an entity's intent to hold the asset due to current market conditions, or any entity-specific needs, is not relevant to a fair value measurement and is not a valid reason to adjust observable market data.


All unobservable inputs for an asset or liability are Level 3 inputs. The standard requires an entity to minimise the use of Level 3 inputs when measuring fair value. As such, they should only be used to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, for example, in situations where there is limited market activity for an asset or liability. [IFRS 13.86, 87].

19.1 Use of Level 3 inputs

A number of IFRSs permit or require the use of fair value measurements regardless of the level of market activity for the asset or liability as at the measurement date (e.g. the initial measurement of intangible assets acquired in a business combination). As such, IFRS 13 allows for the use of unobservable inputs to measure fair value in situations where observable inputs are not available. In these cases, the IASB recognises that the best information available with which to develop unobservable inputs may be an entity's own data. However, IFRS 13 is clear that while an entity may begin with its own data, this data should be adjusted if:

  • reasonably available information indicates that other market participants would use different data; or
  • there is something particular to the entity that is not available to other market participants (e.g. an entity-specific synergy). [IFRS 13.89].

For example, when measuring the fair value of an investment property, we would expect that a reporting entity with a unique tax position would consider the typical market participant tax rate in its analysis. While this example is simplistic and is meant only to illustrate a concept, in practice significant judgement will be required when evaluating what information about unobservable inputs or market data may be reasonably available.

It is important to note that an entity is not required to undertake exhaustive efforts to obtain information about market participant assumptions when pricing an asset or liability. Nor is an entity required to establish the absence of contrary data. As a result, in those situations where information about market participant assumptions does not exist or is not reasonably available, a fair value measurement may be based primarily on the reporting entity's own data. [IFRS 13.89].

Even in situations where an entity's own data is used, the objective of the fair value measurement remains the same – i.e. an exit price from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. As such, unobservable inputs should reflect the assumptions that market participants would use, which includes the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique (such as a pricing model) and the risk inherent in the inputs. As discussed at 7.2 above, if a market participant would consider those risks in pricing an asset or liability, an entity must include that risk adjustment; otherwise the result would not be a fair value measurement. When categorising the entire fair value measurement within the fair value hierarchy, an entity would need to consider the significance of the model adjustment as well as the observability of the data supporting the adjustment. [IFRS 13.87, 88].

19.2 Examples of Level 3 inputs

IFRS 13's application guidance provides a number of examples of Level 3 inputs for specific assets or liabilities, as outlined in Figure 14.10 below. [IFRS 13.B36].

Asset or Liability Example of a Level 3 Input
Long-dated currency swap An interest rate in a specified currency that is not observable and cannot be corroborated by observable market data at commonly quoted intervals or otherwise for substantially the full term of the currency swap. The interest rates in a currency swap are the swap rates calculated from the respective countries’ yield curves.
Three-year option on exchange-traded shares Historical volatility, i.e. the volatility for the shares derived from the shares’ historical prices. Historical volatility typically does not represent current market participants’ expectations about future volatility, even if it is the only information available to price an option.
Interest rate swap An adjustment to a mid-market consensus (non-binding) price for the swap developed using data that are not directly observable and cannot otherwise be corroborated by observable market data.
Decommissioning liability assumed in a business combination A current estimate using the entity's own data about the future cash outflows to be paid to fulfil the obligation (including market participants’ expectations about the costs of fulfilling the obligation and the compensation that a market participant would require for taking on the obligation to dismantle the asset) if there is no reasonably available information that indicates that market participants would use different assumptions. That Level 3 input would be used in a present value technique together with other inputs, e.g. a current risk-free interest rate or a credit-adjusted risk-free rate if the effect of the entity's credit standing on the fair value of the liability is reflected in the discount rate rather than in the estimate of future cash outflows.
Cash-generating unit A financial forecast (e.g. of cash flows or profit or loss) developed using the entity's own data if there is no reasonably available information that indicates that market participants would use different assumptions.

Figure 14.10 Examples of Level 3 inputs


The disclosure requirements in IFRS 13 apply to fair value measurements recognised in the statement of financial position, after initial recognition, and disclosures of fair value (i.e. those items that are not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position, but whose fair value is required to be disclosed). However, as discussed at 2.2.4 above, IFRS 13 provides a scope exception in relation to disclosures for:

  • plan assets measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 19;
  • retirement benefit plan investments measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 26; and
  • assets for which recoverable amount is fair value less costs of disposal in accordance with IAS 36.

In addition to these scope exceptions, the IASB decided not to require the IFRS 13 disclosures for items that are recognised at fair value only at initial recognition. Disclosure requirements in relation to fair value measurements at initial recognition are covered by the standard that is applicable to that asset or liability. For example, IFRS 3 requires disclosure of the fair value measurement of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination. [IFRS 13.BC184].

However, it should be noted that, unlike IAS 19, IAS 26 and IAS 36, there is no scope exemption for IFRS 3 or other standards that require fair value measurements (or measures based on fair value) at initial recognition. Therefore, if those standards require fair value measurements (or measures based on fair value) after initial recognition, IFRS 13's disclosure requirements would apply.

From the IASB discussions of respondents input on the PIR, the IASB decided to feed the PIR findings regarding the usefulness of disclosures into the work on Better Communications in Financial Reporting, in particular, the projects on Primary Financial Statements and the Targeted Standards-level Review of Disclosures (See 1.1 above). The standard-level review of the disclosures in IFRS 13 is expected to consider challenges in determining the appropriate level of aggregation identified in the PIR (see 5.1.3 and 10.2.4 above as well as 20.1.2 below).29

20.1 Disclosure objectives

IFRS 13 requires a number of disclosures designed to provide users of financial statements with additional transparency regarding:

  • the extent to which fair value is used to measure assets and liabilities;
  • the valuation techniques, inputs and assumptions used in measuring fair value; and
  • the effect of Level 3 fair value measurements on profit or loss (or other comprehensive income).

The standard establishes a set of broad disclosure objectives and provides the minimum disclosures an entity must make (see 20.2 to 20.5 below for discussion regarding the minimum disclosure requirements in IFRS 13).

The objectives of IFRS 13's disclosure requirements are to:

  1. enable users of financial statements to understand the valuation techniques and inputs used to develop fair value measurements; and
  2. help users to understand the effect of fair value measurements on profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period when fair value is based on unobservable inputs (Level 3 inputs). [IFRS 13.91].

After providing the minimum disclosures required by IFRS 13 and other standards, such as IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements – or IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting, an entity must assess whether its disclosures are sufficient to meet the disclosure objectives in IFRS 13. If not, additional information must be disclosed in order to meet those objectives. [IFRS 13.92]. This assessment requires judgement and will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the entity and the needs of the users of its financial statements.

An entity must consider all the following:

  • the level of detail needed to satisfy the disclosure requirements;
  • how much emphasis to place on each of the various requirements;
  • the level of aggregation or disaggregation (see 20.1.2 below); and
  • whether users of financial statements need additional information to evaluate the quantitative information disclosed. [IFRS 13.92].

An entity might, for example, disclose the nature of the item being measured at fair value, including the characteristics of the item being measured that are taken into account in the determination of relevant inputs. In addition, when describing the valuation techniques and inputs used for fair value measurements categorised within Levels 2 and 3, the entity might disclose how third-party information (such as broker quotes, pricing services, net asset values and relevant market data) was taken into account when measuring fair value. For example, for residential mortgage-backed securities, an entity might disclose the following:

  1. the types of underlying loans (e.g. prime loans or sub-prime loans);
  2. collateral;
  3. guarantees or other credit enhancements;
  4. seniority level of the tranches of securities;
  5. the year of issue;
  6. the weighted-average coupon rate of the underlying loans and the securities;
  7. the weighted-average maturity of the underlying loans and the securities;
  8. the geographical concentration of the underlying loans; and
  9. information about the credit ratings of the securities. [IFRS 13.IE64(a)].

IFRS 13 includes the above example to illustrate the type of additional information an entity might disclose based on the considerations outlined in paragraph 92 of IFRS 13. These additional disclosures are intended to help financial statement users better understand and evaluate the quantitative information provided by the entity (e.g. the quantitative information the entity disclosed regarding the valuation of its residential mortgage-backed securities holdings).

20.1.1 Format of disclosures

IFRS 13's requirements, with regard to the format of disclosures, are limited to the presentation of quantitative information. An entity is required to use a tabular format to present the quantitative disclosures required by IFRS 13, unless another format is more appropriate. [IFRS 13.99].

