The Erlang Multirate Loss Model

We start with random arriving calls of fixed bandwidth requirements and fixed bandwidth allocation during service.

Before the study of multirate teletraffic loss models where multiple service‐classes of different bandwidth per call requirements are accommodated in a service system, let us begin with the simpler case where all calls belong to just one service‐class, and afterwards consider the multi‐service system.

1.1 The Erlang Loss Model

1.1.1 The Service System

Consider that a single service‐class (e.g., telephone service) is accommodated to a loss system, say a transmission link, of capacity images b.u. Each call arrives in the system according to a Poisson process with mean value images and requires 1 b.u. to be serviced. If this bandwidth is available, then a call is accepted in the system and remains under service for an exponentially distributed service time, with mean value images. Otherwise, when all b.u. are occupied, a call is blocked and lost without further affecting the system (e.g., a blocked call is not allowed to retry).

Now, let images be the number of in‐service calls at the time instant images. Since each call occupies 1 b.u. then images also expresses the number of occupied b.u. at the time instant images, i.e., images. Assume that at time instant images, (images), the number of in‐service calls is images, that is, images; in the teletraffic jargon, we say that the system is in state images. Let images denote the probability of being in state images. Since calls arrive at random, based on (I.10) the system's state becomes images at images, if one of the following events takes place:

  1. (a) images and (no arrival or departure occurs in images).
  2. (b) images and (one new call arrives in images).
  3. (c) images and (one in‐service call departs from the system in images).

The probability of the first event equals images. Note that the probability for a specific call to depart within images is images; given that there are images in‐service calls, one departure is possible due to the first or the second or the imagesth call, and therefore the probability of one departure becomes the sum of images probabilities: images.

The probability of the second event equals images, while the probability of the last event equals images (because of the images in‐service calls).

Therefore, because the above events are exclusive, we take:




In (1.2), when images, the limit of the LHS defines the derivative of images:


According to the notion of derivative, (1.3) shows the rate of changes of the instantaneous value of images, which is of little interest. Instead, of great interest is to find the state probability in the steady state, that is, when the system operates normally for a long time period. Service systems normally have a steady state; this means that as images. Then, the probability images approaches a limiting value images, which is constant over time and is determined through ( 1.3) when the LHS is zero:


where images and images.

Since (1.4) holds for all images, we say that the system is in statistical equilibrium. To find the limiting probabilities images, also called steady state probabilities, we solve ( 1.4) by applying the so‐called ladder method:


By adding these equations side by side, we obtain the following recurrent formula:


where images is the offered traffic‐load in erl.

From (1.5), by successive substitutions, we relate images to the probability that the system is empty, images:


One more equation is needed between images and images to formulate a system of two equations with two unknowns. Since the system will always be in one of the states images, we have:


that is,


By substituting (1.8) to (1.6), we determine images:


which is the well‐known Erlang distribution.1

1.1.2 Global and Local Balance

It is important at this point to interpret ( 1.4) and ( 1.5). Let us rewrite them as follows, while multiplying them by images:


The LHS of (1.10a) shows the probability sum of two events while the system is in state images: a call arrival (images) and a call departure (images), which transfer the system out of state images, obviously to the adjacent state images or images, respectively. Likewise, the RHS of (1.10a) shows the probability of moving to state images from the adjacent states images and images, due to a call arrival and a call departure, respectively. Let us remove images from this equation. Then, (1.10a) denotes the fact that rate‐out = rate‐in and is named the global balance (GB) equation of state images.

Even more interesting is the interpretation of (1.10b), where the RHS shows the probability of moving up, from state images to state images, due to a call arrival, while the LHS shows the probability of moving down, from state images to state images, due to a call departure. When removing images, this equation denotes the fact that rate‐down = rate‐up and is named the local balance (LB) equation between the adjacent states images and images.

Having removed images from (1.10a), its graphical representation is shown in Figure 1.1 by the state transition diagram of the system. Two LB equations are presented (the first one between states images and images and the second one between states images and images). Note at this point that the existence of GB between adjacent states does not guarantee the existence of LB. The opposite holds.

State transition diagram for the Erlang loss model (M/M/C/0) depicted by arrows labeled λ from circle n - 1 to circle n and from circle n to circle n + 1; arrow labeled (n + 1)μ from n + 1 to n; and arrow nμ from n to n - 1.

Figure 1.1 State transition diagram for the Erlang loss model (images/images/images/0).

Equations (1.10) introduce the following methodology, called classical methodology, in analyzing a service system in equilibrium, i.e., in determining its steady state probabilities:

  1. (i) Start with the state transition diagram of the system.
  2. (ii) Write the GB equations.
  3. (iii) Apply the ladder method to the GB equations in order to obtain simpler equations, usually the LB equations.
  4. (iv) If steps (ii) and (iii) are too complicated, assume that LB equations hold and go on, but check for atopy.
  5. (v) Consider the normalization condition.2
  6. (vi) Solve the resultant linear system of equations of the steady state probabilities.
M/M/C/∞FIFO - state transition diagram for n > C (Example 1.2), depicted by arrows labeled λ from circle n - 1 to circle n and from circle n to circle n + 1 and arrows labeled Cμ from n + 1 to n and from n to n - 1.

Figure 1.2 images/images/images/images FIFO – state transition diagram for images (Example 1.2).

