Chapter 36
Operating segments

List of examples

Chapter 36
Operating segments


1.1 Background

IFRS 8 – Operating Segments – was published in November 2006. The Standard has been mandatory since 2009. [IFRS 8.35].

In Europe, the introduction of IFRS 8 was controversial. Opponents shared concerns expressed in the dissenting opinions of two IASB members that the lack of a defined measure of segment profit or loss and the absence of any requirement for that measure to be consistent with the attribution of assets to reportable segments would encourage the proliferation of non-GAAP measures that could mislead users. [IFRS 8.D01-D04]. These concerns were raised in the European Parliament together with questions about the governance of the IASB, as a result of which the process to endorse IFRS 8 in the European Union was not completed until November 2007, a year after the Standard had been published.

During this period, the IFRS Foundation announced enhancements to oversight and due process to include a requirement for the IASB to conduct ‘a review of issues identified as contentious as part of the consultation process related to all new IFRSs (including IFRS 8), major amendments to IFRSs and major IFRIC interpretations’. Such a review would be performed after at least two full years of implementation and be completed within three years of the pronouncement's effective date.1 IFRS 8 was the first standard subject to a post-implementation review, which was completed in 2013.

Based on the feedback to the post-implementation review, the IASB concluded that the benefits of applying the Standard were largely as expected and that overall the Standard achieved its objectives and has improved financial reporting. The IASB noted the concerns raised by some investors but concluded that they do not suggest significant failings in the Standard and therefore do not warrant a revision of the principles underlying IFRS 8.2

However, the IASB acknowledged that some issues could be considered for improvement and, in March 2017, issued an Exposure Draft proposing a limited number of improvements to the standard.3

In February 2019, the IASB issued a summary of the feedback received and the Board's response to it. Investors generally asked for more significant changes to IFRS 8 than those proposed in the ED. Preparers questioned whether all of the proposals would represent improvements to financial reporting. Other stakeholders were either asking for more clarification in some areas or questioned the benefits of the proposed amendments.

Based on the feedback received, the IASB decided not to proceed with these proposed amendments. Whilst it had initially decided proceeding with some of the proposals and to abandon the others, the Board concluded that, in aggregate, those remaining proposals would not result in sufficient improvements to justify the costs to stakeholders of implementing an amended standard.4

1.2 The main features of IFRS 8

IFRS 8 is a disclosure standard. It specifies the way an entity should report information about its operating segments in annual financial statements and, as a consequential amendment to IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting, requires an entity to report selected information about its operating segments in interim financial reports (see Chapter 41 at 4.4). It also sets out requirements for related disclosures about an entity's products and services, geographical areas and major customers. The disclosures required are discussed at 5 and 6 below and include:

  • financial and descriptive information about the entity's reportable segments, which are operating segments above a certain size or (where specific criteria are met) aggregations of operating segments;
  • segment revenues and a measure of profit or loss for each reportable segment, reconciled to the amounts disclosed in the entity's financial statements;
  • a measure of segment assets, segment liabilities and particular income and expense items to the extent that such information is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker of the entity, reconciled to the amounts disclosed in the entity's financial statements;
  • unless the information is not available and the cost of its development would be excessive, information about the revenues derived from the entity's products and services (or groups of similar products and services), about the countries in which it earns revenues and holds assets, and about major customers, regardless of whether this information is used by management in making operating decisions; and
  • descriptive information about the way that operating segments were determined, the products and services provided by the segments, differences between the measurements used in reporting segment information and those used in the entity's financial statements, and changes in the measurement of segment amounts from period to period.

The process of identifying operating segments for external reporting purposes begins with the information used by the entity's chief operating decision maker to assess performance and to make decisions about future allocations of resources. [IFRS 8.5]. Entities applying IFRS 8 report on a single set of components according to the way that the business is sub-divided for management reporting purposes. [IFRS 8.10].

If a component of an entity is managed as a separate segment, IFRS 8 requires it to be treated as such even if it sells exclusively or primarily to other components of the same entity. [IFRS 8.5(a)].

IFRS 8 does not go so far as to require an entity to report all the information that is reviewed by the chief operating decision maker, recognising that such detail may not be useful to users of financial statements and could be cumbersome in its presentation. Instead it allows entities to apply certain criteria for aggregating components and to disclose information only for those segments that exceed certain quantitative criteria. [IFRS 8.BC Appendix A 72].

Under IFRS 8, the amounts reported about identified segments are prepared according to the manner in which information is presented to the entity's chief operating decision maker. This can be different to the way that the entity applies its accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements under IFRSs.

IFRS 8 requires an entity to describe the factors used to identify the entity's reportable segments, including a description of the basis of organisation. This description would explain whether the organisation is structured according to products and services, geographical areas, regulatory environments or other factors and state whether operating segments have been aggregated for reporting purposes. In addition, the entity must describe the types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenues. [IFRS 8.22].

IFRS 8 specifies amounts which should be disclosed about each reportable segment, but only if those measures are included in the measure of profit or loss used by, or otherwise regularly provided to, the chief operating decision maker (see 5.2 below). These specified amounts include a requirement to report separately interest revenue and interest expense by segment (but only if those measures are included in the measure of profit or loss used, or otherwise regularly provided to the by the chief operating decision maker) unless a majority of the segment's revenues is derived from interest and performance is assessed primarily on the basis of net interest revenue. [IFRS 8.23].

Certain ‘entity-wide disclosures’ are also required to be provided under IFRS 8, even if the entity has only one reportable segment [IFRS 8.31] (see 6 below). Entity-wide information is disclosed for the entity as a whole about its products and services, geographical areas and major customers, regardless of the way the entity is organised and the information presented to the chief operating decision maker. The amounts reported for this entity-wide information is based on the financial information used to produce the entity's financial statements. [IFRS 8.32‑34].

There is no ‘competitive harm’ exemption in IFRS 8 from the requirement to disclose segment information, or components of such information, for example on the grounds of commercial sensitivity, confidentiality or being otherwise detrimental to the entity's competitive position. [IFRS 8.BC43‑45].

These features are discussed in more detail in this chapter.

1.3 Disclosures required by IFRS 15

IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers, requires entities to disclose disaggregated revenue information to illustrate how the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty about revenue and cash flows are affected by economic factors. [IFRS 15.114]. If an entity applies IFRS 8, it is also required to disclose ‘sufficient information’ to explain the relationship between the disaggregated revenue information and revenue information that is disclosed for each reportable segment. [IFRS 15.115]. IFRS 15 also acknowledges that information meeting its requirements might have already been provided under another standard, in which case it is not required to be duplicated. [IFRS 15.112].

Accordingly, many entities choose to combine the IFRS 15 disclosures of disaggregated revenue with their segment information in the notes to the financial statements. However, the segment disclosures required by IFRS 8 are made by reference to the information provided to the entity's chief operating decision maker and may not be sufficiently disaggregated to achieve the disclosure objectives of IFRS 15. In addition, the information may be based on non-GAAP information rather than measured in accordance with IFRS 15. [IFRS 15.BC340]. As a result, entities can choose to provide more disaggregated ‘entity-wide’ information about revenues (see 6 below) in order to meet the additional requirements of IFRS 15.

The requirements of IFRS 15 in this regard are discussed at in Chapter 32 at 3.2.1.A.

