Multiple objectives policies for biofuels production

Environmental, socio-economic, and regulatory issues

C. De Lucia     University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy


This chapter illustrates and discusses main objectives of biofuels policies viewed under multidirectional effects on economy, energy, and environment. The analysis touches multiple effects of biofuels production and use such as the need for guaranteeing energy security and supply, environmental protection and land-use change, the expansion of rural areas and food safety, and the increasing institutional support for biofuels policies, including the contribution of these to climate change mitigation.


Biofuels; Climate change mitigation; Feedstock; Land use; Rural development

2.1. Introduction

Since their introduction in the supply chain, biofuels contributed to the reduction of carbon emissions (Bergthorson and Thomson, 2015; Su et al., 2015). It is this evidence, together with advances in technological progress for renewables use and recent development of renewable energy policies, which suggests that governments adopt new practices to enhance the agricultural sector. A renovated agricultural system was launched for biofuels feedstock production. This, in turn, served as a stimulus for countries facing current unbalances for imported energy commodities to search for new energy supply and security initiatives. Additionally, current biofuel feedstock production and future bioenergy and biorefinery practices are instrumental in the enhancement of rural development and the creation of further policy tools in the biofuels industry, as well as the agricultural sector. This picture is nonetheless without drawbacks. The positive and negative synergies occurring across a multitude of biofuels objectives should be carefully addressed. The aim of this chapter is to illustrate and discuss main objectives of biofuels policies viewed under multidirectional effects on economy, energy, and environment. The chapter is organized as follows: Section 2.2 illustrates biofuels and bioenergy seen as energy security and supply; Section 2.3 discusses environmental and land-use issues linked to biofuels practices; Section 2.4 emphasizes the risk for food safety and the need for using marginal areas for biofuels activities; Section 2.5 describes current biofuels policy support and delineates future scenarios for climate change mitigation; finally, Section 2.6 concludes the chapter.

2.2. Energy security and supply

In the current post-2008 global economic crises, the implementation of energy security and supply policies should be seen as a short-/medium-term goal worldwide. Rich and industrialized countries driving their economies on fossil fuels, oil products, and derivates are experiencing a shortage of finite resources with a consequential high risk of depletion and exhaustion. In addition, intensification of trade in oil commodities creates trade unbalances in countries that are strongly dependent by energy-imported commodities.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA at www.irena.org), founded in 2009, has put into practice the idea of combining the efforts of many governments around the world to cooperate on renewable energy policies, financing, and technologies. Nowadays, the Agency counts 143 members plus 29 countries in accession. The main mission of the IRENA is to create cooperation and synergies at a global scale to enhance technology and strengthen innovation by means of knowledge-sharing initiatives, enabling policies advances across countries and at all level of governance, as well as contributing to the common goal of energy safety and supply achieved with the use of renewable energies.
The first study worldwide dealing with renewable energies is REmap 2030 (www.irena.org/remap), which is a plan aiming at doubling the use of renewable energies at a global level by 2030. The study addresses bioenergy issues in 26 countries that are representative of three-quarters of actual energy demand. The main finding of this study is that these countries would reach and surpass the targets of global renewable energy share by 30% by 2030, given the present available technology. This target can also be achieved by considering investments in renewable energies in the key energy intensity sectors such as buildings, transport, industry, and electricity. Furthermore, the transition to this new economy using 30% of renewable energies and taking into account socio-economic benefits can be attained at minor additional costs. Finally, the global roadmap will enable countries to reduce CO2 emissions by 8.6 Gt by 2030 and contribute defense against climate change (IRENA, 2014).
In a number of countries regulation is currently being adopted or under scrutiny to favor energy supply and safety. The following description will focus on the European Union, United States, Brazil, and China.

2.2.1. European Union

In the European Union, a new set of energy regulations are changing current and future scenarios of energy use and supply. The Commission Directive 2009/28/EC on the “Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources” abolishes the previous Biofuels Directive (Commission Directive 2003/30/EC) and the Commission Directive 2001/77/EC on electricity from renewables. The new legislation body put in place an exclusive framework for renewable energy production within Member States. In particular, the Directive sets reference values of energy from renewables computed from estimates of gross final demand by 2020. These reference values correspond to the achievement of the European Union “20–20–20” strategy, which is a fundamental, voluntary policy adopted in March 2007 by the European Commission to further attain the goals of the Kyoto Protocol. The 20–20–20 policy establishes by 2020 to reach a target of 20% reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) by using 20% renewables. Given this ambitious scenario, Member States are committed to set their shares of energy from renewables ranging from 10% to 49% in Malta and Sweden, respectively (European Commission, 2015a) and create measures to promote the development of a competitive energy market ensuring access to electricity network from renewables. In July 2015, the EU has launched consultations with stakeholders to redesign either the internal electricity market or the risks linked to safety of electricity supply (European Commission, 2015b).
The Directive 2009/28/EC also promotes biodiversity protection of threatened species in those lands where biodiesel and bioliquid production would have negative impacts on flora and fauna. Raw materials used in biodiesel and bioliquid production should therefore achieve the status of “sustainable,” by competent bodies, before being processed. In the longer term, the 2007 Renewable Energy Road Map (European Commission, 2007) specifies the adoption of a minimum 10% consumption of biofuels in the transport sector. Biofuels use in the transport sector would contribute to 14% of total market fuels (corresponding to about 43 million tons of Equivalent Oil) and the share may increase from either current bio–ethanol production in Sweden or biodiesel production in Germany and other European Union countries or other feedstock such as ethanol from straw, rapeseed oil, palm oil, and second-generation biofuels mainly obtained from wood processes (De Lucia, 2010).
However, the recent modification to the Directive 2009/28/EC, approved on the last April 2015 by the European Parliament, limits the biofuels production in the transport sector grown on agricultural land to 7% (Global Agricultural Information Network, 2015). Should the EU Council confirm the Parliament's vote by the end of 2015, the new regulation will be adopted by all EU Member States by 2017. The main effect of this new legislation is for first-generation bioethanol and biodiesel production to continue growing by a maximum of 65% by 2020, should current gasoline use remain at actual levels. There is the need to strengthen current financial structures to push the taking off of second-generation biofuels, particularly for the commercialization of cellulosic bioethanol (Global Agricultural Information Network, 2015).

