Chapter 18. Packers and Unpacking

Packing programs, known as packers, have become extremely popular with malware writers because they help malware hide from antivirus software, complicate malware analysis, and shrink the size of a malicious executable. Most packers are easy to use and are freely available. Basic static analysis isn’t useful on a packed program; packed malware must be unpacked before it can be analyzed statically, which makes analysis more complicated and challenging.

Packers are used on executables for two main reasons: to shrink programs or to thwart detection or analysis. Even though there are a wide variety of packers, they all follow a similar pattern: They transform an executable to create a new executable that stores the transformed executable as data and contains an unpacking stub that is called by the OS.

We begin this chapter with some background information about how packers work and how to recognize them. Then we will discuss unpacking strategies, starting with simple ones and then moving on to strategies that are progressively more complicated.

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