Planning and organizing your presentation

Before starting your presentation, take a few minutes to think about how to create and format your presentation. This book is not intended to be a complete guide on how to create presentations, but here are a few useful tips:

  • Keep it small: Don't add dozens of slides and prints. Less is more. Brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity. Get straight to the point.
  • Use visual aids: We are using a visual analytics platform, so use the snapshots feature to add graphs and corroborate the insights you want to share. For example, instead of writing that Beverages is the top selling category for a particular region, add a bar chart that demonstrates this information. People are smart: if you show information in a suitable manner, they will draw their own conclusions. Using Qlik Sense stories, you can add shapes, images, and effects to make your slides more appealing.
  • Use the rule of three: There's a Latin phrase that goes omne trium perfectum (everything that comes in threes is perfect). People are more likely to remember information you are sharing as a group of three because using three entities combines both brevity and rhythm (the information is not too simple, but there is not too much of it either). You might notice that throughout literature, a lot of stories use this concept, including the Three Little Pigs and the Three Musketeers. Similarly, many important mottos also use this rule: Faster, Higher, Stronger (Olympics), veni, vidi, vici (Julius Caesar), and Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (The Declaration of Independence). Consider organizing your presentation into three sections (a beginning, an explanation, and a conclusion).
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