1.4 Terms used in IFRS 8

The following terms are used in IFRS 8 with the meanings specified:

Term Meaning
Operating segment A component of an entity:
  1. that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same entity);
  2. whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance; and
  3. for which discrete financial information is available.
    [IFRS 8.5, IFRS 8 Appendix A].
Chief operating decision maker The function of allocating resources to and assessing the performance of the operating segments of an entity. This is not necessarily a manager with a specific title, but can be an entity's chief executive officer, chief operating officer, a group of executive directors or others. [IFRS 8.7].
Segment manager The function of being directly accountable to and maintaining regular contact with the chief operating decision maker to discuss operating activities, financial results, forecasts, or plans for the segment. [IFRS 8.9].
Reportable segment An operating segment or a group of two or more operating segments determined to be eligible for aggregation in accordance with IFRS 8.12; and which exceeds the quantitative thresholds in IFRS 8.13. [IFRS 8.11].
Aggregation criteria Two or more operating segments may be aggregated into a single operating segment if aggregation is consistent with the core principle of IFRS 8, they have similar economic characteristics, such as long-term average gross margins, and are similar in each of the following respects:
  1. the nature of the products and services;
  2. the nature of the production processes;
  3. the type or class of customer for their products and services;
  4. the methods used to distribute their products or provide their services;
  5. if applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment, for example, banking, insurance or public utilities. [IFRS 8.12].
Quantitative thresholds Information about an operating segment that meets any of the following criteria:
  1. its reported revenue, including both sales to external customers and intersegment sales or transfers, is 10% or more of combined revenue, internal and external, of all operating segments; or
  2. its reported profit or loss is, in absolute terms, 10% or more of the greater of, in absolute amount:
    1. the combined profit of all operating segments that did not report a loss; and
    2. the combined reported loss of all operating segments that reported a loss; or
  3. its assets are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments. [IFRS 8.13].

1.5 Transitional provisions

There are no special arrangements for entities applying IFRS 8 for the first time, with the Standard requiring comparative information to be restated. Only where the necessary information is both unavailable and incapable of being developed without excessive cost is an entity exempt from full restatement. [IFRS 8.36]. Accordingly, an entity should ensure that internal reporting systems can provide the information needed to meet the disclosure requirements of IFRS 8 for all periods presented in its financial statements.


2.1 Objective

The objective of IFRS 8 is expressed as a ‘core principle’, being that an entity shall disclose information to enable users of its financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the business activities in which it engages and the economic environments in which it operates. [IFRS 8.1].

2.2 Scope of IFRS 8

IFRS 8 applies to both the separate or individual financial statements of an entity and the consolidated financial statements of a group with a parent:

  1. whose debt or equity instruments are traded in a public market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter market, including local and regional markets); or
  2. that files, or is in the process of filing, its financial statements with a securities commission or other regulatory organisation for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market. [IFRS 8.2].

The Board has confirmed that for consolidated financial statements, the above test is applied to the parent entity alone. [IFRS 8.BC23]. Therefore, IFRS 8 does not apply to a group headed by a parent that has no listed financial instruments, even if the group includes a subsidiary that has any of its equity or debt instruments traded in a public market. The scope of IAS 33 – Earnings per Share – is similarly defined. [IFRS 8.BC23].

Of course, a subsidiary with publicly traded debt or equity instruments would be required to provide segment information under IFRS 8 in its own financial statements from its perspective as a reporting entity.

2.2.1 The meaning of ‘traded in a public market’

The Standard describes a ‘public market’ as including a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter market, including local and regional markets, [IFRS 8.2], but does not define what would make some markets ‘public’ and others not.

In our view, a market is ‘public’ when buyers and sellers (market participants) can transact with one another (directly; through agents; or in a secondary market) at a price determined in that market. A public market does not exist when the buyers and sellers can transact only with the entity itself (or an agent acting on its behalf). The requirement for an entity to list its securities on a stock exchange is not the sole factor determining whether the entity is in the scope of IFRS 8. Its securities must be traded in a public market meeting the criteria noted above.

Such ‘public markets’ would include exchange markets, dealer markets, brokered markets, and principal-to-principal markets as described in IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement – and listed in that Standard as examples of markets in which fair value inputs might be observable (see Chapter 14 at 15.1). [IFRS 13.B34].

2.2.2 Consolidated financial statements presented with those of the parent

When both the consolidated financial statements and the parent's separate or individual financial statements are contained in the same financial report, segment information is only required in the consolidated financial statements. [IFRS 8.4].

2.2.3 Entities providing segment information on a voluntary basis

Entities for which IFRS 8 is not mandatory might still want to provide information about their business activities, for example about sales by segment, without triggering the need to comply fully with the Standard. The Board concluded that this would be acceptable, provided that such disclosure is not referred to as ‘segment information’. [IFRS 8.BC22]. Consequently, entities giving information about segments on a voluntary basis cannot describe that information as ‘segment information’ unless it has been prepared in compliance with IFRS 8. [IFRS 8.3].


IFRS 8 adopts a ‘bottom up’ approach to determining the level of detail required for segment reporting in the notes to the financial statements. It requires the entity's revenue earning activities to be divided into operating segments (based on the same components used by management to run the business) and only allows that information to be aggregated for reporting purposes if specific criteria are met. This process can involve considerable judgement, as it may not always be immediately clear what activities are operating segments for the purposes of the Standard or which layer of the entity's organisational structure represents the level at which those activities are managed. This is particularly the case when management information is presented in a number of different ways (for example by product, by geographical market and by legal entity) or where management structures distinguish operational, strategic and oversight responsibilities.

Notwithstanding such difficulties, the requirement is to identify a single set of components as constituting the entity's operating segments. [IFRS 8.8].

The process for determining operating segments is important not only to entities applying IFRS 8 for external reporting purposes, but also to entities implementing the requirements of IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets – for testing goodwill for impairment. As such, the way that operating segments are defined and determined under IFRS 8 can affect the financial statements of entities to which the disclosure requirements in IFRS 8 do not apply, such as those without traded equity or debt. This is because the Standard on impairment, applicable to all entities, states that goodwill cannot be allocated to a group of cash-generating units (CGUs) that is larger than an operating segment before aggregation (as determined below). [IAS 36.80(b)]. See Chapter 20 at 8.1.4.

3.1 Definition of an operating segment

An operating segment is defined as a component of an entity:

  1. that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same entity);
  2. whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance; and
  3. for which discrete financial information is available. [IFRS 8.5].

This means that the determination of an entity's operating segments starts with the smallest components of the business for which information about profit is presented for use by the entity's chief operating decision maker (sometimes referred to as ‘CODM’).

3.1.1 Revenue earning business activities

A significant feature of an operating segment is the potential for revenue generation rather than actually earning revenues in the reporting period. Accordingly, a start-up operation can be treated as an operating segment while it has yet to earn revenues. [IFRS 8.5].

However, not every part of an entity is necessarily an operating segment. For example, a corporate headquarters or a functional department (such as a centralised data processing centre) that either does not earn revenues or for which revenues are only incidental to the activities of the entity would not be an operating segment for the purposes of IFRS 8. Similarly, an entity's post-employment benefit plans would not be regarded as operating segments. [IFRS 8.6].

3.1.2 ‘Chief operating decision maker’ and ‘segment manager’

Arguably the most important judgements made in implementing IFRS 8 relate to the identification of the entity's chief operating decision maker. The nature of what is ultimately disclosed in the financial statements about operating segments and the level of detail (or segmentation) required is directly related to the information regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker.

References in the standard to ‘chief operating decision maker’ are to the function of allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segments and not to a manager with a specific title. Often the chief operating decision maker of an entity is its chief executive officer or chief operating officer (i.e. an individual), but the term could refer equally to a group of executive directors or others charged with that role. [IFRS 8.7].

