Defending your network

Most topics in this book cover attack scenarios. Unfortunately, one day you might experience attempts against your own systems. This means your security defense measures will be challenged and hopefully you will have the right tools to identify and prevent the breach from causing damage to your organization.

We want to be clear that the Raspberry Pi is not the ideal tool to leverage for cyber defense. Best practice is layering security solutions that offer various features such as application layer controls, stateful firewall, intrusion prevention, access control, network segmentation, malware detection, network monitoring, data loss, and so on. Most tools that provide the level of protection you need to combat the threats seen on today's networks require very high power processing and tons of storage. Unfortunately, the Raspberry Pi does not offer this.

If you are looking to test some basic security concepts in a small lab such as segmentation using firewall features or scanning for basic threats with an IDS, the Raspberry Pi can act as a decent portable lab. Some ARM images claim to be ideal for home office protection, however, we would not recommend using a Raspberry Pi with the intention of protecting real assets.

Let's start off by looking at how to turn a Raspberry Pi into IDS/IPS. Later in this chapter, we will look at other Raspberry Pi security defense use cases such as how to use the Raspberry Pi as a VPN server, a content filer, or a Tor node.

Intrusion detection and prevention

There might be a time when you become the victim of a network breach. The best defense is layering multiple security solutions that cover various points on your network so if one gets bypassed, other tools are there to identify and stop the attacker. Common defense tools range from firewalls to detection technologies such as IDS/IPS solutions.

The Raspberry Pi can be configured as a low budget IDS/IPS to protect a part of your network. This should obviously only be considered for a very specific goal as there are far better options for providing real long term IPS/IDS solutions. The Raspberry Pi does not have the horsepower or storage for anything beyond basic detection and prevention, so consider this option for lab use and training purposes.

When considering an IPS/IDS, the first thing to decide is how it will be deployed. The typical use case is between a router and another device, or between a system and network. You could also be an intrusion detection system, meaning the device is a tap in the network viewing copies of the traffic and won't have any enforcement capabilities. In my example, I'll use Snort as an inline IPS between my laptop and external network acting as a man-in-the-middle. This could be ideal for connecting to an untrusted network while not leveraging VPN. This setup will require two Ethernet ports so I'll be utilizing a USB to Ethernet adapter to accommodate the second port.

Deploying the Raspberry Pi for man-in-the-middle attacks is similar to acting as a man-in-the-middle for IPS deployments. You will need to set the IP address of both interfaces as, and use the bridge utility to bridge both interfaces together. We covered this process in Chapter 3, Penetration Testing under the Man-in-the-middle section. A summary of the commands used to bridge the two interfaces together is shown in the following screenshot:

Intrusion detection and prevention


The most popular open source IDS/IPS used today is Snort now owned by Cisco due to the acquisition of Sourcefire. The major problem with using Snort on a Raspberry Pi is the resource requirements that extend beyond what the Raspberry offers. It is recommended to tune down processes on Snort prior to running it to get decent functionality.

Snort can run from a Kali Linux installation but it is not preinstalled.


Make sure you download and update Snort prior to bridging your interfaces or you won't have Internet access. A possible work-around is adding a third wireless or Ethernet adapter to provide Internet access for updates while you leverage the other two ports for bridging.

Let's look at how to install and use Snort once your man-in-the-middle bridge is established in the following manner:

