Production of biofuels via Fischer–Tropsch synthesis


A. Lappas1,  and E. Heracleous1,2     1Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece     2International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece


The production of synthetic fuels from biomass via Fischer–Tropsch (FT), otherwise known as the biomass-to-liquids (BTL) process, constitutes one of the most promising routes for tomorrow's fuels. In this chapter, basic topics, as well as current advances in the production of FT biofuels, are discussed. Starting with a short discussion on biomass gasification and syngas conditioning, the main types of FT reactors and catalysts, along with the different technologies for upgrading FT liquids to premium fuels are thoroughly discussed. The environmental and economic considerations of the BTL process are then presented based on recent techno-economic and lifecycle analysis studies. In this second edition of the chapter a thorough update on the commercialization status of the BTL process has been performed, presenting the most recent advancements and the status of the different demonstration projects in Europe and the US. The chapter closes with a discussion on the advantages and limitations of this process and its outlook in the future fuels market.


Biomass gasification; Biomass-to-liquids (BTL) process; Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis; Fischer–Tropsch reactors; Synthetic fuel; Upgrading of biomass-to-liquids products

18.1. Introduction

Growing environmental and security of supply concerns are the main drivers that bring about changes to fuel products. European Union (EU) policies on local air quality, climate change and sustainability, applied via Fuel Directives or Emission Directives, have strongly influenced research efforts and advances in conventional fossil, synthetic and bio-origin fuels. Through the climate and energy package in 2009, the EU set the well-known “20-20-20” targets for 2020: 20% reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels; 20% share of renewable energy in EU energy consumption; and 20% improvement in the EU's energy efficiency. Concerning fuels, the EU targets at 10% share of renewable energy in the transport sector, establishing at the same time a set of sustainability criteria for biofuels to be counted in the 10% target. In practice, this excludes food-based first-generation biofuels and promotes the use of advanced biofuels derived from lignocellulosic biomass. All the above have rendered the production of hydrocarbons from lignocellulosic biomass via gasification and Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis one of the most promising routes for the production of sustainable fuels of top quality.
The production of fuels via Fischer–Tropsch (FT) involves the conversion of the feedstock to synthesis gas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen) and subsequent synthesis of hydrocarbons via the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis reaction:

CO + 2H2  CH2 + H2O[i]

where “CH2” represents a product consisting mainly of paraffinic hydrocarbons of variable chain length.
Generally, the Fischer–Tropsch process is operated in the temperature range of 150–300°C to avoid high methane byproduct formation. Increased pressure leads to higher conversion rates and also favors formation of desired long-chain alkanes. Typical pressures are in the range of one to several tens of atmospheres. The FT hydrogenation reaction is catalyzed mainly by Fe and Co catalysts, while the size and distribution of the hydrocarbon products of the reaction are generally governed by the Anderson–Schulz–Flory (ASF) chain polymerization kinetics model (Bartholomew, 1990).
One of the most important advantages of FT is its versatility concerning both feedstock and products. The FT process can produce hydrocarbons of different lengths from syngas originating from any carbon-containing feedstock, such as coal, natural gas, and biomass. Depending on the feedstock, the process is referred to as CTL (coal-to-liquids), GTL (gas-to-liquids), or BTL (biomass-to-liquids). Moreover, synthetic fuels have distinct environmental advantages over conventional crude-refined fuels since they are virtually free of sulfur, nitrogen, and aromatics. At the same time, they are largely compatible with current vehicles and fully blendable with conventional fuels and can thus be handled by existing fuel infrastructure. However, the high energy demands and the large capital cost of FT plants both contribute to the high price of synthetic FT fuels and as a consequence, the economic viability of the FT process largely depends on the price of crude oil.
The FT process is not a new concept. It was first developed in Germany in the 1930s, as Germany was very poor in oil resources and needed, during World War II, to develop an independent source of transportation fuels based on its abundant coal resources (Davis, 2002). The exploitation of the vast oil reserves of the Middle East after WWII made the FT process uneconomical and interest decreased, with the exception of South Africa. South Africa has vast coal deposits, and the high oil prices combined with the oil embargo during the 1970s, led to the great development of the FT process from SASOL (South African Synthetic Oil Limited) (Overett et al., 2000). The technical advances in the FT process in combination with the depletion of the crude reserves have led, in the last few decades, to a renowned worldwide interest in the FT process. The FT process has already been commercialized on a large scale. Sasol Synfuels currently operates the Secunda CTL plant at Secunda in South Africa, processing 45 million tonnes of coal per year in its two production units and fulfilling about 28% percent of South Africa's diesel and petrol needs (Dry, 2002). Since 1993, Shell in Malaysia (Bintulu) and PetroSA in South Africa (Mossel Bay) have been operating industrial Fischer–Tropsch synthesis facilities, which produce liquid fuels from synthesis gas which comes originally from natural gas (GTL). Sasol, in a joint venture with Qatar Petroleum, operates since 2007 the Oryx GTL plant in Ras Laffan Industrial City, 80 km north of Doha, Qatar. The facility is supplied with lean methane-rich gas from the Qatar North gas field and is able to produce 34,000 barrels per day of liquids (24,000 barrels of GTL diesel, 9000 barrels of naphtha and 1000 barrels of liquefied petroleum gas) (Qatar Petroleum, 2015). In 2010, Shell constructed the Pearl GTL plant also in Ras Laffan in Qatar. With full ramp-up achieved toward the end of 2012, Pearl GTL is the world's largest GTL plant, producing 140,000 barrels of GTL products each day (Shell, 2015). The plant also produces 120,000 barrels of oil per day of natural gas liquids and ethane. Several other GTL plants are currently being planned or are in construction (Sasol, 2015). Escravos GTL (EGTL) is a collaboration between Chevron, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and Sasol, which was developed to convert a waste product (methane flaring) into high-added-value products. Moreover, a joint venture between Uzbekneftegaz, Petronas, and Sasol is in the final stages of planning a facility that will convert part of Uzbekistan's gas reserves into transport fuel. Finally, the shale gas revolution and the reduction in natural gas prices have opened up new opportunities for GTL in the US and Sasol is actively looking at the feasibility of establishing GTL project opportunities in Louisiana, USA and Alberta, Canada (Sasol, 2015).
The renewed interest in the Fischer–Tropsch process during the 1980s and 1990s, leading to the commercialization of the CTL and GTL plants discussed in the previous paragraph, was initiated due to the depletion of crude reserves, the subsequent increase in the crude oil price and the worldwide existence of much larger reserves of natural gas and coal. Today, global warming and the universal efforts for CO2 emissions reduction rekindle the interest in FT technology, as high-quality clean biofuels, compatible with existing infrastructure and vehicle technology, can be produced via the FT process using a wide variety of biomass resources. Materials foreseen to be used in the BTL process include wood and forest residues, agricultural residues and byproducts, bagasse, lignocellulosic feedstock from processing residues (paper slurry, black liquor, etc.), and energy crops, with wood being the most commonly considered biomass feed.
The use of renewable resources as feedstock, with all the associated environmental advantages, undoubtedly gives synthetic fuels a new dynamic. The production of synthetic fuels from biomass comprises of the three basic steps in all FT processes: gasification of the feedstock (in this case biomass) for production of synthesis gas (CO and H2) and gas cleaning/conditioning, Fischer–Tropsch synthesis for middle distillates production, and upgrading of the FT liquids to high-quality fuel products. However, the development of a commercial BTL process is currently hindered by the fact that, in contrast to CTL and GTL, for which industrial synthesis gas production processes have been well known and used for several decades, there is limited commercial experience in biomass gasification and its integration with fuel production processes. Research is actively ongoing on all three steps of the process in an effort to improve the overall efficiency, with special focus on the biomass gasification step and subsequent gas-conditioning prior to the Fischer–Tropsch reactor in order to meet the strict FT gas purification requirements. Several different types of gasification technology (eg, fixed-bed, circulating fluidized bed, entrained flow gasifiers, etc.) and operation modes have been considered and assessed and will be discussed later in the chapter.
In the following paragraphs, an overview of the basic topics, including current up-to-date advances in the production of biofuels via Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis will be discussed. Starting with a short discussion on biomass gasification, including types of gasifiers and gas cleaning techniques, we will then thoroughly describe the main types of reactors and catalytic materials currently employed for FT, followed by a comprehensive discussion on the different processes and technologies for the upgrading of the FT liquids to premium fuel products. In Section 18.3, we will give a description of the final BTL fuel products and their properties. Closing, the most recent advances in the commercialization of the BTL process will be presented, along with a discussion on the advantages and limitations of this process and its outlook in the future fuels market.

18.2. Biomass-to-liquids process steps and technologies

Notwithstanding the complexity of the Fischer–Tropsch plants, all XTL (where X = C for coal, G for natural gas, or B for biomass) processes consist of the three main sections illustrated in Fig. 18.1: gasification to syngas and gas cleaning/conditioning, Fischer–Tropsch synthesis reactor, and product upgrading section. Variations and different available options for biomass gasification (pressure, use of oxygen or air medium, etc.), type of FT reactor and catalyst and target products lead to a large number of possible process configurations to produce FT liquids from biomass (Tijmensen et al., 2002). All concepts however can be grouped to two main categories: (1) full-conversion FT, aimed at maximized FT liquids production and (2) once through FT, with cofiring of the off gas with natural gas in a gas turbine for electricity production, aiming at maximized energy efficiency.
Several studies have investigated the technical feasibility and economics of the different BTL-FT processes in order to identify the most promising system configurations (Tijmensen et al., 2002; Hamelinck et al., 2004; van Vliet et al., 2009; Henrich et al., 2009; Gonzalez et al., 2011). The outcome of these studies is not conclusive as there are large uncertainties concerning technology status and economic values. Although both biomass gasification technologies and syngas conversion technologies are commercially available and have been demonstrated at commercial scale, there is very limited commercial experience in integrating biomass gasification with downstream processes for the production of liquid transportation fuels. There is in general a common consensus that R&D efforts should focus on the following key issues: gasifier designs, syngas quality, product selectivity in chemical synthesis, and process integration and scale (E4tech, 2008).
The following paragraphs consist of a description of the main processes, reactor types, and catalytic materials employed in the three main sections of the BTL-FT process.

