Multirate Elastic Adaptive Loss Models

We consider multirate loss models of random arriving calls with fixed bandwidth requirements and elastic bandwidth allocation during service. We consider two types of calls, elastic and adaptive. Elastic calls that can reduce their bandwidth, while simultaneously increasing their service time, compose the so‐called elastic traffic (e.g., file transfer). Adaptive calls that can tolerate bandwidth compression, but their service time cannot be altered, compose the so‐called adaptive traffic (e.g., adaptive video).

3.1 The Elastic Erlang Multirate Loss Model

3.1.1 The Service System

In the elastic EMLM (E‐EMLM), we consider a link of capacity images b.u. that accommodates elastic calls of images different service classes. Calls of service class images arrive in the link according to a Poisson process with an arrival rate images and request images b.u. (peak‐bandwidth requirement). To introduce bandwidth compression, we permit the occupied link bandwidth images to virtually exceed images up to a limit of images b.u. Suppose that a new call of service class images arrives in the link while the link is in (macro‐) state images. Then, for call admission, we consider three cases [1]:

  1. (i) If images, no bandwidth compression takes place and the new call is accepted in the system with its peak‐bandwidth requirement for an exponentially distributed service time with mean images. In that case, all in‐service calls continue to have their peak‐bandwidth requirement.
  2. (ii) If images, the call is blocked and lost without further affecting the system.
  3. (iii) If images, the call is accepted in the system by compressing its peak‐bandwidth requirement, as well as the assigned bandwidth of all in‐service calls (of all service classes). After compression, all calls (both in‐service and new) share the capacity images in proportion to their peak bandwidth requirement, while the link operates at its full capacity images. This is in fact the so‐called processor sharing discipline [2].

When images, the compressed bandwidth images of the newly accepted call of service‐class k, is given by [ 1]:


where images denotes the compression factor.

Since images, where images is the number of in‐service calls of service‐class k (in the steady state), images and images, the values of images can be expressed by:


To keep constant the product service time by bandwidth per call (when bandwidth compression occurs), the mean service time of the new service‐class images call becomes images:


The compressed bandwidth of all in‐service calls changes to images for images and images. Similarly, their remaining service time increases by a factor of images. The minimum bandwidth given to a service‐class images call is:


where images and is common for all service‐classes.

Note that increasing T decreases the images and increases the delay (service‐time) of service‐class images calls (compared to the initial service time images). Thus, T should be chosen so that this delay remains within acceptable levels.

When an in‐service call, with compressed bandwidth images, completes its service and departs from the system, then the remaining in‐service calls expand their bandwidth to images in proportion to images, as follows:


In terms of the system's state‐space images, the CAC is expressed as follows. A new call of service‐class k is accepted in the system if the system is in state images upon a new call arrival, where images. Hence, the CBP of service‐class images is determined by the state space images:


Unfortunately, the compression/expansion of bandwidth destroys the LB between adjacent states in the E‐EMLM, or, equivalently, it destroys the reversibility of the system's Markov chain, and therefore no PFS exists for the values of images (a fact that makes 3.6 inefficient). To show that the Markov chain of the E‐EMLM is not reversible, an efficient way is to apply the so called Kolmogorov's criterion [3,4]: A Markov chain is reversible if and only if the product of transition probabilities along any loop of adjacent states is the same as that for the reversed loop.1

To circumvent the non‐reversibility problem in the E‐EMLM, images are replaced by the state‐dependent compression factors per service‐class images, which not only have a similar role with images but also lead to a reversible Markov chain [5]. Thus, (3.1) becomes:


Reversibility facilitates the recursive calculation of the link occupancy distribution (see Section 3.1.2). To ensure reversibility, images must have the form [ 5]:


where images and images.

In (3.8), images is a state multiplier associated with state images, whose values are chosen so that images holds whenever images, that is, images is given by [ 5]:


3.1.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

The steady state transition rates of the E‐EMLM are shown in Figure 3.4. According to this, the GB equation (rate in = rate out) for state images is given by:


where images images,   images,   and  images are the probability distributions of the corresponding states images, respectively.

