Chapter 2

It's All About Validation

In This Chapter

arrow Introducing the concept of valid pages

arrow Using a doctype

arrow Setting the character set

arrow Meeting the W3C validator

arrow Fixing things when they go wrong

arrow Using HTML Tidy to clean your pages

Web development is undergoing a revolution. As the web matures and becomes a greater part of everyday life, it's important to ensure that web pages perform properly — thus, a call for web developers to follow voluntary standards of web development.

Somebody Stop the HTML Madness!

In the bad old days, the web was an informal affair. People wrote HTML pages any way they wanted. Although this was easy, it led to a lot of problems:

  • Browser manufacturers added features that didn't work on all browsers. People wanted prettier web pages with colors, fonts, and doodads, but there wasn't a standard way to do these things. Every browser had a different set of tags that supported enhanced features. As a developer, you had no real idea if your web page would work on all the browsers out there. If you wanted to use some neat feature, you had to ensure your users had the right browser.
  • The distinction between meaning and layout was blurred. People expected to have some kind of design control of their web pages, so all kinds of new tags popped up that blurred the distinction between describing and decorating a page.
  • Table-based layout was used as a hack. HTML didn't have a good way to handle layout, so clever web developers started using tables as a layout mechanism. This worked, after a fashion, but it wasn't easy or elegant.
  • People started using tools to write pages. Web development soon became so cumbersome that people began to believe that they couldn't do HTML by hand anymore and that some kind of editor was necessary to handle all that complexity for them. Although these editing programs introduced new features that made things easier upfront, these tools also made code almost impossible to change without the original editor. Web developers began thinking they couldn't design web pages without a tool from a major corporation.
  • The nature of the web was changing. At the same time, these factors were making ordinary web development more challenging. Innovators were recognizing that the web wasn't really about documents but was about applications that could dynamically create documents. Many of the most interesting web pages you visit aren't web pages at all, but programs that produce web pages dynamically every time you visit. This innovation meant that developers had to make web pages readable by programs, as well as humans.
  • XHTML tried to fix things. The standards body of the web (there really is such a thing) is called the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and it tried to resolve things with a new standard called XHTML. This was a form of HTML that also followed the much stricter rules of XML. If everyone simply agreed to follow the XHTML standard, much of the ugliness would go away.
  • XHTML didn't work either. Although XHTML was a great idea, it turned out to be complicated. Parts of it were difficult to write by hand, and very few developers followed the standards completely. Even the browser manufacturers didn't agree exactly on how to read and display XHTML. It doesn't matter how good an idea is if nobody follows it.

In short, the world of HTML was a real mess.

XHTML had some great ideas

In 2000, the World Wide Web Consortium (usually abbreviated as W3C) got together and proposed some fixes for HTML. The basic plan was to create a new form of HTML that complied with a stricter form of markup, or eXtensible Markup Language (XML). The details are long and boring, but essentially, they came up with some agreements about how web pages are standardized. Here are some of those standards:

  • All tags have endings. Every tag comes with a beginning and an end tag. (Well, a few exceptions come with their own ending built in. I'll explain when you encounter the first such tag in Chapter 6 of this minibook.) This was a new development because end tags were considered optional in old-school HTML, and many tags didn't even have end tags.
  • Tags can't be overlapped. In HTML, sometimes people had the tendency to be sloppy and overlap tags, like this: <a><b>my stuff</a></b>. That's not allowed in XHTML, which is a good thing because it confuses the browser. If a tag is opened inside some container tag, the tag must be closed before that container is closed.
  • Everything's lowercase. Some people wrote HTML in uppercase, some in lowercase, and some just did what they felt like. It was inconsistent and made it harder to write browsers that could read all the variations.
  • Attributes must be in quotes. If you've already done some HTML, you know that quotes used to be optional — not anymore. (Turn to Chapter 3 for more about attributes.)
  • Layout must be separate from markup. Old-school HTML had a bunch of tags (like <font> and <center>) that were more about formatting than markup. These were useful, but they didn't go far enough. XHTML (at least the strict version) eliminates all these tags. Don't worry, though; CSS gives you all the features of these tags and a lot more.

This sounds like strict librarian rules, but really they aren't restricting at all. Most of the good HTML coders were already following these guidelines or something similar.

Even though you're moving past XHTML into HTML5, these aspects of XHTML remain, and they are guidelines all good HTML5 developers still use.

technicalstuff.eps HTML5 actually allows a looser interpretation of the rules than XHTML strict did, but throughout this book I write HTML5 code in a way that also passes most of the XHTML strict tests. This practice ensures nice clean code with no surprises.

