8.5. Biodiesel production from microbial oil

The conversion rate of triglyceride to FAME, the composition of biodiesel during transesterification and analysis of biodiesel properties are the main aspects that are investigated in most studies about biodiesel production from vegetable oils (Darnoko and Cheryan, 2000; Dorado et al., 2004; Vicente et al., 2005; Arzamendi et al., 2006). The above parameters are related to the FAME resulting during transesterification and affect biodiesel yield and purity (Vicente et al., 2007). Some studies have been carried out on the optimization of reaction conditions (eg, reaction duration, reaction temperature, agitation, type and amount of catalyst, ratio of alcohol to SCO) for biodiesel production from SCO.
SCO derived from various yeast and fungi should be thoroughly compared with vegetable oils in order to justify the possibility to substitute for the current raw materials used for biodiesel production. SCO-derived biodiesel should conform with the requirements of quality biodiesel standards ASTM D6751 (USA), DIN 51606 (Germany), and EN 14214 (EU). The properties of biodiesel produced from SCO such as density, viscosity, heat of combustion, cold flow properties, flash point, cetane number, iodine index, and oxidative stability are dependent on its chemical composition and structure (eg, unsaturation degree of the methyl-esters, number of double bonds, length, and branching of the carbon chain) (Knothe, 2005). Generally, viscosity increases with increasing length of the fatty acid chain, while a decrement in chain length and an increment in unsaturation degree results in higher density. Cetane number is increased when longer fatty acid carbon chains and more saturated molecules are present. Flash point also increases with highly-saturated fatty acid content, while the opposite phenomenon is observed with iodine value. Oxidation of biodiesel is faster when the available feedstock is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (Jahirul et al., 2013). Direct determination of biodiesel properties is a lengthy and costly procedure that demands considerable amounts of fuel sample (Khot et al., 2012). Consequently, prediction using mathematical models as well as software packages has been developed to measure biodiesel properties from FAME composition (Pratas et al., 2011; Bamgboye and Hansen, 2008; Knothe and Steidley, 2011; Gunstone et al., 2007; Talebi et al., 2014).

8.5.1. Biodiesel properties

Preliminary results indicate that SCO could be regarded as a potential raw material for biodiesel production. Li et al. (2007) claimed that the fatty acid composition of the SCO produced during fed-batch fermentations by Rhodosporidium toruloides could be converted into biodiesel with a cetane number (CN) higher than 51, which meets the minimal CN standards set by ASTM D6751, DIN 51606 and EN 14214. Zhu et al. (2008) reported that the SCO produced by Trichosporon fermentans contained an unsaturated fatty acid content of 64% with a relatively high acid value of 5.6 mg KOH/g. After pretreatment of SCO, transesterification via methanolysis resulted in a methyl ester yield of 92% (Zhu et al., 2008). Thiru et al. (2011) developed a cheap medium, including crude glycerol, corn steep liquor, and recycled yeast for the production of microbial oil by Cryptococcus curvatus. After refinement, the produced SCO was further employed as feedstock to generate biodiesel with a yield of 90%. The acid value (0.47), density (0.879 g/mL), viscosity (5.061 mm2/s), iodine value (59), cloud point (+8°C), and flash point (>120°C) of this SCO-derived biodiesel were in accordance with the internationally established standards, indicating the suitability of Cryptococcus curvatus oil for FAME production.
Duarte and Maugeri (2014) studied lipid production by Candida sp. LEB-M3 cultivated in pure and raw glycerol. The feasibility of biodiesel production by the yeast Candida sp. LEB-M3 was indicated by predicting FAME properties for pure and raw glycerol respectively, including cetane number (56–53), heat of combustion (37–39 kJ/g), oxidative stability (8.58 h), kinematic viscosity (3.82–3.79 mm2/s), density (807–872 kg/m3), and iodine index (74–115.5 gI2/100 g). Leiva-Candia et al. (2015) estimated biodiesel properties produced from SCO derived from Rhodosporidium toruloides, Lipomyces starkey, and Cryptococcus curvatus cultivated on biodiesel by-product streams. More specifically, cetane number (62.39–69.74), lower calorific value (37,393.49–37,561.68 kJ/kg), cold-filter plugging point (4.29–9.58°C), flash point (158.73–170.34°C), and kinematic viscosity (4.6–34.87 mm2/sat 40°C) were determined.