1.1.3 Call Blocking Probability

The most3 important question in a loss system is “What is the CBP?” or, equivalently, “What is the GoS?”. Call blocking occurs when the system is fully occupied, that is, CBP equals images, the probability that the system is in state images. From ( 1.9) we have


Equation (1.22) is the famous Erlang‐B formula also met in (I.5). As we discussed there (Example I.5), the closed form of the Erlang‐B formula is not appealing for large values of images and images, instead its recurrent form (I.8) is not only preferred but necessary.

It is worth mentioning at this point that, as has been investigated (e.g., [13]), ( 1.9) and consequently ( 1.22) are insensitive to the distribution of service time, and depend only on the mean holding time, images, which is inherently included in the traffic‐load (images). Besides, ( 1.22) refers to the proportion of time that all images b.u. are occupied (i.e., the system is congested). This probability is named time congestion (TC) probability and can be measured by an outside observer. Due to the PASTA property, an inside observer sees the same probability, therefore ( 1.22) is also called call congestion (CC) probability or CBP.

Having found a relationship between images, images and GoS, i.e., images, let us now provide graphs of them (Figure 1.3) in order to compare them with the qualitative graphs of Figure I.2. The first graph of Figure 1.3 presents the required system capacity images versus the offered traffic‐load images (for two certain values of GoS: 1% and 3%) and corresponds to the LHS graph of Figure I.2. However, the anticipated curve of Figure I.2 is hardly followed in Figure 1.3; the function images is rather a straight line in a wide range of the presented values of traffic‐load. The second graph of Figure 1.3 presents CBP versus images, for images erl and images erl, and corresponds to the middle graph of Figure I.2. Due to the reverse meaning of CBP,4 the convex curvature of the middle graph in Figure I.2 appears in the middle graph of Figure 1.3, as a concave (reverse) curvature. The third graph of Figure 1.3 presents CBP versus traffic‐load images for two values of images: 5 and 6 b.u. Herein, the corresponding qualitative graph of Figure I.2 (RHS) is followed pretty well.

Graph of capacity vs. traffic load (top), CBP vs. capacity (middle), and CBP vs. traffic load (bottom). The top and bottom graphs display 2 ascending curves. The middle graph displays 2 descending lines.

Figure 1.3 Quantitative relationships between traffic‐load, system capacity, and CBP.

1.1.4 Other Performance Metrics

  • Utilization: The utilization, images, is expressed by the average number of occupied b.u.:

    Equation (1.24) verifies (I.34). Because of property (4) of traffic‐load, images.

  • Trunk efficiency: According to (I.35), the trunk efficiency images is:

    Since images expresses traffic‐load per trunk, images (property (3) of traffic‐load). Thus, again, images. As Figure 1.4 shows, the trunk efficiency increases as the system capacity increases, for a certain GoS. This is called the large‐scale effect and leads to the conclusion that loss systems must be designed with the greatest possible capacity in order for trunks to be used efficiently. The latter happens because the larger the system capacity, the greater the carried traffic conveyed under a certain GoS.

Graph of trunk efficiency versus capacity displaying 3 ascending curves representing GoS value of 3%, 2%, and 1%.

Figure 1.4 Trunk efficiency for various values of GoS and images.

  • A low bound of images: Since images always, we have:

    Equation (1.26) can be used for a fast evaluation of CBP measurements or CBP calculations, given that the offered traffic‐load images estimation is correct. For instance, according to ( 1.26), if images b.u. and images erl, the anticipated CBP images% at least. Note that the actual CBP value is images. The interested reader may resort to [4] and the references therein for an in‐depth analysis of the lower and upper bounds on the Erlang‐B and Erlang‐C formulas.

1.2 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model

1.2.1 The Service System

Let us now consider the multi‐service system or, as we call it, the Erlang multirate loss model (EMLM). A single link of capacity images b.u. accommodates calls of images different service‐classes under the CS policy. Each call of service‐class images arrives in the system following a Poisson process with mean rate images and requires images b.u. to be serviced. If the requested bandwidth is available, then a call is accepted in the system and remains under service for an exponentially distributed service time, with mean images. Otherwise, the call is blocked and lost, without further affecting the system. After service completion, the images b.u. are released and become available to new arriving calls.

Let images denote the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images in the steady state, images) the corresponding vector of all in‐service calls of all service‐classes, and images) the corresponding vector of the required bandwidth per call of all service‐classes in the system. Because of the CS policy, the set images of the system (state space) is given by (I.36). The product images expresses the occupied link bandwidth in system state images and plays a decisive role in CAC:


In terms of images, the CAC is expressed as follows. A new call of service‐class images that finds the system in state images is accepted in the system if images, where images.

In any case, the best way to prove that a system has a PFS,5 is to find it!

1.2.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

In analyzing a service system, the first target is to determine the steady state probability images. For the EMLM, it can be determined, obviously, by extending the PFS (1.29) of Example 1.6 to images service‐classes, as follows:


where images the normalization constant, which is determined through images:


Of course, the PFS (1.30) must satisfy the set of GB and LB equations of the system. To verify it, follow the aforementioned classical methodology:

  1. (i) Draw the state transition diagram and write the GB equations. Figure 1.7 shows the one‐dimensional state transition diagram of the EMLM when a general state images is considered. Normally, the state transition diagram has as many dimensions (axes) as the number of service‐classes images; see the LHS of Figure 1.8. To be converted to a one‐dimensional diagram, we define the equivalent diagram at the RHS of Figure 1.8. This consideration is justified because both diagrams lead to the same GB equation (see 1.32). Thus, the GB equation (rate in = rate out) for state images is given by:
    where images are the probability distributions of the corresponding states images; parameters images validate a state transition through the following expressions:
State transition diagram of the EMLM, with arrows from circle labeled n-k to circle n, to circle n+k, to circle n, to circle n-k.