  1. The first step to is download required files using the following command:
    sudo apt-get install flex bison build-essential checkinstall libpcap-dev libnet1-dev libpcre3-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev iptables-dev
  2. Snort also requires libraries that do not ship with the Kali Linux ARM image. To get the libraries required for Snort to function properly, type the following command:
  3. Next, you need to uncompress the file by using the tar –zxvf libdnet-1.12.tgz command. Once the file is uncompressed, use the cd command to navigate to the directory.
  4. You will change the CFLAGS variables to be configured for a 64-bit OS by typing the ./configure CFLAGS="-fPIC" command. Once this is done, type the make command.
  5. Next, you need to build a symbolic link from the location of libdnet to where Snort expects libdnet to be located. Type the following command to do this:
    ln -s /usr/local/lib/libdnet.1.0.1 /usr/lib/libdnet.1
  6. Now, you need to move to a directory used for Snort. We created a new directory called snort on our desktop by using the mkdir snort command from the desktop folder in command line or by right clicking on the desktop in the GUI and selecting it to make a new directory.
  7. Next, we will need to download the Snort data acquisition libraries. Type the wget command to do this. Note the version we are using might be different from what is available. Check to ensure you are using the latest version.
  8. Download Snort with the following command:
  9. Next, we will unzip and install the Snort data acquisition libraries using the following commands:
    tar -zxvf daq-2.0.4.tar.gz
    cd daq-2.0.4
    ./configure; make; sudo make install
  10. The last step is downloading either Oinkcode, or community rules. Oinkcode rules are unique keys associated with an existing Snort user account. If you do not have Oinkcode rules, you can download community rules.
  11. We will download community rules by using the wget command. This should download a file called community.tar.gz into your directory. You will need to uncompress the file using the tar xvfz community.tar.gz -C /etc/snort/rules command.


    In some cases, you might need to add an extension to the file. If you only see community or some variation without the .tar.gz extension, type the mv community community.tar.gz command.

  12. Now we are ready to install Snort. To install Snort, type apt-get install snort. You will get a prompt to configure the IP address and subnet mask of the Snort interface as shown in the following screenshot:

    You should see Snort complete its installation process, as shown in the following screenshot:


You have successfully configured Snort. There are many things you can do with Snort from this point such as analyzing traffic crossing the network bridge you set up in previous steps by using the snort command. We could write an entire book on Snort, and there are some books dedicated to the subject matter. If you are unfamiliar with Snort, we suggest you visit

The easiest way to start Snort is just to type ./snort –i eth0; this will start Snort and listen on Ethernet 0. There are many more advanced configurations that allow you to capture and run everything to a syslog server for further analysis. By default, Snort will log everything to the terminal screen, as shown in the following screenshot. Don't worry if it is difficult to see, as the messages scroll fast on the screen and that is why most people will log to an external syslog server.


One additional step you might take is setting up Snort to automatically start by creating a script. This is typically only used if you have the Raspberry Pi dedicated to Snort. The following example shows how to create a script to auto start snort when you boot up your Raspberry Pi:
# Configures the virtual bridge between the two physical interfaces.
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth1
brctl addbr bridge0
brctl addif bridge0 eth0
brctl addif bridge0 eth1
ifconfig bridge0 up
# Configures Snort and TCPdump tools to begin listen and inspecting
# the network traffic that travels through the bridge interface.
TCPdump -i bridge0 -w /root/IDS-log/networkdump/network-traffic-$(date +%y%m%d).cap &
Snort -i bridge0 -v |tee /root/IDS-log/snortdump/Snort-dump-$(date +%y%m%d) &

Content filter

A content filter is used to control the type of content a reader is authorized to access while surfing the Internet. Older content filters require lot of manual tuning based on updating URL lists, however, most commercial offerings provide content categories that are automatically updated with new website labels. The most common use case for requiring a content filter is blocking inappropriate content such as pornography from business networkers. Typically, content filters are bundled in with capabilities offered by network proxies or application layer firewalls.

Let's look at how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a home office content filter. This is great for parents wanting to keep their personal network kid-friendly.


KidSafe is used to filter inappropriate content while users surf the Internet. KidSafe accomplishes this by using open source web URL filtering services through a Squid proxy. This allows parents to control their children's Internet experience through an easy-to-use GUI.

