Algae for biofuels

An emerging feedstock

Z. Suna,1, J. Liua,2,  and Z.-G. Zhou1     1Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China     2Peking University, Beijing, China


Microalgae, or microphytes, refer to a subgroup of algae with microscopic size and high photosynthetic efficiency. In recent years, the exploitation of microalgae as a source of alternative energy has attracted worldwide attention. Properties like rapid growth rates, high biomass accumulation, and great oil productivity, in combination with CO2 capture and recycling capacities, make microalgae the most promising cell factory for biofuel production with significant potential to beat the traditional sources such as agricultural crops. This chapter aims to give a mini review of the recent advances in microalgal oil biosynthesis and downstream technology. Obstacles and future research trends are also discussed.


Biofuels; Feedstock; Mass cultivation; Microalgal TAG; Oil biosynthesis; Production pipeline

22.1. Introduction

To date, fossil fuels including coal, petroleum, and natural gas still serve as the main energy sources; the growing consumption of fossil fuels, however, has led to significant environmental problems. Furthermore, fossil fuels are recognized to be unsustainable due to their depleting supplies. Hence there is an urgent need to explore clean and renewable energies, such as biofuels. Compared with traditional fuels, biofuels are carbon-neutral, contribute to less emission of gaseous pollutants, and are considered environmentally beneficial (Hu et al., 2008).
Currently, the commercial production of biodiesel is mainly from plant oil, which is far below the demand of transport fuels, because huge amounts of arable land are required for the cultivation of oil plants. Taking the United States as an example, if oil palm, a high-yielding oil crop, is used for biofuel production, 24% of the total national cropland would have to be devoted to meet only 50% of the transport fuel needs (Chisti, 2007; Mata et al., 2010). The requirement for huge amounts of arable land and the resultant conflicts between food and oil make biofuels from plant oil unrealistic to completely replace the petroleum-derived fuels in the foreseeable future. In this regard, microalgae, which are believed to possess various advantages over other candidates, have been envisioned as an emerging feedstock for biofuels. Microalgae, also known as microphytes, refer to algae in microscopic size ranging from a few micrometers to a few hundreds of micrometers. The research on algal oil for biodiesel production can be traced back to as early as 1970s, and the main superiorities of microalgae include (1) high oil contents, with some species exceeding 60–70% of the dry weight of biomass, much higher than oil crops; (2) rapid growth rates, much faster than higher plants, whilst the entire growth cycle can be completed within a few days; and (3) a better adaptability to distinctly different environmental conditions from water to land and even in unusual locations such as snow and desert soil, which causes no competition with food for arable lands. Much less land is needed if using microalgae as biodiesel feedstock. According to Chisti (2007), only 2.5% of the existing US cropping area would be sufficient for producing algal biomass to satisfy 50% of the transport fuel needs, which accounts for 0.7% of soybean. These unique properties, in combination with the CO2 capture and recycling capacities, make microalgae a promising cell factory for biofuel production. The key properties of microalgae-derived biofuels, eg, energy density, viscosity, flash point, cold filter plugging point, and acid value, have been proved to comply with the specifications established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (Xu et al., 2006). In this chapter, an overview of the current research progress of microalgal biofuels is presented; obstacles and future research trends are also discussed.

22.2. Microalgal biomass and oil

22.2.1. Biomass

Currently it is estimated that over 50,000 microalgal species exist in nature. They represent a diverse group of prokaryotic (eg, cyanobacteria) or eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms, either in unicellular or multicellular form (Graham et al., 2009). Microalgae are sunlight-driven cell factories, converting CO2 to biomass through photosynthesis. Compared with land plants, they exhibit higher photosynthetic efficiency and grow much faster, completing an entire growth cycle within a few days (Chisti, 2007). As indicated in Fig. 22.1, under specific culture conditions, the fastest-growing species Chlorocuccum littorale has a doubling time as short as 8 h (Ota et al., 2009).
Microalgal biomass can reach as high as 10 g/L depending on algal species and culture conditions. In terms of biomass productivity (biomass density divided by culture time), Chlorella sp. was reported to achieve 0.93 g/L/day (Li et al., 2011a), but most microalgae lie between 0.1 and 0.3 g/L/day. In addition, there are some reports using glucose or other organic carbon sources for heterotrophic and/or mixotrophic growth of microalgae, where much higher biomass density and productivity can be achieved. For example, the heterotrophic Chlorella could accumulate biomass up to 100 g/L with an average volume productivity of 13 g/L/day (Yan et al., 2011).
Figure 22.1 Growth rates of selected microalgal species. The greater the doubling time, the lower the growth rate. Error bars represent the highest and lowest values reported.