Figure 1.7 State transition diagram of the EMLM.

State transition diagrams illustrating GB in the system of Example 1.6, involving n1, n2; n1 - 1, n2; n1 + 1, n2; n1, n2 - 1; and n1, n2 + 1 (left) and n-k, n, and n+k (right).

Figure 1.8 GB in the system of Example 1.6 (Example 1.7).

  1. (ii) Assume that LB exists and check for atopy.

    Assuming the existence of LB between any adjacent states (images and images, or images and images, for images), then the following LB equations (rate up = rate down) are extracted from the state transition diagram (Figure 1.8, LHS) (correspondingly):

  2. (iii) Solve the resultant linear system of equations of the equilibrium probabilities, while considering the normalization condition. Check for atopy, again.

    It can be verified that the probability distribution images has a PFS by substituting ( 1.30) into (1.34a) or (1.34b).

Having calculated the steady state probability images, we proceed to determine the CBP. To this end, we denote by images the admissible state space of service‐class images: images. A new service‐class images call is accepted in the system, if, at the time point of its arrival, the system is in a state images. Hence, the CBP of service‐class images is determined by the state space images, as follows:


Equation ( 1.35) provides the CBP of the EMLM based on a PFS. A recurrent form for the CBP calculation can be obtained by expressing ( 1.36), as follows:


where images; the values of images can be determined recursively via:


For large values of images the computational complexity of (1.38) is images6. A simpler formula follows with a computational complexity images,7 for the determination of the state probabilities of the system, when the system state is represented not by the number of in‐service calls of each service‐class, but by the total occupied b.u. images in the link, where images. This state representation is more effective when aimed at calculating the key performance metrics of the system, like CBP and link utilization. The unnormalized values images of the link occupancy distribution, i.e., the probability that images out of images b.u. are occupied, are given by:


Equation (1.39), known in the literature as the Kaufman–Roberts8 recursion, is accurate and computationally efficient with an easy computer implementation. Because of this, it is the springboard to derive other more complex but efficient teletraffic models. In order for the images values of ( 1.39) to become probabilities, they must be normalized through division by the sum of them, images:


Note that images denotes either a normalized or unnormalized value of the link occupancy distribution, but, in any case, it will be explicitly mentioned (unless it is clear), while images denotes a normalized value of the link occupancy distribution.

Proof of ( 1.39): According to [5], let us consider the occupied link bandwidth images images, as a system state. Thus, the system can be seen either via state images (multi‐dimensional system) or via the new (aggregate) state images (one‐dimensional system). The link occupancy distribution images is defined as:


where images is the set of states in which exactly images b.u. are occupied by all in‐service calls: images (Figure 1.9).

Graph displaying 2 descending lines for sets ΩC and Ωj for the EMLM of two service classes, under the CS policy.

Figure 1.9 Sets images and images for the EMLM of two service‐classes, under the CS policy.

The key point for the recursive calculation of images is to associate the values of images values with the “previous” values of images. In other words, we have to relate the values of images with the (“previous”) values of images, since in state images there are images in‐service calls of service‐class images, while in state images there are images in‐service calls (assuming that images). This relation will be achieved by the use of the LB equation (1.34a), as we will shortly show.

Since images, we can write (1.41) as follows:


From the LB equation (1.34a), the product images is determined by:


where the parameter images is replaced by images (another binary parameter) to denote that:


We take sums of both sides of (1.43) over images to have:


Equation ( 1.43) has no meaning when images; since the RHS of (1.45) refers to state images, the previous state images (in which the LHS of ( 1.45) refers to) belongs to images given that images. This is expressed through the parameters images. More formally, when images, the LHS of ( 1.45) is written as:


and the set images defines the state space images. To individuate the case where images, we introduce the following variable:


By using (1.47), and because of the definition ( 1.41), we can write (1.46) as follows:


From ( 1.45), ( 1.46), and (1.48), we obtain:


Based on (1.49), (1.42) is written as:


which is the Kaufman–Roberts recursion ( 1.39). For an alternative proof see Example 1.12.


According to [ 5], ( 1.39) can be used for arbitrary distributed service times. An interesting interpretation of ( 1.39) is that it stands for an LB equation of a birth–death process, in which images is the birth rate of service‐class images calls, images is the corresponding death rate, and images is the mean number of service‐class images calls in state images (Figure 1.10):


Indeed, (1.51) is derived from ( 1.49) because the RHS of ( 1.49) is written as follows:


Note that ( 1.39) can be derived from ( 1.51) by multiplying both sides of ( 1.51) by images and summing over images.

State transition diagram illustrating the Kaufman-Roberts recursion as a birth-death process, with arrows λk and yk (j) μk connecting 2 circles labeled j-bk and j.

Figure 1.10 The Kaufman–Roberts recursion as a birth–death process. CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures are determined based on ( 1.39):

  • CBP: The determination of CBP of service‐class images, is given by:

    where images is given by (1.40).

    Figure 1.11 depicts a helpful visualization regarding (1.53).

    Diagram for visualization of CBP calculation depicted by a series of connected boxes labeled (left-right) q(0), q(1), q(2), q(3), q(C-4), q(C-3), q(C-2), q(C-1), and q(C). Curly bracket indicate array q(), G, etc.

    Figure 1.11 Visualization of CBP calculation.