KidSafe can be installed on any Linux-based system including Kali Linux for the Raspberry Pi. The application is suited for low powered, low cost computing systems making it ideal for home use. We recommend installing KidSafe on the Raspbian operating system so you don't have to worry about the additional settings associated with setting up Kali Linux. The Raspbian ARM image is typically installed by default when purchasing a Raspberry Pi. However, you can download it from The installation process is similar to how we installed Kali Linux in Chapter 1, Raspberry Pi and Kali Linux Basics.

The steps are as follows:

  1. The first step to prepare for KidSafe is changing the default Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) behavior to a static address so we don't have to worry about our IP address changing. Clients such as PCs and phones will proxy to and from this IP address to connect to the Internet, so it is important to make sure a static address is selected that is reachable by other devices on the network. It is also important that it is static so endpoints don't have to adjust their proxy settings. We can do this in the following way:
    1. Let's change our IP address to a static address.
    2. Type the ifconfig command to see your network interfaces. You should see something like what's shown in the following screenshot. Note what you see when you run the command.
    3. You will edit the network interface file. We will use vi, but you can use your favorite editor. Type the sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces command. The launch of this command is shown in the following screenshot:
    4. Look for the line that says something close to iface eth0 inet dhcp. You will change that line to a static address. In our example, we will change to a static IP of with a subnet mask of as well as default gateway of using the commands in the following screenshot:
  2. Now, let's install Tor using the sudo apt-get install tor command.
  3. Next, install Squid using the sudo apt-get install squid3 command.
  4. Next, install a light web server using the sudo apt-get install lighttpd command.
  5. PHP is required for KidSafe. To install PHP, use the sudo apt-get install php5-common php5-cgi php5 php5-mysql command. You need to enable PHP scripts using the sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-phpa command.
  6. At this point, you will need to reload the server using the sudo service lighttpd force-reload command.
  7. The next step is to install the GUI admin tool for PHP. This is not required but we recommend it since it makes administrating PHP much easier. To install the GUI admin, use the sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin command. Once installed, you will be able to administer PHP from a web browser by accessing http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.
  8. Next, we will change the directory owner and group by typing the sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www command. We also need to change permissions on our directory using the sudo chmod 775 /var/www command.
  9. If you do not have a username, create one using the sudo adduser proxy command. Also, make sure to change the password for your username using the sudo passwd proxy command. You will add your username to the directory group to give it permissions to manage using the sudo usermod -a -G www-data proxy command.
  10. Change to /opt directory. You can do so by typing in sudo cd /opt. Make sure you are in the /opt directory by using the cd command.
  11. Next, we will download a helper application that is used to configure the proxy and Squid settings much easier. Go to to download the application. You can do so by typing sudo wget from the command line. Make sure you are in the /opt directory.


    Check whether you are using and downloading the latest version. If not, adjust this to the latest version; most likely, only the version number will change when downloading the file.

  12. Use the sudo tar –zxvf kidsafe-squidapp-0.2.0.tgz command to untar the file.
  13. You will edit the /opt/kidsafe/ file using your favorite editor. Go to the last line of the file and change the address to your IP address.
  14. Change acl local_acl dst to what is appropriate for your subnet.
  15. You will need to merge the Squid files with the KidSafe files. Do so by typing include /opt/kidsafe/
  16. Several files will need their permissions changed or updated. Type in the following commands:
    cd /opt/kidsafe
    sudo chown :www-data .
    sudo chmod 775 .
    sudo chown :proxy
    sudo chmod 770
    sudo chown :www-data kidsafe.rules kidsafe.session
    sudo chmod 664 kidsafe.rules kidsafe.session
  17. Now you can download and install the KidSafe application in the /var/www directory. To download KidSafe, type sudo wget kidsafe-webapp-0.2.0.tgz. Make sure you are in the /var/www directory. Also note the version you are downloading as it might differ from the example we used.
  18. Uncompress the file using the following command:
    sudo tar -xvzf /home/pi/kidsafe-webapp-0.2.0.tgz
  19. Now open up a web browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. Click on Databases and select Create New Database. Name the database kidsafe. We will set the database type to Local as shown in the following screenshot:
  20. Password will be set to: <as defined in the kidsafe-config.php file>. Save and apply the configuration. In the Database-specific privileges menu select the kidsafe database. For Privileges, select only SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. For Grant, select No. For Table-specific privileges, select No.
  21. Now click on the Databases button on the left side of the tab. Go to the SQL tab and execute the commands (just copy and paste) from the following file at