18.2.1. Biomass gasification to syngas Gasifiers

Gasification converts biomass into a gaseous mixture of syngas consisting of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and carbon dioxide. The gasification of biomass is a crucial matter for the application of the BTL process, as BTL-FT technology has not been established mainly due to difficulties in syngas production/cleaning-up from biomass. Moreover, almost 75% of the investment costs in a BTL plant are in the pretreatment, gasification, and gas cleaning section, therefore the influence of gasification pressure and medium influences greatly the economy of both gasifier and downstream equipment (Hamelinck et al., 2004). There are many technologies available for syngas production, presented in Fig. 18.2 (Balat et al., 2009). Biomass gasifiers can be classified as air-blown, oxygen-blown or steam-blown, as atmospheric or pressurized; as slagging or nonslagging; as fixed bed updraft/downdraft, fluidized bed or entrained flow; as allothermal (indirect heating) or autothermal (direct heating by combustion of part of the feedstock). A detailed description of the biomass gasification technology and the different types of gasifiers is given in chapter “Production of bioalcohols via gasification,” which is dedicated to the production of bio-syngas via gasification. Therefore, attention in the present paragraph is paid to the gasification technology suitable for integration in a BTL-FT plant for the production of liquid fuels.
Figure 18.1 Schematic line-up of the biomass-to-liquids process.
Fixed bed gasifiers have a relatively low throughput and therefore for large-scale applications, as in the case of BTL, with very strict requirements concerning the purity of the syngas, are considered unsuitable (Wang et al., 2008). Based on throughput, complexity, cost, and efficiency issues, circulating fluidized bed (CFB) (Hamelinck et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2008; Tijmensen et al., 2002; Zhang, 2010) and entrained flow gasifiers (van der Drift et al., 2004) are very suitable for large-scale syngas production. Examples of CFB gasifiers employed for the gasification of biomass that have reached a certain degree of commercialization are the Lurgi circulating fluidized bed process, the Foster Wheeler gasifier, the VVBGC gasifier constructed under the EU-funded project Chrisgas, the UCG (Ultra Clean Gas) programmed by VTT, etc. (Higman and van der Burgt, 2008). Slagging entrained flow gasifier manufacturers are Shell, Texaco, Krupp-Uhde, Future-Energy (formerly Babcock Borsig Power and Noell), E-gas (formerly Destec and Dow), MHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), Hitachi, and Choren (formerly UET) (van der Drift et al., 2004).
Figure 18.2 Types of biomass gasifiers. From Balat, M., Balat, M., Kirtay, E., Balat, H., 2009. Main routes for the thermo-conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals. Part 2: gasification systems. Energy Conversion and Management 50, 3158–3168.
The biomass gasification technology that came closer to commercialization for syngas production in a BTL-FT plant was the Choren Carbo-V patented biomass gasification process (Fig. 18.3). The process is a good example of the application of entrained flow gasifiers in the BTL process and was used in the first demonstration 15,000 tons per year BTL plant in Freiberg Germany, coupled with the Shell SMDS (Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis) Fischer–Tropsch process (Rudloff, 2005). The Choren Carbo-V patented gasification process consists of three stages: low temperature, high temperature, and endothermic entrained-bed gasification (Rudloff, 2005). During the first stage, the biomass is continuously carbonized through partial oxidation with oxygen at temperatures between 400 and 500°C, ie, it is broken down to a tar-containing gas (volatile parts) and solid carbon (char). The tar-containing gas is then fed to the high-temperature gasifier, where it is partially oxidized using oxygen as the gasification agent. The heat, which is released as a result of the oxidation process, warms up the carbonization gas to temperatures that exceed the ash melting point of the fuels that have been used, ie, 1300–1500°C. At these temperatures any unwanted longer-chain hydrocarbons, eg, tar and even methane, are broken down. The gas that is produced primarily consists of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and steam. The char from the low-temperature gasifier is cooled, ground down to pulverized fuel, and is then blown into the stream of hot gas coming from the combustion chamber in the entrained flow gasifier. A huge amount of heat is absorbed when gasifying the char and this allows lowering the temperature of the gas to 800–900°C in a matter of seconds. This “chemical quenching” process produces a tar-free gas with a low methane content and with high proportions of combustible carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Unfortunately, the company declared insolvency in 2011 as described in detail in Section 18.5. In 2012, Linde acquired the Carbo-V® Technology of the insolvent Choren Industries GmbH and all related patents and trademarks. According to their press release (Linde, 2012) Linde plans to offer “the Carbo-V® Technology as licensor and also as an engineering and contracting company for commercial projects on a strongly growing market”.
Figure 18.3 Choren Carbo-V gasification process. From Higman, C., van der Burgt, 2008. Gasification, Elsevier, Oxford.
A more successful example is the GRE (Güssing Renewable Energy) multifuel gasification plant, located in Güssing, Austria. The plant is the world's first functioning fast internally circulating fluidized bed (FICFB) gasification plant. The gasification part of the plant consists of two interconnected fluidized bed systems, as shown in Fig. 18.4. Biomass is ground into small pieces and is fed to the reactor where it is gasified in anaerobic conditions at 850°C in the presence of steam. The bed material in the reactor is olivine which acts as a heat transfer medium and provides a stable temperature in the gasifier. After gasification, the synthesis gas is purified and cooled. Syngas cleaning includes dedusting with a bag filter and washing to reduce the concentration of tar, ammonia, and acid gas components. According to the company (Güssing Renewable Energy, 2015), the special syngas technology makes it possible to redirect all side products back into the process, as a result of which no waste or waste water is created during gas purification. Moreover, the product gas is completely free from nitrogen. The use of steam as a gasification agent in the FICFB concept results in a product gas with high quality (low nitrogen, optimal H2/CO ratio, high heating value) without the need for pure oxygen. It also enables different syngas applications to be realized at smaller scale (10–100 MW fuel) (Rauch, 2014). A part of the remaining coke is taken to the burning section with the help of circulating channel material used as a carrier, where it is burnt (see Fig. 18.4). The produced heat from combustion raises the temperature of the carrier that is transferred back to the gasifier to maintain the temperature of the gasification reaction at the desired level. The flue gas is discharged separately, its heat content entering the district heating network. The Güssing plant has been operating at the commercial demonstration scale of 8 MW thermal input (50 dry tons per day) producing 2 MW electricity and 4.5 MW of district heat for more than the last 12 years with 70,000 h of operations through 2012. There are several further plants already built and in operation exploiting the developed gasification technology, as shown in Table 18.1 (Rauch, 2014). Besides the production of heat and power, a Fischer–Tropsch pilot plant has also been built in the CHP plant to demonstrate the use of the bio-derived syngas for fuel production. The specifics of the whole BTL process chain are discussed in Section 18.5 which presents the main advancements toward commercialization of the biomass-to-liquids process.
Figure 18.4 Concept of dual fast internally circulating fluidized bed (FICFB) gasification. From Rauch, R., 2014. Liquid biofuels from biomass via steam gasification. In: Presentation at the SGC International Seminar on Gasification, Malmoe Sweden 2014. Syngas cleaning and conditioning

The syngas purification step is the most expensive part of a FT complex. It accounts for 60–70% of the total cost in the case of natural gas (simplest option). This cost rises up to 50% more in the case of coal-based FT process, with an additional 50% cost increase in the case of biomass feedstock (Zhang, 2010). Syngas cleaning is therefore considered the biggest challenge to the commercialization of the BTL process.
The presence of impurities in the syngas produced by the gasification step is inevitable. Syngas contains different kinds of contaminants, such as particulates, condensable tars, BTX (benzene, toluene, and xylenes), alkali compounds, H2S, HCl, NH3, and HCN. The catalysts employed in the FT reactor for the synthesis of the liquid fuels are notoriously sensitive to such impurities, and especially sulfur and nitrogen compounds, which irreversibly poison FT catalysts. Alkaline metals and tars deposit on catalysts and contaminate the products, while particles cause fouling of the reactor. Therefore, extensive cleaning of the syngas is required prior to entering the FT reactor. Moreover, the concentration of inert gases (ie, CO2, N2, CH4, etc.) must be approximately less than 15 vol% (Boerrigter et al., 2004). Indicative syngas specifications for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis are shown in Table 18.2 (Boerrigter et al., 2004).
The first step in all syngas cleaning configurations considered so far is the removal of BTX and larger hydrocarbons, the tars. BTX should be removed upstream of the active carbon filters in the syngas cleaning train, as active carbon adsorbs BTX and would therefore require frequent regeneration, reducing process reliability. Tars normally condensate at the typical FT reactor conditions and foul downstream equipment, coat surfaces and enter pores in filter and sorbents. Therefore, tars should be removed to a concentration below condensation point at the operating pressure of the FT reactor (Hamelinck et al., 2004). Three processes can be used for tar removal. Thermal cracking of tars involves high temperatures, 1000–1200°C, and tars are cracked in the absence of catalyst with the use of steam or oxygen. However, thermal cracking has low thermal efficiency, requires expensive materials and results in the production of large amounts of soot. Catalytic cracking/reforming of tars in the presence of dolomite/olivine, nickel-based catalysts, or alkalis (Wang et al., 2008) overcomes these limitations. Still, this technology is not yet proven and costs are increased due to catalyst consumption (Milne et al., 1998). Alternatively, tars can be removed at low temperature by advanced scrubbing, using a special organic washing liquid (“oil”). Such a system has been developed by ECN that patented the OLGA tar removal technology (Boerrigter et al., 2004). It should be mentioned that the use of entrained flow gasifiers removes the need for a tar cracking/removal step as the high gasifier operating temperatures (1300–1500°C) yield a tar-free syngas.

Table 18.1

Operating gasification plants based on FICFB technology

LocationUsage/productFuel/product (MW/MW)Start-upSupplierStatus
Güssing, ATGas engine8.0 fuel/2.0 el.2002AE&E, RepotecOperational
Oberwart, ATGas engine/ORC/H28.5 fuel/2.8 el.2008Ortner AnlagenbauOperational
Villach, ATGas engine15 fuel/3.7 el.2010Ortner AnlagenbauOn hold
Senden/Ulm, DEGas engine/ORC14 fuel/5 el.2011RepotecOperational
Burgeis, ITGas engine2 fuel/0.5 el.2012Repotec/RevoGasOperational
Göteborg, SBioSNG32 fuel/20 BioSNG2013Repotec/ValmetOperational
California, USAR&D1 fuel2013GREGOperational
Gaya, FRBioSNG/R&D0.5 fuel2016RepotecUnder constr.
ThailandGas engine4 fuel/1 el.2016GREGUnder constr.


el., electricity.

Reproduced from Rauch R., 2014. Liquid biofuels from biomass via steam gasification. In: Presentation at the SGC International Seminar on Gasification, Malmoe Sweden 2014.

Table 18.2

Maximum allowable concentration of impurities in syngas

H2S + COS + CS2<1 ppmv
NH3 + HCN<1 ppmv
HCl + HBr + HF<10 ppbv
Alkali metals (Na + K)<10 ppbv
Particles (soot, ash)“Almost completely removed”
Hetero-organic components (incl. S, N, O)<1 ppmv

Adapted from van der Drift A., Boerrigter H., Coda B., Cieplik M.K., Hemmes K., 2004. Entrained Flow Gasification of Biomass: Ash Behaviour, Feeding Issues, and System Analyses, ECN-C-04–039 report.