You validate me

In old-style HTML, you never really knew how your pages would look on various browsers. In fact, you never really knew if your page was even written properly. Some mistakes would look fine on one browser but cause another browser to blow up.

The idea of validation is to take away some of the uncertainty of HTML. It's like a spell checker for your code. My regular spell checker makes me feel a little stupid sometimes because I make mistakes. I like it, though, because I'm the only one who sees the errors. I can fix the spelling errors before I pass the document on to you, so I look smart. (Well, maybe.)

It'd be cool if you could have a special kind of checker that does the same things for your web pages. Instead of checking your spelling, it'd test your page for errors and let you know if you made any mistakes. It'd be even cooler if you could have some sort of certification that your page follows a standard of excellence.

That's how page validation works. You can designate that your page will follow a particular standard and use a software tool to ensure that your page meets that standard's specifications. The software tool is a validator. I show you two different validators in the upcoming “Validating Your Page” section.

The browsers also promise to follow a particular standard. If your page validates to a given standard, any browser that validates to that same standard can reproduce your document correctly, which is a big deal.

The most important validator is the W3C validator at, as shown in Figure 2-1.

A validator is actually the front end of a piece of software that checks pages for validity. It looks at your web page's doctype and sees whether the page conforms to the rules of that doctype. If not, it tells you what might have gone wrong.

You can submit code to a validator in three ways:

  • Validate by URI. This option is used when a page is hosted on a web server. Files stored on local computers can't be checked with this technique. Book VIII describes all you need to know about working with web servers, including how to create your own and move your files to it. (A URI, or uniform resource identifier, is a more formal term for a web address, which is more frequently seen as URL.)
  • Validate by file upload. This technique works fine with files you haven't posted to a web server. It works great for pages you write on your computer but that you haven't made visible to the world. This is the most common type of validation for beginners.
  • Validate by direct input. The validator page has a text box you can simply paste your code into. It works, but I usually prefer to use the other methods because they're easier.

Figure 2-1: The W3C validator page isn't exciting, but it sure is useful.

Validation might sound like a big hassle, but it's really a wonderful tool because sloppy HTML code can cause lots of problems. Worse, you might think everything's okay until somebody else looks at your page, and suddenly, the page doesn't display correctly.

technicalstuff.eps As of this writing, the W3C validator can read and test HTML5 code, but the HTML5 validation is still considered experimental. Until HTML5 becomes a bit more mainstream, your HTML5 pages may get a warning about the experimental nature of HTML5. You can safely ignore this warning.

Validating Your Page

To explain all this, I created a web page the way Aesop might have done in ancient Greece. Okay, maybe Aesop didn't write his famous fables as web pages, but if he had, they might have looked like the following code listing:

<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- oxWheels1.html -->
<!-- note this page has deliberate errors! Please see the text
     and oxWheelsCorrect.html for a corrected version.
<title>The Oxen and the Wheels</title>
<h1>The Oxen and the Wheels
<h2></h1>From Aesop's Fables</h2>
    A pair of Oxen were drawing a heavily loaded wagon along a
    miry country road. They had to use all their strength to pull
    the wagon, but they did not complain.
    The Wheels of the wagon were of a different sort. Though the
    task they had to do was very light compared with that of the
    Oxen, they creaked and groaned at every turn. The poor Oxen,
    pulling with all their might to draw the wagon through the
    deep mud, had their ears filled with the loud complaining of
    the Wheels. And this, you may well know, made their work so
    much the harder to endure.
    "Silence!" the Oxen cried at last, out of patience. "What have
    you Wheels to complain about so loudly? We are drawing all the
    weight, not you, and we are keeping still about it besides."
They complain most who suffer least.

The code looks okay, but actually has a number of problems. Aesop may have been a great storyteller, but from this example, it appears he was a sloppy coder. The mistakes can be hard to see, but trust me, they're there. The question is, how do you find the problems before your users do?

You might think that the problems would be evident if you viewed the page in a web browser. The various web browsers seem to handle the page decently, even if they don't display it in an identical way. Figure 2-2 shows oxWheels1.html in a browser.

Chrome appears to handle the page pretty well, but From Aesop's Fables is supposed to be a headline level two, or H2, and it appears as plain text. Other than that, there's very little indication that something is wrong.

If it looks fine, who cares if it's exactly right? You might wonder why we care if there are mistakes in the underlying code, as long as everything works okay. After all, who's going to look at the code if the page displays properly?