    Alternatively you can get the same file at

    The following screenshot shows the phpMyAdmin page:



    Your PHP page will look significantly different than ours. That is because we are running multiple applications and databases.

  22. You should change permissions on the log file. Type the following commands:
    cd /var/log/squid3
    sudo touch kidsafe.log
    sudo chown :www-data kidsafe.log

    Setup is now complete. You can configure rules, logins, and other settings by going to http://localhost/kidsafe.


    For more information on how to use KidSafe check out

    The following screenshot shows the KidSafe administered Website blocked page:



    Don't manually manage websites you want to block. Download free blacklists from to get updated lists that have categorized millions of websites.

Remote access with OpenVPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an essential security element to many organizations. VPNs provide a method to connect directly to a remote network as if you are on-site and protect traffic in between the client and the connected network using encryption. This prevents many man-in-the-middle attacks and allows people to be more productive while out of the office. OpenVPN can turn a Raspberry Pi into a VPN concentrator providing these and other benefits at an extremely low cost.

Let's look at how to transform a Raspberry Pi into a VPN concentrator using the following steps:

  1. The first step is installing the latest Raspbian image through the NOOBS package or directly from the Raspberry Pi website following steps from Chapter 1, Raspberry Pi and Kali Linux Basics.
  2. We also suggest updating your image with the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade commands as specified for Kali Linux in Chapter 1, Raspberry Pi and Kali Linux Basics.
  3. Since the goal of this solution is to be outside-facing, we strongly suggest changing the default password before starting the OpenVPN configuration.


    You need to be a root user prior to launching the update and upgrade commands using the sudo –i command.

  4. Once your Raspbian build is upgraded, you will need to identify an accessible IP address to the outside network where you plan to connect from. You will also need to pick a port to connect through, such as UDP traffic on port 1194. This would mean opening forward port 1194 on your router and firewall. You can use a different port or protocol, such as TCP depending on what you are confortable with opening on your router and firewall.
  5. OpenVPN isn't installed by default on most operating systems, so you will need to use apt-get install openvpn to install it as shown in the following screenshot:
    Remote access with OpenVPN
  6. Next you will want to generate keys to protect your VPN server. We will use easy-rsa for this purpose. You will need to be a root user so make sure to type sudo –s prior to moving forward. Use the following command to copy everything from the easy-rsa/2.0 folder to the easy-rsa folder:
    cp –r /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0 /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa


    This type of certificate is fine for a small VPN deployment. However, if this grows, you might want to consider generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using OpenSSL and getting that signed through a trusted certificate authority.