20.1.2 Level of disaggregation

IFRS 13 requires disclosures to be presented by class of asset or liability (the definition of a class of asset or liability is discussed at 20.1.2.A below). Unlike certain other IFRSs, IFRS 13 does not specify the level of aggregation or disaggregation an entity must use when complying with its disclosure requirements. Instead, as discussed below, it simply provides the basis for making this determination. As such, the appropriate class of assets and liabilities may depend on the entity's specific facts and circumstances and the needs of users of its financial statements.

According to the standard, a class of assets and liabilities will often require greater disaggregation than the line items presented in the statement of financial position. Therefore, an entity must present information in sufficient detail to permit reconciliation back to the statement of financial position. [IFRS 13.99]. Such a reconciliation could be presented through the use of subtotals that correspond to line items disclosed in the statement of financial position; however, other approaches may be acceptable.

During the PIR of IFRS 13, respondents indicated that the level of aggregation or disaggregation was a challenge. In particular, respondents said that the information was less useful if aggregated too much and suggested more guidance and examples would be helpful to promote more appropriate levels of aggregation. This is expected to be a consideration of the Board's targeted standards-level review of IFRS 13 (see 20 above).30

20.1.2.A Determining appropriate classes of assets and liabilities for disclosure

Determining appropriate classes of assets and liabilities requires judgement. An entity bases this determination on the nature, characteristics and risks of the asset or liability and the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised (see 16.2 above for further discussion). [IFRS 13.94]. In addition, the standard specifies that the number of classes may need to be greater for fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy because they have a greater degree of uncertainty and subjectivity.

Other IFRSs may specify classes for asset or liability. For example, IAS 16 and IAS 38 – Intangible Assets – require disclosures by class of property, plant and equipment or intangible respectively. If another IFRS specifies the class for an asset or a liability and that class meets the requirements for determining a class in accordance with IFRS 13, an entity may use that class in providing IFRS 13's required disclosures. [IFRS 13.99].

The determination of a class includes considering the fair value measurement's categorisation within the fair value hierarchy as noted above with respect to Level 3 measurements. IFRS 13 requires disclosure of this categorisation for each class of asset or liability (see 20.3 to 20.4 below). While an entity takes the fair value categorisation into consideration when determining a class, this does not mean assets or liabilities within a single class cannot be categorised within different levels of the hierarchy. For example, assume an entity has grouped all its buildings within one class in accordance with IAS 16 and measures all those buildings using the revaluation approach in that standard. Further assume that the fair value measurements of some buildings are categorised within Level 2, while others are categorised within Level 3, based on the availability of observable inputs used in the fair value measurement. In and of itself, the assets’ categorisation within two levels of the hierarchy does not necessarily mean the entity would need to further disaggregate the IAS 16 class of buildings into two classes for disclosure in accordance with IFRS 13. However, it may be appropriate to do that if the differing categorisation indicated the buildings categorised within Level 2 were different in their nature, characteristics or risks compared to those categorised within Level 3.

20.1.3 Differentiating between ‘recurring’ and ‘non-recurring’

IFRS 13 has different disclosure requirements for those fair value measurements that are recognised (rather than just disclosed), depending on whether those measurements are recurring or non-recurring in nature (see 20.3 below). Therefore, it is important to understand the distinction.

  • Recurring fair value measurements are those that another IFRS requires or permits to be recognised in the statement of financial position at the end of each reporting period. For example, the fair value of a financial asset classified as fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9 would need to be measured at the end each reporting period. Other examples include a liability to distribute non-cash assets to shareholders, measured at fair value in accordance with IFRIC 17 – Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners.

    In our view, revaluations of property, plant and equipment in accordance with IAS 16 represent a recurring fair value measurement. The revaluation model in IAS 16 requires that revaluations be made ‘with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair value at the end of the reporting period’. [IAS 16.31]. Furthermore, ‘the frequency of revaluations depends upon the changes in fair values of the items of property, plant and equipment being revalued. When the fair value of a revalued asset differs materially from its carrying amount, a further revaluation is required’. [IAS 16.34]. Therefore, while an entity might not revalue an asset each year, the objective is to ensure the carrying amount approximates fair value, subject to materiality.

  • Non-recurring fair value measurements are those that another IFRS requires or permits to be recognised in the statement of financial position in particular circumstances. For example, IFRS 5 requires an entity to measure an asset held for sale at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Since the asset's fair value less costs to sell is only recognised in the statement of financial position when it is lower than its carrying amount, that fair value measurement is non-recurring. However, it should be noted that in a disposal group, not all assets and liabilities are subject to the measurement requirements of IFRS 5. If financial assets categorised as fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance of IFRS 9 were included in a disposal group, an entity would continue to measure these assets in accordance with IFRS 9 at fair value. These fair value measurements would continue to be recurring. [IFRS 13.93].

20.2 Accounting policy disclosures

In general, the requirements to disclose an entity's accounting policies will be addressed by the standard that requires or permits an item to be measured at fair value. The disclosure requirements of IAS 8 would address any changes to an entity's accounting policies (see Chapter 3). In addition to these, IFRS 13 requires the disclosure of two policies. [IFRS 13.95, 96].

Firstly, if an entity makes an accounting policy decision to use the exception in relation to the measurement of fair value for financial assets and financial liabilities with offsetting positions, it must disclose that fact (see 12 above for further discussion regarding the measurement exception and criteria for selecting this accounting policy choice). [IFRS 13.96].

Secondly, an entity must disclose its policy for determining when transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to have occurred (see 16.2.2 above for further discussion regarding this policy choice). [IFRS 13.95].

As discussed at 14.1.4 above, changes to fair value resulting from a change in the valuation technique or its application are accounted for as a change in accounting estimate in accordance with IAS 8 (unless the valuation technique is applied in error, which would be accounted for as a correction of an error in accordance with IAS 8). However, information would be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 13, not IAS 8; specifically, that there has been a change in valuation technique and the reasons for the change (see 20.3.5 below for further discussion).

20.3 Disclosures for recognised fair value measurements

Paragraph 93 of IFRS 13 establishes the minimum disclosure requirements for fair value measurements (and those based on fair value) that are recognised in the statement of financial position after initial recognition. The requirements vary depending on whether the fair value measurements are recurring or non-recurring and their categorisation within the fair value hierarchy (i.e. Level 1, 2, or 3 – see 16 above for further discussion regarding the fair value hierarchy).

Irrespective of the frequency with which the fair value is measured, the disclosures under IFRS 13 are intended to provide financial statement users with additional insight into the relative subjectivity of various fair value measurements and enhance their ability to broadly assess an entity's quality of earnings.

In order to meet the disclosure objectives, the following information, at a minimum, must be disclosed for all fair value measurements. Disclosures are required for each class of asset and liability, whether recurring or non-recurring, that are recognised in the statement of financial position after initial recognition: [IFRS 13.93]

  1. the fair value measurement at the end of the reporting period (see Example 14.25 at 20.3.3 below);
  2. for non-financial assets, if the highest and best use differs from its current use, an entity must disclose that fact and why the non-financial asset is being used in a manner that differs from its highest and best use;
  3. the fair value measurement's categorisation within the fair value hierarchy (Level 1, 2 or 3 – see Example 14.25 at 20.3.3 below);
  4. if categorised within Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:
    1. a description of the valuation technique(s) used in the fair value measurement;
    2. the inputs used in the fair value measurement;
    3. if there has been a change in valuation technique (e.g. changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of an additional valuation technique):
      • the change; and
      • the reason(s) for making it;
  5. quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement for those categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. Example 14.27 at 20.3.5.A below illustrates how this information might be disclosed;
  6. if categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, a description of the valuation processes used by the entity (including, for example, how an entity decides its valuation policies and procedures and analyses changes in fair value measurements from period to period).

    This requirement focuses on valuation processes rather than the specific valuation techniques, which are covered by the requirements in (d) above.

In addition to these requirements, an entity must provide the disclosures discussed at 20.3.1 and 20.3.2 below depending on whether the measurement is recurring or non-recurring.

20.3.1 Disclosures for recognised recurring fair value measurements

The disclosure requirements in paragraph 93 of IFRS 13 (see 20.3 above and 20.3.1.A and 20.3.1.B below) apply to all fair value measurements that are recognised in the financial statements on a recurring basis. Given the increased subjectivity, IFRS 13 requires additional disclosures for fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy than for those categorised within Levels 1 or 2 (see 20.3.1.B below).

20.3.1.A Recurring fair value measurements categorised as Level 1 or Level 2

For recurring fair value measurements that are categorised within either Level 1 or Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, an entity must disclose both:

  • information required to comply with the disclosure requirements discussed at 20.3 above; and
  • for any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy:
    1. the amounts of any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy;
    2. the reasons for those transfers; and
    3. the entity's policy for determining when transfers between levels are deemed to have occurred (see 16.2.2 and 20.2 above for further discussion).