In Extract 36.1 below, the Go-Ahead Group identifies its Group Chief Executive as the chief operating decision maker:

The determination of chief operating decision maker will not be the same for all entities applying IFRS 8 and will depend upon the particular facts and circumstances applying to each entity, including the entity's governance structure. However, in stating that the term could apply to a group of executive directors or others, [IFRS 8.7], the Standard is clear that the function of CODM is an executive role. The IFRS Interpretations Committee confirmed this view in 2011. While it observed that in practice the functions of CODM are sometimes carried out by multiple persons and that all such persons involved in those activities would be part of the CODM group, the Committee noted that the CODM would not normally include non-executive directors.5 For example, an entity may have a single board of executive and non-executive directors which reviews the performance of individual business units, makes decisions about the operating budgets for those businesses and reviews significant applications for investment. In that case, the full board could be identified as the chief operating decision maker. However, if the entity also has a sub-committee of executive directors or another grouping of key management personnel (sometimes referred to as an ‘operational board’), this smaller group of executives would be identified as the chief operating decision maker.

Essentially, the chief operating decision maker is found at the most senior executive decision-making level of an organisation and as such should be distinguished from higher levels of management fulfilling primarily an oversight or approval role and who, to reflect their non-executive function, are provided information at a more aggregated level as a matter of course. For example, in some jurisdictions, supervisory bodies may be part of an entity's governance structure and be entrusted with significant oversight responsibilities. This role may give the supervisory body significant veto rights and rights of approval. However, that supervision will not typically represent the level of decision-making implicit in the notion of the CODM.

In the extract below, Roche Group identifies as the CODM its Corporate Executive Committee, a group of senior executives which is headed by the Chief Executive Officer and is appointed by and reports to the Board of Directors.

Another important distinction to be made is between chief operating decision maker and the function of ‘segment manager’. The segment manager is accountable to and maintains regular contact with the chief operating decision maker to discuss operating activities, financial results, forecasts or plans for the segment. The chief operating decision maker may also fulfil the role of segment manager for some operating segments and a single segment manager may be responsible for more than one operating segment. [IFRS 8.9]. For example, if the CODM is a group of executives, members of that group may fulfil the role of segment manager for certain components of the entity.

Considerations of how components of the entity are managed are relevant to the identification of an entity's operating segments and not to how they might be reported in the financial statements. Accordingly, separate operating segments which otherwise meet the definition at 3.1 above are not aggregated into single reportable operating segments simply because they have a common segment manager. The Standard is clear that such segments are only aggregated into reportable operating segments if they exhibit similar long-term economic characteristics and are similar in respect of the qualitative criteria set out at 3.2.1 below. [IFRS 8.12]. In addition, because the oversight role of the CODM is separate from the operational role of the segment manager, it is possible that an entity could regard an investee accounted for by the equity method as an operating segment (see 3.1.5 below).

In practice, judgement is required to determine whether the component(s) for which a segment manager is held responsible represents one or more operating segments. For example, if targets are set by the CODM for the entire area of one segment manager's responsibility and the remuneration of that segment manager is based on the achievement of those targets, on an aggregated basis, this could support a determination that the area of responsibility is one operating segment in the absence of other evidence indicating that the CODM reviews the results of these components separately. Equally, whilst IFRS 8 states that segment managers will generally exist, their existence is an important indicator for identifying operating segments, but not a necessary condition. The key determinant is based on the activity of the CODM with respect to the internally reported results of that component.

A common situation in practice is that detailed financial information is provided or available to the chief operating decision maker on a regular basis about various levels of management and operational activity within an entity. In these circumstances, the interplay between the three criteria at 3.1 above becomes very important, as the existence of more detailed internal reporting could otherwise lead to a determination that there are more operating segments. If the three criteria apply to more than one set of components of an entity, but there is only one set that has segment managers, generally the set of components with segment managers constitutes the operating segments. [IFRS 8.8].

Proper application of the requirements of IFRS 8 requires a clear understanding of what information is given to the chief operating decision maker and how the CODM uses that information, in conjunction with the segment managers. In the above example, the fact that the CODM receives detailed financial information about activities below the divisional level could raise doubts about the determination that the divisions represent the entity's operating segments, rather than the business units. In these circumstances, entities would be required to demonstrate that:

  • the more detailed information is not used by the CODM to assess performance and allocate resources;
  • segment managers operate only at the divisional level and are not, in effect, managers for each of the business units in their division. As noted above, components otherwise meeting the characteristics of an operating segment under IFRS 8 are not combined simply because they share a segment manager.

It might be evident from the records of the discussions between segment managers and the CODM that results are monitored at divisional rather than at business unit level. It might equally be clear from the records of board meetings that more detailed information is not referred to by the CODM in its deliberations. However, there is evidence that when regulators and other enforcement agencies assess the quality of an entity's compliance with IFRS 8, they adopt the presumption that the CODM uses whatever detailed information is provided to him/her on a regular basis for decision-making and assessment purposes.

3.1.3 Availability of discrete financial information

As noted above, a component of an entity can only be regarded as an operating segment if discrete financial information is available about that component. [IFRS 8.5(c)]. This requirement relates solely to the existence of discrete information that allows the chief operating decision maker to make decisions about the allocation of resources and to assess the performance of that component.

Accordingly, a component of an entity is still regarded as an operating segment if the only information available relates to the profitability of that component. Such information would be sufficient for the chief operating decision maker to review its operating results, assess performance and make decisions about resource allocation. [IFRS 8.5(b)]. The financial information is not rendered useless by the lack of, for example, a separate statement of financial position or a separate statement of cash flows for that component.

However, it would be unlikely that a component of an entity could be regarded as an operating segment solely because the chief operating decision maker receives information about revenue from that component. Without a measure of the component's operating results it would be difficult to make meaningful assessments of the effect of allocating more or less resource to that activity. As such, information on revenue alone would have limited value in decision making. Therefore, the search for an entity's operating segments starts with the smallest components of the business for which a measure of profitability is provided to the entity's CODM.

3.1.4 When a single set of components is not immediately apparent

For many entities, the search for operating segments is concluded after applying the three criteria listed at 3.1 above.

However, in cases where a single set of operating segments cannot be identified clearly by applying the above criteria, for example in an entity where its business activities are reported internally and assessed in a variety of ways, IFRS 8 states that other factors should be considered, including the nature of the business activities of each component, the existence of a manager responsible for it, and the information presented to the board of directors. [IFRS 8.8]. Therefore, if an entity's activities are reported internally in a number of different ways, each with their own set of business components as defined above, but there is only one set to which segment managers are assigned, then that will comprise the operating segments to report in the financial statements for IFRS 8 purposes. [IFRS 8.9]. For example, if an entity's board of directors manages its business using information on revenues and costs analysed both by product grouping as well as by geographical market, but the management structure operates only on geographical lines, then the financial statements would include segmental information on a geographical basis.

A single set of operating segments must be identified, even where two or more sets of components of an entity are managed in a matrix structure, for example where financial information is available and performance is assessed and segment managers assigned not only on the basis of product and service lines worldwide but also by geographical area irrespective of products and service lines. In that situation the choice of a single set of components is a matter of judgement, made by reference to the core principle of the Standard as set out at 2.1 above. [IFRS 8.10]. This requirement is different to FASB ASC Topic 280 and ED 8, which proposed that in such circumstances operating segments be drawn up on product and service lines.6 The IASB agreed with respondents to the exposure draft that a default position mandating the use of components based on products and services was inconsistent with a management approach founded on what is important to the chief operating decision maker. [IFRS 8.BC27].