State transition diagram of the E-EMLM, displaying 3 circles labeled nk-, n, and nk+ (left-right). The circles are connected by reversed arrows.

Figure 3.4 State transition diagram of the E‐EMLM.

Assume now the existence of LB between adjacent states. Equations (3.11) and (3.12) are the detailed LB equations which exist because the Markov chain of the modified model is reversible. Then, based on Figure 3.4, the following LB equations are extracted:


for images and images.

Based on the LB assumption, the probability distribution images has the solution:2


where images is the offered traffic‐load in erl and images is the normalization constant given by:


Note that although the Markov chain has become reversible, the probability distribution images of (3.13) is not a PFS due to the summation of (3.9) needed for the determination of images. We proceed by defining images, as:


where images is the set of states in which exactly images b.u. are occupied by all in‐service calls, i.e., images.

Consider now two different sets of macro‐states: (i) images and (ii) images. For the first set, no bandwidth compression takes place and the values of images are determined by the classical Kaufman–Roberts recursion (1.39). For the second set, aiming at deriving a similar recursion, we first substitute ( 3.8) in ( 3.11) to obtain:


Multiplying both sides of (3.16) by images and summing over k, we have:


Equation (3.17), due to ( 3.9) is written as:


Summing both sides of (3.18) over images and based on (3.15), we have:




The combination of (1.39) and (3.20) results in the recursive formula of the E‐EMLM [ 5]:

(3.21)equation CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (3.21):

  • The CBP of service‐class k, images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The link utilization, images, via:
  • The average number of service‐class k calls in the system, images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class images calls given that the system (macro‐)state is images, and is determined by [6]:
    where images, while images for images and images. Relationship between the E‐EMLM and the Balanced Fair Share Model

In the literature, a similar model exists called the balanced fair share model [7,8], which aims to share the capacity of a single link among elastic calls already accepted for service according to a balanced fairness criterion, whereas the E‐EMLM focuses on call admission. In what follows, we show that the bandwidth compression mechanism of the E‐EMLM and the model of [ 7, 8] provide the same bandwidth compression.

In [ 8], a link accommodates Poisson arriving calls of images elastic service‐classes. The link capacity images is shared among calls according to the balanced fairness criterion: when images, all calls use their peak‐bandwidth requirement, while when images, all calls share the capacity images in proportion to their peak‐bandwidth requirement and the link operates at its full capacity images. The main difference between the E‐EMLM and the model of [ 8] lies on the fact that in the E‐EMLM, the notion of images allows for admission control, whereas there is no such parameter in [ 8]. The application of balanced fairness in multirate networks and its comparison with other classical bandwidth allocation policies, such as max–min fairness and proportional fairness can be found in [9,10]. See Example 3.11 for a comparison between the approach of [ 9] and the compression mechanism of the E‐EMLM under a threshold policy.

According to [ 8], the balanced fair sharing images of all images calls of service‐class images in state images is given by:


where images is a balance function defined by:


and images is the unit line vector with 1 in the images element and 0 elsewhere. According to (3.27), when images, (3.26) is written as [ 8]:


The balance fair share model determines (through (3.28)) the total bandwidth which will be allocated to each service‐class, whereas the E‐EMLM determines (through ( 3.8)) the percentage of the peak‐bandwidth per call requirement which will be assigned to each call of each service‐class. This percentage has a limit which is defined through the images parameter, while the absence of images in the balance fair share model means that there is no limitation in bandwidth compression. The relationship between the images of the E‐EMLM and the images of the balance fair share model is images. To show this, let images service‐classes (for presentation purposes). Assuming that in state images, i.e., images or images, calls of service‐class images use their peak‐bandwidth requirements, the balanced fairness allocation gives:




So, in state images, where C images nb, the bandwidth allocated to a service‐class k call is:


Based on ( 3.8) and ( 3.9), the E‐EMLM gives:


assuming that images (i.e., no bandwidth compression takes place in state images). Combining (3.31) with (3.32), we obtain images.