22.2.2. Oil content and productivity

High oil content is a key desirable characteristic of a microalgal strain for biodiesel production. Generally, microalgae synthesize a relatively low level of oil under favorable growth conditions, but the oil content can significantly increase under stress conditions such as nitrogen deficiency. Green microalgae produce much higher amounts of oil than other algae (Fig. 22.2). Among the studies reviewed here, the green alga Scenedesmus sp. accumulates the highest oil content (73% of dry weight), which was achieved under nutrient starvation for 11 days (Matsunaga et al., 2009).
Oil productivity is another important indicator. Fig. 22.3 summarizes the oil productivities of selected green microalgae and other algae. Green microalgae have an average oil productivity of 72 mg/L/day, which is much higher than that of other algae (∼30 mg/L/day). According to Fig. 22.3A, Pseudochlorococcum sp. (Li et al., 2011b) has the highest lipid productivity of 290 mg/L/day among the green microalgal strains under photoautotrophic batch cultivation conditions, followed by Parietochloris incisa (153 mg/L/day, Solovchenko et al., 2010), Neochloris oleoabundans (133 mg/L/day, Li et al., 2008), Scenedesmus rubescens (133 mg/L/day, Lin and Lin, 2011), Scenedesmus obliquus (131 mg/L/day, Mandal and Mallick, 2011) and Chlorella sp. (110 mg/L/day, Hsieh and Wu, 2009). In some cases, oil productivity can be enhanced by using continuous cultivation mode (red column in Fig. 22.3). There are some species showing very low oil productivities, for example, Chlorella saccharophila and Dunaliella tertiolecta (Fig. 22.3A). This is because industrial wastewater was used to cultivate these algae, making them grow extremely slowly (Chinnasamy et al., 2010). It is also worth noting that some studies employ heterotrophy to grow microalgae in fermentor without light supply for lipid production, where sugars (eg, glucose) are added as the organic carbon source. Generally, microalgae grown under heterotrophic conditions give much higher lipid productivities than those under photoautotrophic conditions (Miao and Wu, 2006; Liu et al., 2010, 2011).

22.2.3. Fatty acid composition

The characteristics of fatty acids of biodiesel feedstock are of great importance because they determine, to a great extent, the key properties of biodiesel. Properties like viscosity, cold flow, and oxidative stability depend heavily on the composition and structure of fatty acyl esters (Knothe, 2005). Fatty acids are either in saturated or unsaturated form, of which the unsaturated fatty acids may vary in the number and position of double bonds on the acyl chain. The synthesized fatty acids in algae are commonly in medium length, ranging from 16 to 18 carbons. There are some exceptions producing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids as the main components, for example, the green microalga Parietochloris incise produces C20:4 as the major fatty acid that accounts for about 59% of total fatty acids (Khozin-Goldberg et al., 2002), and the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii accumulates C22:6 of around 50% of total fatty acids (Couto et al., 2010). In general, saturated fatty esters possess high cetane number and better oxidative stability, whilst unsaturated, especially polyunsaturated fatty esters have superior low-temperature properties (Knothe, 2008). In this context, modification of fatty esters, for example enhancing the proportion of oleic acid (C18:1) ester, is considered to be a feasible approach toward providing a compromise solution between oxidative stability and low-temperature properties and therefore promotes the quality of biodiesel (Knothe, 2009). Thus, microalgae with a high percentage of C18:1 are preferred for biodiesel production. The fatty acid profile of various Chlorella species is shown in Table 22.1. These data are obtained under specific conditions, and may vary greatly when parameters such as temperature, pH, light intensity, and nitrogen concentration are changed. The major fatty acids in Chlorella are C16:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3.
Figure 22.2 Oil contents of green (A) and other (B) microalgae under nitrogen-replete and -deficient conditions. Error bars represent the highest and lowest values reported. Lipid content is defined as percentage of dry weight. Nitrogen-replete, nitrogen is stoichiometrically balanced where no evidence of nitrogen reduction or depletion in the medium is observed; nitrogen-deficient, nitrogen is completely removed from medium or reduced below stoichiometric concentrations for microalgal growth, either by changing the medium or maintaining a batch culture until nitrogen in the medium is severely depleted. Data are based on studies during the past 5 years.
Figure 22.3 Reported or calculated maximum oil productivity of green (A) and other (B) microalgae under autotrophic conditions. Data are based on studies during the past 5 years.

22.3. Oil biosynthesis in microalgae

Unlike land plants in which individual classes of lipids may be synthesized and localized in a specific cell, tissue, or organ, microalgae produce distinct lipids, including phospholipids, glycolipids, and neutral lipids in a single cell. Neutral lipids, especially triacylglycerols (TAGs) are considered superior to others for biodiesel production, as they are devoid of phosphate and have higher fatty acids content. The synthesized TAGs are commonly deposited in lipid bodies located in cytoplasm of microalgal cells (Rabbani et al., 1998; Damiani et al., 2010). The current understanding of TAG biosynthesis in microalgae is mainly deduced from the well-characterized pathways of fungi and land plants.