After the removal of the tars, the other contaminants can be removed from the syngas by either the conventional “wet” low-temperature or the “dry” high-temperature cleaning. The wet gas cleaning technology is proven and has been well commercialized for large-scale coal gasification systems (Zhang et al., 2007). The general approach involves the quenching of the raw hot gas with water to cool the gas and remove solid particles (eg, dust, soot, ash) and the volatile alkaline metals (Boerrigter et al., 2004). NH3 is then removed by a water washer along with halides and H2S is removed either by absorption or the Claus process to elementary S. In the final step, the gas passes through ZnO and active carbon filters, which remove H2S and remaining trace impurities and act as guard beds for the FT catalyst. Although proven, this technology has efficiency penalties and requires additional wastewater treatment. Many research efforts have been focused on the development of dry hot syngas cleaning processes, which appear to be potentially more efficient and cleaner than the proven conventional wet technology (Sharma et al., 2010). Hot gas cleaning consists of candle or ceramic filters for removing solid contaminants and sorbents for fluid contaminants, through which the high temperature of the syngas can be maintained, achieving efficiency benefits and lower operational costs. Dry gas cleaning can be especially advantageous when preceding a reformer or shift reactor, as these processes have high inlet temperatures. However, as aforementioned, the performance and reliability of the filters and sorbents has still to be proven at high temperatures, especially above 400°C, for a commercial implementation of the dry gas cleaning technology. Recent developments and critical review of the different syngas cleaning technologies have been published and can be found in Sharma et al. (2008, 2010).
After the gas cleaning train, the biomass-derived syngas has to be conditioned in order to adjust the H2/CO ratio to that required for the FT reactor. Typical conditioning includes steam reforming of methane and light hydrocarbons to CO and H2 over a nickel catalyst, following by a water gas shift reactor. Finally, as the concentration of inert gases must be kept below 15 vol% (Boerrigter et al., 2004), CO2 is removed with amine treating. The purified and conditioned synthesis gas is then compressed to the required pressure and is fed to the FT reactor.

18.2.2. Synthesis of biofuels via Fischer–Tropsch Fischer–Tropsch catalysts

The main requirement for a good Fischer–Tropsch catalyst is high hydrogenation activity in order to catalyze the hydrogenation of CO to higher hydrocarbons. The only metals with sufficiently high hydrogenation activity to warrant application in FT synthesis are four transition metals from the VIII group of the periodic table: Fe, Co, Ni, and Ru. Although Ru exhibits the highest hydrogenation activity, its extremely high price and low availability render it unsuitable for large-scale applications such as the FT process. Nickel, on the other hand, is essentially a methanation catalyst, its application leading to the undesired production of large amounts of methane. Therefore, Fe and Co are the only industrially relevant catalysts that are currently commercially used in FT. The choice of catalyst depends primarily on the FT operating mode. Fe-based catalysts are suitable for the high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (HTFT) operating mode that takes places in the 300–350°C temperature range and is used for the production of gasoline and linear low-molecular-mass olefins. Both Fe- and Co- catalysts can be used for the low-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (LTFT) that operates in the 200–240°C range and produces high-molecular-mass linear waxes (Dry, 2002). Moreover, the choice of metal also depends on the feedstock used for the FT synthesis. As Fe, unlike Co, catalyzes the water gas shift (WGS) reaction, it is usually used for hydrogen-poor synthesis gas, most especially that from coal (∼0.7H2/CO molar ratio), to increase via the WGS reaction the hydrogen content of syngas to the optimum 2H2/CO ratio of the FT reaction (Rao et al., 1992). Cobalt is therefore the catalyst of choice for GTL processes, using natural gas as feedstock. Whether the catalysts are Fe or Co, Fischer–Tropsch catalysts are notorious for their sensitivity toward sulfur and their permanent poisoning by sulfur compounds. As aforementioned, syngas requirements for FT synthesis ask for S content below 0.05 ppm (Dry, 1990).
An extensive amount of research has been performed on several aspects of the Fe and Co catalysts, including fundamental, basic and applied research. These efforts include investigation of the effect of promoters, supports, additives, pretreatments, preparation, and generally all chemical and physical properties of the materials in order to increase catalyst activity, enhance selectivity to the desired products, inhibit formation of unwanted products, especially methane, and improve resistance to sulfur poisoning. A summary of improved modified Fe and Co catalysts employed in industry for the FT process is presented in Table 18.3 (Bartholomew, 1990).

Table 18.3

Catalytic systems used in industry for production of premium products by FTS

Premium productCatalystsReactorsProcesses
C2–C4 olefinsFe/K, Fe/Mn, Fe/Mn/CeSlurry, fluid-bedSynthol, Koelbel,
Fe/K/S, Ru/TiO2, Fe2O3CxRheinpreussen–Koppers
Fe/C, Mo/CDowLPG
Fused Fe/KFluid-bedSynthol
GasolineFe/K/ZSM-5, co/ZSM-5,Slurry/fixed-bedMobil one-stage
Fe/Cu/K and ZSM-5Mobil two-stage
Fe/K, Ru/V/TiO2Fixed-bed (low T)Sasol-Arge, Gulf-Badger
Diesel fuelCo/Zr, Ti or Cr/Al2O3Slurry-bed(low T)Sasol-two stage
Co/Zr/TiO2Shell-middle distillate
Fe/K, Fe/Cu/KSlurry-bed(low T)Mobil (first stage)
WaxesCo/Zr, Ti or Cr/Al2O3Fixed-bed (low T)Shell-middle distillate (first stage)
Co/R/Al2O3, Prom. Fe/Ru


Reproduced from Bartholomew, C.H., 1990. Recent technological developments in Fischer–Tropsch catalysis. Catalysis Letters 7, 303–316.

Iron catalysts
Iron-based catalysts are used in both LTFT and HTFT process mode. Precipitated iron catalysts, used in fixed-bed or slurry reactors for the production of waxes, are prepared by precipitation and have a high surface area. A silica support is commonly used with added alumina to prevent sintering. HTFT catalysts for fluidized bed applications must be more resistant to attrition. Fused iron catalysts, prepared by fusion, satisfy this requirement (Olah and Molnar, 2003). For both types of iron-based catalysts, the basicity of the surface is of vital importance. The probability of chain growth increases with alkali promotion in the order Li, Na, K, and Rb (Dry, 2002), as alkalis tend to increase the strength of CO chemisorption and enhance its decomposition to C and O atoms. Due to the high price o Rb, K is used in practice as a promoter for iron catalysts. Copper is also typically added to enhance the reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron during the catalyst pretreatment step (Adesina, 1996). Under steady state FT conditions, the Fe catalyst consists of a mixture of iron carbides and reoxidized Fe3O4 phase, active for the WGS reaction (Adesina, 1996; Davis, 2003).
Cobalt catalysts
Cobalt-based catalysts are especially interesting from the commercial point of view due to their rather high activity and selectivity with respect to linear hydrocarbons. Furthermore, they exhibit higher stability, smaller negative effect of water on conversion, and higher resistance to attrition in slurry bubble column reactors (Khodakov, 2009). Co-catalysts are only used for the LTFT process, as at higher temperatures excess methane is produced (Dry, 2002). As the cost of cobalt is higher than that of Fe, it is desirable to increase the surface metal exposure and therefore Co-based catalysts are mostly supported on high surface area stable supports, such as Al2O3, TiO2, or SiO2 (Oukaci et al., 1999). Zeolites have also been studied as supports (Bessell, 1995). According to a review by Iglesia (1997), the use of support–precursor pairs with intermediate interaction strengths and the slow and controlled reduction of impregnated precursors appears to be the most promising route to the synthesis of supported Co catalysts with high Co concentrations and modest dispersions (0.10–0.15). SiO2 is considered the ideal support for Co FT catalysts, as its high surface area favors high Co dispersion at high Co loadings while its surface chemistry enables high reduction of Co3+ or Co2+ to Co0 (Dalai and Davis, 2008). The latter is especially important as metal Co is the active phase for FT and cobalt oxide is reduced at >300°C, temperature higher than the LTFT, implying that prereduction of the catalyst should take place prior to loading the reactor with consequent increase of cost and complexity. Promotion with small amounts of noble metals, eg, Pt, Ru, or Re, also enhances the reduction process (Iglesia et al., 1993). Although in general cobalt catalysts are less influenced by the presence of promoters than iron-based ones, the presence of noble metals is claimed to increase activity and selectivity to C5 + products via enhancement of the hydrogenolysis of the carbonaceous deposits and thus the cleaning of the catalytic surface (Iglesia et al., 1993).
Suitable catalysts for the BTL-FT process
As discussed in the previous paragraphs, Fe and Co are the industrially relevant catalysts that are currently commercially used in FT, with the choice of catalyst depending primarily on the target product (waxes versus gasoline and olefins) and the feedstock (syngas H2/CO ratio). Cobalt is the catalyst of choice for GTL processes, using natural gas as feedstock and a H2/CO syngas molar ratio of 2, while Fe is used for CTL processes with a low hydrogen content syngas. Few studies have investigated in depth the type of catalysts suitable for the BTL-FT process, starting from biomass feedstock (Escalona et al., 2009; van Steen and Clayes, 2008; Lapidus et al., 1994; Jun et al., 2004). It is of crucial importance to explore the differences between GTL and CTL on the one hand and BTL on the other, in order to successfully implement the FT reaction in the BTL process. Both configurations currently investigated for the BTL process (full conversion and once through FT, see Section 18.2) require high overall and per pass CO-conversion and high C5+-selectivity. As cobalt is more active than iron, cobalt has been so far used as the catalyst of choice for economic and exergetic evaluations of the BTL process. However, as analyzed in an excellent recent review by van Steen and Clayes (2008), it is debatable whether this is truly the optimal choice of catalyst for the BTL process. Van Steen argues that although Fe-catalysts can operate with a lower hydrogen content syngas such as that from biomass gasification, a water gas shift reactor after gasification might be required for both cobalt and iron catalysts in order to obtain good productivity. Since cobalt yields higher productivity at high conversion levels, it seems to be the catalyst of choice for BTL synthesis of linear heavier HCs if clean syngas is available. However, given that biomass syngas contains several poisons for FT catalysts, such as sulfur-, chloride-, and nitrogen-containing compounds, and keeping in view the fact that Fe-catalysts are reported to be more resistant to sulfur (van Steen and Clayes, 2008) and ammonia poisoning (Koizumi et al., 2004), the financial risk of operating the FT reactor with an iron-based catalyst seems to be lower. In real operation, deviations from design conditions are inevitable and contamination of the syngas entering the FT reactor is possible. In such cases, iron catalysts would be less severely affected than cobalt ones. Even in the case that the catalyst should be replaced, the much lower cost of iron compared to cobalt offers obvious economic advantages.
Wrapping up, both cobalt and iron catalysts should be considered as options for the FT reactor in the BTL process. A number of scenarios for the BTL process should be developed with both type of catalysts, while the overall process design should be coupled with catalyst developments in both cases in order to clearly prove the superiority of the one catalyst system over the other for commercial applications. Reactors and process conditions