  7. Next, go to the easy-rsa folder found with cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa. If you type ls, you should see a file called vars. We want to edit that, so type nano vars. Now, find and change the EASY_RSA variable to export EASY_RSA="/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa". The following screenshot shows this adjustment at line 13:
    Remote access with OpenVPN
  8. You could increase the encryption method from 1024-bit to 2048-bit if you are paranoid. Just find the line that states export KEY_SIZE=1024 and increase the value to 2048. Once you are done, type Ctrl + X to save your changes.
  9. Now we need to build a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and Root CA certificate. The Raspberry Pi will act as its own certificate authority and sign off on OpenVPN keys. You should still be in the easy-rsa folder. Type source ./vars to load the vars document. Type ./clean-all to remove any previous keys.
  10. Type ./build-ca to build your certificate authority. You will be asked a bunch of questions regarding where you live, company name, and so on. The following screenshot shows the first question once I ran the previous commands:
    Remote access with OpenVPN
  11. After you finish the last question regarding an e-mail address, you can name your server by using the ./build-key-server [Server_Name] command. Once again, you will have to answer some optional fields. Make sure this time around you use the name you picked for the Common Name field, which should default to that name. You must also leave A challenge password field blank.
  12. You will get a message saying your certificate will be signed for 3,650 more days and it will ask you to commit. Say yes (y) and it will generate your certificate.
  13. Now that the server side is up, let's build keys for the "clients" also known as users. For example, we will create a key for our laptop. To do this, use the ./build-key-pass [UserName] command. So for our example, the user name is laptop1. It will ask you for a pass phrase to remember. Fill that out and go through the prompts. Make sure to leave A challenge password field blank. Confirm to sign the certificate and it will display that the database has been updated.
  14. Go to the keys folder using cd keys and type openssl rsa –in laptop1.key –des3 –out laptop1.3des.key. This will apply des3 also known as des encryption three times to each data block.
  15. At this point, you have created a server certificate and a client certificate. You can repeat the client process if you want to create certificates for other devices. When you are done, go back to the easy-rsa folder using cd so you can generate the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Type ./build-dh to execute this.


    You might get a prompt to first enter source /vars prior to using the ./build-dh command. Run that command before rerunning the ./build-dh command.

    This could take a while depending on your encryption size. If you increased things to 2048-bit encryption earlier on, expect to wait longer. We are stuck with 1024, so it took a few minutes to complete.

  16. The next step is to enable Denial of Service (DoS) protection using a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) key. This will have the Raspberry Pi first ask for a static key before attempting to authenticate an access request. This stops attackers from spamming the server with random repeated requests. Use the openvpn –genkey –secret keys/ta.key command to enable this.
  17. At this point, we have generated keys and had a CA sign them. Now let's configure OpenVPN. We first need to create a .conf file that will be used by OpenVPN to list things such as where we are connecting from and the type of connections. Type nano /etc/openvpn/server.conf. This will open a blank document in the openvpn folder. Use the following commands to configure OpenVPN:


    Make sure to adjust to your network where the comments are asking for your information.

    dev tun
    proto udp. # This is the protocol
    port 1194
    ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt
    cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/Server.crt # USE YOUR CERT NAME YOU CREATED
    key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/Server.key # USE YOUR KEY NAME YOU CREATED
    dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/dh1024.pem # IF YOU CHANGED THE ENCRYPTION SIZE ADJUST THIS
    # These are the server and remote endpoints
    # This adds a route to Client routing table for the OpenVPN Server
    push "route"
    # This adds a route to Client routing table for the OpenVPN Subnet
    push "route"
    # This is your local subnet
    # Set primary domain name server address to the Router
    push "dhcp-option DNS"
    push "redirect-gateway def1"
    keepalive 10 120
    tls-auth /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key 0
    cipher AES-128-CBC
    user nobody
    group nogroup
    status /var/log/openvpn-status.log 20
    log /var/log/openvpn.log
    verb 1

    Press Ctrl + X once you are finished to save.