22.3.1. Fatty acid biosynthesis

Similar to land plants, microalgae synthesize fatty acids in the chloroplast using a single set of enzymes. As shown in Fig. 22.4, the first step is to generate malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA in the presence of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase). ACCase is a rate-limiting enzyme and represents a key controlling point of carbon flux for fatty acid biosynthesis. The first characterized microalgal ACCase is from the diatom Cyclotella cryptica (Roessler and Ohlrogge, 1993). The malonyl group of malonyl-CoA is transferred to a protein cofactor on the acyl carrier protein (ACP), leading to the formation of malonyl-ACP that is involved in subsequent condensation and elongation reactions. The first condensation reaction is catalyzed by 3-ketoayl ACP synthase III (KAS III), giving rise to a four-carbon product. KAS I and KAS II catalyze the subsequent condensations and finally the saturated C16:0- and C18:0-ACP are produced. The initial product of each condensation reaction is a β-ketoacyl-ACP, which requires three additional reactions of reduction, dehydration, and reduction to form individual acyl-ACP. In recent years, the de novo synthesis of saturated fatty acids has been reconstructed and the related enzymes have been identified in several oleaginous microalgae, including Dunaliella tertiolecta (Rismani-Yazdi et al., 2011), Nannochloropsis gaditana (Radakovits et al., 2012), and Nannochloropsis oceanica (Vieler et al., 2012).

Table 22.1

Fatty acid profile of various Chlorella species

MicroalgaeC16:0C16:1C16:2C16:3C16:4C17:0C18:0C18:1C18:2C18:3C18:4C18:5C20:0Cultural conditionReferences
Chlorella protothecoides14.31.00.322.771.69.7
(Utilizing Jerusalem artichoke)
Cheng et al. (2009)
Chlorella protothecoides12.70.54.366.815.1
(Utilizing sweet sorghum juice)
Gao et al. (2010)
Chlorella zofingiensis22.621.977.381.940.222.0935.6818.467.750.49AutotrophicLiu et al. (2011)
Chlorella vulgaris242.11.324.847.8AutotrophicYoo et al. (2010)
Chlorella sorokiniana25. and Johns (1991)
Chlorella ellipsoidea2644023AutotrophicAbou-Shanab et al. (2011)


Figure 22.4 A simplified illustration of saturated fatty acid biosynthesis in microalgal chloroplast. ACCase, Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; ACP, acyl carrier protein; CoA, coenzyme A; ENR, enoyl-ACP reductase; HD, 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase; KAR, 3-ketoacyl-ACP reductase; KAS, 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase; MAT, malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase.
To obtain unsaturated fatty acids, double bonds are added to the acyl chains by desaturases. Stearoyl-ACP desaturase (SAD) is a well-characterized soluble enzyme, which is localized in chloroplast stroma and catalyzes the insertion of a cis double bond at the ninth position of C18:0-ACP to form C18:1-ACP. A detailed characterization of SAD from Chlorella zofingiensis has been reported (Liu et al., 2012a). The heterologously expressed Chlorella SAD successfully catalyzed the desaturation of C18:0 to C18:1. In addition, it was also able to convert C16:0 to C16:1, although the conversion efficiency was much lower compared with the conversion of C18:0–C18:1, which suggested the substrate preference on C18:0. Some microalgae also produce long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (C20–C22) that are derived from the further elongation and/or desaturation of C18, eg, C20:5 (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA) by Nannanochloropsis (Vieler et al., 2012) and C22:6 (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) by Isochrysis (Liu et al., 2013). The final fatty acid composition of individual microalgae is determined by the activities of enzymes that use these acyl-ACPs as substrates at the termination phase of fatty acid biosynthesis.

22.3.2. TAG biosynthesis

The fatty acids act as the precursors for the synthesis of cellular membranes and neutral storage lipids like TAGs. Among multiple TAG synthesis pathways, the acyl-CoA-dependent Kennedy pathway is a well-characterized one. As shown in Fig. 22.5, acyl-CoAs initially react with the hydroxyl groups in glycerol-3-phosphate to form phosphatidic acid via lysophosphatidic acid. These two steps are catalyzed by glycerol-3-phospate acyltransferase (GPAT) and lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase (LPAAT), respectively. Both GPAT and LPAAT have been identified in microalgae, but the number of gene homologs differs depending on species. For example, C. reinhardtii harbors only a plastidic LPAAT (Merchant et al., 2012) whilst Nannochloropsis oceanica has six additional extraplastidic ones (Vieler et al., 2012).
Phosphatidic acids undergo dephosphorylation to produce diacylglycerols (DAGs) with the presence of phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP). DAGs subsequently accept a third acyl from CoA to give rise to TAGs. This final step is catalyzed by an enzyme uniquely involved in TAG synthesis, namely diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT). Among various enzymes involved in the TAG biosynthesis, DGAT is considered as the primary one in all organisms studied so far (Chen and Smith, 2012). Currently there are three families of DGATs identified in nature: DGAT1 and -2 are the main enzymes responsible for TAG formation in plants, whereas DGAT3 has only been reported in peanuts (Saha et al., 2006), whose exact function remains unclear. Although both DGAT1 and -2 are known as the primary enzymes for de novo TAG biosynthesis, they share no similarities in amino acid sequence and differ in their biochemical, cellular and physiological functions (Yen et al., 2008). In contrast to DGAT1 that is structurally related to sterol: acyl-CoA acyltransferase, DGAT2 has more homology with monoacylglycerolacyl transferases (MGATs) and acyl-CoA wax-alcohol acyltransferases. So far there are very few studies on DGATs in microalgae in spite of the availability of increasing full genomic sequences of microalgae. For example, PtDGAT1 from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum is the only algal DGAT1 that has been biochemically characterized (Guiheneuf et al., 2011). Our research group is currently undertaking research to identify and characterize genes encoding DGAT from the green alga Myrmecia incisa (Chen et al., 2015).
Figure 22.5 Proposed TAG biosynthesis in microalgae. Dashed arrows denote reactions in which the enzymes are not shown. GPAT, glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; LPAAT, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase; PAP, phosphatidic acid phosphatase; DGAT, diacylglycerol acyltransferase; PDAT, phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase; DGTA, diacylglycerol transferase; GDAT, glycolipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase.
In addition to the Kennedy pathway, an alternative pathway which is independent of acyl-CoA may also be found in microalgae for TAG biosynthesis (Dahlqvist et al., 2000). This pathway is mediated by a phospholipid: DAG acyltransferase (PDAT) that transfers a fatty acyl moiety from a phospholipid to DAGs to form TAGs. According to Yoon et al. (2012), PDAT may act as a multifunctional enzyme, possessing both acyltransferase and acylhydrolase activities with a broad substrate specificity. It was suggested that the contribution of PDAT to TAG synthesis in Chlamydomonas was prominent under the favorable growth conditions rather than stress conditions. This indicates that PDAT is essential for membrane lipid turnover with the concomitant synthesis of TAG and may collaborate with DGATs for survival of algal cells under stress.

