Finite Multirate Retry Threshold Loss Models

We consider multirate loss models of quasi‐random arriving calls with elastic bandwidth requirements and fixed bandwidth allocation during service. Calls may retry several times upon arrival (requiring less bandwidth each time) in order to be accepted for service. Alternatively, new calls may request less bandwidth according to the occupied link bandwidth indicated by threshold(s).

7.1 The Finite Single‐Retry Model

7.1.1 The Service System

In the finite single‐retry model (fSRM), a single link of capacity images b.u. accommodates calls of images service‐classes under the CS policy. Calls of service class images come from a finite source population images. The mean arrival rate of service‐class images idle sources is given by images, where images is the number of in‐service calls and images is the arrival rate per idle source. The offered traffic‐load per idle source of service‐class images is given by images (in erl). Note that if images for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then the call arrival process is Poisson. A new call of service‐class images has a peak‐bandwidth requirement of images b.u. and an exponentially distributed service time with mean images. If the initially required b.u. are not available in the link, the call is blocked and immediately retries to be connected in the system with images b.u. while the mean of the new service time increases to images so that the product bandwidth requirement by service time remains constant [1]. If the images b.u. are not available the call is blocked and lost. The CAC mechanism of a call of service‐class images is identical to that of Figure 2.2 of the SRM, i.e., a new call of service‐class images is blocked with images b.u. if images and is accepted with images if images, where images and images are the in‐service calls of service‐class images accepted with images b.u., respectively.

The comparison of the f‐SRM with the EnMLM reveals similar differences to those described in Section 2.1.1 for the SRM and the EMLM.

7.1.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

To describe the analytical model in the steady state, let us concentrate on a single link of capacity C b.u. that accommodates only two service‐classes with the following traffic characteristics: images. Blocked calls of service‐class 2 may retry with parameters images while blocked calls of service‐class 1 do not retry. Although the f‐SRM does not have a PFS, we assume that the LB equation (6.33), proposed in the EnMLM, does hold, that is [ 1]:


or, due to the fact that images in the equivalent stochastic system:


This assumption is important for the derivation of an approximate but recursive formula for the images. If images, when a new call of service‐class 2 arrives in the system this call is blocked and retries to be connected with images b.u. If images, the retry call will be accepted in the system. To describe this situation we need an additional LB equation [ 1]:


where images is the offered traffic‐load per idle source of service‐class 2 with images, and images is the mean number of service‐class 2 calls accepted in state images with images.

Multiplying (7.3) with images, we have for images:


Multiplying both sides of (7.2) with images, we have for images:


Adding (7.4) to (7.5), and since images, we obtain:


Apart from the assumption of the LB equation ( 7.3), another approximation is necessary for the recursive calculation of images:


In (7.7), the value of images is considered negligible compared to images when images. This is the migration approximation (see Section Due to ( 7.7), equation ( 7.5) is written as (for images:


The combination of (7.6) and (7.8) gives an approximate formula for the determination of images in the f‐SRM, assuming that only calls of service‐class 2 can retry [ 1]:


where images, and images when images (otherwise images).

The generalization of (7.9) in the case of images service‐classes, where all service‐classes may retry, is as follows [ 1]:


where images when images (otherwise images).

Note that if images, for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then we have the recursion (2.10) of the SRM. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.10):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.35).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.35) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class k calls with images, images, via (7.11) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k retry calls given that they have been blocked with their initial bandwidth requirement images, via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37), while the mean number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via (6.38).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images, images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, and is determined by:
    where images and images when images.

The determination of images via ( 7.10), and consequently of all performance measures, requires the values of images and images, which are unknown. In [ 13] give a method for the determination of images and images in each state images via an equivalent stochastic system, with the same traffic parameters and the same set of states, as already described for the proof of (6.27) in the EnMLM. However, the state space determination of the equivalent system is complex, even for small capacity systems that serve many service‐classes with the ability to retry.

As already mentioned, the determination of an equivalent system is complex, especially when calls retry many times. To circumvent this problem we present, in the next section, the algorithm of Section (initially proposed for the EnMLM) for the f‐SRM. An Approximate Algorithm for the Determination of images in the f‐SRM

Contrary to ( 7.10), which requires enumeration and processing of the state space, the algorithm presented herein is much simpler and easy to implement [4,5].


7.2 The Finite Single‐Retry Model under the BR Policy

7.2.1 The Service System

In the f‐SRM under the BR policy (f‐SRM/BR), images b.u. are reserved to benefit calls of all other service‐classes apart from service‐class k. The application of the BR policy in the f‐SRM is similar to that of the SRM/BR as the following example shows.

