
Technology, economics, and policy issues

P. Morone,  and L. Cottoni     Unitelma-Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Roma, Roma, Italy


Although in the present day fossil fuels account for over 80.3% of the primary energy consumed in the world, their inherent finitude renders them unreliable resources. Moreover, the threat of climate change associated with the rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the consequent concerns for the long-term environmental sustainability of the current economic model has contributed to the emergence of the idea that modern society should move toward a biobased circular economy following an imminent paradigm shift. Research on biofuels is part of this new model, taking into consideration economic, social, environmental, and policy issues that are at stake. In this chapter, we attempt to address this challenging task by trying to understand where we stand (both from a technological and economic point of view) on the way toward this paradigm shift, and how policy and regulation drivers impact on this transition toward a sustainable economy.


Biofuels; Economics; Policy; Regulation; Technology

4.1. Introduction

Significant changes are expected to occur in the near future, and the most notable one relates to the world population that, from 7.2 billion in mid-2014, is projected to increase by almost one billion people within the next decade, and to 9.6 billion in 2050 (United Nation, 2014). At the same time, large and fast-growing economies will experience increasing wealth, with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (ie, the BRICS) leading the change. The BRICS are expected to climb into the top rankings of world gross-domestic product by 2050, with China leading the group ahead of the United States. Other emerging-market countries such as Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey will closely follow this leading group.
Such demographic and economic trends will lead to the so-called explosion in the global middle class, a phenomenon that has been taking shape over the last 10 years but whose pace of expansion is likely to pick up much further, reaching a peak in about a decade. International analysts forecast that two billion people could join the middle class—defined as those earning between US$6000 and US$30,000 a year on a purchasing-power parity basis—by 2030 (Wilson and Dragusanu, 2008).
A major correlation of these trends is higher consumption and a demand for processed food and manufactured goods, which adds pressure to the energy supply system. Per capita income of US$6000 has been identified as the entry income-level that causes energy demand to spike, with the boom in consumer demand laying slightly ahead—US$8000–9000 a year is the threshold above which the demand for higher end consumer durables (such as automobiles) kicks in (Wilson and Dragusanu, 2008). While bearing this in mind, we should recall that although nowadays fossil fuels account for over 80.3% of the primary energy consumed in the world (Escobar et al., 2008), their inherent finitude still renders them unreliable resources: it is recognized that currently known reserves may last as little as half a century—depending, of course, on production and consumption rates (Goldemberg et al., 2008). British Petroleum, for instance, issued in 2014 a report in which it stated that oil reserves at current production rates will last 53.3 years.1 Similarly, according to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, there are 1.3 trillion barrels of proven oil reserve left in the world's major fields, which at present rates of consumption should last 40 years.2 However, the organization also emphasizes that by 2040, production levels may be down to 15 million barrels per day—just 20% of what we currently consume, a scenario that would stretch the expected duration of fossil fuel reserves.
Overarching all these trends is the threat of climate change associated with the rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the consequent concerns about long-term environmental sustainability of population and economic growth. A growing awareness to the intrinsic unsustainability of the current economic model has contributed to the emergence of the idea that modern society should move toward a biobased circular economy following an imminent paradigm shift. This new model of an economy will use biomass as the key input for production and will be able to reuse, repair, refurbish, and recycle existing materials and products turning waste into resources.
Research on biofuels is part of this new model, taking into consideration economic, social, environmental, and policy issues that are at stake. In this chapter, we attempt to address this challenging task by trying to understand where do we stand (both from a technological and economic point of view) on the way toward this paradigm shift, and what will drive this shift in the near future. The remainder of the chapter is structured as follows: Section 4.2 provides a theoretical framework for understanding the change, identifying the key variables involved and look at alternative development patterns. Section 4.3 provides an overall assessment on various biofuels, examining the comparative level of innovativeness, sustainability, and readiness of alternative technologies. Section 4.4 reflects upon economic, environmental, and social concerns, while Section 4.5 addresses policy and regulatory issues associated with the change. Section 4.6 presents an overall conclusion of this chapter.

4.2. Moving from fossil fuel to biofuels: insights from socio-technical transition theory

Moving from a society heavily based on traditional fossil fuels toward a society based on renewable energy entails a paradigmatic shift the occurrence of which is neither easy nor automatic. This shift involves a transition to a resource-efficient society that is increasingly based on biomass derived fuel, chemicals, and materials.
Such a major change entails a socio-technical transition—a transition from an old production paradigm to a new one—involving the coevolution of social and technological relationships. Based on insights from evolutionary economics, scholars have recently developed a heuristic model to study such complex technological changes (van den Bergh et al., 2011). In this model, the innovation process is characterized by the competitive selection pressures exerted by other regimes and by new socio-technical configurations in niches and the adaptive capacity of the dominant system—ie, the incumbent socio-technical regime (Rip, 1992; Smith et al., 2005).
Moving from the assumption that such processes occur in a multidimensional space, this perspective, also known as the multilevel perspective (MLP), analyses the way innovation (re)configures social and technical elements. In a nutshell, the MLP conceives the evolving socio-technical system as structured along three levels of analysis: the landscape (macro-level), the socio-technical regime (meso-level) and the niche (micro-level).
The landscape and the niches are derived concepts as they are defined in relation to the regime (Geels, 2002). In turn, the socio-technical regime is defined as a stable configuration of various elements (including institutions, techniques and artifacts, infrastructures, power relations, as well as rules, policy and competences) that determine the “normal” development and use of technologies. Such technologies are subject to a “lock-in” effect strengthening the stability of the configuration and bracing institutions, social practices and technological infrastructures (Raven et al., 2010). The dominant rules or modes of thinking which guide approaches and actions effectively exclude radically alternative innovations, making the regime path-dependent and evolving mostly through incremental innovations (Kemp et al., 1998).
However, radical, path-breaking innovations can take place in niches, where rules, institutions and motives are different from the regime; these are “protected spaces” where “nurturing and experimentation with the co-evolution of technology, user practices, and regulatory structures” take place (Schot and Geels, 2008, p. 538). In other words, a niche is like an incubation room where new and emerging technologies are temporary protected from competition and pressures that normally take place in the market.
Niches follow an evolutionary process that might ultimately lead them to a full- development status (or maturity, as put by Lopolito et al., 2011). A niche is fully-developed whenever there is a substantial amount of knowledge effectively flowing through it, when relevant and influential actors are attracted to it, and when their expectations for the future development of the niche technology positively converge (Lopolito et al., 2011). Niche maturity is a necessary condition for the change to occur, yet not sufficient. For a transition to occur, also an adequate pressure exerted from the landscape level upon the regime is required. Such pressure destabilizes the capability of a regime configuration to perform well according to evolving norms and rules (Schot and Geels, 2008), hence opening up a window of opportunity for the change.
Building on this MLP, a new strand of literature has focused on sustainability transitions, where the notion of transition is applied to fundamental environmental challenges in several sectors—including transportation and congestion (especially road traffic), air pollution, fossil fuel depletion, and CO2 emissions, as well as various environmental issues associated with the agricultural and food systems (Geels, 2010, 2011).
The sustainability transitions are made all more challenging by the strong path-dependencies and lock-ins observable in such sectors (Ahman and Nilsson, 2008; OECD/IEA, 2011; Safarzynska and van den Bergh, 2010; Unruh, 2000). As a case in point, when addressing the transition from a fossil fuel economy to a biofuel economy, one should bear in mind that this domain is mostly characterized by the presence of large firms (eg, car manufacturers, electric utilities, oil companies, food and agriculture companies) that own “complementary assets” such as specialized manufacturing capability, experience with large-scale test trials, access to distribution channels, service networks, and complementary technologies (Rothaermel, 2001). This implies that such sustainability transition would entail a deep interaction among technology, policy/power/politics, economics/business/markets, and culture/discourse/public opinion (Geels, 2011).
Moreover, when considering the transition to a biofuel economy (or, more broadly, to a bioeconomy), it should be observed that, although there is a general vision for the emergence of sustainable technologies, their actual occurrence must still face additional barriers, such as the absence of a well-defined technological trajectory, long development times, and crucially, uncertainty about market demand and social and environmental gains.
A great deal of effort has been invested in the scientific research realm in the attempt to reduce such uncertainty, combining technological assessments with economic evaluations and environmental sustainability studies. Also policy and regulation issues have been investigated. In the following sections, we will provide an account of all these studies, in an attempt to assess the development status of biofuels as a fundamental step toward a sustainable transition.