3.1.5 An equity accounted investment can be an operating segment

The definition of an operating segment focuses on the review of its operating results by the entity's chief operating decision maker and the assessment of its performance and the allocation of resources to it by the CODM. [IFRS 8.5(b)]. This raises the question of whether the reporting entity needs to have control over the activities conducted in what otherwise would meet the definition of an operating segment, or whether it is sufficient that the CODM reviews its results and this review influences decisions about investment in those activities. In our view, control over the activities in which the entity is investing is not a requirement.

The core principle of IFRS 8 requires the disclosure of information relating to the business activities in which an entity engages and the economic environments in which it operates. [IFRS 8.1]. No restriction is imposed according to the manner of that engagement, just the way in which the CODM makes decisions about allocating resources and assesses its performance.

For example, an equity method investee (i.e. associate or joint venture) could be considered an operating segment, if it meets the criteria in IFRS 8. The CODM may regularly review the operating results and performance of an equity method investee for the purposes of making additional investments or advances, evaluating financial performance or evaluating whether to retain its investment. The CODM is not required to be responsible for making decisions at the investee operating level that affect the investee's operations and performance in order for it to be identified as an operating segment. Further, the definition of an operating segment does not require that the revenue generating activities of the investee are included in the entity's revenue as reported in the IFRS financial statements. Segment performance could be measured by reference to the amounts included in the entity's IFRS financial statements or equally by reference to the financial information prepared by the investee itself. Any difference between the measures used by the CODM and the accounting treatment under IFRS would be reported as a reconciling item in the entity's disclosures under IFRS 8 (see 5.6 below).

This view is consistent with the disclosure requirements of IFRS 8, which require the entity's share of the profits and losses of equity accounted associates and joint ventures and the amount of investment in equity accounted investees to be presented, if those amounts are included in the measures reviewed by the CODM of segment profit or loss and segment assets respectively (see 5.3 and 5.4 below). [IFRS 8.23(g), IFRS 8.24(a)].

3.2 Identifying externally reportable segments

Having identified a single set of internal operating segments, the Standard describes how reportable segments are determined. As a minimum an entity must separately disclose information on reportable segments above a certain size (see 3.2.2 below). In addition, a previously identified reportable segment continues to be disclosed separately in the current period if management judges it to be of continuing significance, even if it no longer satisfies the quantitative thresholds. [IFRS 8.17].

Thereafter, an entity is only compelled to give information on other segments (either individually or in certain circumstances on a combined basis) if the unallocated element is too large (see 3.2.4 below).

The implementation guidance to IFRS 8 includes a diagram illustrating how to apply the main provisions of the Standard for identifying reportable segments, which is reproduced below:


As indicated in the implementation guidance, the diagram is a visual supplement to the IFRS. It should not be interpreted as altering or adding to any requirements of the IFRS nor should it be regarded as a substitute for its requirements. [IFRS 8.IG7].

IFRS 8 does not permit the omission of segment information when management believe that its disclosure is commercially sensitive or potentially detrimental to the entity's competitive position. If the criteria for separate disclosure described at 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 below are met, an entity is compelled to give information on that operating segment in the financial statements. The IASB considered both a general ‘competitive harm’ exemption and a ‘comply or explain’ basis for disclosure and rejected both. [IFRS 8.BC43‑45].

3.2.1 Aggregation criteria – aggregating internally reported operating segments into single reportable operating segments

Under IFRS 8, an entity is required to both determine its operating segments and report operating segment financial information in accordance with the management approach. However, reporting separate information about every operating segment that the CODM reviews separately may not enhance the financial statement user's understanding of the business, particularly when two or more of the operating segments are so similar that they ‘can be expected to have the same future prospects.’ [IFRS 8.BC Appendix A73].

As such, regardless of their size, two or more operating segments are permitted to be aggregated if they have similar economic characteristics (demonstrated, for example, by similar long-term average gross margins) and are similar in each of the following respects:

  1. the nature of the products and services;
  2. the nature of the production processes;
  3. the type or class of customer for the products and services;
  4. the methods used to distribute the products or provide the services; and
  5. if applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment. [IFRS 8.12].

At this stage in the process only segments which are similar in all the above respects can be aggregated into single reportable segments, which can require judgment. Further aggregation can only be achieved for segments which do not merit separate disclosure by virtue of their size (see 3.2.2 below).

It is important that entities do not overlook the requirement for operating segments to exhibit similar economic characteristics before considering the other factors allowing aggregation. [IFRS 8.BC30]. The fact that certain operating segments have been selected by management as a separately reportable component of activities in the business would suggest that there are good commercial reasons why their performance is monitored separately by the CODM and, therefore, might usefully be reported separately to users of the financial statements. Only if those components exhibit similar economic characteristics does their aggregation not compromise the entity's ability to achieve the core principle of IFRS 8, to disclose information that is useful to users of its financial statements. [IFRS 8.BC32].

There is a certain presumption inherent in any standard on segment reporting that investors would prefer information on a more disaggregated basis. As a result, it may be questioned whether it is consistent with the objective and basic principles of IFRS 8 for a company to report just one reportable segment or a limited number of reportable segments, especially if such reportable segments are inconsistent with an entity's basic organisational structure. Companies that choose to aggregate operating segments should be prepared to explain why an operating segment is important enough to be individually reported to the CODM, but similar enough to other segments to be aggregated when reported to investors.

In assessing whether the aggregation criteria are met, it is important to note that the aggregation criteria are tests, not indicators, of similarity between operating segments. The operating segments must be similar in each (i.e. all) of the following areas for aggregation to be permitted:

  1. The nature of the products and services. Similar products or services generally will have similar purposes or end uses. Thus, they may be similar types and degrees of risk and similar opportunities for growth. We believe that it often will be appropriate to evaluate the similarity of products or services based on the range of activities of the organisation. For example, a highly diversified company that manufactures a variety of consumer products, provides financial services and has a construction business may determine that all of its consumer products are similar. However, an entity that only sells consumer products might determine that not all of its consumer products are similar;
  2. The nature of the production processes. A similar production process might be demonstrated by the sharing of common or interchangeable production facilities, equipment, labour force or service group and by using similar raw materials in the production process. Likewise, similarity in the nature and type of labour or amounts of capital required also may be indicative of a similar production process. The nature of the production process of two different products may be similar, even if the products do not function similarly. Consider the following example:
  3. The type or class of customer for their products and services. Factors to consider in evaluating whether the type or class of customer are similar include: (1) the region or geography in which the products and services are marketed; (2) the methods used to market the products or services, including the use of a common or interchangeable sales force; and (3) the nature or type of customer including the industries in which the customers may operate. Entities should carefully consider whether this criterion has been met when the products or services of one operating segment are targeted to a different customer base or constitute a material revenue stream. Consider the following example:
  4. The methods used to distribute their products or provide their services. The determination of whether two methods of distribution are similar will depend on the structure of a particular company. Consider the following example:
  5. If applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment, for example, banking, insurance, or public utilities. Entities that operate within certain industries may be subject to regulatory requirements that are promulgated by a government agency. Sometimes two operating segments may produce the same product through the same production process, but because of differences in the class of customer and the regulatory environment, the operating segments should not be aggregated. For example, it may not be appropriate for an entity to aggregate an operating segment that produces a product under government contracts together with an operating segment that produces the same product for commercial purposes.