    The standard requires transfers into each level to be disclosed and discussed separately from transfers out of each level. [IFRS 13.93].

20.3.1.B Recurring fair value measurements categorised as Level 3

In addition to the disclosure requirements listed at 20.3 above, recurring fair value measurements that are categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are subject to additional disclosure requirements:

  1. a reconciliation from the opening balances to the closing balances, disclosing separately changes during the period (also referred to as the Level 3 roll-forward);
  2. a narrative description of the sensitivity of Level 3 fair value measurements to changes in unobservable inputs; and
  3. for financial assets and financial liabilities only, quantitative sensitivity analysis for Level 3 fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.93].

These additional disclosure requirements for Level 3 fair value measurements are discussed further at 20.3.5 to 20.3.8 below.

20.3.2 Disclosures for recognised non-recurring fair value measurements

Certain disclosure requirements in IFRS 13 do not apply to fair value measurements that are non-recurring in nature (e.g. a non-current asset (or disposal group) held for sale measured at fair value less costs to sell in accordance with IFRS 5 where the fair value less costs to sell is lower than its carrying amount). Specifically, the following disclosures are not required for non-recurring recognised fair value measurements:

  • information about any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy;
  • a reconciliation of the opening balances to the closing balances for Level 3 measurements (also referred to as the Level 3 roll-forward);
  • a narrative description of the sensitivity of Level 3 fair value measurements to changes in unobservable inputs; and
  • for financial assets and financial liabilities, quantitative sensitivity analysis for Level 3 fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.93].

Information regarding transfers between hierarchy levels and the Level 3 reconciliation do not lend themselves to non-recurring measurements and, therefore, are not required. While discussing the sensitivity of Level 3 measurements to changes in unobservable inputs might provide financial statement users with some information about how the selection of these inputs affects non-recurring valuations, the Boards ultimately decided that this information is most relevant for recurring measurements.

However, entities are required to disclose the reason for any non-recurring fair value measurements made subsequent to the initial recognition of an asset or liability. [IFRS 13.93]. For example, the entity may intend to sell or otherwise dispose of it, thereby resulting in the need for its measurement at fair value less costs to sell based on the requirements of IFRS 5, if lower than the asset's carrying amount.

While obvious for recurring measurements, determining the periods in which the fair value disclosures should be made for non-recurring measurements is less clear. For example, assume a listed entity classifies a building as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 at the end of its second quarter and appropriately decreases the carrying value of the asset to its then fair value less costs to sell. In its interim financial statements, the entity would make all of the disclosures required by IFRS 13 for non-recurring fair value measurements. During the second half of the financial year, the sale falls through and the asset is no longer held for sale. In accordance with IFRS 5, the asset is measured at its carrying amount before the asset (or disposal group) was classified as held for sale, adjusted for any depreciation, as this is lower than its recoverable amount. The entity continues to account for the asset in accordance with IAS 16. While the carrying value of the asset at the end of the financial year is no longer at fair value less costs to sell, the asset was adjusted to fair value less costs to sell during the year. Therefore, in its annual financial statements, the entity would again disclose the information required by IFRS 13 for non-recurring fair value measurements. While not explicit in IFRS 13, we believe this approach is consistent with the interim and annual disclosure requirements for assets subsequently measured under the revaluation model in IAS 34 and IFRS 5.

In these situations, we recommend that the disclosures clearly indicate that the fair value information presented is not current, but rather as at the date fair value was measured. Entities should also indicate if the carrying amount of the asset no longer equals its fair value.

20.3.3 Fair value hierarchy categorisation

IFRS 13 requires entities to disclose the fair value hierarchy level in which each fair value measurement is categorised. As noted at 16.2 above, the categorisation of a fair value measurement of an asset or liability in the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Although the hierarchy disclosure is presented by class of asset or liability, it is important to understand that the determination of the hierarchy level in which a fair value measurement falls (and therefore the category in which it will be disclosed) is based on the fair value measurement for the specific item being measured and is, therefore, driven by the unit of account for the asset or liability.

For example, in situations where the unit of account for a financial instrument is the individual item, but the measurement exception for financial instruments is used (as discussed at 12 above), entities may need to allocate portfolio-level adjustments to the various instruments that make up the net exposure for purposes of hierarchy categorisation.

This may seem inconsistent to certain constituents given the discussion at 12 above about the consideration of size as a characteristic of the net risk exposure when the measurement exception for financial instruments is used. However, the IASB and FASB staffs have indicated that the determination of the net risk exposure as the unit of measurement applies only for measurement considerations and was not intended to change current practice with respect to disclosures. As such, the entire net exposure would not be categorised within a single level of the fair value hierarchy (e.g. Level 2), unless all of the individual items that make up the net exposure fell within that level.

To illustrate, consider an individual derivative that is valued using the measurement exception as part of a group of derivative instruments with offsetting credit risk (due to the existence of a legally enforceable netting agreement). Assuming the portfolio included instruments that on their own must be categorised within different levels of the fair value hierarchy (i.e. Level 2 and Level 3), for disclosure purposes, the portfolio-level adjustment for credit risk (considering the effect of master netting agreements) may need to be attributed to the individual derivative transactions within the portfolio or to the group of transactions that fall within each of the levels of the hierarchy. This example assumes that the portfolio-level adjustment for credit risk is based on observable market data. If the portfolio-level adjustment was determined using unobservable inputs, the significance of the adjustment to the measurement of the individual derivative instruments would need to be considered in order to determine if categorisation in Level 2 or Level 3 was appropriate.

The following example from IFRS 13 illustrates how an entity might disclose, in tabular format, the fair value hierarchy category for each class of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the end of each reporting period. [IFRS 13.IE60].

In the above example, the gain or loss recognised during the period for assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis is separately disclosed and discussed in the notes to the financial statements.

20.3.4 Transfers between hierarchy levels for recurring fair value measurements

IFRS 13 requires entities to disclose information regarding all transfers between fair value hierarchy levels (i.e. situations where an asset or liability was categorised within a different level in the fair value hierarchy in the previous reporting period). [IFRS 13.93(c), 93(e)(iv)]. However, this disclosure requirement only applies to assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period which are measured at fair value on a recurring basis. Information regarding transfers into or out of Level 3 is captured in the Level 3 reconciliation (discussed at 20.3.6 below) as these amounts are needed to roll forward Level 3 balances from the beginning to the end of the period being disclosed. The amounts of any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are also required to be disclosed. Regardless of the hierarchy levels involved, transfers into each level of the hierarchy are disclosed separately from transfers out of each level. That is, all transfers are required to be presented on a gross basis by hierarchy level, whether included in the Level 3 reconciliation or disclosed separately.

For all transfer amounts disclosed, an entity is required to discuss the reasons why the categorisation within the fair value hierarchy has changed (i.e. transferred between hierarchy levels). [IFRS 13.93(c), 93(e)(iv)]. Reasons might include the market for a particular asset or liability previously considered active (Level 1) becoming inactive (Level 2 or Level 3), or significant inputs used in a valuation technique that were previously unobservable (Level 3) becoming observable (Level 2) given transactions that were observed around the measurement date.

As discussed at 16.2.2 and 20.2 above, IFRS 13 also requires that entities disclose and consistently follow their policy for determining when transfers between fair value hierarchy levels are deemed to have occurred. That is, an entity's policy about the timing of recognising transfers into the hierarchy levels should be the same as the policy for recognising transfers out, and this policy should be used consistently from period to period. Paragraph 95 of IFRS 13 includes the following examples of potential policies: the actual date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the transfer, the beginning of the reporting period or the end of the reporting period. In practice, some variation of these approaches may also be used by entities. For example, some entities may use an intra-period approach using a transfer amount based on the fair value as at the month-end in which the transfer occurred, as opposed to the actual date within the month. [IFRS 13.95]. The following illustrative example demonstrates the differences between the three methods noted above.

As previously noted, the disclosures under IFRS 13 are intended to provide information that enables users to identify the effects of fair value measurements that are more subjective in nature on reported earnings, and, thereby, enhance financial statement users’ ability to make their own assessment regarding earnings quality. We believe that this objective is best met by considering the level of observability associated with the fair value measurement made at the end of the reporting period (i.e. the observability of the inputs used to determine fair value on the last day in the period). As such, while no specific approach is required under IFRS, we believe a beginning-of-period approach for recognising transfers provides greater transparency on the effect that unobservable inputs have on fair value measurements and reported earnings. Under this view, all changes in fair value that arise during the reporting period of the transfer are disclosed as a component of the Level 3 reconciliation.