  18. Now, we need to create another file to configure the Raspberry Pi to forward Internet traffic. To do this, let's edit a file called sysctl.conf by using the nano /etc/sysctl.conf command. Look for the line close to the top that says # Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4 and remove the # to uncomment it. This will tell the Raspberry Pi to relay Internet traffic rather than just being a receiver. Press Ctrl + X to save changes.
  19. Next, type sysctl –p to apply the changes. The sysctl command configures kernel parameters at runtime.
  20. Everything regarding the VPN should be up, however, the Raspbian firewall will block incoming connections. Also, the Raspbian's firewall configuration resets by default when the Pi is rebooted. We need to use a script to make sure the Raspberry Pi remembers that the OpenVPN connection is always permitted. Use the nano /etc/ command to open a blank executable file. Enter the following commands into the file:
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source 192.168.X.X.
  21. The in the command is the default address for Raspberry Pi clients that are connected over the VPN. You need to update this to your Raspberry Pi's IP address. Note that the script specifies the eth0 interface as the outside-facing interface. Type Ctrl + X to save the changes.
  22. You need to change this to an executable file by updating its permissions and ownership of the etc/ file. We need to change the mode to 700, meaning owner can read, write, execute, as well as change the owner to root. The commands to do this are:
    chmod 700 /etc/
    chown root /etc/
  23. We need to place this script into the interface setup code so it runs on boot. This will punch the hole for OpenVPN to function properly. Type nano /etc/network/interfaces, look for the line that states iface eth0 inet dhcp, and add the line pre-up /etc/ with an indent below this line. Type Ctrl + X to save your changes.
  24. Reboot your Pi using sudo reboot.

    Congratulations, you have a fully functional VPN concentrator!

Now let's download an OpenVPN client and connect back to our Raspberry Pi OpenVPN server using the following steps. There are a variety of OpenVPN clients that are available. We actually prefer Viscosity from SparkLabs.

  1. Go to to download the Viscosity client.


    There are many OpenVPN clients available, including many free ones. The steps will be similar for other clients.

    The following screenshot shows the Viscosity client's Preferences window:

    Remote access with OpenVPN
  2. After you install the client, you will need to add a new connection. Put in the IP address of your VPN server so the client knows where to connect. This is the reachable IP address of your Raspberry Pi server. The following screenshot shows the New Connection window's General tab:
    Remote access with OpenVPN
  3. Next, click on the Authentication tab. In the drop-down list, select PKCS12. We have different authentication schemes available, however, if you remember when we set up our system, we generated client certificates. We can simply select the PKCS12 certificate and import it directly into our client.


    You will need to go back to your Raspberry Pi and export your client certificate so you can import it prior to this step. You can simply save your client certificate on a USB drive or e-mail it yourself.

    The following screenshot shows the menu under the Authentication tab:

    Remote access with OpenVPN
  4. You can now click on Save, then right-click on the connection, and click Connect as shown in the following screenshot:
    Remote access with OpenVPN

    You are now connected to your OpenVPN server.

Tor relays and routers

Tor, sometimes known as onion routing, is used for anonymous access to the Internet by using a system of volunteer nodes and services to route and mask traffic. Using Tor makes it difficult to track Internet usage. This is ideal when you want to defend against unwanted traffic analysis that can be used to violate your privacy. Detailed information around Tor can be found at

A Tor relay works by randomly selecting systems to use as a path to communicate from one point to another. Endpoints access the Tor network by using special software that pushes traffic through the Tor network. The following diagram shows how two systems might use different paths to communicate back and forth on a Tor network:

Tor relays and routers

The Raspberry Pi can be configured as a Tor node and Tor router. A Tor node acts as a system passing through other users' traffic, meaning it is part of the Tor network helping other people remain anonymous while they access the Internet. A Tor router acts as an entry point for an internal network into the Tor network, so all devices surfing through the router will have their traffic randomized through the Tor network. A Tor router replaces the need for every user to run the special Tor software to access the Tor network, since all traffic is routed through Tor by the router.

Let's look at how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a Tor node and Tor router.

Raspberry Tor

You can turn your Raspberry Pi running Kali Linux into a Tor node so that you can take part in the Tor project.


Running a TOR node might have legal or ethical constraints and requirements. We suggest you do your research before running Tor to completely understand what it means. Running a TOR node might mean anonymous users will be using your Internet connection for possibly malicious or illegal activities. Additionally, with the closure of Silk Road 2.0 and other law enforcement arrests, the anonymity of Tor has recently been questioned.