    Some entities are comprised of operating segments that operate within different regulatory environments. We believe that the nature of the regulatory environments in which two or more operating segments operate can be regarded as similar, even if the regulatory bodies are not the same.

The following example illustrates how the management of an entity has interpreted these requirements. However, any judgments to be made will be specific to the entity and the environment in which it operates and in different circumstances some of the characteristics considered will be relatively more or less relevant than others.

As can be seen in the above example, operating segments trading in clearly different economic environments (for example with unrelated functional currencies) should not be aggregated for segment reporting purposes (unless they are so small as to fall within the ‘all other segments’ category discussed at 3.2.4 below). The Standard states that the existence of similar long-term average gross margins would be a positive indicator. [IFRS 8.12]. This implies that operating segments should not be aggregated if their long-term average gross margins are significantly different, even if they are similar in all the other respects noted above. While IFRS 8 includes long-term gross margin as an example of similar economic characteristics, if the CODM uses a different measure of profit or loss (e.g. EBITDA) to assess performance and allocate resources to each operating segment, that measure of profit or loss should also be considered when assessing whether operating segments possess similar economic characteristics. In addition, if other economic measures are provided to the CODM, the similarities of those economic measures should also be considered. For example, if the CODM uses sales metrics, return on investment, or other standard industry measures, those metrics may also be relevant in determining economic similarity.

In assessing whether long-term average gross margins (or the appropriate measure of operating performance used by the CODM to assess performance and allocate resources, such as EBITDA) of operating segments are sufficiently similar, companies should look to past and present performance as indicators that segments are expected to have the same future prospects. In other words, if operating segments do not currently have similar gross margins and sales trends but are expected to have similar long-term average gross margins and sales trends, it may be appropriate to aggregate the two operating segments (provided all other criteria are met). Conversely, if operating segments happen to have similar gross margins or sales trends in a given year but it is not expected that the similar gross margins or sales trends will continue in the future, the operating segments should not be aggregated for the current-year segment disclosures just because current economic measures happen to be similar. It follows that operating segments that have been profitable over the longer term should not be combined with segments that over the longer term have been consistently loss-making.

IFRS 8 does not define the term ‘similar’ and does not provide guidance about what is similar for aggregation purposes. As the above discussion indicates, the determination of whether two or more operating segments are similar requires judgment and is dependent on the individual facts and circumstances.

In a response to a submission in 2011, the Interpretations Committee had acknowledged that IFRS 8 could usefully include further guidance on the meaning of ‘similar economic characteristics’ and the criteria for identifying similar segments listed in (a) to (e) above.7 In a move to improve the Standard in this area, the IASB decided to enhance the disclosures on the aggregation of segments but not to add any further guidance at that time (see 5.1.1 below). More recently, the IASB intended to include further examples of similar economic characteristics a result of its Post-implementation Review. However, it has now decided not to amend IFRS 8 (see 1.1 above).

3.2.2 Quantitative thresholds – operating segments which are reportable because of their size

IFRS 8 includes a number of quantitative measures for determining whether information on the identified operating segments should be reported separately. Accordingly, an operating segment (or combination of segments meeting the qualitative criteria for aggregation described at 3.2.1 above) merits separate disclosure if it meets any of the following thresholds:

  1. its reported revenue (including both sales to external customers and intersegment sales or transfers) is 10% or more of the combined revenue (internal and external) of all operating segments; or
  2. its reported profit or loss is, in absolute terms, 10% or more of the greater of:
    1. the combined profit of all operating segments that did not report a loss; or
    2. the combined loss of all operating segments that reported a loss; or
  3. its assets are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments. [IFRS 8.13].

The definition of an operating segment includes a component of an entity earning revenues and incurring expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same entity. [IFRS 8.5]. Therefore an entity would have to report separately information on an operating segment that exceeds the above criteria, even if that segment earns a majority of its revenues from transactions with other components of the same entity.

In Example 36.7 above, units 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 are identified as reportable segments under IFRS 8 by virtue of their size. No further aggregation of large segments such as these would be possible unless all of the qualitative criteria set out at 3.2.1 above are met.

Even if an internally reported operating segment falls below all of the quantitative thresholds, it may still be considered as reportable, and separately disclosed, if management believes information about the segment would be useful to users of the financial statements. [IFRS 8.13]. Where information about segment assets is not disclosed under IFRS 8 because it is not provided regularly to the CODM, [IFRS 8.23], it would be appropriate to ignore criterion (c) above for determining the reportable segments.

3.2.3 Combining small operating segments into a larger reportable segment

Operating segments which individually fall below the size criteria may be combined with other small operating segments into a single larger reporting segment provided that:

  1. the operating segments being combined have similar economic characteristics; and
  2. they share a majority (rather than all) of the criteria listed at 3.2.1 above. [IFRS 8.14].

For the avoidance of doubt, if an entity proposes to combine a small operating segment with one that exceeds any of the quantitative thresholds, they must share all of the criteria described at 3.2.1 above. The requirement that combining segments must demonstrate similar economic characteristics applies to combinations of both larger and smaller operating segments into reportable segments, without exception.

3.2.4 ‘All other segments’

At this stage the entity has been divided into a single set of components, based on the elements reported to the chief operating decision maker. Components (operating segments) have been combined where permitted by the Standard and the entity has identified a number of individual operating segments or groups of operating segments that are required to be disclosed separately in the financial statements because each exceeds the quantitative thresholds for a reportable segment. The entity may then be left with a number of operating segments which have not been identified as being reportable, as well as other business activities that are not an operating segment or part of an operating segment.

Information about other business activities and operating segments that are not reportable should be combined and disclosed in a separate category for ‘all other segments’. [IFRS 8.16]. However, this residual category cannot be too large. If total external revenue for the operating segments already reported separately is less than 75% of the entity's revenue, the entity should identify additional operating segments for external reporting until the 75% target is reached. In this situation segments would have to be reported separately even if they fall below the quantitative thresholds described at 3.2.2 above and are not otherwise regarded as being significant. [IFRS 8.15].

There is no requirement to identify as a reportable segment the next largest internally reported operating segment. The choice of additional reporting segments is aimed simply to reach the 75% threshold, as illustrated below.

The ‘all other segments’ category must be presented separately from other reconciling items. [IFRS 8.16]. This raises the question whether headquarters, treasury and similar central functions (sometimes referred to as ‘corporate items’) should be included in ‘all other segments’ or in the reconciliation. In practice, the headquarters activities and its related accounting effects will not always be allocated to the operating segments for internal reporting purposes. The description of ‘all other segments’ refers to ‘other business activities and operating segments’. [IFRS 8.16]. It could be argued that central functions are not business activities, but support functions which should be part of the reconciliation. On the other hand, they could be regarded as incidental business activities. There is no guidance to suggest that either presentation is ruled out by the Standard.

3.2.5 A ‘practical limit’ for the number of reported operating segments

IFRS 8 states that there may be a practical limit to the number of separately reportable segments beyond which segment information may become too detailed. Without prescribing such a limit, it suggests that an entity expecting to disclose more than 10 separate reportable segments should consider whether the practical limit has been reached. [IFRS 8.19].

3.2.6 Restatement of segments reported in comparative periods

When an operating segment is identified for the first time as a reportable segment in accordance with the thresholds at 3.2.2 above, the prior period segment data that is presented for comparative purposes should be restated to reflect the newly reportable segment regardless of whether it would have satisfied the quantitative thresholds in the prior period. Only if the necessary information is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive would prior periods not be restated. [IFRS 8.18].


