Creating a dynamic SQL 

Let's put all these concepts (binding variables with a possible long list of selections) together to create a script that will recover the detailed records from BigQuery according to the selected values of some fields.

Let's assume that the user can make selections into trip_month, start_station_name, and end_station_name, and that we're applying some restrictions:

// Numbers in [] will force the user to make selections 
// [1-10] at least one value selected and no more than 10

// Restriction Setup

Trace Collecting values for selected values;
// Concatenating all selections from field "StartStations" and delimiting with a quote
LOAD concat(Station,chr(39)&','&chr(39)) as concatenated_stations Inline [
$(odso_start_station_name){"quote": "", "delimiter": ""}
Let vStartStations='';
if NoOfRows('StartStations') > 0 then
LET vStartStations = chr(39)&Peek('concatenated_stations')&chr(39);
Drop Table StartStations;

// Concatenating all selections from field "EndStations" and delimiting with a quote
LOAD concat(Station,chr(39)&','&chr(39)) as concatenated_stations Inline [
$(odso_end_station_name){"quote": "", "delimiter": ""}
Let vEndStations='';
if NoOfRows('EndStations') > 0 then
LET vEndStations = chr(39)&Peek('concatenated_stations')&chr(39);
Drop Table EndStations;

// Concatenating all selections from field "TripMonths" and delimiting with a quote
// We have to adjust date format so we're using subfield to convert to YYYY-MM-DD
LOAD concat(
SubField(TripMonths,'/',3) & '-'
& SubField(TripMonths,'/',1) & '-'
& SubField(TripMonths,'/',2)
,chr(39)&','&chr(39)) as concatenated_months
Inline [
$(odso_trip_month){"quote": "", "delimiter": ""}
Let vMonths='';
if NoOfRows('TripMonths') > 0 then
LET vMonths = chr(39)&Peek('concatenated_months')&chr(39);
Drop Table TripMonths;

Now we are creating the final SQL query that will be submitted to Google BigQuery:

Trace Creating dynamic SQL;
// Basic SQL for retrieve all fields
SET SQL = 'SELECT * FROM 'bigquery-public-data.new_york.citibike_trips' WHERE 1=1 ';

// If the user has selected StartStations we add a condition
IF Len(vStartStations) > 0 Then
LET SQL = SQL & chr(10) & ' AND start_station_name in ($(vStartStations))';

// If the user has selected vEndStations we add a condition
IF Len(vEndStations) > 0 Then
LET SQL = SQL & chr(10) & ' AND end_station_name in ($(vEndStations))';

// If the user has selected TripMonths we add a condition
IF Len(TripMonths) > 0 Then
LET SQL = SQL & chr(10) & ' AND TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(starttime, month) in ($(vMonths))';

And now we are executing the script:

Trace Executing SQL $(SQL);
LIB CONNECT TO 'Google_BigQuery (qmi-qs-sn_qlik)';
After pasting all this code, please save your application using Ctrl + S.
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