4.3. Assessing first- and next-generation biofuels

Biofuels (or agrofuels) are renewable fuels composed by biological feedstock. Differently from fossil fuels, their production does not entail the release of hazardous compounds. Biofuels can be in the form of three out of four fundamental states of matter—solid (eg, firewood), liquid, and gas (eg, methane, biogas, bio-hydrogen)—and can be produced by converting the biomass through chemical, biochemical, and thermal conversion processes. Currently, there are a number of unsolved issues regarding biofuels and their sustainability, linked to technological, economic, and policy questions. In the following section, we address these issues, distinguishing between what is commonly referred to as first-generation biofuels and second- (or next-) generation biofuels.3

4.3.1. First generation: bioethanol, biodiesel, and other biofuels

First-generation biofuels, and most notably bioethanol and biodiesel, should not be regarded as technological niches anymore; they are part of the socio-technical regime and their diffusion is widespread and consolidated throughout the world. Nowadays, around 2% of the world arable lands are used to grow feedstock for biofuel production using a mature technology. However, the commercial competitiveness of the first-generation biofuels, compared to fossil fuels, usually remains poor (with the partial exception of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil) because of the higher production and processing costs associated with it.
In addition, biofuels competiveness is strongly linked to oil price fluctuations,4 a situation which causes uncertainty for producers and investors. More specifically, when oil prices are high, demand for biofuels can suddenly skyrocket and there is the risk that market demand cannot be met. On the other hand, when oil prices are low and remain low for a long time, the biofuels industry risks unbearable financial losses.5 We shall now consider in more detail the technical and economic features of the different types of biofuel. Bioethanol

Bioethanol is the most common biofuel in the world as it can be used in gasoline engines. In chemistry, it is also known as ethylic alcohol (ethanol CH3CH2OH, the same organic compound used in alcoholic beverages) and it is produced from the fermentation of various crops, including sugarcane, corn, and other plants with high content of sugar or starch.6 After microbial fermentation, bioethanol is distillated, dehydrated, and eventually denatured. It can be blended with gasoline and be ranked, based on the content of ethanol, from E5 (5% ethanol and 95% gasoline) to E100 (100% ethanol). The use of this latter allows net GHG emissions saving ranging from 87% to 96% when compared to regular gasoline.
Bioethanol is mainly used in car engines, but it can also be used in tractors, planes, and boats. In flexible-fuel or flex-fuel vehicles, it is used as a drop-in biofuel; in this case the fuels for the propulsion of the vehicle are interchangeable. Due to the significantly low freezing point, it cannot be used as a jet fuel.
Pure bioethanol (E100) has an energy density of about 66.67% of gasoline and a 1.5 gallon-gasoline equivalent (GGE),7 while E85 blend (made with 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) reaches 1.39 GGE. However, with its higher oxygen, chloride ions, halide ions, and aluminum hydroxide content, bioethanol is more corrosive to the engines of vehicles than oil. In addition, the MPGe (miles per gallon equivalent)8 of E100 is 22.37 kW h/gallon, while for the E85 it is 24.03 and for standard gasoline 34.02. Finally, in order to be sustainable, biofuels should not be transported across long-distance routes, as the lower energy density would make them inefficient and even less competitive.
Currently, the largest producer of bioethanol is the United States, followed by Brazil, the European Union (led by Germany), and China. Since the 1980s, Brazil has played a pioneering role in the field of biofuels technologies and it is currently self-sufficient, with bioethanol accounting for more than 50% of the domestic market of transportation fuels. This abundant share of bioethanol in Brazil is obtained mainly from sugarcane,9 whereas in the United States, it is produced mainly from corn and accounts for about one-third of corn production and for about 6% of the gasoline. In the European Union, uncertainty over legislation in 2013 and 2014 continued to delay market development. However, the opening of the Crescentino Biorefinery in Vercelli's county (north of Italy), developed by Beta Renewables in October 2013, marked a turning point for the production of bioethanol from cellulose in Europe. With its 49,000 m3 of bioethanol production, this is the first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant on a global scale. Biodiesel