The problem is, you don't know if it'll display properly, and mistakes in your code will eventually come back to haunt you. If possible, you want to know immediately what parts of your code are problematic so you can fix them and not worry.


Figure 2-2: The page looks okay, but the headings are strange.

Aesop visits W3C

To find out what's going on with this page, pay a visit to the W3C validator at Figure 2-3 shows me visiting this site and uploading a copy of oxWheels1.html to it.

Hold your breath and click the Check button. You might be surprised at the results shown in Figure 2-4.

The validator is a picky beast, and it doesn't seem to like this page at all. The validator does return some useful information and gives enough hints that you can decode things soon enough.


Figure 2-3: I'm checking the oxWheels page to look for any problems.


Figure 2-4: Five errors? That can't be right!

Examining the overview

Before you look at the specific complaints, take a quick look at the web page the validator sends you. The web page is chock-full of handy information. The top of the page tells you a lot of useful things:

  • Result: This is really the important thing. You'll know the number of errors remaining by looking at this line. Don't panic, though. The errors in the document are probably fewer than the number you see here.
  • File: The name of the file you're working on.
  • Encoding: The text encoding you've set. If you didn't explicitly set text encoding, you may see a warning here.
  • Doctype: This is the doctype extracted from your document. It indicates the rules that the validator is using to check your page. This should usually say HTML5.
  • The dreaded red banner: Experienced web developers don't even have to read the results page to know if there is a problem. If everything goes well, there's a green congratulatory banner. If there are problems, the banner is red. It doesn't look good, Aesop.

tip.eps Don't panic because you have errors. The mistakes often overlap, so one problem in your code often causes more than one error to pop up. Most of the time, you have far fewer errors than the page says, and a lot of the errors are repeated, so after you find the error once, you'll know how to fix it throughout the page.

Validating the page

The validator doesn't always tell you everything you need to know, but it does give you some pretty good clues. Page validation is tedious but not as difficult as it might seem at first. Here are some strategies for working through page validation:

  • Focus only on the first error. Sure, 100 errors might be on the page, but solve them one at a time. The only error that matters is the first one on the list. Don't worry at all about other errors until you've solved the first one.
  • Note where the first error is. The most helpful information you get is the line and column information about where the validator recognized the error. This isn't always where the error is, but it does give you some clues.
  • Look at the error message. It's usually good for a laugh. The error messages are sometimes helpful and sometimes downright mysterious.
  • Look at the verbose text. Unlike most programming error messages, the W3C validator tries to explain what went wrong in something like English. It still doesn't always make sense, but sometimes the text gives you a hint.
  • Scan the next couple of errors. Sometimes, one mistake shows up as more than one error. Look over the next couple of errors, as well, to see if they provide any more insight; sometimes, they do.
  • Try a change and revalidate. If you've got an idea, test it out (but only solve one problem at a time.) Check the page again after you save it. If the first error is now at a later line number than the previous one, you've succeeded.
  • Don't worry if the number of errors goes up. The number of perceived errors will sometimes go up rather than down after you successfully fix a problem. This is okay. Sometimes, fixing one error uncovers errors that were previously hidden. More often, fixing one error clears up many more. Just concentrate on clearing errors from the beginning to the end of the document.
  • Lather, rinse, and repeat. Look at the new top error and get it straightened out. Keep going until you get the coveted Green Banner of Validation. (If I ever write an HTML adventure game, the Green Banner of Validation will be one of the most powerful talismans.)

Examining the first error

Look again at the results for the oxWheels1.html page. The first error message looks like Figure 2-5.


Figure 2-5: Well, that clears every-thing up.

Figure 2-5 shows the first two error messages. The first complains that the head is missing a title. The second error message is whining about the title being in the body. The relevant code is repeated here:

<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- oxWheels1.html -->
<!-- note this page has deliberate errors! Please see the text
    and oxWheelsCorrect.html for a corrected version.
<title>The Oxen and the Wheels</title>

Look carefully at the head and title tag pairs and review the notes in the error messages, and you'll probably see the problem. The <title> element is supposed to be in the heading, but I accidentally put it in the body! (Okay, it wasn't accidental; I made this mistake deliberately here to show you what happens. However, I have made this mistake for real in the past.)

Fixing the title

If the title tag is the problem, a quick change in the HTML should fix it. oxWheels2.html shows another form of the page with my proposed fix:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<!-- oxWheels2.html -->
<!-- Moved the title tag inside the header -->
<title>The Oxen and the Wheels</title>

Note: I'm only showing the parts of the page that I changed. The entire page is available on this book's website. See this book's Introduction for more on the website.