22.3.3. Lipid bodies in microalgae

TAGs, a minor portion of polar lipids and proteins compose the lipid bodies (LBs). Typically, LBs are thought to be formed at endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which has been well characterized in yeasts and land plants. In microalgae, LBs are also commonly found in cytosol. Fig. 22.6 shows the fluorescence-dyed LBs of certain microalgae. In addition to cytosolic LBs, microalgae also accumulate LBs in plastid (Fan et al., 2011; Goodson et al., 2011). A deep study of microscopic visualization of LBs in Chlamydomonas classified three types of LBs, namely α-cyto-LBs, β-cyto-LBs, and cp-LBs (Goodson et al., 2011).
α-Cyto-LBs are produced in cytosol under nonstress conditions with the size ranging from 250–1000 nm. They serve as the “seeds” for β-cyto-LBs, the larger bodies formed in stressed cells. ER-derived LBs are assembled from TAGs catalyzed by DGATs localized at ER, whilst chloroplast-derived LBs are from TAGs by PDAT or even DGAT. Although all the currently identified Chlamydomonas DGATs lack plastid targeting sequences based on prediction programs, they may reach the outer envelope where DAGs and fatty acids are available. The employment of in situ immunolocalization or fusion reporter gene (eg, green fluorescent protein) may have the possibility to address the localization of DGATs.
Figure 22.6 Microscopic observation of bodipy-stained lipid bodies in selected microalgae. Left panel, bright field; right panel, green fluorescence field. Green fluorescence indicates lipid bodies.
cp-LBs are bodies present in chloroplast, which have only been found in chloroplast of Chlamydomonas starchless mutant (Fan et al., 2011; Goodson et al., 2011). This may be attributed to the fact that blocking starch biosynthesis diverts carbon flux and/or ATP/NADPH to cp-LB production. However, it is not clear whether it also happens in other starch-producing microalgae such as Chlorella.

22.4. Mass cultivation

The outdoor mass cultivation of microalgae started in the late 1940s with almost concurrent launch in the United States, Germany, and Japan. From then on, the mass culture of algae becomes one of the hottest topics in algal biotechnology and many culture systems have been developed for commercial applications. Generally, these culture systems can be simply classified into open and closed systems, and the microalgal cultures are grown autotrophically, heterotrophically, or mixotrophically.

22.4.1. Open pond systems

Open ponds can be grouped into natural systems (eg, lakes and lagoons), artificial ponds, or containers. They resemble mostly closely the nature of microalgae, and serve as the oldest and simplest systems for algal production (Shen et al., 2009). The commonly used forms include raceway ponds, circular ponds, and tanks, of which raceway ponds have received the most attention. The raceway pond system was initially used to culture Spirulina for commercial production and is now also employed for mass culture of many other microalgal strains. A typical open pond is made from poured concrete, or just simply dug into the earth and lined with a plastic liner to prevent the ground from soaking up the liquid. A closed loop and oval-shaped recirculation channels are equipped in open pond systems, where algal cells and nutrients are mixed by a paddle wheel. An open pond usually is shallow (0.25–0.4 m deep) because optical absorption and self-shading by the algal cells limits light penetration through the algal broth (Chisti, 2007).
Usually a relatively low cell density is achieved using the raceway pond system (<1 g dry weight/L). Czech researchers developed an inclined thin-layer cascade system, which is able to sustain much higher cell density (Masojidek et al., 2011). In this system, the turbulent flow of Chlorella cultures on inclined channels is created by gravity; a pump is applied to return the cultures from the bottom to the top of the channels. The system is characterized by the highly turbulent flow, thin layer of suspension (less than 1 cm), and high ratio of exposed surface area to total volume, and thus can achieve dramatically higher volumetric yield (up to 40 g/L) than open ponds (Doucha and Livansky, 2009). However, the overall areal productivity obtained from this system is around 20–25 g/m2/day (Doucha and Livansky, 2009), similar to that of open ponds (20 g/m2/day, Richmond et al., 1990).