The second most common biofuel is biodiesel, which is obtained from vegetable oils or animal fats containing long-chain esters. The chemical structure of biodiesel is different from that of regular diesel, as it contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, whereas petroleum diesel is composed of hydrocarbons only (hydrogen and carbon without oxygen). Biodiesel can be used in regular diesel engines, either pure or blended in any proportion. The most common blends are B2, B5, B20, and B100 (pure biodiesel). It can be used not only for traction motors but also as heating oil as well as for railway locomotives.
The main feedstock for the production of biodiesel in the United States is soybean, and at global level is rapeseed (Devisscher, 2007; Friedman and Van Gerpen, 2014). However, considering recent technological developments, other feedstocks such as palm oil10 or jatropha may challenge the predominance of this resource (Richmond-Bryant et al., 2014).11 Additionally, biodiesel can be produced using waste cooking oil—ie, oil collected and recycled from industries that use it for cooking or other industrial purposes. Differently from virgin vegetable oil produced from dedicated crops, waste cooking oil is a by-product that if not recycled would be otherwise wasted. In this regard, waste cooking oil is a cheap alternative feedstock for the production of biodiesel, and its low prices can enhances the overall competitiveness of biodiesel.
All feedstocks are refined through “trans-esterification,” a process by which the triglycerides react with alcohol and a catalyst, thus producing biodiesel (which contains fatty acid methyl esters – FAME), along with glycerol as a byproduct.
The performance indicators of biodiesel are very close to those of regular diesel and, under some aspects, are even better. GGE for regular diesel is 0.88, GGE% 113.64 and MPGE 37.95 kW h/gallon. On the other hand, GGE for the B20 blend (20% biodiesel and 80% regular diesel) is 0.90, GGE% 111.11%, and MPGE 37.12 kW h/gallon, while for the B100 blend (pure biodiesel) these are, respectively, 0.96, 104.17%, and 34.80 kW h/gallon.
As for its global production level and diffusion, 22.5 billion liters (5.94 billion gallons) of biodiesel were produced globally in 2012 and the United States was the single largest producer with 3.6 billion liters (950 million gallons), while Argentina took second place with 2.8 billion liters (nearly 740 million gallons), and Germany and Brazil had roughly the same output at 2.7 billion liters (more than 710 million gallons) apiece. China's biodiesel production, at only 200 million liters (nearly 53 million gallons) in 2012, lags far behind its output of fuel ethanol. Several European nations produce biodiesel, and the European Union as a whole still accounted for 41% of global biodiesel output despite a decline of 7% in 2012. Worldwide, biodiesel production grew at an average annual rate of 17% from 2007 through 2012, although the rate of growth slowed considerably (Prugh, 2014). Other biofuels

Other biofuels with less significant impact and diffusion include biogas, other bio-alcohols (eg, biomethanol, biobutanol, etc.), firewood, vegetable oil, bioethers, dried manure, and agricultural waste (Guo et al., 2015).
Methanol is the simplest alcohol (CH3OH) and, like ethanol, it can be used as a fuel. Currently, methanol is a fossil fuel that is produced from natural gas, but it can also be obtained from the gasification of biomass (biomethanol), whose economic and commercial viability is still under assessment. From a technical point of view, biomethanol can be used for several purposes: (1) in internal combustion engines as a substitute of gasoline—even if with only half of the energy density of the latter; (2) as a substitute of diesel, when dehydrated to dimethyl ether, or for the production of biodiesel through the trans esterification of vegetable oil; (3) in purpose-built biomethanol-powered vehicles, or in plug-in and hybrid vehicles; (4) for electricity production in gas turbines or fuel cells; and (5) as a domestic fuel.
Butanol (C4H9OH) is an alcohol produced from starch through “ABE fermentation” (ie, using acetone, butanol, and ethanol). It can be used in gasoline engines without modifications.
Biogas is composed by several gases (eg, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen) produced from the breakdown of organic substances (in absence of oxygen) through fermentation or anaerobic digestion. Like natural gas, biogas can be compressed and used in motor vehicles, and many other places like fossil natural gas.
Differently from biogas, syngas is obtained through the partial combustion (with the presence of the oxygen) of organic matter. Before the combustion, the feedstock is dried or undergoes pyrolysis. After a partial combustion, the resulting biomasses are a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and other hydrocarbons. Moreover, syngas can be used in the transportation sector and for the production of heat and electricity.
Green diesel12 is produced using the same feedstocks as biodiesel (mainly animal fats or vegetable oil); however, the production process differs significantly. While biodiesel is produced through transesterification, as mentioned above, green diesel is produced through hydrocracking (ie, catalytic cracking process at high temperature and pressure with the presence of added hydrogen)13 or hydrogenation (adding hydrogen molecules). Moreover, differently from biodiesel, green diesel has all the chemical properties of a regular diesel, meaning that there is no need to make modifications to the engines (and change already-existing infrastructures for the distribution of petroleum-based diesel).
To finish this survey on the first-generation biofuels, we should mention biofuel gasoline, which is produced from a genetically engineered strain of Escherichia coli,14 and bioliquids that are liquid fuels obtained from biomass used solely for energy purposes other than transportation (ie, heating and electricity production).