Several good reviews have been published in the last decade analyzing the fundamentals and comparing different reactors for the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (Dry, 1996, 2002; Geerlings et al., 1999; Guettel and Turek, 2009; Sie and Krishna, 1999). The heterogeneously catalyzed FT reaction is highly exothermic, with the heat released per reacted carbon atom averaging at about 146 kJ (Anderson, 1956), about an order of magnitude higher than heat release in processes typically applied in the oil industry (Sie and Krishna, 1999). Due to this extremely high exothermicity, the rapid removal of heat is one of the major considerations in the design of FT reactors that have to be able to quickly abstract the heat from the catalyst particles in order to avoid catalyst overheating and catalyst deactivation and at the same time maintain good temperature control. Moreover, the reaction usually takes place in a three-phase system, gas (CO, H2, steam, and gaseous HCs), liquid HCs and solid catalysts, thus imposing great demands on the effectiveness of interfacial mass transfer in the reactor (Sie and Krishna, 1999). Last but not least, the FT process is a capital-intensive process and, therefore, for both economic and logistic reasons, it is only economically favorable on a very large scale. Easy reactor scale-up is therefore a third important requirement when considering a reactor type for the FT process. Three main reactor types, discussed in the following paragraphs, have been commercialized or are thought promising for industrial applications: multitubular fixed-bed reactors, gas/solid fluidized-bed reactors and three-phase slurry reactors.
Fixed-bed reactors
In a multitubular fixed-bed reactor, the catalyst particles are packed into narrow tubes, grouped in bundles and enclosed in an outer shell (see Fig. 18.5). The tube bundles are immersed in water, which abstracts the heat and converts to high-pressure steam. The use of narrow tubes, high syngas velocities, and large catalyst particles ensures rapid heat exchange and minimizes exothermic temperature rise (Dry, 1996). The increased particle size of the catalyst is also necessary in order to avoid large pressure drops (Sie and Krishna, 1999), a problem encountered with this reactor type. Still, catalytic particles with a large diameter reduce the effectiveness of the material and reduce the overall reaction rate due to intraparticle diffusion limitation.
Figure 18.5 Multitubular fixed-bed reactor for FT synthesis. From Dry M.E., 2002. The Fischer–Tropsch process: 1950–2000. Catalysis Today 71, 227–241.
Overall, the fixed-bed reactor choice is easy to operate and scale up. They can be used over a wide temperature range and the liquid/catalyst separation can be performed easily and at low costs, rendering this reactor type suitable for LTFT (low-temperature Fischer–Tropsch). Moreover, in the case of syngas contamination with H2S, the H2S is absorbed by the top catalyst layer and does not affect the rest of the bed, thus no serious loss of activity occurs (Dry, 1996). On the down side, fixed-bed reactors are expensive to construct and the high gas velocities required translate to high gas compression costs for the recycled gas feed. Moreover, it is maintenance- and labor-intensive and has a long downtime due to the costly and time-consuming process of periodical catalyst replacement (Tijmensen et al., 2002).
Recent advances in this type of reactor are the multitubular fixed-bed reactors applied in the Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis (SMDS) process for the conversion of syngas from methane in a heavy, waxy FT product (Eilers et al., 1990; Sie et al., 1991). Shell operates such reactors in its GTL plants in Bintulu and Ras Laffan and many improvements and advancements were realized in the process of scaling up the reactors for the Pearl plant. The Pearl GTL plant in Qatar has 24 multitubular fixed-bed reactors, with diameter of around 7 m and weight of 1200 tonnes a piece. They each contain 29,000 tubes full of Shell's cobalt synthesis catalyst, which speeds up the chemical reaction (de Klerk et al., 2013). Their capacity is orders of magnitude higher than previous fixed-bed reactors developed by Lurgi and Ruhrchemie and is attained due to the specially developed Shell catalyst formulation and reactor design (Geerlings et al., 1999; Sie and Krishna, 1999).
Fluidized-bed reactors
Fluidized-bed reactors are theoretically an excellent reactor type choice for highly exothermic reactions, such as the FT reaction. Fluidized-bed reactors offer a much higher efficiency in heat exchange, compared to fixed beds, and better temperature control, due to the turbulent gas flow and rapid circulation. At the same time, the high gas velocities do not cause any pressure drop issues and smaller catalyst particles can be employed. This translates to high cost reduction, due to smaller required heat exchange area, lower gas compression costs and easier construction. Moreover, fluidized beds permit online catalyst removal, thus no downtime for catalyst change is necessary as opposed to the fixed-bed reactor (Dry, 1996). However, the fluidized-bed reactor is only suitable for HTFT (high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch), as it can only operate with two phases, solid and gas; if not, liquid and heavy components deposit on the catalyst, leading to solid agglomeration and loss of the fluid phase (Davis, 2002). This means that fluidized-bed reactors cannot be used for maximized production of products heavier than gasoline/naphtha (Steynberg et al., 2004). Moreover, according to Geerlings et al. (1999), fluidized-bed reactors are more suitable for coal conversion, as opposed to the fixed-bed and slurry reactors which operate well in natural gas conversion processes.
Figure 18.6 Fluidized bed reactors for FT synthesis. From Dry M.E., 2002. The Fischer–Tropsch process: 1950–2000. Catalysis Today 71, 227–241.
Some disadvantages of the fluidized beds are the complexity in operability, difficult separation of the fine catalyst particles from the exhaust gas (imposing significant capital costs for cyclones and oil scrubbers) and erosion problem due to the high linear velocities (Dry, 1996). Moreover, H2S contamination of the synthesis gas feed means complete deactivation.
Currently two types of fluidized-bed reactors have been developed and used mainly by Sasol: the circulating fluidized bed (CFB) and the fixed fluidized bed (FFB). In the CFB reactor the fine catalyst particles are entrained by a high-velocity gas stream through a riser reactor. The catalyst is separated from the effluent by cyclones and is returned to the reactor inlet. Due to fluidization problems observed in the CFB reactor, Sasol developed the FFB version, which operates in the bubbling regime and is internally cooled by cooling tubes, as shown in Fig. 18.6(b) (Sie and Krishna, 1999). The main advantages of the FFB reactor versus the CFB type are the lower construction costs, increased capacity per reactor, less energy required for gas circulation, less catalyst attrition, and easier operation and maintenance (Dry, 2002; Sie and Krishna, 1999).
Slurry reactors
Slurry bubble reactors are a version of the fluidized-bed reactors, however in a three-phase system the catalyst is suspended in a liquid through which the feed gas is bubbled as shown in Fig. 18.7. It is therefore employed for LTFT with high-molecular-weight liquid waxes as the main product, which naturally serves as the liquid phase of the reactor (Dry, 1996). Slurry reactors share many of the advantages of the fluidized-bed reactors, such as good isothermal operation due to excellent heat transfer both within the slurry as well to the cooling system, no intraparticle diffusion limitations as the catalyst particles are small, lower pressure drop thus lower compression costs, and of course easier catalyst replacement (Geerlings et al., 1999; Tijmensen et al., 2002; Dry, 1996). The main disadvantage of slurry reactors is the difficult catalyst/wax separation. The removal of wax, but not catalyst, is a critical aspect of bubble column reactor operation. Sasol, which is the main company operating slurry bubble reactors, uses wax/slurry separation considered to be proprietary information, paying special attention to the production of the catalyst and its physical characteristics as well as to the separation processes (Davis, 2002).
Figure 18.7 Slurry reactor for FT synthesis. From Dry M.E., 2002. The Fischer–Tropsch process: 1950–2000. Catalysis Today 71, 227–241.
The different reactor types discussed above for the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis reaction all seem to have limitations and advantages. Therefore, there is no universal optimum FT reactor; the choice rather depends on the target product and the process conditions. According to different modeling studies in the literature (Iglesia et al., 1991; de Swart et al., 1997), slurry reactors are more suitable for the FT synthesis and result in up to 60% lower capital costs. Shell on the other hand operates multitubular fixed-bed reactors and claims that the superior performance of the Shell catalyst invalidates most of the slurry reactor advantages, rendering the fixed-bed technology competitive with the current slurry technology (Geerlings et al., 1999). Therefore, FT reaction selection should be based on process conditions and products, aiming at achieving optimized reactor/catalyst combination, based on the physicochemical characteristics and activity performance of each type of catalyst.

18.2.3. Upgrading of biomass-to-liquids products

Summarizing the above, there are at present two catalyst systems available for large-scale commercials plants (cobalt-based and iron-based) and two operating modes of the Fischer–Tropsch process—low and high temperature. The iron catalyst produces gaseous and gasoline range products when operated in the high-temperature range, usually in fluid catalyst bed reactors. In the low-temperature range, both iron and cobalt catalysts produce a large amount of high boiling, waxy products and straight-run diesel and naphtha. The wax is then upgraded to lower boiling range products and normally distilled to yield highly paraffinic, zero sulfur and zero aromatic middle distillate diesel fuels, with naphtha as a coproduct. Typical carbon number distribution of HTFT and LTFT products is given in Table 18.4 (de Klerk, 2008).
As the focus of the BTL process so far has been to maximize the production of premium BTL-FT fuels, we will focus in this section on the technologies for upgrading the FT waxes originating from the LTFT process mode to FT diesel and gasoline by hydrocracking and catalytic cracking respectively. The upgrading of the FT naphtha coproduct to gasoline will also be discussed.