22.4.2. Closed photobioreactors

Closed photo bioreactors (PBRs) usually refer to those closed systems in which all growth elements are introduced into the reactor and controlled according to the requirements. There are various categories of PBRs, including tubular reactors (horizontal and vertical), flat panel reactors, vertical column reactors, bubble column reactors, air life reactors, and immobilized reactors. They are made of transparent materials with a large surface area-to-volume ratio so that they can efficiently get the illumination when exposed to sunlight (Ugwu et al., 2008). Artificial light can also be used to grow microalgae. However, due to the cost, it is preferably used for the production of high-value-added ingredients instead of algal oils. Tubular PBRs are widely used for mass cultivation of microalgae. The tubes have very narrow diameters (no more than 0.1 m) so that the sunlight penetration is maximized. For flat-plate PBRs, light path is an important factor to influence the biomass productivity. Liu et al. (2013) conducted the outdoor culture of Isochrysis galbana using the flat-plate PBRs with light paths from 1.9 to 7.6 cm. Results showed that the longer the light path, the higher the areal biomass productivity, suggesting that the highest photosynthetic efficiency occurred in the longest light path PBRs. On the other hand, from a volumetric productivity standpoint, a reverse relationship was evident, with the shorter light path of PBRs resulting in greater volumetric biomass productivity. Generally, the overall biomass productivity of closed PBRs is higher than that of open ponds; however, different algal species may favor distinct culture systems to achieve maximized cell density, biomass productivity, and oil productivity. Comparison between different large-scale culture systems is illustrated in Table 22.2. In some cases, the hybrid culture system, such as the PBR-pond system can be used. In such systems, microalgae are firstly cultured in PBRs for rapid growth and oil accumulation, and then serve as the seed to inoculate in raceway ponds for biomass production.

22.4.3. Heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation

For those microalgal species that can survive in complete darkness, heterotrophic cultivation is available, which uses organic carbon substances as the sole carbon and energy source. Sugars, hydrolyzed carbohydrates, acetate, and glycerol have been demonstrated to be effective carbon sources (Liu et al., 2010, 2012b; De la Hoz Siegler et al., 2011). Compared with autotrophy, heterotrophy provides substantial advantages including high biomass yield and productivity, elimination of light requirement, ease of control for monoculture, and low-cost for harvesting the biomass (Chen, 1996). Mass culture of heterotrophic Chlorella in fermentors has achieved commercial success in Japan, with an annual production of around 1100 tons biomass (Lin, 2005). It has been reported that the heterotrophic Chlorella could achieve up to 100 g/L with an average volume productivity of 13 g/L/day (Yan et al., 2011). Nevertheless, considering the high cost of organic carbon sources, fermentation of algae may be economically viable only for high-value products but not for the low-cost, large-volume commodity products like biofuels.
Many microalgal species are able to grow well under mixotrophic conditions utilizing both CO2 and organic carbons in the presence of light. Commonly, microalgae grow better under mixotrophic conditions than under autotrophic conditions. To boost the biomass production, in some cases, the organic carbons are added into the open ponds and PBRs to achieve mixtrophic production of biomass. However, the microalgal cultures in open ponds supplemented with organic carbons, especially sugars, are susceptible to bacterial contamination. In this context, step-wise feeding could be a better solution. The mixotrophic monoculture is relatively easier to maintain in PBRs than in open ponds. Lee et al. (1996) reported a successful maintaining of Chlorella monoculture mixotrophically grown in a 10-L outdoor tubular PBR in the presence of sugars. Nevertheless, the monoculture failed when scaled up to 300 L, which indicated the critical challenge of microbial contamination in mixotrophic microalgal culture at scale.

Table 22.2

Comparison of the properties of different large-scale culture systems for algae

Culture systemMixingLight utilizationTemperature controlGas transferMonocultureSterilityScale-up
Circular pondsFairFair-goodNoneLowDifficultNoneVery difficult
Raceway pondsFair-goodFair-goodNoneLowDifficultNoneVery difficult
Cascade systemGoodGood-excellentNoneLowDifficultNoneReasonable
Tubular PBRUniformExcellentReasonableLow-highEasyAchievableReasonable
Flat plate PBRUniformExcellentReasonableMedium-highEasyAchievableDifficult


