Appendix 3

Total Field and Total Power Variables

This appendix includes the calculations of the probability density functions and the moments of the total field and power variables. By total variables, we mean the fields or the powers measured by probes or antennas, which simultaneously collects the three Ex, Ey, Ez complex field projections.

A3.1. Total field variables

The total field variable taking Et as a notation is given by the square root of the sum of six terms made up of all the square complex components of each Ex y zprojection i.e.:

[A3.1] images

The normalized variable of the total field is designated for the occasion by the lower case et notation. This variable comes from the extension of the definition introduced in section 3.2.3:

[A3.2] images

We find in this formula the standard deviation σν, which is attached to the complex components of Ex y z.

A3.2. χ2 variable attached to the total field

Knowing that the Ex y z variables all follow the normal probability distribution,the square amplitude of the normalized total et field will be the χ2 variable with six degrees of freedom:

[A3.3] images

We can thus add to this variable, the pdf of χ2, which is expressed by the notation conventions of formulas[3.23] and [3.24].


[A3.4] images

After use of simplified notations and insertion of the numerical value of Γ(3),this equation takes the final form:

[A3.5] images

A3.3. Total field probability density function

A3.3.1. The pdf related to the total “et” normalized field variable

The pdf brought back to the normalized variable of the total field et relates to the pe(et) notation.

Under the previous notation, taking the derivate of p6(α) and convert the resultdp in respect of the normalized field et variables, we obtain a new equation in order to determine pe(et).

[A3.6] images

After insertion of function [A3.5] then immediately gives access to pe(et), i.e.:

[A3.7] images

A3.3.2. The pdf related to the absolute amplitude of the total field “Et

Using the change of variable suggested in [A3.2] and after insertion into [A3.6],we reach the pE(Et) function giving the pdf of the total field where the absolute amplitude Et of the total field projections appears.

[A3.8] images

We will notice the use of simplified exponents notations in place of (Et)5 and(Et)2.

A3.4. Calculation of the mean of the total field

A3.4.1. Mean of the normalized “et” amplitude

By using the suitable images notation, the mean amplitude of the normalized total field variable will be determined by the calculation of the moment of et, i.e.:

[A3.9] images

After insertion of function [A3.7] and solving the integral analytically, we reach the numerical value of images. i.e.:

[A3.10] images

A3.4.2. Mean of the absolute “Et” amplitude

From the previous equation and from the change of variable [A3.2], we take images :

[A3.11] images

A3.5. The pdf of the total power

A3.5.1. Variables of total power “pt” variable

The total power variable taking the symbol pt is the extension of the definition of the power found in equation [3.33] where the term |Ex,y,z|2 is replaced by (Et)2 with the Et variable previously introduced, hence:

[A3.12] images

We find in equation [A3.12] the coefficient of physical scale A0.

A3.5.2. Computation of the pdf related to the total power

The pdf of the total power taking the notation p6(pt) comes from algebraic computations linking the variable α, which is defined in [A2.4], to the variable pt:

[A3.13] images

Using the derivate form of [A3.5], we reach the sought after relationships:

[A3.14] images

After insertion of function [A3.5], we take the pdf of pt:

[A3.15] images

A3.5.3. The pdf of the normalized total power variable “ptr

The establishment of the previous equation suggests adopting as the definition of the total reduced power, the ratio of pt with the p0 parameter defined below:

[A3.16] images

A3.5.4. Computation of the pdf of the total normalized power

The probability density function of the total normalized power using the notation p6(ptr), is easily deduced from equation [A3.15] after a few simple transformations:

[A3.17] images

We establish the pdf of the total normalized power, i.e.:

[A3.18] images

A3.6. Calculation of the mean total powers

A3.6.1. Mean of the total normalized power “ptr

The mean of the total normalized power, taking the symbol images, comes from the calculation of the moment of ptr as found below:

[A3.19] images

After solving the integral, we obtain:

[A3.20] images

A3.6.2. Mean of the total power “pt

By using equation [A3.16], we easily find the mean of the total power:

[A3.21] images

We will notice that the obtained numerical value is exactly similar to three times the pmv mean power, which is determined on an electric field component. A comparison of this result to formulas [3.32] and [A3.11] shows that the ratio of the mean powers is indeed different from the ratio of the square roots of the mean fields:

[A3.22] images

The result shows that the ratio of the moment of the total power pt over the mean power of one field projection pmv is not similar to the square of the ratio of the mean value of the absolute total field Et over the moment of one Ex,y,z projection. Taking the square root of the previous [A3.22] equation then leads to:

[A3.23] images

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