7.2.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

In the f‐SRM/BR, the unnormalized values of images can be calculated in an approximate way according to the Roberts method (see Section Based on that method, we can either find an equivalent stochastic system (which is complex) [ 3] or apply an algorithm similar to the one presented in Section . Due to its simplicity, the latter is adopted herein with the following modifications. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.17):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.42).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via:
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.42) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.18) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k retry calls given that they have been blocked with their initial bandwidth requirement images, via (7.12), while subtracting the BR parameter images from both images and images.
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37) where images is determined by:
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (7.13) where images is determined by:
    where images, and images when images.

7.3 The Finite Multi‐Retry Model

7.3.1 The Service System

In the finite multi‐retry model (f‐MRM), calls of service‐class k can retry more than once to be connected in the system [2 5]. Let images be the number of retrials for calls of service‐class k and assume that images, where images is the required bandwidth of a service‐class k call in the imagesth retry, images. Then a service‐class k call is accepted in the system with images b.u. if images.

7.3.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

Following the analysis of Section, in the f‐MRM not only LB is assumed but also the migration approximation, that is, the mean number of service‐class k calls in state images, accepted with images b.u., is negligible when images. This means that service‐class k calls with images are limited in the area images. The images are determined by [ 2]:


where images, and images when images (otherwise images).

Note that if images for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then we have the recursion (2.22) of the MRM [6]. In addition, if calls may retry only once, then the SRM results [ 6]. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.21):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.35).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with their last bandwidth requirement images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.35) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.22) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k retry calls, while requesting images b.u. given that they have been blocked with their initial bandwidth requirement images, via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37), while the mean number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via (6.38).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, and is determined by:
    where images, and images when images (otherwise images).

The determination of images via ( 7.21), and consequently of all performance measures, requires the values of images and images, which are unknown. In [ 2], there is a method for the determination of images and images in each state images via an equivalent stochastic system, with the same traffic parameters and the same set of states. However, since this method is complex, we adopt the algorithm of Section (see below), which is similar to the algorithm of Section of the f‐SRM. An Approximate Algorithm for the Determination of images in the f‐MRM

The algorithm for the calculation of images in the f‐MRM can be described as follows [ 4, 5]:


7.4 The Finite Multi‐Retry Model under the BR Policy

7.4.1 The Service System

Compared to the f‐SRM/BR, in the f‐MRM under the BR policy (f‐MRM/BR), blocked calls of service‐class k can retry more than once to be connected in the system.

7.4.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

Based on the Roberts method and the algorithm of Section of the f‐SRM/BR, the unnormalized values of the link occupancy distribution, images, in the f‐MRM/BR can be determined by the following algorithm:

c07f001 TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.28):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.42).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via:
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.42) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.29) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k retry calls, while requesting images b.u. given that they have been blocked with their initial bandwidth requirement images, via (7.23), while subtracting images from both images and images.
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37) where images is determined via (6.43).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (7.24) where images is determined by:
  • where images, and images when images.

7.5 The Finite Single‐Threshold Model

7.5.1 The Service System

In the finite single‐threshold model (fSTM), the requested b.u. and the corresponding service time of a new call are related to the occupied link bandwidth images and a threshold images. Specifically, the following CAC is applied. When images, then a new call of service‐class k is accepted in the system with its initial requirements images. Otherwise, if images, the call tries to be connected in the system with images, where images and images, so that the product bandwidth requirement by service time remains constant. If the images b.u. are not available the call is blocked and lost. The call arrival process is the quasi‐random, i.e., calls of service class images come from a finite source population images. By denoting as images the arrival rate per idle source of service‐class k, the offered traffic‐load per idle source is given by images (in erl).

The comparison of the f‐STM with the f‐SRM reveals similar differences to those described in Section 2.5.1 for the STM and the SRM.

7.5.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

To derive a recursive formula for the calculation of images, we concentrate on a single link of capacity images b.u. that accommodates two service‐classes with the following traffic characteristics: images. If images upon the arrival of a service‐class 2 call, then this call requests images b.u. and images. No such option is considered for calls of service‐class 1.

Although the f‐STM does not have a PFS, we assume that the LB equation (6.33) does hold for calls of service‐class 1, for images:


or, due to the fact that in the equivalent stochastic system, images:


For calls of service‐class 2, we assume the existence of LB between adjacent states:


where images is the offered traffic‐load per idle source of service‐class 2 with images and images is the mean number of service‐class 2 calls accepted in the system with images in state images.