    Note that ( 1.53) refers to the TC probabilities of service‐class images calls. These probabilities coincide with the CBP due to the PASTA property.

    Needless to say that in the case of one service‐class in the system, the CBP obtained by ( 1.53) coincides with the results of the Erlang‐B formula; hence, we name this model the Erlang multirate loss model.

  • Utilization: The link utilization, images, is calculated by:
  • Mean number of in‐service calls in state images: The mean number of in‐service calls of service‐class images in state images is given (because of ( 1.51)) by:

    Note that images, if images.

  • Mean number of in‐service calls in the system: The mean number of in‐service calls for service‐class images in the system, images, is given by:
Graphs of first (top) and second (bottom) service class of CBP oscillations in the EMLM (CS policy) (Example 1.14).

Figure 1.12 CBP oscillations in the EMLM (CS policy) (Example 1.14).

1.3 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the BR policy

1.3.1 The Service System

We consider again the multi‐service system of the EMLM, but with the following CAC. A new service‐class images call is accepted in the link if, after its acceptance, the link has at least images b.u. available to serve calls of other service‐classes. This service system is called EMLM under the BR policy (EMLM/BR). By properly selecting the BR parameters images, we can achieve CBP equalization among service‐classes; this is the main target of the BR policy. Assuming that images, then for CBP equalization the parameters images are chosen so that images, that is, images, since it is reasonable not to reserve bandwidth against the service‐class which requires the maximum bandwidth per call. Obviously, due to CBP equalization, we avoid the CBP oscillations observed in the EMLM under the CS policy.

Figure 1.13 illustrates the case of a single link with images that accommodates calls of two service‐classes with images and images b.u. To achieve CBP equalization we reserve images b.u. in favor of calls of the second service‐class.

Schematic of EMLM under the BR policy, with shaded and unshaded boxes for reserved and free b.u., respectively. Arrows indicate exponentially distributed interarrival times and offered, lost, and carried traffics.

Figure 1.13 An example of the EMLM under the BR policy.

1.3.2 The Analytical Model

The basic characteristic of the BR policy is that the steady state probabilities cannot be calculated via a PFS. This is because LB between some adjacent states is destroyed (see the following example). Accurate CBP Calculation

The absence of a PFS in the EMLM/BR leads to approximate solutions as far as the recursive calculation of the state probabilities (and consequently the CBP) is concerned. An accurate CBP calculation is achieved only by solving the linear system of GB equations; however, this is applicable only to small systems with a few service‐classes. Otherwise, the computational requirements become quite excessive. Approximate CBP Calculation based on the Roberts Method

In the EMLM/BR, the link occupancy distribution, q(j), is given in an approximate way by the following recursive formula [11]:




This formula has a form similar to the Kaufman–Roberts recursion ( 1.39), and its existence is based on the assumption that, for a service‐class images with images, the mean number of service‐class images calls in state images, images, is zero in all states images which belong to the prohibitive space of this service‐class: images. Thanks to this assumption, which is reflected in the variable images, the one‐dimensional Markov chain of the system is transformed to an approximate reversible Markov chain,9 which leads to the recurrent formula (1.64). Markov chain reversibility is a strong indication of the existence of a PFS.

The CBP of service‐class images, images, is given by:


where images is the normalization constant, given by ( 1.40).

The link utilization, images, is given by ( 1.54).

The mean number of service‐class images calls, in state images, is determined by:


The mean number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, is given by ( 1.56).

The one-dimensional Markov chain of the EMLM/BR (Roberts' assumption, Example 1.18), with arrows labeled λ1, λ2, y1(1)μ1, y1(2)μ1, y1(3)μ1, y1(4)μ1, y2(2) μ2, y2(3) μ2, y2(4) μ2, etc. linking circles 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Figure 1.15 The one‐dimensional Markov chain of the EMLM/BR (Roberts' assumption, Example 1.18) . CBP Calculation Recursively based on the Stasiak–Glabowski Method

When aiming at QoS equalization among service‐classes, the recursive CBP calculation of the EMLM/BR according to the Roberts method can be improved by the following method proposed by Stasiak and Glabowski10 [12]. The average number of service‐class images calls, images, in state images is not zero but positive, and can be determined approximately in a recurrent way by:


where for the calculation of images the corresponding EMLM system under the CS policy is assumed (i.e., the Kaufman–Roberts recursion ( 1.39)), while images is a weight given by:


The weight images determines the proportion of images that is transferred in state images by a call of service‐class images (other than images), assuming that images. Although the system cannot be in state images due to an arriving call of service‐class images (because of the BR policy), the system can be in state images due to arriving calls of other service‐classes (calls of other service‐classes may coexist in previous states together with service‐class images calls). Thus, when the system is transferred to state images by a service‐class images call, this call also transfers to state images the population of service‐class images. Therefore, the assumption that the average number of calls is positive even in a prohibitive state of a service‐class is more realistic compared to the Roberts assumption. Figure 1.16 illustrates the fact that calls from different service‐classes may contribute in transferring the population of service‐class images to a prohibitive state images. Consequently, given that in state images the population of service‐class images does exist, a backward transition to state images is true.

State transition diagram with arrows λ3, λ2, and λ1 from circles labeled j - b3, j - b2, and j - b1, respectively, pointing to a circle labeled j and arrow labeled yk*( j)μk from the circle labeled j to a circle labeled j - bk.

Figure 1.16 Calls of service‐classes images contribute in images by transferring the population of service‐class images to state images.

