Testing our on-demand application

Now that we have everything set up, let's test our applications to make sure everything is correct.

When we see an app that uses ODAG, we will see a small circle at the bottom-left corner with the name of the app navigation link that we just created.

As the user makes selections, that circle is filled with the green color, indicating that a detailed version of the app can be generated:

This means that some selections were made, but the total row count still extrapolates the threshold set in Maximum Row count:

This green circle means that row count is less than the total maximum set.

Please follow the next steps to create your detailed application:

  1. Click on the small arrow on the right side of the link:

The red icon indicates that some restrictions are not yet satisfied. Please refer to the Adding restrictions section to check how they were set.

  1. Click on that red icon. Qlik Sense will show the whole set of restrictions:

In this case, the current selections would retrieve 218,193 rows (less than the set maximum of 250,000). The selections made to trip_month are within the threshold set (3 for a maximum of 4) and the selections made to start_station_name and end_stations_name are not okay.

Let's make some selections to those fields and see what happens when you click on the green circle:

  • Select Central Partk S & 6 Ave and West St & Chambers St for start_station_name.
  • Select 1 Ave & E 15 St, 1 Ave & E 16 St and 1 Ave & E 18 St for end_station_name.
  • Select 1/1/2016 for trip_month:

Now press the icon for information (small black rounded i):

Qlik Sense is showing that all four constraints are attained:

  • Row count, we have 7 of a minimum 250,000
  • 1 selection for trip_month
  • 2 selections for start_station_name
  • 2 selections for end_station_name

Now that all the restrictions are satisfied, the Generate new app button becomes dark, indicating that the user can create a detailed app of the selected data. When you click on it, a monitoring screen will be shown so you can check the progress of the request:

When the process has finished, Qlik Sense will enable a popup button on the right-hand side of the screen, giving you access to the new app loaded with the data. When you click that icon, the new app will open in another browser tab:

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