3.2 The Elastic Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the BR Policy

3.2.1 The Service System

We now consider the multiservice system of the E‐EMLM under the BR policy (E‐EMLM/ BR): A new service‐class images call is accepted in the link, if after its acceptance, the occupied link bandwidth images, where images refers to the BR parameter used to benefit (in CBP) calls of other service‐classes apart from images (see also the EMLM/BR in Section 1.3.2).

In terms of the system state‐space images, the CAC is expressed as follows. A new call of service‐class images is accepted in the system if the system is in state images upon a new call arrival, where images. Hence, the CBP of service‐class images is determined by the state space images:


As far as the compression factors and the state dependent compression factors per service‐class are concerned, they are determined by (3.2) and ( 3.8), respectively.

3.2.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

In the E‐EMLM/BR, the link occupancy distribution, images, can be calculated in an approximate way, according to the Roberts method (see Section, which leads to the following recursive formula [11]:


This formula is similar to (1.64) of the EMLM/BR. If images for all images then the E‐EMLM results. In addition, if images then we have the classical EMLM. CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (3.34):

  • The CBP of service‐class images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The link utilization, images, via ( 3.23).
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, via ( 3.24), where images are determined by ( 3.25) under the following two assumptions: (i) images when images, and  (ii) images when images.

3.3 The Elastic Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the Threshold Policy

3.3.1 The Service System

We now consider the multi‐service system of the E‐EMLM under the TH policy (E‐EMLM/ TH), as follows. A new call of service‐class images is accepted in the system, of images b.u., if [12]:

  1. (i) The number of in‐service calls of service‐class images, together with the new call, does not exceed a threshold images, i.e., images. Otherwise the call is blocked. This constraint expresses the TH policy.
  2. (ii) If constraint (i) is met, then: (a) If images, the call is accepted in the system with images b.u. and remains in the system for an exponentially distributed service time with mean images. (b) If images the call is accepted by compressing its images together with the bandwidth of all in‐service calls of all service‐classes. The bandwidth compression/expansion mechanism is identical to the one described in Section 3.1.

In terms of the system state‐space images, the CAC is expressed as follows. A new call of service‐class images is accepted in the system if the system is in state images upon a new call arrival, where images. Hence, the CBP of service‐class images is determined by the state space images:


3.3.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

The steady state transition rates of the E‐EMLM/TH are shown in Figure 3.4. According to this, the GB equation for state images is given by (3.10), while the LB equations are given by ( 3.11) and ( 3.12) where: images.

Based on the LB assumption, the probability distribution images has the solution of ( 3.13) where the normalization constant is given by (3.14). Since images is the occupied link bandwidth, we consider two different sets of macro‐states: (i) images and (ii) images. For set (i), no bandwidth compression takes place and images are determined via (1.73). For set (ii), we follow the analysis of the E‐EMLM up to (3.19). Since images, we have:


Thus, ( 3.19) can be written as:


where images is the probability that images b.u. are occupied when the number of service‐class images in‐service calls is images, and is determined by (1.74). The combination of (1.73) and (3.38) results in the recursive formula of the E‐EMLM/TH [ 12]:

(3.39)equation CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (3.39):

  • The CBP of service‐class images, images, via:
    where images is the normalization constant.
  • The link utilization, images, according to ( 3.23).
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, via:
    where images is the average number of service‐class images calls given that the system state is images, and is given by:
    where images, while images for images and images.

In ( 3.39), knowledge of images is required. Since images when images images, we distinguish two regions of images: (i)  images and (ii)  images.

For the first region (where no bandwidth compression occurs), consider a system of capacity images that accommodates all service‐classes but service‐class images. For this system, we define images as follows:


Based on images, we compute the unnormalized images, recursively, via the following formula:


For the second region (where bandwidth compression occurs), the values of images can be determined (taking into account ( 3.9)) by:


where images.