Table 18.4

The carbon number distribution of high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (HTFT) and low-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (LTFT) products, excluding C1–C2 hydrocarbons

DescriptionHTFT (Synthol)LTFT (Arge)
Carbon number distribution (mass %)
C3–C4, LPG3010
C5–C10, naphtha4019
C11–C22, distillate1622
C22 and heavier646
Aqueous products83
Compound classes
Paraffins>10%Major product
OlefinsMajor product>10%
S- and N-speciesNoneNone
WaterMajor by-productMajor by-product


Reproduced from de Klerk A., 2008. Hydroprocessing peculiarities of Fischer–Tropsch syncrude. Catalysis Today 130, 439–445. Hydrocracking of BTL wax to diesel

Although different options have been proposed for the post-treatment and upgrading of the FT waxes (Dupain et al., 2005; de Klerk, 2007; Dancuart et al., 2003), it is generally accepted that hydrocracking is the most effective route to maximize the middle distillate yield and it is the currently applied option. Given the small number of commercial FT plants, little technology has been developed specifically for the refining of the FT wax products. In most commercial sites, standard crude oil refining approaches have been used without taking into account the specific characteristics of the FT wax product compared to conventional refinery streams, such as extra low aromatics content (<1 wt%) and virtually zero sulfur (<5 ppm) (see Table 18.4).
Conventional hydrocracking takes places over a bifunctional catalyst with acid sites to provide isomerization/cracking function and metal sites with hydrogenation–dehydrogenation function. Platinum, palladium, or bimetallic systems (ie, NiMo, NiW, and CoMo in the sulfided form) supported on oxidic supports (eg, silica-aluminas and zeolites) are the most commonly used catalysts, operating at high pressures, typically over 10 MPa, and temperatures above 350°C.
In recent years, considerable research has been ongoing to investigate the effect of the operating conditions, both experimentally (Calemma et al., 2005, 2010; Rossetti et al., 2009; Rosyadi et al., 2011) and computationally (Pellegrini et al., 2004; Fernandes and Teles, 2007), and the catalytic material on the yield and quality of the FT-wax hydrocracking products. Concerning the operating conditions, it was found that wax hydrocracking requires milder pressure and temperature, as the paraffinic nature of the wax implies higher availability of hydrogen in the unit (little hydrogen consuming aromatics) and thus suppressed coke formation (de Klerk, 2008). FT-wax hydrocracking to middle distillates is favored at pressures ranging from 3–5 MPa and temperatures between 250–300°C (Calemma et al., 2010) and yields a product containing light paraffins up to C24, as presented in a product sample chromatograph obtained from FT-wax hydrocracking experiments performed in CPERI (Fig. 18.8). At these conditions, middle distillate yield (C10–C22) reaches up to 80–85 wt% at intermediate conversion levels (∼60 wt%) (Calemma et al., 2010). At higher conversions, a small reduction in the middle distillate yield can be observed, indicating an increase of consecutive hydrocracking reactions leading to lighter products. Still the consecutive reactions are limited, allowing the reaction to be carried out at high conversions without lowering significantly the middle distillate selectivity (Calemma et al., 2010).
Extensive work has also been conducted by our group as part of the EU-funded IP RENEW project which explored technology routes for the production of BTL fuels (Lappas et al., 2004). More specifically, the operating conditions (temperature, pressure, H2/oil ratio) were investigated in experiments with different commercial hydrocracking catalysts in a specially designed hydroprocessing pilot plant unit. The main conclusions were that with all catalysts hydrocracking temperature appears to play the most important role and influences significantly the product yields, as shown in Fig. 18.9. It was shown that the yields of naphtha and kerosene in the product increase as the temperature increases and so does the conversion. However, the diesel yield is maximized at a certain temperature and then decreases as a result of higher conversions achieved at higher temperatures (RENEW, 2008). Moreover, it was shown that the yield of gasoline and diesel in the product decreases as the H2/oil ratio decreases and so does the conversion. The diesel selectivity is also slightly decreased as a result of the decreasing yield and conversion. Studies by Calemma et al. (2010) showed additionally that the composition of FT diesel, specifically the ratio of iso- and n-paraffins, is also influenced by the operating parameters.
Figure 18.8 Chromatograph sample of hydrocracked BTL-FT wax.
Figure 18.9 Effect of temperature on product yields in the hydrocracking of BTL-FT wax.
The nature of the catalyst also affects significantly the product quality and yield. Experiments performed in CPERI with three different commercial hydrocracking catalysts showed measurable differences in diesel selectivity at isoconversion as a function of the catalytic material (Fig. 18.10) (RENEW, 2008). Catalysts loaded with a noble metal (particularly Pt) were reported to show better performances in terms of selectivity for hydroisomerization and products distribution in comparison with non-noble metal-based catalyst (Archibal et al., 1960; Gibson et al., 1960). Calemma et al. (2001) reported high diesel selectivities obtained over a Pt/SiO2-Al2O3 catalyst during the hydroprocessing of FT waxes and attributed the observed results to the mild Brönsted acidity, high surface area, and pore size distribution of the support. Similar conclusions were also reached in a recent collaborative work between our group in CERTH and the University of Alicante in Spain (Iliopoulou et al., 2015). The work aimed at investigating the effect of acidity and mesoporosity in low loading (0.1 wt%) Pt/based catalysts supported on conventional microporous ZSM-5 zeolite or micro/mesoporous ZSM-5 prepared by controlled desilication/acid extraction, BETA zeolite and a commercial, amorphous, mesoporous silica/alumina support on the hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of FT waxes using n-hexadecane as the model compound. Hydroisomerization experiments performed at 30 bar, 275°C and WHSV 4 h1 demonstrated that the activity of the catalysts reduces in the following order Pt/BETA > Pt/ZSM-5 > Pt/ZSM-5 (meso) >> Pt/ASA. However, all zeolites led mainly to the production of a high amount of light gases and C5–C10 cracking products. This behavior was attributed to a combination of the acidic and textural properties of the zeolitic supports. Although the microporous/mesoporous ZSM-5 and BETA supports had a lower number of Brönsted acid sites than microporous ZSM-5 and were thus expected to have lower cracking activity, the opposite was observed. The increased mesoporosity and the much larger pore size of the two first zeolites seems to enhance the accessibility of hexadecane to the acid sites, leading to increased conversion and cracking reactions. It is interesting to note however that the ratio of iso/normal alkanes in the cracked products was much higher for the Pt/BETA catalyst. This could also be attributed to the mesoporosity of BETA which allows more space for skeletal rearrangement. The deposition of Pt on an amorphous support such as silica-alumina with negligible Brönsted and high Lewis acidity led to a catalyst with much lower activity than its zeolitic counterparts, but with very high selectivity toward iso-hexadecane, which was the only liquid product formed in the case of Pt/ASA.
Figure 18.10 Product selectivity at isoconversion for different catalytic materials in the hydrocracking of BTL-FT wax.
Concerning the type of active metal, Zhang et al. (2001) showed that Pt performs better than Ni and Pd supported on tungstated zirconia for the hydroisomerization of the model compound n-hexadecane. The use of hybrid catalysts based on Pt/WO3/ZrO2 with addition of sulfated zirconia, tungstated zirconia, or mordenite zeolites was studied by Zhou et al. (2003). According to the authors, hybrid catalysts based on Pt/WO3/ZrO2 provide a promising way to obtain higher activity and selectivity for transportation fuels from FT products. Given the high cost of noble metals, hydroprocessing of FT waxes has also been studied over nickel catalysts (de Haan et al., 2007). De Haan et al. (2007) demonstrated the benefit of using non-sulfided nickel catalysts. In conventional hydroprocessing units, catalysts are sulfated to avoid poisoning by the sulfur species in crude oil. However in the case of the sulfur-free FT waxes, use of a sulfided catalyst implies the continuous addition of sulfur-containing compounds to avoid catalyst deactivation (de Klerk, 2008). Other advantages of developing a non-sulfided catalyst for the hydrocracking of FT waxes are a simplified, less costly and environmentally friendly process (no H2S in the tail gas) (de Haan et al., 2007). Nickel supported on a commercial silicated alumina yielded results which compare favorably with those of a commercial sulfided NiMo catalyst, with diesel selectivities of 73–77% at a conversion of ∼52% (de Haan et al., 2007). Fluid catalytic cracking of BTL wax to gasoline

Although hydrocracking yields an appealing spectrum for the production of diesel, it is not an attractive option for gasoline. The relatively low extent of branching achieved in hydrocracking yields a product in the gasoline range with a low octane number. In addition, hydrocracking is considered an expensive process due to the high-pressure operation and high hydrogen consumption. The fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) process has been investigated as an interesting option for the cracking of FT waxes aimed at the production of FT gasoline (Dupain et al., 2005, 2006; Lappas et al., 2007; Lappas, 2007; Triantafyllidis et al., 2007; Lappas and Vasalos, 2006).
The FCC process is the most important refinery process mainly for the production of gasoline from heavy petroleum fractions, such as atmospheric and vacuum gas oil (VGO). In the FCC unit, the long hydrocarbons are cracked in the 480–540°C temperature range over zeolite catalysts to smaller n- and i-paraffins, n- and i-olefins, and aromatics. Conventional FCC feedstocks are relatively aromatic, with a high sulfur and nitrogen content, in contrast to FT waxes that are highly paraffinic with extra-low aromatics content (<1 wt%) and virtually zero sulfur (<5 ppm) (see Table 18.4). The development therefore of new catalyst formulations, as well as optimization of the overall process parameters, are both very critical to optimize the yield and quality of FCC products from FT waxes.
Lappas et al. (2007) compared the crackability of conventional VGO feed and FT wax provided by CHOREN over a typical refinery FCC E-cat. As can be seen in Fig. 18.11, the FT wax is much more crackable than VGO due to the highly paraffinic molecules of wax compared to VGO that contains a significant amount of aromatics. In fact, the cracking rate of the wax molecules was calculated about 4.2 times faster than that of the VGO molecules. Moreover, coke formation was much less compared to VGO, again due to the paraffinic nature of the feed and the absence of aromatic compounds or coke precursors even at high conversion levels. Very high conversions, over 80 wt%, can be achieved with conventional FCC catalysts at very low catalyst/oil ratios and low temperatures. In Table 18.5, a comparison between the two feeds regarding the product distribution at 70 wt% conversion is given. The table shows that gasoline (C5-221°C) yield is about the same with both feeds. Gasoline from VGO has as expected higher octane number; however the RON number of the wax gasoline is still acceptable. The RON of the wax gasoline was almost constant and independent of the conversion due exactly to the low aromaticity of this gasoline (Lappas et al., 2004). Dupain et al. (2006) also observed that the cracking of wax to gasoline is a primary reaction with a gasoline selectivity that is independent of conversion level or temperature. Despite the lower RON number, gasoline from the cracking of FT waxes in an FCC unit is very promising due to the low content of aromatics in the product and the extremely low sulfur and nitrogen concentrations, leading to the production of very clean gasoline. Moreover, it was found that the diesel-range LCO product produced from the catalytic cracking of FT waxes is better than that produced from the cracking of conventional FCC feedstocks. The degree of branching in the diesel product is lower than that of the gasoline, improving marginally the cetane number but acting very beneficially for the diesel cloud point and pour point, in addition to the very low sulfur and nitrogen content (Dupain et al., 2006).
Figure 18.11 Comparison of wax and VGO FCC crackability using E-cat.