While the ‘actual date’ approach more precisely captures the date on which a change in the observability of inputs occurred, its application can be more operationally complex. In addition, in our view, it does not necessarily provide more decision-useful information than the beginning-of-period approach. This is because, for a given period, the intra-period approach results in an allocation of the fair value changes between hierarchy levels that is inconsistent with the actual categorisation of the item as at the end of the reporting period. As such, the intra-period approach implies that a portion of the earnings recognised during the period is of a higher (or lower) quality solely because there was observable information regarding the value of the instrument at some point during the period.

To further illustrate this point, assume an entity acquires an investment in a private company in Q1 for CU 1,000. In the middle of Q2, the company completes an initial public offering that values the investment at CU 1,500. At the end of Q2, the fair value of the investment is CU 2,200 based on a quoted market price. Under the intra-period approach for the six-month period ended Q2, CU 500 would be included as an unrealised gain in the Level 3 reconciliation, despite the fact that the entire CU 1,200 unrealised gain recognised during the six-month period is supported by observable market information (i.e. a quoted price less cash paid).

Of the three alternatives, we believe the end-of-period approach is the least effective in achieving IFRS 13's disclosure objectives. Under this approach, the Level 3 reconciliation would not reflect any unrealised gains or losses for items that move from Level 2 to Level 3 during the reporting period.

20.3.5 Disclosure of valuation techniques and inputs

Entities are required to describe the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure the fair value of items categorised within Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. In addition, entities are required to disclose instances where there has been a change in the valuation technique(s) used during the period, and the reason for making the change. As discussed at 20.3.5.A below, the standard also requires quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs to be disclosed for Level 3 fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.93(d)].

Importantly, the disclosures related to valuation techniques and inputs (including the requirement to disclose quantitative information about unobservable inputs) apply to both recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.93(d)].

20.3.5.A Significant unobservable inputs for Level 3 fair value measurements

For Level 3 measurements, IFRS 13 specifically requires that entities provide quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.93(d)]. For example, an entity with asset-backed securities categorised within Level 3 would be required to quantitatively disclose the inputs used in its valuation models related to prepayment speed, probability of default, loss given default and discount rate (assuming these inputs were all unobservable and deemed to be significant to the valuation).

Consistent with all of the disclosures in IFRS 13, entities are required to present this information separately for each class of assets or liabilities based on the nature, characteristics and risks of their Level 3 measurements. [IFRS 13.93]. As such, we expect that entities will likely disclose both the range and weighted average of the unobservable inputs used across a particular class of Level 3 assets or liabilities. In addition, entities should assess whether the level of disaggregation at which this information is provided results in meaningful information to users, consistent with the objectives of IFRS 13.

In some situations significant unobservable inputs may not be developed by the reporting entity itself, such as when an entity uses third-party pricing information without adjustment. In these instances, IFRS 13 states that an entity is not required to create quantitative information to comply with its disclosure requirements. However, when making these disclosures, entities cannot ignore information about significant unobservable inputs that is ‘reasonably available’.

Determining whether information is ‘reasonably available’ will require judgement, and there may be some diversity in practice stemming from differences in entities’ access to information and information vendors may be willing or able to provide. If the valuation has been developed, either by the entity or an external valuation expert at the direction of the entity, quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs would be expected to be reasonably available and therefore should be disclosed. As a result, entities need to ensure any valuers they use provide them with sufficient information to make the required disclosures.

In contrast, when an entity receives price quotes or other valuation information from a third-party pricing service or broker, the specific unobservable inputs underlying this information may not always be reasonably available to the entity. While determining whether information is reasonably available in these instances will require judgement, we would expect entities to make good-faith efforts to obtain the information needed to meet the disclosure requirements in IFRS 13. In addition, some diversity in practice may stem from differences in entities’ access to information and the nature of information that various vendors may be willing or able to provide. However, in all cases, any adjustments made by an entity to the pricing data received from a third party should be disclosed if these adjustments are not based on observable market data and are deemed to be significant to the overall measurement.

The following example from IFRS 13 illustrates the type of information an entity might provide to comply with the requirement to disclose quantitative information about Level 3 fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.IE63]. Extract 14.3 from BP p.l.c. and Extract 14.4 from Rio Tinto plc at 20.3.8.A below also illustrates this disclosure in relation to derivatives categorised within Level 3.

20.3.6 Level 3 reconciliation

IFRS 13 requires a reconciliation (also referred to as the Level 3 roll-forward) of the beginning and ending balances for any recurring fair value measurements that utilise significant unobservable inputs (i.e. Level 3 inputs). Therefore, any asset or liability (measured at fair value on a recurring basis) that was determined to be a Level 3 measurement at either the beginning or the end of a reporting period would need to be considered in the Level 3 reconciliation.

To reconcile Level 3 balances for the period presented, entities must present the following information for each class of assets and liabilities:

  • balance of Level 3 assets or liabilities (as at the beginning of the period);
  • total gains or losses;
  • purchases, sales, issues and settlements (presented separately);
  • transfers in and/or out of Level 3 (presented separately); and
  • balance of Level 3 assets or liabilities (as at the end of the period).

In addition, entities are required to separately present gains or losses included in earnings from those gains or losses recognised in other comprehensive income, and to describe in which line items these gains or losses are reported in profit or loss, or in other comprehensive income. To enhance the ability of financial statement users to assess an entity's quality of earnings, IFRS 13 also requires entities to separately disclose the amount of total gains and losses reported in profit or loss (for the period) that are attributable to changes in unrealised gains and losses for assets and liabilities categorised within Level 3 and are still held at the end of the reporting period. Effectively, this requires an entity to distinguish its unrealised gains and losses from its realised gains and losses for Level 3 measurements.

The following example from IFRS 13 illustrates how an entity could comply with the Level 3 reconciliation requirements. [IFRS 13.IE61]. Extract 14.3 from BP p.l.c. and Extract 14.4 from Rio Tinto plc at 20.3.8.A below also illustrates these disclosure requirements in relation to derivatives categorised within Level 3.

IFRS 13 also provides the following example to illustrate how an entity could comply with the requirements to separately disclose the amount of total gains and losses reported in profit or loss that are attributable to changes in unrealised gains and losses for assets and liabilities categorised within Level 3 and are still held at the end of the reporting period. [IFRS 13.IE62].

20.3.7 Disclosure of valuation processes for Level 3 measurements

Entities are required to describe the valuation processes used for fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, whether on a recurring or non-recurring basis. This is illustrated in the extract below from the financial statements of UBS Group AG. The Boards decided to require these disclosures for Level 3 measurements because they believe this information, in conjunction with the other Level 3 disclosures, will help users assess the relative subjectivity of these measurements.

IFRS 13 provides an example of how an entity could comply with the requirements to disclose the valuation processes for its Level 3 fair value measurements, suggesting this disclosure might include the following:

  1. for the group within the entity that decides the entity's valuation policies and procedures:
    • its description;
    • to whom that group reports; and
    • the internal reporting procedures in place (e.g. whether and, if so, how pricing, risk management or audit committees discuss and assess the fair value measurements);
  2. the frequency and methods for calibration, back testing and other testing procedures of pricing models;
  3. the process for analysing changes in fair value measurements from period to period;
  4. how the entity determined that third-party information, such as broker quotes or pricing services, used in the fair value measurement was developed in accordance with the IFRS; and
  5. the methods used to develop and substantiate the unobservable inputs used in a fair value measurement. [IFRS 13.IE65].

20.3.8 Sensitivity of Level 3 measurements to changes in significant unobservable inputs

IFRS 13 requires entities to provide a narrative description of the sensitivity of recurring Level 3 fair value measurements to changes in the unobservable inputs used, if changing those inputs would significantly affect the fair value measurement. However, except in relation to financial instruments (see 20.3.8.A below) there is no requirement to quantify the extent of the change to the unobservable input, or the quantitative effect of this change on the measurement (i.e. only discuss directional change).

At a minimum, the unobservable inputs quantitatively disclosed based on the requirements described at 20.3.5 above must be addressed in the narrative description. In addition, entities are required to describe any interrelationships between the unobservable inputs and discuss how they might magnify or mitigate the effect of changes on the fair value measurement.

This disclosure, combined with the quantitative disclosure of significant unobservable inputs, is designed to enable financial statement users to understand the directional effect of certain inputs on an item's fair value and to evaluate whether the entity's views about individual unobservable inputs differ from their own. The Boards believe these disclosures can provide meaningful information to users who are not familiar with the pricing models and valuation techniques used to measure a particular class of assets or liabilities (e.g. complex structured instruments).