22.4.4. Techno-economic evaluation

To scale up microalgae cultivation for oil production, a number of factors must be taken into account, including reactor design and operation, control conditions, the consumption of energy in the production process, environmental impacts, costs, and so on. Thus, a techno-economic evaluation and comparison of open ponds and PBRs is necessary. To be a viable feedstock for biofuel production, the overall energy balance must be favorable. Many studies used lifecycle assessment (LCA) methods to describe and quantify inputs and emissions from the production process, in which open ponds and PBRs were compared by the net energy ratio (NER) (Resurreccion et al., 2012; Slade and Bauen, 2013). NER refers to the sum of energy for cultivation, harvesting, and drying, divided by the energy content of the dry biomass. Results showed that in most cases, open ponds had an NER less than 1, indicating a positive energy balance achieved. For the cultivation phase in open ponds, the most significant energy demand came from the electricity used to circulate the culture (energy fraction: 22–79%) and the embodied energy in pond construction (8–70%). PBRs demonstrated a less attractive energy balance, the NER was more than 1 (Slade and Bauen, 2013). Another major advantage of open ponds is their simplicity, which leads to low capital costs and low operating costs. On the other hand, open ponds also have intrinsic disadvantages. For example, the utilization of light by microalgae cells in open pond systems is poor, which leads to a low biomass concentration (1000 mg/L) and productivity (60–100 mg/L/day) (Richardson et al., 2012). Besides, the successful cultivation of a single species demands a highly selective environment, which means the specific growth requirements of the given species must be met. Unfortunately, it is difficult to control the cultivation environment in open ponds. As a result, the algae cells are susceptible to contamination with unwanted algal species or organisms that feed on algae. Other major drawbacks of open ponds include rapid water loss due to evaporation, significant loss of CO2, as well as the large amount of land occupied.
Compared with open ponds, PBRs are more flexible and require less space. As PBRs offer maximum efficiency in using light, the biomass productivity is greatly improved. Under the controlled cultivation environment, contamination can be effectively prevented, which makes axenic algal monocultures possible. The issues of evaporation and CO2 loss can also be encountered. However, the control of oxygen accumulation could be a big problem. As photosynthesis generates oxygen, the oxygen level will accumulate in the enclosed space and inhibit the algal growth. Thus, the culture must be periodically returned to a degassing zone where the algal broth is bubbled with air to remove the excess oxygen (Chisti, 2007). In addition, steps like cooling, mixing, and CO2 feeding are all required, which makes PBRs much more expensive to build and operate than ponds. Figure 22.7 shows the idealized scenarios for the production of algal biomass in both systems. It is clear that open ponds demonstrated a better cost performance than PBRs. In this context, a hybrid system has been proposed. The system couples PBRs and open ponds in a two-stage process, using PBRs to produce contaminant-free inoculants for large open ponds. The estimated oil production cost is at 84$/bbl (Huntley and Redalje, 2007).
Figure 22.7 Illustrative costs of algal biomass production in idealized raceway pond and photobioreactor systems. The assumed operating days are 360 days. In the base case, CO2 is assumed to be purchased from the market. In the projected case, municipal wastewater is assumed to be the source of all water and nutrient input and that the source of CO2 is a nearby power plant and assumed to be free. Adapted from Slade, R., Bauen, A., 2013. Microalgae cultivation for biofuels: cost, energy balance, environmental impacts and future prospects. Biomass Bioenergy 53, 29–38.

22.5. Biomass harvesting and dewatering

Microalgal cultures are relatively dilute, especially in open ponds where the cell density is usually less than 1 g/L. Therefore, efficient harvesting of microalgal biomass from culture broths is essential for industrial production. Harvesting is a two-stage process: In stage 1, biomass is separated from the bulk suspension. Its effectiveness can be evaluated in terms of the concentration factor, which is the ratio of the biomass concentration in the final product to the initial concentration in the culture. The concentration factor for this operation can achieve 100–800 times, resulting in 2–7% total solid matter. Stage 2 is thickening. The slurry is concentrated into a thick algal past (Brennan and Owende, 2010).
Biomass harvest is a highly challenging process because of three reasons: (1) The nature of microalgae. Most algal cells are negatively charged so that the formation of aggregates is prevented. Besides, microalgae have tiny cell dimension and similar specific gravity to water, which leads to a very slow sinking rate. These properties make the algal suspension highly stable and difficult to harvest; (2) The biomass concentration. Culture broths are generally diluted and the concentration of biomass is low. Some commercial production systems only have less than 0.5 kg/m3 of dry biomass. Hence large volumes have to be handled; and (3) The cost. The capital requirement is high, especially when the microalgae are cultivated in saline systems (Molina Grima et al., 2003; Pahl et al., 2013).
The most common harvesting methods include flocculation, flotation, gravity sedimentation, centrifugation, and filtration. Flocculation is a preparatory step prior to others. As algal cells are negatively charged, the addition of flocculants, such as multivalent cations and cationic polymers, can neutralize the surface charge. As a result, the particle size can be effectively increased to disrupt the stability of the system and facilitate the aggregation. Ferric chloride (FeCl3), aluminum sulfate [Al2(SO4)3], and ferric sulfate [Fe2(SO4)3] are commonly used multivalent metal salts (Brennan and Owende, 2010). Some researchers found that the effective flocculation may be simply achieved by adjusting the pH of the algal broth (McCausland et al., 1999; Knuckey et al., 2006). Poelman et al. (1997) reported that the efficiency of algal removal was 80–95% when electrolytic flocculation was applied. Flocculation technique can be used to handle large quantities of culture, and it is less energy-intensive than mechanical separation. However, this method alone is not sufficient, and other processes need to be combined.
Flotation is an air/gas-assisted separation process in which air or gas bubbles attach to algal cells, allowing the formation of float on the liquid surface for harvesting. This method can capture particles with a diameter of less than 500 μm (Chen et al., 2011). Dissolved air flotation and dispersed air flotation are the two commonly used flotation techniques. Usually, surfactants such as cationic N-Cetyl-N-N-N-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and anionic sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) are used to enhance the likelihood of microalgae–bubble attachment and thus the flotation efficiency.
Gravity sedimentation is a conventional method which has low efficiency and is time-consuming. It is considered to be only suitable for large particles and can be applied in the algal wastewater treatment system because of the large volumes treated and the low value of the biomass obtained (Nurdogan and Oswald, 1996). Similarly, the method of filtration is also only suitable for the recovering of large microalgae (>70 μm), such as Coelastrum and Spirulina. To recover the smaller microalgae (<30 μm), membrane-based microfiltration and ultrafiltration may be applied (Hung and Liu, 2006; Zhang et al., 2010), but they are more expensive. In short, the selection of a harvesting method depends on the microalgal properties and the final product desired.
The harvesting process generally produces a biomass slurry with a solid content of 20–30%. The concentrated biomass, however, still contains substantial moisture, which can spoil the biomass within several hours if exposed to a hot environment. Therefore, dewatering is an important step to keep the quality of oil. The harvesting and drying processes contribute 20–30% of the total cost of microalgal biomass production (Molina Grima et al., 2003). Sun drying is the oldest method that works well in low-humidity climates. However, due to the high water content of algal biomass, this method is not very effective for algal powder production. Also, it always introduces unpleasant odors and potential bacterium contamination. Other commonly used drying methods include freeze-drying, spray drying, drum drying, and so on (Lin, 2005). Compared with sun drying, they are more efficient, but also more energy-intensive. It is estimated that the removal of 1 kg of water requires over 800 kcal of energy. Thus, dewatering is considered as one of the main economical bottlenecks in the entire process.