2.2.2. Brazil

Over the last decades, Brazil has become one of the major biofuels producers. Although regulation on biodiesel entered into force in 2004, Brazilian production of biofuels is mainly centered on ethanol from sugarcane. Contrary to biodiesel, ethanol has been processed since 1975, which makes Brazil the second largest producer for transport fuels over a 30-year period. The abundance of land and proper climate conditions for sugarcane production, and the possibility of transport subsidies ensuring full ethanol distribution within the country, is an asset for the evolution of such industry. Several reasons have been adopted in favor of governmental support for biofuels in Brazil. These vary from purely economic–profit oriented ones to those including environmental concerns, energy security, and rural development. Energy safety was encouraged since the oil crisis during the 1970s, when Brazil had to overcome national debt crisis by borrowing foreign capitals. Ethanol production was then seen as a safe way to reduce import and interest costs. Parallel to the expansion of the ethanol industry, major employment creation occurred in the biofuels sector, favoring the expansion of unskilled workers in rural areas and the formation of more than 60,000 small-sized farmers countrywide (Moreira, 2006). The success of the Brazilian experience also lies behind a direct or indirect connection with several synergies, such as those with other economic sectors. In this case, established relationships with the sugar, electricity, and heat-production markets are relevant to address. The sugar market played a primary role in driving the ethanol growth within and outside the country. On the supply side, the degree of price elasticity between sugar and ethanol (eg, 0.20; Elobeid and Tokgoz, 2008) and the international volatility of sugar prices pushed Brazilian farmers toward ethanol production. Productivity of the ethanol sector also rose substantially to more than 100% (Moreira, 2006) during the 25-year period from 1975 to 2000. The electricity and heat-production industry were also fundamental to boosting biofuels production, as these served both the internal and foreign markets with using by-products from sugarcane. In Brazil, the production of electricity from sugarcane by-products has sharply increased since 2010 (Lopes Silva et al., 2014). The Brazilian government played an active role for the enhancement of the biofuels industry. In particular, it provided incentivizing measures (see also Section 2.5) throughout the entire biofuels chain production (including support to technological advances in the sector) and to final end users. Most of all, the establishment of a transparent institutional framework has guaranteed full competitiveness within markets. However, it was not until recent years, where consumer habits for switching fuels engine cars increased rapidly, that ethanol production took off considerably. In 2006, 75% of new cars' models were produced with fuel–switch technology engine. In 2010, Brazil accounted for 314 sugar mills for the production of green electricity, and the government projections show an increase of 65% to exported energy by 2019 compared to 2010 (Empresa de Pesquisa Energetica, 2010).

2.2.3. United States

Under Obama's presidency, the United States (joint world leader of biofuels production with Brazil) has experienced a revision of its Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) policy (Environmental Protection Agency, 2010) adopted under the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) in 2005 and 2007. The 2010 and beyond EPA program on Renewable Fuels released by the President's Biofuels Interagency Working Group (2010) adopts a strategic approach to optimize and integrate biofuels production development at all levels. This ensures coordinated measures for research, demonstration, and commercialization phases, and guarantees coherence and efficiency of management across government funding, farmers, and companies. Also, to ensure management efficacy in the biofuels industry, the creation of a small management team proposes to establish deliverables and corrective measures to keep projects on track, monitoring results throughout the entire biofuels supply chain and report progress works to the Biofuels Interagency Group. The reinforcement of the biofuels supply chain management is also established by the involvement of federal departments such as the Office of Science for research issues; the Feedstock Development and Production units at the USDA addresses environmental, economic, and educational concerns for biofuels chain; the Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy assists the setting up and development of pilot projects; and other departments at EPA and USDA aim at monitoring and working on regulatory procedures, sustainability issues, policy support, and technical assistance. The success of deliverables and targets to ensure a continuum in the biofuels chain management will be achieved through an integrated participatory approach across stakeholders, agencies, and departments. EPA's approach to biofuels management is defined as an integrated view on economic, environmental, and social aspects. EPA's strategy is also by pursuing first- and second-generation biofuels developments, together with boosting third-generation biofuels advances through financial support actions, feasibility studies, technological improvements, and new markets for corn-based ethanol productions. Finally, to meeting a sharp growth in the short term over the period 2014–2016, EPA has proposed new renewable fuels (cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel) volumes. At the end of public consultations, EPA will finalize its proposal by the end of November 2015 (Environmental Protection Agency, 2015).

2.2.4. China

China has become the first energy consumer worldwide and largest CO2 emitter (Hua et al., 2016). In November 2014, the Chinese government announced cutting the peak in CO2 emissions earlier than the expected year 2030 by employing a renewable energy policy increasing the share of renewable energies by about 20% by 2030 (WNN, 2014). Biofuels and biomass are expected to play a relevant part in the design of the Chinese renewable energy development plans by 2020 as shown in Table 2.1. This is mainly due to the series of strategies to promote the development of biomass and biofuels within the country and the implementation of incentives to encourage biomass, bioethanol production, and straw (China Renewable Energy Information Portal, 2012).
Supporting measures to bioenergy developments in China mainly focus on feedstock. China 973 and 863 Programs and S&T Support Program favor micro-algae production and bioethanol from sweet potatoes for the expansion and commercialization of biomass liquid fuels (Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, 2015).

Table 2.1

Renewable energy development plans in China in 2010, 2015, 2020

Year 2010Year 2015Year 2020
Total installed capacity of biomass power (MW)5501300300
Biomass solid fuels (10,000 t/year)30010005000
Biogas (billion m3/year)140220440
Non-food bioethanol (10,000 t/year)180350–4001000
Biodiesel (10,000 t/year)50100200


Reproduced from Su, Y., Zhang, P., Su, Y., 2015. An overview of biofuels policies and industrialization in the major biofuel producing countries. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 50, 991–1003.