For an entity that does not present IFRS-compliant financial information to its chief operating decision maker, the measurement regime in IFRS 8 means that the values disclosed for segment revenue, profit or loss, and (when reported) assets or liabilities could be very different to those reported elsewhere in the financial statements. For example, management might include gains on sale of property, plant and equipment in its measure of segment revenue but not be permitted to do so in its financial statements. [IAS 16.68].

There is no requirement in IFRS 8 for segment information to be prepared in conformity with the accounting policies used to present the financial statements of the consolidated group or entity. IFRS 8 requires amounts reported to be the same as those measures used by the chief operating decision maker for determining resource allocation and for assessing performance. [IFRS 8.25]. This requirement is interpreted strictly. For example, unless adjustments and eliminations made in preparing the financial statements are reflected in the information used by the chief operating decision maker, an entity is prohibited from restating reported segment profit or loss for those adjustments and eliminations. In addition, the Standard prohibits any further allocation of revenues, expenses and gains and losses in determining segment profit or loss unless that measure is used by the chief operating decision maker. [IFRS 8.25]. IFRS 8 does not require symmetry between the revenues and expenses included in segment result and the assets and liabilities allocated to segments; it simply requires disclosure of the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments, for example when depreciation expense is reflected in segment profit or loss, but the related depreciable assets are not allocated to that segment. [IFRS 8.27(f)]. Only those assets and liabilities taken into account by the chief operating decision maker will be included in assets and liabilities reported for that segment. [IFRS 8.25].

The amounts presented for segment revenue, profit or loss, assets and liabilities need bear no relationship to the values reported elsewhere in the financial statements, if the only measure of each that is used by the chief operating decision maker is not prepared in accordance with the entity's accounting policies or even under IFRS. [IFRS 8.26]. However, there is a constraint on this otherwise ‘free-for-all’, since in those cases where a number of measures of segment profit or loss, assets or liabilities are used by the chief operating decision maker, an entity is required to select for its segment disclosures the measurements that are most consistent with those used in preparing the financial statements. [IFRS 8.26]. A key judgement that can significantly affect the segment disclosures reported in the financial statements arises when an entity seeks to distinguish information used by the chief operating decision maker for determining resource allocation and for assessing performance from other information and supporting detail which is regularly provided. Whether, for example, it is appropriate to ignore IFRS-compliant measures provided to the chief operating decision maker on the basis that they are not used for determining resource allocation and for assessing performance depends on the facts and circumstances supporting that assertion. Nevertheless, it might be appropriate to apply a rebuttable presumption that management effort is not normally wasted in providing the chief operating decision maker with information that is not used.

Instead of defining the elements of segment information to be disclosed and requiring that they be prepared under the same policies and principles applied in producing the financial statements, IFRS 8 requires an entity to explain how it has measured segment profit or loss and segment assets and liabilities for each reportable segment and to reconcile this to the information reported under IFRS. [IFRS 8.27‑28]. These requirements are discussed at 5.5 and 5.6 below.


IFRS 8 establishes a general principle for an entity to disclose information to enable users of its financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the types of business activities in which the entity engages and the economic environments in which it operates. [IFRS 8.20]. This principle is met by disclosing the following information for each period for which a statement of comprehensive income or separate income statement is presented:

  1. general information on segments identified for reporting;
  2. reported segment profit or loss, including information about specified revenues and expenses included in reported segment profit or loss, segment assets and segment liabilities (if reported to the CODM) and the basis of measurement; and
  3. reconciliations of the totals of segment revenues, reported segment profit or loss, segment assets, segment liabilities and other material segment items to the corresponding entity amounts in the financial statements. [IFRS 8.21].

Reconciliations of amounts reported in the statement of financial position for reportable segments are required as at each date for which a statement of financial position is presented. [IFRS 8.21].

These requirements are addressed in more detail below and the information described therein should be given separately for each segment determined to be reportable using the process set out at 3.2 above. [IFRS 8.11].

As discussed at 3.1.2 above, the identification of the chief operating decision maker can be a critical judgment in applying IFRS 8 because of its potential impact on what information is considered for disclosure. However, there has been no explicit requirement in the Standard to identify the CODM. When in 2011, the Interpretations Committee and the IASB considered a request to amend the Standard to require disclosure, they decided to defer this issue until the completion of the Post-implementation Review of IFRS 8 rather than through an interpretation or annual improvement.8 As noted at 1.1 above, the Post-implementation Review has been completed and in March 2017, the Board issued its Exposure Draft ED/2017/2 – Improvements to IFRS 8 Operating Segments – which proposed that entities disclose the title and description of the role of the individual or group which is identified as the CODM.9 In our view, while the proposed disclosure requirement was not finally adopted, it would be good practice in any event to disclose the individual or group identified as CODM (see examples at 3.1.2 above).

5.1 General information about reportable segments

The factors used to identify reportable segments should be described. This would include an explanation of the entity's basis of organisation, for example whether management has chosen to organise the entity by different products and services, by geographical area, by regulatory environment or by applying a combination of factors.

The description would also indicate whether operating segments have been aggregated. The general information on reportable segments would include a description of the types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenues. [IFRS 8.22]. The disclosures should also include a description of the sources of the revenue classified in the ‘all other segments’ category. [IFRS 8.16].

In Extract 36.3 below, Daimler describes how its activities have been segmented into its principal business activities and specific product lines.

5.1.1 Disclosure of how operating segments are aggregated

IFRS 8 requires disclosure of the judgements made by management in applying the aggregation criteria in the Standard. This includes a brief description of the operating segments that have been aggregated in this way and the economic indicators that were considered in determining that the aggregated operating segments share similar economic characteristics. [IFRS 8.22(aa)]. The aggregation criteria are discussed at 3.2.1 above.

In Extract 36.4 below, Amcor Limited describes the composition of its three reportable segments, Amcor Rigid Plastics, Amcor Flexibles and Other/Investments. The narrative explains the basis for aggregating four smaller operating segments into its Amcor Flexibles reporting segment.

5.2 A measure of segment profit or loss, total assets and total liabilities

For each reportable segment, an entity is required to disclose a measure of profit or loss for each segment. An entity is also required to disclose a measure of total assets and total liabilities for each reportable segment, but only if such amounts are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker. [IFRS 8.23]. This ‘measure’ means segment profit or loss and segment assets and liabilities as defined in the information used by the chief operating decision maker.

5.2.1 Other measures of segment performance

Entities typically use not only a measure of profit or loss, but also a combination of different financial and non-financial key performance indicators to assess performance of their operating segments and allocate resources to them. Examples include key measures based on capital invested like return on capital employed (ROCE), free cash flow or orders on hand. Since these are not measures of profit or loss, they would not need to be disclosed. However, the Standard does not prohibit their disclosure.

Siemens includes measures of new orders and free cash flow in its segment information as shown in Extract 36.5 below.

5.3 Disclosure of other elements of revenue, income and expense

The following items should also be disclosed about each reportable segment if the specified amounts are included in the measure of segment profit or loss reviewed by the chief operating decision maker or are otherwise regularly provided in respect of those segments to the chief operating decision maker (even if not included in that measure of segment profit or loss):

  1. revenues from external customers;
  2. revenues from transactions with other operating segments of the same entity;
  3. interest revenue;
  4. interest expense;
  5. depreciation and amortisation;
  6. material items of income and expense disclosed in accordance with paragraph 97 of IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements;
  7. the entity's interest in the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method;
  8. income tax expense or income; and
  9. material non-cash items other than depreciation and amortisation. [IFRS 8.23].