22.6. Oil extraction and transesterification

Algae have a tough exterior to protect internal lipids. Therefore, oil extraction is of great importance to biodiesel production. In most cases, oil extraction from dried biomass can be performed in two steps: mechanical rupture followed by organic solvent extraction. This process allows the solvent to significantly penetrate the biomass and to make the best physical contact with the lipid materials. As a result, more than 95% of the total oil present in algae can be successfully extracted.
Mechanical disruption includes pressing, bead milling, and homogenization. When 100–200 g/L of biomass concentrations are used, bead milling is the most effective and economical way (Greenwell et al., 2010). Osmotic shock treatment can also be used to break algal cells for oil extraction, especially suitable for cell-wall-lacking microalgae. It is a sudden reduction in osmotic pressure causing cell rupture and release of cellular components including oil. Ultrasonic-assisted extraction is another approach, where the collapsing cavitation bubbles help cause cell walls to break and release the oil into the solvent. After being mechanically disrupted, the algal cells are exposed to solvents. Bligh and Dyer (1959) procedure, originally designed to extract lipids from fish tissue, has been used as a benchmark for comparison of solvent extraction techniques. A wide range of organic solvents such as benzene, cyclohexane, hexane, acetone, and chloroform have been proved to be effective in treating algal cells, of which hexane is the major solvent used. In some cases, the solvent extraction can be enhanced by using organic solvents at temperature and pressures above the boiling point, which is known as the accelerated solvent extraction (Cooney et al., 2009). Supercritical CO2 is another way for efficient extraction of microalgal oil, but the high energy demand is a limitation for commercialization of this technology (Herrero et al., 2010). The effectiveness between these methods is shown in Table 22.3.
The oil obtained from microalgae usually has a higher viscosity than diesel oil, which cannot be directly applied to engines. Transesterification is needed to reduce the viscosity and increase the fluidity. Transesterification occurs stepwise with the first conversion of TAG to DAG and then to MAG and finally to glycerol. In this process, large, branched triglycerides are transformed into smaller, straight-chain molecules, which are similar in size to the molecules of the species present in diesel fuel (Sinha et al., 2008).
The complete transesterification of 1 mol of TAG requires 3 mol of alcohol, producing 1 mol of glycerol and 3 mol of fatty esters (Fig. 22.8). As the reaction is reversible, alcohol is commonly added in excess in industrial processes to ensure the direction of fatty acyl esters. A number of alcohols can be used as the substrates, eg, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, and amyl alcohol. Methanol is the most preferable one because of its low cost. The most abundant composition of microalgal oil transesterified with methanol is C19H36O2, which has been demonstrated to meet the standard of biodiesel (Xu et al., 2006).