Having determined the average number of calls in each state images via (1.68), then the Roberts method is followed by replacing images in the RHS of images in ( 1.64) by images, in order for the average number of calls of each service‐class in state images to be determined:


The philosophy behind this method is that the approximated reversible Markov chain of the Roberts method is kept, but each state images of the prohibited state space is now substituted by state images. The Stasiak–Glabowski method is summarized in the following procedure:

  1. Step 1: Assuming that the system is under the CS policy (instead of the BR policy), calculate images via ( 1.39).
  2. Step 2: Calculate the average number of service‐class images calls in state images, images, according to ( 1.68) and (1.69).
  3. Step 3: Determine images for the EMLM/BR, as follows:

    where images is given by (1.70) and images is given by ( 1.65).

  4. Step 4: Determine the CBP of each service‐class according to ( 1.66).

1.4 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the Threshold Policy

1.4.1 The Service System

We consider again the multi‐service system of the EMLM and adopt a TH‐type CAC, as follows: A new call of service‐class k is accepted in the system, of C b.u., if:

  1. (i) its bandwidth requirement, bk b.u., is less or equal to the available link bandwidth
  2. (ii) the number nk of in‐service calls of service‐class k does not exceed a predefined threshold parameter, after its acceptance. Otherwise, the call is blocked and lost without affecting the system.

By definition a policy is called a TH policy if there exists a set of positive integers images such that a service‐class images call is accepted in the system when in state images, if and only if the new system state fulfils the relations images and images [13].

1.4.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

Due to the fact that the TH policy is a coordinate convex policy (as the CS policy is) the steady state probabilities in the EMLM/TH have a PFS whose form is the same as that of the EMLM (only the definition of images differs):


where images and images

For the determination of the unnormalized values of q(j), the following accurate and recursive formula can be used [14]:


where images is the probability that images b.u. are occupied, while the number of service‐class images calls is images or:


In (1.73) the fact that images implies that:

  1. (i) images and therefore images for images and
  2. (ii) images is a blocking probability factor for service‐class images calls.

The proof of ( 1.73) is similar to the proof of the Kaufman–Roberts formula (see e.g., [ 14]). The only difference is that ( 1.48) now takes the form:


due to the existence of the TH policy.

Intuitively, the form of (1.75) is expected, since the term images is a factor that blocks a new service‐class images call from being accepted in the system and therefore blocks the transition from state images to state images. CBP, Utilization and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined:

  • To determine the CBP of service‐class images, images, we consider two groups of macro‐states:
    1. (i) those where there is no available bandwidth to accept a new service‐class images call; this happens when images
    2. (ii) those where available bandwidth exists, i.e., images but images; the latter implies that images.

    The values of images are given by:


    where images is the normalization constant.

  • The link utilization is given by ( 1.54).
  • The mean number images of service‐class images calls, in state images, is given by:
  • The mean number of service‐class images calls in the system is given by ( 1.56).

Equations (1.76) and (1.77) require knowledge of images. The latter takes positive values when images. Thus, we consider a subsystem of capacity images that accommodates all service‐classes but service‐class images. For this subsystem, we define images, which is analogous to images of ( 1.73):


We can now compute images for images, as follows:


In (1.79), the term images is expected, since for states images, the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images is always images.

The computational complexity of the EMLM/TH is in the order of images, where images; for more details, see [ 14].

Note: In (1.78), each time that the calculation of images requires knowledge of images (this happens when images, for images, an extra subsystem is needed for the calculation of images and images via ( 1.78) and ( 1.79) (see also Section IV, pp. 12–69 in [ 14]). Instead of using subsystems, we may calculate images for those values of images that result in images (in ( 1.78)), while for the rest values of images we can use the following formula (which is based on the fact that the EMLM/TH has a PFS):


for images and images.

This method can be useful especially for systems with small to moderate state spaces (see Example 3.10). This topic remains open to investigation.

1.5 The Erlang Multirate Loss Model in a Fixed Routing Network

1.5.1 The Service System

According to ITU‐T, a fixed routing network is a network in which a route11 providing a connection between an originating node and a destination node is fixed for every service‐class (or for every traffic flow of the same service‐class). Let us consider that a fixed routing network consists of images links. Each link images has a fixed capacity of images b.u. The network accommodates calls of images service‐classes under the CS policy. Calls of service‐class images follow a Poisson process with rate images, require images b.u. and have a generally distributed service time with mean images. Let images be the fixed route of service‐class images calls in the network, where images. A call of service‐class images is accepted in the network if its images b.u. are available in every link images, otherwise the call is blocked and lost.

1.5.2 The Analytical Model

Let images be the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images in the steady state of the system and images be the corresponding steady state vector of all service‐classes in the fixed routing network. If images is the set of service‐classes whose calls are accommodated in link images, i.e., images, then the state space images of the system is given by:

(1.81)equation Steady State Probabilities

The steady state probabilities images have a PFS whose form is the following [ 13,15]:


where images is the normalization constant, and images is the offered traffic‐load of service‐class images calls.

If we denote by images the occupied b.u. of link images, where images, and images is the corresponding vector of the entire fixed routing network, then the unnormalized values of the occupancy distribution images in the fixed routing network are given by the following L‐dimensional accurate recursive formula [ 15]:


where imagesimages is the imagesth row of a (images) matrix (routing table), and shows the route (sequence of links) for the imagesth service‐ class.