3.4 The Elastic Adaptive Erlang Multirate Loss Model

3.4.1 The Service System

In the elastic adaptive EMLM (EA‐EMLM), we consider a link of capacity images b.u. that accommodates images service‐classes which are distinguished into images elastic service‐classes and images adaptive service‐classes, images. The call arrival process remains Poisson. As already mentioned, adaptive traffic is considered a variant of elastic traffic in the sense that adaptive calls can tolerate bandwidth compression without altering their service time.

The bandwidth compression/expansion mechanism and the CAC of the EA‐EMLM are the same as those of the E‐EMLM (Section 3.1.1). The only difference is in (3.3), which is applied only on elastic calls. Similar to the E‐EMLM, the corresponding Markov chain in the EA‐EMLM does not meet the necessary and sufficient Kolmogorov's criterion for reversibility between four adjacent states.

To circumvent the non‐reversibility problem in the EA‐EMLM, similar to the E‐EMLM, images are replaced by the state‐dependent factors per service‐class images, images, which individualize the role of images per service‐class in order to lead to a reversible Markov chain [6]. Thus the compressed bandwidth of service‐class images calls is determined by (3.7), while the values of images are given by ( 3.8). However, due to the adaptive service‐classes, in the EA‐EMLM the values of the state multipliers images are determined by [ 6]:


where images.

The derivation of (3.47) is based on the following assumptions:

  1. (i) The bandwidth of all in‐service calls of service‐class images (elastic or adaptive) is compressed by a factor images to a new value images in state images, where images, so that:
  2. (ii) The product service time by bandwidth per call of service‐class images calls, images, remains the same in state images regardless of the reversibility of the Markov chain. In other words, it holds that:

Now, we can derive ( 3.47) by substituting (3.49), 3.50, and 3.8 into 3.48.

3.4.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

The steady state transition rates of the EA‐EMLM are shown in Figure 3.4. According to this, the GB equation for state images is given by ( 3.10) and the LB equations by ( 3.11) and ( 3.12).

Similar to the E‐EMLM, we consider two different sets of macro‐states: (i) images and (ii) images. For set (i), no bandwidth compression takes place and images are determined by the classical Kaufman–Roberts recursion (1.39). For set (ii), we substitute ( 3.8) in ( 3.11) to have:


Multiplying both sides of (3.51a) by images and summing over images, we take:


Similarly, multiplying both sides of (3.51b) by images and images, and summing over images, we take:


By adding (3.52) and (3.53), we have:


Based on ( 3.47), (3.54) is written as:


Summing both sides of (3.55) over images and based on the fact that images, we have:


The combination of (1.39) and (3.56) leads to the recursive formula of the EA‐EMLM [ 6]:

(3.57)equation CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (3.57):

  • The CBP of service‐class images, based on ( 3.22).
  • The link utilization, images, based on ( 3.23).
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, based on ( 3.24) where the values of images are given by (3.58) for elastic traffic and (3.59) for adaptive traffic [ 6]:
    where images, while images for images and images.

3.5 The Elastic Adaptive Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the BR Policy

3.5.1 The Service System

We now consider the multiservice system of the EA‐EMLM under the BR policy (EA‐EMLM/BR) [13]. A new service‐class images call is accepted in the link if, after its acceptance, the occupied link bandwidth images, where images refers to the BR parameter used to benefit (in CBP) calls of other service‐classes apart from images. In terms of the system state‐space images, the CBP is expressed according to ( 3.33).

3.5.2 The Analytical Model Link Occupancy Distribution

In the EA‐EMLM/BR, the link occupancy distribution, images, is calculated in an approximate way, according to the following recursive formula (Roberts method) [ 13]:


This formula is similar to (3.34) of the E‐EMLM/BR. If images for all images, then the EA‐EMLM results. In addition, if images, then we have the classical EMLM. CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined via (3.60):

  • The CBP of service‐class images, via ( 3.35).
  • The link utilization, images, via ( 3.23).
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, is determined by ( 3.24), where images are given by ( 3.58) and ( 3.59) for elastic and adaptive service‐classes, respectively, under the assumptions that (i) images when images and (ii) images when images.