Equations (7.32)–(7.34) lead to the following system of equations:


For (7.35), we adopt the (migration) approximation that the value of images in state images is negligible when images. For (7.37), we adopt the (upward migration) approximation that the value of images in state images is negligible when images. Based on these approximations, we have (for images):


where images, and images.

In the general case of images service‐classes, the formula for images is the following [ 2]:


where images, images

Note that if images for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then we have the recursion (2.38) of the STM. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.39):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.35) (assuming that calls have no option for images).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class k calls with images (without the option of images), images, via (6.35) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.40) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images given that images, via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37), while the mean number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via:
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, and is determined by:

The determination of images via ( 7.39), and consequently of all performance measures, requires the value of images and images, which are unknown. In 2, 3, there is a method for the determination of images and images in state images via an equivalent stochastic system. However, the state space determination of the equivalent system can be complex (as in the case of the EnMLM and the f‐SRM) even for small capacity systems that serve many service‐classes.

To circumvent the determination of an equivalent system, in the next section we modify the algorithm of Section (initially proposed for the EnMLM) to fit to the f‐STM. An Approximate Algorithm for the Determination of images in the f‐STM

Contrary to ( 7.39), which requires enumeration and processing of the state space, the algorithm presented herein is much simpler and easy to implement [ 5].


7.6 The Finite Single‐Threshold Model under the BR Policy

7.6.1 The Service System

In the f‐STM under the BR policy (f‐STM/BR), images b.u. are reserved to benefit calls of all other service‐classes apart from service‐class k. The application of the BR policy in the f‐STM is similar to that of the STM/BR as the following example shows.

7.6.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

In the f‐STM/BR, the unnormalized values of images can be calculated in an approximate way according to the Roberts method. Based on that method, we apply an algorithm similar to the one presented in Section , which is modified as follows:

c07f001 TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.48):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.42).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via:
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without the option of images), images, via (6.42) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.49) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images given that images, via (7.41), while subtracting the BR parameter images from images.
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37) where images is determined by:
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (7.43) where images is determined by:

7.7 The Finite Multi‐Threshold Model

7.7.1 The Service System

In the finite multi‐threshold model (fMTM), there exist images different thresholds which are common to all service‐classes. A call of service‐class k with initial requirements images can use, depending on the occupied link bandwidth images, one of the images requirements images, where the pair images is used when images, while images). The maximum possible threshold is images, while images. As far as the bandwidth requirements of a service‐class k call are concerned, we assume that they decrease as images increases, i.e., images, while by definition images.

7.7.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

To derive a recursive formula for the calculation of images, the following LB equations are considered:




where images is the number of in‐service calls of service‐class images accepted in the system with images b.u., images and images.

Similar to the analysis of the f‐STM and based on (7.52) and (7.53), we have the following recursive formula for the calculation of images [ 5]:


where images images, and images.

Note that if images for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then we have the recursion (2.51) of the MTM. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.54):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.35).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with their last bandwidth requirement images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.35) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.55) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u. given that images, via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37), while the mean number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via (7.42).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, and is determined by:

The determination of images via ( 7.54), and consequently of all performance measures, requires the values of images and images, which are unknown. To avoid the determination of an equivalent stochastic system we adopt the algorithm of Section (see below), which is similar to the algorithm of Section of the f‐STM. An Approximate Algorithm for the Determination of images in the f‐MTM

The algorithm can be described by the following steps [ 5].


7.8 The Finite Multi‐Threshold Model under the BR Policy

7.8.1 The Service System

In the f‐MTM under the BR policy (f‐MTM/BR), images b.u. are reserved to benefit calls of all other service‐classes apart from service‐class k. The application of the BR policy in the f‐MTM/BR is similar to that of the f‐MRM/BR.

7.8.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

Based on the Roberts method and the algorithm of Section of the f‐STM/BR, the unnormalized values of the link occupancy distribution, images, in the f‐MTM/BR can be determined as follows:

c07f001 TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

Based on (7.61) and (2.58), we can determine the following performance measures:

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.42).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via:
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without the option of images, via (6.42) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with with images, via (7.62) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u. given that images, via (7.56), while subtracting the BR parameter images from images.
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37) where images is determined by (7.50).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (7.57) where images is determined by:

7.9 The Finite Connection Dependent Threshold Model

7.9.1 The Service System

In the finite CDTM (fCDTM), the difference compared to the f‐MTM is that different service‐classes may have different sets of thresholds. Each arriving call of a service‐class k may have images bandwidth and service‐time requirements, that is, one initial requirement with values images and images more requirements with values images, where images, images and images. The pair images is used when images, where images and images are two successive thresholds of service‐class k, while images; the highest possible threshold (other than images) is images. By convention, images and images, while the pair images is used when images.