The fix for this problem is pretty easy:

  1. Move the title inside the head. I think the problem here is having the <title> element inside the body, rather than in the head where it belongs. If I move the title to the body, the error should be eliminated.
  2. Change the comments to reflect the page's status. It's important that the comments reflect what changes I make.
  3. Save the changes. Normally, you simply make a change to the same document, but I've elected to change the filename so you can see an archive of my changes as the page improves. This can actually be a good idea because you then have a complete history of your document's changes, and you can always revert to an older version if you accidentally make something worse.
  4. Note the current first error position. Before you submit the modified page to the validator, make a mental note of the position of the current first error. Right now, the validator's first complaint is on line 12, column 7. I want the first mistake to be somewhere later in the document.
  5. Revalidate by running the validator again on the modified page.
  6. Review the results and do a happy dance. It's likely you still have errors, but that's not a failure! Figure 2-6 shows the result of my revalidation. The new first error is on line 17, and it appears to be very different from the last error. I solved it!

Solving the next error

One down, but more to go. The next error (refer to Figure 2-6) looks strange, but it makes sense when you look over the code.

This type of error is very common. What it usually means is you forgot to close something or you put something in the wrong place. The error message indicates a problem in line 17. The next error is line 17, too. See if you can find the problem here in the relevant code:

<h1>The Oxen and the Wheels
<h2></h1>From Aesop's Fables</h2>

After you know where to look, the problem becomes a bit easier to spot. I got sloppy and started the <h2> tag before I finished the <h1>. In many cases, one tag can be completely embedded inside another, but you can't have tag definitions overlap as I've done here. The <h1> has to close before I can start the <h2> tag.


Figure 2-6: Heading cannot be a child of another heading. Huh?

This explains why browsers might be confused about how to display the headings. It isn't clear whether this code should be displayed in H1 or H2 format, or perhaps with no special formatting at all. It's much better to know the problem and fix it than to remain ignorant until something goes wrong.

The third version — oxWheels3.html — fixes this part of the program:

  <!-- oxWheels3.html -->
<!-- sort out the h1 and h2 tags at the top -->
<title>The Oxen and the Wheels</title>
<h1>The Oxen and the Wheels</h1>
<h2>From Aesop's Fables</h2>

The validator has fixed a number of errors, but there's one really sneaky problem still in the page. See if you can find it, and then read ahead.

Using Tidy to repair pages

The W3C validator isn't the only game in town. Another great resource — HTML Tidy — can be used to fix your pages. You can download Tidy or just use the online version at Figure 2-7 illustrates the online version.


Figure 2-7: HTML Tidy is an alternative to the W3C validator.


Figure 2-8: Tidy fixes the page, but the fix is a little awkward.

Unlike W3C's validator, Tidy actually attempts to fix your page. Figure 2-8 displays how Tidy suggests the oxWheels1.html page be fixed.

Tidy examines the page for a number of common errors and does its best to fix the errors. However, the result is not quite perfect:

  • It outputs XHTML by default. XHTML is fine, but because we're doing HTML here, deselect the Output XHTML box. The only checkbox you need selected is Drop Empty Paras.
  • Tidy got confused by the headings. Tidy correctly fixed the level one heading, but it had trouble with the level two heading. It removed all the tags, so it's valid, but the text intended to be a level two heading is just sort of hanging there.
  • Sometimes, the indentation is off. I set Tidy to indent every element, so it is easy to see how tag pairs are matched up. If I don't set up the indentation explicitly, I find Tidy code very difficult to read.
  • The changes aren't permanent. Anything Tidy does is just a suggestion. If you want to keep the changes, you need to save the results in your editor. Click the Download Tidied File button to do this easily.

I sometimes use Tidy when I'm stumped because I find the error messages are easier to understand than the W3C validator. However, I never trust it completely. Until it's updated to truly understand HTML5, it sometimes deletes perfectly valid HTML5 tags. There's really no substitute for good old detective skills and the official W3C validator.

Did you figure out that last error? I tried to close a paragraph with <p> rather than </p>. That sort of thing freaks out an XHTML validator, but HTML takes it in stride, so you might not even know there is a problem. Tidy does notice the problem and repairs it. Remember this when you're working with a complex page and something doesn't seem right. It's possible there's a mistake you can't even see, and it's messing you up. In that case, consider using a validator and Tidy to figure out what's going wrong and fix it.

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