Note: In the case of a single link, (1.83) becomes the Kaufman–Roberts recursion ( 1.39). CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls in the System

Having determined the values of images, the following performance measures can be determined:

  • We calculate the CBP of service‐class images, as follows:
    where images.
  • The utilization of link images, is given by the following formula:
    where images.
  • The mean number of service‐class k calls in state images, images, is determined by the formula:
  • The mean number of service‐class k calls in the system, images, is given by:

Although ( 1.83) determines CBP in an accurate way, it has a high computational complexity of the order images [16]. The latter shows the necessity for approximate methods that can be used instead of ( 1.83), especially in the case of large networks. The most popular method is the reduced load approximation (RLA) (see e.g., [ 13, 15,17], and [18]) and is the subject of the next subsection.

1.5.3 CBP Calculation by the RLA Method A Fixed Routing Network Supporting a Single Service‐class

We assume that a fixed routing network supports K different traffic flows of a single service‐class requiring 1 b.u. per traffic flow, that is, images. Traffic flows are distinguished by the different sequence of links traversing the various end‐to‐end connections in a fixed routing network. Let images be the total offered traffic‐load to a link images, where images:


where images is the set of traffic flows utilizing link images.

The CBP of traffic‐flow images, can be upper bounded by the following product (based on the Erlang‐B formula) [19]:


This product‐bound provides a good CBP approximation only if the number of links used by traffic flows in the network is small. If not, this bound is unreliable, for example consider only one traffic flow traversing images links of the same capacity images. Then, from (1.89), we have [ 13]:


where images for every link images.

The bound of (1.90) approaches unity when images increases, although images for every link and, consequently, for the entire fixed routing network.

A better CBP approximation is achieved by reducing the offered traffic‐load images so that blocking in the other links (excluding images) is taken into account. Specifically, this is done by substituting in (1.88) the term images with images, where the reduced factor images is the probability that there is at least 1 b.u. available in every link of the route images. Denoting the approximate CBP in link images by images, we obtain:


Assuming that blocking is independent from link to link (an assumption that is incorrect), we have [ 13]:


The combination of (1.91) and (1.92) gives the following fixed‐point equation12 for the approximate CBP determination in link l:


Assuming again that blocking is independent from link to link, we approximate the CBP of traffic flow k, images, as follows [ 13]:


The combination of (1.93) and (1.94) constitutes the RLA method (or the so‐called Erlang fixed point equation, see e.g., [20]) for fixed routing networks that support traffic flows of a single service‐class.

Note that the fixed point equation has a unique solution (see e.g., Theorem 5.9 in [ 13]) which satisfies the bound:


This solution can be obtained via a simple method that relies on repeated substitutions, as the following example shows.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 1.24 Application of the RLA method in a telephone network of three links (Example 1.26). A Fixed Routing Network Supporting Multiple Service‐classes

Consider now that images service‐classes are accommodated in a fixed routing network of images links, according to the service system described in Section 1.5.1. Suppose that a service‐class images traverses a link images of capacity images b.u. and experiences there CBP, images. images can be determined approximately by:


where it is assumed that the offered traffic‐load images of service‐class images to the whole fixed routing network is the same as the offered traffic‐load of service‐class images in link images; images is the unnormalized probability of having images occupied b.u. in this link (calculated by the Kaufman–Roberts recursion, ( 1.39), over all images) and images is the corresponding normalization constant.

The CBP expression (1.96) can be improved by considering that the offered traffic‐load of a service‐class to a link is actually reduced when traversing through a sequence of links. Let us denote by images the improved CBP of service‐class images in link images. Based on ( 1.92), the offered traffic‐load images is reduced to images. Then, images is given by [ 13]:


Based on (1.97), the approximate CBP calculation of service‐ class images, in the entire route images, is given by:


The combination of ( 1.97) and (1.98) constitutes the RLA method for fixed routing networks that support calls of different service‐class. The values of images can be obtained via repeated substitutions as Example 1.27 shows.

The extension of the RLA method to include different service‐ classes appears in the literature as the knapsack approximation [21]. This term is justified by the fact that the EMLM resembles the stochastic knapsack/problem in combinatorial optimization [22]. The knapsack approximation does not always lead to a unique solution (for an analytical example see [ 13]), however in most cases it approximates CBP quite satisfactorily.

1.6 Applications

1.6.1 The Erlang‐B Formula

Although the Erlang loss model is now obsolete, since it is applicable to single service‐class systems only, it is still useful when a network operator wants to guarantee a specific QoS for a service (of streaming traffic) and, to achieve it, reserves a certain amount of bandwidth, images b.u. for this service (not recommended, because of no statistical multiplexing gain [24]). For the applicability of the Erlang‐B formula ( 1.22) when a call requires a service rate images b.u., we have to consider a system capacity of images and traffic‐load images: images. Thus, we transform the system as if it were images. When the system capacity is a real number, images is determined through the gamma function images [25]:


1.6.2 The Erlang‐C Formula

For the Internet, more interesting is the case of the Erlang‐C formula (1.18). As has been investigated (e.g., [26], [27]), the Erlang‐C formula can provide an upper bound of the congestion probability in a lightly loaded link of the Internet with images b.u., when a max–min fairness policy is applied among traffic flows sharing the link (see [28] and [29]). Assume that we can distinguish images different peak rates images (in increasing order) among the flows traversing the link. Let images be the offered traffic‐load of flows which corresponds to peak rate images; then, the overall traffic‐load is images (for a steady state).13 If images is the number of active flows (calls) with peak rate images, then congestion occurs when images. In this case, when a fair rate images is determined based on the max–min fairness policy, flows of higher rates (say, all flows with peak rates from images to images, images) must reduce their bandwidth to the fair rate images (so that images) in order for the total rate to satisfy the link bandwidth capacity images. The proportion of time where any active flow of rate images would suffer loss or has to reduce its bandwidth should be less than a targeted value (i.e., the GoS); this proportion of time is defined as the rate‐images congestion probability14 [ 26]:


Equivalently, the rate‐images congestion probability is the probability that the max–min fair rate images is less than images (because images is determined so that the system capacity images is not violated). This probability increases when all higher peak rates are reduced to images (or all lower peak rates increase to images), while keeping constant the overall traffic‐load images. When the peak rates of higher peak rates are reduced to images, the number images of flows increases to images (suppose for all images), so that the overall traffic‐load remains constant. Thus, the corresponding probability of rate‐images congestion also increases:


Intuitively, the max–min fair rate of the original system cannot be less than that of the new system (since images and higher peak rates have been reduced in the new system).

The worst case of the distribution of the peak rates in the link for the rate‐images congestion probability under the max–min fair policy is the case where all flows have an equal peak rate images. In that case, the rate‐images congestion probability cannot be increased since the max‐min fair rate cannot be reduced, and therefore it becomes an upper bound of the congestion probability. The total number of flows images (each flow with the same peak rate images bps) offering a total traffic‐load images in the link of capacity images (bps) resembles a FIFO queuing system with no loss (if it is lightly loaded), and thus can be modeled as images. Specifically, if images is an integer and images, then the probability of congestion (i.e., the proportion of time where images) is given by the Erlang‐C formula ( 1.18) when the system capacity is images and the offered traffic‐load is images. Thus, we have:


The applicability of the Erlang‐C formula in the Internet fits well to the IntServ resource (bandwidth) allocation strategy, but not to the DiffServ strategy (see Section I.14). Max–min fairness can be implemented through TCP congestion control.

1.6.3 The Kaufman–Roberts Recursion

Applications of the EMLM (Kaufman–Roberts recursive formula ( 1.39)) in contemporary communications networks are numerous. Its applicability to integrated services digital networks (ISDN) or global system for mobile (GSM) communications networks is straightforward and there is no need for additional explanation.

In optical networks of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology, each fiber supports multiple communication channels, each one operating at a different wavelength. In view of the fact that only a small number of network users necessitate the entire bandwidth of the channel (e.g., up to images bps data rate), the network mostly supports traffic demands with data rates significantly lower than the full wavelength capacity. Therefore, the channel bandwidth is divided into lower sub‐rate units (called traffic grooming), while traffic streams use one or multiple of these units, i.e., b.u. Considering a single link and a certain capacity (in b.u.) in each wavelength of the link supporting several service‐classes, the application of ( 1.39) for the calculation of the occupancy distribution of each separate wavelength is also straightforward under the Poisson traffic assumption [30].

Let us concentrate now on wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) wireless networks like the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) in Europe [31]. In a WCDMA cell, all users transmit in the same frequency band by using (pseudo) orthogonal codes to have their signals separated. The basic idea is that a user considers interference (noise) all other signals of all other users. The interference increases as the number of users increases, whereas the cell capacity of the uplink decreases; thus, the applicability of the EMLM is not straightforward but possible. We need to interpret the several sources of noise in terms of the EMLM (see also Section 2.11). The maximum cell load (images) can be seen as the system capacity images, while the required bandwidth per call images corresponds to the occupied cell's resources per call/user (load factor, images). The latter is determined by the bit‐error‐rate (BER) parameter, images 15 and the transmission bit rate images of the corresponding mobile station images [32], [33]:


where images is the chip rate of the WCDMA carrier.16

Since discretization is necessary to apply ( 1.39), this is achieved through the introduction of a cell load unit images: images, images. The images controls the granularity of the state space of the system, which increases as images decreases. On the other hand, the smaller the images, the better the analytical results (CBP on the uplink) we obtain. For a thorough study, several other parameters (such as local blocking (expressing the fact that a call may be blocked due to noise even if the cell accommodates a very few number of users), user activity, interference from other cells) must be incorporated in the EMLM for WCDMA networks [ 32]. Having understood the applicability of the EMLM to WCDMA systems, then it can readily be applied to more complex systems like the one presented in [34].

We concentrate now on the downlink of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)‐based cell that services calls from different service‐classes with different traffic description parameters and consequently different QoS requirements. The cell has images subcarriers and let images and images be the average data rate per subcarrier, the available power in the cell and the system's bandwidth, respectively. Let the entire range of channel gains or signal‐to‐noise ratios per unit power be partitioned into images consecutive (but non‐overlapping) intervals and denoted as images the average channel gain of the images interval. Considering images subcarrier requirements and images average channel gains, there are images service‐classes. A newly arriving service‐class images call images requires images subcarriers in order to be accepted in the cell (i.e., the call has a data rate requirement images) and has an average channel gain images. If these subcarriers are not available, the call is blocked and lost. Otherwise, the call remains in the cell for a generally distributed service time with mean images. To calculate the power images required to achieve the data rate images of a subcarrier assigned to a call whose average channel gain is images, we use the Hartley–Shannon theorem: images. Assuming that calls follow a Poisson process with rate images and that images is the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, then the system can be described as a multirate loss model with a PFS for the steady state probabilities images [35]:


where images, images is the state space of the system, images is the normalization constant, and images is the offered traffic‐load (in erl) of service‐class images calls.