8.5.2. Direct versus indirect transesterification of microbial oil

Transesterification of SCO could be carried out either directly without extraction of SCO from the microbial biomass or indirectly after extraction of SCO from microbial cells. The conventional method for biodiesel production consists of two stages, namely oil extraction from the microbial cell and subsequent transesterification of the microbial oil for its transformation to monoalkyl esters. Prevalent hosts for the scalable production of microbial oil, such as yeasts and fungi, do not excrete their intracellular products to the fermentation broth. Consequently, knowledge of the cell wall structure of the microorganisms is crucial in choosing a suitable disruption or permeation method (Felix, 1982; Middelberg, 1995; Geciova et al., 2002) or a combination of both in the case of particular yeasts strains in which a thick cell wall (with presence of glucans, mannans, and proteins) renders the cells resistant to many solvents. Broadly, methods of disruption are categorized as mechanical (Prabakaran and Ravindran, 2011; Gerde et al., 2012), physical (decompression, osmotic shock, thermolysis), chemical and enzymatic (Jin et al., 2012). Mechanical cell-disruption techniques such as bead milling (Kula and Shutte, 1987) and high-pressure homogenization (Thiru et al., 2011; Samarasinghe et al., 2012; Baldwin and Robinson, 1990) provide the best potential for industrial scale-up, while physical methods have not notably been employed due to their low efficiency (Middelberg, 1995). The primary effective methods for oil extraction, applicable to all types of organic tissues, were developed by Folch et al. (1957) and Bligh and Dyer (1959).
Research has also focused on direct transesterification of SCO for biodiesel production. A successful direct transesterification method will eliminate the need for lipid extraction, reducing the use of solvents and avoiding the potential lipid loss during the extraction phase. Two issues must be considered at this point, namely the high water content of the microbial mass and the presence of lipases at the end of the fermentation, which hydrolyse the intracellular triglycerides, increasing the content of free-fatty acids in the SCO. During the procedure of alkaline catalysis, soap formation through neutralization of free-fatty acids and saponification of triglycerides is triggered due to the presence of FFAs and water, while in the case of acid catalysis, this problem is avoided through esterification of FFAs into their corresponding esters. Liu and Zhao (2007) reported a direct acid-catalyzed methanolysis method that uses oleaginous microbial mass from Lipomyces starkeyi, Rhodosporidium toruloides, and Mortierella isabellina as feedstock for biodiesel production with FAME yield up to 90% and a CN of 59.9, 63.5, and 56.4, respectively. The optimum reaction conditions applied by Liu and Zhao (2007) were 0.2 mol/L H2SO4 at 70°C for 20 h with a biomass-to-methanol ratio of 1:20 (w/v). Vicente et al. (2009), compared the efficiency of direct transesterification with indirect transesterification (lipid extraction was carried out by three solvent systems including chloroform:methanol, chloroform:methanol:water, and n-hexane) for biodiesel production from SCO produced by the fungal strain Mucor circinelloides. The direct transesterification method produced FAME with higher purities (>99%) than those from the indirect process (91.4–98.0%) and a significantly higher yield due to a more efficient lipid extraction when the acid catalyst was present (Vicente et al., 2009). The reaction conditions applied by Vicente et al. (2009) were 8% (w/w relatively to the microbial oil) BF3, H2SO4, or HCl for 8 h at 65°C with a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 60:1. Thliveros et al. (2014) introduced a direct alkali-catalyzed methanolysis method using the yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides Y4. Under the conditions of 4 g/L NaOH, 1:20 (w/v) dried biomass to methanol ratio for a 10-h reaction duration at 50°C, the FAME yield was 97.7%. Koutinas et al. (2014) reported that the production of biodiesel from SCO via indirect transesterification of extracted SCO is a more cost-competitive process than direct conversion of dried yeast biomass.
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