Table associations

The power of Qlik Sense Associative resides in how your tables are associated. Unlike SQL tools, you don't have to worry about Many-To-One and One-To-Many relationships and predefine the exploration path between your data. You can load your data, set which fields (usually called key fields) are the links between the tables, and Qlik Sense Associative takes care of the rest.

Now, let's see how we can create the associations between the two tables we have loaded:

On the right-hand side of the screen, you can see a section called Recommended associations. While loading your data, Qlik Sense analyzed your tables and proposed how to associate your tables based on a complex algorithm that considers distinct values of each field, column names, and the frequency of each value for each table.

Press the Preview all button to check how Qlik Sense is proposing to associate our tables. It should look something like this:

As you can see, Qlik Sense will draw a blue association between the two tables and highlight the columns in green that it is using as link keys between the two tables. In our case, Qlik Sense chooses CustomerID for both tables as fields that are eligible to link our tables. As an example, VINET values from Orders will match with VINET values from customers. Now, press the Apply all button; you're going to see that the blue connection becomes a dark gray one, indicating that the association was created:

Now, we have to load all tables using the Load data button, and then create all the associations:

If you go to Data model viewer, you will see your tables linked:

In the following screenshot, we can see our two tables and how they are associated:

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