Table 18.5

Comparison of product yields (wt% on feed) at 70 wt% conversion from the processing of vacuum gas oil and BTL-FT wax via FCC

C/OGasolineCokeDryTotal C3Total C4LCORONMON


The addition of ZSM-5 additive to a conventional E-cat was found to enhance the cracking rate of FT waxes, enhancing the cracking of gasoline-range olefins to gas-range olefins and especially propene and butene (Dupain et al., 2006). This was attributed to the diffusions of the initially formed smaller olefins in the ZSM-5 pores. The olefins are not able to leave the ZSM-5 pores rapidly enough and they are thus easily activated and overcracked to gas-range olefins (Dupain et al., 2006). Use of pure ZSM-5 resulted in an octane-enhancing effect of the produced gasoline due to the enhanced formation of olefins and aromatics. Triantafyllidis et al. (2007) investigated the potential utilization of various microporous (zeolites H-Y and H-ZSM-5) and mesoporous (amorphous silica-alumina and Al-MCM-41) aluminosilicates as catalysts or active matrices in the cracking of Fischer–Tropsch waxes toward the production of liquid fuels. Focus was placed on the effect of porous and acidic characteristics of the materials on product yields and properties. According to the authors, the type of catalyst plays a significant role in the product selectivities. The percent conversion of wax, the product yields (gasoline and LPG), and the research octane number (RON) of the produced gasoline are shown in Fig. 18.12 for different investigated microporous and mesoporous catalysts. The behavior is typical for the two zeolitic catalysts when used in fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) of petroleum fractions, where H-Y zeolite is being utilized as the main active-cracking component of the catalyst and ZSM-5 is being used as an additive in small amounts leading to lower gasoline and higher LPG yields, and usually to higher RON. Similar trends are observed in Fig. 18.12 for the cracking of F-T waxes. One of the main reaction pathways that ZSM-5 catalyzes with higher rates than H-Y is the cracking of paraffins, thus making it very active in the conversion of waxy feedstocks in agreement with the results of Dupain et al. (2006). The 3%-crystalline H-ZSM-5 sample, not diluted with amorphous silica-alumina (ASA), showed high conversion activity (79 wt%), very close to that of the diluted catalyst of the crystalline H-ZSM-5. It can thus be suggested that the acid sites present in this sample are much more active for the conversion of wax compared to those of Al-MCM-41 and ASA, although the very-low crystallinity H-ZSM-5 sample consists mainly of XRD amorphous aluminosilicate phase. Fig. 18.13 shows the yields (wt% on feed) of various gasoline components. The data in Fig. 18.13 can also be used for a qualitative comparison of catalyst performance with regard to their selectivity toward specific gasoline components, especially in the case of H-Y- and H-ZSM-5-based catalysts, which showed similar percent conversion of wax (Fig. 18.12). The H-Y-st. catalyst presented a significant selectivity toward the production of branched paraffins (22 wt% on feed) compared to much lower yields with the rest of the catalysts (3.5–4 wt%). The increased formation of branched paraffins in gasoline is considered as a major target toward the production of environmentally friendly fuels in accordance with EU regulations. Olefins were also higher with the H-Y-st. catalyst (15 wt% on feed) compared to the rest catalysts (∼12 wt%), while naphthenes were 1–2 wt% for all the catalysts. As far as aromatics are concerned, the H-ZSM-5 catalyst led to higher yields compared to the rest of the catalysts. The high RON values of gasoline with the H-ZSM-5 catalyst (∼92, see Fig. 18.12) were mainly attributed to the high aromatics content; while in the case of Η-Υ-st. catalyst the high RON (∼87) was mainly attributed to the relatively high C5–C7 olefin and iso-alkane yields. The 3%-crystalline H-ZSM-5 sample showed similar trends with the fully crystalline H-ZSM-5 with regard to the yields of gasoline components, except for the case of aromatics, which are significantly lower with the former sample. Interestingly, the RON of the gasoline produced from the 3%-crystalline H-ZSM-5 sample remained considerably high (81). The yield of aromatics with the Al-MCM-41 sample was very low but cannot be compared with those of the rest of the catalysts due to the relatively low percentage conversion of wax with the mesoporous catalytic material.
Figure 18.12 Conversion, product yields (gasoline and LPG) and RON of produced gasoline in the FCC of BTL-FT wax on different microporous and mesoporous catalysts.
Figure 18.13 Yields (%wt on feed) of gasoline components in the FCC of BTL-FT wax on different microporous and mesoporous catalysts.
In general, research has shown that the cracking of highly paraffinic FT waxes under FCC conditions can yield an interesting spectrum of renewable fuels, both in the gasoline and diesel range, by adapting the process parameters and catalyst formulations. Optimization of catalyst acidic and porosity properties as well as of process parameters is necessary in order to visualize a potential commercialization of the FCC-based upgrading of F-T waxes. Upgrading of BTL naphtha to gasoline

Naphtha is produced as a byproduct of the BTL-FT process, both straight-run from the FT reactor and as a coproduct of the upgrading of the FT wax to middle distillates. BTL naphtha has low octane number and cannot be used as a gasoline blending component. The two dominant processes that have been considered for upgrading FT naphtha to high-octane gasoline are isomerization and reforming. Given that straight-run FT naphtha contains olefins and oxygenates that are not compatible with commercial reforming or isomerization technologies, a hydrotreating step is first required to convert olefins and oxygenates in the naphtha to paraffins (Gregor and Fullerton, 1989). According to a techno-economic study by Kreutz et al. (2008), the optimum BTL-FT plant configuration in order to maximize the yield of premium diesel and gasoline fuels is to isomerize a portion of the naphtha in order to convert normal paraffins to isoparaffins and boost its octane value and catalytically reform the other fraction to provide some aromatic content to (and further boost the octane value of) the final gasoline blendstock. In a similar study by Takeshita and Yamaji (2008), it was found that the upgrading of highly paraffinic FT-naphtha into FT-gasoline can have a major influence on the overall process economics.
In the frame of the European project RENEW, BtL-naphtha was also identified to have suitable properties for use in future power trains like homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. It was however found that further upgrading of the naphtha fraction is needed for optimized engine performance, targeted toward mild reduction of its cetane number via isomerization (RENEW, 2008). Through its participation in the EU projects RENEW and OPTFUEL, our group in CERTH established hydroisomerization as a viable upgrading option for BtL-naphtha on both laboratory (Heracleous et al., 2013; Iliopoulou et al., 2014) and pilot scales (Iliopoulou et al., 2012). Investigation of the effect of the zeolitic support (mordenite, ZSM-5, and beta zeolite) on the isomerization performance of a series of low-loading (0.1 wt%) Pt catalysts showed that the use of ZSM-5 leads to the synthesis of the most active material with satisfactory selectivity to isoparaffins. The superior performance of Pt/ZSM-5 was attributed to its high Brönsted acidity and the formation of homogeneously dispersed, cubic-shaped and highly crystalline Pt particles on the zeolite surface, as shown in the TEM image in Fig. 18.14 (Iliopoulou et al., 2014). In an effort to further increase selectivity to large isoparaffins, we prepared and tested a low-loading Pt catalyst supported on a hierarchical ZSM-5 support. Introduction of mesoporosity was achieved by treating the support with alkaline and acidic solutions (Heracleous et al., 2013). Fig. 18.15 shows selectivity to C4–C8 isoparaffins at 40% conversion in the hydroisomerization of surrogate naphtha—simulating the composition of BTL-naphtha—at 30 bar and temperature range 240–300°C. A clear increase in i-C8 species at the expense of i-C5 and i-C6 is apparent for both the alkaline- and acid-treated Pt catalysts, showing clearly that the introduction of mesopores in the ZSM-5 structure improves selectivity, possibly due to the improved diffusivity within the zeolite pores and the reduced residence time of the intermediates within the pore channels.
Figure 18.14 (a) TEM image depicting the dispersion of the Pt particles on the ZSM-5 platelets and (b) typical HRTEM image of a single crystalline Pt particle, oriented along its [1 1 0] zone axis. From Iliopoulou, E.F., Heracleous, E., Delimitis, A., Lappas, A.A., 2014. Producing high quality biofuels: Pt-based hydroisomerization catalysts evaluated using BtL-naphtha surrogates. Applied Catalysis B 145, 177–186.
Figure 18.15 Selectivity to C4–C8 isoparaffins at 40% total n-paraffin conversion over microporous/mesoporous Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts (reaction conditions: P = 30 bar; WHSV = 2 h1). From Heracleous, E., Iliopoulou, E.F., Lappas, A.A., 2013. Microporous/mesoporous Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts for hydroisomerization of BTL-naphtha. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 52, 14567–14573.
As discussed above, the upgrading of the BTL naphtha byproduct into gasoline/HCCI fuel can greatly improve the economics of the overall BTL-FT process. However, this option has yet to be considered in commercial operations. Kreutz et al. (2008) argue that it is still uncertain whether the additional gasoline blending stock value can justify the great capital and operational costs that these upgrading units impose on the BTL-FT process.

18.3. Biomass-to-liquids final fuel products

As analyzed in detail in the previous section, the BTL-FT process (as any XTL process) can yield a different range of products, ranging from chemicals and gasoline-range hydrocarbons to middle distillate-range alkanes, based on the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis reaction operating conditions, choice of catalyst and reactor type. The BTL-FT process has been however mainly studied so far with the aim of maximizing the production of diesel-range products due to two main reasons: (1) the decisive shift of the EU toward a diesel economy and (2) the increasing EU diesel deficit in terms of refining capacity (European Biodiesel Board, 2008). International Energy Agency (IEA) figures presented in Fig. 18.16 clearly show the upward trend of the diesel demand in the EU compared to the downward trend of gasoline consumption. In addition, EU car registration figures show that the majority of new cars purchased are diesel cars (70% of new cars in France, Italy, and Belgium are diesel cars) (ACEA, 2008). In this context, interest in the BTL-FT process lies in the production of renewable, high-quality middle-distillate fuels via the LTFT synthesis reaction to diesel, naphtha, and FT waxes and subsequent upgrading of the FT waxes to premium diesel. With such BTL-FT configuration, BTL naphtha is produced both as straight-run and as coproduct of the FT wax upgrading. We will therefore focus on the properties and combustion characteristics of the two main BTL-FT final fuel products: diesel and naphtha.
Figure 18.16 Evolution of diesel and gasoline demand in EU 27. Reproduced from Eurostat.

18.3.1. Biomass-to-liquids diesel

BTL diesel is a renewable fuel of excellent quality, compared to both fossil-derived diesel and first-generation biodiesel produced via the transesterification of vegetable oils. BTL synthetic fuel consists mainly of linear paraffinic hydrocarbons with almost zero aromatics and sulfur compounds. The physical properties of BTL diesel presented in Table 18.6 (Rantanen et al., 2005) demonstrate its very high cetane number that can reach up to 75, much higher than conventional diesel. The big advantage of BTL diesel is that it is directly usable today in the transportation sector and furthermore it may be suitable for future fuel cell vehicles via on-board reforming since it is free of sulfur. It is fully blendable with conventional diesel and compatible with current diesel engines and with common materials used in the tank system and the engine components. This constitutes a great plus, as the fuel can be used today using the current distribution and retail infrastructure.

Table 18.6

Typical properties of different bio- and fossil-origin diesel product streams

Fuel propertiesBiodiesel-FAMEBTL-dieselFossil diesel (EN 590/2005)
Density @ 15°C (kg/m3)885770–785835
Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s)4.53.2–4.53.5
Cetane number5173–8153
Distillation 10 vol% (oC)340260200
Distillation 90 vol% (oC)355325–330350
Lower heating Value (MJ/kg)384343
Lower heating Value (MJ/I)343436
Polyaromatics (wt%)008
Oxygen (%wt)1100
Sulfur (pmw)<10<10<10


Adapted from Rantanen L., Linnaila R., Aakko P., Harju T., 2005. NExBTL - Biodiesel Fuel of the Second Generation, SAE paper 2005-01-3771.