2.3. Emission reductions, land use, and other environmental impacts

There is a wave of debate whether biofuels production and use effectively reduce carbon emissions. Undoubtedly, the universal answer does not exist yet. To assess environmental effects of GHG reductions, one should consider the combined net effects of the energy technology associated with biofuels, carbon emissions, land conversion, and agricultural production. These lead to two types of effects: GHGs reduction from land conversion for biofuel feedstock production (direct impact) and GHGs reduction from off-site land conversion for biofuels feedstock production (indirect impact). Accounting for these effects creates the opportunity to measure direct and indirect emission reductions for policy makers and obtain, as precisely as possible, a picture of the regulation's potentials on biofuels production. It is crucial, for example, given that the majority of policy support is in the form of a subsidy, to understand and evaluate all net benefits conveyed from biofuels feedstock production (and consequent biofuels use) on GHGs to efficiently assess the subsidy rate.
Current debate mainly focuses on the assessment of indirect effects. These are more difficult to quantify given that an increased dependence from biofuels (in particular first-generation biofuels) would increase the demand for land to meet the requirements of off-site land conversion. As a consequence, significant zero (or negative) net impacts on climate change (ie, in terms of increasing GHG emissions) would result. The risk of considerable carbon emission coupled with land-use has been, until present, mostly ignored. Few studies (Hill et al., 2006; Zah et al., 2007; Searchinger et al., 2008; Schmer et al., 2015) assess the magnitude of increasing emissions from land-use changes and there is still concern on the quantification issue for indirect effects. Substantial efforts are required to address the correct measurement of indirect effects on GHGs of land-use changes for biofuels feedstock production. The conversion of land for agricultural activities (ie, from forests to agricultural lands) undergoes considerable losses of carbon through time because this is released at consecutive stages during the conversion process. Positive net carbon costs would be obtained with the benefits arising from displacement effects of fossil fuels emissions gained over new land-use for biofuels production. However, since time plays an important part when computing net benefits, a “justified” period of time consisting of the lifetime of indirect effects of land-use changes helps the decision maker to regulate land-use issues. Some studies (Righelato and Spracklen, 2007) consider a 30-year time a justified period for indirect effects to occur. This is based on the average time frame of ethanol plants and, as a consequence, the land change occurs as long as 30 years when ethanol feedstock production most probably takes place. Other studies (Renewable Fuels Agency, 2008) consider the payback period (the time that land conversion needs to give positive GHG impacts) of biofuels production, arguing that most carbon effects are intensified during the first 10 years of land conversion because the release of carbon is more sensitive. Marshall (2009) argues on two time periods for the lifetime of the biofuels feedstock production: the first is a “project horizon,” the effective time period needed for biofuels feedstock to grow on a specific (converted) land; in essence, the time for which the converted land is planned to be used for feedstock production. This period could also be shortened or amplified according to changes occurring in biofuels technologies or at policy level (ie, changes in the subsidy rate). The second is the “impact horizon,” which considers the environmental aspect (carbon emissions) over the converted land for biofuels feedstock production. This would not necessarily be as long as the project horizon time-span because its effects are generally prolonged over time. In fact, GHG reductions linked to biofuels production terminate as soon as the biofuels production (on that land) ceases; the consequent emission reductions still remain in place (Marshall, 2009). It is important to know the distinction of these two time effects to assess effective policies for adequate land use. Knowing about the length of time for project and impact horizons would also mean recognizing economically viable biofuels land-use changes and, consequently, setting efficient carbon emission strategies.
A similar issue to consider for measuring net indirect effects of land conversion is an “efficient” discount rate for comparing the outcomes of various projects for land-use changes into biofuels activities. Some (Howarth, 2005; Charles et al., 2013) argue against high discount rates, which reflect time uncertainty for future outcomes in investments for biofuels activities. Others (Marshall, 2009; Ripplinger et al., 2012) assert that discounting functions should also be seen under a physical carbon-content perspective. The aim is that comparisons across investments activities for setting up biofuels productions should also be performed such that environmental considerations for payback mechanisms are consistent with sustainable practices.
Other environmental impacts of biofuels production can be found in numerous life-cycle assessments, mainly for biodiesel, in the transport sector (Booth et al., 2005; Bozbas, 2008; Nanaki and Koroneos, 2012). These studies normally conclude with recognizing the positive effects in terms of GHG emission reductions. Recently, life-cycle assessments are also of concerns for environmental effects from algae fuels (Slade and Bauen, 2013; Quinn et al., 2014; van Boxtel et al., 2015; Trivedi et al., 2015). As for other pollutants, biodiesel and ethanol production also produce zero emissions in terms of sulfur dioxide (which, in general, are emitted during the burning of fossil fuels). Relevant reductions can also be seen in terms of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (Schmidt, 2004; Nwafor, 2004; Millo et al., 2015). The literature seems controversial about the effects on nitrogen oxides and dioxides (Bergthorson and Thomson, 2015). Nitrogen oxide emissions in vehicles using biodiesel engine are found at slightly higher levels than those in conventional diesel engine. However, a modification of the engine would reduce these levels and the negative effect could be considered of no relevance (Booth et al., 2005; Jedynska et al., 2015). Nitrogen dioxide emissions would instead occur from biofuels feedstock processes as well as potential effects on ozone layer (Franke and Reinhardt, 1998). In a recent study by Winchester et al. (2015), advanced biofuels would have small impacts on aviation emissions (including nitrogen emissions).
Feedstock processes either for biodiesel or for ethanol production also present three further environmental effects such as fertility of soils, biodiversity, and hydrological impacts (Kartha, 2006). Extended agricultural practices also affect increases of indirect emissions of carbon as well as other dangerous GHGs (eg, NOx) and contribute to deforestation and biodiversity losses.
Large use of monoculture for biofuels production also has an impact on the excess use of fertilizers and pesticides on the environment. Biofuels feedstock production significantly affect the ecosystem, either boosting biodiversity or threatening existing species and the natural habitat. Bunzel et al. (2015) assess a model for pesticide excess from energy crops. The authors analyze six energy crops such as maize, potato, sugar beet, winter barley, winter rapeseed, and winter wheat and, through the use of a GIS technique, assess the biodiversity risk for aquatic invertebrates. The main conclusions suggest that potato, sugar beet, and rapeseed present a higher ecological risk to aquatic invertebrates than maize, barley, and wheat. The authors finally suggest that given that maize has a lower ecological risk from pesticide pollution, its cultivation could be preferred compared to other monocultures for biofuels purposes. Also, the use of set-aside lands for biofuels feedstock production causes, for example, drawbacks in terms of water pollution (because of the use of fertilizers and pesticides) and local biodiversity. On the other hand, biofuels production offers a good example of biodiversity protection compared to other conventional agricultural practices. In several countries (Brazil for example), existing regulation requires leaving proportion of lands in natural flora and fauna to preserve biodiversity losses (Turley et al., 2002). Robertson and Doran (2013) add an important contribution to the role of biofuels and biodiversity protection. The authors suggest several strategies against energy sprawl debate. First, lands for biofuels production should not include areas providing ecosystem services. Second, to preserve landscape at best, best management practices should be identified and applied on the entire biofuels chain. Third, set-aside programs could consider buffer natural areas around main crop lands to protect biodiversity. A number of challenges are placed for biofuel productions and the management of soil fertility. First, the possibility of recycling for small organic and plant nutrients. Current agricultural practices (in particular in developing countries) for soil management depend on the crop wasted. Second, feedstock nutrients can be retrieved during land conversion processes and applied to the crop field for biofuel production. Finally, hydrological effects are also important. Some bioenergy crops require the same amount of water irrigation as food crops (ie, sugarcane). Best agricultural practices should avoid water infiltrations of water wastes to guarantee an efficient growth of bioenergy crops (eg, use of marginal or uncultivated agricultural lands) (Miyake et al., 2015).