Interest revenue should be reported separately from interest expense for each reportable segment unless a majority of the segment's revenues are from interest and the chief operating decision maker relies primarily on net interest revenue to assess the performance of the segment and make decisions on the allocation of resources to it. In that case, the entity can report net interest revenue or expense for the segment provided that it discloses it has done so. [IFRS 8.23].

Where the measure of segment profit or loss is determined after deducting depreciation and amortisation, these amounts will have to be disclosed separately for purposes of segment reporting, even if they are not separately reported to the CODM.

It can be seen that whilst IFRS 8 indicates the line items of income or expense or other information that might merit disclosure by segment, what an entity actually reports in its financial statements is determined by the line items used by the chief operating decision maker to define segment profit or loss and segment assets or liabilities, together with the other information otherwise regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker. [IFRS 8.23‑24]. This means that different entities (even those with very similar activities) will make different disclosures, depending on what information is provided to the chief operating decision maker. Indeed, what is disclosed by one entity for each of its reportable segments might vary because, for example, the result of one segment is determined after deducting interest whilst that of other segments is drawn before interest; or because the information provided to the chief operating decision maker about one segment includes equity-accounted associates but for other segments does not. As such the disclosures made by an entity are tailored according to exactly what appears in the information presented to the chief operating decision maker.

Equinor ASA provides segment disclosures based on its internal management reporting, with reportable segments determined based on differences in the nature of their operations, products and services, as follows:

5.4 Additional disclosures relating to segment assets

If any of the following items are either included in the measure of segment assets reviewed by the chief operating decision maker or otherwise regularly provided in respect of those segments (whether included in segment assets or not), an entity should also disclose for each segment:

  1. the investment in equity-accounted associates and joint ventures; and
  2. total expenditures for additions to non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, post-employment benefit assets and rights arising under insurance contracts. [IFRS 8.24].

5.5 Explanation of the measurements used in segment reporting

As noted at 4 above, instead of prescribing how an entity should calculate the amounts reported in its segmental disclosures, IFRS 8 requires an entity to explain how its measures of segment profit or loss, segment assets and segment liabilities have been determined. As a minimum, the following information is required:

  1. the basis of accounting for any transactions between reportable segments;
  2. if not apparent from the required reconciliations (see 5.6 below), the nature of any differences between the measurement of total reported segment profit or loss and the entity's profit or loss before income taxes and discontinued operations;
  3. the nature of any differences between the measurements of total reported segment assets and the entity's assets, if not apparent from the required reconciliations;
  4. the nature of any differences between the measurements of total reported segment liabilities and the entity's liabilities, if not apparent from the required reconciliations;
  5. the nature of any changes from prior periods in the measurement methods used to determine segment profit or loss, including the financial effect, if any, of those changes; and
  6. the nature and effect of any asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments, such as where depreciation is included in segment profit but the related property, plant and equipment is not included in segment assets. [IFRS 8.27].

The kind of disclosures in (b), (c) and (d) above that are necessary for an understanding of the reported segment information could relate to the accounting policies used, including policies for the allocation of centrally incurred costs in arriving at segment profit or loss and for the allocation of jointly used assets and liabilities in determining segment assets and segment liabilities. [IFRS 8.27]. Other examples might include the use of previous local GAAP numbers, where internal reporting does not reflect the entity's move to IFRS, or the use of budgeted figures, for example when applying budgeted or constant foreign currency rates.

In Extract 36.7 below, Daimler confirms that segment information is prepared using the same accounting policies as the IFRS financial statements, describes how ‘EBIT’ is the measure of segment profit or loss and explains how segment assets and liabilities are determined.

In its 2018 financial statements, HOCHTIEF provided an explanation of the basis of accounting for transactions between reportable segments.

5.6 Reconciliations

Reconciliations are required of all the following:

  1. the total of revenue from reportable segments to the entity's revenue;
  2. the total profit or loss for reportable segments to the entity's profit or loss before income taxes and discontinued operations. Where items such as income taxes have been allocated to arrive at segment profit or loss, the reconciliation can be made to the entity's profit or loss after those items;
  3. if segment assets are reported (see 5.2 above), the total of the reportable segments' assets to the entity's assets;
  4. if segment liabilities are reported (see 5.2 above), the total of reportable segments' liabilities to the entity's liabilities; and
  5. for every other material item of information the entity chooses to give in its segment information, the total of each item from all reportable segments to the corresponding amount for the entity. [IFRS 8.28].

In each of the above reconciliations an entity must separately identify and describe all material reconciling items. For example, when reconciling segment profit or loss to the entity's profit or loss before income taxes and discontinued operations, each material adjustment arising from differences in accounting policies would have to be separately identified and described. [IFRS 8.28]. In addition, IFRS 8 requires information about the ‘all other segments’ category to be shown separately from other reconciling items. [IFRS 8.16].

In its 2017 financial statements, National Australia Bank evaluated the performance of operating segments on the basis of cash earnings. This post-tax measure of the profit or loss of reportable segments is reconciled to the consolidated financial statements as follows:

5.7 Restatement of previously reported information

Entities may need to change their organisation to respond to their business needs. This may have an impact on the entity's segment reporting. IFRS 8 provides explicit guidance if such a change in the organisation changes the composition of its reportable segments. However, it does not explicitly address any changes that impact reportable segments, such as a change in segment measures. This is discussed further below.

5.7.1 Changes in organisation structure

When an entity changes its organisational structure in a manner that causes a change in the composition of its reportable segments, corresponding amounts for earlier periods should be restated unless the information is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive. This requirement also applies to the presentation of segment information in respect of interim periods. [IFRS 8.29].

The exemption from restatement on grounds of excessive cost is applied to each individual item of disclosure. [IFRS 8.29]. This means that an entity should restate its comparative information for all the items it can, even if this results in some comparative information not being presented or restated, such as inter-segment revenues. When the composition of reportable segments has changed, an entity should disclose whether the corresponding items of segment information have been restated. [IFRS 8.29].

Where corresponding information is not restated to reflect the new composition of reportable segments, the segment information for the current period should be presented on both the old and the new bases of segmentation. Only if the necessary information were unavailable and the cost of developing it excessive would an entity not have to show current information on the old basis of segmentation. [IFRS 8.30]. In our view, given the importance of comparable segment information in particular in years of changing segmentation, the ‘excessive cost’ criterion represents a high hurdle to overcome.

If an entity decides to change its organisational structure during the reporting period, the fact that this requirement applies equally to interim periods [IFRS 8.29] indicates that information presented at the reporting date is also restated to reflect the new basis of segmentation, even though for part of the annual reporting period the entity was managed and monitored on the old basis.

The following extract illustrates that changes in the composition of operating segments can often be combined with a review of other aspects of segment reporting, such as a review of performance measures:

Segment information may also change as a result of the disposal of an entire reportable segment or a component of it which qualifies under IFRS 5 – Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations – as a discontinued operation. The presentation of discontinued operations is governed by IFRS 5. The requirements of other standards do not apply to discontinued operations, unless they specify disclosures applicable to them. [IFRS 5.5B]. Since IFRS 8 does not refer to discontinued operations, entities are not required to include them in their segment disclosures. This would be the case even if the CODM continued to monitor the discontinued operation until disposal. Nevertheless, an entity would not be prohibited from disclosing such information if it wished, on the basis that the requirements of IFRS 8 relate to the measures reported to the CODM without any adjustments being made in preparing the entity's IFRS financial statements. [IFRS 8.25].