3.6 The Elastic Adaptive Erlang Multirate Loss Model under the Threshold Policy

3.6.1 The Service System

We now consider the EA‐EMLM under the TH policy (EA‐EMLM/TH), as in the case of the E‐EMLM/TH (Section 3.3). That is, the total number of in‐service calls per service‐class must not exceed a threshold (per service‐class). The bandwidth compression/expansion mechanism and the CAC in the EA‐EMLM/TH are the same as those of the E‐EMLM/TH, but ( 3.3) is applied only on elastic calls to satisfy their service time requirement.

3.6.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

The steady state transition rates of the EA‐EMLM/TH are shown in Figure 3.4. According to this, the GB equation for state images images is given by ( 3.10), while the LB equations are given by ( 3.11) and ( 3.12) where images.

Similar to the EA‐EMLM, we consider two different sets of macro‐states: (i) images and (ii) images. For set (i), no bandwidth compression takes place and images are determined via (1.73). For set (ii), in order to derive a recursive formula, we follow the analysis of the EA‐EMLM up to ( 3.55). Since images, we have:


Thus, ( 3.55) can be written as:


where images expresses the blocking constraint of the TH policy and is given by (1.74).

Summing both sides of (3.62) over images and based on the fact that images, we have:


The combination of (1.73) and (3.63) results in the formula of the EA‐EMLM/TH [14]:

(3.64)equation CBP, Utilization, and Mean Number of In‐service Calls

The following performance measures can be determined based on (3.64):

  • The CBP of service‐class images, via ( 3.40).
  • The link utilization, images, according to ( 3.23).
  • The average number of service‐class images calls in the system, images, via ( 3.24) where the values of images are given by (3.65) for elastic traffic and (3.66) for adaptive traffic:
    where images, while images for images and images.

In ( 3.64) knowledge of images is required. Since images when images images, we consider two subsets of images: (i) images and (ii) images. In both subsets, we assume that images.

For the first subset, let a system of capacity images that accommodates all service‐classes but service‐class images. For this system, we define images via (3.43). Based on images, we compute images through (3.44). For the second subset, images can be determined via (3.45).

3.7 Applications

We discuss the applicability of the models in the context of new architectural and functional enhancements of next‐generation (5G) cellular networks. It is widely acknowledged that 5G systems will extensively rely on software‐defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), which have attracted a lot of research efforts and gained tremendous attention from both academic and industry communities. The SDN technology is the driver towards completely programmable networks, which can be achieved by decoupling the control and data planes [15,16]. On the other hand, the NFV technology allows executing the software‐based network functions on general‐purpose hardware via virtualization [17,18]. SDN and NFV, due to their complementary nature, are traditionally seen as related concepts and implemented together [19]. Some of the expected benefits of SDN/NFV include CAPEX and OPEX reduction for network operators, by reducing the cost of hardware and automating services, flexibility in terms of deployment and operation of new infrastructure and applications, faster innovation cycles due to the creation of enhanced services/applications, and new business models. Due to these benefits, SDN/NFV will play a major role in the emerging 5G systems [20]. In what follows, we briefly describe the considered SDN/NFV based cellular network architecture, shown in Figure 3.32, and its main elements [21].

Network diagram illustrating SDN/NFV based next-generation network architecture, with lines representing control plane (dashed) and data plane (solid) linking SBS, MBS, LSC, MCC, Internet, etc.

Figure 3.32 SDN/NFV based next‐generation network architecture.