2.4. Food safety and development of rural areas

At the heart of current debate on biofuels markets, the development of rural areas and food safety issues are of great concern. When considering the nexus between biofuels and rural development, four main aspects are representative in current literature: (1) social benefits of biofuels policy; (2) food security versus land management; (3) public sector intervention; and (4) the enhancement of second-generation biofuels from non-food crops. Dufey (2006) offers a comprehensible tour of social benefits of biofuels production accruing in developing as well as developed countries. Recently, Raman et al. (2015) add social values to biofuels production.
In general, employment generation in rural areas is mostly dependent by the type of crop used for biofuels production (eg, sugarcane), although this should be seen according to market structure and income distribution. Given that agricultural production in rural areas is mostly labor-intensive, extra demand of agricultural products is likely to increase wage and employment. Relevant effects on job creation are in fact significant either by employing feedstock conversion practices or by acquiring feedstock locally. Small-sized farmers could accelerate multiplier income effects (Hazell and Pachauri, 2006; Huang et al., 2012). As a consequence, increased liquidity in local markets would have positive repercussions on the economy of rural areas. In Brazil or in the United States, for example, while large firms control the bioenergy industry, small-sized growers (in developing countries that are organized in cooperatives) represent an important link between large corporations and independent farmers.
Raman et al. (2015) look at incorporating social-value dimensions in the assessment of second-generation biofuels (ie, lignocellulosic biofuels). Based on expert knowledge approach and a social-innovation model, the authors conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders in the United Kingdom to assess potential impact and challenges of lignocellulosic biofuels in the socio-economic context. Main findings suggest that human health impacts are not currently taken into account in the international debate of liquid biofuels; also, more attention should be devoted to ownership issues (ie, size of land, size of ownership) in the management of lignocellulosic–biorefinery model. The authors also suggest disclosing biomass energy-distribution issues and creating partnerships between multinational enterprises and local farmers to overcome or reduce the gap between regulations at various levels.
The second aspect of biofuels policy is the question of food safety versus land management. Rosengrant et al. (2006) model (with the use of the IMPACT model developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute at Consultive Group on International Agricultural Research–GIAR) the interactions between the demand of land for biofuels feedstock and the demand of land for food purposes and analyze how these interdependences affect food commodities and prices. The authors consider three main scenarios: (1) a massive growth in biofuels and no changes in productivity, (2) the use of second-generation biofuels in current agricultural practices, and (3) considerable biofuels growth with changes in agricultural productivity and a switch to production of second-generation biofuels. Results suggest in case (1) a remarkable increase in food prices causing sizable losses in rural areas in developing countries. The need of subsidizing biofuels would then occur with consequent distorting mechanisms due to unproductive agriculture and bioenergy sectors. In the second scenario (2) a change in technology would increase food price but at a lower rate compared to the first scenario. Finally, the last scenario (3) shows that a combination of technology improvements and productivity increases would alleviate shocks in food prices and favor the growth of small-size farmers devoted to the supply and development of local markets.
The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (2008) argues on competition of land for food versus land for biofuels feedstock. In principle, higher food prices would not automatically damage poor people. Rather, increases in food prices could be seen as income generator for farmers working in poor rural communities. This vision is not, however, totally shared by a number of researchers (Naylor et al., 2007; Goldemberg, 2008) and institutions (the World Bank, 2008). In particular, Goldemberg (2008) recalls that the problem of land competition over food and biofuels productions should be seen as a problem of food safety versus climate issues. The entire “food question” is the consequence of a renewed interest in the agricultural sector because of the ease of profits in biofuels energy productions.
Naylor et al. (2007) argues on the increasing rate, over the last years, in demand for energy commodities as income rise. This scenario would determine increases in real energy as well as food commodities prices reversing, in the latter case, what was once the long-term declining trend in agricultural prices. The volatility of food prices causes strong impacts on undernourished populations, who typically spend almost their income in food commodities. Linkages between food and energy prices are inevitable. While these were once seen in terms of agricultural energy inputs, in the present day these could be determined by the revenue prices of feedstock for biofuels productions required to cover production costs. At an international level, these relationships would be most difficult to determine given a number of determinants affecting food and energy prices, such as the demand elasticity of agricultural commodities, national policies over land management for biofuels and food crops, and the presence of institutional support to incentivize biofuels productions. Recently, there are only a few quantitative models explaining international transmission of price volatility for biofuels and agricultural commodities (Abdulai, 2000; Conforti, 2004; Schmidhuber, 2006; Peri and Baldi, 2008; Hertel and Beckman, 2010; Algieri, 2014), and these focus either on national case studies (ie, Ghana, Iran, Italy, United States), or selected agricultural crop and biofuels commodities. A recent study by Abdelradi and Serra (2015) assesses the link between European rapeseed oil, biodiesel, and Brent prices. Rapeseed price-volatility seems greatly affected by biodiesel prices, which in turn affect food commodities. The authors conclude that in Europe, this cycle is counterbalanced by the effect of the Euro/dollar exchange rate. A further implication occurs between shipment aids (from richer countries) and food prices (Falcon, 1991; del Ninno et al., 2007). Countries relying on food aid (ie, Sub-Saharan or Southern Asian countries) are subject to substantial domestic critical effects (ie, production and land availability, internal market prices instability, government responses) in the presence of global food price peaks such as that occurred in 2008. The consequences on world food safety are also recognized by the World Bank (World Bank, 2008). Generally, when food and energy prices peak (Fig. 2.1), this causes important macroeconomic effects, mostly on domestic economies. Inflation, for example, hits developing economies that fight to keep inflation rates between 5% and 7% (Fig. 2.2). The same countries also experience fluctuations in inflation rates.