Due to its bio-origin, BTL diesel has much lower CO2 emissions than fossil-derived fuels. Moreover, it shows considerably improved emission behavior. BTL diesel fuels have been tested by Volkswagen AG and DaimlerChrysler AG in modern, state-of-the-art passenger cars, as part of the EU-funded IP RENEW project which explored technology routes for the production of BTL fuels (RENEW, 2008). The vehicles were equipped with different types of exhaust gas after-treatment systems: oxidation catalytic converters (oxycats), which reduce CO and HC emissions and are the most common technique in the existing fleet and additional particulate filters (DPF), the after-treatment technology of future diesel passenger cars. The reduction of the different emissions with the BTL diesel compared to conventional diesel is tabulated in Table 18.7. Great emission reductions were achieved with no special adaptation of the engine. The BTL diesel causes a significant reduction of CO and HC emissions, a medium reduction of particulate emissions and only a slight reduction of NOx emissions. The next lines of the table present emission reductions with different after-treatment technologies and optimization of the engine operation with special software. It can be generally seen that a further reduction of particulates or a significant reduction of NOx can be realized. In general, the BTL diesel manages to reduce not only CO2, but also the emissions of most air pollutants. What is also important is that the BTL fuel exhibited at least the same fuel consumption as conventional fuels when compared on an energetic base (RENEW, 2008). With adapted engines the improved combustion process could also lead to better efficiency and thus reduced fuel consumption.

Table 18.7

Emission reduction factors for BTL-FT diesel fuel and different emission reduction technologies (negative values indicate a reduction of emission)

State of the art, no adaptation6%30%90%60%
State of the art, oxycat, PM opt.7%44%95%73%
State of the art, oxycat, NOx opt.35%12%95%73%
State of the art, oxycat, DPF29%94%92%79%
Future dedicated BtL, oxycat + DPF72%95%59%16%


Adapted from RENEW, 2008. Renewable Fuels for Advanced Powertrains: Final Report, SYNCOM, Ganderkesee.

18.3.2. Biomass-to-liquids naphtha

Beside the diesel main product, naphtha, a gasoline fraction of less value is produced as a byproduct. Straight-run FT-naphtha has low octane, is olefinic, and has high levels of oxygenates (Gregor and Fullerton, 1989). The chemical composition of two naphtha streams produced via a low-temperature (LTFT) and high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (HTFT) process is tabulated in Table 18.8. Currently, the BTL-FT synthetic naphtha is rather sold as a low-cost chemical feedstock and cannot be used as a fuel. Untreated naphtha can also be used as an energy source for the production of heat and power or can be alternatively reformed on-site to synthesis gas and fed to the FT reactor to increase the process yield (Bienert, 2007). In the frame of the EU-funded NICE (New Integrated Combustion System for Future Passenger Car Engines) project, Renault/Regienov and Volkswagen tested naphtha fuels in experimental HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) engines and found significant improvements compared to standard diesel fuel (RENEW, 2008). In this context, although BTL naphtha is not a suitable fuel for conventional engines, it may be advantageous for future power-trains like HCCI and CCS (combined combustion system) being even more efficient and having less emissions. It should however be mentioned that the requirements for these future engines are not clear for the time being.
Even though the light FT-byproduct naphtha is not for application as fuel in its present form and in conventional gasoline engines, it could be upgraded by an additional isomerization or reforming unit to boost its octane number and fulfill the above, as discussed in Section It should be noted that the production of finished gasoline blendstock is not yet considered because of the added cost and energy expenditures associated with upgrading naphtha to gasoline with the current technology.

Table 18.8

Typical composition of straight-run naphtha from LTFT and HTFT

Product, wt%Low-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (LTFT)High-temperature Fischer–Tropsch (HTFT)
Normal paraffins57.07.7
Branched Paraffins3.06.3

Adapted from Gregor J.H., Fullerton H.E., 1989. Fischer–Tropsch naphtha upgrading. In: Proceedings of the DOE Indirect Liquefaction Contractors Review Meeting, November 14–15, Pittsburgh.

18.4. Environmental and economic considerations of the BTL process

The incentives that drive progress in the area of biofuels are primarily environmental and BTL-FT fuels, as biomass-derived fuels, offer considerable reductions in fossil energy use and exhibit reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to their fossil-based counterparts. This is due to the renewable nature of the biomass feedstock and the CO2-neutral cycle, ie, CO2 emitted during fuel combustion equals the amount of CO2 adsorbed for the cultivation of the biomass feedstock. Besides their obvious environmental benefits, there are also various parameters that should also be considered for the environmental benefits of biofuels, such as energy consumption for the production of biofuels, transportation requirements of biomass feedstock and final product, etc. It is thus essential to assess the potential of alternative fuels using a lifecycle analysis (LCA) approach, considering the full lifecycle of biofuels from biomass cultivation through production and distribution to the end users. Several LCA or otherwise known Well-to-Wheel (WtW) studies have been published examining the lifecycle environment of BTL-FT diesel (CONCAWE–EUCAR–JRC, 2008; van Vliet et al., 2009; Williams et al., 2009; Henrich et al., 2009; General Motors Europe, 2002; Fleming et al., 2006; Baitz et al., 2004). An LCA study investigating the environmental performance of BTL-FT diesel produced via the CHOREN-Shell technology and compared to fossil diesel showed the clear environmental benefits of BTL-FT in different environmental impact categories (Baitz et al., 2004). More specifically, reductions in the order of 61–91% in GHG emissions, 89–94% in smog formation, 3–29% in eutrophication potential, and 5–42% in acidification potential can be achieved with the replacement of fossil diesel with BTL-FT diesel. Moreover, in the JRC-EuCar-CONCAWE Well-to-Wheels study (CONCAWE–EUCAR–JRC, 2008) where the lifecycle energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance is examined for a wide number of different fuel routes (including coal-, oil-, gas-, and biomass-based fuels), BTL-FT diesel appears to have one of the highest potentials for reducing the emissions of GHG gases as shown in Fig. 18.17.
The BTL-FT fuels therefore are a very attractive renewable fuel option. Still, there are a number of drawbacks and technological challenges/limitations that need to be addressed to maximize the benefits of BTL-FT fuels and allow their large-scale commercialization and use. One of the main issues is the large capital costs of BTL-FT conversion and the subsequent high price of BTL-FT fuels compared to their fossil counterparts. According to a study by Tijmensen et al. (2002), short-term production costs of BTL-FT fuels are estimated at 14 US$/GJ, compared to current diesel costs of around 5 US$/GJ, a number that also agrees with the estimations of Hamelinck et al. (2004). Investment costs represent 50% of this cost, while the biomass feedstock accounts for 40% of the production cost. Technological advancements could reduce costs in the long-term future to ∼9 US$/GJ. The number is still higher than that of diesel, but taking into account the uncertainties in oil prices and assumptions in the different studies, the long-term economics perspectives of BTL-FT fuels are not considered unattractive. In a more recent techno-economical study by PNNL (Zhu et al., 2011) the minimum selling price of BTL diesel was estimated around 4.5 US$/gal compared to 3.13 US$/gal for conventional diesel. Roughly 40% of this cost was attributed to the feedstock price, 20% to depreciation of the capital cost and 20% to operating expenses. According to the study, the economics of the process can be improved by recycling the off-gas from the Fischer–Tropsch reactor to the tar reformer. This would significantly increase the FT diesel yields, although it would increase costs as the size of the syngas compressor and the FT area would be bigger. However, the significant increase in final product yield offsets the disadvantages, thus causing an overall reduction in cost.
Figure 18.17 LCA performance in fossil energy use and GHG emissions of different biofuels. From CONCAWE–EUCAR–JRC, 2008. Well-to-wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Powertrains in the European Context, Well-to-wheels report, Version 2c. Joint study by CONCAWE, EUCAR and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Because of the complex technology applied for the production of the BTL-FT fuels, production can only be economical in large-scale facilities. A reasonable BTL plant capacity is >1 Mt/year biofuel, similar to the existing commercially operated CTL and GTL plants (Henrich et al., 2009). Such large-scale projects entail the uncertainty of adequate biomass resources to procure enough feedstock to feed plants of such scale. This implies great logistical hurdles and large transportation costs. Several biomass pretreatment options have been investigated to overcome this issue. The two most promising are torrefaction and fast biomass pyrolysis. Torrefaction is a mild thermal treatment in which CO2 and H2O are evaded and the material is made brittle and very easy to mill. The process is suitable for a wide range of biomass materials and has a high energy efficiency of up to 97%. The torrefied material can be handled and fed to the gasifier within existing coal infrastructure (Bergman et al., 2005). Fast pyrolysis of biomass is a process in which biomass is thermally decomposed to bio-oil, gases, and char in an inert atmosphere using high heating rates and short residence times at temperatures of 450–550°C (Bridgewater et al., 1999; Antonakou et al., 2006). In both cases, biomass volume is reduced and energy density is increased, therefore decreasing the high transport costs.