5.7.2 Changes in segment measures

When an entity changes any of its segment measures, including the definition of segment profit, or changes the allocation of income, expenses, assets or liabilities to segments, without a change to the composition of its reportable segments, the general principles of IAS 1 for changes in presentation or classification of items apply. Therefore, comparative information would be restated, unless this is impracticable. [IAS 1.41].

In 2016, Daimler AG changed the allocation of some of its activities for purposes of its segment reporting:

5.8 Disclosure of commercially sensitive information

The criteria for determining the externally reportable segments, as discussed at 3.2 above, attempt to define which internally reported operating units can be combined, which must be reported separately and which are included in an unallocated reconciling item. The interaction between these criteria, in particular with the requirement that segments cannot be combined if they exhibit different long-term financial performance, leaves entities open to the risk of having to disclose information that management would be concerned about sharing with competitors, customers, suppliers or employees.

However, IFRS 8 does not permit the omission of segment information when management believes that its disclosure is commercially sensitive or potentially detrimental to the entity's competitive position. Indeed, IAS 1 requires an entity not only to present information in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information, but also to provide additional disclosures if compliance with an individual standard is insufficient to enable users to understand the entity's financial position and financial performance. [IAS 1.17]. The only justification for failing to meet these requirements is if disclosure would be so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the IASB's Conceptual Framework. [IAS 1.19].

Given that the objective of IFRS 8 is to disclose information to help users of financial statements evaluate the nature and financial effects of the entity's business activities and the economic environments in which it operates, [IFRS 8.1], this possibility would seem to be remote. The IASB rejected similar concerns raised by respondents to ED 8, noting that entities would be unlikely to suffer competitive harm from the required disclosures since most competitors have sources of detailed information about an entity other than its financial statements. [IFRS 8.BC44]. This concern was raised again by respondents to the post-implementation review. However, the IASB continues to reject such a limitation, because it would provide a means for broad-based non-compliance with the standard.10


In addition to disclosing segment information derived from the formats and measurements presented to the chief operating decision maker, IFRS 8 requires certain entity-wide disclosures about products and services, geographical areas and major customers. The information described below is required even if the entity has only a single reportable segment, but need not be repeated if already provided as part of the disclosures on reportable segments set out above. [IFRS 8.31]. The amounts reported about products and services and about geographical areas in these entity-wide disclosures are measured using the same accounting policies and estimates as the entity's financial statements (i.e. IFRS amounts). [IFRS 8.32‑33]. As such, the amounts disclosed in this part of the segment disclosures might well be different to the information already provided in other segment information, which might not be measured in accordance with IFRS (see 4 above).

Exemption from the requirements set out at 6.1 and 6.2 below is offered if the necessary information is unavailable and the cost to develop it would be excessive. If disclosure is not made on these grounds, that fact should be stated. [IFRS 8.32‑33]. Some respondents to ED 8 expressed concern that the basis of this exemption was inconsistent with the test of impracticability in IAS 1, which makes no allowance for the cost of compliance. [IAS 1.7]. However, the IASB did not see any merit in divergence from FASB ASC Topic 280 in this respect and therefore retained the exemption from disclosure if the necessary information were unavailable and the cost of developing it excessive. [IFRS 8.BC46‑47].

This exemption is not available in respect of the disclosures about major customers set out at 6.3 below.

6.1 Information about products and services

An entity should report revenues from external customers for each product and service or for each group of similar products and services, measuring revenues on the same basis as the entity's financial statements. [IFRS 8.32].

In Extract 36.6 above, Equinor ASA provides segment information based on its internal management reporting, with reportable segments relating to domestic, North American and international development and production activities; marketing, processing and renewable energy; and other activities. Accordingly, it also discloses external revenues by product group (and combines it with a geographical analysis of revenue), as follows:

6.2 Information about geographical areas

IFRS 8 requires disclosure of the following geographical information:

  1. revenues from external customers, analysed between amounts attributed to the entity's country of domicile and the total of those attributed to all foreign countries; and
  2. non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, post-employment benefit assets and rights arising under insurance contracts, analysed between assets located in the entity's country of domicile and the total of those located in all foreign countries. [IFRS 8.33].

In addition, if revenues from external customers or assets attributed to an individual foreign country are material, separate disclosure of that country's revenues or assets is required. [IFRS 8.33]. The Standard does not indicate what might be regarded as ‘material’, but given the criteria for a reportable segment and a major customer for reporting purposes (see 3.2.2 above and 6.3 below respectively) it would seem appropriate to consider the need for separate disclosure in respect of a foreign country accounting for more than 10% of total external revenues or more than 10% of total non-current assets.

Disclosure of the above information would be required even if the entity's segment reporting is already based on geography and it is determined that individual operating segments include a number of countries. Thus, an entity may need to provide additional information on revenue or non-current assets by country that is not disclosed in the segment information used by the chief operating decision maker.

The basis on which revenues from external customers are attributed to individual countries should be disclosed. An entity can elect to provide, in addition to the information required above, subtotals of geographical information about groups of countries. [IFRS 8.33]. In Extract 36.13 below, BAE Systems provides this more detailed level of disclosure and goes on to reconcile the measure of total segment assets to the amounts shown on the statement of financial position, even though such a reconciliation is not required for this entity-wide disclosure.

6.3 Information about major customers

IFRS 8 also requires an entity to give disclosures indicating the extent of its reliance on its major customers. If revenues from a single external customer account for 10% or more of the entity's total revenues, the entity should disclose:

  1. that fact;
  2. the total amount of revenues from each such customer; and
  3. the identity of the reportable segment or segments reporting the revenues. [IFRS 8.34].

Disclosure is not required of the name of each major customer, nor the amounts of revenue reported in each segment for that customer. [IFRS 8.34]. However, the disclosure must be provided if it relates only to one segment.

Roche elects to provide the customers' names in the following extract.

6.3.1 Customers known to be under common control

For the purposes of the above disclosures, a group of entities known to a reporting entity to be under common control are to be considered a single customer. [IFRS 8.34].

However, judgement is required to assess whether a government (including government agencies and similar bodies whether local, national or international), and entities known to the reporting entity to be under the control of that government are considered a single customer. The assessment of whether entities should be regarded as a single customer for these purposes should take into account the extent of economic integration between those entities. [IFRS 8.34]. The standard does not include any further guidance on the factors relevant to determining the extent of economic integration.

BAE Systems identifies revenues from three principal governments.

Revenue from the UK Ministry of Defence and the US Department of Defense was generated by the five principal reporting segments. Revenue from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defence and Aviation was generated by Air and Maritime reporting segments.


  1.   1 Press Release, Summary of the IASC Foundation Trustees meeting 2 and 3 July 2007, Madrid, IFRS Foundation, 18 July 2007.
  2.   2 Report and Feedback Statement Post-implementation Review: IFRS 8 Operating Segments, July 2013, p.6.
  3.   3 ED/2017/2, Introduction.
  4.   4 Project summary, Responses to Exposure Draft, Improvements to IFRS 8 Operating Segments (ED/2017/02), February 2019.
  5.   5 IFRIC Update, July 2011.
  6.   6 ED 8, Operating Segments, IASB, January 2006.
  7.   7 IFRIC Update, September 2011.
  8.   8 IASB Update, September 2011.
  9.   9 ED/2017/2, Improvements to IFRS 8 Operating Segments – Proposed amendments to IFRS 8 and IAS 34, para. 22(c).
  10. 10 Report and Feedback Statement Post-implementation Review: IFRS 8 Operating Segments, July 2013, p.19.
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