Worsening of balance of payment also causes a reduced capacity of developing countries to sustain (by reducing official reserves) import exposure in the immediate future. Most emerging economies still show relevant risks (although these have decreased since 2014) in potential output growth (International Monetary Fund, 2015).
Figure 2.1 Commodity price indexes in nominal terms. Author's elaboration on World Economic Outlook Database, International Monetary Fund, 2009. World Economic Outlook Database. Available from: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2009/02/weodata/index.aspx (accessed 15.03.10.).
Figure 2.2 Inflation rates for selected economies. Author's elaboration on World Economic Outlook Database, International Monetary Fund, 2009. World Economic Outlook Database. Available from: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2009/02/weodata/index.aspx (accessed 15.03.10.).
Furthermore, when emerging economies are also energy-intensive importers, a damaging effect of terms of trade contributes to exacerbate their institutional and economic vulnerability. Pressures on wages and other costs become inevitable for such institutions where fiscal and monetary policies are too vulnerable concerning food and energy price fluctuations. This and the rising of income inequality (including the aggravating of poverty) in developing countries asks for immediate implementation of adequate policies.
G8 as well as the United Nations countries agreed on a number of initiatives: (1) a continuous support to fund the World Food Program in addition to the provision of financial and technical assistance for the supply of agricultural commodities; (2) in a longer-term perspective, investments in agricultural and rural infrastructures to guarantee market access especially in African, South Asian, and small-island countries (Negash and Swinnen, 2013); (3) enhancing technological investments in developing as well as developed countries for second- and third-generation biofuels from cellulose based ethanol and algae products (Lee et al., 2015); and (4) to promote the reduction in trade tariffs for biofuels commodities and improve the functioning and implementation of international agreements affecting agricultural markets (World Bank, 2008).
A substantial role for the development of rural (and also industrialized) areas and the mitigation of competing food markets when enhancing biofuels activities is the intervention of the public sector. The use of land for biofuels feedstock could have negative impacts on the demand for food commodities, causing food prices to increase due to the scarcity of productive land for food production. Lack of sufficient natural-resource endowments for biofuels crops causes consistent losses, especially in poor areas. Similarly, attempts to alleviate poverty through oil palm plantation may have negative impacts on lands in some Asian countries (Mintz-Habib, 2013). A price increase in food commodities is detrimental to those farmers experiencing a net deficit of food production. Unjustified repercussions on consumer prices would then occur (in rural/poor areas) where elasticity demand to agricultural products is high. To avoid the occurrence of vast social costs, public intervention results a necessary tool that helps to reduce market failures and rebalance trade-offs between food and bioenergy through adequate supporting policies (Hazell, 2006). These can be in the form of incentives: to increase the productivity of food production such that additional land and water can be used for biofuels crops, to convert infertile lands to second-generation biofuels, to use by-products from food production to boost bioenergy commodities, and to remove barriers to trade and obtain the benefits of competitive markets for biofuels commodities at any scale of technology. Supporting policies also guarantee independent and small-sized farmers in less-developed countries the opportunity to process bioenergy commodities at a local level. In addition, the identification of all stakeholders in the biofuels chain becomes fundamental when setting policy targets in the food sector at national level. The Brazilian example is a success. First, for the recognition of new demand in environmentally-friendly automobile industry through the use of ethanol fuels; second, for setting subsidies to enhance economies of scale in the agricultural as well as the automobile sector; third, for integrating the private sector in the public management for electricity supply from bioenergy products; and fourth, for creating new stimulus to rural activities employed in biofuels production.
There exists a link between developed and rural areas for biofuels production. Large-scale biofuels activities in developed countries may reduce the export of food products, pushing the prices of these goods up. This would in turn positively affect rural areas in developing countries benefitting of higher net surpluses in food commodities. Contrarily, higher world prices would also mean scarcity of food products for poor households living in rural areas. When this negative effect is counterbalanced by higher employment and income perspectives in the biofuels industry, the net impact at aggregate level generates economic growth led by the agricultural system. From this perspective, biofuels chain can make a substantial role to combat poverty and improve food safety. The production of energy from bioenergy crops, together with the sustainable use of local resources, could result in higher standards of living for the rural society as a whole. Additional energy resources to the local community would finally contribute to the local development of rural economic activities, including agricultural enhancements and food security.
A final aspect to discuss concerning the link between biofuels/bioenergy and rural development is the enhancement of second-generation biofuels. Studies on jatropha production in African countries (Venturini Del Greco and Rademakers, 2006) are currently in support of several benefits at community level, although these benefits could possibly be achieved under certain circumstances (Bryant and Romijn, 2014). The benefits derive from an integrated approach run by public enterprises (and managed by private firms) to jatropha production such as electricity consumption, milling services, additional oil for sale purposes, and by-products used in soap manufacturing and fertilizer use. Van der Plas and Abdel–Hamid (2005) argue in favor of biofuels from wood production in rural areas in Sub-Saharan African countries. Of relevant interest is the demand of creation from urban centers and the transparency of relationships (contractors, distribution of rents, etc.) between these and rural areas supplying biofuels. The intricate but efficient legal network thus running in these areas contribute either to the enrichment of small farmers' wealth or to the sustainable resource use.
Studies on potential production of second-generation biofuels with limited or no effect on land for food production are also currently under examination in the international debate. Chen et al. (2016) examine the potential development of non-food biofuels in China over the next years. According to these authors, China has about 75–152 million metric tons of biofuel production from agricultural marginal land and forest residues during the period 2015–2030. Chen and Zhang (2015) analyze the potential of sustainable agriculture for biofuels production from non-food lignocellulosic biomass and ecosystem security, thus to improve food access in rural areas. New challenges, opportunities, and sustainability criteria to reduce the land for food versus land for energy debate are finally examined for the African continent (Abilia, 2014; Pradhan and Mbohwa, 2014; Bracco, 2015).