The following example from IFRS 13 illustrates how an entity could comply with the disclosure requirements related to the sensitivity of Level 3 measurements to changes in significant unobservable inputs. [IFRS 13.IE66].

We note that the above example is fairly general in nature, because no numbers relating to how the unobservable inputs might be changed, or how such a change would affect fair value, are required to be disclosed. However, in making this disclosure we would encourage entities to avoid over-generalisations that may not hold true in all cases.

20.3.8.A Quantitative sensitivity of Level 3 measurements of financial instruments to changes in significant unobservable inputs

In addition to the qualitative sensitivity analysis, IFRS 13 requires quantitative sensitivity analysis for Level 3 fair value measurements of financial assets and financial liabilities (as noted at 20.3.1.B above, this is only for recurring fair value measurements), which is generally consistent with the existing disclosure requirement in IFRS 7 (see Chapter 54). If changing one or more of the unobservable inputs to reflect reasonably possible alternative assumptions would change fair value significantly, an entity must disclose the fact and the effect of those changes.

The entity must also disclose how the effect of a change to reflect a reasonably possible alternative assumption was calculated. For the purpose of this disclosure requirement, significance is judged with respect to profit or loss, and total assets or total liabilities, or, when changes in fair value are recognised in other comprehensive income and total equity.

The following extracts from BP p.l.c. and Rio Tinto plc illustrates the disclosures required for Level 3 measurements.

20.3.9 Highest and best use

As discussed at 10 above, if the highest and best use of a non-financial asset differs from its current use, entities are required to disclose this fact and why the non-financial asset is being used in a manner that differs from its highest and best use. [IFRS 13.93(i)]. The Boards believe this information is useful to financial statement users who project expected cash flows based on how an asset is actually being used.

20.4 Disclosures for unrecognised fair value measurements

For each class of assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position, but for which the fair value is disclosed (e.g. financial assets carried at amortised cost whose fair values are required to be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 7), entities are required to disclose the following:

  1. the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurements are categorised in their entirety (Level 1, 2 or 3);
  2. if categorised within Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:
    1. a description of the valuation technique(s) used in the fair value measurement;
    2. a description of the inputs used in the fair value measurement;
    3. if there has been a change in valuation technique (e.g. changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of an additional valuation technique):
      • the change; and
      • the reason(s) for making it; and
  3. for non-financial assets, if the highest and best use differs from its current use, an entity must disclose that fact and why the non-financial asset is being used in a manner that differs from its highest and best use. [IFRS 13.97].

None of the other IFRS 13 disclosures are required for assets and liabilities whose fair value is only disclosed. For example, even though certain fair value disclosures are categorised within Level 3, entities are not required to provide quantitative information about the unobservable inputs used in their valuation because these items are not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position.

20.5 Disclosures regarding liabilities issued with an inseparable third-party credit enhancement

IFRS 13 includes an additional disclosure requirement for liabilities measured at fair value that have been issued with an inseparable third-party credit enhancement (see 11.3.1 above for further discussion regarding these instruments). The standard requires that an issuer disclose the existence of the third-party credit enhancement and whether it is reflected in the fair value measurement of the liability. [IFRS 13.98].


This section focuses on the application guidance in IFRS 13 regarding the use of present value techniques to estimate fair value.

21.1 General principles for use of present value techniques

A present value technique is an application of the income approach, which is one of the three valuation approaches prescribed by IFRS 13. Valuation techniques under the income approach, such as present value techniques or option pricing models, convert expected future amounts to a single present amount. That is, a present value technique uses the projected future cash flows of an asset or liability and discounts those cash flows at a rate of return commensurate with the risk(s) associated with those cash flows. Present value techniques, such as discounted cash flow analyses, are frequently used to estimate the fair value of business entities, non-financial assets and non-financial liabilities, but are also useful for valuing financial instruments that do not trade in active markets.

The standard does not prescribe the use of a single specific present value technique, nor does it limit the use of present value techniques to those discussed. The selection of a present value technique will depend on facts and circumstances specific to the asset or liability being measured at fair value and the availability of sufficient data. [IFRS 13.B12].

The application guidance in IFRS 13 regarding the use of present value techniques specifically focuses on three techniques: a discount rate adjustment technique and two methods of the expected cash flow (expected present value) technique. These approaches are summarised in the following table.

  Discount rate adjustment technique Expected present value technique
  Method 1 Method 2
  (see 21.3 below) (see 21.4 below) (see 21.4 below)
Nature of cash flows Conditional cash flows – may be contractual or promised or the most likely cash flows Expected cash flows Expected cash flows
Cash flows based on probability weighting? No Yes Yes
Cash flows adjusted for certainty? No Yes – cash risk premium is deducted. Cash flows represent a certainty-equivalent cash flow No
Cash flows adjusted for other market risk? No Yes Yes – to the extent not already captured in the discount rate
Discount rate adjusted for the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows? Yes – uses an observed or estimated market rate of return, which includes adjustment for the possible variation in cash flows. No – already captured in the cash flows No – already captured in the cash flows
Discount rate adjusted for the premium a market participant would require to accept the uncertainty? Yes No – represents time value of money only (i.e. the risk-free rate is used) Yes – represents the expected rate of return (i.e. the risk-free rate is adjusted to include the risk premium)

Figure 14.11 Comparison of present value techniques described in IFRS 13

Additional considerations when applying present value techniques to measuring the fair value of a liability and an entity's own equity instrument not held by other parties as assets are discussed at 11 above. The Board conducted a research project on discount rates used in IFRS Standards and published their findings in February 2019. In that summary they noted that the output from the research would be used as an input for the Targeted Standard-level Review of disclosures for present values measures which includes IFRS 13.31

21.2 The components of a present value measurement

Present value measurements use future cash flows or values to estimate amounts in the present, using a discount rate. Present value techniques can vary in complexity depending on the facts and circumstances of the item being measured. Nevertheless, for the purpose of measuring fair value in accordance with IFRS 13, the standard requires a present value technique to capture all the following elements from the perspective of market participants at the measurement date:

  • an estimate of future cash flows for the asset or liability being measured;
  • expectations about the uncertainty inherent in the future cash flows (i.e. the possible variations in the amount and timing of the cash flows);
  • the time value of money – represented by a risk-free interest rate. That is, the rate on risk-free monetary assets that have maturity dates (or durations) that coincide with the period covered by the cash flows and pose neither uncertainty in timing nor risk of default to the holder;
  • a risk premium (i.e. the price for bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows);
  • other factors that market participants would take into account in the circumstances; and
  • for a liability, the non-performance risk relating to that liability, including the entity's (i.e. the obligor's) own credit risk. [IFRS 13.B13].

Since present value techniques may differ in how they capture these elements, IFRS 13 sets out the following general principles that govern the application of any present value technique used to measure fair value:

  1. both cash flows and discount rates should:
    • reflect assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability;
    • take into account only the factors attributable to the asset or liability being measured; and
    • have internally consistent assumptions.

      For example, if the cash flows include the effect of inflation (i.e. nominal cash flows), they would be discounted at a rate that includes the effect of inflation, for example, a rate built off the nominal risk-free interest rate. If cash flows exclude the effect of inflation (i.e. real cash flows), they should be discounted at a rate that excludes the effect of inflation. Similarly, post-tax and pre-tax cash flows should be discounted at a rate consistent with those cash flows; and

  2. discount rates should also:
    • be consistent with the underlying economic factors of the currency in which the cash flows are denominated; and
    • reflect assumptions that are consistent with those assumptions inherent in the cash flows.

      This principle is intended to avoid double-counting or omitting the effects of risk factors. For example, a discount rate that reflects non-performance (credit) risk is appropriate if using contractual cash flows of a loan (i.e. a discount rate adjustment technique – see 21.3 below). The same rate would not be appropriate when using probability-weighted cash flows (i.e. an expected present value technique – see 21.4 below) because the expected cash flows already reflect assumptions about the uncertainty in future defaults. [IFRS 13.B14].

21.2.1 Time value of money

The objective of a present value technique is to convert future cash flows into a present amount (i.e. a value as at the measurement date). Therefore, time value of money is a fundamental element of any present value technique. [IFRS 13.B13(c)]. A basic principle in finance theory, time value of money holds that ‘a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow’, because the dollar today can be invested and earn interest immediately. Therefore, the discount rate in a present value technique must capture, at a minimum, the time value of money. For example, a discount rate equal to the risk-free rate of interest encompasses only the time value element of a present value technique. If the risk-free rate is used as a discount rate, the expected cash flows must be adjusted into certainty-equivalent cash flows to capture any uncertainty associated with the item being measured and the compensation market participants would require for this uncertainty.