The realization of an intelligent radio access network (RAN) is greatly facilitated by SDN and NFV technologies [22]. SDN enables abstraction and modularity of the network functions at the RAN level. As a consequence, a hierarchical control architecture can be implemented, in which the high control layer controls lower layers by specifying procedures and without the requirement to have access to the specific implementation details of the lower layers [23]. Such an implementation, however, requires a holistic view of the cellular network at the higher control layer to be designed by taking into account appropriate abstraction of lower layers via well‐defined control interfaces. This is essential to enable programmable radio resource management (RRM) functions, such as radio resource allocation (RRA) and CAC. On the other hand, NFV technology allows the execution of control programs on general purpose computing/storage resources [24]. This is contrary to the traditional approach in which the BS consists of a tightly coupled software and hardware platforms. Hence, an NFV‐based BS may have some network functions implemented as physical network functions, while other functions are implemented as virtual network functions (VNFs). An advantage of VNFs is that the underlying hardware can be efficiently utilized since VNFs run on shared NFV infrastructure (NFVI).

The architecture of Figure 3.32 relies on the SDN concept, whose different layers are depicted in Figure 3.33. In the control layer, the SDN controller provides a global view of the available underlying resources to one or more network applications that are located at the application layer. This communication is done using the so‐called northbound open application programming interface (API). On the other hand, the southbound open API is used to configure the forwarding elements (FEs) that are located at the infrastructure layer. The configuration of FEs is performed by the SDN controller, which sends control messages to the SDN agents located within the FEs.

Diagram illustrating the layering concept in SDN, with 3 layers for application, control, and infrastructure (top-bottom). These layers are linked dashed lines to ellipses for Northbound and Southbound open API.

Figure 3.33 Layering concept in SDN.

The main elements at the RAN level are small cell BSs (SBSs), macro BSs (MBSs), WiFi APs, local offload gateways (LO‐GWs) [25], and mobile users (MUs). These entities are controlled by the local SDN controller (LSC). The geographical area of the RAN consists of a number of clusters. Each cluster typically consists of many cells and is under the control of a single LSC. For example, in Figure 3.32 the first cluster contains one MBS, one SBS, one WiFi AP, one LO‐GW, and four MUs, whereas the second cluster contains one MBS and three MUs. MUs can freely move between clusters or even may belong to more than one cluster at the same time.

When a network entity wishes to establish a connection, it sends the request to the corresponding LSC of the cluster. Upon receiving the request, the LSC will identify the appropriate destination address for the requested connection. In particular, the LSC will forward the request to either the appropriate in‐cluster recipient (e.g. MU or MBS) or the mobile core network (MCN) if the recipient is outside the cluster. To be able to perform this, the LSC maintains the knowledge of the cluster topology as well as the external connections towards the MCN and neighbouring clusters. The LSC is also responsible for multi radio access technologies (RATs) coordination, that is, it takes the RRA decisions in geographical areas where multiple RATs are available (e.g., LTE and WiFi). In the cache‐enabled mode [26], the LSC takes caching decisions within the cluster by exploiting the knowledge of content popularity and available in‐cluster resources. Another important function of the LSC is in‐cluster content routing. Upon receiving the connection request from an MU, the LSC constructs the path from the content source (if the source is within the cluster) or the border entity (if the source is outside the cluster) towards the requesting MU. The LSC then modifies the flow tables at the FEs along the content delivery path. Finally, the LCS is responsible for MU mobility within its cluster. Hence, mobility‐related information does not need to be sent over to the MCN. In Figure 3.34, the basic components of a virtualized RAN are shown. Multiple virtual BSs (VBSs) may run on top of the NFVI, essentially sharing the resources of the same physical infrastructure.

Diagram illustrating SDN/NFV based RAN displaying RAN control layer containing Local SDN controller linked to control plane, branching to 2 SDN agents, with 2 bars at the bottom for NFV and Physical infrastructure.

Figure 3.34 SDN/NFV based RAN.

The MCN consists of the mobile cloud computing (MCC) infrastructure, mobile content delivery network (M‐CDN) servers, packet data network (PDN) GWs and serving GWs (S‐GWs). The control is performed by one or more core SDN controllers (CSCs). A CSC receives and handles the connection requests from the RAN via the corresponding LSCs. A CSC is also responsible for storage (e.g., M‐CDN), compute (e.g., MCC), spectrum, and energy resources, and for providing QoS support. Finally, the PDN‐GW (or simply P‐GW) forwards traffic to/from the Internet and other external IP networks, whereas the S‐GW receives/sends traffic from/to the RAN.