4.3.2. Beyond the first-generation biofuels

The first-generation biofuels (mainly manufactured from starch, sugars, and vegetable oil) have some negative aspects and inherent shortcomings (which will be further elaborated in Section 4.4), both from an economic and technological perspective. This puts them in a poor competitive position when compared to fossil fuels.
In order to address these difficulties, in recent years there have been massive investments in the development of technologies for the production of new biofuels as well as for the improvement of the first-generation ones. The main goal here has been to improve conversion efficiency in order to reduce feedstock requirements. This goes along with attempts to enhancing the competitiveness of biofuels by developing more efficient logistic organization.
Another major target of innovators and investors has been exploring the possibility of producing biofuels, and especially bioethanol, from nonfood crops, in particular lignocellulose biomasses,15 which are commercially viable. Examples are lignocellulose feedstock, which includes various agricultural by-products such as cereal straw, sugarcane bagasse, forest residues, and waste (organic components of municipal solid waste).16 Researchers are currently carrying out several experiments in order to find new methods for the production of biofuels: pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, gasification, enzymatic hydrolysis, and improved incineration.
However, producing ethanol from cellulose is rather difficult as the sugars for the fermentation are trapped in a complex chemical structure. Indeed, cellulose has a great hydrolytic stability and structural robustness, deriving from the cross-linking between the polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicellulose) and the lignin via ester and ether linkages. These linkages have to be broken to open up the cellular structure for the subsequent hydrolysis. In this case, the feedstock (lignocellulose) is by far cheaper than the food crops used in the first-generation biofuels. Nonetheless, the transformation process (and the pretreatment process) is more expensive, requiring high capital expenditures for the construction of the advanced biorefineries.
Another question regards the cost of the enzymes, which are extremely important for the biochemical production of the sugars that will eventually be fermented, thus producing bioethanol. They are indispensable for breaking down the cellulose, a process better known as enzymatic hydrolysis. However, the price of these enzymes is high. Also at the same time, cellulase and hemicellulose, which are used in the production of cellulosic ethanol, are more expensive when compared to their first-generation counterparts. For instance, enzymes required for corn ethanol production cost US$ 2.64–5.28 per cubic meter of ethanol produced, while those needed for cellulosic ethanol production are projected to cost US$79.25 (Sainz, 2011).
Cellulose ethanol can also be produced through a thermochemical route (pyrolysis/gasification at high temperatures of 600–1100°C); cellulose is transformed in gaseous carbon monoxide and hydrogen, two gases that can then be converted to bioethanol through fermentation (see Dutta et al., 2014). If this innovative extraction method is coupled with higher productivity of the feedstock (achieved through biotechnology), this could lead to a sustainable technological transition, and the predominance of fossil fuels could be challenged, allowing for an eventual shift in the socio-technical regime.
Although thermochemical and biotechnological routes have similar potential yields in energy terms, in terms of liters per ton of feedstock, in practice there are different yields. Major variations between the various processes under development, together with variations between biofuel yields from different feedstocks, give a complex picture with wide ranges quoted in the literature (Sims et al., 2010). Another difference between fuels produced through the thermochemical route and the biotechnological one is in their output. In particular, the latter produces ethanol, whereas the former can also be used to produce a wider range of longer chain hydrocarbons from the synthesis of gas, including biofuels better suited for aviation and marine purposes. An important step needed in order to render the production of lignocellulosic ethanol more efficient is to ferment into ethanol both C5 (pentose) and C6 (hexose) sugars, which are released during the pretreatment and hydrolysis steps. At present, there are no known natural organisms that have the ability to convert both C5 and C6 sugars in order to produce high ethanol yields (Sims et al., 2010).
If the first-generation biofuels require prime croplands for the feedstock production, second-generation ones require marginal cropland as they can be produced from biomass not grown in arable crops and/or using innovative biotechnologies. This is a key element of novelty in the second-generation biofuels as it allows overcoming, at least to a certain extent, the indirect land-use change (ILUC) problem, which is a core element in the current policy and economic debate on the biofuels sustainability (we will come back to this point in the next section). Moreover, biotechnological innovation allows the production of genetically engineered crops that grow faster, require less water and fertilizers, and are more resistant to diseases and drought.
Moving along this line, and with the intention of reducing the reliance on arable land usage, innovators are pioneering new technologies in order to produce biofuels using microalgae as feedstock (these are the third-generation biofuels). However, at present, technologies that use cheap feedstock are severely limited by the need of high initial fixed capital investments.17
There are several other new generation biofuels' technologies that are being explored—eg, biohydrogen, and the so-called fourth-generation biofuels, which can do without the burning of the feedstock. Although very promising, these technological niches are at a very preliminary stage and are still far from being commercially viable (Dutta et al., 2014).

4.3.3. Integrated biorefineries: making biofuel along with other high-added value products

Research and development (R&D) efforts have recently aimed at coming up with a brand new concept of biorefinery: the so-called Integrated Biorefinery, ie, an industrial facility that uses many different types of biomasses as input for the production of biofuels, power, heat, chemicals, nutraceuticals, feeds, foods, and other high-added value products and materials (including bioplastic). Indeed, integrated biorefineries are quickly becoming a cornerstone in the sustainable development of a circular and efficient economy, as they can provide an array of products that can replace a wide range of petroleum-based products employing all sort of biomasses and avoiding waste (Accardi et al., 2013).
The main goals of this new type of biorefinery are improving conversion efficiency and avoiding waste, establishing innovative technologies, and creating and valorizing new coproducts and improving their commercial profitability. They are hence also crucial for the development of next-generation biofuels, as they can improve the overall competitiveness of biofuels in two ways: by improving the yield in the transformation process (producing more fuels from the same amount of feedstock) and by producing other nonfuel, marketable, high-added valued products (the earnings from which could be used to decrease the price of the biofuels, hence enhancing its competitiveness). Currently, a lot of efforts are invested in order to improve the efficiency of biorefineries, confronting alternative concepts at the R&D stage, as well as in small-scale demonstration projects. In other words, as discussed in Section 4.2, alternative innovation niches are competing in order to reach technological maturity, which is one of the preconditions for the transition to occur. The other conditions are economic viability as well as sufficient pressure coming from the macro level (ie, the landscape), which should reflect in policy and regulatory changes. Both are addressed in the remainder of this chapter.

4.4. Economic, environmental, and social issues

In Section 4.3, we have reviewed a broad array of biofuels, assessing their techno-economic properties and performance. In this section, we shall deepen our analysis, focusing in more detail on economic, environmental, and social issues.
As commonly known, fossil fuels are associated with many sustainability problems. However, biofuels are not entirely exempt from such problems. Hence, when assessing biofuels from an economic and environmental angle, there are a lot of issues that should be taken in due consideration. Moreover, there are overarching social concerns not to be disregarded since most croplands are located in developing countries where local communities are at a serious risk of exploitation.
According to the World Commission on Environment and Development (the so-called Brundtland Commission), development can be defined sustainable when it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Reading this definition, we can easily understand why biofuels are not free from sustainability problems. Phenomena such as indirect land use change (ILUC), deforestation, and displacement of agricultural production are only some examples in this regard.