21.2.2 Risk and uncertainty in a present value technique

At its core, the concept of value measures expected rewards against the risks of realising those rewards. Present value techniques implicitly contain uncertainty as they generally deal with estimates rather than known amounts. In many cases, both the amount and timing of the cash flows are uncertain. The standard notes that even contractually fixed amounts are uncertain if there is risk of default. [IFRS 13.B15].

Market participants generally require compensation for taking on the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset or a liability. This compensation is known as a risk premium. IFRS 13 states that in order to faithfully represent fair value, a present value technique should include a risk premium. The standard acknowledges that determining the appropriate risk premium might be difficult. However, the degree of difficulty alone is not a sufficient reason to exclude a risk premium if market participants would demand one. [IFRS 13.B16].

Depending on the present value technique used, risk may be incorporated in the cash flows or in the discount rate. However, identical risks should not be captured in both the cash flows and the discount rate in the same valuation analysis. For example, if the probability of default and loss given default for a liability are already incorporated in the discount rate (i.e. a risk-adjusted discount rate), the projected cash flows should not be further adjusted for the expected losses.

The present value techniques discussed in the application guidance to IFRS 13 differ in how they adjust for risk and in the type of cash flows they use.

  • The discount rate adjustment technique uses a risk-adjusted discount rate and contractual, promised or most likely cash flows (see 21.3 below).
  • Method 1 of the expected present value technique uses cash certain equivalent cash flows and a risk-free rate (see 21.4 below).
  • Method 2 of the expected present value technique uses expected cash flows that are not risk-adjusted and a discount rate adjusted to include the risk premium that market participants require. That rate is different from the rate used in the discount rate adjustment technique (see 21.4 below). [IFRS 13.B17].

If the risks are accounted for fully and appropriately, the three present value techniques noted above should all produce an identical fair value measurement, regardless of whether risk is captured in the cash flows or the discount rate (see 21.4.1 below for a numerical example illustrating this point).

21.3 Discount rate adjustment technique

The discount rate adjustment technique attempts to capture all of the risk associated with the item being measured in the discount rate and is most commonly used to value assets and liabilities with contractual payments, such as debt instruments. This technique uses a single set of cash flows from the range of possible estimated amounts and discounts those cash flows using a rate that reflects all of the risk related to the cash flows.

According to the standard, the cash flows may be contractual or promised or the most likely cash flows. In all cases, those cash flows are conditional upon the occurrence of specified events. For example, contractual or promised cash flows for a bond are conditional on the event of no default by the debtor. [IFRS 13.B18].

The discount rate is derived from observable rates of return for comparable assets and liabilities that are traded in the market and incorporates the following:

  • the risk-free interest rate;
  • market participants’ expectations about possible variations in the amount or timing of the cash flows;
  • the price for bearing the uncertainty inherent in these cash flows (or risk premium); and
  • other risk factors specific to the asset or liability.

As such, under this technique the cash flows are discounted at an observed or estimated market rate appropriate for such conditional cash flows (that is, a market rate of return).

The discount rate adjustment technique requires an analysis of market data for comparable assets or liabilities. Comparability is established by considering:

  • the nature of the cash flows – for example, whether the cash flows are contractual or non-contractual and whether the cash flows are likely to respond similarly to changes in economic conditions; and
  • other factors, such as credit standing, collateral, duration, restrictive covenants and liquidity. [IFRS 13.B19].

Alternatively, if a single comparable asset or liability does not fairly reflect the risk inherent in the cash flows of the asset or liability being measured, it may be possible to derive a discount rate using a ‘build-up’ approach. That is, the entity should use data for several comparable assets or liabilities in conjunction with the risk-free yield curve. Example 14.31 at 21.3.1 below illustrates this further.

If the discount rate adjustment technique is applied to fixed receipts or payments, the adjustment for any risk inherent in the cash flows is included in the discount rate. In some applications of the discount rate adjustment technique to cash flows that are not fixed receipts or payments, an entity may need to make an adjustment to the cash flows to achieve comparability with the observed asset or liability from which the discount rate is derived. [IFRS 13.B22].

Although IFRS 13 does not prescribe when a particular present value technique should be used, the extent of market data available for a particular type of asset or liability will influence when use of the discount rate adjustment technique is appropriate. Paragraph B19 of IFRS 13 states that the ‘discount rate adjustment technique requires an analysis of market data for comparable assets or liabilities’. [IFRS 13.B19]. Therefore, certain assets and liabilities may not lend themselves to the use of the discount rate adjustment technique, even though it may be possible to derive discount rates using market data from several comparable items when no single observable rate of return reflects the risk inherent in the item being measured.

The most challenging aspect of applying this technique is the identification of market observable rates of return that appropriately capture the risk inherent in the asset or liability being measured. Understanding the various risk factors associated with certain types of assets and liabilities is not always easy, and quantifying the effect of these factors is even more difficult. However, it may be helpful to deconstruct a discount rate into its component parts to understand what risks are being considered; beginning with the risk-free rate, which represents the time value of money. In addition to the risk-free rate, entities should consider credit or non-performance risk, if the subject asset or liability requires performance in the future (including, but not limited to, a cash payment). For example, in the case of a financial asset, the discount rate would include compensation required by market participants to assume the risk that the counterparty will be unable to fulfil its obligation. Not all discount rates require an explicit adjustment for credit (or non-performance) risk. Equity interests, for example, may assume perpetual residual cash flows from the operations of a business, rather than a contractual future payment. In this case, an additional component of risk is captured through an equity risk premium, instead of a credit risk adjustment. The long-term incremental rate of return of equity interests over long-term risk-free interest rates may generally represent an identifiable component of risk.

When applying the discount rate adjustment technique, the credit spread (above the risk-free rate) will implicitly include assumptions about probabilities of default and losses given default without requiring an adjustment to the projected cash flows used in the analysis. However, a credit adjusted risk-free rate may not sufficiently capture all the risk related to the subject asset or liability. Depending on facts and circumstances of the item being measured, the observable rate of return should also capture other potential variability with respect to the timing and amount of the cash flows (e.g. potential variability due to prepayment risk for financial instruments such as mortgage backed securities) and the price for bearing such uncertainty (risk premium).

In addition, when assessing discount rates, it is important to keep in mind the exit price objective of a fair value measurement in IFRS 13. Because the discount rate represents the rate of return required by market participants in the current market, it should also incorporate factors such as illiquidity and the current risk appetite of market participants.

21.3.1 Illustrative example of the discount rate adjustment technique

The following example from IFRS 13 illustrates how a build-up approach is applied when using the discount rate adjustment technique. [IFRS 13.B20‑21].

As evidenced in the example above, using a build-up approach requires that market data for comparable assets be available. In addition, when applying the build-up approach, significant judgement may be required in determining comparability between the item being measured and the available benchmarks, as well as quantifying the appropriate adjustments necessary to account for any differences that may exist between the item being measured and the applicable benchmark (e.g. differences in credit risks, nature and timing of the cash flows, etc.).

21.4 Expected present value technique

The expected present value technique is typically used in the valuation of business entities, assets and liabilities with contingent or conditional payouts and items for which discount rates cannot be readily implied from observable transactions.

This technique uses, as a starting point, a set of cash flows that represent the probability-weighted average of all possible future cash flows (i.e. the expected cash flows). Unlike the cash flows used in the discount rate adjustment technique (i.e. contractual, promised or most likely amounts), expectations about possible variations in the amount and/or timing of the cash flows are explicitly incorporated in the projection of the expected cash flows themselves, rather than solely in the discount rate. [IFRS 13.B23].

The application guidance in IFRS 13 identifies two types of risk, based on portfolio theory:

  1. unsystematic (diversifiable) risk – the risk specific to a particular asset or liability; and
  2. systematic (non-diversifiable) risk – the common risk shared by an asset or a liability with the other items in a diversified portfolio (i.e. market risk). [IFRS 13.B24].

According to portfolio theory, in a market in equilibrium, market participants will be compensated only for bearing the systematic risk inherent in the cash flows. If the market is inefficient or is out of equilibrium, other forms of return or compensation might be available.

While, in theory, all possible future cash flows are meant to be considered, in practice, a discrete number of scenarios are often used to capture the probability distribution of potential cash flows.

  • The number of possible outcomes to be considered will generally depend on the characteristics of the specific asset or liability being measured. For example, the outcome of a contingency may be binary, therefore, only two possible outcomes need be considered. In contrast, certain complex financial instruments are valued using option pricing models, such as Monte Carlo simulations, that generate thousands of possible outcomes.
  • Estimating the probability distribution of potential outcomes requires judgement and will depend on the nature of the item being measured.