18.5. Commercial status of the biomass-to-liquids processes

Within a few years, we have witnessed large steps toward the commercialization of the BTL-FT process. There are several companies active in technology development and commercialization of individual steps in the BTL-FT process sequence. A number of companies have large-scale biomass gasification technologies including Conoco Phillips, Siemens, VTT, TPS, CHOREN, Lurgi, Shell, GE, Kellogg Brown and Root, Prenflo, Advantica BGL, Noell, Winkler, and KRW (E4tech, 2008). Additionally, there are companies focusing on the production of fuels from syngas, such as Sasol, Shell, JFE Holdings in Japan (slurry bed FT reactor producing DME), Fuel Frontiers Inc. (ethanol from syngas), and Syntroleum (focus so far on CTL and GTL) (E4tech, 2008).
Very few companies however are active in the whole BTL process chain. The world's first commercial BTL plant was inaugurated in 2008 in Frieberg, Saxony (Germany), utilizing the Choren Carbo-V Process for converting biomass to syngas (see Section Choren, a German-based technology company, partnered with Shell, Volkswagen, and Daimler to construct the first commercial BTL plant in the world based on the Carbo-V gasification process and the Shell SMDS (Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis) Fischer–Tropsch process. Choren had been operating a beta demonstration plant in Freiberg, Germany, since 2005, with a capacity of 45 MW thermal and 15,000 tons of BTL fuel per year and started constructing the first commercial BTL plant in Schwedt, Germany, with a capacity of 640 MW thermal and 200,000 tons of BTL fuel per year using these technologies, with fuel production scheduled to start in 2012 (Rudloff, 2005). Unfortunately, as the manufacturing costs and the technology appeared to be uncontrollable, Shell opted out in 2009, followed by VW and Daimler (Luque et al., 2012), and insolvency was announced in 2011 (Reuters, 2011). In 2012, Linde announced that they acquired the Carbo-V® Technology and all related patents and trademarks and planned to offer the gasification technology as licensor (Linde, 2012).
Several BTL demonstration projects are currently ongoing, mainly in Europe. The European Union funded in 2010 through NER 300, one of the world's largest funding programs for innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects, two large-scale BTL projects with a total of ∼260M€ (EU, 2012). The first project was Finland Bioenergy Ajos BTL which aimed at constructing a biofuel-to-liquid plant in Ajos, northern Finland, to produce biodiesel and bionaphta in the Baltic Sea area for sale to a market primarily of diesel and petrol retailers. The plant was planned to use 950,000 tonnes/year (t/y) of woody feedstock and 31,000 t/y of tall oil to deliver an annual output of 115,000 t/y of biofuel (EU, 2012). The project was launched by Vapo Oy and Metsäliitto in 2007. Metsäliitto withdrew from the project in 2012. In February 2014, Vapo Oy published a press release according to which they made the decision to freeze the project planning for the plant in Ajos in Kemi. According to the company's press release: “The final, decisive blow to the project was that the EU's climate and energy strategy published in January did not agree on new binding limits for the share of the renewable component in traffic fuels after 2020. In this situation it is not possible to conclude long term commitments, which would have created the financial preconditions for Vapo's biodiesel project.” (Vapo Oy, 2014). The second BTL project that was awarded funding through NER300 was the UPM Stracel BTL in France. The project consisted of building a second-generation biomass-to-liquid plant in Strasbourg, using about 1 million tonnes of woody biomass to deliver an annual output of 105,000 tonnes of biofuel. The plant was designed to be integrated into the paper and pulp production line of an existing paper mill, enabling exchanges of energy and products. Unfortunately, the project followed the fate of the Ajos BTL project as it was announced in 27 February, 2014 that the project would freeze due to uncertainty in the regulatory outlook for advanced biofuels (NER300, 2014).
Neste Oil and Stora Enso also operated a BtL demonstration plant at Stora Enso's Varkaus Mill in Finland with an output of 656 t/y from a 12-MW gasifier. Although the plan was to develop a commercial production plant in partnership with Foster Wheeler and VTT with a projected output capacity of 100,000 t/y and a potential launch date of 2016, in August 2012 the companies announced that they would not progress with the construction of the plant (European Biofuels Technology Platform, 2015).
A more successful example is the BioTfueL project, launched in 2010, with the aim to develop a production chain for second-generation diesel and kerosene-type biofuels. The project was undertaken by IFP Energies nouvelles, CEA, Axens, Sofiprotéol, Total, and Uhde ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, with a total budget of 112.7M€. The process chain is expected to be launched in the market by 2020 and will involve drying and crushing of biomass, torrefaction at Sofiprotéol's site in Venette, France, and gasification, syngas purification and Fischer–Tropsch conversion at Total's site in Dunkirk, France. The project will use Uhde's proprietary PRENFLOTM™ gasification process with direct quench (PDQ) the Gasel™ process developed jointly by IFP Energies nouvelles, ENI, and Axens for the Fisher–Tropsch synthesis process. According to a recent press release by IFP (2014), the project is about to sign the engineering, procurement, and construction contracts and the two demonstration plants are expected to become operational by the end of 2016. Also in France, CEA (the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) announced the construction of a pilot BTL plant in Bure Saudron producing diesel, kerosene, and naphtha from forestry and agricultural residues (Güell et al., 2012).
The Karlsruhe bioliq® process has also been operating successfully on pilot scale in KIT in Germany since 2005. The plant consists of a 2-MW(th) (0.5 t/h), pilot-scale fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials and biosyncrude preparation, bioslurry PEF gasification up to 80 bar in a 5-MW(th) pilot gasifier with a membrane screen, high-temperature, high-pressure raw syngas cleaning and conditioning, H2/CO ratio adjustment, and CO2 separation and conversion of a c. 700 N m3 synthesis sidestream to gasoline (Dahmen et al., 2012). Also in Germany, the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in partnership with LURGI GmbH is constructing a pilot plant for production of BTL fuels. The pilot plant is due to open in 2016 (Güell et al., 2012).
A demonstration plant in Europe exhibiting impressive robustness is also the GRE (Güssing Renewable Energy) multifuel gasification plant, located in Güssing, Austria. The gasification technology employed in the Güssing plant has been described in detail in Section 18.2.1 describing the different technologies for biomass gasification to synthesis gas, which is the first step of the BTL process. The plant consists of an 8-MW circulating fluidized-bed steam-blown gasifier producing heat and power (4.5 MWth, 2 MWel) with a gas engine and a total efficiency of 80%. It is the world's first functioning fast internally circulating fluidized bed (FICFB) gasification plant. The technology was developed by GRE together with German engineering consultancy Consulectra (RWTÜV group) and the scientific support by the Vienna University of Technology. What is impressive is the fact that the plant has been operating for the last 12-plus years with over 80,000 h of operations until today. Due to the use of steam as a gasification agent, the produced synthesis gas has low nitrogen content and suitable H2/CO ratio for downstream synthesis reactions. It also enables the different syngas applications to be realized at smaller scale (10–100 MW fuel) (Rauch, 2014). Exactly due to the favorable properties of the produced gas, the plant has served as a demonstration site for the further conversion of synthesis gas to renewable synthetic natural gas (BioSNG) and renewable liquid hydrocarbon fuels via the FT process. The Fischer–Tropsch pilot plant has been in operation since 2005 producing 5–10 kg/day of FT raw product (Rauch, 2014). In order for the syngas to meet the FT-reactor requirements, a multistep cleaning step has been added, consisting of a biodiesel scrubber used to dry the gas, a sodium aluminate fixed bed to separate chlorine, hydration of organic sulfur compounds over a hydrodesulfurization catalyst, and H2S separation with ZnO. The Fischer–Tropsch reaction takes place in a slurry reactor at 20–22 bar pressure and temperature of 230°C, able to convert about 7 N m3/h of synthesis gas to hydrocarbons over a Co-Ru catalyst (Ripfel-Nitsche et al., 2007).
Although Europe seems to be leading the race in the development of BTL technology, successful demonstration projects are also currently ongoing in the USA. A major development for the BTL process in the USA is the construction of the Sierra BioFuels facility by Fulcrum Bioenergy. The Sierra BioFuels Plant will include a feedstock processing facility and a biorefinery that will convert approximately 147,000 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) into more than 10 million gallons of jet fuel or diesel annually. According to the company, Fulcrum has entered into 20-year MSW feedstock agreements with waste service partners for the delivery of the feedstock and construction of the plant is expected to begin in late 2015. In May 2015, Fulcrum awarded a fixed-price engineering, procurement, and construction contract to Abengoa that will be responsible for constructing the Sierra Biorefinery (Fulcrum Bioenergy, 2015). In June 2015 United Airlines, one of the largest air carriers in the US, announced a $30-million equity investment in Fulcrum and entered an agreement to jointly develop up to five other projects located near its hubs. According to the press release (United Airlines, 2015), the production potential of these sites would be up to 700 million liters of aviation fuel per year. Moreover, the two companies signed a long term agreement according to which United Airlines will purchase 350 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel a year for a minimum of 10 years at a cost that is competitive with conventional jet fuel.
One other prominent BTL plant in the US is the Velocys plant in Oregon. Velocys is the company that developed microchannel Fischer–Tropsch reactors that use superactive cobalt catalysts, offering increased yields and stability compared with conventional systems and resulting in a high productivity per unit volume. According to the company “Conventional FT plants are only economically viable at production capacities of 30,000 bpd or higher. Velocys' microchannel FT technology is commercially viable at production capacities of as low as 1500 bpd, making it an idea choice for smaller scale GTL and BTL” (Velocys, 2015). As discussed in the previous section, the BTL process, due to its great complexity, can only be economical in large-scale facilities, something that entails great uncertainty of adequate biomass resources and great logistical hurdles and transportation costs. Using an intensified FT technology, such as the one developed by Velocys, can overcome this barrier. Red Rock Biofuels, a customer of Velocys, was awarded a $70 million grant to construct a biomass-to-liquids (BTL) plant incorporating Velocys technology to convert about ∼170,000 tons per year of forestry and sawmill waste into approximately 1100 barrels per day of military aviation jet fuels (Velocys, 2014). Construction of the plant was scheduled to begin in the summer of 2015. According to recent reports, in July 2015 Red Rock announced an agreement to supply FedEx Express with 100,000 tons per year of bio jet fuel from 2017 and signed agreement also with Southwest Airlines (European Biofuels Technology Platform, 2015).

18.6. Future prospects and challenges

The production of sustainable second-generation biofuels via the BTL-FT process represents one of the most, if not the most, promising options for large-scale replacement of fossil fuels in the world fuels market. The most important advantages of the BTL process have been mentioned throughout this chapter and can be briefly summarized as follows: (1) the BTL process is very versatile concerning both feedstock and products; it can produce hydrocarbons of different lengths from any carbon-containing feedstock, such as coal, natural gas, and biomass, including any lignocellulosic material such as wood and forest residues, agricultural residues, byproducts and bagasse, lignocellulosic feedstock from processing residues (paper slurry, black liquor, etc.); (2) BTL-FT fuels are high-quality products, free of sulfur, nitrogen, aromatics, and other contaminants typically found in fossil fuels; (3) BTL-FT fuels are largely compatible with current vehicles and fully blendable with conventional fuels and can thus be handled by existing fuel infrastructure. Intensive research efforts in the field, from both academia and industry, have significantly advanced progress and have brought the BTL process one step before commercialization. Of course there are still limitations, technological challenges, and plenty of room for further optimization.
One of the main issues is the large capital costs of BTL-FT conversion and the subsequent high price of BTL-FT fuels compared to their fossil counterparts. Technological advancements to improve the energy efficiency of the process and reduce the capital cost due to technological learning and scaling are necessary to bring down the costs. The current overall efficiency of the BTL plants is relatively low, ranging between 40 and 45% on an HHV basis (Hamelinck et al., 2004). Further progress has to be made to develop and improve technologies of biomass feedstock pretreatment, gasification, syngas purification, and oxygen production required by the gasification step in a more economical way to achieve better energy integration and carbon balance. In particular, development will need to examine more closely the choice of gasification technology (eg, entrained flow versus fluidized bed) and its design to account for biomass feeding and syngas quality requirements, the gas cooling and cleaning technologies to reliably meet the stringent downstream catalytic process requirements while reducing losses in thermal efficiency and the design of downstream processes and optimization of outputs based on considerations of process efficiency and product values, including catalyst development to produce the required products. For the latter, it is crucial to couple catalyst development with the specifics of syngas derived from biomass for the advancement of an integrated highly efficient and selective BTL process.


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