4.4.1. Socioeconomic issues

Whenever feedstocks used for the production of biofuel are food commodities, there is a risk that croplands are diverted from food and fiber productions to biofuels. Such phenomenon could have a negative impact on food supply, resulting in a general rise of food prices. Taking, for example, the case of corn, we can see how this can trigger a chain reaction: if corn prices soar, milk, beef, pork, and cheese prices will also eventually soar, as corn is used to feed the livestock. It should be noted that although not all agree on the actual existence and the magnitude of this effect, as there are many and complex reasons for fluctuations in food prices. In general, there are several factors that may contribute to commodity prices fluctuations: crop productivity, consumers and producers expectations, financial speculation, precautionary demand, price of substitute and complementary goods, adverse weather conditions, energy costs, and inappropriate public policies.
In this regard, a challenging task taken up by several studies is to isolate the effect of biofuels on food prices, everything else being equal. A central challenge here is to disentangle and separate the impact of biofuels from all the other factors so that it can be analyzed from the standpoint of its additional impact, which leads to additional price effects (HLPE, 2013).
To this aim, a recent study conducted by the FAO (HLPE, 2011) showed how in less than one decade, the world biofuel production has increased five times, from less than 20 billion liters/year in 2001 to over 100 billion liters/year in 2011. The steepest rise in biofuel production occurred in 2007/2008, concomitantly with a sharp rise in food commodity prices (HLPE, 2011). However, as observed by Sims et al. (2010), estimations of the actual effect of biofuels on food price varies a lot: some studies found on average, that the increase of food prices linked to the use of biofuels ranges from 15% to 25% of the total food price increase; other studies on the contrary, conclude that there is no relationship whatsoever. Even more striking, some authors argue that biofuels are responsible for 75% of the increase observed in food prices (Chakrabortty, 2008).
However, considering that less than 2% of the world's arable land is used for biofuel production, it might be the case that there are factors, other than biofuel production, that may more significantly affect food prices. Bad weather conditions, for instance, may curtail food production, hence requiring additional land and more fertilizers, hence inducing deforestation, which may lead in turn to increased GHG emissions.
Another consequence of fluctuations in biofuel prices relates to the optimal deforestation rate and the amount of land used for agricultural purposes. One example of an infinite pain-chain that these factors can produce is the following: when climate change generates a drop- fall in crop productivity (because of the droughts, storms, etc.), more land for cultivation is needed. Accordingly, an increased exploitation of land will probably result in more GHG emissions (because of deforestation). In addition, the increase in the use of land for biofuel feedstock can take away space from food croplands (provided that the amount of cultivated land is fixed), as climate regulations can limit the exploitation of new lands purposely conserved to reduce the impact of climate change (Steinbucks and Hertel, 2016).
Higher feedstock prices improve the income of farmers, the value of the land, and can contribute to create new jobs (especially in developing countries where agriculture is still highly labor intensive) and growth opportunities for underdeveloped areas, thus reducing the internal migrations.
These days, developed countries such as the United States are food exporters, but if the domestic demand for agricultural feedstock increases (eg, for the biofuels production), food exports to food insecure countries can diminish (Nonhebel, 2014).
If food prices are rising, developing countries that export feedstock for biofuel production could eventually benefit from it, and the economic growth can outweigh the negative aspects of higher food prices. However, there are several problems linked to this hypothesis, as not all the people living in developing countries can equally benefit from the feedstock production, and there are still several underdeveloped regions across the world particularly vulnerable to rising food prices.

4.4.2. Socio-environmental issues

Another important aspect to be examined related to biofuels production is its environmental sustainability. It is not always easy to assess the ecological footprint of biofuels, as they involve many factors that are linked in a complex way. In 2008, a roundtable for sustainable biofuels set 12 criteria18 (partially updated in 2011) for the evaluation of biofuel sustainability19:
1. Biofuel production shall follow international treaties and national laws regarding such things as air quality, water resources, agricultural practices, labor conditions, and more;
2. Biofuels projects shall be designed and operated in participatory processes that involve all relevant stakeholders in planning and monitoring;
3. Biofuels shall significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions as compared to fossil fuels. The principle seeks to establish a standard methodology for comparing greenhouse gases (GHG) benefits;
4. Biofuel production shall not violate human rights or labor rights, and shall ensure decent work and the well-being of workers;
5. Biofuel production shall contribute to the social and economic development of local, rural, and indigenous peoples and communities;
6. Biofuel production shall not impair food security;
7. Biofuel production shall avoid negative impacts on biodiversity, ecosystems, and areas of high conservation value;
8. Biofuel production shall promote practices that improve soil health and minimize degradation;
9. Surface and groundwater use will be optimized and contamination or depletion of water resources minimized;
10. Air pollution shall be minimized along the supply chain;
11. Biofuels shall be produced in the most cost-effective way, with a commitment to improve production efficiency and social and environmental performance in all stages of the biofuel value chain;
12. Biofuel production shall not violate land rights.
These indicators are a shortlist of the sustainability issues related to biofuels production and not all of them can be estimated with current life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies. For instance, none of the LCA studies discussed in the literature included ILUC (indirect land-use change that may displace existing agricultural activity) in the analysis (Humalisto, 2015). This specific problem remains a major unsolved factor for the assessment of the carbon footprint of biofuels as it is tightly linked to deforestation, which endangers the local habitats and biodiversity.
A positive carbon balance, or at least carbon neutrality, is by all means a goal to be pursued. However, carbon neutrality (ie, the carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere during the combustion is theoretically offset by carbon fixed during the feedstock growth) cannot be concretely achieved, because there are additional emissions of carbon dioxide and other GHG during the production, distribution, and transportation of the biofuels.
For instance, ILUC can be solved by adopting a PES (payment for environmental service) scheme20 in which the landowners are paid to conserve the land for carbon offsets. However, competitiveness of these schemes depends largely on the price of carbon dioxide (which is nevertheless hard to estimate precisely) and should in any case not be lower than the profits from feedstock production.
In order to grow, the feedstock needs fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. Some of these products, when vaporized, release GHG to the atmosphere. Moreover, fertilizers, whose production requires high quantities of fossil fuels, can contribute to soil erosion and degradation as well as underground water pollution.
Another factor undermining the sustainability of biofuels is the water-resources depletion. In fact, a significant amount of water is required for feedstock cultivation and for its conversion in biofuel, when compared to fossil fuels. For instance, producing a gallon of bioethanol (excluding cultivation) requires about 4 gallons of water, whereas refining a gallon of oil requires only 1.5 gallons of water (Phillips et al., 2007). Although the need for water might be less of a problem in some regions of the world near the tropics or the equator (such as Brazil, Indonesia or Malaysia), where abundant rainfall supplies part of the resources needed for cultivation, it still remains a significant drawback in most other regions of the world.
Finally, it should be noted that biofuels can be severely pollutant as their productions involves not only the emission of GHG, but also formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and other aldehydes deriving from alcohol oxidation and combustion. The production of a more sustainable biofuel is currently undergoing a certification scheme elaboration phase, which will hopefully result in more sustainable resources (Mata et al., 2013; Devisscher, 2007). However, the need to comply with strict and onerous certification systems may reduce even further the already scarce competitiveness of biofuels with respect to fossil fuels. These aspects will be addressed in the following section where we closely look at legislatives and regulatory issues.