7.9.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

Similar to the analysis of the f‐MTM and based on ( 7.54), we have the following recursive formula for the calculation of images [ 5]:


where images, images, and images.

Note that if images for images, and the total offered traffic‐load remains constant, then we have the recursion (2.65) of the CDTM. TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (7.64):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.35).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with their last bandwidth requirement images b.u., images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without retrial), images, via (6.35) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via (7.65) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u. given that images, via:
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37), while the mean number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via ( 7.42).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via ( 7.57), while the average number of service‐class k calls with images given that the system state is images, via:

    The calculation of images via ( 7.64), and consequently of all performance measures, requires the determination of an equivalent stochastic system. To avoid it, we adopt the algorithm of Section (see below), which is similar to the algorithm of Section of the f‐MTM. An Approximate Algorithm for the Determination of images in the f‐CDTM

The algorithm can be described by the following steps [ 5]:


7.10 The Finite Connection Dependent Threshold Model under the BR Policy

7.10.1 The Service System

In the f‐CDTM under the BR policy (f‐CDTM/BR), images b.u. are reserved to benefit calls of all other service‐classes apart from service‐class k. The application of the BR policy in the f‐CDTM/BR is similar to that of the f‐MTM/BR.

7.10.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

Based on the Roberts method and the algorithm of Section of the f‐MTM/BR, the unnormalized values of the link occupancy distribution, images, in the f‐CDTM/BR can be determined as follows:

c07f001 TC Probabilities, CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

Based on (7.70) and (2.58), we can determine the following performance measures:

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u., images, via (6.42).
  • The TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images, via:
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images (without the option of images, via (6.42) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The CC probabilities of service‐class k calls with with images, via (7.71) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The conditional TC probabilities of service‐class k calls with images b.u. given that images, via (7.66), while subtracting the BR parameter images from images.
  • The link utilization, images, via (6.36).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via (6.37) where images is determined by (7.46).
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system accepted with images b.u., images, via ( 7.57) where images is determined by:

7.11 Applications

Since the finite multirate retry‐threshold loss models are a combination of the retry‐threshold loss models of Chapter 2 and the EnMLM of Chapter , the interested reader may refer to Sections 2.11 and 6.5 for possible applications.

7.12 Further Reading

Similar to the previous section, the interested reader may refer to the corresponding section of Chapter 2 (Section 2.12) and Chapter 6 (Section 6.6). In addition to these sections, interesting extensions of the f‐CDTM have been proposed in [7,8], for WCDMA networks. Compared to [ 7], in [ 8], a CAC distinguishes handover traffic from new traffic. More precisely, when the cell load is above a predefined threshold, handover calls are allowed to reduce their bandwidth requirements in order to avoid blocking.


  1. 1 G. Stamatelos and V. Koukoulidis, Reservation‐based bandwidth allocation in a radio ATM network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5(3):420–428, June 1997.
  2. 2 I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and P. Nikolaropoulos, Engset multi‐rate state‐dependent loss models. Performance Evaluation, 59(2–3):247–277, February 2005.
  3. 3 I. Moscholios and M. Logothetis, Engset multirate state‐dependent loss models with QoS guarantee. International Journal of Communication Systems, 19(1):67–93, February 2006.
  4. 4 I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and G. Kokkinakis, A simplified blocking probability calculation in the retry loss models for finite sources. Proceedings of Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – 5th CSNDSP, Patras, Greece, July 2006.
  5. 5 I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and G. Kokkinakis, On the calculation of blocking probabilities in the multirate state‐dependent loss models for finite sources. Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, 3(3):100–109, July 2007.
  6. 6 J. Kaufman, Blocking with retrials in a completely shared resource environment. Performance Evaluation, 15(2):99–113, June 1992.
  7. 7 V. Vassilakis, G. Kallos, I. Moscholios and M. Logothetis, Call‐level analysis of W‐CDMA networks supporting elastic services of finite population. IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008.
  8. 8 V. Vassilakis, I. Moscholios, J. Vardakas and M. Logothetis, Handoff modeling in cellular CDMA with finite sources and state‐dependent bandwidth requirements. Proceedings of IEEE CAMAD 2014, Athens, Greece, December 2014.
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