If you are going to participate in the Tor network with your Kali Linux Raspberry Pi, you will need to do some cleanup work using the following steps:

  1. First, turn off any excess services or applications running on Raspberry Pi. If you are unsure, start with a clean install, or use the Raspbian distribution instead.
  2. Change your root password. Use a minimum of twelve alphanumeric characters.
  3. We will install sudo packages and add a tor username. That way, you don't have to work with the root username. We will also update and upgrade our software; use the following steps:
    apt-get install sudo
    adduser tor
    passwd tor
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
  4. We will also need to add the tor account to the list of sudoers. You can do this by editing the /etc/sudoers file. Type the sudo visudo command then add the line tor ALL=(ALL) ALL.


    The visudo command is the traditional and most commonly accepted way to edit the list of sudoers. However, in some operating systems, this command is not available. In those situations, you will need to edit the sudoers file directly. You might do so with the vi /etc/sudoers command.

    The following screenshot shows the /etc/sudoers file:

    Raspberry Tor
  5. We need to change the default DHCP behavior of Kali Linux to a static address. Technically, we could keep a DHCP address, but most likely you will need a static address on the device. Type the ifconfig command to see your network interfaces. You should see something like what's shown in the following screenshot. Write this down:
    Raspberry Tor

    You will edit the network interface file. We will use vi, but you can use your favorite editor. Use the sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces command.

    Look for the line that says something close to iface eth0 inet dhcp, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Raspberry Tor

    You will change that line to a static address. In our example, we will change to a static IP of, with a subnet mask of, as well as default gateway of using the following commands:

    iface eth0 inet static
    address <- chose an IP that fits to your network! This is only an example!
    netmask <- Apply the correct settings
    network <- The IP network
    broadcast <- enter the IP broadcast address
    gateway <- Enter your router or default gateway

    The following screenshot shows the launch of the preceding commands:

    Raspberry Tor
  6. Now, let's install Tor. Type the sudo apt-get install tor command. Edit the tor config file in /etc/tor/torrc. You will need to add or change the configuration to match the following lines. It is okay if there is excess stuff in the configuration file.

    Add or change the following to match the configuration:

    SocksPort 0
    Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log
    RunAsDaemon 1
    ORPort 9001
    DirPort 9030
    ExitPolicy reject *:*
    Nickname xxx (you can chose whatever you like)
    RelayBandwidthRate 100 KB # Throttle traffic to 100KB/s (800Kbps)
    RelayBandwidthBurst 200 KB # But allow bursts up to 200KB/s (1600Kbps)

    The following screenshot shows the launch of the sudo apt-get install tor command:

    Raspberry Tor
  7. You will need to ensure TCP ports 9030 and 9001 are open from your firewall to your Raspberry Pi. You will want to make sure that the outside world can contact these ports as well. You might need to Network Address Translate (NAT) your Raspberry Pi with a static (or one-to-one) NAT statement. If you have a home router, this is sometimes called a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) or a Game port.
  8. Reboot your system.
  9. Now, start Tor by using the sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart command in CLI. Check the Tor log file to ensure the service has started. The Tor log files are located in /var/log/tor/log. You can view the log files by issuing the less /var/log/tor/log command. Look for the entry Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functionality is working. If you see this, you have set up your system correctly.

At this point, you will most likely want to use a Tor client to get on the Tor network. There are many clients available for a variety of operating systems. Here are a few links to help you get started:

At this point, you have a fully functional Tor relay point and a Tor client to access the Tor network. You will not see much when the product is configured, besides some information and status messages on the terminal. There are other views available that will give you more information on traffic and your node participation status as well, which you can toggle through.

Raspberry Tor

The Tor terminal

Tor router

The previous section explained how Raspberry Tor turns the Raspberry Pi into a Tor node. You can connect to the node and be anonymous with your traffic as well as other users who are on the Tor network. To connect to a node, you typically need to use special software. What if you want to run your entire network through Tor so that all traffic coming from your network remains anonymous? This can be accomplished by turning a Raspberry Pi into a Tor router.