Assuming the entity's use of the asset is consistent with that of market participants, an entity might look to its own historical performance, current and expected market environments (including expectations of volatility) and budgetary considerations to develop expectations about future cash flows and appropriate weightings. However, as discussed at 19.1 above, the use of an entity's own data can only be a starting point when measuring fair value. Adjustments may be needed to ensure that the measurement is consistent with market participant assumptions. For example, synergies that can be realised by the entity should not be considered unless they would similarly be realised by market participants.

The concept of a risk premium is just as important under an expected present value technique as it is under the discount rate adjustment technique. The use of probability-weighted cash flows under an expected present value technique does not remove the need to consider a market risk premium when estimating fair value. While ‘expected cash flows’ capture the uncertainty in the amount and timing of the future cash flows, the probability weighting does not include the compensation market participants would demand for bearing this uncertainty. For example, assume Asset A is a contractual right to receive CU 10,000. Asset B has a payout that is conditional upon the toss of a coin: if ‘heads’, Asset B pays CU 20,000; and if ‘tails’ it pays nothing. Assuming no risk of default, both assets have an expected value of CU 10,000 (i.e. CU 10,000 × 100% for Asset A, and CU 20,000 × 50% + CU 0 × 50% for Asset B). However, risk-averse market participants would find Asset A more valuable than Asset B, as the cash-certain payout of CU 10,000 for Asset A is less risky than the expected cash flow of CU 10,000 for Asset B.

Although the variability in the cash flows of Asset B has been appropriately captured by probability-weighting all the possible cash flows (i.e. there is no subjectivity involved in the determination of the probability weighting in the simplified example since the payout is based on a coin toss), Asset B's expected value does not capture the compensation market participants would require for bearing the uncertainty in the cash flows. As such, all else being equal, the price for Asset B would be lower than the price for Asset A. That is, the required rate of return for Asset B would be higher than that for Asset A, in order to compensate the holder for the incremental risk in Asset B's cash flows (relative to Asset A).

21.4.1 Expected present value technique – method 1 and method 2

The standard describes two methods of the expected present value technique. The key difference between Method 1 and Method 2 is where the market risk premium is captured. However, either method should provide the same fair value measurement, i.e. where the risk premium is treated should have no effect on relative fair values.

  • Method 1 – the expected cash flows are adjusted for the systematic (market) risk by subtracting a cash risk premium. This results in risk-adjusted expected cash flows that represent a certainty-equivalent cash flow. The cash flows are then discounted at a risk-free interest rate. [IFRS 13.B25].

    Because all of the risk factors have been incorporated into the cash flows under Method 1, the discount rate used would only capture the time value of money. That is, use of a risk-free discount rate is appropriate when using this technique, provided that credit risk considerations are not applicable or have already been considered in the cash flows.

    A certainty-equivalent cash flow is an expected cash flow adjusted for risk so that a market participant is indifferent to trading a certain cash flow for an expected cash flow. For example, if a market participant was willing to trade an expected cash flow of CU 1,200 for a cash flow that the market participant is certain to receive of CU 1,000, the CU 1,000 is the certainty-equivalent of the CU 1,200 (i.e. the CU 200 would represent the cash risk premium). [IFRS 13.B25].

  • Method 2 – adjusts for systematic (market) risk by applying a risk premium to the risk-free interest rate (i.e. the risk premium is captured in the discount rate). As such, the discount rate represents an expected rate of return (i.e. the expected rate associated with probability-weighted cash flows). In Method 2, the expected cash flows are discounted using this rate. [IFRS 13.B26].

    The use of a risk-free discount rate is not appropriate under Method 2, because the expected cash flows, while probability weighted, do not represent a certainty-equivalent cash flow. The standard suggests that models used for pricing risky assets, such as the capital asset pricing model, could be used to estimate the expected rate of return. As discussed at 21.3 above, the discount rate used in the discount rate adjustment technique also uses a rate of return, but it is related to conditional cash flows. A discount rate determined in accordance with the discount rate adjustment technique is likely to be higher than the discount rate used in Method 2, which is an expected rate of return relating to expected or probability-weighted cash flows. [IFRS 13.B26].

Capturing the risk premium in the cash flows versus the discount rate has no effect on relative fair values under each method. That is, Method 1 and Method 2 should result in the same fair value measurement, all else being equal.

Example 14.32 below illustrates the application of Method 1 and Method 2 when measuring fair value. [IFRS 13.B27‑B29]. The selection of Method 1 or Method 2 will depend on facts and circumstances specific to the asset or liability being measured, the extent to which sufficient data are available and the judgements applied. [IFRS 13.B30]. However, in practice, Method 1 is rarely used because in most cases, to mathematically estimate the cash certainty adjustment, one must already know the market risk premium that would be applied to the discount rate under Method 2.

In Example 14.33 below, we have expanded the example from IFRS 13 to include the discount rate adjustment technique (described at 21.3 above). Example 14.33 shows how all three techniques converge to the same fair value measurement, while highlighting the difference in the discount rates applied under each approach.


IFRS 13 mandatorily applied to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. Entities were permitted to early adopt the standard, provided that fact was disclosed. [IFRS 13.C1‑C2].

The standard applied prospectively from the beginning of the annual period in which it was initially applied. Assuming an entity had a reporting date of 30 June and did not early adopt the standard, the date of initial application would have been 1 July 2013. Any fair value measurements and disclosures (and those based on fair value) that occurred on or after 1 July 2013 would be measured in accordance with IFRS 13. Any changes to fair value resulting from the initial application of IFRS 13 would be recognised during the year to 30 June 2014 in the same way as a change in accounting estimate. [IFRS 13.BC229].

In the first year of application, disclosures for comparative periods were not required. Disclosures required by IFRS 13 must be provided for the periods after the date of initial application. [IFRS 13.C3]. In our example, the entity would have provided the required disclosures for the year ending 30 June 2014, but need not have disclosed the same information for the comparative period to 30 June 2013.


23.1 The development of IFRS 13

IFRS 13 was the result of a convergence project between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). However, the Boards began developing their fair value measurement standards separately. The FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157 – Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157, now ASC 820) in 2006. The IASB's initial discussion paper, issued in 2006, and subsequent exposure draft, issued in 2009, were developed using the requirements of SFAS 157. However, the proposed requirements were not wholly consistent with that guidance and responses from constituents emphasised the need for a common set of requirements regarding the determination of fair value measurements under both IFRS and US GAAP. As a result, the Boards began joint discussions in 2010. From the IASB's perspective, the project had four main objectives:

  • ‘to establish a single set of requirements for all fair value measurements required or permitted by IFRSs to reduce complexity and improve consistency in their application, thereby enhancing the comparability of information reported in financial statements;
  • to clarify the definition of fair value and related guidance to communicate the measurement objective more clearly;
  • to enhance disclosures about fair value measurements that will help users of financial statements assess the valuation techniques and inputs used to develop fair value measurements; and
  • to increase the convergence’ of IFRSs and US GAAP. [IFRS 13.BC6].

The Boards’ joint discussions resulted in the issuance of IFRS 13 and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2011‑04 (formerly SFAS 157) and created a generally uniform framework for applying fair value measurement in both IFRS and US GAAP (refer to 23.2 below for further discussion).

IFRS 13 was also part of the IASB's response to G20 requests in relation to the financial crisis. Therefore, the disclosures required by the standard are intended to help users assess the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure fair value. The IASB had originally proposed to require entities to disclose a quantitative sensitivity analysis for non-financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value. While the proposed disclosures were favoured by users and were consistent with the recommendations from the IASB's Expert Advisory Panel, the proposals were heavily criticised by preparers. Their concerns included the additional cost involved. Therefore, the Boards decided not to include this requirement until additional outreach could be completed. Until such time that this project is completed, sensitivity disclosures are only required for financial assets and liabilities (this continues the current disclosure requirements in IFRS 7). [IFRS 13.BC208]. As part of the PIR of IFRS 13, the board received feedback that maintaining convergence with US GAAP was important in that it leads to increased comparability for financial statements globally. This increased comparability is facilitating efficient capital markets, increased user confidence and reduced compliance costs. It was also indicated that the convergence has led to more material to be available for stakeholders around fair value measurements.32

23.2 US GAAP differences

As noted above, the Boards’ joint fair value measurement project resulted in both the issuance of IFRS 13 and amendments to particular aspects of ASC 820. These standards now have a consistent definition of fair value and represent converged guidance in relation to how to measure fair value. However, some differences still remain. The main differences are discussed at 23.2.1 to 23.2.4 below.

It is also worth noting that there continue to be differences between IFRS and US GAAP as to what is measured at fair value, but those differences were outside the scope of the joint project, which focused on how to measure fair value.