4.5. Policy actions and the regulatory framework

As discussed earlier, biofuels are still far from being an economically viable option when compared to fossil fuels. Although higher prices for biofuels could be partially sustained by consumers willing to pay an “environmental premium” for this commodity, policy makers throughout the world have supported biofuels production in order to enhance their competitiveness in different ways. For instance, tax incentives (Edenhofer et al., 2012) can be applied along the whole biofuel value chain, but are most commonly provided to either biofuel producers (eg, excise tax exemptions/credits) and/or to end consumers (eg, tax reductions for biofuels at the pump).
In the United States, for instance, Volumetric Excise Tax Credits for the blending of fuel ethanol and biodiesel are being provided to biofuel producers under the American Jobs Creation Act since 2004. In the European Union, the Energy Taxation Directive permits exemptions or reductions from energy taxation for biofuels (Directive 2003/96/EC). Currently, nearly all EU member states (with the exception of Finland and the Netherlands) provide partial or total tax exemptions or deduction, most aimed at final consumption (European Commission, 2011). Because the tax exemption has an upper bound equal to the actual level of the fossil fuel tax, the instrument has proven to be highly effective in those EU member states with fossil fuel tax levels high enough to compensate for the additional production costs of biofuels (Wiesenthal et al., 2009).
Along with tax exemption, middle-income countries—like Malaysia—subsidize directly the agricultural sector with the aim to increase the employment rate in this sector, boost economic growth, and foster the export of feedstocks. However, such a policy measure may produce an unintended negative consequence as the demand for fossil fuels specific for agricultural purposes, which are usually not taxed, may increase as a consequence of the biofuel demand rise. More generally, most of the policies implemented globally or locally to enhance biofuels competitiveness can be partially neutralized by phenomena such as the Jevons paradox,21 the green paradox,22 or the carbon leakage effect23 and the associated race to the bottom side effect.
Government and public institutions are also investing lot in R&D in order to improve and discover new technological niches linked to biofuels production. Here, it was observed that public R&D investments in biofuel-related technologies are most effective when complemented by other policy instruments, particularly deployment policies that simultaneously enhance demand for such new technologies. Public spending in R&D and deployment policies creates a positive feedback cycle, crowding-in private sector's investments, accelerating learning by inducing private R&D, and in turn further reducing production costs of the new technology (Edenhofer et al., 2012).

4.5.1. The Brazilian incentive and regulatory systems

Production of bioethanol on a large scale with the financial support of the government was initially experimented in Brazil during the 1970s, when the oil crisis brought a sharp increase in oil prices, which—combined with a relatively weak domestic currency and a high inflation rates—made imports of oil prohibitive. The policy decision was also facilitated by the low price of sugar (due to the large amount of stocks available). This helped Brazil to withstand the oil crises and at the same time pursue energy independence. Later on, in the 1980s, the bioethanol sector was partially deregulated and direct subsidies were withdrawn.
As a matter of fact, ethanol production in Brazil is well-developed, thanks to decades of supportive policies by the local policy makers. Agricultural processes and technologies are modern, and the overall efficiency is among the highest in the world because the bagasse is always used to produce power and heat. The energy balance (output energy/input energy) is very favorable and in some cases can reach values as high as 10.2.24 Since the 1970s (with National Ethanol Program), the federal government of Brazil imposed a mandatory blend of ethanol with gasoline. In 1993, the blend requirement was fixed (with some exceptions) at 22% of ethanol, and in 2007 was imposed at a minimum of 25%.
Originally, subsides were intended to be temporary; the government waited for the bioethanol to be competitive with gasoline, but when in 1986 petroleum prices fell at global level, the withdrawal of subsides became problematic. In the 1990s, subsidies were withdrawn, and the prices were liberalized in 2002.25 Due to oil price and tax legislation,26 sugarcane bioethanol has become competitive even without subsidies since 2005.27 When in the early 2000s the oil price began to rise again, Brazil became an exporter; however, these exports (mainly to the United States) were limited by the US$0.54 tariff imposed by the US federal government on every gallon of imported bioethanol, but as a partial compensation, imported bioethanol was eligible for the US$0.45 per gallon subsidies in the United States.28
However, in more recent years, Brazilian government has imposed a freeze on the petrol and diesel prices to prevent energy prices from rising and avoid inflationary pressure.29 Exrefinery prices have been recently adjusted upwards at the refinery gate. Nonetheless, domestic prices remained lower than the international prices between 2011 and 2014 (Oliveira and Almeida, 2015). This policy measure came in a time of general crisis for the Brazilian ethanol industry, which experienced poor sugarcane harvests due to unfavorable weather conditions and high sugar prices in the world market—which induced a switch to the production of sugar rather than ethanol.
As a consequence, the Brazilian ethanol industry experienced a supply shortage for several months during 2010 and 2011. Prices climbed to the point that ethanol fuel was no longer attractive for owners of flex-fuel vehicles. As a countermeasure, the government reduced the minimum ethanol blend in gasoline from 25% to 18% to reduce demand and keep ethanol fuel prices from rising further. However, for the first time since the 1990s, (corn) ethanol fuel had to be imported from the United States. All in all, as a result of higher ethanol prices combined with government subsidies to keep gasoline price lower than the international market value, by November 2013 only 23% flex-fuel car owners were regularly using ethanol, compared to 66% in 2009.30 Nowadays, biofuels in Brazil are promoted with two main policy measures: 20% blending requirement and tax incentives, in particular for the purchase of flex-fuel vehicles.

4.5.2. The US incentive and regulatory systems

In the United States, on the other hand, since the 1970s, the main goal of the national biofuel policy was mainly to become independent from external supplies. In 2007, the federal government spent seven billion dollars in subsides for ethanol only, or US$1.9 per gallon.31
The main pillars of the US regulatory framework are the Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy Act. The Clean Air Act of 1963 was one of the first environmental protection laws. Although it did not concern biofuels, under it (and its subsequent modifications in 1970, 1977, and 1990) the foundations of the current environmental regulatory framework were set up.
The situation changed with the Energy Policy Act, approved in 2005 (amending the Clean Air Act), which provided not only for tax incentives and guarantee loans for the production of several types of renewable energy but also defined sustainability standards for fuels. In particular, the most important sections of the Energy Policy Act are those concerning the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). These standards, approved in 2005, were eventually improved and complemented in 2007 with the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The Renewable Fuel Standard called for 7.5 billion US gallons of biofuels to be used annually by 2012.32 Moreover, it required biofuels to be blended into transportation fuel in increasing amounts each year, reaching 36 billion gallons by 2022. Also, each renewable fuel category within the RFS program must emit lower levels of GHG in comparison to the replaced petroleum fuels.33
In 2009, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed some modifications to the RFS called RFS2. Although it has not been signed into law yet, the RFS2 contains a lot of very strict provisions in order to improve the sustainability of biofuels. Moreover, it provides a detailed regulation for next-generation biofuels and defines other measures in order to improve biofuel sustainability.