2.5. Biofuels support policies

The increasing support for biofuel production over the last years in both developed and developing countries has been taking shape under a variety of policy tools aiming at several objectives: from increasing biomass, to land conversion, redistribution issues, fuel consumption, fuel and food prices, to cite a few. Subsidies, under various facets across countries, are the most commonly-used measure in support of biofuels production. With a direct subsidy, for example, governments sustain farmers for every unit of biofuels/biomass produced. In the European Union, the United States, Brazil and recently also in China (Chang et al., 2012), and several developing countries, direct subsidies promote the use of set-aside lands for non-food crops cultivation and help reducing various input costs such as fertilizers, feedstock, and distribution (OECD, 2008; Wiesenthal et al., 2009; Su et al., 2015).
To recognize biofuels for emission reductions and improving environmental quality, a GHG credit mechanism in the form of a subsidy is being considered as an instrument to incorporate (credit) that externality in the final price of biofuels commodities. Evidence of distortionary effects of subsidies is nonetheless common in economics such that caution should be used when implementing such tools (Koplow, 2006; Steenblik, 2007; Pacini et al., 2013). The distortion would rise when using subsidies for unproductive investments with consequent market inefficiency (ie, in production, consumption and prices), causing loss of well-being to the society and damaging the natural environment. Further debate considers the potential relationship between crude oil prices and food prices (Tyner, 2007). The economic crisis peaked in 2008 put considerable pressure on primary food prices (ie, corn prices). In this situation, a fixed subsidy rate on biofuels feedstock (ethanol for example) would certainly not help to keep food prices down. Contrarily, subsidizing the biofuels industry increases investments in the sector, causing food prices to rise with damaging repercussions in the economies of the developing world. Tyner (2007) considers alternative policy mechanisms to a fixed per unit subsidy, such as a variable rate linked to crude oil prices, or higher subsidies to enhance third-generation biofuels (ie, cellulose-based ethanol) to reduce agricultural prices and reestablish the balance between land cultivation for food and land for biofuels feedstock. An opposite view can be found in the work of Reboredo (2012), who examines estimates of co-movement between oil and food prices over the period 1998–2011. He argues for a weak dependence between food and oil prices, and that increase in food prices should be seen within the structure of the agricultural market forces.
Other measures than subsidies can be advocated for biofuels production. These are in the form of investments grants (from government and/or public institutions) to ensure that adequate start-up phases for agricultural feedstock conversion and efficient distribution at pumps take place. Furthermore, in the United States and the European Union, forms of fuel-excise tax credit are allowed to biofuels blenders. These can claim the tax credit for the blending content of renewable fuel used in a unit of (fossil) fuel sold. Also, carbon dioxide–excise tax exemption is practiced in support of biofuels commodities consumption. Finally, an additional form to support biofuels use aims at protecting domestic industries through the use of tariffs on imported biofuels goods. This instrument is currently used across a number of countries or block of countries, being more or less damaging on the competitiveness of international trade.
Various support policies are adopted across countries to promote biofuels use. In the European Union, the Commission Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of energy from renewables establishes Member States' shares in renewables required by the Commission by 2020. Renewables shares are illustrated in Table 2.2, as well as biofuels shares in 2007 (European Commission, 2009). As for biofuels, current projections (EurObserv'ER, 2015) in Fig. 2.3 estimates that the European Union can still achieve the targets of renewable fuels under Commission Directive 2003/30/EC, according to each member states' National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP).

Table 2.2

Renewable shares in the European Union

CountryRES share 2012RES share 2011/2012 (average)RES trajectory 2011/2012RES share 2013RES trajectory 2013/2014RES 2020 target
Czech Republic11.410.57.512.48.213.0
The Netherlands4.
Slovak Republic10.410.
United Kingdom4.
European Union14.313.6n.a15.0n.a.20.0


Reproduced from European Commission, 2015. Annex to the report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Renewable energy progress report. COM(2015) 293 final.