We continue by describing our considered RAN model in the SDN/NFV‐enabled cellular network [ 21]. We assume a cluster of VBSs controlled by a single LSC at the RAN level (Figure 3.34). The cluster has a fixed number images of VBSs. For the purposes of the analysis it is assumed that the amount of radio resources in the RAN can be discretized and is measured in resource units (RUs). The RU definition depends on the adopted channel access scheme. When schemes based on the FDMA and the TDMA are used, the RU can be defined as an integer number of frequency carriers or time slots. On the other hand, when schemes based on the CDMA are used, the definition of the RU must take into account the multiple access interference [27]. To this end, the notions of the cell load and load factor have been used [28,29]. In [ 21], the LTE orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA) scheme is adopted. We define a RU to be equal to a single OFDMA resource block (RB). For example, if the LTE channel bandwidth is 9 MHz and one subcarrier is 15 kHz, then there are in total 600 subcarriers. Since one OFDMA RB corresponds to 12 subcarriers, we have 50 RUs per channel per time slot. Similarly, a 13.5 MHz LTE channel has 75 RUs and a 18 MHz LTE channel has 100 RUs.

Let us denote by images the total number of RUs in the RAN. RUs are dynamically allocated by the LSC to the VBSs such that the VBS images receives images RUs. Hence, at any given moment it must hold that:


Considering images different service‐classes, they are distinguished by the number of RUs requested by a single call that originates from a MU. We assume that the calls follow a Poisson distribution. The arrival rate of service‐class images calls is denoted as images. A service‐class images call requests images RUs. Let images be the occupied RUs in the cluster and assume that images can virtually exceed images up to a limit of images RUs. Then the CAC of a service‐class images call may follow the one described in Section 3.1.1 for the E‐EMLM.

We showed the method of applying the E‐EMLM in next‐generation networks. It is worth mentioning that almost all teletraffic models can be applied in the same manner, after some necessary adjustments.

3.8 Further Reading

An interesting extension of the E‐EMLM includes the co‐existence of stream and elastic traffic with or without prioritization of stream traffic [3032]. In both cases there is no single recursive formula for the calculation of the link occupancy distribution. In the case of stream traffic prioritization, the CBP calculation of stream (not elastic) calls can be based on the Kaufman–Roberts formula. On the other hand, in the case of no prioritization, the CBP determination of stream and elastic calls can only be based on approximate (non‐recursive) algorithms [ 32]. An interesting extension of the E‐EMLM is proposed in [33], in which the E‐EMLM is described as a multirate loss‐queueing model with a finite number of buffers, a fact that provides a springboard for the efficient analysis of multirate queues. A generalization of [ 33] that provides a framework for the calculation of various queueing characteristics for each elastic service‐class is proposed in [34]. The case of adaptive traffic is studied in [35].

Another interesting model (since it is recursive) for elastic traffic in wireless networks has been proposed in [36], where the uplink of a CDMA cell is analysed. Service‐class images calls arrive following a Poisson process with rate images and having a peak transmission bit rate requirement, images. The service time is exponentially distributed with mean images. When sending with the peak bit rate, the required target ratio of the received power from the mobile terminal to the total interference energy at the BS is given by [ 36]:


where images is the bit‐energy‐to‐noise ratio and images is the spread spectrum bandwidth.

Let images be the number of in‐service service‐class images calls and images the power received at the BS from the user equipment (UE). The power images should fulfil the equation [ 36]:


where images is the total power received by the BS within its cell, images is the total power received from other cells and images is the background noise power.

Based on (3.68) we obtain the following equation for images [ 36]:


According to the denominator of (3.69), we see that the CAC must prevent images becoming larger than images.

Finally, it can be proved (see [ 36,37]) that there exists a recursive formula for the determination of CBP in a CDMA cell of maximum capacity images which accommodates Poisson arriving calls of images different service‐classes with offered traffic‐load images and bandwidth requirement images.


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