Table 22.3

Some common extraction methods explored in the last decade, and their effectiveness at recovering lipids and lipid products (Mercer and Armenta, 2011)

Extraction methodOrganismRecovered oil (%)Fatty acid (% in recover oil)
Solvent/saponificationPorphyridium cruentum59.5
EPA: 79.5
ARA: 73.2
Bligh and dyer (wet)Mortierella alpine27.6N/A
Bligh and dyer (dry)41.1
Oleic: 49.3
Palmitic: 15.3
SC–CO2Arthrospira (spirulina) maxima2.1GLA: 31.3
Bligh and dyer5.5GLA: 73.0
SC–CO2Nannochloropsis sp.25
EPA: 32.1
Palmitic: 17.8
SC–CO2Arthrospira (spirulina) maxima40GLA: 13.0
SC–CO2Spirulina (arthrospira) platensis77.9
GLA: 20.2
Palmitic: 40.0
SolventPhaeodactylum tricornutum96.1
EPA: 23.7
Palmitoleic: 19.2
UAECrypthecodinium cohnii25.9
DHA: 39.3
Palmitic: 37.9
DHA: 39.5
Palmitic: 38.0
Bligh and dyer (dry)Chlorella vulgaris52.5N/A
Solvent/transesterificationBotryococcus braunii12.1
Oleic: 56.3
Linolenic: 19.0
Synechocystis sp.7.3
Palmitic: 59.2
Oleic: 16.7
Wet millingScenedesmus dimorphus25.3
French press21.2
Bead-beaterChlorella protothecoides18.8N/A
French press14.9
Table Continued


Extraction methodOrganismRecovered oil (%)Fatty acid (% in recover oil)
Wet milling14.4
SC–CO2Crypthecodinium cohnii8.6
DHA: 42.7
Palmitic: 25.3
Bligh and dyer19.9DHA: 49.5
Palmitic: 22.9


SC–CO2, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction; UAE, ultrasonic assisted extraction. ARA, arachidonic acid C20:4(ω-6); DHA, docosahexaenoic acid C22:6(ω-3); EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5(ω-3); GLA, γ-linolenic acid C18:3(ω-6); Linolenic, linolenic acid (C18:3); Oleic, oleic acid (C18:1); Palmitic, palmitic acid (C16:0).

Figure 22.8 Transesterification of microalgal oil to biodiesel. R1–R3 indicate hydrocarbon groups.
A catalyst is needed to facilitate the transesterification. The catalysts can be acids, alkalis, or enzymes. Acid-mediated transesterification (such as sulfuric, sulfonic, phosphoric, and hydrochloric acids) is suitable for the conversion of feedstock with high free fatty acids. However the reaction rate is usually slow, and the equipment could be damaged because of the corrosion by acids. On the contrary, alkali-catalyzed transesterification has a much higher reaction rate, approximately 4000 times faster than the acid-catalyzed one (Fukuda et al., 2001). Therefore alkali is preferred as the catalyst for industrial production of biodiesel. The commonly used alkali catalysts include sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), and sodium methoxide (CH3ONa). For those free fatty acids-containing samples, an acid–alkali two-step transesterification could be the best choice. In addition to acid–base catalysis, enzymes are also widely used for transesterification. For example, the use of lipase has attracted much attention as it produces high-purity product and enables easy separation from the byproduct glycerol (Ranganathan et al., 2008). However, the cost of enzyme is still relatively high and remains a barrier for its industrial implementation. In addition to catalytic transesterification, some noncatalytic transesterification techniques are also available, such as supercritical fluid. Their comparison is given in Table 22.4.

Table 22.4

Application of transesterification technologies (Huang et al., 2010)

Chemical catalysisWell-controlled reaction conditionHigh reaction temperature and complicated process
Large-scale productionSignificant energy needed
Recycled methanolAn installation for methanol recycle needed
High conversionEnvironment polluted by the waste water
Enzymatic catalysisModerate reaction conditionLimitation in the conversion of short chain of fatty acids
Small amount of methanol requiredChemicals existing in the production process are poisonous to enzyme
No pollution
Supercritical fluidEasy to be controlledHigh cost
Safe and fast


22.7. Conclusions and future directions

To date, substantial achievements have been gained in understanding of microalgal oil biosynthesis and utilization of microalgal oil for biofuels. There is no doubt that microalgae represent an emerging source of biofuels that can potentially replace petroleum-based fuels. On the other hand, the current technology-associated production cost of microalgal oil remains very high, making its commercial production far from economically viable. In future, the expansion of the microalgal oil market will depend to a great extent on the significant advances of biotechnology. For example, with more and more microalgae's complete genome sequences elucidated, genetic engineering could be a promising solution. Overexpression of genes involved in oil biosynthesis (eg, GPAT, PDAT, and DGAT) may promote the intracellular oil level. Besides, genetic engineering can also be adopted to alter fatty acid compositions of oil for the improvement of biofuel quality. Other possible approaches to improve the economics of algal biodiesel include the development of next-generation PBR systems with better energy efficiency; the integrated exploitation of oil and high value-added compounds derived from microalgae (eg, pigments and PUFAs); the utilization of low carbon sources (eg, byproducts, or wastes from the industrial and agricultural process) for heterotrophic cultivation giving rise to the enhanced oil-rich biomass, and so on. Breakthroughs and innovations occurring in these areas will greatly expand the production capacity and lower the production cost, driving microalgae from high-value products into the low-cost biofuels market.


The authors acknowledge the “Chen-guang program” supported by Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (13CG52), “Young Eastern Scholar program” at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning (QD2015047), the Special Project of Marine Renewable Energy from the State Oceanic Administration (SHME2011SW02) for providing financial support for this work.


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a These authors equally contributed to this work.

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