In 2014, the Financial Accounting Foundation issued its post-implementation review of SFAS 157, concluding that the standard met its intended objectives.33 While agreeing that a comprehensive review of the fair value guidance was not needed, the FASB noted that it plans to potentially address more challenging aspects of the standard in the years ahead.34 The FASB issued an amendment Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) Disclosure Framework (ASU 2018‑13) in August 2018 that eliminates, adds and modifies certain disclosure requirements for fair value measurements as part of its disclosure framework project.

The amendments are effective for all entities for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2019 and for interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted to early adopt either the entire standard or only the provisions that eliminate or modify requirements.35 The IASB has not made similar amendments to IFRS 13, as the discussions confirmed through the PIR, the Board is aware of all the issues the FASB identified. As discussed at 20 above, the IASB will feed the PIR findings regarding the usefulness of disclosures into the work on Better Communications in Financial Reporting.

23.2.1 Practical expedient for alternative investments

ASC 820 provides a practical expedient to measure the fair value of certain investments in investment companies (e.g. investments in hedge funds or private equity funds that do not have readily determinable fair values) using net asset value (NAV), without adjustment.36 Furthermore, in May 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015‑07 – Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820): Disclosures for Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate Net Asset Value per Share (or Its Equivalent), which eliminates the requirement to categorise in the fair value hierarchy investments measured using the NAV practical expedient.37 While this exemption provides some relief for entities, they now have additional disclosure requirements specific to investments that are measured using the NAV practical expedient. These requirements are intended to help financial statement users reconcile amounts reported to the face of the financial statements and better understand the nature and risk of these investments, including whether the investments, if sold, are likely to be sold at amounts different from their NAV.

IFRS 13 does not have a similar practical expedient. Nor does it provide a similar disclosure exemption or requirements specific to such investments. Therefore, IFRS preparers cannot presume that NAV, or an equivalent measure, will be the same as fair value as measured in accordance with IFRS 13 (this is discussed further at 2.5.1 above). In addition, entities will need to categorise such investments within the fair value hierarchy and comply with the general disclosure requirements in IFRS 13.

At the time IFRS 13 was issued, the IASB believed it would be difficult to identify when such a practical expedient would be applied, given the different practices entities across the world use to calculate NAV. This difference was expected to be addressed as part of the IASB's project on Investment Entities. However, when the IASB issued Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27) in October 2012, a footnote was added to paragraph 238(a) of the Basis for Conclusions to IFRS 13 which confirmed it had reconsidered providing a net asset value practical expedient, but decided against providing one for the reason outlined above and because it was outside the scope of the Investment Entities project to provide fair value measurement guidance for investments in investment entities. [IFRS 13.BC238(a)].

23.2.2 Fair value of liabilities with a demand feature

The guidance in IFRS on measuring the fair value of a financial liability with a demand feature differs slightly from US GAAP. IFRS 13 states that the fair value of a liability with a demand feature cannot be less than the present value of the amount payable on demand, which is consistent with the existing requirements in IFRS. US GAAP has specific industry guidance for banks and depository institutions.38 The industry specific guidance states that the fair value of deposit liabilities with no defined maturities is the amount payable on demand at the reporting date. Since deposit liabilities, withdrawable on demand, of banks and depository institutions are excluded from the scope of the fair value option guidance in ASC 825, the industry guidance in US GAAP around how to fair value these liabilities is applicable to disclosure, only. [IFRS 13.BC238(b)].

23.2.3 Recognition of day-one gains and losses

While fair value is defined in IFRS 13 as an exit price (which can differ from an entry price), the standard defers to other IFRSs on whether to recognise any difference between fair value and transaction price at initial recognition, that is, day-one gains or losses. IFRS 9 restricts the recognition of day-one gains and losses when fair value is determined using unobservable inputs.

US GAAP contains no specific threshold regarding the observability of fair value inputs. As such, US GAAP does not specifically prohibit the recognition of day-one gains or losses even when the fair value measurement is based on significant unobservable inputs (i.e. a Level 3 measurement – see 16.2 above for further discussion regarding categorisation within the fair value hierarchy).

23.2.4 Disclosures

IFRS 13 and ASC 820 have some differences in the disclosure requirements for fair value measurements. For example, IFRS 13 does not provide exceptions to its disclosure requirements for non-public entities, whereas ASC 820 does. The IASB believes that IFRS for Small and Medium-Sized Entities addresses the accounting for entities that do not have public accountability, and the disclosures about their fair value measurements. [IFRS 13.BC238(c)].


  1.   1 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.6.
  2.   2 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.6.
  3.   3 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, pp.6, 8.
  4.   4 Website of the IFRS foundation and IASB, 26 August 2019)
  5.   5 IFRIC Update, July 2014.
  6.   6 Exposure Draft ED/2014/4 Measuring Quoted Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates at Fair Value (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12, IAS 27, IAS 28, IAS 36 and Illustrative Examples for IFRS 13), IASB, September 2014.
  7.   7 IASB Update, January 2016.
  8.   8 Agenda Paper 7B, Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement: Background‑Detailed analysis of feedback received and Agenda Paper 7D, Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement: Background – Prioritising Level 1 inputs or the unit of account, IASB meeting, March 2018.
  9.   9 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.14.
  10. 10 FASB Accounting Standards Update 2011‑04, Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRSs.
  11. 11 Exposure Draft ED/2014/4 Measuring Quoted Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates at Fair Value (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12, IAS 27, IAS 28, IAS 36 and Illustrative Examples for IFRS 13), IASB, September 2014.
  12. 12 IASB Update, April 2015.
  13. 13 European Securities and Markets Authority public statement Sovereign Debt in IFRS Financial Statements issued in November 2011.
  14. 14 Financial Times article, Value of private companies hits high of $490bn as tech start-ups shun markets, 29 May 2017: ‘…said Peter Christiansen, a former Blackrock director who now heads research at Scenic. “We expect the trend will be towards private markets looking more and more like the public markets.” ’.
  15. 15 Report of the IASB Expert Advisory Panel: Measuring and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments in markets that are no longer active, October 2008, paragraphs 17-18.
  16. 16 Decision ref EECS/0115‑03, European Securities and Markets Authority report 17th Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement, July 2015, pp.7‑8.
  17. 17 Decision ref EECS/0115‑03, European Securities and Markets Authority report 17th Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement, July 2015, pp.7‑8.
  18. 18 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.16.
  19. 19 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.15.
  20. 20 Website of the IFRS Foundation and IASB, (accessed 26 August 2019).
  21. 21 The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) agreement is part of a framework of documents designed to enable OTC derivatives to be documented fully and flexibly. The ISDA master agreement sets out the standard terms that apply to all transactions and is published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
  22. 22 A credit support annex (CSA) is a legal document that regulates the credit support (collateral) for derivative transactions and forms part of an ISDA Master Agreement.
  23. 23 Proposed illustrative example 13A, paragraphs IE47A-IE47G, Exposure Draft ED/2014/4 Measuring Quoted Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates at Fair Value (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12, IAS 27, IAS 28, IAS 36 and Illustrative Examples for IFRS 13), IASB, September 2014.
  24. 24 IASB Staff Paper, Agenda Paper reference 6 for the February 2014 IASB meeting – Measuring Quoted Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates at Fair Value (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12, IAS 27, IAS 28 and IAS 36 and Illustrative Examples for IFRS 13) – Illustrative Example for IFRS 13 – Portfolios.
  25. 25 IASB Update, April 2015.
  26. 26 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, pp.16, 18.
  27. 27 IFRS Project Report and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.16.
  28. 28 IFRIC Update, January 2015.
  29. 29 IASB Update, March 2018; IFRS Project Reporting and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, pp.12-13.
  30. 30 IFRS Project Reporting and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, pp.12-13.
  31. 31 IFRS Standards Project summary: Discount Rates in IFRS Standards.
  32. 32 IASB Update, Paper 7B, March 2018; IFRS Project Reporting and Feedback Statement: Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, December 2018, p.17.
  33. 33 Financial Accounting Foundation, Post-Implementation Review Report – FASB Statement No. 157, Fair Value Measurements (Codified in Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures), February 2014.
  34. 34 FASB, Response to FAF Post-implementation Review Report of FAS 157 on Fair Value Measurement, dated 10 March 2014.
  35. 35 Website of the FASB, (accessed 20 August 2019).
  36. 36 FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820 – Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures – sections 10‑35‑59 – 10‑35‑62.
  37. 37 FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820 – Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures – section 10‑35‑54B, which is added by ASU 2015‑07 – Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820): Disclosures for Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate Net Asset Value per Share (or Its Equivalent).
  38. 38 FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 825 – Financial Instruments and Topic 942 – Financial Services – Depository and Lending.
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