4.5.3. The European incentive and regulatory systems

The EU legislation on biofuels is one of the most complex, detailed, and technically developed ones. In fact, biofuels legislation is highly integrated with the main directives and legal frameworks dealing with issues of sustainability, renewable energy, climate policy, trade policy, agricultural policy, state aid, and environmental protection. The complexity of the EU system is even higher if one considers that it coexists alongside national and subnational legislations.
The European legislative framework defines in great detail sustainability standards and criteria, voluntary and support schemes as well as action plans for biofuels production. More specifically, the EU biofuel legislation foresees the use of a wide range of policy tools such as subsides, blending mandates, duties, taxes, incentives, etc. In this framework, the most important related directives are: the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC (RED), the Fuel Quality Directive (2009/30) and the Biofuels Directive (2003/30). Differently from Regulations, Directives are not self-executing as they merely identify goals to be achieved leaving the implementation up to each Member State.
In the European Union, biofuels were initially used by policy makers to mitigate the effects of climate change and to reach the target of 20% of the EU energy consumption in 2020 coming from renewable sources. In particular, the RED directive (2009) sets out that the share of energy from renewable sources in the transport sector must amount to at least 10% of final energy consumption in the sector by 2020.34 This directive also establishes that biofuels emit 50% less GHG than equivalent fossil fuels and that the feedstock should not be from high biodiversity value lands or carbon-rich forests. However, for the former question, it should be noted that the extent of GHG emissions is not easy to determine also since it varies greatly according to the LCA methodology used (Silva Lora et al., 2011).
More recently, on the 28th of April 2015, the European Parliament approved the ILUC Directive, thus addressing one of the main drawbacks of the previous legislative framework, namely, the lack of solutions to indirect land-use change. Although the overall target remains the same—10% by 2020—the new directive request that at least 3% of the total fuels production should not come from food crops (meaning that it should be based on next-generation of biofuels). However, it should be underlined that the target of 3% from innovative nonfood biofuels is calculated according to a rather complex scheme.35
Although very relevant, these regulatory frameworks did not prove to be particularly effective in solving key problems associated with biofuels production (Palmer, 2015). In fact, the main policy tools were subsides for the farmers, while other important factors (such as ILUC, impact on food prices, biodiversity and soil loss, technological upgrades, etc.) were partially neglected.
Moreover, the European Union has not yet established targets and guidelines concerning biofuels production and emissions levels for the period 2020–30. It has instead called for an improved biomass policy to “maximize the resource and an efficient use of biomass in order to deliver robust and verifiable greenhouse gas savings and to guarantee fair competition for the various uses of biomass both in the construction sector, paper and pulp industries, as well as in biochemical and energy production.”36
As a matter of fact, incentives provided to biofuel producers create an uneven playing field37 and create uncertainty for all market operators relying on subsidies in order to survive economically. Among the reasons persuading European policy makers to regulate biofuels are the concern for GHG emissions, the future availability (and associated risk of shortages) of fossil fuels, and, in some cases, the search for energy independence. However, a strong economic support to the first-generation biofuels can be an impediment to the development of the second-generation biofuels. Indeed, with the development of the second (or maybe even the third or the fourth)-generation biofuels, most of the rationales underlining the public policies supporting the first-generation biofuels will become irrelevant. Moreover, technological progress is likely to render old policies obsolete and inappropriate (Foldvary and Klein, 2003).

4.6. Conclusions

This chapter assesses biofuels from technological, economic, and policy perspectives with the aim of understanding the technological maturity level and the societal readiness for a sustainable transition toward a biobased economy. Indeed, a transition from a fossil fuel society to one based on biofuels entails several concomitant changes. Most notably, it requires that a sufficient pressure is exerted upon the dominant regime (ie, the fossil fuel technological regime) both from the technological niches (where new green technologies are developed and nurtured), and from the macro landscape level (where a vision of the future is shaped and translated into societal expectations, policy actions, and regulatory interventions).
The assessment provided in this chapter shows how, from the innovation niche perspective, there are several alternatives and competing technologies that differ in terms of feedstock used, refining method and, most importantly, techno-economic performance and environmental impact. A clear line is drawn between the first- and next-generation biofuels, the latter being more distant from technological maturity but providing possible solutions both to the limited economic competitiveness characterizing the first-generation biofuels, as well as to the possible environmental drawbacks associated with indirect land-use change. In addition, ahead of the horizon lies the integrated biorefinery, a new industrial concept lunched by the international scientific community, to satisfy the growing societal demand for a green chemistry. To this aim, the integrated biorefinery is defined as a scientific and technical platform through which the biomass, designed as waste products, is turned into fuels, energy and chemicals (including basic chemicals, fine chemicals, and specialties of biopolymers and bioplastics), through technologies and processes that produce minimal waste and have limited impact on the environment (Accardi et al., 2013).
From the macro landscape perspective, strong signals are coming from the policy level, where a vision around the need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels switching to alternative energy sources is taking shape. This vision has emerged, however, on two different grounds: while energy independence has mostly directed US policy, environmental concerns and GHG reduction has inspired European policy. Furthermore, broadly speaking, policy actions have mainly involved economic support, development of standards and regulations, and public support to R&D investments.
Currently, more than 60 countries have biofuel policies in place, succeeding in developing a new economic sector and a market. Yet, at the moment, the main challenge for biofuels production is to be competitive even without public support, a most desired fit but still unaccomplished.38 To this aim, investments and public support to R&D oriented to next-generation biofuels and integrated biorefineries development play a major role. Moreover, given the foreseen increasing price of fossil fuels, biofuels might eventually gain momentum and be competitive in an unprotected global market.
Finally, when discussing biofuels policies, a second order of consideration relates to the impact that biofuels have on food security and land competition. As discussed in this chapter, biofuel development has both global and local effects, positive and negative, short and long term. Many of these effects take the form of increased competition for food, for land, and for water. In this framework, a growing concern, when it comes to design biofuel policies, is therefore to limit their potential negative impacts and strengthen their potential positive impacts—combining economic efficiency with environmental and social sustainability. This is an ambitious but necessary path for the change to occur and for the transition to take shape.


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1 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/world-energy-day-2014-how-much-oil-left-how-long-will-it-last-1471200.

2 http://www.imeche.org/knowledge/themes/energy/energy-supply/fossil-energy/when-will-oil-run-out.