Note that the derivation of (1.108) requires that images and images are integers (which is generally not true). In order to have an equivalent representation of the constraint images, we multiply both sides of this expression by a constant to get images, where images and images are integers [ 35]. Thus, without loss of generality, we assume that images and images are integers. Now, let images (i.e., images) be the occupied subcarriers and images (i.e., images) the occupied power in the cell. Then, it is proved in [36] that there exists a recursive formula, which resembles the Kaufman–Roberts recursion, for the determination of images and consequently all performance measures.

Finally, it is worth mentioning a remarkable application of the EMLM on smart grid, which is an example showing the wide applicability range of the model. To control energy consumption, all appliances are connected to a central controller. Each appliance has a power demand (in power units), while the appliances are distinguished into different types according to the demand. For a specific type of appliance, the power demand arrival processes (to the controller) can be assumed Poisson. The controller activates each power demand request upon arrival, if it is possible, given that the total amount of power (capacity in total power units) that can be distributed to the appliances is limited. Each appliance operates for an operating time (depending on its type), which is generally distributed. Assuming that the amounts of power can be discretized, the analogy between a communication link and the smart grid case becomes obvious: the total amount of power corresponds to the link bandwidth capacity, the various types of appliances to service‐ classes, the power demand of a specific appliance to the required bandwidth per service‐class call, the arrival process for power request to the call arrival process, and the operating time of appliances to the service time of calls. In this way, the probability distribution of the total power units devoted to the appliances can be determined through the EMLM. Alternatively, the EMLM can be used as a tool to calculate the total amount of power needed for guaranteeing power demands under a specific GoS per type of appliances [37].

1.7 Further Reading

There is a vast number of papers related to extensions and applications of the models presented in this chapter. In this section we present only an indicative list of papers for further reading in various directions.

Although we would like to focus on works beyond the Erlang‐B formula, it would be an omission if we did not mention several extensions of the Erlang‐B formula in wireless ([38], [39]), optical ([40], [41]), and satellite networks [42] that have emerged in recent years. In [ 38], a multi‐cell mobility model for cellular networks is considered and a two‐dimensional Erlang loss model is proposed for the determination of loss probabilities. In [ 39], the Erlang‐B formula has been adopted in order to provide approximate CBP in a two WiFi access link system in which the two links share their bandwidth. In [ 40], an analytical model is proposed for the determination of burst blocking probabilities in optical burst switching (OBS) networks. The model extends the Erlang‐B formula by considering multiple priority classes and the notion of preemption. In [ 41], an analytical model, based on the Erlang fixed point approximation, is proposed for the approximate network‐wide blocking probability determination in any cast routing and wavelength assignment optical WDM networks. In [ 42], a fixed point approximation method is proposed for the CBP calculation in a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network. The CBP calculation uses the Erlang‐B formula, but the offered traffic‐load is modified in order to take into account the time and location in which the calls are made.

Many remarkable extensions of the EMLM in wired ([4357]), wireless ([5866]), optical ([6769]), and satellite networks ([7072]) have been published. In [ 43], a recursive formula is proposed for the determination of the link occupancy distribution in a link that accommodates Bernoulli–Poisson–Pascal (BPP) traffic. In [44] and [45], and [46] and [47], the EMLM is extended to handle unicast/multicast connections in a single link and a network, respectively. In [4851] and [52], CBP derivatives with respect to offered traffic‐load, arrival rate or service rate are studied in the EMLM and in the EMLM/BR, respectively. CBP derivatives are significant in multirate loss systems since they enable the study of the interaction between different service‐classes that share the same link. In [5356], the EMLM is extended to handle overflow traffic, i.e., traffic that is lost in a primary link and is routed to a secondary link. In [ 57], a recent review on loss networks is presented. In [ 58], the EMLM/BR is extended to include a reservation policy in which the reserved b.u. can have a real (not integer) value. In [59], an EMLM‐ based model is proposed for the CBP determination in the X2 interface that interconnects neighboring eNBs in a LTE network. In [60] and [61], the EMLM is applied to the CBP calculation in the downlink of orthogonal frequency division multiple access cellular networks. In [62], an EMLM‐based model is proposed for the CBP calculation in a multicast 3G network. The authors of [63] investigated strategies for active sharing of radio access among multiple operators, assuming the existence of Cloud‐RAN. For their analysis a BPP multirate loss model is considered. In [64], the EMLM is used in the call‐ level analysis of the access part of a 3G mobile network that incorporates priorities between calls of different service‐classes. In [65], a probabilistic threshold policy is proposed that extends the EMLM/TH. In [ 66], the two WiFi access link system of [ 39] (which accommodates a single service‐class) has been extended to include the case of multiple service‐classes. In [ 67], EMLM‐based models are proposed for calculating connection failure probabilities (due to unavailability of a wavelength) and CBP (due to the restricted bandwidth capacity of a wavelength) in hybrid TDM‐WDM passive optical networks with dynamic wavelength allocation (DWA). In [68], an analytical methodology for computing approximate blocking probabilities in multirate optical WDM networks is proposed which is based on the EMLM and the RLA. In [ 69], the EMLM is applied in elastic optical networks. Based on the EMLM, an analytical framework is proposed for evaluating the performance of the CS and the fixed channel reservation policies [ 70] as well as the complete partitioning and the threshold call admission policies [71] that are applied in LEO mobile satellite systems. An extension of [ 70] and [ 71] that includes efficient formulas for various performance measures (including CBP and handover failure probabilities) has been proposed in [ 72].


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