For example, you can have the Raspberry Pi plug into your outside router and broadcast a private SSID that users can connect to and have their traffic filtered through the Tor network. This is ideal for setting up a quick mobile hotspot that masks all user traffic using Tor.

Let's look at how to configure a Raspberry Pi into a Tor router using the following steps:

  1. The first step is downloading the latest version of Raspbian from The latest version in our case is 2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img. You will need to unzip the file after you have downloaded it.
  2. Install the Raspbian image onto a SD (microSD) card you will use in the Raspberry Pi. We covered this process in Chapter 1, Raspberry Pi and Kali Linux Basics. The command for our image is as follows:
    sudo dd if=~/Desktop/2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk1.


    You can run any Debain-based Linux system for this project. We prefer using Kali Linux, however, the reason we selected Raspbian is because Kali Linux has many services that can be exploited if not turned off or properly configured.

  3. Boot your Raspberry Pi with the Raspbian image you installed on your microSD. The default username and password for Raspbian is pi and raspberry.
  4. When you log in to the GUI desktop, open the terminal application on the desktop. Type the sudo apt-get update command followed by sudo apt-get upgrade.
  5. You need to install a DHCP server. You will get errors by doing this but ignore them. Type the sudo apt-get install vim tor hostapd isc-dhcp-server command.
  6. Next, you will edit the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file with your favorite editor. Open up the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server file and go to the last line. Edit the INTERFACES line to read INTERFACES="wlan0". Make sure you include the quotes with wlan0 in your configuration.
  7. You will need to edit the wlan0 network configuration. Use your favorite editor to change the /etc/network/interfaces file. Go to the wlan0 section and give it a static IP address. The file should look like the following:
    iface wlan0 inet static
    allow-hotplug wlan0
    #iface wlan0 inet manual
    #wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    #iface default inet dhcp


    Notice that we are commenting out some of the old configurations. It's considered best practice is to do this rather than delete them in the event we need to revert back.

  8. Next, we will want to configure the Raspberry Pi with encryption so that our wireless network has security. You will need to create a new file called /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf.


    Note that you will need to ensure your wireless card is compatible with hostapt.conf. If it is not, you will need to compile your own version or you cannot have wireless security. The people at Adafruit have an alternate hostapd.conf file that works with many other chipsets. You can find it at

    We will configure our hostapd.conf file for WPA2-PSK encryption, SSID of DrChaos, and a password of Kali Raspberry. Of course these settings can be changed to anything of your liking. Create a file called /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf or download it from and place it in the /etc/hostapd directory. You might need to create the directory in the following manner:



    Go to /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/driver/module/drivers to see what driver you are using for the first line of the file.

    Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file and remove the comment from the net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 line to make it active.

  9. Turn on IP forwarding by typing the following command:
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  10. Next, we will add some simple iptable rules to NAT and route our data from wireless to the Internet.


    The following iptable rules are extremely relaxed. It is possible that these rules might expose the true IP address of the client under certain circumstances. If you would like to add an additional layer of security, then skip step 16 (or change the echo from 1 back to 0), and explicitly state which connections you will allow.

    Add the following commands in iptables:

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 22
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 53
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040
    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
    iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

    The following screenshot shows our data being routed with iptables:

    Tor router
  11. Next, you need to edit the /etc/tor/torrc file in the following manner:
    Log notice file /var/log/tor_notices.log
    AutomapHostsSuffixes .onion,.exit
    AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
    TransPort 9040
    DNSPort 53

    You can now plug in your wired connection on the Raspberry Pi to the Internet. At this point, your wireless users will be able to connect the DrChaos SSID using the password of Kali Raspberry to connect. All traffic will be funneled through the Tor network.

    Open up a web browser and go to, and you will get a message showing whether you are on Tor or not as shown in the following screenshot:

    Tor router
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