Figure 2.3 Current consumption of biofuels compared to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan targets. Reproduced from EurObserv'ER, 2015. Biofuels Barometer. http://www.eurobserv-er.org/category/barometer-2015/.
In order to achieve the desired targets, the EU allows for certain tax measures to promote biofuels use across Member States. Of particular interest are tariffs for ethanol imports. These correspond to €0.10/L for denaturated ethanol and €0.19/L for undenaturated ethanol (Sugarcane, 2015). Although these measures are still seen as protectionist approaches to biofuels production (and therefore a threat to resource access) from developing countries' perspective, biofuels industries in the European Union are relatively “new” (compared to those already in place in Brazil or United States). Furthermore, the latest European Union enlargement and the restructuring of the energy market (and that of Eastern European economies) may be seen as arguments in favor to the use of tariffs on imported biofuels commodities to promote the development of a European biofuels market. Prevalent practices across the European Union are also those incorporating rates into the selling of transport fuels that are comparable to 3.5% of total fuel use in the transport sector from 2010. On average, tax rates on biodiesel and ethanol are currently 50% lower than those applied on diesel and gasoline.
Likewise, in the United States, similar measures are used to support the biofuels chain (including consumption). These can be found in the form of tax incentives for switching-fuel engine cars, or quality standards on fuels. Over the last years, the American public support has turned its attention to third-generation biofuels (eg, biomass/cellulose based biofuels), sustaining numerous projects. Excise tax credits ($1.00/gallon biodiesel tax credit for producers or blenders of pure biodiesel and biodiesel from biomass) and import tariffs are mainly used as instruments for biofuels support across States (U.S. Department of Energy, 2015). The support policy for biofuels in the United States tends to apply low tariffs on imported biofuels commodities. Tariffs on ethanol are, for example, the equivalent of 1.2–2.5% from countries outside NAFTA. Blending practices are also notably applied to favor the reexport of biofuel commodities, in particular to the European Union.
In other countries such as Brazil, China, Japan, or Canada, other specific, but analogous measures, are being implemented. Brazil has long benefitted from tax exemptions, and also blending of ethanol to fossil fuels (ranging between 20% and 25% of ethanol content) is regulated according government resolutions. Lately, biodiesel blending to diesel mandates are in the figure of 2% and 5% from 2013, respectively. On the international side, Brazil will increase (from current 9.25% to 11.75%) a range of federal taxes on a number of commodities including ethanol (Voegele, 2015). China has only recently supported the production of biofuels, although its promotion is still going through an experimental phase. The government, on the other hand, fully supports the distribution losses across the country. Blending with other fuels (enforced at 10%) is in force only in few cities (ie, around 26 in 2006), and substantial subsidies are currently in place, including forms of refund for value added.
Similar to China, the Japanese experience in biofuels production is also experimental and most policies aim at setting targets for biofuels use in the transportation sector only. Canada, on the other hand, is a step forward compared to Asian countries. Compulsory mandates for blending ethanol and biodiesel in fossil fuels range between 2% and 5% content by 2012. At federal level, Canadian government is heavily supporting (CAD 2.2 billion from 2008; OECD, 2008) biofuels production and consumption with additional tax exemption measures, subsidies, and import tariffs (CAD 0.05/L) on biofuels imported commodities.

2.5.1. Climate-change mitigation policies

Agriculture practices are becoming increasingly essential for climate change because of their influential role on carbon sequestration. For example, in cultivated lands, carbon remains captured within the soil; if afforestation or reforestation practices are in place, carbon is subject to long-term sequestration as well as in the case of land or forestry rotation practices. When land is converted for fuel crops, the amount of GHG reductions depends on the net effects that these biofuels feedstock release on the yields (see also Section 2.3). In the occurrence of positive benefits for climate change mitigation from agricultural cultivations, biofuels practices are mostly not recognized by the society. On the contrary, various projects aiming at improving energy efficiency or reducing emissions generated by the industrial sector receive emission credits (permits) under the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. Also, even though the Protocol addresses carbon permits for bioenergy production, current practices accounting for these mechanisms are similar to those for energy generation from grids. This leaves developing countries, where technology level is limited, to remain incapable of contributing to GHG emission reductions and generating income from bioenergy credits. Similarly, afforestation and reforestation accounting practices for carbon payments in developing countries still remain complex to be implemented. These practices, for example, are not yet incorporated into the existing European Union Emission Trading System (ETS). The Kyoto Protocol established three main mechanisms for carbon reductions, such as (1) International Emission Trading System, (2) Joint Implementation (JI) allowing carbon trading projects between developed countries and economies in transitions, and (3) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing the trading of carbon reductions between developed and developing countries. The latter is an essential tool for developing countries to generate carbon credits. However, while most of current projects consist in reducing GHGs from energy efficiency, wind and solar, or biomass energy projects, agricultural land-use change (including biofuels feedstock productions) and afforestation and reforestation activities are still limited and roughly account for 0.5% of total credits issued under the CDM (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2013). Future scenarios may be possible under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and REDD+ (which includes conservation and sustainable management of forests enhancing carbon sequestration) mechanisms (www.un-redd.org/aboutredd). These should include land-use changes (as well as afforestation and reforestation policies) to compensate countries of the carbon credits gained under land conversion (including land conversion for biofuels feedstock and biomass productions).
Similarly, the possibility of developing a carbon trading system for bioenergy activities is under scrutiny. Brazil is moving toward the establishment of a domestic carbon market based on a cap-and-trade system for ethanol. The sugarcane industry believes that numerous advantages for the country exist (Brazil Institute, 2009). First, the system would grant the industry to trade on sugarcane by-products, and therefore providing to capture carbon emissions. Second, it also supports value-added creation, encouraging the international market to purchase differentiated agricultural products and increase the supply chain worldwide. Likewise, Brazil is also pushing toward an afforestation trading system to allow land-use change and forestry management to account for carbon reductions. This argument is based on Brazilian commitment to reduce deforestation by 75% by 2017 and the possibility that the United States could soon adopt a voluntary cap-and-trade mechanism on bioenergy and afforestation. The consequent realization of a bilateral trade between Brazil and the United States on these new carbon markets would decrease carbon emissions and distribute the benefits of carbon credits from bioenergy sources across farmers.