3 First-generation biofuels usually refer to ethanol produced from sugar-rich and starch-rich crops, and to biodiesel made from oilseed crops or animal fat, as well as pure plant oil (PPO). Typically, these feedstocks can also be used as food and feed. Second-generation biofuels are those made from nonedible and/or lignocellulosic biomass, and typical outputs are lignocellulosic ethanol, biomass-to-liquids, and biosynthetic natural gas. Third-generation biofuels usually refers to biofuels not competing with food crops nor with lands; typically, algae-based biofuels fall within this category (HELP, 2013).

4 Competitors of the biofuels include, among others, methane, liquefied petroleum gas and electricity used for marine, aviation, and agricultural purposes.

5 These circumstances have induced several national governments to enhance the competitiveness of biofuels by introducing ad hoc public policies, to which we will come back in Section 4.5.

6 Common examples are sugar beet, sorghum, grain, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, sunflower, fruit, molasses, corn, stover, grain, wheat, straw, and cotton. Bioethanol from cellulose and algae, agricultural residues, coal, solid waste, and other nonfood feedstock constitutes a second-generation biofuel that is currently being developed and is likely to become commercially viable in a foreseeable future. Moreover, bagasse, miscanthus, and switchgrass are generally considered as the feedstock for the second generation of biofuels. We will come back to the question of second-generation biofuels in the following section.

7 Gallon gasoline equivalent is a coefficient that indicates the amount of alternative fuel it takes to equal the energy content of 1 gallon of gasoline. The highest the ratio, the lowest the energy density of the fuel.

8 Miles per gallon equivalent is a coefficient for measuring the distance traveled for every unit of energy consumed and it is expressed in miles/gallon.

9 Although bioethanol produced from sugarcane has proven to be more efficient and sustainable (Dutta et al., 2014), it requires a tropical/subtropical climate, which renders it available only in the South American region.

10 For instance, palm oil production is widespread in Malaysia (Timilsina et al., 2011), where its yield is about five times higher that of rapeseed and 10 times that of soybean.

11 A more comprehensive list of feedstocks used for producing biodiesel also includes: rapeseed oil, pongamia, field pennycress, jojoba, flax, sunflower, coconut, hemp and waste vegetable oil, fungi and coffee ground, animal fats, lard, algae (both micro and macro algae), salicornia bigelovii, Chinese tallow, and sewage sludge.

12 Here we refer to hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel (HDRD), which is also known as green diesel or second-generation biodiesel. On this point, see US Department of Energy – Alternative Fuels Data Center http://www.afdc.energy.gov/fuels/emerging_green.html.

13 It is worth noting that hydrogenation differs from hydrocracking as the former is achieved through reduction of inorganic components (eg, nitrogen or sulfur) or adding hydrogen to unsaturated bonds, whereas in the latter process, bigger molecules are cracked into smaller ones. For these operations, different types of catalysts are used, and the conditions of pressure and temperature are also different; for example, hydrogenation occurs at lower temperatures than hydrocracking.

14 A bacterium which is able to transform glucose into biogasoline (http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23431-bacteria-churn-out-first-ever-petrollike-biofuel.html#.VYiGn1XtlBc).

15 Lignocellulose is composed by cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.

16 Other examples would include dedicated feedstock such as vegetative grasses, short rotation forests, as well as other energy crops (ie, copra, castor seed, sesame, groundnut kernel, mustard seed, sunflower, and cotton seed).

17 It is worth noting that also macroalgae have a good productivity potential of about 95,000 L/ha per year (compared with palm oil productivity of 5950 L/ha).

18 Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels releases proposed standards for review, Biomass Magazine, August 18, 2008. Retrieved December 24, 2008.

19 http://rsb.org/sustainability/rsb-sustainability-standards/.

20 An example is REDD – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; http://www.un-redd.org/.

21 This paradox occurs whenever a new technology increases the efficiency with which a resource is used (reducing the per-unit of final product needed amount), but the overall rate of consumption of that resource rises because of increasing demand (Bauer and Papp, 2009; York, 2006).

22 As suggested by Sinn (2008), an environmental policy that becomes greener with the passage of time acts like an announced expropriation for the owners of fossil fuel resources, inducing them to accelerate resource extraction and hence to accelerate global warming.

23 Carbon leakage occurs when there is an increase in carbon dioxide emissions in one region as a direct result of the policy to cap emission in another region. This phenomenon implies that domestic climate mitigation policies are less effective and more costly in containing emission levels when overall effects are accounted for (OECD/IEA, 2008).

24 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/10/world/americas/10brazil.html?pagewanted=1&sq=Bush%20Brazil%20ethanol&st=nyt&scp=5&_r=0.

25 http://www.greenfacts.org/en/biofuels/figtableboxes/biofuel-brazil.htm.

26 Gas taxes in brazil are about 54%, while bioethanol taxes are between 12% and 30% (see: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/2008/08/438347-imposto-poe-gasolina-brasileira-entre-as-mais-caras.shtml).

27 http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Brazil_SR_e3.pdf.

28 http://www.ethanolproducer.com/articles/4591/brazil-launches-campaign-to-remove-ethanol-tariff/.

29 Since the government is Petrobras' controlling shareholder, it can influence oil products prices and cushion the impact of international fuel prices volatility on domestic prices.

30 http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/tecnologias-verdes/2013/11/etanol-e-usado-hoje-em-apenas-23-dos-carros.shtml.

31 http://www.economist.com/node/10250420. The Economist. Cheap no more. Rising incomes in Asia and ethanol subsidies in America have put an end to a long era of falling food prices. Dec sixth 2007.

32 http://images1.americanprogress.org/il80web20037/americanenergynow/AmericanEnergy.pdf.

33 http://www.afdc.energy.gov/laws/RFS.

34 Transport sector CO2 emissions represent 23% (globally) and 30% (OECD) of overall CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The sector accounts for approximately 15% of overall greenhouse gas emissions (OECD/ITF, 2010).

35 The counting schemes defines the following measurement criteria (see: http://biofuelstp.eu/biofuels-legislation.html):

• Biofuels from Used Cooking Oil and Animal Fats (counted two times)
• Renewable electricity in rail (counted 2.5 times)
• Renewable electricity in electric vehicles (counted five times)
• Advanced biofuels (double counted and with an indicative 0.5% subtarget, with the options for member states to go below that target).

36 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014DC0015&from=EN.

37 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 (see: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014DC0015&from=EN).

38 As discussed earlier, biofuel production has gained momentum and competitiveness in Brazil. This is mainly due to a long-lasting supporting policy described in Section 4.5.1.

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