2.6. Conclusions

The present chapter was mainly aimed at presenting a discussion on several objectives of biofuels policies. The analysis touched multiple effects of biofuels production and use, such as the need for guaranteeing energy security and supply to an increasing number of countries that are currently heavily dependent on fossil fuels imports and subject to the effects of international fluctuations in oil prices that affect the domestic economy. Several policies and regulations are now under way in various countries to favor energy supply and safety. At a global level under the REmap strategy, countries are moving toward the adoption of a 30% renewable energy share in world energy use by 2030. The European Union, for example, has also adopted a series of Directives promoting energy from renewable sources (including biofuels) or voluntary initiatives as the 20–20–20 policy to commit to GHG emission reductions. In Brazil, the support of the electricity and heat-production industries favored the adoption of biofuels activities across country, which favored the creation of thousands of small farmers. The United States is also experiencing a revision of its Renewable Fuel Standard policy, allowing the country to establish biofuels targets within the next future. China has recently announced to employ a renewable energy policy and increase the share of renewables by 2030.
Secondly, bioenergy production also contributes to a number of environmental issues other than carbon (and other) emission reductions, such as biodiversity, soil productivity, and land-use change. The debate mainly concentrates on the measurement of indirect effects of land-use change and accounting practices for carbon reduction. Thirdly, the expansion of rural areas and food safety is central to the advancement of biofuels production. The nexus between rural development and bioenergy focuses on three main aspects: social benefits of biofuels policies such as innovation, job, and income creation having positive repercussions on rural communities; public sector intervention and the progression of second-generation biofuels from non-food crops; and food security versus land-management issues. This is at the heart of current debate on food versus energy prices. The international community, through financial aid and support in technological advances, plays an important role in protecting undernourished populations and marginal areas in developing economies.
Fourthly, the increasing support for biofuels policies over the last years has taken place under a variety of tools. Subsidies to the biofuel industries have been instrumental to reach the international success of bioenergy practices, although the presence of distortionary effects on the society advocated by economic theory counterbalance the positive effects (on the economy and environment) arising from biofuels productions. Various support policies are being adopted across countries to promote biofuels use including capital grants, tax incentives, and trade tariffs.
Finally, the contribution of agriculture and forestry conversion to bioenergy crops to climate change mitigation. Currently, positive benefits for climate change mitigation from agricultural biofuels practices are not recognized within international climate change agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol. This would leave developing countries, where technology level is limited, to remain incapable of contributing to carbon reductions and generating income from bioenergy credits. The creation of cap-and-trade systems for bioenergy crops and afforestation and reforestation programs is on the way in various countries for two reasons: to incentivize the sugarcane industry and sell carbon emission credits, and favor the creation of value added. This would support the international diversification of carbon markets and help distributing the benefits of carbon credits from bioenergy sources in agricultural and rural areas.

2.6.1. Future prospects

Several scenarios can be delineated for a biofuels multiple-objective policy approach. Advances in technological research and development and learning processes from past and current experiences indicate that one of the main pathways toward a long-term sustainability of the human and natural environment is a bio-based economy. Several countries have recognized, through recent regulation, that a substantial reduction of oil and petroleum products and renewable energy use should be adopted in order to face increasing demand for energy and mitigate climate change at the same time.
The European Union, for example, is aiming at achieving a reduction of 20% of carbon emissions by 2020, with increasing the use of renewable sources by 20%. It is an ambitious policy given the current economic crisis, unemployment pressures, and restructuring of the economy in new Member States. Nonetheless, the European Union is moving toward an energy efficient market, including the implementation and diffusion of biofuels technologies and products to renovate the agricultural sector and promote bio-refinery installations. The United States is currently experiencing a revision of its Renewable Fuel Standard policy. China is also going forward to a green revolution. The adoption of a strategic approach at all levels of the biofuels production chain would ensure coordinated measures: across governmental departments and agencies in view of economic, environmental, and social concerns; and between research and commercialization phases to converge a multitude of stakeholders' needs. Also, monitoring the implementation of biofuels projects would result in further advantages for the entire biofuels supply industry.
Efficiency in strategic planning is also claimed to improve the assessment of indirect effects of biofuels production and use. These may come in the form of displacement effects of fossil fuels emissions gained over new lands for bio-crop productions which are not taken into account in current carbon-reduction inventories. Furthermore, intergenerational issues (such as discounting rates and time management) are also relevant for valuing life-time effects of biofuels plants over different generations and natural resource use.
Efficient management of biofuels production also aims at rural development in developing countries. The Brazilian experience is a unique case where strong market integration (across the sugarcane industry, electricity supply, and transport sector, for example) and transparent institutional framework have favored the launch of biofuels productions. Replication of this mechanism, including the lessons from Brazilian's learning-by-doing experiences, elsewhere becomes essential to promote agricultural growth, income generation, and biodiversity protection in developing economies.
It is also essential at this stage of the biofuels chain development to sustain technology advances for second- and third-generation biofuels (ie, lignocellulosic). This would aim at reducing current land competition over food versus non-food crops. Current support for research is needed. Either the European Union, the World Bank, or the United States agree that enhancing continuous support for research and development for next-generation biofuels would serve as a key factor to avoid international food crisis and increase energy dependence and carbon emission reductions. From a developing countries perspective (granted that new forms of biofuels technologies are being implemented locally through international financial support) this would also help reduce the dependence from foreign markets in food and energy. A number of macroeconomic, positive impacts would follow, such as improving balance of payment accounts, boosting employment and income generation, and reducing the gap of poverty and income inequalities. The advance of agricultural activities and new forms of biofuels at a local level should also be promoted through reductions in trade tariffs on bioenergy commodities. Efforts in this direction are particularly welcome to improve international agricultural markets.
Support policies for the biofuels industry are crucial for the development of new markets for bio-commodities. Current practices of governmental subsidies do not seem enough to fully support the development of a bio-based economy because of distortionary effects arising when using these incentive mechanisms for unproductive reasons. Government aid is called upon for implementing alternative incentivizing mechanisms to ensure adequate measures for land conversion. Long-term forms of investment grants (either from public or private sources) that are subject to continuous monitoring of land management practices would guarantee the efficiency of bio-based projects and avoid a waste of financial resources.
Finally, land-use practices for bioenergy productions are vital to mitigate climate change. Land conversions for fuel feedstock would produce net benefits to the society in terms of carbon sequestration. Post-Kyoto negotiations should address land-use changes to compensate countries for the credits gained from carbon emission reductions. There exists the possibility of developing a carbon trading system for bioenergy commodities. Brazil is moving toward a cap-and-trade mechanism for ethanol, and voluntary agreements are under way with the United States to adopt a bilateral trade market for carbon credits from bioenergy sources and afforestation activities across farmers. This would not only guarantee the creation of value added for the domestic economy, but also serve as attraction of foreign capitals to invest in agricultural activities in support of a bio-based economy.


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